Send Control Break Topic is solved

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Send Control Break

Post by cinghiuz » 08 Sep 2022, 06:46

I tried to create a script to send Control Break to an application, but I didn't find a solution.
I'm able to send something like a string, but not Control Break.
My script is really simple:

Code: Select all

Send {CtrlBreak}
When I press Ctrl+PgDn keys I expect that AutoKeys sends Ctrl Break to my application, but it doesn't. If I replace {CtrlBreak} with a word like this:

Code: Select all

Send Hello
and I open Notepad, the word Hello appears on the screen.

I tried with SharpKeys, but this program can substitute only one key with another, not multiple keys. In SharpKeys I mapped PrtSc (E0_37) to Break (E0_46) and when I press Ctrl + PrtSc, my application receive Ctrl Break, but I need PrtSc button too, so I would prefer to create a little script to reach my goal.

The problem is that my HP 470 G8 notebook hasn't the Break key. It has a Pause key but it can be obtained by pressint Fn + Right Shift, I tried Ctrl + Fn + Right Shift, but Ctrl Break doesn't appear.

Anyone could help me?


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Re: Send Control Break

Post by BoBo » 08 Sep 2022, 07:08

Code: Select all

Send {Ctrl Down}{Pause}{Ctrl Up}

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Re: Send Control Break

Post by cinghiuz » 09 Sep 2022, 04:46

Thank you Bobo, but it doesn't work :-(

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Re: Send Control Break

Post by Rohwedder » 09 Sep 2022, 06:53

then perhaps?:

Code: Select all

^PgDn::SendInput, {Blind}{Break}

Code: Select all

^PgDn::SendInput, {vk03}

Code: Select all

^PgDn::SendInput, {sc146}

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Re: Send Control Break

Post by cinghiuz » 09 Sep 2022, 07:30

Thank you Rohwedder, but it doesn't work.

I installed KeyboardStateView to understand what keyboard receive and when I press CTRL + PRTSC keys configured with SharpKeys I obtain this result:
SharpKeys.png (3.69 KiB) Viewed 1628 times
When I press CTRL + PAGEDOWN keys configured with AutoHotkey I obtain this result:
AutoHotkey.png (3.72 KiB) Viewed 1628 times
So it seems that the result is the same, but when I press CTRL PRTSC in the Cobol application that I use, the app go into debug mode, while if I press CTRL PAGEDOWN it doesn't.

Any other suggestions?


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Location: Germany

Re: Send Control Break

Post by Rohwedder » 09 Sep 2022, 11:13

For difficult cases I use a version of Real-time KeyHistory.ahk (originally from @lexikos):
For ^PgDn::SendInput, {vk03} it shows:
VK SC Flags Elapsed Key Extra
A2 01D d 11.67 LControl 0x0
22 151 d 0.25 PgDn 0x0
A2 01D a u 0.02 LControl KEY_IGNORE
03 146 a d 0.00 CtrlBreak KEY_IGNORE_ALL_EXCEPT_MODIFIER
03 146 a u 0.00 CtrlBreak KEY_IGNORE_ALL_EXCEPT_MODIFIER
22 151 u 0.11 PgDn 0x0
A2 01D u 0.17 LControl 0x0

Apparently CtrlBreak is suppressed for some reason?!?

