RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

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RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

06 Aug 2016, 21:37

Code: Select all

    A replacement for RegisterCallback for use with APIs that will call
    the callback on the wrong thread.  Synchronizes with the script's main
    thread via a window message.
    This version tries to emulate RegisterCallback as much as possible
    without using RegisterCallback, so shares most of its limitations,
    and some enhancements that could be made are not.
    Other differences from v1 RegisterCallback:
      - Variadic mode can't be emulated exactly, so is not supported.
      - A_EventInfo can't be set in v1, so is not supported.
      - Fast mode is not supported (the option is ignored).
      - ByRef parameters are allowed (but ByRef is ignored).
      - Throws instead of returning "" on failure.
RegisterSyncCallback(FunctionName, Options:="", ParamCount:="")
    if !(fn := Func(FunctionName)) || fn.IsBuiltIn
        throw Exception("Bad function", -1, FunctionName)
    if (ParamCount == "")
        ParamCount := fn.MinParams
    if (ParamCount > fn.MaxParams && !fn.IsVariadic || ParamCount+0 < fn.MinParams)
        throw Exception("Bad param count", -1, ParamCount)
    static sHwnd := 0, sMsg, sSendMessageW
    if !sHwnd
        Gui RegisterSyncCallback: +Parent%A_ScriptHwnd% +hwndsHwnd
        OnMessage(sMsg := 0x8000, Func("RegisterSyncCallback_Msg"))
        sSendMessageW := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "user32.dll", "ptr"), "astr", "SendMessageW", "ptr")
    if !(pcb := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, "ptr", 96, "ptr"))
    DllCall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", pcb, "ptr", 96, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0)
    p := pcb
    if (A_PtrSize = 8)
        48 89 4c 24 08  ; mov [rsp+8], rcx
        48 89 54'24 10  ; mov [rsp+16], rdx
        4c 89 44 24 18  ; mov [rsp+24], r8
        4c'89 4c 24 20  ; mov [rsp+32], r9
        48 83 ec 28'    ; sub rsp, 40
        4c 8d 44 24 30  ; lea r8, [rsp+48]  (arg 3, &params)
        49 b9 ..        ; mov r9, .. (arg 4, operand to follow)
        p := NumPut(0x54894808244c8948, p+0)
        p := NumPut(0x4c182444894c1024, p+0)
        p := NumPut(0x28ec834820244c89, p+0)
        p := NumPut(  0xb9493024448d4c, p+0) - 1
        lParamPtr := p, p += 8
        p := NumPut(0xba, p+0, "char") ; mov edx, nmsg
        p := NumPut(sMsg, p+0, "int")
        p := NumPut(0xb9, p+0, "char") ; mov ecx, hwnd
        p := NumPut(sHwnd, p+0, "int")
        p := NumPut(0xb848, p+0, "short") ; mov rax, SendMessageW
        p := NumPut(sSendMessageW, p+0)
        ff d0        ; call rax
        48 83 c4 28  ; add rsp, 40
        c3           ; ret
        p := NumPut(0x00c328c48348d0ff, p+0)
    else ;(A_PtrSize = 4)
        p := NumPut(0x68, p+0, "char")      ; push ... (lParam data)
        lParamPtr := p, p += 4
        p := NumPut(0x0824448d, p+0, "int") ; lea eax, [esp+8]
        p := NumPut(0x50, p+0, "char")      ; push eax
        p := NumPut(0x68, p+0, "char")      ; push nmsg
        p := NumPut(sMsg, p+0, "int")
        p := NumPut(0x68, p+0, "char")      ; push hwnd
        p := NumPut(sHwnd, p+0, "int")
        p := NumPut(0xb8, p+0, "char")      ; mov eax, &SendMessageW
        p := NumPut(sSendMessageW, p+0, "int")
        p := NumPut(0xd0ff, p+0, "short")   ; call eax
        p := NumPut(0xc2, p+0, "char")      ; ret argsize
        p := NumPut((InStr(Options, "C") ? 0 : ParamCount*4), p+0, "short")
    NumPut(p, lParamPtr+0) ; To be passed as lParam.
    p := NumPut(&fn, p+0)
    p := NumPut(ParamCount, p+0, "int")
    return pcb

RegisterSyncCallback_Msg(wParam, lParam)
    if (A_Gui != "RegisterSyncCallback")
    fn := Object(NumGet(lParam + 0))
    paramCount := NumGet(lParam + A_PtrSize, "int")
    params := []
    Loop % paramCount
        params.Push(NumGet(wParam + A_PtrSize * (A_Index-1)))
    return %fn%(params*)
AutoHotkey does not support real multi-threading. If you try to run code on a second thread, a number of things can happen:
  • The second thread might hang.
  • The process might crash.
  • One or the other thread might do very strange things, like passing parameters calculated on one thread to commands being called on the other thread.
  • Memory might be corrupted, such that the process doesn't crash but other unpredictable things happen.
In short, it's a very bad idea.

Sometimes, an API might ask for a pointer to a callback function, and might call that function from a worker thread. If you let it do that, the script will be unreliable. RegisterSyncCallback provides a limited solution to the problem by creating a callback which does not call the script's function directly, but instead synchronises with the script's main thread by sending a window message.

