4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explorer

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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

07 Nov 2013, 23:17

ill test whatever, i use virtualbox with the consumer preview that i never deleted :P
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

08 Nov 2013, 06:32

LearningOne, I took the liberty of cleaning up your code. I hope you don't mind. It looks like it suffered from the common case of "over-commenting". A good rule of thumb is to avoid using end-of-line comments and to limit the length of a line to 100 columns/characters.

Code: Select all

;===Hotkeys for testing===



;~ Part of Radial menu codes posted by Learning one at
;~ http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/46856-radial-menu-scripts/

;~ RM's Navigator is a drop down menu that helps you easily navigate to folders that you often use.
;~ It navigates to your favourite folders in Windows Explorer, My Computer, and other standard
;~ Open, Save, Export, Import, Upload, Select, etc. dialogue windows.

RMApp_NavControlHandler(FolderPath, ActiveWinID="")
;~ RM executes this function after the user selects an item in Navigator menu,
;~ if it is a folder or disk path.

;~ "ActiveWinID" is hwnd/ID of active window, for example: "0xa03f0".
;~ "FolderPath" can be disk or folder path, for example: "C:\Program Files".
;~ "ActiveWinID" and "FolderPath" parameters are provided by RM.

;~ RMApp_IsControlVisible()	returns 1 if control is visible
;~ RMApp_ControlSetTextR()	same as ControlSetText command, but more reliable
;~ RMApp_ControlSetFocusR()	same as ControlSetFocus command, but more reliable
	; Check if FolderPath exists in the filesystem
	IfNotExist, %FolderPath%
	if (ActiveWinID = "")
		ActiveWinID := WinExist("A")
	; turn on "restore initial content of control" switch
	RestoreInitText := 1
	WinGetTitle, ActiveWinTitle, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
	WinGetClass, ActiveWinClass, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%

	; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Find which control to which to set to FolderPath, 
	; and depending on the control, whether to restore the control's initial contents.
	; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Windows Explorer
	if ActiveWinClass in ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass
		; Windows 7 and Vista: click on address bar to hide ToolbarWindow322 and show Edit1 control
		if A_OSVersion in WIN_7,WIN_VISTA	
			ControlGetPos, x, y, , , ToolbarWindow322, ahk_class %ActiveWinClass%
			; Determine click location: in by 6px of upper left corner of ToolbarWindow322 (on icon)
			PosToClick := "x" (x + 6) " y" (y + 6)
			ControlClick, %PosToClick%, ahk_class %ActiveWinClass%
			; Wait for Edit1 to show
				Sleep, 20
				; 600 ms passed and Edit1 is not shown
				if (A_Index = 30)
			} Until (RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " ActiveWinID,"Edit1") = 1)
			;  Edit1 is shown, so set Edit1 contents to FolderPath. Do not restore initial content.
			Control := "Edit1"
			RestoreInitText := 0	
			;~ Some less reliable solutions to show the Edit1 control:
			;~ * Click in centre of control: will not work if breadcrumbs extend past halfway
			;~ 		-> ControlClick, ToolbarWindow322, ahk_class CabinetWClass
			;~ * Use the Alt+d keyboard shortcut: locale-dependent
			;~ 		-> Send, !D
		; Windows XP and older
			; Address bar is visible, so set Edit1 contents to FolderPath.
			; Do not restore initial content.
			if (RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " ActiveWinID,"Edit1") = 1)
				Control := "Edit1"
				RestoreInitText := 0
			else return
	; Open/Save dialogue box class #32770
	else if (ActiveWinClass = "#32770")
		; Standard dialogue boxes
		if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " ActiveWinID,"Edit1")
			Control := "Edit1"
		;  Microsoft Office dialogue boxes
		else if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " ActiveWinID,"Edit2")
			Control := "Edit2"
		else return
	; Non-standard dialogue box (not class #32770)
	else if ActiveWinTitle contains Open,Save,Export,Import,Upload,Select
		; Edit1 control exists
		if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " ActiveWinID,"Edit1")
			Control := "Edit1"
		; RichEdit20W2 control exists
		else if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " ActiveWinID,"RichEdit20W2")
			Control := "RichEdit20W2"
		else return
	; All other cases
		Run, explore %FolderPath%
	; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Set contents of control to FolderPath, and depending on circumstances, restore initial
	; content of control after navigation.
	; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if RestoreInitText
		ControlGetText, InitControlText, %Control%, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
	; Set contents of control to FolderPath
	RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, FolderPath, "ahk_id " ActiveWinID)
	; Focus control
	RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(Control, "ahk_id " ActiveWinID)
	; If initialy active window loses focus, refocus it
	if (WinExist("A") != ActiveWinID)
		WinActivate, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
	; Silly but necessary!
	SendInput, {End}{Space}{Backspace}{enter}
	;~ Question: Why not use the following?
	;~ 	-> ControlSetText, ...
	;~ 	-> ControlSend, %Control%, {enter}, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
	;~ Answer: In some "Save as" dialoguess in certain programmes, this auto saves the file
	;~ 	instead of navigating to the specified folder. After a lot of testing, I concluded that
	;~ 	the most reliable method, which works and prevents this, is the one that looks weird and
	;~ 	silly: after setting the text using ControlSetText, the control must be focused and some
	;~ 	dummy text sent to it using SendInput (in this case space), then deleted, and than enter,
	;~ 	which navigates to the specified folder. Tests show that this is the most reliable method.
	; Restore the content of the control, if necessary
	if RestoreInitText
		Sleep, 60
		ControlGetText, ControlTextAfterNavigation, %Control%, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
		; if control content was not automatically restored, restore it
		if not (ControlTextAfterNavigation = InitControlText)
			RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, InitControlText, "ahk_id " ActiveWinID)
	; Refocus window
	if not (WinExist("A") = ActiveWinID)
		WinActivate, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
	;~ Question: Why not focus the control that was initialy focused?
	;~ Answer: In some cases it causes problems in Windows Explorer.
		;~ ; Get the class of the control that had focus in the window that was initiallt active
		;~ InitFocusedControl := RMApp_Reg("ControlFocClass")
		;~ if (InitFocusedControl != "") and (RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " ActiveWinID, InitFocusedControl))
			;~ ; focus initialy focused control
			;~ RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(InitFocusedControl, "ahk_id " ActiveWinID)
	;~ An old method which looks more proper, but is much less reliable:
		;~ if RestoreInitText
			;~ ControlGetText, InitControlText, %Control%, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
		;~ RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, FolderPath, "ahk_id " ActiveWinID)
		;~ Sleep, 60
		;~ ControlSend, %Control%, {enter}, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%
		;~ Sleep, 60
		;~ if RestoreInitText
			;~ RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, InitControlText, "ahk_id " ActiveWinID)
		;~ if (WinExist("A") != ActiveWinID)
			;~ WinActivate, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%

	ControlGet, IsControlVisible, Visible,, %ControlClass%, %WinTitle%
	return IsControlVisible

RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(Control, WinTitle="", Tries=3)
; More reliable than ControlSetFocus
	Loop, %Tries%
		ControlFocus, %Control%, %WinTitle%
		Sleep, 50
		ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, %WinTitle%
		if (FocusedControl = Control)
			return 1

RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, NewText="", WinTitle="", Tries=3)
;  More reliable than ControlSetText
	Loop, %Tries%
		ControlSetText, %Control%, %NewText%, %WinTitle%
		Sleep, 50
		ControlGetText, CurControlText, %Control%, %WinTitle%
		if (CurControlText = NewText)
			return 1
As far as I know, I didn't change any of the code at all except for formatting/spacing inconsistencies.
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

08 Nov 2013, 09:44

chaz, thanks for cleaning up my code from over-commenting ;)
joedf, it would be great if you could test code below on Win 8 ;)

* * *

New, upgraded (I hope) Navigator is now available for testing. I tested it on Win 7 and it works fine for me. Tell me does it work for you... (+ please write your OS Version) 8-)

Code: Select all

;=== Hotkeys for testing ===
F3::RMApp_NavControlHandler(3)		; Control Panel
F4::RMApp_NavControlHandler(17)		; My Computer
F5::RMApp_NavControlHandler(10)		; Recycle Bin

; ShellSpecialFolderConstants:	http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774096%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

Part of Radial menu codes posted by Learning one.