Code: Select all

; Real-time KeyHistory.ahk
; RButton: clear history
; Clicking the GUI copies its content to the clipboard.
; Alt+WheelUp/WheelDown can be used to change the number of events that are displayed.
; based on tuzi's 2022.05.26 version, originally from lexikos
hHookKeybd := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "int", 13 ; WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13
, "ptr", RegisterCallback("Keyboard")
; hMod is not required on Win 7, but seems to be required on XP even
; though this type of hook is never injected into other processes:
, "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
, "uint", 0, "ptr") ; dwThreadId
#KeyHistory(15)  ; 虽然它用 # 开头,实际却是一个函数
OnMessage(0x200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE")
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")
OnMessage(0x100, "WM_KEYDOWN")
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Show, MenuHandler
Menu, Tray, Add, Freeze, MenuHandler
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, MenuHandler
Menu, Tray, Default, Show
; WS_EX_COMPOSITED = E0x02000000 & WS_EX_LAYERED = E0x00080000 -> Double Buffer
; Gui, +LastFound -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +E0x02000000 +E0x00080000 +HwndhGui
Gui, +LastFound -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +E0x02000000 +HwndhGui
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, S10, Lucida Console ;<<<
Gui, Color, White ;<<<
Format :=  "{:-4}{:-5}{:-7}{:-9}{:-12}{:-20}"
Gui, Add, Text, vKHT +0x100,% HeadLine := Format(Format, "VK", "SC", "Flags", "Elapsed", "Key", "Extra")
Gui, Add, Text, vKH, % Format(Format, "00", "000", "ea!u", "1000.00", "Browser_Favorites", "KEY_IGNORE_ALL_EXCEPT_MODIFIER")
GuiControlGet, KHT, Pos
GuiControlGet, KH, Pos
GuiControl,, KH  ; clear dummy sizing text
gosub Resize
RButton::history_size:=#KeyHistory(), #KeyHistory(0),#KeyHistory(history_size) ;clear history
#MaxThreadsBuffer, On
#MaxThreadsBuffer, Off
history_size := #KeyHistory() + ((A_ThisHotkey="!WheelUp") ? +1 : -1)
#KeyHistory(history_size>0 ? history_size : 1)
; Delay resize to improve hotkey responsiveness.
SetTimer, Resize, -10
; Resize label to fit key history.
gui_h := KHH*#KeyHistory()
GuiControl, Move, KH, h%gui_h%
gui_h += KHY + 10
Gui, +LastFound
; Determine visibility.
WinGet, style, Style
gui_visible := style & 0x10000000
;Gui, Show, % "AutoSize NA " (gui_visible ? "" : "Hide")
;** Not used because we need to know the previous height,
;   and its simpler to resize manually.
; Determine current position and height.
WinGetPos, gui_x, gui_y, , gui_h_old
; Use old height to determine if we should reposition, *only when shrinking*.
; This way we can move the GUI somewhere else, and the script won't reposition it.
;if (gui_h_old < gui_h)
;    gui_h_old := gui_h
; Determine working area (primary screen size minus taskbar.)
SysGet, wa_, MonitorWorkArea
SysGet, twc_h, 51 ; SM_CYSMCAPTION
SysGet, bdr_h, 8  ; SM_CYFIXEDFRAME
if (!gui_visible)
	gui_x = 72 ; Initially on the left side.
	gui_y := wa_bottom-(gui_h+twc_h+bdr_h*2+10)
{   ; Move relative to bottom edge when closer to the bottom.
	if (gui_y+gui_h//2 > (wa_bottom-wa_top)//2)
		gui_y += gui_h_old-(gui_h+twc_h+bdr_h*2)
Gui, Show, x%gui_x% y%gui_y% h%gui_h% NA, Key History
if (A_EventInfo = 1)
	Gui, Hide
switch A_ThisMenuItem
	case "Freeze":
	if (A_IsPaused)
		WinSetTitle, ahk_id %hGui%, , Key History
		Menu, Tray, UnCheck, Freeze
		WinSetTitle, ahk_id %hGui%, , Key History - Freezed
		Menu, Tray, Check, Freeze
	Pause Toggle
	case "Show":
	Gui, Show, , Key History - Freezed
	if (!A_IsPaused)
		Menu, Tray, Check, Freeze
		Pause On
	case "Exit":
Keyboard(nCode, wParam, lParam)
	global KeyBuffer
	static sz := 16+A_PtrSize
	if KeyHistory(1, vk, sc, flags)
		&& NumGet(lParam+0, "uint") = vk
		&& NumGet(lParam+4, "uint") = sc
		&& NumGet(lParam+8, "uint") = flags
		buf_max := 0 ; Don't show key-repeat.
		buf_max := #KeyHistory()
	if (buf_max > 0)
		; Push older key events to the back.
		if (buf_max > 1)
			DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &KeyBuffer+sz, "ptr", &KeyBuffer, "ptr", buf_max*sz)
		; Copy current key event to the buffer.
		DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &KeyBuffer, "ptr", lParam, "ptr", sz)
		; "gosub Show" slows down the keyboard hook and causes problems, so use a timer.
		SetTimer, Show, -20
	return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "ptr", 0, "int", nCode, "ptr", wParam, "ptr", lParam, "ptr")
KeyHistory(N, ByRef vk, ByRef sc, ByRef flags:=0, ByRef time:=0, ByRef elapsed:=0, ByRef info:=0)
	global KeyBuffer
	static sz := 16+A_PtrSize
	if N is not integer
		return false
	buf_max := #KeyHistory()
	if (N < 0)
		N += buf_max + 1
	if (N < 1 or N > buf_max)
		return false
	vk    := NumGet(KeyBuffer, (N-1)*sz, "uint")
	sc    := NumGet(KeyBuffer, (N-1)*sz+4, "uint")
	flags := NumGet(KeyBuffer, (N-1)*sz+8, "uint")
	time  := NumGet(KeyBuffer, (N-1)*sz+12, "uint")
	info  := NumGet(KeyBuffer, (N-1)*sz+16)
	elapsed := time - ((time2 := NumGet(KeyBuffer, N*sz+12, "uint")) ? time2 : time)
	switch info
		case 0xFFC3D44F: info := "KEY_IGNORE"
		case 0xFFC3D44E: info := "KEY_PHYS_IGNORE"
	return (vk or sc)
	global KeyBuffer
	static sz := 16+A_PtrSize
	; Get current history length.
	if (NewSize="")
		return (cap:=VarSetCapacity(KeyBuffer)//sz)>0 ? cap-1 : 0
	if (NewSize)
		new_cap := (NewSize+1)*sz
		cap := VarSetCapacity(KeyBuffer)
		if (cap > new_cap)
			cap := new_cap
		VarSetCapacity(old_buffer, cap)
		; Back up previous history.
		DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &old_buffer, "ptr", &KeyBuffer, "ptr", cap)
		; Set new history length.
		VarSetCapacity(KeyBuffer, 0) ; FORCE SHRINK
		VarSetCapacity(KeyBuffer, new_cap, 0)
		; Restore previous history.
		DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &KeyBuffer, "ptr", &old_buffer, "ptr", cap)
		; (Remember N+1 key events to simplify calculation of the Nth key event's elapsed time.)
		; Put tick count so the initial key event has a meaningful value for "elapsed".
		NumPut(A_TickCount, KeyBuffer, 12, "uint")
	{   ; Clear history entirely.
		VarSetCapacity(KeyBuffer, 0)
	return ((flags & 0x1) ? "e" : " ") ; LLKHF_EXTENDED
	. ((flags & 0x10) ? "a" : " ") ; LLKHF_INJECTED (artificial)
	. ((flags & 0x20) ? "!" : " ") ; LLKHF_ALTDOWN
	. ((flags & 0x80) ? " u" : " d") ; LLKHF_UP (key up)
; Gets readable key name, usually identical to the name in KeyHistory.
GetKeyNameText(vkCode, scanCode, isExtendedKey)
	return GetKeyName(format("vk{1:02x}sc{3}{2:02x}", vkCode, scanCode, isExtendedKey))
	    /* ; For older versions of AutoHotkey:
	    ; My Right Shift key shows as vk161 sc54 isExtendedKey=true.  For some
	    ; reason GetKeyNameText only returns a name for it if isExtendedKey=false.
	    if vkCode = 161
	        return "Right Shift"
	    VarSetCapacity(buffer, 32, 0)
	        , "UInt", (scanCode & 0xFF) << 16 | (isExtendedKey ? 1<<24 : 0) ;| 1<<25
	        , "Str", buffer
	        , "Int", 32)
	    return buffer
SetFormat, FloatFast, .2
SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
text =
buf_size := #KeyHistory()
Loop, % buf_size
	if (KeyHistory(buf_size+1-A_Index, vk, sc, flags, time, elapsed, info))
		keytext := GetKeyNameText(vk, sc, flags & 0x1)
		if (elapsed < 0)
			elapsed := "#err#"
			dt := elapsed/1000.0
		; AHK-style SC
		sc_a := sc
		if (flags & 1)
			sc_a |= 0x100, flags &= ~1
		sc_a := SubStr("000" SubStr(sc_a, 3), -2)
		vk_a := SubStr(vk+0, 3)
		if (StrLen(vk_a)<2)
			vk_a = 0%vk_a%
		StringUpper, vk_a, vk_a
		StringUpper, sc_a, sc_a
		flags := GetKeyFlagText(flags & ~0x1)
		text .= Format(Format "`n", vk_a, sc_a, flags, dt, keytext, info)
GuiControl,, KH, % text
	return !!A_Gui
	ToolTip,% (A_GuiControl="KHT")?"In Flags`ne`t=`tExtended`na`t
	SetTimer, ToolTip, -500
	KeyWait, LButton
WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam)
	ClipBoard := StrReplace(HeadLine "`n" text,"`n", "`r`n")
	WinHide, ahk_id %hGui%
	ToolTip,% ClipBoard
	KeyWait, LButton
	WinShow, ahk_id %hGui%

