Screen clipping

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by Flowgun » 16 Apr 2023, 17:08

I changed the clipping functions way too much and I integrated them into a bigger software that they're hard for me to extract. Two common mistakes I see all the time are:
- in "SCW_ScreenClip2Win", it's better to set "(v3 < 10 or v4 < 10)" instead of "(v3 < 10 and v4 < 10)". This way, you can cancel clipping if the area is too thin, be it vertically or horizontally, instead of having to move the mouse to a point.
- I believe that "Gdip_Shutdown("pToken")" does nothing. It should be: Gdip_Shutdown(pToken). (no quotations)

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by Flowgun » 16 Apr 2023, 23:11

I also had an issue with the "SM_RotateFlip" plugin because, unlike "sm_resize", which works fine, "SM_RotateFlip" gets the hwnd of any Autohotkey GUI, which made it interfere with my tooltip function that uses Autohotkey GUI too.
The solution is to change the line:
WinGet, hwnd, ID, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
WinGet, hwnd, ID, A
then use it in a directive like this one:
#If WinActive("ScreenClipperWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI")

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by Avastgard » 19 Apr 2023, 08:48

SpeedMaster wrote:
15 Apr 2023, 10:07
New update for Draw Shape plugin: V. 2023 04 15 :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12088&p=517218#p517218
  • Added free hand drawing (Press Shift + Left mouse) 8-)
  • Shortcut to draw a line is moved to Shift + Right mouse
Sweet, thank you very much for this update!

Is your version of the script stable? Mine keeps active, but the hotkey (Win+LButton) stops working all the time. I had to create a separate script with a hotkey to reload this one so I can use it.

EDIT: Also, I think the script would be greatly improved if it automatically copied the clipped image to the clipboard as soon as you finished clipping, without needing to press Ctrl+C or RButton > Copy: Clipboard

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by SpeedMaster » 23 Apr 2023, 14:14

Flowgun wrote:
16 Apr 2023, 17:08
- I believe that "Gdip_Shutdown("pToken")" does nothing. It should be: Gdip_Shutdown(pToken). (no quotations)
Thanks :thumbup:
Flowgun wrote:
16 Apr 2023, 23:11
I also had an issue with the "SM_RotateFlip" plugin because, unlike "sm_resize", which works fine, "SM_RotateFlip" gets the hwnd of any Autohotkey GUI, which made it interfere with my tooltip function that uses Autohotkey GUI too.
@Flowgun Thanks for the suggestions and improvements. I updated the files. :thumbup:


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Re: Screen clipping

Post by SpeedMaster » 23 Apr 2023, 14:37

Avastgard wrote:
19 Apr 2023, 08:48
Is your version of the script stable? Mine keeps active, but the hotkey (Win+LButton) stops working all the time. I had to create a separate script with a hotkey to reload this one so I can use it.
Also, I think the script would be greatly improved if it automatically copied the clipped image to the clipboard as soon as you finished clipping, without needing to press Ctrl+C or RButton > Copy: Clipboard

Yes, my version is stable. (working on AHK Unicode x32 on WIN_7 64bit) :thumbup:
But I think the problem comes from the drawshape plugin.
Do you still have this problem with the last update of the plugin ?
Or, maybe it's another plugin, try to deactivate them one by one to identify the one that causes this problem.


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Re: Screen clipping

Post by SpeedMaster » 23 Apr 2023, 14:40

New updates:

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by Flowgun » 26 Apr 2023, 14:44

my improvements to "Hide Borders Plugin". Added function: ToggleAllBorders()

Code: Select all

Hide Borders Plugin (by Speedmaster) - Improved by Flowgun
File Name : SM_Borders.ahk
version: 1.1 (?)
how to install this plugin ?
1° download FG ScreenClipper at
2° put this plugin in the Lib folder of the main script
2° insert '#Include SM_Borders.ahk' in the 'include section' of the main script ---> RUN_ScreenCLip.ahk


;------------------------------------- Hide/Show active window borders ------------------------------------------------
; function toggle borders
if !(Hwnd)
	WinGet, Hwnd, ID, A
WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_id %Hwnd%
if (Style & 0x2000)  
	return true ; border hidden
	return false ; border NOT hidden

SM_Borders(Hwnd:="") {
	if !(Hwnd)
		WinGet, Hwnd, ID, A
	if BorderHidden(Hwnd){
		WinSet, Style, -0x2000, A
		WinSet, Region, , A 
		return false
	} else  {               ; retore selected
		WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H,  ahk_id %Hwnd%
		W -= 6, H -= 6
		WinSet, Style, +0x2000, A
		WinSet, Region, 3-3 W%W% H%H%, A
		return true

MaxGuis := SCW_Reg("MaxGuis"), StartAfter := SCW_Reg("StartAfter")
	if BorderHidden(){
		Loop, %MaxGuis%  {
			try {
				Gui %StartAfter%: +lastfound
				WinSet, Style, -0x2000
				WinSet, Region,
	   return false	
		Loop, %MaxGuis%  {
			try {
				Gui %StartAfter%: +lastfound
				WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H
				W -= 6, H -= 6
				WinSet, Style, +0x2000
				WinSet, Region, 3-3 W%W% H%H%
	return true

; function to restore all hidden borders
SM_RestoreAllBorders() {
   MaxGuis := SCW_Reg("MaxGuis"), StartAfter := SCW_Reg("StartAfter")
   Loop, %MaxGuis%
	  try {
      Gui %StartAfter%: +lastfound
	  WinSet, Style, -0x2000
      WinSet, Region,
   return false

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by Flowgun » 28 Apr 2023, 20:12

I upgraded SCW_Win2Clipboard() to work with Speedmaster's resizer and Juho's double-click function. SCW_Win2File() can be upgraded by the same way in retrieving pBitmap:

Code: Select all

SCW_Win2Clipboard(DeleteBorders:=1, Hwnd := ""){
pTokenState:= pToken
resized := ""
;; waits for the right click menu to fade out for 0.3 second
if WinExist("ahk_class #32768")
	WinWaitClose, ahk_class #32768,,0.3

if !Hwnd
	WinGet, Hwnd, ID, A
;; identifying the GUI's name (number)
MaxGuis := SCW_Reg("MaxGuis"), i := SCW_Reg("StartAfter")		
Loop % MaxGuis {
	if (SCW_Reg("G" ++i "#HWND") = hwnd) {
		currentgui := i

if !pTokenState
	pToken := Gdip_Startup()

if (FileExist(cachefolder "\" currentGui ".PNG"))
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile( cachefolder "\" currentGui ".PNG" )
else {
	WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H,  ahk_id %Hwnd%
	if (%Hwnd%_Width and %Hwnd%_Height){
		If !(W = %Hwnd%_Width && H = %Hwnd%_Height){
			WinMove, ahk_id %Hwnd%, , , , % %Hwnd%_Width, % %Hwnd%_Height
			if DeleteBorders
				pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(X+3 "|" Y+3 "|" %Hwnd%_Width-6 "|" %Hwnd%_Height-6)
				pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(X "|" Y "|" %Hwnd%_Width "|" %Hwnd%_Height)
			WinMove, ahk_id %Hwnd%, , , , W, H
	if (!pBitmap){
		if DeleteBorders
			X+=3, Y+=3, W-=6, H-=6
			pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(X "|" Y "|" W "|" H)


if !pTokenState
	pToken := Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)
small changes to Juho's function:
- easier way to change size, and changed the default to 50
- double-clicking will restore the window to its original size, if it has any other different size
- Borders are restored to make it easier to spot the minimized window.

Code: Select all

static MinSize:= 50 
	if MouseIsOverWinTitle("ScreenClipperWindow"){
		   WinGet, TempID, , A
		   WinGetPos, , , Temp_Width, Temp_Height, A 
		   If (%TempID%_Width and (Temp_Width != %TempID%_Width or Temp_Height != %TempID%_Height)) {
			  WinMove, A, , , , % %TempID%_Width, % %TempID%_Height
		   } else {
		   %TempID%_Width := Temp_Width
		   %TempID%_Height := Temp_Height
		   WinMove, A, , , , MinSize, MinSize

		WinSet, Region, , A   ; restore hidden borders (if any)

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by Flowgun » 28 Apr 2023, 22:28

Updates to Resizer to also support Juho's double-click function if it's used before resizing, and to maintain GrayScale.
For Grayscale, I use ToGrayscaleI() by Skan since it supports x64bit: viewtopic.php?t=81203
I also use Gdip_All library (but haven't converted everything yet from ImagePut.ahk).
This also moves the window to (0,0) temporarily for the first time so that it can get the whole area, in case the clip is not within the screen's dimensions.
The upgrades I made can be easily added to other functions like SM_Rotate

Code: Select all

Resizer Plugin (by Speedmaster)
Updated by Flowgun
File Name : SM_Resize.ahk
usage: press Ctrl and resize the clip image with the mouse wheel
version: 1.6 (?)
how to install this plugin ?
1° download FG ScreenClipper at
2° download "ImagePut (for v1).ahk" library  at
3° rename it "ImagePut.ahk" and put it in the Lib folder of the main RUN script ---> RUN_ScreenCLip.ahk
4° put the script plugin SM_Resize.ahk in the Lib folder of the main RUN script
5° insert '#Include SM_Resize.ahk' in the 'include section' of the main RUN script 

*/ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;------------------------------------- Resize Up/Down current clip ------------------------------------------------
;dir=  1  resize up
;dir= -1  resize down
; the function returns the scaling value in percent

	global ; zlist, cachefolder

	If !FileExist(CacheFolder){
		FileCreateDir, %CacheFolder%
		if (ErrorLevel)
	WinGet, Hwnd, ID, A
	;; identifying the GUI's name (number)
	MaxGuis := SCW_Reg("MaxGuis"), i := SCW_Reg("StartAfter")		
	Loop % MaxGuis {
		if (SCW_Reg("G" ++i "#HWND") = hwnd) {
			currentgui := i

	WinSet, Region, , A   ; restore hidden borders (if any) before writing image in gui
	WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H,  ahk_id %Hwnd%

	sc:=zlist["Scaled", currentgui]

	pTokenState:= pToken
	if !pTokenState
		pToken := Gdip_Startup()

	img:=CacheFolder "\" currentgui ".png"
	if (FileExist(img))
	else {
		if (%Hwnd%_Width and %Hwnd%_Height){
				W:=%Hwnd%_Width , H := %Hwnd%_Height
			WinMove, ahk_id %Hwnd%, , 0,0, %Hwnd%_Width, %Hwnd%_Height
			pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(3 "|" 3 "|" %Hwnd%_Width-6 "|" %Hwnd%_Height-6)
			WinMove, ahk_id %Hwnd%, ,X,Y, W, H
		} else{
		WinMove, ahk_id %Hwnd%, , 0,0
		pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(3 "|" 3 "|" W-6 "|" H-6)
		WinMove, ahk_id %Hwnd%, , X,Y
		FileName := currentgui ".PNG"
		Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, CacheFolder "\" FileName)
		img:=CacheFolder "\" FileName

	if (dir>0){
	} else if (dir<0){

;; Scaling:
imageput.BitmapScale(pBitmap, sc)

;----- if the image was grayed, we maintain that
if (zlist["grayed",currentgui]) {
	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
	hbitmap2:= ToGrayscale(hBitmap)
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateARGBBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbitmap2)

;; ---------
	if !pTokenState
		pToken := Gdip_Shutdown(pToken)

return round(sc*100) " %"

Posts: 133
Joined: 30 Sep 2016, 21:54

Re: Screen clipping

Post by Avastgard » 06 Jun 2023, 07:33

@SpeedMaster or @Flowgun:

Do you think it would be possible to add a hotkey to cycle through clipped images currently on screen? Having to click each one everytime I want to activate it is kind of bothersome

Thanks for your continued support for this amazing script.

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Joined: 25 Aug 2022, 09:42

Re: Screen clipping

Post by Flowgun » 06 Jun 2023, 08:06

There are different ways to do this. one good way is to use "GroupAdd" to group all of "ScreenClipper" windows, then use "GroupActivate". This would automatically activate the one below.
Sorry I'm too busy to provide you with the code, but you should be able to figure it out by yourself easily.

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by gazmoz17 » 06 Jun 2023, 10:00


Was just about to post this as a new thread after stumbling accross Juho's youtube
I've read back through this thread but I cant find a solution to:

1. Add highlight tool...similar to snipping tool when you can highlight diff colours.
2. Change the save option so I can specify where to save as would a normal screen clipping or at least change the default to location of my choice.
3. Change the Pdf function to work with pdf24

Think the current script is absolutely amazing and such a time saver...just mapped mouse button combo to fire the diff uses and speed it up but Im entry level autohotkey really so dont know how to do the above.

Many Thanks

Posts: 133
Joined: 30 Sep 2016, 21:54

Re: Screen clipping

Post by Avastgard » 07 Jun 2023, 09:48

Flowgun wrote:
06 Jun 2023, 08:06
There are different ways to do this. one good way is to use "GroupAdd" to group all of "ScreenClipper" windows, then use "GroupActivate". This would automatically activate the one below.
Sorry I'm too busy to provide you with the code, but you should be able to figure it out by yourself easily.
Thanks, @Flowgun, that really does help! I've used GroupAdd before and I'll follow your instructions to try to make this hotkey work. Cheers!

Posts: 116
Joined: 08 Aug 2018, 02:46

Re: Screen clipping

Post by anhnha » 30 Jun 2023, 06:09

I have tested the new code with extensions, and they're quite impressive. However, I encountered an issue where the drawing region doesn't function correctly when the monitor's scaling is set to anything other than 100%. I tried the previous solution provided by rommmcek, but unfortunately, it didn't resolve the problem in this case.

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Re: Screen clipping

Post by MoUse_G » 21 Jul 2023, 08:34

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
;~ #Include Gdip.ahk
;~ #Include Tesseract.ahk

SetKeyDelay, -1
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
SetBatchLines, -1

my_docs := "MYDOCUMENTS"

if((A_PtrSize=8&&A_IsCompiled="")||!A_IsUnicode){ ;32 bit=4  ;64 bit=8
    if(!FileExist(correct:=dir "\AutoHotkeyU32.exe")){
	    MsgBox error
    Run,"%correct%" "%A_ScriptName%",%A_ScriptDir%

OnMessage(0x0204, "WM_RBUTTONDOWN")
 Menu, MyMenu, Add, Copy to Clipboard, MenuHandler
 Menu, MyMenu, Add, Open in Paint, MenuHandler
 Menu, MyMenu, Add, Open in PDF, MenuHandler
 Menu, MyMenu, Add, Send by Email, MenuHandler
 Menu, MyMenu, Add, OCR, MenuHandler
 Menu, MyMenu, Add, Save, MenuHandler
 Menu, MyMenu, Add, Close, MenuHandler
 Menu, MyMenu, Show

OnMessage(0x0203, "WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK") ;double click to downsize. Double click again to resize.