RM's Navigator is a drop down menu which helps you to easily navigate to folders that you often use. It navigates to your favorite folders in Windows explorer, My Computer, and in other standard Open, Save, Export, Import, Upload, Select dialog windows.

RMApp_NavControlHandler(FolderPath, hwnd="", FocusedControl="") {
	RM executes this function after user selects item in Navigator menu, if it is a folder path, drive path or ShellSpecialFolderConstant.
	All parameters are provided by RM.
	Note that you can't always navigate to all ShellSpecialFolders. For example, you can't navigate to Control panel while you're in standard "Open File" dialog box window, but you can always navigate there while you're in Windows explorer.
	"FolderPath" can be folder path, drive path or ShellSpecialFolderConstant, for example: "C:\Program Files", "C:\", "10"
	"hwnd" is handle to window, for example: "0xa03f0".
	"FocusedControl" is control of the target window which has input focus, if any. Example: "Button2"

	Some functions in use:
	RMApp_IsControlVisible()		returns 1 if control is visible
	RMApp_ControlSetTextR()			same as ControlSetText command, but a little bit more reliable
	RMApp_ControlSetFocusR()		same as ControlSetFocus command, but a little bit more reliable
	RMApp_Explorer_Navigate()		navigates to specified folder in Windows Explorer or MyComputer
	RestoreInitText := 1						; turn on "restore control's initial text after navigating to specified folder" switch
	hwnd := (hwnd="") ? WinExist("A") : hwnd	; if omitted, use active window
	WinGetTitle, WinTitle, ahk_id %hwnd%		; get window's title
	WinGetClass,WinClass, ahk_id %hwnd%			; get window's class
	if (FocusedControl="")
		ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, ahk_id %hwnd%	; if not specified, get FocusedControl
	if FolderPath is integer
		FolderPath := Round(FolderPath)		; for some strange reason, this has to be done although it looks like nonsense, otherwise try RMApp_Explorer_Navigate(FolderPath, hwnd) won't work properly if FolderPath if ShellSpecialFolderConstant

	;=== If window is Windows Explorer or MyComputer ===
	if WinClass in ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass
		try RMApp_Explorer_Navigate(FolderPath, hwnd)
		if (FocusedControl != "" and RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " hwnd, FocusedControl) = 1)
			RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(FocusedControl, "ahk_id " hwnd)				; focus initialy focused control

	;=== Other cases (not Windows Explorer or MyComputer) - first we'll decide to which control we will send FolderPath ===
	if (WinClass = "#32770") {		;  dialog box class
		if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " hwnd, "Edit1")
			Control := "Edit1"		; in standard dialog windows, "Edit1" control is the right choice
		Else if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " hwnd, "Edit2")
			Control := "Edit2"		; but sometimes in MS office, if condition above fails, "Edit2" control is the right choice 
		Else						; if above fails - just return and do nothing.
	Else if WinTitle contains Open,Save,Export,Import,Upload,Select	; this is the case in some MS office dialog windows, which are not #32770 class.
		if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " hwnd, "Edit1")
			Control := "Edit1"			; if "Edit1" control exists, it is the right choice.
		Else if RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " hwnd, "RichEdit20W2")
			Control := "RichEdit20W2"	; some MS office dialogs don't have "Edit1" control, but they have "RichEdit20W2" control, which is then the right choice.
		Else							; if above fails - just return and do nothing.
	Else {	; in all other cases, we'll explore FolderPath, and return from this function
		ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Explore(FolderPath)	; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774073%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

	;=== Refine ShellSpecialFolderConstant ===
	if FolderPath is integer
		if (FolderPath = 17)			; My Computer --> 17 or 0x11
			FolderPath := "::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}"	; because you can't navigate to "17" but you can navigate to "::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}"
		else							; don't allow other ShellSpecialFolderConstants. For example - you can't navigate to Control panel while you're in standard "Open File" dialog box window.

	ShellSpecialFolderConstants:	http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774096%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
	CSIDL:							http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb762494%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
	KNOWNFOLDERID:					http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd378457%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

	;===In this part (if we reached it), we'll send FolderPath to control and optionaly restore control's initial text after navigating to specified folder===	
	if (RestoreInitText = 1)	; if we want to restore control's initial text after navigating to specified folder
		ControlGetText, InitControlText, %Control%, ahk_id %hwnd%	; we'll get and store control's initial text first
	RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, FolderPath, "ahk_id " hwnd)	; set control's text to FolderPath
	RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(Control, "ahk_id " hwnd)				; focus control
	if (WinExist("A") != hwnd)			; in case that some window just popped out, and initialy active window lost focus
		WinActivate, ahk_id %hwnd%		; we'll activate initialy active window
	;=== Avoid accidental hotkey & hotstring triggereing while doing SendInput - can be done simply by #UseHook, but do it if user doesn't have #UseHook in the script ===
	If (A_IsSuspended = 1)
		WasSuspended := 1
	if (WasSuspended != 1)
		Suspend, On
	SendInput, {End}{Space}{Backspace}{enter}	; silly but necessary part - go to end of control, send dummy space, delete it, and then send enter
	if (WasSuspended != 1)
		Suspend, Off

	Question: Why not use ControlSetText, and then send enter to control via ControlSend, %Control%, {enter}, ahk_id %hwnd% ?
	Because in some "Save as"  dialogs in some programs, this causes auto saving file instead of navigating to specified folder! After a lot of testing, I concluded that most reliable method, which works and prevents this, is the one that looks weird & silly; after setting text via ControlSetText, control must be focused, then some dummy text must be sent to it via SendInput (in this case space, and then backspace which deletes it), and then enter, which causes navigation to specified folder.
	Question: Ok, but is "SendInput, {End}{Space}{Backspace}{enter}" really necessary? Isn't "SendInput, {enter}" sufficient?
	No. Sending "{End}{Space}{Backspace}{enter}" is definitely more reliable then just "{enter}". Sounds silly but tests showed that it's true.
	if (RestoreInitText = 1) {	; if we want to restore control's initial text after we navigated to specified folder
		Sleep, 70				; give some time to control after sending {enter} to it
		ControlGetText, ControlTextAfterNavigation, %Control%, ahk_id %hwnd%	; sometimes controls automatically restore their initial text
		if (ControlTextAfterNavigation != InitControlText)						; if not
			RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, InitControlText, "ahk_id " hwnd)		; we'll set control's text to its initial text
	if (WinExist("A") != hwnd)	; sometimes initialy active window loses focus, so we'll activate it again
		WinActivate, ahk_id %hwnd%
	if (FocusedControl != "" and RMApp_IsControlVisible("ahk_id " hwnd, FocusedControl) = 1)
		RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(FocusedControl, "ahk_id " hwnd)				; focus initialy focused control
	;==Old method which looks more proper, but is definitely less reliable==
	if RestoreInitText
		ControlGetText, InitControlText, %Control%, ahk_id %hwnd%
	RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, FolderPath, "ahk_id " hwnd)
	Sleep, 60
	ControlSend, %Control%, {enter}, ahk_id %hwnd%
	Sleep, 60
	if RestoreInitText
		RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, InitControlText, "ahk_id " hwnd)
	if (WinExist("A") != hwnd)
		WinActivate, ahk_id %hwnd%

RMApp_Explorer_Navigate(FullPath, hwnd="") {  ; by Learning one
	; http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?p=4568#p4568
	; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774096%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
	; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa752094
	hwnd := (hwnd="") ? WinExist("A") : hwnd ; if omitted, use active window
	WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, % "ahk_id " hwnd
	if (ProcessName != "explorer.exe")  ; not Windows explorer
	For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
		if (pExp.hwnd = hwnd) { ; matching window found
			if FullPath is integer	; ShellSpecialFolderConstant
				pExp.Navigate("file:///" FullPath)