The following artificial example shows some of what can happen when code is run on the wrong thread. Instead of using an API which calls the callback from a worker thread, it just creates a new (real) thread.

Code: Select all

MsgBox % "Main thread ID: " DllCall("GetCurrentThreadId")

cb := RegisterCallback("MyFn")
; cb := RegisterSyncCallback("MyFn")

; DllCall(cb, "ptr", 123)  ; Works OK.

DllCall("CreateThread", "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", cb, "ptr", 456, "uint", 0, "uint*", 0)

t := A_TickCount
while (A_TickCount-t < 1000) {
    ; do stuff
    if some_var

MyFn(arg) {
    MsgBox 0, MyFn, % arg "`nThread ID: " DllCall("GetCurrentThreadId")
On my system, the MyFn MsgBox is usually blank and shows OK/Cancel instead of just OK. If the script is changed slightly, it might crash instead.

Replacing RegisterCallback with RegisterSyncCallback fixes the instability by forcing the function to run on the right thread. Of course, this does not allow one to use real multi-threading, and is not meant to.
just me
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

07 Aug 2016, 10:53

Thanks, it is working stable with IAutoComplete/IEnumStrings as yet. Any chance to get it built-in?
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

07 Aug 2016, 13:35

awesome, thanks for writing that!
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

08 Aug 2016, 15:19

works great in my iAutoComplete2 test scripts when ran uncompiled, but fails when compiled

any idea why?

- joel
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

08 Aug 2016, 20:11

No. Are you compiling with the same version of AutoHotkey?
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

08 Aug 2016, 21:52

oh yeah you're right i was running uncompiled and compiled, oops
EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings . . . . . . . . forum . . . .
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

02 Apr 2017, 22:00

What caused this difference?


Code: Select all

EnumAddress := RegisterSyncCallback("EnumWindowsProc", "Fast")
DetectHiddenWindows On
DllCall("EnumWindows", Ptr, EnumAddress, Ptr, 0)
EnumAddress := RegisterCallback("EnumWindowsProc", "Fast")
DllCall("EnumWindows", Ptr, EnumAddress, Ptr, 0)
MsgBox % "RegisterCallback: " test "`nRegisterSyncCallback " sync
EnumWindowsProc(hwnd, lParam)
    global Output,test
    WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %hwnd%
    WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %hwnd%
    if title
    return true  ; Tell EnumWindows() to continue until all windows have been enumerated.
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

02 Apr 2017, 22:15

DetectHiddenWindows, and this.
Fast mode is not supported (the option is ignored).
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

02 Apr 2017, 23:51

This script does not use fast mode and will not receive properly. thanks.

Code: Select all

EnumAddress := RegisterSyncCallback("EnumWindowsProc")
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

03 Apr 2017, 01:26

Firstly, "This script" registers a callback and then does absolutely nothing with it.

Secondly, the Fast option is ignored, so obviously removing it is going to have no effect.

You need to set DetectHiddenWindows correctly. If you do that, the callback will return the same number regardless of whether RegisterCallback or RegisterSyncCallback was used.

Or you could remove "Fast" from both callbacks to get consistent results.
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

14 Jun 2021, 17:17

Can you check if this function works with 64-bit AHK?
I use this function instead of RegisterCallback, which always causes the GUI to be unresponsive.
In 32-bit AHK, everything works fine with this function, but when I switch to 64-bit, it randomly causes the process to crash. And if I use RegisterCallback instead of it, it becomes normal again.
This function is a good solution to the problem of RegisterCallback causing the GUI to get stuck, is there any chance it will be built into V2? Thanks.
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

19 Nov 2022, 11:15

@lexikos, do You know how We can use RegisterSyncCallback if during receiving data We call context menu in our gui, like it does RegisterCallback?
As I understand We cannot receive windows messages while WM_ENTERMENULOOP.
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

19 Nov 2022, 17:26

@malcev you can either create your own window procedure with RegisterCallback() and use that instead of OnMessage, or just block WM_ENTERMENULOOP. See [Solved] OnMessage(WM_INITPOPUPMENU) doesn't work.
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

19 Nov 2022, 20:56

Thank You. This successfully blocks WM_ENTERMENULOOP in our gui.

Code: Select all

OnMessage(0x211, "WM_ENTERMENULOOP")
   Return 100
But what We can block when menu from tray is opened?
Also will this code work OK if I replace in RegisterSyncCallback function

Code: Select all

OnMessage(sMsg := 0x8000, Func("RegisterSyncCallback_Msg"))
to this

Code: Select all

global pWndProcOld := DllCall("SetWindowLong" (A_PtrSize=8 ? "Ptr" : ""), "uptr", sHwnd, "int", GWL_WNDPROC := -4, "ptr", RegisterCallback(Func("RegisterSyncCallback_Msg")), "ptr")
And RegisterSyncCallback_Msg will look like this

Code: Select all

RegisterSyncCallback_Msg(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
    global pWndProcOld
    fn := Object(NumGet(lParam + 0))
    paramCount := NumGet(lParam + A_PtrSize, "int")
    params := []
    Loop % paramCount
        params.Push(NumGet(wParam + A_PtrSize * (A_Index-1)))
    return %fn%(params*) + 0*DllCall("CallWindowProc", "ptr", pWndProcOld, "uptr", hWnd, "uint", uMsg, "uptr", wParam, "ptr", lParam)
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

19 Nov 2022, 22:23

malcev wrote:
19 Nov 2022, 20:56
But what We can block when menu from tray is opened?
I think the only way is to intercept the AHK_NOTIFYICON message and show the tray menu yourself by calling TrackPopupMenuEx.