   WinGet, TempID, , A
   WinGetPos, , , Temp_Width, Temp_Height, A

   If (Temp_Width = 30 && Temp_Height = 30) {
      WinMove, A, , , , % %TempID%_Width, % %TempID%_Height
   } else {
   %TempID%_Width := Temp_Width
   %TempID%_Height := Temp_Height
   WinMove, A, , , , 30, 30


MouseIsOver(WinTitle) {
    MouseGetPos,,, Win
    return WinExist(WinTitle . " ahk_id " . Win)

;Hotkey to select area
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#If MouseIsOver("ahk_exe chrome.exe")

SCW_ScreenClip2Win(clip:=0) ; set to 1 to auto-copy to clipboard
WinActivate, ScreenClippingWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
SCW_Win2Clipboard2() ; 0 for border in this function, leave empty for no border
pToken := Gdip_Startup()
Tesseract%j%:=new Tesseract()
pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard() ;store pointer to image from clipboard
text:=Tesseract%j%.OCR(pBitmap) ;process image

#IfWinActive, ScreenClippingWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI

WinGet, active_id, PID, ScreenClippingWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
IfWinExist, ahk_pid %active_id%
	WinClose, ahk_pid %active_id%


regexPatternNominal := "Rp\s*([0-9.]+)" ; 28000 or 99.900

if InStr(Text, "Hei,")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "Hei,")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "baru")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames := SubStr(Text, posDari + 5, posDengan - posDari - 6)
		extractedNominal := ""
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal

else if InStr(Text, "gratis")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "dari")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "Sisa")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames := SubStr(Text, posDari + 5, posDengan - posDari - 7)
		extractedNominal := ""
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal

else if InStr(Text, "biaya")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "dari")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "dengan")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames := SubStr(Text, posDari + 5, posDengan - posDari - 6)
		extractedNominal := ""
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		sleep, 200
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal + 100

else if InStr(Text, "detailnya")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "dari")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "Lihat")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames01 := SubStr(Text, posDari + 5, posDengan - posDari - 6)
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal
		sleep, 200

else if InStr(Text, "Hi,")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "Hi,")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "just")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames := SubStr(Text, posDari + 4, posDengan - posDari - 5)
		extractedNominal := ""
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal

else if InStr(Text, "have")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "from")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "have")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames := SubStr(Text, posDari + 4, posDengan - posDari - 10)
		extractedNominal := ""
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal

else if InStr(Text, "with")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "from")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "with")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames := SubStr(Text, posDari + 4, posDengan - posDari - 4)
		extractedNominal := ""
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		sleep, 200
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal + 100

else if InStr(Text, "top up")
    posDari := InStr(Text, "from")
    posDengan := InStr(Text, "See")
    if (posDari > 0 && posDengan > 0)
        extractedNames := SubStr(Text, posDari + 4, posDengan - posDari - 6)
		extractedNominal := ""
		regexMatchNominal := RegExMatch(Text, regexPatternNominal, match)
		extractedNominal := match1
		FinalNominal := StrReplace(extractedNominal, ".", "")
		ResultNominal := FinalNominal

	MsgBox, 262144, ERROR, GOT ERROR, 2

paste() {
if ResultNominal is not number
	MsgBox, 262144, ERROR, Ada Error Copy Nominal`nSilahkan Copy Ulang,

namesArray := StrSplit(extractedNames, " ")
sleep, 200

result := ""

Loop, % namesArray.Length()
	result .= namesArray[A_Index]
	if (A_Index < namesArray.Length())
		result .= " "
combined := ""
Loop, Parse, result, `n, `r
	combined .= A_LoopField . " "
Tooltip, COPIED
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, -1000
if WinExist(my_docs)
	WinActivate ; Use the window found by WinExist.
	WinWaitActive, % my_docs
	sleep, 100
	combined :=  Trim(combined, OmitChars := " `t,.")
	sendinput, % combined
	sleep, 50
	send, {TAB 2}
	sleep, 50
	sendinput, % ResultNominal
	sleep, 50
	send, {ENTER}
	Tooltip, DONE
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, -1000
		MsgBox, 262144, ERROR, %my_docs% not found, 



if (A_ThisMenuItemPos = 1)
 SCW_Win2Clipboard2() ; 0 for border, leave empty for no border

if (A_ThisMenuItemPos = 2)
Winclose, A
Run, mspaint
WinWaitActive, Untitled - Paint
Send, ^v{ESC}

if (A_ThisMenuItemPos = 3)
 SCW_Win2Clipboard2() ; 0 for border in this function, leave empty for no border
 winclose, A

 if (A_ThisMenuItemPos = 4)
 FileToEmail := SCW_Win2File(0, 1, 1)
 winclose, A

if (A_ThisMenuItemPos = 5)
 SCW_Win2Clipboard2() ; 0 for border in this function, leave empty for no border
 pToken := Gdip_Startup()
 Tesseract%j%:=new Tesseract()
 pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard() ;store pointer to image from clipboard
 text:=Tesseract%j%.OCR(pBitmap) ;process image
 MsgBox, 4096, Text Copied to Your Clipboard, % Clipboard:=Text
 ;~ Reload ;not required if j++ is present

if (A_ThisMenuItemPos = 6)
  SCW_Win2File(0, 0, 1)

if (A_ThisMenuItemPos = 7)
 WinClose, A


; SCW Functions ==========================================================================

SCW_Version() {
   return 1.02

SCW_DestroyAllClipWins() {
   MaxGuis := SCW_Reg("MaxGuis"), StartAfter := SCW_Reg("StartAfter")
   Loop, %MaxGuis%
      Gui %StartAfter%: Destroy

SCW_SetUp(Options="") {
   if !(Options = "")
      Loop, Parse, Options, %A_Space%
         Field := A_LoopField
         DotPos := InStr(Field, ".")
         if (DotPos = 0)
         var := SubStr(Field, 1, DotPos-1)
         val := SubStr(Field, DotPos+1)
         if var in StartAfter,MaxGuis,AutoMonitorWM_LBUTTONDOWN,DrawCloseButton,BorderAColor,BorderBColor,SelColor,SelTrans
         %var% := val

   SCW_Default(StartAfter,80), SCW_Default(MaxGuis,20)
   SCW_Default(AutoMonitorWM_LBUTTONDOWN,1), SCW_Default(DrawCloseButton,0)
   SCW_Default(BorderBColor,"FF181818") ; Set Border Color Here (hex8 with no #). The First Color vlaue sets the outline and the Second Color value sets the inner border. Black: FF181818, White: FFFFFFFF. For thin border style remove the first border altogether (i.e. 'SCW_Default(BorderAColor,"Colorcode")' ). For thicker border style add 'SCW_Default(BorderAColor,"FF181818"),' before BorderBColor

   SCW_Default(SelColor,"Yellow"), SCW_Default(SelTrans,80)

   SCW_Reg("MaxGuis", MaxGuis), SCW_Reg("StartAfter", StartAfter), SCW_Reg("DrawCloseButton", DrawCloseButton)
   SCW_Reg("BorderAColor", BorderAColor), SCW_Reg("BorderBColor", BorderBColor)
   SCW_Reg("SelColor", SelColor), SCW_Reg("SelTrans",SelTrans)
   SCW_Reg("WasSetUp", 1)
   if AutoMonitorWM_LBUTTONDOWN
   OnMessage(0x201, "SCW_LBUTTONDOWN")

SCW_ScreenClip2Win(clip=0) {
   static c
   if !(SCW_Reg("WasSetUp"))

   StartAfter := SCW_Reg("StartAfter"), MaxGuis := SCW_Reg("MaxGuis"), SelColor := SCW_Reg("SelColor"), SelTrans := SCW_Reg("SelTrans")
   if (c > MaxGuis)
   c := 1

   GuiNum := StartAfter + c
   Area := SCW_SelectAreaMod("g" GuiNum " c" SelColor " t" SelTrans)
   StringSplit, v, Area, |
   if (v3 < 10 and v4 < 10)   ; too small area

   pToken := Gdip_Startup()
   if pToken =
      MsgBox, 64, GDI+ error, GDI+ failed to start. Please ensure you have GDI+ on your system.

   Sleep, 100
   ;~ MsgBox % Clipboard:=Area
   pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(Area)

   SCW_CreateLayeredWinMod(GuiNum,pBitmap,v1,v2, SCW_Reg("DrawCloseButton"))
if clip=1
 ;********************** added to copy to clipboard by default*********************************
   WinActivate, ScreenClippingWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI ;activates last clipped window
   SCW_Win2Clipboard(0)  ;copies to clipboard by default w/o border
;~ MsgBox on clipboard

SCW_SelectAreaMod(Options="") {
   CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
   MouseGetPos, MX, MY
      loop, parse, Options, %A_Space%
      Field := A_LoopField
      FirstChar := SubStr(Field,1,1)
      if FirstChar contains c,t,g,m
         StringTrimLeft, Field, Field, 1
         %FirstChar% := Field
   c := (c = "") ? "Blue" : c, t := (t = "") ? "50" : t, g := (g = "") ? "99" : g
   Try Gui %g%: Destroy
   Try Gui %g%: +AlwaysOnTop -caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound -DPIScale ;provided from rommmcek 10/23/16
   WinSet, Transparent, %t%
   Gui %g%: Color, %c%
   Hotkey := RegExReplace(A_ThisHotkey,"^(\w* & |\W*)")
   While, (GetKeyState(Hotkey, "p"))
      Sleep, 10
      MouseGetPos, MXend, MYend
      w := abs(MX - MXend), h := abs(MY - MYend)
      X := (MX < MXend) ? MX : MXend
      Y := (MY < MYend) ? MY : MYend
      Gui %g%: Show, x%X% y%Y% w%w% h%h% NA
   Try Gui %g%: Destroy
   MouseGetPos, MXend, MYend
   If ( MX > MXend )
   temp := MX, MX := MXend, MXend := temp
   If ( MY > MYend )
   temp := MY, MY := MYend, MYend := temp
   Return MX "|" MY "|" w "|" h

SCW_CreateLayeredWinMod(GuiNum,pBitmap,x,y,DrawCloseButton=0) {
   static CloseButton := 16
   BorderAColor := SCW_Reg("BorderAColor"), BorderBColor := SCW_Reg("BorderBColor")

   Gui %GuiNum%: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop +OwnDialogs -DPIScale ;+Resize
   Gui %GuiNum%: Show, Na, ScreenClippingWindow
   hwnd := WinExist()

   Width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), Height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
   hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width+6, Height+6), hdc := CreateCompatibleDC(), obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
   G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc), Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4), Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)

   Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmap, 3, 3, Width, Height)

   pPen1 := Gdip_CreatePen("0x" BorderAColor, 3), pPen2 := Gdip_CreatePen("0x" BorderBColor, 1)
   if DrawCloseButton
      Gdip_DrawRectangle(G, pPen1, 1+Width-CloseButton+3, 1, CloseButton, CloseButton)
      Gdip_DrawRectangle(G, pPen2, 1+Width-CloseButton+3, 1, CloseButton, CloseButton)
   Gdip_DrawRectangle(G, pPen1, 1, 1, Width+3, Height+3)
   Gdip_DrawRectangle(G, pPen2, 1, 1, Width+3, Height+3)
   Gdip_DeletePen(pPen1), Gdip_DeletePen(pPen2)

   UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, x-3, y-3, Width+6, Height+6)
   SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hdc), Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G)
   SCW_Reg("G" GuiNum "#HWND", hwnd)
   SCW_Reg("G" GuiNum "#XClose", Width+6-CloseButton)
   SCW_Reg("G" GuiNum "#YClose", CloseButton)
   Return hwnd

   MouseGetPos,,, WinUMID
    WinGetTitle, Title, ahk_id %WinUMID%
   if Title = ScreenClippingWindow
      PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, ahk_id %WinUMID%
      KeyWait, Lbutton
      CoordMode, mouse, Relative
      MouseGetPos, x,y
     XClose := SCW_Reg("G" A_Gui "#XClose"), YClose := SCW_Reg("G" A_Gui "#YClose")
      if (x > XClose and y < YClose)
      Gui %A_Gui%: Destroy
      return 1   ; confirm that click was on module's screen clipping windows

SCW_Reg(variable, value="") {
   if (value = "") {
      yaqxswcdevfr := kxucfp%variable%pqzmdk
      Return yaqxswcdevfr
   kxucfp%variable%pqzmdk = %value%

SCW_Default(ByRef Variable,DefaultValue) {
   if (Variable="")
   Variable := DefaultValue

SCW_Win2Clipboard(KeepBorders=0) {
   /*   ;   does not work for layered windows
   ActiveWinID := WinExist("A")
   pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromHWND(ActiveWinID)
   Send, !{PrintScreen} ; Active Win's client area to Clipboard
   if !KeepBorders
      pToken := Gdip_Startup()
      pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard()
      Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, w, h)
      pBitmap2 := SCW_CropImage(pBitmap, 3, 3, w-6, h-6)
      Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap), Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap2)

SCW_Win2Clipboard2(DeleteBorders:=1, Hwnd := "")
 Sleep 300 ; Right click menu takes time to fade out therefore need to wait until it completely fades out before taking screenshot
	/*   ;   does not work for layered windows
	ActiveWinID := WinExist("A")
	pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromHWND(ActiveWinID)
	if !Hwnd
		WinGet, Hwnd, ID, A
	WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H,  ahk_id %Hwnd%
	if DeleteBorders
		X+=3, Y+=3, W-=6, H-=6
	pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(X "|" Y "|" W "|" H)

SCW_CropImage(pBitmap, x, y, w, h) {
   pBitmap2 := Gdip_CreateBitmap(w, h), G2 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap2)
   Gdip_DrawImage(G2, pBitmap, 0, 0, w, h, x, y, w, h)
   return pBitmap2

;***********Function by Tervon*******************
SCW_Win2File(KeepBorders=0, Email=0, FromMenu=0) {
    Sleep 300 ;sleep to wait till menu fully disappears
   Send, !{PrintScreen} ; Active Win's client area to Clipboard
   sleep 50

   if !KeepBorders
      pToken := Gdip_Startup()
      pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard()
      Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, w, h)
      pBitmap2 := SCW_CropImage(pBitmap, 3, 3, w-6, h-6)

   If(Email=0) {
    Gui +LastFound +OwnDialogs +AlwaysOnTop
	myFileName := A_Now
    ; InputBox, myFileName, , Save File Name As:, , 140, 130, , , , , %A_Now%
    if ErrorLevel
    myFileName := "Capture"

   FilePath:=A_Desktop . "\" . "Clipping" . "\" . myFileName . ".PNG" ;path to file to save

   if !KeepBorders
   Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap2, FilePath) ;Exports automatcially to file
   Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap), Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap2)

   WinClose, A
    ; MsgBox, 4096, , Saved to your Desktop!, 1
	run Explorer "%A_Desktop%\Clipping"

   return FilePath

  ;**********************make sure outlook is running so email will be sent*********************************
  Process, Exist, Outlook.exe    ; check to see if Outlook is running.
     Outlook_pid=%errorLevel%         ; errorlevel equals the PID if active
  If (Outlook_pid = 0)   { ;
  run outlook.exe
  WinWait, Microsoft Outlook, ,3

;**********************Write email*********************************
  olMailItem := 0
      IsObject(MailItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(olMailItem)) ; Get the Outlook application object if Outlook is open
      MailItem  := ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(olMailItem) ; Create if Outlook is not open

  olFormatHTML := 2
  MailItem.BodyFormat := olFormatHTML
  ;~ MailItem.TO := (MailTo)
  ;~ MailItem.CC :=""
  MailItem.Subject := ""

  MailItem.HTMLBody := "
  <HTML><p style='font-family:Calibri'; font-size:11px;></p>
  ;~ MailItem.Attachments.Add(File1) > BMP file format
  MailItem.Display ;
  ;~ Reload