RMApp_IsControlVisible(WinTitle,ControlClass) {	; used in Navigator
	ControlGet, IsControlVisible, Visible,, %ControlClass%, %WinTitle%
	return IsControlVisible

RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(Control, WinTitle="", Tries=3) {	; used in Navigator. More reliable ControlSetFocus
	Loop, %Tries%
		ControlFocus, %Control%, %WinTitle%				; focus control
		Sleep, 50
		ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, %WinTitle%		; check
		if (FocusedControl = Control)					; if OK
			return 1

RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, NewText="", WinTitle="", Tries=3) {	; used in Navigator. More reliable ControlSetText
	Loop, %Tries%
		ControlSetText, %Control%, %NewText%, %WinTitle%			; set
		Sleep, 50
		ControlGetText, CurControlText, %Control%, %WinTitle%		; check
		if (CurControlText = NewText)								; if OK
			return 1
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

08 Nov 2013, 17:26

Works Perfectly/Flawlessly Under WinXP, Win7, Win8 - Confirmed
;) nice script btw!
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

09 Nov 2013, 22:20

LearningOne wrote: Else if WinTitle contains Open,Save,Export,Import,Upload,Select ; this is the case in some MS office dialog windows, which are not #32770 class.
@LearningOne: Maybe the following approach would avoid the need to rely on dialog box titles to detect MS Office dialog boxes and would work with any localization of MS Office apps:

Code: Select all

	Else if InStr(WinClass, "bosa_sdm_") ; for some MS office dialog windows, which are not #32770 class.
BTW, I found that Word and Excel dialog boxes have standard class name #32770 under Win7. It is only under WinXP that I found these special classes: "bosa_sdm_XL9" (Microsoft Excel 2010) and "bosa_sdm_Microsoft Office Word 12.0" (Microsoft Word 2010).
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

09 Nov 2013, 22:41

@joedf: Thanks for testing !

@LearningOne: I did some cherry picking in your code. Many thanks.

@All: I posted the ALPHA version of my code on GitHub (download these two files: PopupFolders.ahk and PopupFolders_LANG.ahk). This is (yet) another favorite folders popup menu. But this one will be my preferred :-)

Once loaded, press MIDDLE mouse button when mouse is over Windows Explorer, Desktop or a file dialog box to open the folders popup menu. You can also press SHIFT+MIDDLE mouse button anywhere.

The settings Gui is not implemented yet but you can edit the settings directly in the .ini file if you wish. There is a lot of debugging code in the script but it will not interfere with its execution.

Next in the pipeline: support for Console support, implements Gui buttons commands, implement Add Folder and Add Dialog boxes, etc.

Fell free to report bugs or suggestions/comments here on in the GitHub Issues.
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

10 Nov 2013, 09:09

joedf wrote:Console support?? LibCon? http://joedf.github.io/libcon/
what do you mean?
Console support as in you can use the middle-click menu to go to one of your favourite folders in Command Prompt, instead of the default C:\\.
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

10 Nov 2013, 09:34

joedf wrote:Console support?? LibCon? http://joedf.github.io/libcon/
what do you mean?
Your console app looks interesting but all I need is to change directory while the mouse is over the console (SendInput cd /d %Path% {Enter}).

This has been added to v0.3 ALPHA that is now online: PopupFolders.ahk and PopupFolders_LANG.ahk.
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

10 Nov 2013, 12:56

To be honest, JnLlnd, I prefer rbrtryn's way of doing it, with the functions instead of the labels. To me, using labels in place of functions is a poor approach because it makes everything so much more difficult to follow/read, and totally goes against the concept of encapsulation--that is, hiding all the nitty-gritty work of how it's done inside a function and providing an interface, the function call. Plus, it's less reliable precisely because there's no concept of scope anywhere--everything is at the top level, and it shouldn't be.

The only fault of rbrtryn's script was that he tied the front- and back-ends together too much, and it seems like you're doing exactly the same thing. Plus, navigating to the current folder wasn't totally reliable, and there was no support for special folders. Using LearningOne's method of programmatic navigation, this is easily solved. All that is needed is to determine if an added folder matches a special folder, then save the associated number in its place. Separating the UI code from the rest wouldn't be very hard either.

I don't mean to be an idiot by saying this, because your script is still good, but I just wanted to state my opinion.
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

10 Nov 2013, 14:14

I respect your opinion and if I was writing my script for other programmers, I would agree with your comments. But I'm writing this first for users and for myself. 1) For users, my goal is to make it as reliable, convenient and easy to use as possible. 2) And, being the one who will primarily maintain it, I prefer the script to be be written following my coding style. Not to say that it is better than other's. Just that it is just better for me. And regarding variable scope and these concerns, I'm confident that in a script of this size the risk is under control.
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

11 Nov 2013, 02:02

@joedf: Thank you very much for testing! ;)
@JnLlnd: I wrote:

Code: Select all

Else if WinTitle contains Open,Save,Export,Import,Upload,Select ; this is the case in some MS office dialog windows, which are not #32770 class.
Actually, the code comment I wrote there is not correct - I remember there were some dialog boxes which were not #32770 nor "bosa_sdm_" class, and that's why I used Open,Save... etc WinTitle keywords.
I tried your PopupFolders. Good job! ;)
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

11 Nov 2013, 07:10

LearningOne wrote:Actually, the code comment I wrote there is not correct - I remember there were some dialog boxes which were not #32770 nor "bosa_sdm_" class, and that's why I used Open,Save... etc WinTitle keywords.
I tried your PopupFolders. Good job! ;)
Thank you! About the dialog boxes, I use MS Office a lot. If whenever I find this situation in the future, I will report it here and adapt my code.
:thumbup: Author of freeware Quick Access Popup, the powerful Windows folders, apps and documents launcher!
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

11 Nov 2013, 19:26

@LearningOne: Just found how to make Explorer_Navigate work with UNC locations. An example of UNC is a Sharepoint WebDAV folder: "\\my.sharepointserver.com@SSL\DavWWWRoot\Folder\Subfolder".

I added an "else if" to your code to detect a UNC (check if the first 2 characters are "\\").

I'm not very familiar with this but, from my tests, I found that, in this case we must keep the path as is (ie not adding the "file:///" prefix).

Code: Select all

NavigateExplorer(varPath, strWinId)
Excerpt and adapted from RMApp_Explorer_Navigate(FullPath, hwnd="") by Learning One
    For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
        if (pExp.hwnd = varWinId) ; matching window found
            if varPath is integer  ; ShellSpecialFolderConstant
            else if InStr(varPath, "\\") = 1 ; This is a UNC (e.g. \\my.server.com@SSL\DavWWWRoot\Folder\Subfolder)
                pExp.Navigate("file:///" . varPath)
:thumbup: Author of freeware Quick Access Popup, the powerful Windows folders, apps and documents launcher!
:P Now working on Quick Clipboard Editor
:ugeek: The Automator's Courses on AutoHotkey
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

11 Nov 2013, 20:31

"\\" is the correct method, also
in cmd (console) you can do it by doing the following:

Code: Select all

pushd \\UNC_Path\Sharename
or something like that...

here! found this, it will help ;)
http://superuser.com/questions/282963/c ... ping-it-to
and this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317379
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

16 Nov 2013, 05:06

@JnLlnd: great, thanks for sharing ;)
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

16 Nov 2013, 08:59

JnLlnd wrote:I added an "else if" to your code to detect a UNC (check if the first 2 characters are "\\").
Another approach that I'm trying is to simply remove the "file:///" prefix. This make the same pExp.Navigate call work with both files and UNC. Up to now, it works well on Win7 and XP. But I'm not sure if this would work in any situation?

Code: Select all

NavigateExplorer(varPath, strWinId)
Excerpt and adapted from RMApp_Explorer_Navigate(FullPath, hwnd="") by Learning One
	For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
		if (pExp.hwnd = strWinId)
			if varPath is integer ; ShellSpecialFolderConstant
				try pExp.Navigate2(varPath)
				catch, objErr
					Oops(lNavigateSpecialError, varPath)
				; try pExp.Navigate("file:///" . varPath) ; make it work with UNC
				try pExp.Navigate(varPath)
				catch, objErr
					Oops(lNavigateFileError, varPath)
:thumbup: Author of freeware Quick Access Popup, the powerful Windows folders, apps and documents launcher!
:P Now working on Quick Clipboard Editor
:ugeek: The Automator's Courses on AutoHotkey
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Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

17 Nov 2013, 14:28

I'm almost finished with PopupFolders app. If you want to give a try to v0.5, the last alpha version.