Posts: 7
Joined: 08 Sep 2022, 06:31

Re: Send Control Break

Post by cinghiuz » 09 Sep 2022, 11:16

Rohwedder wrote:
09 Sep 2022, 11:13
Apparently CtrlBreak is suppressed for some reason?!?
Do you mean that it is suppressed by the AutoHotKey's developer team?

Posts: 9103
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: Send Control Break

Post by gregster » 09 Sep 2022, 11:21

You mean it is a conspiracy ? :think: :)

Posts: 7
Joined: 08 Sep 2022, 06:31

Re: Send Control Break

Post by cinghiuz » 13 Sep 2022, 09:21

No, I'm simply wondering what to do :-)

Posts: 2
Joined: 25 Sep 2022, 12:45

Re: Send Control Break  Topic is solved

Post by PaulHeggarty » 25 Sep 2022, 12:55

Maybe try sending ^ (for control) *as well as* {CtrlBreak} ? In my case at least, having tried out many alternatives, this was the only one that worked, to map F12 as a Break key:

F12::send ^{CtrlBreak}

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Joined: 08 Sep 2022, 06:31

Re: Send Control Break

Post by cinghiuz » 25 Sep 2022, 14:00

It works!
Thank you very much for your hint!!

Posts: 7
Joined: 08 Sep 2022, 06:31

Re: Send Control Break

Post by cinghiuz » 26 Sep 2022, 10:39

Well it works in my local PC, but it doesn't works if I press ^PgDn in a remote desktop session...
Any other hints?

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