  FileDelete, %FileToEmail%

Clipboard2Acrobat(SavePathPDF:="")		; Adobe Acrobat must be installed
	App := ComObjCreate("AcroExch.App")
	if SavePathPDF
		IfNotExist, %SavePathPDF%
			FileCreateDir, %SavePathPDF%
		FormatTime, TimeStamp ,, yyyy_MM_dd @ HH_mm_ss
		FileName := TimeStamp ".PDF"
		AVDoc := App.GetActiveDoc()
		PVDoc := AVDoc.GetPDDoc()
		PDSaveIncremental		:= 0x0000   ;/* write changes only */
		PDSaveFull						:= 0x0001   ;/* write entire file */
		PDSaveCopy					:= 0x0002   ;/* write copy w/o affecting current state */
		PDSaveLinearized			:= 0x0004   ;/* write the file linearized for */
		PDSaveBinaryOK			:= 0x0010   ;/* OK to store binary in file */
		PDSaveCollectGarbage	:= 0x0020   ;/* perform garbage collection on */|PDSaveLinearized, SavePathPDF FileName)


class Tesseract
;********************jg added- wait for file to exist***********************************
	static leptonica := A_ScriptDir "\bin\leptonica_util\leptonica_util.exe"
	static tesseract := A_ScriptDir "\bin\tesseract\tesseract.exe"
	static tessdata_best := A_ScriptDir "\bin\tesseract\tessdata_best"
	static tessdata_fast := A_ScriptDir "\bin\tesseract\tessdata_fast"

	static file := A_ScriptDir "\mcoc_screenshot.bmp"
	static fileProcessedImage := A_ScriptDir "\mcoc_preprocess.tif"
	static fileConvertedText := A_ScriptDir "\mcoc_text.txt"

	; OCR() can be called directly
	OCR(pBitmap, language:="", options:="")
		this.language := language
		imgFile:= this.toFile(pBitmap, this.file)
		this.preprocess(imgFile, this.fileProcessedImage)
		this.convert_fast(this.fileProcessedImage, this.fileConvertedText, 0, options)
		return, this.cleanup()

	; toFile() - Saves the image as a temporary file.
	toFile(image, outputFile:="")
		Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(image, outputFile)
		While ! FileExist(outputFile) ;Added by Joe Glines on 9/21/2019
			Sleep, 100 ;Added by Joe Glines on 9/21/2019
		return outputFile

	__New(language:="", options:="")
		this.language := language

		FileDelete, % this.file
		FileDelete, % this.fileProcessedImage
		FileDelete, % this.fileConvertedText

	convert_best(in:="", out:="", fast:=0, options:="")

		in := (in) ? in : this.fileProcessedImage
		out := (out) ? out : this.fileConvertedText
		fast := (fast) ? this.tessdata_fast : this.tessdata_best

		if !(FileExist(in))
			throw Exception("Input image for conversion not found.",, in)

		if !(FileExist(this.tesseract))
			throw Exception("Tesseract not found",, this.tesseract)

		static q := Chr(0x22)
		_cmd .= q this.tesseract q " --tessdata-dir " q fast q " " q in q " " q SubStr(out, 1, -4) q
		_cmd .= (options) ? options : " -psm 6"
		_cmd .= (this.language) ? " -l " q this.language q : ""
		_cmd := ComSpec " /C " q _cmd q

		;~ msgbox % _cmd

		RunWait % _cmd,, Hide

		if !(FileExist(out))
			throw Exception("Tesseract failed.",, _cmd)

		return out


	convert_fast(in:="", out:="")
		return this.convert_best(in, out, 1)

	preprocess(in:="", out:="")
		static LEPT_TRUE 				:= ocrPreProcessing := 1
		static negateArg 				:= 2 ; 0=NEGATE_NO,   /* Do not negate image */  1=NEGATE_YES,  /* Force negate */  2=NEGATE_AUTO, /* Automatically negate if border pixels are dark */
		static dark_bg_threshold 		:= 0.5 ; /* From 0.0 to 1.0, with 0 being all white and 1 being all black */
		static performScaleArg 			:= LEPT_TRUE ; true/false
		static scaleFactor 				:= 3.5 ;
		static perform_unsharp_mask 	:= LEPT_TRUE ;
		static usm_halfwidth 			:= 5 ;
		static usm_fract 				:= 2.5 ;
		static perform_otsu_binarize	:= LEPT_TRUE ;
		static otsu_sx					:= 2000 ;
		static otsu_sy					:= 2000 ;
		static otsu_smoothx				:= 0 ;
		static otsu_smoothy				:= 0 ;
		static otsu_scorefract   		:= 0.0 ;

		static q := Chr(0x22)

		in := (in != "") ? in : this.file
		out := (out != "") ? out : this.fileProcessedImage

		if !(FileExist(in))
			throw Exception("Input image for preprocessing not found.",, in)

		if !(FileExist(this.leptonica))
			throw Exception("Leptonica not found",, this.leptonica)

		_cmd .= q this.leptonica q " " q in q " " q out q

		_cmd .= " " negateArg " " dark_bg_threshold
			.	" " performScaleArg " " scaleFactor
			.	" " perform_unsharp_mask " " usm_halfwidth " " usm_fract
			.	" " perform_otsu_binarize  " " otsu_sx " " otsu_sy " " otsu_smoothx " " otsu_smoothy " " otsu_scorefract

		_cmd := ComSpec " /C " q _cmd q

		; leptonica_util.exe in.png out.png  2 0.5  1 3.5  1 5 2.5  1 2000 2000 0 0 0.0  1 */
		RunWait, % _cmd,, Hide

		if !(FileExist(out))
			throw Exception("Preprocessing failed.",, _cmd)

		return out


	read(in:="", lines:="")
		in := (in) ? in : this.fileConvertedText
		database := FileOpen(in, "r`n", "UTF-8")

		if (lines == "")
			text := RegExReplace(database.Read(), "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", "$1")
			text := RegExReplace(text, "(?<!\r)\n", "`r`n")
			while (lines > 0)
				data := database.ReadLine()
				data := RegExReplace(data, "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", "$1")
				if (data != "")
					text .= (text) ? ("`n" . data) : data
				if (!database || database.AtEOF)
		return text

		return, lines)


; Gdip standard library v1.45 by tic (Tariq Porter) 07/09/11
; source:
; Return values for functions specified to have status enumerated return type
; Ok =						= 0
; GenericError				= 1
; InvalidParameter			= 2
; OutOfMemory				= 3
; ObjectBusy				= 4
; InsufficientBuffer		= 5
; NotImplemented			= 6
; Win32Error				= 7
; WrongState				= 8
; Aborted					= 9
; FileNotFound				= 10
; ValueOverflow				= 11
; AccessDenied				= 12
; UnknownImageFormat		= 13
; FontFamilyNotFound		= 14
; FontStyleNotFound			= 15
; NotTrueTypeFont			= 16
; UnsupportedGdiplusVersion	= 17
; GdiplusNotInitialized		= 18
; PropertyNotFound			= 19
; PropertyNotSupported		= 20
; ProfileNotFound			= 21
; UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, x="", y="", w="", h="", Alpha=255)
; BitBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, Raster="")
; StretchBlt(dDC, dx, dy, dw, dh, sDC, sx, sy, sw, sh, Raster="")
; SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
; Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(Screen=0, Raster="")
; CreateRectF(ByRef RectF, x, y, w, h)
; CreateSizeF(ByRef SizeF, w, h)
; CreateDIBSection

; Function:     			UpdateLayeredWindow
; Description:  			Updates a layered window with the handle to the DC of a gdi bitmap
; hwnd        				Handle of the layered window to update
; hdc           			Handle to the DC of the GDI bitmap to update the window with
; Layeredx      			x position to place the window
; Layeredy      			y position to place the window
; Layeredw      			Width of the window
; Layeredh      			Height of the window
; Alpha         			Default = 255 : The transparency (0-255) to set the window transparency
; return      				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes						If x or y omitted, then layered window will use its current coordinates
;							If w or h omitted then current width and height will be used

UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, x="", y="", w="", h="", Alpha=255)
	if ((x != "") && (y != ""))
		VarSetCapacity(pt, 8), NumPut(x, pt, 0), NumPut(y, pt, 4)

	if (w = "") ||(h = "")
		WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id %hwnd%

	return DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow", "uint", hwnd, "uint", 0, "uint", ((x = "") && (y = "")) ? 0 : &pt
	, "int64*", w|h<<32, "uint", hdc, "int64*", 0, "uint", 0, "uint*", Alpha<<16|1<<24, "uint", 2)


; Function				BitBlt
; Description			The BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle
;						of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context.
; dDC					handle to destination DC
; dx					x-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dy					y-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dw					width of the area to copy
; dh					height of the area to copy
; sDC					handle to source DC
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; Raster				raster operation code
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes					If no raster operation is specified, then SRCCOPY is used, which copies the source directly to the destination rectangle
; BLACKNESS				= 0x00000042
; NOTSRCERASE			= 0x001100A6
; NOTSRCCOPY			= 0x00330008
; SRCERASE				= 0x00440328
; DSTINVERT				= 0x00550009
; PATINVERT				= 0x005A0049
; SRCINVERT				= 0x00660046
; SRCAND				= 0x008800C6
; MERGEPAINT			= 0x00BB0226
; MERGECOPY				= 0x00C000CA
; SRCCOPY				= 0x00CC0020
; SRCPAINT				= 0x00EE0086
; PATCOPY				= 0x00F00021
; PATPAINT				= 0x00FB0A09
; WHITENESS				= 0x00FF0062
; CAPTUREBLT			= 0x40000000
; NOMIRRORBITMAP		= 0x80000000

BitBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, Raster="")
	return DllCall("gdi32\BitBlt", "uint", dDC, "int", dx, "int", dy, "int", dw, "int", dh
	, "uint", sDC, "int", sx, "int", sy, "uint", Raster ? Raster : 0x00CC0020)


; Function				StretchBlt
; Description			The StretchBlt function copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle,
;						stretching or compressing the bitmap to fit the dimensions of the destination rectangle, if necessary.
;						The system stretches or compresses the bitmap according to the stretching mode currently set in the destination device context.
; ddc					handle to destination DC
; dx					x-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dy					y-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dw					width of destination rectangle
; dh					height of destination rectangle
; sdc					handle to source DC
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sw					width of source rectangle
; sh					height of source rectangle
; Raster				raster operation code
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes					If no raster operation is specified, then SRCCOPY is used. It uses the same raster operations as BitBlt

StretchBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, sw, sh, Raster="")
	return DllCall("gdi32\StretchBlt", "uint", ddc, "int", dx, "int", dy, "int", dw, "int", dh
	, "uint", sdc, "int", sx, "int", sy, "int", sw, "int", sh, "uint", Raster ? Raster : 0x00CC0020)


; Function				SetStretchBltMode
; Description			The SetStretchBltMode function sets the bitmap stretching mode in the specified device context
; hdc					handle to the DC
; iStretchMode			The stretching mode, describing how the target will be stretched
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is the previous stretching mode. If it fails it will return 0

SetStretchBltMode(hdc, iStretchMode=4)
	return DllCall("gdi32\SetStretchBltMode", "uint", hdc, "int", iStretchMode)


; Function				SetImage
; Description			Associates a new image with a static control
; hwnd					handle of the control to update
; hBitmap				a gdi bitmap to associate the static control with
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero

SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
	SendMessage, 0x172, 0x0, hBitmap,, ahk_id %hwnd%
	E := ErrorLevel
	return E


; Function				SetSysColorToControl
; Description			Sets a solid colour to a control
; hwnd					handle of the control to update
; SysColor				A system colour to set to the control
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is zero
; notes					A control must have the 0xE style set to it so it is recognised as a bitmap
;						By default SysColor=15 is used which is COLOR_3DFACE. This is the standard background for a control
; COLOR_3DFACE					= 15
; COLOR_3DLIGHT					= 22
; COLOR_3DSHADOW				= 16
; COLOR_BTNFACE					= 15
; COLOR_BTNTEXT					= 18
; COLOR_INFOBK					= 24
; COLOR_MENU					= 4
; COLOR_MENUBAR					= 30
; COLOR_WINDOW					= 5

SetSysColorToControl(hwnd, SysColor=15)
   WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id %hwnd%
   bc := DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", SysColor)
   pBrushClear := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xff000000 | (bc >> 16 | bc & 0xff00 | (bc & 0xff) << 16))
   pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(w, h), G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
   Gdip_FillRectangle(G, pBrushClear, 0, 0, w, h)
   hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
   SetImage(hwnd, hBitmap)
   Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G), Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmap), DeleteObject(hBitmap)
   return 0


; Function				Gdip_BitmapFromScreen
; Description			Gets a gdi+ bitmap from the screen
; Screen				0 = All screens
;						Any numerical value = Just that screen
;						x|y|w|h = Take specific coordinates with a width and height
; Raster				raster operation code
; return      			If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap
;						-1:		one or more of x,y,w,h not passed properly
; notes					If no raster operation is specified, then SRCCOPY is used to the returned bitmap

Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(Screen=0, Raster="")
	if (Screen = 0)
		Sysget, x, 76
		Sysget, y, 77
		Sysget, w, 78
		Sysget, h, 79
	else if (SubStr(Screen, 1, 5) = "hwnd:")
		Screen := SubStr(Screen, 6)
		if !WinExist( "ahk_id " Screen)
			return -2
		WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id %Screen%
		x := y := 0
		hhdc := GetDCEx(Screen, 3)
	else if (Screen&1 != "")
		Sysget, M, Monitor, %Screen%
		x := MLeft, y := MTop, w := MRight-MLeft, h := MBottom-MTop
		StringSplit, S, Screen, |
		x := S1, y := S2, w := S3, h := S4

	if (x = "") || (y = "") || (w = "") || (h = "")
		return -1

	chdc := CreateCompatibleDC(), hbm := CreateDIBSection(w, h, chdc), obm := SelectObject(chdc, hbm), hhdc := hhdc ? hhdc : GetDC()
	BitBlt(chdc, 0, 0, w, h, hhdc, x, y, Raster)

	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm)
	SelectObject(chdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hhdc), DeleteDC(chdc)
	return pBitmap


; Function				Gdip_BitmapFromHWND
; Description			Uses PrintWindow to get a handle to the specified window and return a bitmap from it
; hwnd					handle to the window to get a bitmap from
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap
; notes					Window must not be not minimised in order to get a handle to it's client area

	WinGetPos,,, Width, Height, ahk_id %hwnd%
	hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, Height), hdc := CreateCompatibleDC(), obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
	PrintWindow(hwnd, hdc)
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm)
	SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hdc)
	return pBitmap


; Function    			CreateRectF
; Description			Creates a RectF object, containing a the coordinates and dimensions of a rectangle
; RectF       			Name to call the RectF object
; x            			x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
; y            			y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
; w            			Width of the rectangle
; h            			Height of the rectangle
; return      			No return value

CreateRectF(ByRef RectF, x, y, w, h)
   VarSetCapacity(RectF, 16)
   NumPut(x, RectF, 0, "float"), NumPut(y, RectF, 4, "float"), NumPut(w, RectF, 8, "float"), NumPut(h, RectF, 12, "float")


; Function    			CreateRect
; Description			Creates a Rect object, containing a the coordinates and dimensions of a rectangle
; RectF       			Name to call the RectF object
; x            			x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
; y            			y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
; w            			Width of the rectangle
; h            			Height of the rectangle
; return      			No return value

CreateRect(ByRef Rect, x, y, w, h)
	VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16)
	NumPut(x, Rect, 0, "uint"), NumPut(y, Rect, 4, "uint"), NumPut(w, Rect, 8, "uint"), NumPut(h, Rect, 12, "uint")