Changes since the last version posted here:
- add GuiSave, GuiCancel, RemoveFolder, EditFolder, AddSeparator, MoveFolderUp/Down, RemoveDialog, EditDialog, fix bug in GuiShow, add tray icon
- add settings hotkey to ini file (default Crtl-Windows-F), enable AddThisFolder in all version Explorer and only in WIN_7/Win_8 dialog boxes (not working in WIN_XP)
- implemented GuiAbout and GuiHelp, added About and Help to tray menu, tray tip displayed only 5 times
- removed file:/// protocol prefix, added support for ExploreWClass, implemented try/catch to Explore shell method, offer to add manually when add folder failed

All functionality are implemented. There is still a lot of (inactive) debugging code that will be removed in the beta version coming soon.

Code: Select all

	Written using AutoHotkey_L v1.1.09.03+ (http://l.autohotkey.net/)
	By Jean Lalonde (JnLlnd on AHKScript.org forum), based on DirMenu v2 by Robert Ryan (rbrtryn on AutoHotkey.com forum)

	Version: PopupFolders v0.5 ALPHA (last alpha version)
	- implemented GuiAbout and GuiHelp, added About and Help to tray menu, tray tip displayed only 5 times
	- removed file:/// protocol prefix, added support for ExploreWClass, implemented try/catch to Explore shell method, offer to add manualy when add folder failed

	Version: PopupFolders v0.4 ALPHA
	- add settings hotkey to ini file (default Crtl-Windows-F), enable AddThisFolder in all version Explorer and only in WIN_7/Win_8 dialog boxes (not working in WIN_XP)
	- add GuiSave, GuiCancel, RemoveFolder, EditFolder, AddSeparator, MoveFolderUp/Down, RemoveDialog, EditDialog, fix bug in GuiShow, add tray icon

	Version: PopupFolders v0.3 ALPHA
	- add NavigateConsole for console support (command prompt CMD)
	- change .ini filename to new app name

	Version: PopupFolders v0.2 ALPHA
	- renamed app PopupFolders, isolate text into language variables

	Version: DirMenu3 v0.1 ALPHA
	- init skeleton, read ini file and create arrays for folders menu and supported dialog boxes
	- create language file, build gui, tray menu and folder menu, skeleton for front end buttons and commands
	- create AddThisDialog menu, MButton condition, CanOpenFavorite improvements with WindowIsAnExplorer, WindowIsDesktop and DialogIsSupported
	- add SpecialFolders menu, OpenFavorite for Explorer and Desktop, NavigateExplorer
	- support MS Office dialog boxes on WinXP (bosa_sdm_), open special folders in explorers
	- NavigateDialog, add Desktop, Document and Pictures special folders, open these special menus in dialog boxes, enabling/disabling the appropriate menus in dialog boxes or explorers

	Version: DirMenu v2.2 (never released / not stable - base of a total rewrite to DirMenu3)
	- manage (add, modify or delete) supported dialog box titles in the Gui
	- suggest current dialog box when adding a name
	- save the supported dialog box names on the first line of the settings file (dirmenu.txt)
	- add "Add This Dialog" to the MButton menu to add the current dialog box name (need to desactivate when in an already supported dialog box)
	- added Win8 to the list of supported versions (assumed as equal to Win7 - could not test myself)
	- removed the "Menu File" button because not needed anymore
	- fixed an issue when 2 folders had the same name (now preventing the use of an existing name)
	- change default setting filename to "DirMenu2.txt" to avoid upgrade errors
	- upgrade previous versions settings files to v2.2
	- ask confirmation before discarding changes with Revert or Cancel buttons
	- replaces RegEx on strDialogNames with DialogIsSupported() function on the ListView
	Version: DirMenu v2.1
	- make it work with any locale (still working with English)
	- put supported dialog box titles in a variable (strDialogNames) at the top of the script for easy editing
	- put DirMenu data file name in a variable (strDirMenuFile) at the top of the script for easy editing
	- add "Add This Folder" to the MButton menu to add the current folder
	- add "Menu File" button to open de DirMenu.txt file for edition in Notepad
	- propose the deepest folder name as default name for a new folder



; Doc: http://fincs.ahk4.net/Ahk2ExeDirectives.htm
; Note: prefix comma with `

;@Ahk2Exe-SetName DirMenu3
;@Ahk2Exe-SetDescription Popup menu to jump from one folder to another
;@Ahk2Exe-SetVersion 0.1
;@Ahk2Exe-SetOrigFilename DirMenu.exe


#SingleInstance force
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\PopupFolders_LANG.ahk
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

global strIniFile := A_ScriptDir . "\" . lAppName . ".ini"

	; Piece of code for developement phase only - won't be compiled
	if (A_ComputerName = "JEAN-PC") ; for my home PC
		strIniFile := A_ScriptDir . "\" . lAppName . "-HOME.ini"
	else if InStr(A_ComputerName, "STIC") ; for my work hotkeys
		strIniFile := A_ScriptDir . "\" . lAppName . "-WORK.ini"
	; / Piece of code for developement phase only - won't be compiled

Gosub, BuildSpecialFoldersMenu
Gosub, LoadIniFile
Gosub, BuildFoldersMenu
Gosub, BuildGUI
Gosub, BuildAddDialogMenu
Gosub, BuildTrayMenu

if (blnDisplayTrayTip)
	TrayTip, % L(lTrayTipInstalledTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong)
	, % L(lTrayTipInstalledDetail, lAppName), , 1


blnDebug := False

global arrGlobalFolders := Object()
global arrGlogalDialogs := Object()
strSettingsHotkeyDefault := "^#f"

IfNotExist, %strIniFile%
		(LTrim Join`r`n
			Folder3=Program Files|%A_ProgramFiles%
		, %strIniFile%
IniRead, blnDisplayTrayTip, %strIniFile%, Global, DisplayTrayTip
if (blnDisplayTrayTip)
	IniWrite, % (blnDisplayTrayTip - 1), %strIniFile%, Global, DisplayTrayTip
IniRead, strSettingsHotkey, %strIniFile%, Global, SettingsHotkey
if (strSettingsHotkey = "ERROR")
	IniWrite, %strSettingsHotkeyDefault%, %strIniFile%, Global, SettingsHotkey
	strSettingsHotkey := strSettingsHotkeyDefault
Hotkey, %strSettingsHotkey%, GuiShow

	IniRead, strIniLine, %strIniFile%, Folders, Folder%A_Index%
	if (strIniLine = "ERROR")
	StringSplit, arrThisObject, strIniLine, |
	objFolder := Object()
	objFolder.Name := arrThisObject1
	objFolder.Path := arrThisObject2
if (blnDebug)
	Loop, % arrGlobalFolders.MaxIndex()
		###_D("Folder" . A_Index . ": " . arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name . " -> " . arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Path)
	IniRead, strIniLine, %strIniFile%, Dialogs, Dialog%A_Index%
	if (strIniLine = "ERROR")
if (blnDebug)
	Loop, % arrGlogalDialogs.MaxIndex()
		###_D("Dialog" . A_Index . ": " . arrGlogalDialogs[A_Index])

blnDebug := False


#If, CanOpenFavorite(strGlobalWinId, strGlobalClass)
blnDebug := false

if (blnDebug)
	###_D("Yes: " . strGlobalWinId . " " . strGlobalClass)

; Can't find how to navigate a dialog box to My Computer or Network Neighborhood... need help ???
Menu, menuSpecialFolders
	, % WindowIsConsole(strGlobalClass) or WindowIsDialog(strGlobalClass) ? "Disable" : "Enable"
	, %lMenuMyComputer%
Menu, menuSpecialFolders
	, % WindowIsConsole(strGlobalClass) or WindowIsDialog(strGlobalClass) ? "Disable" : "Enable"
	, %lMenuNetworkNeighborhood%