AutoHotkey v2 does not restrict OnMessage in this way.

Also will this code work OK
If you use it, you will find out.
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

04 Dec 2022, 02:59

How to support string parameters?
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

04 Dec 2022, 03:55

The same way as with RegisterCallback. Use StrGet.
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

04 Dec 2022, 05:04

switch to the UI thread callback by responding to the WM_NULL message.

Code: Select all


SetBatchLines -1

global hwnd_main := 0
global WM_NULL := 0x0000
global lp_process_ui_callback := RegisterCallback("process_ui_callback")
global lp_recevie_message := RegisterCallback("recevie_message")
global hThread := 0
global hThread2 := 0
global msg
global exit_flag := 0

global message_queue := []

recevie_message() {

  zmq := new ZeroMQ

  ; keypair := zmq.curve_keypair()
  ; MsgBox, % keypair.1 "`n" keypair.2

  context := zmq.context()
  socket := context.socket(zmq.SUB)

  socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.CURVE_SERVERKEY, "HIm0q5eoJ}Ur7-&prX?y{%wiI3L)I8>ge%sE}l/k", "utf-8")
  socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.CURVE_PUBLICKEY, "YHtx0zuc(ZkWoXaozP*JP+Kg<!#Dt.2S>oNUXn?Y", "utf-8")
  socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.CURVE_SECRETKEY, "{r]PaKZ%WD.q$VAk=E5jMeFkMkSep.Lk]voT/db+", "utf-8")


  filter := "10001"
  socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, filter, "utf-8")

  poller := zmq.poller([[socket, zmq.POLLIN]])


    if (exit_flag == 1)

    socks := poller.poll()

    if (socks[1]) {

      msg := socket.recv_string(zmq.DONTWAIT, "utf-8", false)
      if (msg is integer && msg < 0) {
        if (socket.errno() == zmq.EAGAIN)
        if (socket.errno() == zmq.EINTR)

      thread_id := DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetCurrentThreadId")

      ToolTip, %thread_id%, 200, 200, 2

      SendMessage, WM_NULL, Object(msg), lp_process_ui_callback, , ahk_id %hwnd_main%




  ;MsgBox, % arg1
  thread_id := DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetCurrentThreadId")

  ToolTip, %thread_id%, 500, 200, 3

  msg := Object(object_address)

  GuiControl, Text, TestText, % msg.1 " " msg.2 " " msg.3



Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +hWndhwnd_main
Gui, Add, Text, w1200 vTestText, 等待回调UI
Gui, Add, Button, gStart, Start
Gui, Add, Button, gGoButton, Exit
Gui, Show, w1200 h100,接收zeromq消息

OnMessage(WM_NULL, "ON_WM_NULL")


ON_WM_NULL(wParam, lParam)
  if (lParam != 0 && wParam != 0) {

    DllCall(lParam, "Ptr", wParam)



  if (!hThread)
    hThread := DllCall("CreateThread", Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0, Ptr, lp_recevie_message, Ptr, 0, UInt, 0, Ptr, 0)


  exit_flag := 1
  DllCall("WaitForSingleObject", "PTR", hThread, "UInt", 0xFFFFFFFF)
  DllCall("CloseHandle", "PTR", hThread)

  DllCall("DeleteCriticalSection","Ptr", RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION)


#Include %A_LineFile%\..\..\ZeroMQ\ZeroMQ.ahk

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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

20 Dec 2022, 23:46

@lexikos, can You please explain and may be give some faq how do You get this code?

Code: Select all

        48 89 4c 24 08  ; mov [rsp+8], rcx
        48 89 54'24 10  ; mov [rsp+16], rdx
        4c 89 44 24 18  ; mov [rsp+24], r8
        4c'89 4c 24 20  ; mov [rsp+32], r9
        48 83 ec 28'    ; sub rsp, 40
        4c 8d 44 24 30  ; lea r8, [rsp+48]  (arg 3, &params)
        49 b9 ..        ; mov r9, .. (arg 4, operand to follow)
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Re: RegisterSyncCallback (for multi-threaded APIs)

21 Dec 2022, 00:37

The steps to "getting" that code were:
  1. Understand the calling convention.
  2. Understand the CPU instructions needed to take the parameters and pass them via SendMessage.
  3. Assemble or compile some code, then disassemble it to get the machine code.
  4. Take the machine code and translate it to NumPut calls (see the x64 code), or put it together one instruction at a time with NumPut (see the x86 code).

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