; Function		    	CreateSizeF
; Description			Creates a SizeF object, containing an 2 values
; SizeF         		Name to call the SizeF object
; w            			w-value for the SizeF object
; h            			h-value for the SizeF object
; return      			No Return value

CreateSizeF(ByRef SizeF, w, h)
   VarSetCapacity(SizeF, 8)
   NumPut(w, SizeF, 0, "float"), NumPut(h, SizeF, 4, "float")

; Function		    	CreatePointF
; Description			Creates a SizeF object, containing an 2 values
; SizeF         		Name to call the SizeF object
; w            			w-value for the SizeF object
; h            			h-value for the SizeF object
; return      			No Return value

CreatePointF(ByRef PointF, x, y)
   VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8)
   NumPut(x, PointF, 0, "float"), NumPut(y, PointF, 4, "float")

; Function				CreateDIBSection
; Description			The CreateDIBSection function creates a DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) that applications can write to directly
; w						width of the bitmap to create
; h						height of the bitmap to create
; hdc					a handle to the device context to use the palette from
; bpp					bits per pixel (32 = ARGB)
; ppvBits				A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the location of the DIB bit values
; return				returns a DIB. A gdi bitmap
; notes					ppvBits will receive the location of the pixels in the DIB

CreateDIBSection(w, h, hdc="", bpp=32, ByRef ppvBits=0)
	hdc2 := hdc ? hdc : GetDC()
	VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0)
	NumPut(w, bi, 4), NumPut(h, bi, 8), NumPut(40, bi, 0), NumPut(1, bi, 12, "ushort"), NumPut(0, bi, 16), NumPut(bpp, bi, 14, "ushort")
	hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "uint" , hdc2, "uint" , &bi, "uint" , 0, "uint*", ppvBits, "uint" , 0, "uint" , 0)

	if !hdc
	return hbm


; Function				PrintWindow
; Description			The PrintWindow function copies a visual window into the specified device context (DC), typically a printer DC
; hwnd					A handle to the window that will be copied
; hdc					A handle to the device context
; Flags					Drawing options
; return				If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value

PrintWindow(hwnd, hdc, Flags=0)
	return DllCall("PrintWindow", "uint", hwnd, "uint", hdc, "uint", Flags)


; Function				DestroyIcon
; Description			Destroys an icon and frees any memory the icon occupied
; hIcon					Handle to the icon to be destroyed. The icon must not be in use
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero

   return DllCall("DestroyIcon", "uint", hIcon)


	return DllCall("PaintDesktop", "uint", hdc)


CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, w, h)
	return DllCall("gdi32\CreateCompatibleBitmap", "uint", hdc, "int", w, "int", h)


; Function				CreateCompatibleDC
; Description			This function creates a memory device context (DC) compatible with the specified device
; hdc					Handle to an existing device context
; return				returns the handle to a device context or 0 on failure
; notes					If this handle is 0 (by default), the function creates a memory device context compatible with the application's current screen

   return DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "uint", hdc)


; Function				SelectObject
; Description			The SelectObject function selects an object into the specified device context (DC). The new object replaces the previous object of the same type
; hdc					Handle to a DC
; hgdiobj				A handle to the object to be selected into the DC
; return				If the selected object is not a region and the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the object being replaced
; notes					The specified object must have been created by using one of the following functions
;						Bitmap - CreateBitmap, CreateBitmapIndirect, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateDIBitmap, CreateDIBSection (A single bitmap cannot be selected into more than one DC at the same time)
;						Brush - CreateBrushIndirect, CreateDIBPatternBrush, CreateDIBPatternBrushPt, CreateHatchBrush, CreatePatternBrush, CreateSolidBrush
;						Font - CreateFont, CreateFontIndirect
;						Pen - CreatePen, CreatePenIndirect
;						Region - CombineRgn, CreateEllipticRgn, CreateEllipticRgnIndirect, CreatePolygonRgn, CreateRectRgn, CreateRectRgnIndirect
; notes					If the selected object is a region and the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following value
; SIMPLEREGION			= 2 Region consists of a single rectangle
; COMPLEXREGION			= 3 Region consists of more than one rectangle
; NULLREGION			= 1 Region is empty

SelectObject(hdc, hgdiobj)
   return DllCall("SelectObject", "uint", hdc, "uint", hgdiobj)


; Function				DeleteObject
; Description			This function deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object
;						After the object is deleted, the specified handle is no longer valid
; hObject				Handle to a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette to delete
; return				Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates that the specified handle is not valid or that the handle is currently selected into a device context

   return DllCall("DeleteObject", "uint", hObject)


; Function				GetDC
; Description			This function retrieves a handle to a display device context (DC) for the client area of the specified window.
;						The display device context can be used in subsequent graphics display interface (GDI) functions to draw in the client area of the window.
; hwnd					Handle to the window whose device context is to be retrieved. If this value is NULL, GetDC retrieves the device context for the entire screen
; return				The handle the device context for the specified window's client area indicates success. NULL indicates failure

	return DllCall("GetDC", "uint", hwnd)


; DCX_CACHE = 0x2
; DCX_NORECOMPUTE = 0x100000
; DCX_VALIDATE = 0x200000
; DCX_WINDOW = 0x1

GetDCEx(hwnd, flags=0, hrgnClip=0)
    return DllCall("GetDCEx", "uint", hwnd, "uint", hrgnClip, "int", flags)


; Function				ReleaseDC
; Description			This function releases a device context (DC), freeing it for use by other applications. The effect of ReleaseDC depends on the type of device context
; hdc					Handle to the device context to be released
; hwnd					Handle to the window whose device context is to be released
; return				1 = released
;						0 = not released
; notes					The application must call the ReleaseDC function for each call to the GetWindowDC function and for each call to the GetDC function that retrieves a common device context
;						An application cannot use the ReleaseDC function to release a device context that was created by calling the CreateDC function; instead, it must use the DeleteDC function.

ReleaseDC(hdc, hwnd=0)
   return DllCall("ReleaseDC", "uint", hwnd, "uint", hdc)


; Function				DeleteDC
; Description			The DeleteDC function deletes the specified device context (DC)
; hdc					A handle to the device context
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero
; notes					An application must not delete a DC whose handle was obtained by calling the GetDC function. Instead, it must call the ReleaseDC function to free the DC

   return DllCall("DeleteDC", "uint", hdc)

; Function				Gdip_LibraryVersion
; Description			Get the current library version
; return				the library version
; notes					This is useful for non compiled programs to ensure that a person doesn't run an old version when testing your scripts

	return 1.45


; Function:    			Gdip_BitmapFromBRA
; Description: 			Gets a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap from a BRA file
; BRAFromMemIn			The variable for a BRA file read to memory
; File					The name of the file, or its number that you would like (This depends on alternate parameter)
; Alternate				Changes whether the File parameter is the file name or its number
; return      			If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a gdi+ bitmap
;						-1 = The BRA variable is empty
;						-2 = The BRA has an incorrect header
;						-3 = The BRA has information missing
;						-4 = Could not find file inside the BRA

Gdip_BitmapFromBRA(ByRef BRAFromMemIn, File, Alternate=0)
	if !BRAFromMemIn
		return -1
	Loop, Parse, BRAFromMemIn, `n
		if (A_Index = 1)
			StringSplit, Header, A_LoopField, |
			if (Header0 != 4 || Header2 != "BRA!")
				return -2
		else if (A_Index = 2)
			StringSplit, Info, A_LoopField, |
			if (Info0 != 3)
				return -3
	if !Alternate
		StringReplace, File, File, \, \\, All
	RegExMatch(BRAFromMemIn, "mi`n)^" (Alternate ? File "\|.+?\|(\d+)\|(\d+)" : "\d+\|" File "\|(\d+)\|(\d+)") "$", FileInfo)
	if !FileInfo
		return -4

	hData := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 2, "uint", FileInfo2)
	pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "uint", hData)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "uint", pData, "uint", &BRAFromMemIn+Info2+FileInfo1, "uint", FileInfo2)
	DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "uint", hData)
	DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "uint", hData, "int", 1, "uint*", pStream)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "uint", pStream, "uint*", pBitmap)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(1*pStream)+8), "uint", pStream)
	return pBitmap


; Function				Gdip_DrawRectangle
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a rectangle into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawRectangle", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a rounded rectangle into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; r						radius of the rounded corners
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, r)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_DrawRectangle(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	return E


; Function				Gdip_DrawEllipse
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of an ellipse into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle the ellipse will be drawn into
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle the ellipse will be drawn into
; w						width of the ellipse
; h						height of the ellipse
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawEllipse(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawEllipse", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_DrawBezier
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a bezier (a weighted curve) into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x1					x-coordinate of the start of the bezier
; y1					y-coordinate of the start of the bezier
; x2					x-coordinate of the first arc of the bezier
; y2					y-coordinate of the first arc of the bezier
; x3					x-coordinate of the second arc of the bezier
; y3					y-coordinate of the second arc of the bezier
; x4					x-coordinate of the end of the bezier
; y4					y-coordinate of the end of the bezier
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawBezier(pGraphics, pPen, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawBezier", "uint", pgraphics, "uint", pPen
   , "float", x1, "float", y1, "float", x2, "float", y2
   , "float", x3, "float", y3, "float", x4, "float", y4)


; Function				Gdip_DrawArc
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of an arc into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the start of the arc
; y						y-coordinate of the start of the arc
; w						width of the arc
; h						height of the arc
; StartAngle			specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the arc
; SweepAngle			specifies the angle between the starting and ending points of the arc
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawArc(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawArc", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x
   , "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "float", StartAngle, "float", SweepAngle)


; Function				Gdip_DrawPie
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw the outline of a pie into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x						x-coordinate of the start of the pie
; y						y-coordinate of the start of the pie
; w						width of the pie
; h						height of the pie
; StartAngle			specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie
; SweepAngle			specifies the angle between the starting and ending points of the pie
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					as all coordinates are taken from the top left of each pixel, then the entire width/height should be specified as subtracting the pen width

Gdip_DrawPie(pGraphics, pPen, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPie", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "float", StartAngle, "float", SweepAngle)


; Function				Gdip_DrawLine
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw a line into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; x1					x-coordinate of the start of the line
; y1					y-coordinate of the start of the line
; x2					x-coordinate of the end of the line
; y2					y-coordinate of the end of the line
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_DrawLine(pGraphics, pPen, x1, y1, x2, y2)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawLine", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen
   , "float", x1, "float", y1, "float", x2, "float", y2)


; Function				Gdip_DrawLines
; Description			This function uses a pen to draw a series of joined lines into the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pPen					Pointer to a pen
; Points				the coordinates of all the points passed as x1,y1|x2,y2|x3,y3.....
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_DrawLines(pGraphics, pPen, Points)
   StringSplit, Points, Points, |
   VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)
   Loop, %Points0%
      StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
      NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawLines", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pPen, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0)


; Function				Gdip_FillRectangle
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a rectangle in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillRectangle", "uint", pGraphics, "int", pBrush
   , "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a rounded rectangle in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the rounded rectangle
; w						width of the rectanlge
; h						height of the rectangle
; r						radius of the rounded corners
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, r)
	Region := Gdip_GetClipRegion(pGraphics)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+w-r, y+h-r, 2*r, 2*r, 4)
	E := Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x-(2*r), y+r, w+(4*r), h-(2*r), 4)
	Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x+r, y-(2*r), w-(2*r), h+(4*r), 4)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y, 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x+w-(2*r), y+h-(2*r), 2*r, 2*r)
	Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, 0)
	return E


; Function				Gdip_FillPolygon
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a polygon in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; Points				the coordinates of all the points passed as x1,y1|x2,y2|x3,y3.....
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					Alternate will fill the polygon as a whole, wheras winding will fill each new "segment"
; Alternate 			= 0
; Winding 				= 1

Gdip_FillPolygon(pGraphics, pBrush, Points, FillMode=0)
   StringSplit, Points, Points, |
   VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)
   Loop, %Points0%
      StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
      NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPolygon", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0, "int", FillMode)


; Function				Gdip_FillPie
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a pie in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the pie
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the pie
; w						width of the pie
; h						height of the pie
; StartAngle			specifies the angle between the x-axis and the starting point of the pie
; SweepAngle			specifies the angle between the starting and ending points of the pie
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillPie(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h, StartAngle, SweepAngle)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPie", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush
   , "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "float", StartAngle, "float", SweepAngle)


; Function				Gdip_FillEllipse
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill an ellipse in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; x						x-coordinate of the top left of the ellipse
; y						y-coordinate of the top left of the ellipse
; w						width of the ellipse
; h						height of the ellipse
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillEllipse(pGraphics, pBrush, x, y, w, h)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillEllipse", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)


; Function				Gdip_FillRegion
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a region in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; Region				Pointer to a Region
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					You can create a region Gdip_CreateRegion() and then add to this

Gdip_FillRegion(pGraphics, pBrush, Region)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillRegion", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "uint", Region)


; Function				Gdip_FillPath
; Description			This function uses a brush to fill a path in the Graphics of a bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBrush				Pointer to a brush
; Region				Pointer to a Path
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_FillPath(pGraphics, pBrush, Path)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipFillPath", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBrush, "uint", Path)


; Function				Gdip_DrawImagePointsRect
; Description			This function draws a bitmap into the Graphics of another bitmap and skews it
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to be drawn
; Points				Points passed as x1,y1|x2,y2|x3,y3 (3 points: top left, top right, bottom left) describing the drawing of the bitmap
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sw					width of source rectangle
; sh					height of source rectangle
; Matrix				a matrix used to alter image attributes when drawing
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					if sx,sy,sw,sh are missed then the entire source bitmap will be used
;						Matrix can be omitted to just draw with no alteration to ARGB
;						Matrix may be passed as a digit from 0 - 1 to change just transparency
;						Matrix can be passed as a matrix with any delimiter

Gdip_DrawImagePointsRect(pGraphics, pBitmap, Points, sx="", sy="", sw="", sh="", Matrix=1)
	StringSplit, Points, Points, |
	VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)
	Loop, %Points0%
		StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
		NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")

	if (Matrix&1 = "")
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix(Matrix)
	else if (Matrix != 1)
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix("1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|" Matrix "|0|0|0|0|0|1")

	if (sx = "" && sy = "" && sw = "" && sh = "")
		sx := 0, sy := 0
		sw := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
		sh := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)

	E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImagePointsRect", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBitmap
	, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0, "float", sx, "float", sy, "float", sw, "float", sh
	, "int", 2, "uint", ImageAttr, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
	if ImageAttr
	return E


; Function				Gdip_DrawImage
; Description			This function draws a bitmap into the Graphics of another bitmap
; pGraphics				Pointer to the Graphics of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to be drawn
; dx					x-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dy					y-coord of destination upper-left corner
; dw					width of destination image
; dh					height of destination image
; sx					x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sy					y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
; sw					width of source image
; sh					height of source image
; Matrix				a matrix used to alter image attributes when drawing
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					if sx,sy,sw,sh are missed then the entire source bitmap will be used
;						Gdip_DrawImage performs faster
;						Matrix can be omitted to just draw with no alteration to ARGB
;						Matrix may be passed as a digit from 0 - 1 to change just transparency
;						Matrix can be passed as a matrix with any delimiter. For example:
;						MatrixBright=
;						(
;						1.5		|0		|0		|0		|0
;						0		|1.5	|0		|0		|0
;						0		|0		|1.5	|0		|0
;						0		|0		|0		|1		|0
;						0.05	|0.05	|0.05	|0		|1
;						)
; notes					MatrixBright = 1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0.05|0.05|0.05|0|1
;						MatrixGreyScale = 0.299|0.299|0.299|0|0|0.587|0.587|0.587|0|0|0.114|0.114|0.114|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1
;						MatrixNegative = -1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1

Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphics, pBitmap, dx="", dy="", dw="", dh="", sx="", sy="", sw="", sh="", Matrix=1)
	if (Matrix&1 = "")
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix(Matrix)
	else if (Matrix != 1)
		ImageAttr := Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix("1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|" Matrix "|0|0|0|0|0|1")

	if (sx = "" && sy = "" && sw = "" && sh = "")
		if (dx = "" && dy = "" && dw = "" && dh = "")
			sx := dx := 0, sy := dy := 0
			sw := dw := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
			sh := dh := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
			sx := sy := 0
			sw := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
			sh := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)

	E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImageRectRect", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", pBitmap
	, "float", dx, "float", dy, "float", dw, "float", dh
	, "float", sx, "float", sy, "float", sw, "float", sh
	, "int", 2, "uint", ImageAttr, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
	if ImageAttr
	return E


; Function				Gdip_SetImageAttributesColorMatrix
; Description			This function creates an image matrix ready for drawing
; Matrix				a matrix used to alter image attributes when drawing
;						passed with any delimeter
; return				returns an image matrix on sucess or 0 if it fails
; notes					MatrixBright = 1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1.5|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0.05|0.05|0.05|0|1
;						MatrixGreyScale = 0.299|0.299|0.299|0|0|0.587|0.587|0.587|0|0|0.114|0.114|0.114|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1
;						MatrixNegative = -1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|-1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1

	VarSetCapacity(ColourMatrix, 100, 0)
	Matrix := RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Matrix, "^[^\d-\.]+([\d\.])", "$1", "", 1), "[^\d-\.]+", "|")
	StringSplit, Matrix, Matrix, |
	Loop, 25
		Matrix := (Matrix%A_Index% != "") ? Matrix%A_Index% : Mod(A_Index-1, 6) ? 0 : 1
		NumPut(Matrix, ColourMatrix, (A_Index-1)*4, "float")
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "uint*", ImageAttr)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix", "uint", ImageAttr, "int", 1, "int", 1, "uint", &ColourMatrix, "int", 0, "int", 0)
	return ImageAttr


; Function				Gdip_GraphicsFromImage
; Description			This function gets the graphics for a bitmap used for drawing functions
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to get the pointer to its graphics
; return				returns a pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; notes					a bitmap can be drawn into the graphics of another bitmap

    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", pGraphics)
    return pGraphics


; Function				Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC
; Description			This function gets the graphics from the handle to a device context
; hdc					This is the handle to the device context
; return				returns a pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; notes					You can draw a bitmap into the graphics of another bitmap

    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFromHDC", "uint", hdc, "uint*", pGraphics)
    return pGraphics


; Function				Gdip_GetDC
; Description			This function gets the device context of the passed Graphics
; hdc					This is the handle to the device context
; return				returns the device context for the graphics of a bitmap

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetDC", "uint", pGraphics, "uint*", hdc)
	return hdc


; Function				Gdip_ReleaseDC
; Description			This function releases a device context from use for further use
; pGraphics				Pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; hdc					This is the handle to the device context
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_ReleaseDC(pGraphics, hdc)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipReleaseDC", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", hdc)


; Function				Gdip_GraphicsClear
; Description			Clears the graphics of a bitmap ready for further drawing
; pGraphics				Pointer to the graphics of a bitmap
; ARGB					The colour to clear the graphics to
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success
; notes					By default this will make the background invisible
;						Using clipping regions you can clear a particular area on the graphics rather than clearing the entire graphics

Gdip_GraphicsClear(pGraphics, ARGB=0x00ffffff)
    return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGraphicsClear", "uint", pGraphics, "int", ARGB)


; Function				Gdip_BlurBitmap
; Description			Gives a pointer to a blurred bitmap from a pointer to a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap to be blurred
; Blur					The Amount to blur a bitmap by from 1 (least blur) to 100 (most blur)
; return				If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the new blurred bitmap
;						-1 = The blur parameter is outside the range 1-100
; notes					This function will not dispose of the original bitmap

Gdip_BlurBitmap(pBitmap, Blur)
	if (Blur > 100) || (Blur < 1)
		return -1

	sWidth := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), sHeight := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
	dWidth := sWidth//Blur, dHeight := sHeight//Blur

	pBitmap1 := Gdip_CreateBitmap(dWidth, dHeight)
	G1 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap1)
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G1, 7)
	Gdip_DrawImage(G1, pBitmap, 0, 0, dWidth, dHeight, 0, 0, sWidth, sHeight)


	pBitmap2 := Gdip_CreateBitmap(sWidth, sHeight)
	G2 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap2)
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G2, 7)
	Gdip_DrawImage(G2, pBitmap1, 0, 0, sWidth, sHeight, 0, 0, dWidth, dHeight)

	return pBitmap2


; Function:     		Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile
; Description:  		Saves a bitmap to a file in any supported format onto disk
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; sOutput      			The name of the file that the bitmap will be saved to. Supported extensions are: .BMP,.DIB,.RLE,.JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF,.GIF,.TIF,.TIFF,.PNG
; Quality      			If saving as jpg (.JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF) then quality can be 1-100 with default at maximum quality
; return      			If the function succeeds, the return value is zero, otherwise:
;						-1 = Extension supplied is not a supported file format
;						-2 = Could not get a list of encoders on system
;						-3 = Could not find matching encoder for specified file format
;						-4 = Could not get WideChar name of output file
;						-5 = Could not save file to disk
; notes					This function will use the extension supplied from the sOutput parameter to determine the output format

Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, sOutput, Quality=75)
	SplitPath, sOutput,,, Extension
		return -1
	Extension := "." Extension

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "uint*", nCount, "uint*", nSize)
	VarSetCapacity(ci, nSize)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "uint", nCount, "uint", nSize, "uint", &ci)
	if !(nCount && nSize)
		return -2

	Loop, %nCount%
		Location := NumGet(ci, 76*(A_Index-1)+44)
		if !A_IsUnicode
			nSize := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", Location, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int",  0, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
			VarSetCapacity(sString, nSize)
			DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", Location, "int", -1, "str", sString, "int", nSize, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
			if !InStr(sString, "*" Extension)
			nSize := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", Location, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int",  0, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
			sString := ""
			Loop, %nSize%
				sString .= Chr(NumGet(Location+0, 2*(A_Index-1), "char"))
			if !InStr(sString, "*" Extension)
		pCodec := &ci+76*(A_Index-1)
	if !pCodec
		return -3

	if (Quality != 75)
		Quality := (Quality < 0) ? 0 : (Quality > 100) ? 100 : Quality
		if Extension in .JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", pCodec, "uint*", nSize)
			VarSetCapacity(EncoderParameters, nSize, 0)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", pCodec, "uint", nSize, "uint", &EncoderParameters)
			Loop, % NumGet(EncoderParameters)      ;%
				if (NumGet(EncoderParameters, (28*(A_Index-1))+20) = 1) && (NumGet(EncoderParameters, (28*(A_Index-1))+24) = 6)
				   p := (28*(A_Index-1))+&EncoderParameters
				   NumPut(Quality, NumGet(NumPut(4, NumPut(1, p+0)+20)))

	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sOutput, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wOutput, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sOutput, "int", -1, "uint", &wOutput, "int", nSize)
		VarSetCapacity(wOutput, -1)
		if !VarSetCapacity(wOutput)
			return -4
		E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", &wOutput, "uint", pCodec, "uint", p ? p : 0)
		E := DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", &sOutput, "uint", pCodec, "uint", p ? p : 0)
	return E ? -5 : 0


; Function				Gdip_GetPixel
; Description			Gets the ARGB of a pixel in a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; x						x-coordinate of the pixel
; y						y-coordinate of the pixel
; return				Returns the ARGB value of the pixel

Gdip_GetPixel(pBitmap, x, y)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapGetPixel", "uint", pBitmap, "int", x, "int", y, "uint*", ARGB)
	return ARGB


; Function				Gdip_SetPixel
; Description			Sets the ARGB of a pixel in a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; x						x-coordinate of the pixel
; y						y-coordinate of the pixel
; return				status enumeration. 0 = success

Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x, y, ARGB)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapSetPixel", "uint", pBitmap, "int", x, "int", y, "int", ARGB)


; Function				Gdip_GetImageWidth
; Description			Gives the width of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; return				Returns the width in pixels of the supplied bitmap

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Width)
   return Width


; Function				Gdip_GetImageHeight
; Description			Gives the height of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; return				Returns the height in pixels of the supplied bitmap

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Height)
   return Height


; Function				Gdip_GetDimensions
; Description			Gives the width and height of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; Width					ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the width of the bitmap
; Height				ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the height of the bitmap
; return				No return value
;						Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, ThisWidth, ThisHeight) will set ThisWidth to the width and ThisHeight to the height

Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, ByRef Width, ByRef Height)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Width)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Height)


Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, ByRef Width, ByRef Height)
	Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, Width, Height)


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", Format)
	return Format


; Function				Gdip_GetDpiX
; Description			Gives the horizontal dots per inch of the graphics of a bitmap
; pBitmap				Pointer to a bitmap
; Width					ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the width of the bitmap
; Height				ByRef variable. This variable will be set to the height of the bitmap
; return				No return value
;						Gdip_GetDimensions(pBitmap, ThisWidth, ThisHeight) will set ThisWidth to the width and ThisHeight to the height

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetDpiX", "uint", pGraphics, "float*", dpix)
	return Round(dpix)


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetDpiY", "uint", pGraphics, "float*", dpiy)
	return Round(dpiy)


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution", "uint", pBitmap, "float*", dpix)
	return Round(dpix)


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageVerticalResolution", "uint", pBitmap, "float*", dpiy)
	return Round(dpiy)


Gdip_BitmapSetResolution(pBitmap, dpix, dpiy)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapSetResolution", "uint", pBitmap, "float", dpix, "float", dpiy)


Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(sFile, IconNumber=1, IconSize="")
	SplitPath, sFile,,, ext
	if ext in exe,dll
		Sizes := IconSize ? IconSize : 256 "|" 128 "|" 64 "|" 48 "|" 32 "|" 16
		VarSetCapacity(buf, 40)
		Loop, Parse, Sizes, |
			DllCall("PrivateExtractIcons", "str", sFile, "int", IconNumber-1, "int", A_LoopField, "int", A_LoopField, "uint*", hIcon, "uint*", 0, "uint", 1, "uint", 0)
			if !hIcon

			if !DllCall("GetIconInfo", "uint", hIcon, "uint", &buf)
			hbmColor := NumGet(buf, 16)
			hbmMask  := NumGet(buf, 12)

			if !(hbmColor && DllCall("GetObject", "uint", hbmColor, "int", 24, "uint", &buf))
		if !hIcon
			return -1

		Width := NumGet(buf, 4, "int"),  Height := NumGet(buf, 8, "int")
		hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, -Height), hdc := CreateCompatibleDC(), obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)

		if !DllCall("DrawIconEx", "uint", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", hIcon, "uint", Width, "uint", Height, "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", 3)
			return -2

		VarSetCapacity(dib, 84)
		DllCall("GetObject", "uint", hbm, "int", 84, "uint", &dib)
		Stride := NumGet(dib, 12), Bits := NumGet(dib, 20)

		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", Stride, "int", 0x26200A, "uint", Bits, "uint*", pBitmapOld)
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(Width, Height), G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
		Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmapOld, 0, 0, Width, Height, 0, 0, Width, Height)
		SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hdc)
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G), Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmapOld)
		if !A_IsUnicode
			VarSetCapacity(wFile, 1023)
			DllCall("kernel32\MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sFile, "int", -1, "uint", &wFile, "int", 512)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "uint", &wFile, "uint*", pBitmap)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "uint", &sFile, "uint*", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap


Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hBitmap, Palette=0)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "uint", hBitmap, "uint", Palette, "uint*", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap


Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap, Background=0xffffffff)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", hbm, "int", Background)
	return hbm


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON", "uint", hIcon, "uint*", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap", "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", hIcon)
	return hIcon


Gdip_CreateBitmap(Width, Height, Format=0x26200A)
    DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", 0, "int", Format, "uint", 0, "uint*", pBitmap)
    Return pBitmap


	if !DllCall("OpenClipboard", "uint", 0)
		return -1
	if !DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", 8)
		return -2
	if !hBitmap := DllCall("GetClipboardData", "uint", 2)
		return -3
	if !pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hBitmap)
		return -4
	if !DllCall("CloseClipboard")
		return -5
	return pBitmap


	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap)
	DllCall("GetObject", "uint", hBitmap, "int", VarSetCapacity(oi, 84, 0), "uint", &oi)
	hdib := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 2, "uint", 40+NumGet(oi, 44))
	pdib := DllCall("GlobalLock", "uint", hdib)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "uint", pdib, "uint", &oi+24, "uint", 40)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", pdib+40, "Uint", NumGet(oi, 20), "uint", NumGet(oi, 44))
	DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "uint", hdib)
	DllCall("DeleteObject", "uint", hBitmap)
	DllCall("OpenClipboard", "uint", 0)
	DllCall("SetClipboardData", "uint", 8, "uint", hdib)


Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pBitmap, x, y, w, h, Format=0x26200A)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneBitmapArea", "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h
	, "int", Format, "uint", pBitmap, "uint*", pBitmapDest)
	return pBitmapDest

; Create resources

Gdip_CreatePen(ARGB, w)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePen1", "int", ARGB, "float", w, "int", 2, "uint*", pPen)
   return pPen


Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush(pBrush, w)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePen2", "uint", pBrush, "float", w, "int", 2, "uint*", pPen)
	return pPen


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateSolidFill", "int", ARGB, "uint*", pBrush)
	return pBrush


; HatchStyleHorizontal = 0
; HatchStyleVertical = 1
; HatchStyleForwardDiagonal = 2
; HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal = 3
; HatchStyleCross = 4
; HatchStyleDiagonalCross = 5
; HatchStyle05Percent = 6
; HatchStyle10Percent = 7
; HatchStyle20Percent = 8
; HatchStyle25Percent = 9
; HatchStyle30Percent = 10
; HatchStyle40Percent = 11
; HatchStyle50Percent = 12
; HatchStyle60Percent = 13
; HatchStyle70Percent = 14
; HatchStyle75Percent = 15
; HatchStyle80Percent = 16
; HatchStyle90Percent = 17
; HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal = 18
; HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal = 19
; HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal = 20
; HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal = 21
; HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal = 22
; HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal = 23
; HatchStyleLightVertical = 24
; HatchStyleLightHorizontal = 25
; HatchStyleNarrowVertical = 26
; HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal = 27
; HatchStyleDarkVertical = 28
; HatchStyleDarkHorizontal = 29
; HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal = 30
; HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal = 31
; HatchStyleDashedHorizontal = 32
; HatchStyleDashedVertical = 33
; HatchStyleSmallConfetti = 34
; HatchStyleLargeConfetti = 35
; HatchStyleZigZag = 36
; HatchStyleWave = 37
; HatchStyleDiagonalBrick = 38
; HatchStyleHorizontalBrick = 39
; HatchStyleWeave = 40
; HatchStylePlaid = 41
; HatchStyleDivot = 42
; HatchStyleDottedGrid = 43
; HatchStyleDottedDiamond = 44
; HatchStyleShingle = 45
; HatchStyleTrellis = 46
; HatchStyleSphere = 47
; HatchStyleSmallGrid = 48
; HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard = 49
; HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard = 50
; HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond = 51
; HatchStyleSolidDiamond = 52
; HatchStyleTotal = 53
Gdip_BrushCreateHatch(ARGBfront, ARGBback, HatchStyle=0)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHatchBrush", "int", HatchStyle, "int", ARGBfront, "int", ARGBback, "uint*", pBrush)
	return pBrush