; There is no point to navigate a dialog box or console to Control Panel or Recycle Bin
Menu, menuSpecialFolders
	, % WindowIsConsole(strGlobalClass) or WindowIsDialog(strGlobalClass) ? "Disable" : "Enable"
	, %lMenuControlPanel%
Menu, menuSpecialFolders
	, % WindowIsConsole(strGlobalClass) or WindowIsDialog(strGlobalClass) ? "Disable" : "Enable"
	, %lMenuRecycleBin%

WinActivate, % "ahk_id " . strGlobalWinId

if (WindowIsAnExplorer(strGlobalClass) or WindowIsDesktop(strGlobalClass) or WindowIsConsole(strGlobalClass) or DialogIsSupported(strGlobalWinId))
	; Enable Add This Folder only if the mouse is over an Explorer (tested on WIN_XP and WIN_7) or a dialog box (works on WIN_7, not on WIN_XP)
	; Other tests shown that WIN_8 behaves like WIN_7. So, I assume WIN_8 to work. If someone could confirm (until I can test it myself)?
	Menu, menuFolders
		, % WindowIsAnExplorer(strGlobalClass) or (WindowIsDialog(strGlobalClass) and InStr("WIN_7|WIN_8", A_OSVersion)) ? "Enable" : "Disable"
		, %lMenuAddThisFolder%
	Menu, menuFolders, Show
	Menu, menuAddDialog, Show

blnDebug := false

blnDebug := false

MouseGetPos, , , strGlobalWinId
WinGetClass strGlobalClass, % "ahk_id " . strGlobalWinId

; In case it was disabled while in a dialog box
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Enable, %lMenuMyComputer%
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Enable, %lMenuNetworkNeighborhood%
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Enable, %lMenuControlPanel%
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Enable, %lMenuRecycleBin%

; Enable Add This Folder only if the mouse is over an Explorer (tested on WIN_XP and WIN_7) or a dialog box (works on WIN_7, not on WIN_XP)
; Other tests shown that WIN_8 behaves like WIN_7. So, I assume WIN_8 to work. If someone could confirm (until I can test it myself)?
Menu, menuFolders
	, % WindowIsAnExplorer(strGlobalClass) or (WindowIsDialog(strGlobalClass) and InStr("WIN_7|WIN_8", A_OSVersion)) ? "Enable" : "Disable"
	, %lMenuAddThisFolder%
Menu, menuFolders, Show

blnDebug := false

Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\ico\Visualpharm-Icons8-Metro-Style-Folders-Likes.ico, 1
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, %lMenuEditFoldersMenu%, GuiShow
Menu, Tray, Add, %lMenuHelp%, GuiHelp
Menu, Tray, Add, %lMenuAbout%, GuiAbout
Menu, Tray, Default, %lMenuEditFoldersMenu%

Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add, %lMenuDesktop%, OpenSpecialFolder
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add, %lMenuDocuments%, OpenSpecialFolder
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add, %lMenuPictures%, OpenSpecialFolder
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add, %lMenuMyComputer%, OpenSpecialFolder
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add, %lMenuNetworkNeighborhood%, OpenSpecialFolder
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add, %lMenuControlPanel%, OpenSpecialFolder
Menu, menuSpecialFolders, Add, %lMenuRecycleBin%, OpenSpecialFolder

blnDebug := False

Menu, menuFolders, Add
Menu, menuFolders, DeleteAll
Loop, % arrGlobalFolders.MaxIndex()
	if (blnDebug)
	if (arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name = lMenuSeparator)
		Menu, menuFolders, Add
		Menu, menuFolders, Add, % arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name, OpenFavorite
Menu, menuFolders, Add
Menu, menuFolders, Add, %lMenuSpecialFolders%, :menuSpecialFolders
Menu, menuFolders, Add
Menu, menuFolders, Add, %lMenuSettings%, GuiShow
Menu, menuFolders, Default, %lMenuSettings%
Menu, menuFolders, Add, %lMenuAddThisFolder%, AddThisFolder

if (blnDebug)
	Menu, menuFolders, Show

blnDebug := False

blnDebug := False

Menu, menuAddDialog, Add, %lMenuDialogNotSupported%, AddThisDialog
Menu, menuAddDialog, Disable, %lMenuDialogNotSupported%
Menu, menuAddDialog, Add, %lMenuAddThisDialog%, AddThisDialog
Menu, menuAddDialog, Add
Menu, menuAddDialog, Add, %lMenuEditFoldersMenu%, GuiShow
Menu, menuAddDialog, Default, %lMenuAddThisDialog%

if (blnDebug)
	Menu, menuAddDialog, Show

blnDebug := False

blnDebug := false

Gui, Font, s12 w700, Verdana
Gui, Add, Picture, x10 y5, %A_ScriptDir%\ico\Folders-Likes-icon-48.png
Gui, Add, Text, y25 w490 h25, %lAppName%
Gui, 1:Font, s8 w400, Arial
Gui, Add, Button, y10 x400 w45 h22 gGuiAbout, % L(lGuiAbout)

Gui, 1:Font, s8 w400, Verdana
Gui, Add, ListView, x10 w350 h220 Count32 -Multi NoSortHdr LV0x10 vlvFoldersList, %lGuiLvFoldersHeader%
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 w75 r1 gGuiAddFolder, %lGuiAddFolder%
Gui, Add, Button, w75 r1 gGuiRemoveFolder, %lGuiRemoveFolder%
Gui, Add, Button, w75 r1 gGuiEditFolder, %lGuiEditFolder%
Gui, Add, Button, w75 r1 gGuiAddSeparator, %lGuiSeparator%
Gui, Add, Button, w75 r1 gGuiMoveFolderUp, %lGuiMoveFolderUp%
Gui, Add, Button, w75 r1 gGuiMoveFolderDown, %lGuiMoveFolderDown%

Gui, Add, ListView
	, x10 w350 h120 Count16 -Multi NoSortHdr +0x10 LV0x10 vlvDialogsList, %lGuiLvDialogsHeader%
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 w75 r1 gGuiAddDialog, %lGuiAddDialog%
Gui, Add, Button, w75 r1 gGuiRemoveDialog, %lGuiRemoveDialog%
Gui, Add, Button, w75 r1 gGuiEditDialog, %lGuiEditDialog%

Gui, Add, Button, x100 w75 r1 Disabled Default gGuiSave, %lGuiSave%
Gui, Add, Button, x+40 w75 r1 gGuiCancel, %lGuiCancel%
Gui, Add, Button, x+80 w75 r1 gGuiHelp, %lGuiHelp%

if (blnDebug)
	Gui, Show, w455 h455, % L(lGuiTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong)

blnDebug := false

FileSelectFolder, strNewPath, *C:\, 3, %lDialogAddFolderSelect%
if (strNewPath = "")

blnDebug := False
GuiControl, Focus, lvFoldersList
Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
intItemToRemove := LV_GetNext()
if (blnDebug)
if !(intItemToRemove)
if (blnDebug)
	LV_GetText(str, intItemToRemove)
LV_Modify(intItemToRemove, "Select Focus")
LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr")
GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%
blnDebug := False

Gui, +OwnDialogs
GuiControl, Focus, lvFoldersList
Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
intRowToEdit := LV_GetNext()
LV_GetText(strCurrentName, intRowToEdit, 1)
if !StrLen(strCurrentName)
LV_GetText(strCurrentPath, intRowToEdit, 2)

FileSelectFolder, strNewPath, *%strCurrentPath%, 3, %lDialogEditFolderSelect%
if (strNewPath = "")

	InputBox strNewName, % L(lDialogEditFolderTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong)
		, %lDialogEditFolderPrompt%, , 250, 120, , , , , %strCurrentName%
	if (ErrorLevel)
} until (strNewName = strCurrentName) or FolderNameIsNew(strNewName)

LV_Modify(intRowToEdit, "Select Focus", strNewName, strNewPath)
LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr")
GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%

