Send Excel File over Discord

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Send Excel File over Discord

21 Feb 2022, 00:08


I'm having some limited success using @malcev discord script to send files. (It is really neat btw - one day I dream to be able to script like this)

If I send images it succeeds! However if I try to send excel or pdf file, it returns the message:

"Cannot send an empty message" Code 50006

I look a bit closer and see I must add pdf and excel to mimetype function... So I try to do;

Code: Select all

	MimeType(FileName) {
		n := FileOpen(FileName, "r").ReadUInt()
		Return (n        = 0x474E5089) ? "image/png"
		     : (n        = 0x38464947) ? "image/gif"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0x4D42    ) ? "image/bmp"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0xD8FF    ) ? "image/jpeg"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0x4949    ) ? "image/tiff"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0x4D4D    ) ? "image/tiff"
			 : "application/pdf"
			 : "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
		     : "application/octet-stream"
But something is wrong syntactically. I am not sure what the structure must be for this.

Can anybody point me in right direction for this?

Code: Select all

objParam := {file: ["G:\Untitled-1.jpg"], content: "Hi!"}
CreateFormData(PostData, hdr_ContentType, objParam)

HTTP := ComObjCreate("WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1")
HTTP.Open("POST", "", true)
HTTP.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko")
HTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", hdr_ContentType)
HTTP.SetRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")
HTTP.SetRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store")
HTTP.SetRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT")
msgbox % HTTP.ResponseText

; CreateFormData() by tmplinshi, AHK Topic:
; Thanks to Coco:
; Modified version by SKAN, 09/May/2016

CreateFormData(ByRef retData, ByRef retHeader, objParam) {
	New CreateFormData(retData, retHeader, objParam)

Class CreateFormData {

	__New(ByRef retData, ByRef retHeader, objParam) {

		Local CRLF := "`r`n", i, k, v, str, pvData
		; Create a random Boundary
		Local Boundary := this.RandomBoundary()
		Local BoundaryLine := "------------------------------" . Boundary

    this.Len := 0 ; GMEM_ZEROINIT|GMEM_FIXED = 0x40
    this.Ptr := DllCall( "GlobalAlloc", "UInt",0x40, "UInt",1, "Ptr"  )          ; allocate global memory

		; Loop input paramters
		For k, v in objParam
			If IsObject(v) {
				For i, FileName in v
					str := BoundaryLine . CRLF
					     . "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" . k . """; filename=""" . FileName . """" . CRLF
					     . "Content-Type: " . this.MimeType(FileName) . CRLF . CRLF
          this.StrPutUTF8( str )
          this.LoadFromFile( Filename )
          this.StrPutUTF8( CRLF )
			} Else {
				str := BoundaryLine . CRLF
				     . "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" . k """" . CRLF . CRLF
				     . v . CRLF
        this.StrPutUTF8( str )

		this.StrPutUTF8( BoundaryLine . "--" . CRLF )

    ; Create a bytearray and copy data in to it.
    retData := ComObjArray( 0x11, this.Len ) ; Create SAFEARRAY = VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1
    pvData  := NumGet( ComObjValue( retData ) + 8 + A_PtrSize )
    DllCall( "RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr",pvData, "Ptr",this.Ptr, "Ptr",this.Len )

    this.Ptr := DllCall( "GlobalFree", "Ptr",this.Ptr, "Ptr" )                   ; free global memory 

    retHeader := "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------" . Boundary

  StrPutUTF8( str ) {
    Local ReqSz := StrPut( str, "utf-8" ) - 1
    this.Len += ReqSz                                  ; GMEM_ZEROINIT|GMEM_MOVEABLE = 0x42
    this.Ptr := DllCall( "GlobalReAlloc", "Ptr",this.Ptr, "UInt",this.len + 1, "UInt", 0x42 )   
    StrPut( str, this.Ptr + this.len - ReqSz, ReqSz, "utf-8" )
  LoadFromFile( Filename ) {
    Local objFile := FileOpen( FileName, "r" )
    this.Len += objFile.Length                     ; GMEM_ZEROINIT|GMEM_MOVEABLE = 0x42 
    this.Ptr := DllCall( "GlobalReAlloc", "Ptr",this.Ptr, "UInt",this.len, "UInt", 0x42 )
    objFile.RawRead( this.Ptr + this.Len - objFile.length, objFile.length )

	RandomBoundary() {
		str := "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z"
		Sort, str, D| Random
		str := StrReplace(str, "|")
		Return SubStr(str, 1, 12)

	MimeType(FileName) {
		n := FileOpen(FileName, "r").ReadUInt()
		Return (n        = 0x474E5089) ? "image/png"
		     : (n        = 0x38464947) ? "image/gif"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0x4D42    ) ? "image/bmp"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0xD8FF    ) ? "image/jpeg"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0x4949    ) ? "image/tiff"
		     : (n&0xFFFF = 0x4D4D    ) ? "image/tiff"
		     : "application/octet-stream"

Posts: 1604
Joined: 01 Oct 2013, 14:57

Re: Send Excel File over Discord

21 Feb 2022, 04:22


I guess you wrote something like this:
objParam := { "file": "C:\test.xlsx" }
It should be:
objParam := { "file": ["C:\test.xlsx"] }
Posts: 44
Joined: 08 Nov 2021, 23:40

Re: Send Excel File over Discord

21 Feb 2022, 15:30

big oof - you are indeed correct. Unbelievable I missed this :lol:

thanks tmplinshi, love your work.
Posts: 44
Joined: 08 Nov 2021, 23:40

Re: Send Excel File over Discord

25 Feb 2022, 21:59

I clutch maybe, but is it possible to send image on clipboard by same method?

I have tried pointing to clipboard but no this does not work, I guess file must be saved.

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