Gdip_CreateTextureBrush(pBitmap, WrapMode=1, x=0, y=0, w="", h="")
	if !(w && h)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateTexture", "uint", pBitmap, "int", WrapMode, "uint*", pBrush)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateTexture2", "uint", pBitmap, "int", WrapMode, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "uint*", pBrush)
	return pBrush


; WrapModeTile = 0
; WrapModeTileFlipX = 1
; WrapModeTileFlipY = 2
; WrapModeTileFlipXY = 3
; WrapModeClamp = 4
Gdip_CreateLineBrush(x1, y1, x2, y2, ARGB1, ARGB2, WrapMode=1)
	CreatePointF(PointF1, x1, y1), CreatePointF(PointF2, x2, y2)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateLineBrush", "uint", &PointF1, "uint", &PointF2, "int", ARGB1, "int", ARGB2, "int", WrapMode, "uint*", LGpBrush)
	return LGpBrush


; LinearGradientModeHorizontal = 0
; LinearGradientModeVertical = 1
; LinearGradientModeForwardDiagonal = 2
; LinearGradientModeBackwardDiagonal = 3
Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect(x, y, w, h, ARGB1, ARGB2, LinearGradientMode=1, WrapMode=1)
	CreateRectF(RectF, x, y, w, h)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect", "uint", &RectF, "int", ARGB1, "int", ARGB2, "int", LinearGradientMode, "int", WrapMode, "uint*", LGpBrush)
	return LGpBrush


	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneBrush", "uint", pBrush, "uint*", pBrushClone)
	return pBrushClone

; Delete resources

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeletePen", "uint", pPen)


   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteBrush", "uint", pBrush)


   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "uint", pBitmap)


   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "uint", pGraphics)


	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "uint", ImageAttr)


   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFont", "uint", hFont)


   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteStringFormat", "uint", hFormat)


   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteFontFamily", "uint", hFamily)


   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteMatrix", "uint", Matrix)

; Text functions

Gdip_TextToGraphics(pGraphics, Text, Options, Font="Arial", Width="", Height="", Measure=0)
	IWidth := Width, IHeight:= Height

	RegExMatch(Options, "i)X([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", xpos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", ypos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Width)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)H([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Height)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)C(?!(entre|enter))([a-f\d]+)", Colour)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)Top|Up|Bottom|Down|vCentre|vCenter", vPos)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)NoWrap", NoWrap)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)R(\d)", Rendering)
	RegExMatch(Options, "i)S(\d+)(p*)", Size)

	if !Gdip_DeleteBrush(Gdip_CloneBrush(Colour2))
		PassBrush := 1, pBrush := Colour2

	if !(IWidth && IHeight) && (xpos2 || ypos2 || Width2 || Height2 || Size2)
		return -1

	Style := 0, Styles := "Regular|Bold|Italic|BoldItalic|Underline|Strikeout"
	Loop, Parse, Styles, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
		Style |= (A_LoopField != "StrikeOut") ? (A_Index-1) : 8

	Align := 0, Alignments := "Near|Left|Centre|Center|Far|Right"
	Loop, Parse, Alignments, |
		if RegExMatch(Options, "\b" A_loopField)
			Align |= A_Index//2.1      ; 0|0|1|1|2|2

	xpos := (xpos1 != "") ? xpos2 ? IWidth*(xpos1/100) : xpos1 : 0
	ypos := (ypos1 != "") ? ypos2 ? IHeight*(ypos1/100) : ypos1 : 0
	Width := Width1 ? Width2 ? IWidth*(Width1/100) : Width1 : IWidth
	Height := Height1 ? Height2 ? IHeight*(Height1/100) : Height1 : IHeight
	if !PassBrush
		Colour := "0x" (Colour2 ? Colour2 : "ff000000")
	Rendering := ((Rendering1 >= 0) && (Rendering1 <= 5)) ? Rendering1 : 4
	Size := (Size1 > 0) ? Size2 ? IHeight*(Size1/100) : Size1 : 12

	hFamily := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(Font)
	hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style)
	FormatStyle := NoWrap ? 0x4000 | 0x1000 : 0x4000
	hFormat := Gdip_StringFormatCreate(FormatStyle)
	pBrush := PassBrush ? pBrush : Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(Colour)
	if !(hFamily && hFont && hFormat && pBrush && pGraphics)
		return !pGraphics ? -2 : !hFamily ? -3 : !hFont ? -4 : !hFormat ? -5 : !pBrush ? -6 : 0

	CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, Height)
	Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
	Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, Rendering)
	ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if vPos
		StringSplit, ReturnRC, ReturnRC, |

		if (vPos = "vCentre") || (vPos = "vCenter")
			ypos += (Height-ReturnRC4)//2
		else if (vPos = "Top") || (vPos = "Up")
			ypos := 0
		else if (vPos = "Bottom") || (vPos = "Down")
			ypos := Height-ReturnRC4

		CreateRectF(RC, xpos, ypos, Width, ReturnRC4)
		ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)

	if !Measure
		E := Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, RC)

	if !PassBrush
	return E ? E : ReturnRC


Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, ByRef RectF)
	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", &wString, "int", nSize)
		return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &wString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", pBrush)
		return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", pBrush)


Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, sString, hFont, hFormat, ByRef RectF)
	VarSetCapacity(RC, 16)
	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", &wString, "int", nSize)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipMeasureString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &wString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", &RC, "uint*", Chars, "uint*", Lines)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipMeasureString", "uint", pGraphics
		, "uint", &sString, "int", -1, "uint", hFont, "uint", &RectF, "uint", hFormat, "uint", &RC, "uint*", Chars, "uint*", Lines)
	return &RC ? NumGet(RC, 0, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 4, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 8, "float") "|" NumGet(RC, 12, "float") "|" Chars "|" Lines : 0

; Near = 0
; Center = 1
; Far = 2
Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, Align)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetStringFormatAlign", "uint", hFormat, "int", Align)

; StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft    = 0x00000001
; StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical       = 0x00000002
; StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox           = 0x00000004
; StringFormatFlagsDisplayFormatControl    = 0x00000020
; StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback          = 0x00000400
; StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces   = 0x00000800
; StringFormatFlagsNoWrap                  = 0x00001000
; StringFormatFlagsLineLimit               = 0x00002000
; StringFormatFlagsNoClip                  = 0x00004000
Gdip_StringFormatCreate(Format=0, Lang=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateStringFormat", "int", Format, "int", Lang, "uint*", hFormat)
   return hFormat

; Regular = 0
; Bold = 1
; Italic = 2
; BoldItalic = 3
; Underline = 4
; Strikeout = 8
Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, Size, Style=0)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFont", "uint", hFamily, "float", Size, "int", Style, "int", 0, "uint*", hFont)
   return hFont

	if !A_IsUnicode
		nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &Font, "int", -1, "uint", 0, "int", 0)
		VarSetCapacity(wFont, nSize*2)
		DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", &Font, "int", -1, "uint", &wFont, "int", nSize)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName", "uint", &wFont, "uint", 0, "uint*", hFamily)
		DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName", "uint", &Font, "uint", 0, "uint*", hFamily)
	return hFamily

; Matrix functions

Gdip_CreateAffineMatrix(m11, m12, m21, m22, x, y)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateMatrix2", "float", m11, "float", m12, "float", m21, "float", m22, "float", x, "float", y, "uint*", Matrix)
   return Matrix

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateMatrix", "uint*", Matrix)
   return Matrix

; GraphicsPath functions

; Alternate = 0
; Winding = 1
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePath", "int", BrushMode, "uint*", Path)
	return Path

Gdip_AddPathEllipse(Path, x, y, w, h)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathEllipse", "uint", Path, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h)

Gdip_AddPathPolygon(Path, Points)
	StringSplit, Points, Points, |
	VarSetCapacity(PointF, 8*Points0)
	Loop, %Points0%
		StringSplit, Coord, Points%A_Index%, `,
		NumPut(Coord1, PointF, 8*(A_Index-1), "float"), NumPut(Coord2, PointF, (8*(A_Index-1))+4, "float")

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathPolygon", "uint", Path, "uint", &PointF, "int", Points0)

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeletePath", "uint", Path)

; Quality functions

; SystemDefault = 0
; SingleBitPerPixelGridFit = 1
; SingleBitPerPixel = 2
; AntiAliasGridFit = 3
; AntiAlias = 4
Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, RenderingHint)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetTextRenderingHint", "uint", pGraphics, "int", RenderingHint)

; Default = 0
; LowQuality = 1
; HighQuality = 2
; Bilinear = 3
; Bicubic = 4
; NearestNeighbor = 5
; HighQualityBilinear = 6
; HighQualityBicubic = 7
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(pGraphics, InterpolationMode)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "uint", pGraphics, "int", InterpolationMode)

; Default = 0
; HighSpeed = 1
; HighQuality = 2
; None = 3
; AntiAlias = 4
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, SmoothingMode)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetSmoothingMode", "uint", pGraphics, "int", SmoothingMode)

; CompositingModeSourceOver = 0 (blended)
; CompositingModeSourceCopy = 1 (overwrite)
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphics, CompositingMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetCompositingMode", "uint", pGraphics, "int", CompositingMode)

; Extra functions

	if !DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus")
		DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus")
	VarSetCapacity(si, 16, 0), si := Chr(1)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", "uint*", pToken, "uint", &si, "uint", 0)
	return pToken

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", "uint", pToken)
	if hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus")
		DllCall("FreeLibrary", "uint", hModule)
	return 0

; Prepend = 0; The new operation is applied before the old operation.
; Append = 1; The new operation is applied after the old operation.
Gdip_RotateWorldTransform(pGraphics, Angle, MatrixOrder=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipRotateWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics, "float", Angle, "int", MatrixOrder)

Gdip_ScaleWorldTransform(pGraphics, x, y, MatrixOrder=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipScaleWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "int", MatrixOrder)

Gdip_TranslateWorldTransform(pGraphics, x, y, MatrixOrder=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipTranslateWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "int", MatrixOrder)

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipResetWorldTransform", "uint", pGraphics)

Gdip_GetRotatedTranslation(Width, Height, Angle, ByRef xTranslation, ByRef yTranslation)
	pi := 3.14159, TAngle := Angle*(pi/180)

	Bound := (Angle >= 0) ? Mod(Angle, 360) : 360-Mod(-Angle, -360)
	if ((Bound >= 0) && (Bound <= 90))
		xTranslation := Height*Sin(TAngle), yTranslation := 0
	else if ((Bound > 90) && (Bound <= 180))
		xTranslation := (Height*Sin(TAngle))-(Width*Cos(TAngle)), yTranslation := -Height*Cos(TAngle)
	else if ((Bound > 180) && (Bound <= 270))
		xTranslation := -(Width*Cos(TAngle)), yTranslation := -(Height*Cos(TAngle))-(Width*Sin(TAngle))
	else if ((Bound > 270) && (Bound <= 360))
		xTranslation := 0, yTranslation := -Width*Sin(TAngle)

Gdip_GetRotatedDimensions(Width, Height, Angle, ByRef RWidth, ByRef RHeight)
	pi := 3.14159, TAngle := Angle*(pi/180)
	if !(Width && Height)
		return -1
	RWidth := Ceil(Abs(Width*Cos(TAngle))+Abs(Height*Sin(TAngle)))
	RHeight := Ceil(Abs(Width*Sin(TAngle))+Abs(Height*Cos(Tangle)))

; RotateNoneFlipNone   = 0
; Rotate90FlipNone     = 1
; Rotate180FlipNone    = 2
; Rotate270FlipNone    = 3
; RotateNoneFlipX      = 4
; Rotate90FlipX        = 5
; Rotate180FlipX       = 6
; Rotate270FlipX       = 7
; RotateNoneFlipY      = Rotate180FlipX
; Rotate90FlipY        = Rotate270FlipX
; Rotate180FlipY       = RotateNoneFlipX
; Rotate270FlipY       = Rotate90FlipX
; RotateNoneFlipXY     = Rotate180FlipNone
; Rotate90FlipXY       = Rotate270FlipNone
; Rotate180FlipXY      = RotateNoneFlipNone
; Rotate270FlipXY      = Rotate90FlipNone

Gdip_ImageRotateFlip(pBitmap, RotateFlipType=1)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipImageRotateFlip", "uint", pBitmap, "int", RotateFlipType)

; Replace = 0
; Intersect = 1
; Union = 2
; Xor = 3
; Exclude = 4
; Complement = 5
Gdip_SetClipRect(pGraphics, x, y, w, h, CombineMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRect", "uint", pGraphics, "float", x, "float", y, "float", w, "float", h, "int", CombineMode)

Gdip_SetClipPath(pGraphics, Path, CombineMode=0)
   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipPath", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", Path, "int", CombineMode)

   return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipResetClip", "uint", pGraphics)

	Region := Gdip_CreateRegion()
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetClip", "uint" pGraphics, "uint*", Region)
	return Region

Gdip_SetClipRegion(pGraphics, Region, CombineMode=0)
	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetClipRegion", "uint", pGraphics, "uint", Region, "int", CombineMode)

	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateRegion", "uint*", Region)
	return Region

	return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteRegion", "uint", Region)

; BitmapLockBits

Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, x, y, w, h, ByRef Stride, ByRef Scan0, ByRef BitmapData, LockMode = 3, PixelFormat = 0x26200a)
	CreateRect(Rect, x, y, w, h)
	VarSetCapacity(BitmapData, 21, 0)
	E := DllCall("Gdiplus\GdipBitmapLockBits", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", &Rect, "uint", LockMode, "int", PixelFormat, "uint", &BitmapData)
	Stride := NumGet(BitmapData, 8)
	Scan0 := NumGet(BitmapData, 16)
	return E


Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, ByRef BitmapData)
	return DllCall("Gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "uint", pBitmap, "uint", &BitmapData)


Gdip_SetLockBitPixel(ARGB, Scan0, x, y, Stride)
	Numput(ARGB, Scan0+0, (x*4)+(y*Stride))


Gdip_GetLockBitPixel(Scan0, x, y, Stride)
	return NumGet(Scan0+0, (x*4)+(y*Stride))