GuiControl, Focus, lvFoldersList
Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
LV_Insert(LV_GetCount() ? (LV_GetNext() ? LV_GetNext() : 0xFFFF) : 1, "Select Focus", lMenuSeparator, lMenuSeparator)
GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%

GuiControl, Focus, lvFoldersList
Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
intSelectedRow := LV_GetNext()
if (intSelectedRow = 1)

LV_GetText(strThisName, intSelectedRow, 1)
LV_GetText(strThisPath, intSelectedRow, 2)

LV_GetText(PriorName, intSelectedRow - 1, 1)
LV_GetText(PriorPath, intSelectedRow - 1, 2)

LV_Modify(intSelectedRow, "", PriorName, PriorPath)
LV_Modify(intSelectedRow - 1, "Select Focus Vis", strThisName, strThisPath)

GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%

GuiControl, Focus, lvFoldersList
Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
intSelectedRow := LV_GetNext()
if (intSelectedRow = LV_GetCount())

LV_GetText(strThisName, intSelectedRow, 1)
LV_GetText(strThisPath, intSelectedRow, 2)

LV_GetText(NextName, intSelectedRow + 1, 1)
LV_GetText(NextPath, intSelectedRow + 1, 2)
LV_Modify(intSelectedRow, "", NextName, NextPath)
LV_Modify(intSelectedRow + 1, "Select Focus Vis", strThisName, strThisPath)

GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%


blnDebug := False
GuiControl, Focus, lvDialogsList
Gui, ListView, lvDialogssList
intItemToRemove := LV_GetNext()
if (blnDebug)
if !(intItemToRemove)
if (blnDebug)
	LV_GetText(str, intItemToRemove)
LV_Modify(intItemToRemove, "Select Focus")
GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%
blnDebug := False

Gui, +OwnDialogs
GuiControl, Focus, lvDialogsList
Gui, ListView, lvDialogsList
intRowToEdit := LV_GetNext()
LV_GetText(strCurrentDialog, intRowToEdit, 1)

InputBox strNewDialog, % L(lDialogEditDialogTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong)
	, %lDialogEditDialogPrompt%, , 250, 120, , , , , %strCurrentDialog%
if (ErrorLevel) or !StrLen(strNewDialog) or (strNewDialog = strCurrentDialog)

Gui, ListView, lvDialogsList
Loop, % LV_GetCount()
	LV_GetText(strThisDialog, A_Index, 1)
	if (strNewDialog = strThisDialog)

LV_Modify(intRowToEdit, "Select Focus", strNewDialog)
LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
LV_ModifyCol(1, "Sort")
LV_Modify(LV_GetNext(), "Vis")
GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%

blnDebug := False

IniDelete, %strIniFile%, Folders
Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
Loop % LV_GetCount()
	LV_GetText(strName, A_Index, 1)
	LV_GetText(strPath, A_Index, 2)
	IniWrite, %strName%|%strPath%, %strIniFile%, Folders, Folder%A_Index%

IniDelete, %strIniFile%, Dialogs
Gui, ListView, lvDialogsList
Loop % LV_GetCount()
	LV_GetText(strDialog, A_Index, 1)
	IniWrite, %strDialog%, %strIniFile%, Dialogs, Dialog%A_Index%

Gosub, LoadIniFile
Gosub, BuildFoldersMenu
GuiControl, Disable, %lGuiSave%
Gosub, GuiCancel
blnDebug := False

Gosub, LoadSettingsToGui
Gui, Show, w455 h455, % L(lGuiTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong)

blnDebug := False

GuiControlGet, blnSaveEnabled, Enabled, %lGuiSave%
if (blnSaveEnabled)
	Gui, +OwnDialogs
	MsgBox, 36, % L(lDialogCancelTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong), %lDialogCancelPrompt%
	IfMsgBox, Yes
		GuiControl, Disable, %lGuiSave%
	IfMsgBox, No
Gui, Cancel

blnDebug := False

GoSub, GuiCancel

intGui1WinID := WinExist("A")
Gui, 1:Submit, NoHide
Gui, 2:New, , % L(lAboutTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong)
Gui, 2:+Owner1
Gui, Add, Picture, x10 y5, %A_ScriptDir%\ico\Folders-Likes-icon-192.png
str32or64 := A_PtrSize  * 8
Gui, Font, s12 w700, Verdana
Gui, Add, Link, y10 vlblAboutText1, % L(lAboutText1, lAppName, lAppVersionLong, str32or64)
Gui, Font, s8 w400, Verdana
Gui, Add, Link, , % L(lAboutText2)
Gui, Add, Link, , % L(lAboutText3)
Gui, Font, s10 w400, Verdana
Gui, Add, Link, , % L(lAboutText4)
Gui, Font, s8 w400, Verdana
Gui, 2:Add, Button, y+20 g2GuiClose, %lGui2Close%
Gui, 2:Show, AutoSize Center
Gui, 1:+Disabled

intGui1WinID := WinExist("A")
Gui, 1:Submit, NoHide
Gui, 2:New, , % L(lHelpTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong)
Gui, 2:+Owner1
Gui, Add, Picture, x10 y5, %A_ScriptDir%\ico\Folders-Likes-icon-256.png
intWidth := 450
Gui, Font, s10 w400, Verdana
Gui, 2:Add, Link, y10 w%intWidth%, %lHelpText1%
Gui, Font, s8 w400, Verdana
Gui, 2:Add, Link, w%intWidth%, %lHelpText2%
Gui, 2:Add, Link, w%intWidth%, %lHelpText3%
Gui, 2:Add, Link, w%intWidth%, %lHelpText4%
Gui, 2:Add, Link, w%intWidth%, %lHelpText5%
Gui, 2:Add, Link, w%intWidth%, %lHelpText6%
Gui, 2:Add, Link, w%intWidth%, %lHelpText7%
Gui, 2:Add, Link, w%intWidth%, %lHelpText8%
Gui, 2:Add, Button, y+20 g2GuiClose, %lGui2Close%
Gui, 2:Show, AutoSize Center
Gui, 1:+Disabled

Gui, 1:-Disabled
Gui, 2:Destroy
WinActivate, ahk_id %intGui1WinID%

blnDebug := false

objPrevClipboard := ClipboardAll ; Save the entire clipboard
ClipBoard := ""

; Add This folder menu is active only if we are in Explorer (WIN_XP, WIN_7 or WIN_8) or in a Dialog box (WIN_7 or WIN_8).
; In all these OS, the key sequence {F4}{Esc} selects the current location of the window.
intWaitTimeIncrement := 150 ; time required on an XP average machine
intTries := 3
Loop, %intTries%
	Sleep, intWaitTimeIncrement * A_Index
	Send {F4}{Esc} ; F4 move the caret the "Go To A Different Folder box" and {Esc} select it content ({Esc} could be replaced by ^a to Select All)
	Sleep, intWaitTimeIncrement * A_Index
	Send ^c ; Copy
	Sleep, intWaitTimeIncrement * A_Index
} Until (StrLen(ClipBoard))

strCurrentFolder := ClipBoard

If StrLen(strCurrentFolder)
	Gosub, GuiShow
	Gui, +OwnDialogs 
	MsgBox, 52, % L(lDialogAddFolderManuallyTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong), %lDialogAddFolderManuallyPrompt%
	IfMsgBox, Yes
		Gosub, GuiShow
		Gosub, GuiAddFolder

Clipboard := objPrevClipboard ; Restore the original clipboard
objPrevClipboard := "" ; Free the memory in case the clipboard was very large

blnDebug := False

	blnDebug := false
	GuiControl, Focus, lvFoldersList
	Gui, +OwnDialogs

	; suggest the deepest folder's name as default name for the added folder
	SplitPath, strPath, strDefaultName, , , , strDrive
	if (blnDebug)
		###_D("strPath: " . strPath . "`nstrDefaultName: " . strDefaultName . "`nstrDrive: " . strDrive)
	if !StrLen(strDefaultName) ; we are probably at the root of a drive
		strDefaultName := strDrive