Gdip_PixelateBitmap(pBitmap, ByRef pBitmapOut, BlockSize)
	static PixelateBitmap
	if !PixelateBitmap
		MCode_PixelateBitmap := "83EC388B4424485355568B74245C99F7FE8B5C244C8B6C2448578BF88BCA894C241C897C243485FF0F8E2E0300008B44245"
		. "499F7FE897C24448944242833C089542418894424308944242CEB038D490033FF397C2428897C24380F8E750100008BCE0FAFCE894C24408DA4240000"
		. "000033C03BF08944241089442460894424580F8E8A0000008B5C242C8D4D028BD52BD183C203895424208D3CBB0FAFFE8BD52BD142895424248BD52BD"
		. "103F9897C24148974243C8BCF8BFE8DA424000000008B5C24200FB61C0B03C30FB619015C24588B5C24240FB61C0B015C24600FB61C11015C241083C1"
		. "0483EF0175D38B7C2414037C245C836C243C01897C241475B58B7C24388B6C244C8B5C24508B4C244099F7F9894424148B44245899F7F9894424588B4"
		. "4246099F7F9894424608B44241099F7F98944241085F60F8E820000008D4B028BC32BC18D68038B44242C8D04B80FAFC68BD32BD142895424248BD32B"
		. "D103C18944243C89742420EB038D49008BC88BFE0FB64424148B5C24248804290FB644245888010FB644246088040B0FB644241088040A83C10483EF0"
		. "175D58B44243C0344245C836C2420018944243C75BE8B4C24408B5C24508B6C244C8B7C2438473B7C2428897C24380F8C9FFEFFFF8B4C241C33D23954"
		. "24180F846401000033C03BF2895424108954246089542458895424148944243C0F8E82000000EB0233D2395424187E6F8B4C243003C80FAF4C245C8B4"
		. "424280FAFC68D550203CA8D0C818BC52BC283C003894424208BC52BC2408BFD2BFA8B54241889442424895424408B4424200FB614080FB60101542414"
		. "8B542424014424580FB6040A0FB61439014424600154241083C104836C24400175CF8B44243C403BC68944243C7C808B4C24188B4424140FAFCE99F7F"
		. "9894424148B44245899F7F9894424588B44246099F7F9894424608B44241099F7F98944241033C08944243C85F60F8E7F000000837C2418007E6F8B4C"
		. "243003C80FAF4C245C8B4424280FAFC68D530203CA8D0C818BC32BC283C003894424208BC32BC2408BFB2BFA8B54241889442424895424400FB644241"
		. "48B5424208804110FB64424580FB654246088018B4424248814010FB654241088143983C104836C24400175CF8B44243C403BC68944243C7C818B4C24"
		. "1C8B44245C0144242C01742430836C2444010F85F4FCFFFF8B44245499F7FE895424188944242885C00F8E890100008BF90FAFFE33D2897C243C89542"
		. "45489442438EB0233D233C03BCA89542410895424608954245889542414894424400F8E840000003BF27E738B4C24340FAFCE03C80FAF4C245C034C24"
		. "548D55028BC52BC283C003894424208BC52BC2408BFD03CA894424242BFA89742444908B5424200FB6040A0FB611014424148B442424015424580FB61"
		. "4080FB6040F015424600144241083C104836C24440175CF8B4424408B7C243C8B4C241C33D2403BC1894424400F8C7CFFFFFF8B44241499F7FF894424"
		. "148B44245899F7FF894424588B44246099F7FF894424608B44241099F7FF8944241033C08944244085C90F8E8000000085F67E738B4C24340FAFCE03C"
		. "80FAF4C245C034C24548D53028BC32BC283C003894424208BC32BC2408BFB03CA894424242BFA897424448D49000FB65424148B4424208814010FB654"
		. "24580FB644246088118B5424248804110FB644241088043983C104836C24440175CF8B4424408B7C243C8B4C241C403BC1894424407C808D04B500000"
		. "00001442454836C2438010F858CFEFFFF33D233C03BCA89542410895424608954245889542414894424440F8E9A000000EB048BFF33D2395424180F8E"
		. "7D0000008B4C24340FAFCE03C80FAF4C245C8B4424280FAFC68D550203CA8D0C818BC52BC283C003894424208BC52BC240894424248BC52BC28B54241"
		. "8895424548DA424000000008B5424200FB6140A015424140FB611015424588B5424240FB6140A015424600FB614010154241083C104836C24540175CF"
		. "8B4424448B4C241C403BC1894424440F8C6AFFFFFF0FAF4C24188B44241499F7F9894424148B44245899F7F9894424588B44246099F7F9894424608B4"
		. "4241099F7F98944241033C03944241C894424540F8E7B0000008B7C241885FF7E688B4C24340FAFCE03C80FAF4C245C8B4424280FAFC68D530203CA8D"
		. "0C818BC32BC283C003894424208BC32BC2408BEB894424242BEA0FB65424148B4424208814010FB65424580FB644246088118B5424248804110FB6442"
		. "41088042983C10483EF0175D18B442454403B44241C894424547C855F5E5D33C05B83C438C3"
		VarSetCapacity(PixelateBitmap, StrLen(MCode_PixelateBitmap)//2)
		Loop % StrLen(MCode_PixelateBitmap)//2		;%
			NumPut("0x" SubStr(MCode_PixelateBitmap, (2*A_Index)-1, 2), PixelateBitmap, A_Index-1, "char")

	Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, Width, Height)
	if (Width != Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmapOut) || Height != Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmapOut))
		return -1
	if (BlockSize > Width || BlockSize > Height)
		return -2

	E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, Width, Height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1)
	E2 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmapOut, 0, 0, Width, Height, Stride2, Scan02, BitmapData2)
	if (E1 || E2)
		return -3

	E := DllCall(&PixelateBitmap, "uint", Scan01, "uint", Scan02, "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", Stride1, "int", BlockSize)
	Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData1), Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmapOut, BitmapData2)
	return 0


Gdip_ToARGB(A, R, G, B)
	return (A << 24) | (R << 16) | (G << 8) | B


Gdip_FromARGB(ARGB, ByRef A, ByRef R, ByRef G, ByRef B)
	A := (0xff000000 & ARGB) >> 24
	R := (0x00ff0000 & ARGB) >> 16
	G := (0x0000ff00 & ARGB) >> 8
	B := 0x000000ff & ARGB


	return (0xff000000 & ARGB) >> 24


	return (0x00ff0000 & ARGB) >> 16


	return (0x0000ff00 & ARGB) >> 8


	return 0x000000ff & ARGB
I need help with this script.
If it possible to draw a ractangle and inside the ractangle is transparancy and show text inside the ractangle on tooltip, so if inside ractangle background text change, the text on tooltip also change.

Thank you.

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Posts: 27
Joined: 07 Dec 2015, 16:34

Re: Screen clipping

Post by Gorgrak » 24 Aug 2023, 07:21

I have a contribution to the script!!

I love using Tervon's Rbutton::WinClose, A hotkey; however, I've been annoyed with it not properly recognizing a clipping's focus sometimes.

I had a nice long thunk about the issue and here's what I came up with:

Code: Select all

; Add the following hotkey OUTSIDE of the context-sensitive area (AND MAKE SURE TO DELETE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS HOTKEY)
~Rbutton::G_CloseClipping()											; Esc/RCLICK	|| close the focused/hovered clipping

; Add the following function wherever you put your functions:
G_CloseClipping() {
	MouseGetPos,,, TESTid ; get id of win under mouse
	WinGetTitle, TESTtitle, ahk_id %TESTid%
	WinGetClass, TESTclass, ahk_id %TESTid%
	TEST:= TESTtitle " ahk_class " TESTclass
	if (TEST = "ScreenClippingWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI") ; is the win a clipping win?
		WinClose, ahk_id %TESTid% ; if yes, DO IT. *Emperor Palpatine voice*
I wrapped it in a function to keep the hotkey area trim.

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Posts: 27
Joined: 07 Dec 2015, 16:34

Re: Screen clipping

Post by Gorgrak » 28 Aug 2023, 03:04

Oh, @SpeedMaster, I figured out a way to merge your Always On Bottom plugin functions using a ternary and add a menu option to toggle AlwaysOnTop for all guis at once!!

Code: Select all

; tweak your tray menu settings in the auto-execute portion to include the following:
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Set all current clippings to +AlwaysOnTop, ToggleOnTopSub
Menu, Tray, Add, Set all current clippings to -AlwaysOnTop, ToggleOnTopSub
return ; this is the return that concludes your auto-execution section

; sub from the new menu items
Toggle:= (InStr(A_ThisMenuItem, "+") ? "1" : "")

; tweak these context-sensitive shortcuts (or add them to your script)
#IfWinActive, ScreenClippingWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
PgDn::SM_ToggleAlwaysOnTop()			; PageDown	|| remove focused clipping's AlwaysOnTop setting
PgUp::SM_ToggleAlwaysOnTop(1)			; PageUp		|| restore focused clipping's AlwaysOnTop setting

; add this function wherever you put em
SM_ToggleAlwaysOnTop(ToggleON:= "") {
	WinGet, Hwnd, ID, A
	MaxGuis:= SCW_Reg("MaxGuis"), i:= SCW_Reg("StartAfter")
	j:= MaxGuis+i
	Loop % MaxGuis {
		if (A_ThisLabel = "ToggleOnTopSub") { ; if you clicked a tray menu option
			Gui % i ": " (ToggleON ? "+" : "-") "AlwaysOnTop" ; loop thru & change all clippings
		else if (SCW_Reg("G" --j "#HWND") = Hwnd) { ; if you used the PgDn/Up hotkey
			Gui % j ": " (ToggleON ? "+" : "-") "AlwaysOnTop"	; only change the focused clipping	

Posts: 133
Joined: 30 Sep 2016, 21:54

Re: Screen clipping

Post by Avastgard » 23 Nov 2023, 14:38

SpeedMaster wrote:
02 Mar 2023, 05:45
[PLUGIN] GK OCR v1.1 (Win 10+ only)

Select a clip text image and press Y to use built-in OCR of Windows 10+ to send text to the clipboard.

how to install this plugin ?
1° download FG ScreenClipper v1.4+ at viewtopic.php?p=506077#p506077
2° put GK_OCR.ahk plugin script in the Lib folder of the main RUN script
3° insert this line " #Include GK_OCR.ahk " in the INCLUDE SECTION of the main script ---> RUN_ScreenCLip.ahk

Internal default shortcut:
Press Y to use windows 10+ built-in OCR.

Plugin Function:
GK_Win2OCR(lang:="en") ... you can choose a pre-installed language pack of windows10

Note: you can always change the keyboard shortcut by the one you like, taking care not to conflict with the shortcuts of other plugins

File Name: GK_OCR.ahk

Code: Select all

[Plugin] GK_OCR (Win 10+) (by Gorgrak/Speedmaster)
File Name : GK_OCR.ahk
version: 1.1  2023 04 23
usage: select a clip text and press " Y " to use built-in OCR in Windows 10 to copy text to the clipboard.
credits: Plugin: Gorgrak, Speedmaster  OCR: malcev, teadrinker, joe glines, Jackie 

how to install this plugin ?
1° download FG ScreenClipper at
2° put this script plugin GK_OCR.ahk in the Lib folder of the main RUN script
3° insert "#Include GK_OCR.ahk" in the INCLUDE SECTION of the main RUN script 

Note this plugin has internal default shortcuts (see below) that you can change 
or migrate in the #ifwinactive section of the main run script

; DEFAULT SHORTCUTS ---------------------------------------------------
#IfWinActive, ScreenClipperWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
y::GK_Win2OCR()          ; Press Y to use built-in Win10+ OCR

; PLUGIN FUNCTION -----------------------------------------------------
GK_Win2OCR(lang:="en") {
	;Send, !{PrintScreen} ; Active Win's client area to Clipboard
	WinGet, hwnd, ID, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
	Loop 99 {
		Gui %A_Index%: +LastFound
		if WinExist() = hwnd {
			currentgui := A_Index
	winGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %Hwnd%
	x:=x+3, y:=y+3, w:=w-6, h:=h-6
	pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(X "|" Y "|" W "|" H)	
	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap) ; Convert an hBitmap from the pBitmap
	pIRandomAccessStream := HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitmap) ; OCR function needs a randome access stream (so it isn't "locked down")
	DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", hBitmap)	
	Clipboard := ocr(pIRandomAccessStream, lang)
	tooltip, %  clipboard
	Sleep, 4000
	Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) ; clear selection

; OTHER FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------

CreateClass(string, interface, ByRef Class){
	CreateHString(string, hString)
	VarSetCapacity(GUID, 16)
	DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", interface, "ptr", &GUID)
	result := DllCall("Combase.dll\RoGetActivationFactory", "ptr", hString, "ptr", &GUID, "ptr*", Class)
	if (result != 0){
		if (result = 0x80004002)
			msgbox No such interface supported
		else if (result = 0x80040154)
			msgbox Class not registered
			msgbox error: %result%

CreateHString(string, ByRef hString){
	 DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsCreateString", "wstr", string, "uint", StrLen(string), "ptr*", hString)

	DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsDeleteString", "ptr", hString)

WaitForAsync(Object, ByRef ObjectResult){
	AsyncInfo := ComObjQuery(Object, IAsyncInfo := "{00000036-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
	loop	{
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(AsyncInfo+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "ptr", AsyncInfo, "uint*", status)   ; IAsyncInfo.Status
		if (status != 0)		{
			if (status != 1)			{
				msgbox AsyncInfo status error.
			AsyncInfo := ""
		sleep 10
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(Object+0)+8*A_PtrSize), "ptr", Object, "ptr*", ObjectResult)   ; GetResults

HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitmap) {
	static IID_IRandomAccessStream := "{905A0FE1-BC53-11DF-8C49-001E4FC686DA}", IID_IPicture:= "{7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}", PICTYPE_BITMAP := 1, BSOS_DEFAULT   := 0
	DllCall("Ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", true, "PtrP", pIStream, "UInt")

	VarSetCapacity(PICTDESC, sz := 8 + A_PtrSize*2, 0)
	NumPut(sz, PICTDESC)
	NumPut(hBitmap, PICTDESC, 8)
	riid := CLSIDFromString(IID_IPicture, GUID1)
	DllCall("OleAut32\OleCreatePictureIndirect", "Ptr", &PICTDESC, "Ptr", riid, "UInt", false, "PtrP", pIPicture, "UInt")
	; IPicture::SaveAsFile
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pIPicture+0) + A_PtrSize*15), "Ptr", pIPicture, "Ptr", pIStream, "UInt", true, "UIntP", size, "UInt")
	riid := CLSIDFromString(IID_IRandomAccessStream, GUID2)
	DllCall("ShCore\CreateRandomAccessStreamOverStream", "Ptr", pIStream, "UInt", BSOS_DEFAULT, "Ptr", riid, "PtrP", pIRandomAccessStream, "UInt")
	Return pIRandomAccessStream

CLSIDFromString(IID, ByRef CLSID) {
	VarSetCapacity(CLSID, 16, 0)
	if res := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", IID, "Ptr", &CLSID, "UInt")
		throw Exception("CLSIDFromString failed. Error: " . Format("{:#x}", res))
	Return &CLSID