		InputBox strName, % L(lDialogTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong) . lDialogFolderNameTitle, %lDialogFolderNamePrompt%, , 250, 120, , , , , %strDefaultName%
		if (ErrorLevel) or !StrLen(strName)
	} until FolderNameIsNew(strName)
	Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
	if (blnDebug)
		###_D("LV_GetCount: " . LV_GetCount() . "`nLV_GetNext: " . LV_GetNext() . "`nResult: " . LV_GetCount() ? (LV_GetNext() ? LV_GetNext() : 1) : 1)
	LV_Insert(LV_GetCount() ? (LV_GetNext() ? LV_GetNext() : 0xFFFF) : 1, "Select Focus", strName, strPath)
	LV_Modify(LV_GetNext(), "Vis")
	LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
	LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr")
	GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%

	blnDebug := false

	Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
	Loop, % LV_GetCount()
		LV_GetText(strThisName, A_Index, 1)
		if (strCandidateName = strThisName)
			Oops(lDialogFolderNameNotNew, strCandidateName)
			return False
	return True

blnDebug := false

WinGetTitle, strDialogTitle, ahk_id %strGlobalWinId%
Gosub, GuiShow

blnDebug := False

	Gui, +OwnDialogs
	GuiControl, Focus, lvDialogsList

	InputBox, strNewDialog, % L(lDialogAddDialogTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong), %lDialogAddDialogPrompt%, , 250, 150, , , , , %strCurrentDialogTitle%
	if (ErrorLevel) or !StrLen(strNewDialog)
	Gui, ListView, lvDialogsList
	Loop, % LV_GetCount()
		LV_GetText(strThisDialog, A_Index, 1)
		if (strNewDialog = strThisDialog)

	LV_Add("Select Focus", strNewDialog)
	LV_Modify(LV_GetNext(), "Vis")
	LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
	GuiControl, Enable, %lGuiSave%



blnDebug := false

GuiControlGet, blnSaveEnabled, Enabled, %lGuiSave%
if (blnSaveEnabled)

Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
Gui, ListView, lvDialogsList

Gui, ListView, lvFoldersList
Loop, % arrGlobalFolders.MaxIndex()
	if (blnDebug)
		###_D(arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name . " " . arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Path)
	If !StrLen(arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name)
		LV_Add(, arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name, arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Path)
LV_Modify(1, "Select Focus")
LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr")

Gui, ListView, lvDialogsList
Loop, % arrGlogalDialogs.MaxIndex()
	if (blnDebug)
	LV_Add(, arrGlogalDialogs[A_Index])
LV_Modify(1, "Select Focus")
LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")

GuiControl, Focus, lvFoldersList
blnDebug := False

blnDebug := false

strPath := GetPahtFor(A_ThisMenuItem)
if (blnDebug)
	###_D("strGlobalWinId: " . strGlobalWinId . "`nstrGlobalClass: " . strGlobalClass . "`nstrPath: " . strPath)

if (A_ThisHotkey = "+MButton") or WindowIsDesktop(strGlobalClass)
	; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774073%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
else if WindowIsAnExplorer(strGlobalClass)
	NavigateExplorer(strPath, strGlobalWinId)
else if WindowIsConsole(strGlobalClass)
	NavigateConsole(strPath, strGlobalWinId)
	NavigateDialog(strPath, strGlobalWinId, strGlobalClass)
blnDebug := false


blnDebug := false
if (blnDebug)
	###_D("strGlobalWinId: " . strGlobalWinId . "`nstrGlobalClass: " . strGlobalClass . "`nA_ThisMenuItem: " . A_ThisMenuItem)
; ShellSpecialFolderConstants: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774096%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
if (A_ThisMenuItem = lMenuDesktop)
	intSpecialFolder := 0
else if (A_ThisMenuItem = lMenuControlPanel)
	intSpecialFolder := 3
else if (A_ThisMenuItem = lMenuDocuments)
	intSpecialFolder := 5
else if (A_ThisMenuItem = lMenuRecycleBin)
	intSpecialFolder := 10
else if (A_ThisMenuItem = lMenuMyComputer)
	intSpecialFolder := 17
else if (A_ThisMenuItem = lMenuNetworkNeighborhood)
	intSpecialFolder := 18
else if (A_ThisMenuItem = lMenuPictures)
	intSpecialFolder := 39

if (A_ThisHotkey = "+MButton") or WindowIsDesktop(strGlobalClass)
	; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774073%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
else if WindowIsAnExplorer(strGlobalClass)
	NavigateExplorer(intSpecialFolder, strGlobalWinId)
else ; this is the console or a dialog box
	if (intSpecialFolder = 0)
		strPath := A_Desktop
	else if (intSpecialFolder = 5)
		strPath := A_MyDocuments
	else if (intSpecialFolder = 39)
		; do not use: StringReplace, strPath, A_MyDocuments, Documents, Pictures
		; because A_MyDocument could contain a "Documents" string before the final folder
		StringLeft, strPath, A_MyDocuments, % StrLen(A_MyDocuments) - StrLen("Documents")
		strPath := strPath . "Pictures"
	else ; we do not support this special folder

	if WindowIsConsole(strGlobalClass)
		NavigateConsole(strPath, strGlobalWinId)
		NavigateDialog(strPath, strGlobalWinId, strGlobalClass)
blnDebug := false

	WinGetClass strClass, A
	return strClass

	WinGetClass strClass, % "ahk_id " . WinUnderMouseID()
	return strClass

	MouseGetPos, , , strWinId
	return strWinId

	blnDebug := false

	if (blnDebug)
		Loop, % arrGlobalFolders.MaxIndex()
			###_D(strName . " = " . arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name)
	Loop, % arrGlobalFolders.MaxIndex()
		if (strName = arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Name)
			return arrGlobalFolders[A_Index].Path

	blnDebug := false


CanOpenFavorite(ByRef strWinId, ByRef strClass)
; "CabinetWClass" -> Explorer
; "ProgMan" -> Desktop
; "WorkerW" -> Desktop
; "ConsoleWindowClass" -> Console (CMD)
; "#32770" -> Dialog
	blnDebug := false
	MouseGetPos, , , strWinId
	WinGetClass strClass, % "ahk_id " . strWinId

	if (blnDebug)
		if WindowIsAnExplorer(strClass) or WindowIsDesktop(strClass) or WindowIsConsole(strClass) or WindowIsDialog(strClass)
			###_D(strClass . " is OK")
			###_D(strClass . " is NOT OK")
	return WindowIsAnExplorer(strClass) or WindowIsDesktop(strClass) or WindowIsConsole(strClass) or WindowIsDialog(strClass)
	blnDebug := false

	return (strClass = "CabinetWClass") or (strClass = "ExploreWClass")

	return (strClass = "ProgMan") or (strClass = "WorkerW")

	return (strClass = "ConsoleWindowClass")

	return (strClass = "#32770") or InStr(strClass, "bosa_sdm_")

	blnDebug := false

	WinGetTitle, strDialogTitle, ahk_id %strWinId%
	if (blnDebug)
		loop, % arrGlogalDialogs.MaxIndex()
			###_D("DialogIsSupported? " . strDialogTitle . " " . arrGlogalDialogs[A_Index] . " " InStr(strDialogTitle, arrGlogalDialogs[A_Index]))
	loop, % arrGlogalDialogs.MaxIndex()
		if InStr(strDialogTitle, arrGlogalDialogs[A_Index])
			return True
	return False

NavigateExplorer(varPath, strWinId)
Excerpt and adapted from RMApp_Explorer_Navigate(FullPath, hwnd="") by Learning One
	blnDebug := false
	if (blnDebug)
		###_D(varPath . " " . strWinId)
	For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
		if (blnDebug)
			SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
			strTemp := strWinId + 0
			###_D(A_Index . " hndw: " . pExp.hwnd . " strWinId: " . strTemp)
		if (pExp.hwnd = strWinId)
			if varPath is integer ; ShellSpecialFolderConstant
				try pExp.Navigate2(varPath)
				catch, objErr
					Oops(lNavigateSpecialError, varPath)
			else if InStr(varPath, "\\") = 1 ; This must be = 1 (not true). For UNC (e.g. \\my.server.com@SSL\DavWWWRoot\Folder\Subfolder)
				try pExp.Navigate(varPath)
				catch, objErr
					Oops(lNavigateUNCError, varPath, lAppName)
				; try pExp.Navigate("file:///" . varPath)
				try pExp.Navigate(varPath)
				catch, objErr
					Oops(lNavigateFileError, varPath)

NavigateConsole(strPath, strWinId)
	blnDebug := false
	if (blnDebug)
		###_D("strPath: " . strPath . ";nstrWinId: " . strWinId)

	if (WinExist("A") <> strWinId) ; in case that some window just popped out, and initialy active window lost focus
		WinActivate, ahk_id %strWinId% ; we'll activate initialy active window
	SendInput, CD /D %strPath%{Enter}

NavigateDialog(strPath, strWinId, strClass)
Excerpt from RMApp_Explorer_Navigate(FullPath, hwnd="") by Learning One
	blnDebug := false
	if (blnDebug)
		###_D("Dialog: " . strPath)
	if (strClass = "#32770")
		if ControlIsVisible("ahk_id " . strWinId, "Edit1")
			strControl := "Edit1"
			; in standard dialog windows, "Edit1" control is the right choice
		Else if ControlIsVisible("ahk_id " . strWinId, "Edit2")
			strControl := "Edit2"
			; but sometimes in MS office, if condition above fails, "Edit2" control is the right choice 
		Else ; if above fails - just return and do nothing.
			if (blnDebug)
				###_D("strClass is #32770 but no valid control is visible.")
	Else if InStr(strClass, "bosa_sdm_") ; for some MS office dialog windows, which are not #32770 class
		if ControlIsVisible("ahk_id " . strWinId, "Edit1")
			strControl := "Edit1"
			; if "Edit1" control exists, it is the right choice
		Else if ControlIsVisible("ahk_id " . strWinId, "RichEdit20W2")
			strControl := "RichEdit20W2"
			; some MS office dialogs don't have "Edit1" control, but they have "RichEdit20W2" control, which is then the right choice.
		Else ; if above fails, just return and do nothing.
			if (blnDebug)
				###_D("strClass is bosa_sdm_ but no valid control is visible.")
	Else ; in all other cases, open a new Explorer and return from this function
		if (blnDebug)
			###_D("Dialog box strClass is not in #32770 or bosa_sdm_. Open a new Explorer.")
		; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774073%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

	;===In this part (if we reached it), we'll send strPath to control and restore control's initial text after navigating to specified folder===
	ControlGetText, strPrevControlText, %strControl%, ahk_id %strWinId% ; we'll get and store control's initial text first
	ControlSetTextR(strControl, strPath, "ahk_id " . strWinId) ; set control's text to strPath
	ControlSetFocusR(strControl, "ahk_id " . strWinId) ; focus control
	if (WinExist("A") <> strWinId) ; in case that some window just popped out, and initialy active window lost focus
		WinActivate, ahk_id %strWinId% ; we'll activate initialy active window
	;=== Avoid accidental hotkey & hotstring triggereing while doing SendInput - can be done simply by #UseHook, but do it if user doesn't have #UseHook in the script ===
	If (A_IsSuspended)
		blnWasSuspended := True
	if (!blnWasSuspended)
		Suspend, On
	SendInput, {End}{Space}{Backspace}{Enter} ; silly but necessary part - go to end of control, send dummy space, delete it, and then send enter
	if (!blnWasSuspended)
		Suspend, Off

	Sleep, 70 ; give some time to control after sending {Enter} to it
	ControlGetText, strControlTextAfterNavigation, %strControl%, ahk_id %strWinId% ; sometimes controls automatically restore their initial text
	if (strControlTextAfterNavigation <> strPrevControlText) ; if not
		ControlSetTextR(strControl, strPrevControlText, "ahk_id " . strWinId) ; we'll set control's text to its initial text
	if (WinExist("A") <> strWinId) ; sometimes initialy active window loses focus, so we'll activate it again
		WinActivate, ahk_id %strWinId%

ControlIsVisible(strWinTitle, strControlClass)
Adapted from ControlIsVisible(WinTitle,ControlClass) by Learning One
{ ; used in Navigator
	ControlGet, blnIsControlVisible, Visible, , %strControlClass%, %strWinTitle%
	return blnIsControlVisible

ControlSetFocusR(strControl, strWinTitle = "", intTries = 3)
Adapted from RMApp_ControlSetFocusR(Control, WinTitle="", Tries=3) by Learning One
{ ; used in Navigator. More reliable ControlSetFocus
	Loop, %intTries%
		ControlFocus, %strControl%, %strWinTitle% ; focus control
		Sleep, 50
		ControlGetFocus, strFocusedControl, %strWinTitle% ; check
		if (strFocusedControl = strControl) ; if OK
			return True

ControlSetTextR(strControl, strNewText = "", strWinTitle = "", intTries = 3)
Adapted from from RMApp_ControlSetTextR(Control, NewText="", WinTitle="", Tries=3) by Learning One
{ ; used in Navigator. More reliable ControlSetText
	Loop, %intTries%
		ControlSetText, %strControl%, %strNewText%, %strWinTitle% ; set
		Sleep, 50
		ControlGetText, strCurControlText, %strControl%, %strWinTitle% ; check
		if (strCurControlText = strNewText) ; if OK
			return True



; ------------------------------------------------
Help(strMessage, objVariables*)
; ------------------------------------------------
	Gui, +OwnDialogs 
	StringLeft, strTitle, strMessage, % InStr(strMessage, "$") - 1
	StringReplace, strMessage, strMessage, %strTitle%$
	MsgBox, 0, % L(lFuncHelpTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong, strTitle), % L(strMessage, objVariables*)
; ------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------
Oops(strMessage, objVariables*)
; ------------------------------------------------
	Gui, +OwnDialogs
	MsgBox, 48, % L(lFuncOopsTitle, lAppName, lAppVersionLong), % L(strMessage, objVariables*)
; ------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------
L(strMessage, objVariables*)
; ------------------------------------------------
		if InStr(strMessage, "~" . A_Index . "~")
			StringReplace, strMessage, strMessage, ~%A_Index%~, % objVariables[A_Index]
	return strMessage
; ------------------------------------------------

###_D(str, blnAgain := 0)
	static blnSkip### := false
	if (blnSkip###)
	if (blnAgain)
		blnSkip### := false
	intOption := 6 + 512 ; 6 Cancel/Try Again/Continue + 512 Makes the 2nd button the default
	MsgBox, % intOption, ###_D(ébug), %str%
	IfMsgBox TryAgain
	else IfMsgBox Cancel
		blnSkip### := true
This script is also available on GitHub: PopupFolders.ahk

*** Also download the language file: PopupFolders_LANG.ahk. ***
:thumbup: Author of freeware Quick Access Popup, the powerful Windows folders, apps and documents launcher!
:P Now working on Quick Clipboard Editor
:ugeek: The Automator's Courses on AutoHotkey
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Posts: 490
Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 21:29
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

22 Nov 2013, 22:50

Final beta version of my new app is now released. Just decided to rename to "Folders Popup" it in the last minute (what a crazy idea!).

Apps source: https://github.com/JnLlnd/FoldersPopup
Apps home page: http://code.jeanlalonde.ca/folderspopup/

Thank you all for your help (as mentioned in the app's About page).
:thumbup: Author of freeware Quick Access Popup, the powerful Windows folders, apps and documents launcher!
:P Now working on Quick Clipboard Editor
:ugeek: The Automator's Courses on AutoHotkey
Posts: 81
Joined: 07 Feb 2014, 11:35

Re: 4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explor

07 Feb 2014, 11:40

About this code...

Code: Select all

		location := "c:\windows"
		WinGet, hwnd_id, ID, A
		msgbox % hwnd_id

		For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
			if (pExp.hwnd = hwnd_id) ; matching window found
It works fine on a regular windows explorer window but it won't work on Open/Save dialogs.
Any help?


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