;********************teadrinker OCR ***********************************
OCR(IRandomAccessStream, language := "en"){
	static OcrEngineClass, OcrEngineObject, MaxDimension, LanguageClass, LanguageObject, CurrentLanguage, StorageFileClass, BitmapDecoderClass
	static rlangList := {"ar":"Arabic (Saudi Arabia)","bg":"Bulgarian (Bulgaria)","zh":"Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.)","zh":"Chinese (PRC)","zh":"Chinese (Taiwan)","hr":"Croatian (Croatia)","cs":"Czech (Czech Republic)","da":"Danish (Denmark)","nl":"Dutch (Netherlands)","En":"English (Great Britain)","en":"English (United States)","et":"Estonian (Estonia)","fi":"Finnish (Finland)","fr":"French (France)","de":"German (Germany)","el":"Greek (Greece)","he":"Hebrew (Israel)","hu":"Hungarian (Hungary)","it":"Italian (Italy)","ja":"Japanese (Japan)","ko":"Korean (Korea)","lv":"Latvian (Latvia)","lt":"Lithuanian (Lithuania)","nb":"Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)","pl":"Polish (Poland)","pt":"Portuguese (Brazil)","pt":"Portuguese (Portugal)","ro":"Romanian (Romania)","ru":"Russian (Russia)","sr":"Serbian (Latin, Serbia)","sr":"Serbian (Latin, Serbia)","sk":"Slovak (Slovakia)","sl":"Slovenian (Slovenia)","es":"Spanish (Spain)","sv":"Swedish (Sweden)","th":"Thai (Thailand)","tr":"Turkish (Turkey)","uk":"Ukrainian (Ukraine)"}

	if (OcrEngineClass = "")	{
		CreateClass("Windows.Globalization.Language", ILanguageFactory := "{9B0252AC-0C27-44F8-B792-9793FB66C63E}", LanguageClass)
		CreateClass("Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapDecoder", IStorageFileStatics := "{438CCB26-BCEF-4E95-BAD6-23A822E58D01}", BitmapDecoderClass)
		CreateClass("Windows.Media.Ocr.OcrEngine", IOcrEngineStatics := "{5BFFA85A-3384-3540-9940-699120D428A8}", OcrEngineClass)
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrEngineClass+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrEngineClass, "uint*", MaxDimension)   ; MaxImageDimension
	if (CurrentLanguage != language){
		if (LanguageObject != ""){
			LanguageObject := OcrEngineObject := ""
		CreateHString(language, hString)
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(LanguageClass+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", LanguageClass, "ptr", hString, "ptr*", LanguageObject)   ; CreateLanguage
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrEngineClass+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrEngineClass, ptr, LanguageObject, "ptr*", OcrEngineObject)   ; TryCreateFromLanguage
		if (OcrEngineObject = 0){
			Run % "ms-settings:regionlanguage"
			MsgBox % 0x10, % "OCR Error"
						 , % "Can not use language """ rlangList[language] """ for OCR, please install the corresponding language pack."
			return "error"
		CurrentLanguage := language
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(BitmapDecoderClass+0)+14*A_PtrSize), "ptr", BitmapDecoderClass, "ptr", IRandomAccessStream, "ptr*", BitmapDecoderObject)   ; CreateAsync
	WaitForAsync(BitmapDecoderObject, BitmapDecoderObject1)
	BitmapFrame := ComObjQuery(BitmapDecoderObject1, IBitmapFrame := "{72A49A1C-8081-438D-91BC-94ECFC8185C6}")
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(BitmapFrame+0)+12*A_PtrSize), "ptr", BitmapFrame, "uint*", width)   ; get_PixelWidth
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(BitmapFrame+0)+13*A_PtrSize), "ptr", BitmapFrame, "uint*", height)   ; get_PixelHeight
	if (width > MaxDimension) or (height > MaxDimension){
		msgbox Image is to big - %width%x%height%.`nIt should be maximum - %MaxDimension% pixels
	SoftwareBitmap := ComObjQuery(BitmapDecoderObject1, IBitmapFrameWithSoftwareBitmap := "{FE287C9A-420C-4963-87AD-691436E08383}")
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(SoftwareBitmap+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", SoftwareBitmap, "ptr*", BitmapFrame1)   ; GetSoftwareBitmapAsync
	WaitForAsync(BitmapFrame1, BitmapFrame2)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrEngineObject+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrEngineObject, ptr, BitmapFrame2, "ptr*", OcrResult)   ; RecognizeAsync
	WaitForAsync(OcrResult, OcrResult1)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrResult1+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrResult1, "ptr*", lines)   ; get_Lines
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(lines+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "ptr", lines, "int*", count)   ; count
	loop % count {
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(lines+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", lines, "int", A_Index-1, "ptr*", OcrLine)
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrLine+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrLine, "ptr*", hText)
		buffer := DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsGetStringRawBuffer", "ptr", hText, "uint*", length, "ptr")
		text .= StrGet(buffer, "UTF-16") "`n"
		OcrLine := ""
	BitmapDecoderObject := BitmapDecoderObject1 := SoftwareBitmap := BitmapFrame := BitmapFrame1 := BitmapFrame2 := OcrResult := OcrResult1 := lines := ""
	return text

Hi, @SpeedMaster. I tried using your OCR script several times, but I keep running into this error message:

image.png (5.44 KiB) Viewed 1441 times

Notice I changed the script to reflect my system's language (Brazilian Portuguese) to be written in Brazilian Portuguese, since that's how it shows in the system, but the original code fails as well:

image.png (5.4 KiB) Viewed 1441 times
I don't understand why I'm getting this error, since Brazilian Portuguese is the system's installed language package. Any Ideia how I could solve this problem?

Here is the code I'm using right now:

Code: Select all

[Plugin] GK_OCR (Win 10+) (by Gorgrak/Speedmaster)
File Name : GK_OCR.ahk
version: 1.1  2023 04 23
usage: select a clip text and press " Y " to use built-in OCR in Windows 10 to copy text to the clipboard.
credits: Plugin: Gorgrak, Speedmaster  OCR: malcev, teadrinker, joe glines, Jackie

how to install this plugin ?
1° download FG ScreenClipper at
2° put this script plugin GK_OCR.ahk in the Lib folder of the main RUN script
3° insert "#Include GK_OCR.ahk" in the INCLUDE SECTION of the main RUN script

Note this plugin has internal default shortcuts (see below) that you can change
or migrate in the #ifwinactive section of the main run script

; DEFAULT SHORTCUTS ---------------------------------------------------
#IfWinActive, ScreenClipperWindow ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
t::GK_Win2OCR()          ; Press T to use built-in Win10+ OCR

; PLUGIN FUNCTION -----------------------------------------------------
GK_Win2OCR(lang:="pt") {
	;Send, !{PrintScreen} ; Active Win's client area to Clipboard
	WinGet, hwnd, ID, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
	Loop 99 {
		Gui %A_Index%: +LastFound
		if WinExist() = hwnd {
			currentgui := A_Index
	winGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %Hwnd%
	x:=x+3, y:=y+3, w:=w-6, h:=h-6
	pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(X "|" Y "|" W "|" H)
	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap) ; Convert an hBitmap from the pBitmap
	pIRandomAccessStream := HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitmap) ; OCR function needs a randome access stream (so it isn't "locked down")
	DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", hBitmap)
	Clipboard := ocr(pIRandomAccessStream, lang)
	tooltip, %  clipboard
	Sleep, 4000
	Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) ; clear selection

; OTHER FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------

CreateClass(string, interface, ByRef Class){
	CreateHString(string, hString)
	VarSetCapacity(GUID, 16)
	DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", interface, "ptr", &GUID)
	result := DllCall("Combase.dll\RoGetActivationFactory", "ptr", hString, "ptr", &GUID, "ptr*", Class)
	if (result != 0){
		if (result = 0x80004002)
			msgbox No such interface supported
		else if (result = 0x80040154)
			msgbox Class not registered
			msgbox error: %result%

CreateHString(string, ByRef hString){
	 DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsCreateString", "wstr", string, "uint", StrLen(string), "ptr*", hString)

	DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsDeleteString", "ptr", hString)

WaitForAsync(Object, ByRef ObjectResult){
	AsyncInfo := ComObjQuery(Object, IAsyncInfo := "{00000036-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
	loop	{
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(AsyncInfo+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "ptr", AsyncInfo, "uint*", status)   ; IAsyncInfo.Status
		if (status != 0)		{
			if (status != 1)			{
				msgbox AsyncInfo status error.
			AsyncInfo := ""
		sleep 10
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(Object+0)+8*A_PtrSize), "ptr", Object, "ptr*", ObjectResult)   ; GetResults

HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitmap) {
	static IID_IRandomAccessStream := "{905A0FE1-BC53-11DF-8C49-001E4FC686DA}", IID_IPicture:= "{7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}", PICTYPE_BITMAP := 1, BSOS_DEFAULT   := 0
	DllCall("Ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", true, "PtrP", pIStream, "UInt")

	VarSetCapacity(PICTDESC, sz := 8 + A_PtrSize*2, 0)
	NumPut(sz, PICTDESC)
	NumPut(hBitmap, PICTDESC, 8)
	riid := CLSIDFromString(IID_IPicture, GUID1)
	DllCall("OleAut32\OleCreatePictureIndirect", "Ptr", &PICTDESC, "Ptr", riid, "UInt", false, "PtrP", pIPicture, "UInt")
	; IPicture::SaveAsFile
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pIPicture+0) + A_PtrSize*15), "Ptr", pIPicture, "Ptr", pIStream, "UInt", true, "UIntP", size, "UInt")
	riid := CLSIDFromString(IID_IRandomAccessStream, GUID2)
	DllCall("ShCore\CreateRandomAccessStreamOverStream", "Ptr", pIStream, "UInt", BSOS_DEFAULT, "Ptr", riid, "PtrP", pIRandomAccessStream, "UInt")
	Return pIRandomAccessStream

CLSIDFromString(IID, ByRef CLSID) {
	VarSetCapacity(CLSID, 16, 0)
	if res := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", IID, "Ptr", &CLSID, "UInt")
		throw Exception("CLSIDFromString failed. Error: " . Format("{:#x}", res))
	Return &CLSID

;********************teadrinker OCR ***********************************
OCR(IRandomAccessStream, language := "pt"){
	static OcrEngineClass, OcrEngineObject, MaxDimension, LanguageClass, LanguageObject, CurrentLanguage, StorageFileClass, BitmapDecoderClass
	static rlangList := {"ar":"Arabic (Saudi Arabia)","bg":"Bulgarian (Bulgaria)","zh":"Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.)","zh":"Chinese (PRC)","zh":"Chinese (Taiwan)","hr":"Croatian (Croatia)","cs":"Czech (Czech Republic)","da":"Danish (Denmark)","nl":"Dutch (Netherlands)","En":"English (Great Britain)","en":"English (United States)","et":"Estonian (Estonia)","fi":"Finnish (Finland)","fr":"French (France)","de":"German (Germany)","el":"Greek (Greece)","he":"Hebrew (Israel)","hu":"Hungarian (Hungary)","it":"Italian (Italy)","ja":"Japanese (Japan)","ko":"Korean (Korea)","lv":"Latvian (Latvia)","lt":"Lithuanian (Lithuania)","nb":"Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)","pl":"Polish (Poland)","pt":"Portuguese (Brazil)","ro":"Romanian (Romania)","ru":"Russian (Russia)","sr":"Serbian (Latin, Serbia)","sr":"Serbian (Latin, Serbia)","sk":"Slovak (Slovakia)","sl":"Slovenian (Slovenia)","es":"Spanish (Spain)","sv":"Swedish (Sweden)","th":"Thai (Thailand)","tr":"Turkish (Turkey)","uk":"Ukrainian (Ukraine)"}

	if (OcrEngineClass = "")	{
		CreateClass("Windows.Globalization.Language", ILanguageFactory := "{9B0252AC-0C27-44F8-B792-9793FB66C63E}", LanguageClass)
		CreateClass("Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapDecoder", IStorageFileStatics := "{438CCB26-BCEF-4E95-BAD6-23A822E58D01}", BitmapDecoderClass)
		CreateClass("Windows.Media.Ocr.OcrEngine", IOcrEngineStatics := "{5BFFA85A-3384-3540-9940-699120D428A8}", OcrEngineClass)
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrEngineClass+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrEngineClass, "uint*", MaxDimension)   ; MaxImageDimension
	if (CurrentLanguage != language){
		if (LanguageObject != ""){
			LanguageObject := OcrEngineObject := ""
		CreateHString(language, hString)
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(LanguageClass+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", LanguageClass, "ptr", hString, "ptr*", LanguageObject)   ; CreateLanguage
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrEngineClass+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrEngineClass, ptr, LanguageObject, "ptr*", OcrEngineObject)   ; TryCreateFromLanguage
		if (OcrEngineObject = 0){
			Run % "ms-settings:regionlanguage"
			MsgBox % 0x10, % "OCR Error"
						 , % "Can not use language """ rlangList[language] """ for OCR, please install the corresponding language pack."
			return "error"
		CurrentLanguage := language
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(BitmapDecoderClass+0)+14*A_PtrSize), "ptr", BitmapDecoderClass, "ptr", IRandomAccessStream, "ptr*", BitmapDecoderObject)   ; CreateAsync
	WaitForAsync(BitmapDecoderObject, BitmapDecoderObject1)
	BitmapFrame := ComObjQuery(BitmapDecoderObject1, IBitmapFrame := "{72A49A1C-8081-438D-91BC-94ECFC8185C6}")
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(BitmapFrame+0)+12*A_PtrSize), "ptr", BitmapFrame, "uint*", width)   ; get_PixelWidth
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(BitmapFrame+0)+13*A_PtrSize), "ptr", BitmapFrame, "uint*", height)   ; get_PixelHeight
	if (width > MaxDimension) or (height > MaxDimension){
		msgbox Image is to big - %width%x%height%.`nIt should be maximum - %MaxDimension% pixels
	SoftwareBitmap := ComObjQuery(BitmapDecoderObject1, IBitmapFrameWithSoftwareBitmap := "{FE287C9A-420C-4963-87AD-691436E08383}")
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(SoftwareBitmap+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", SoftwareBitmap, "ptr*", BitmapFrame1)   ; GetSoftwareBitmapAsync
	WaitForAsync(BitmapFrame1, BitmapFrame2)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrEngineObject+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrEngineObject, ptr, BitmapFrame2, "ptr*", OcrResult)   ; RecognizeAsync
	WaitForAsync(OcrResult, OcrResult1)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrResult1+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrResult1, "ptr*", lines)   ; get_Lines
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(lines+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "ptr", lines, "int*", count)   ; count
	loop % count {
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(lines+0)+6*A_PtrSize), "ptr", lines, "int", A_Index-1, "ptr*", OcrLine)
		DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(OcrLine+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "ptr", OcrLine, "ptr*", hText)
		buffer := DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsGetStringRawBuffer", "ptr", hText, "uint*", length, "ptr")
		text .= StrGet(buffer, "UTF-16") "`n"
		OcrLine := ""
	BitmapDecoderObject := BitmapDecoderObject1 := SoftwareBitmap := BitmapFrame := BitmapFrame1 := BitmapFrame2 := OcrResult := OcrResult1 := lines := ""
	return text

Posts: 654
Joined: 24 Feb 2020, 13:59
Location: Buenos Aires

Re: Screen clipping

Post by sofista » 27 Nov 2023, 19:04

@Avastgard : Weird, the plugin works fine here, either in the default setup —for English language—, or in Spanish.

Does the plugin correctly run with the default setup?

Posts: 9
Joined: 22 May 2023, 19:47

Re: Screen clipping

Post by Kingron » 21 Apr 2024, 05:16

Thanks for this great tools.
I used it for several years, until recently I found some thing happen.
I'm using Windows 10 64bit, 22H2, I'm using MouseGestureL and combine screenclipping.
I setup a hotkey (Win+C) to run cmd.exe:
#c::Run cmd.exe, % A_Desktop

It works, the command prompt window openned, when I type "telnet", it not working, but when I open cmd.exe from start menu, the telnet command works! Many other command have the same issue.
Finally I found that Microsoft make some changes recently, If we launch cmd.exe from a 32-bit program, it not worked normally.
If I use 64-bit Autohotkey to launch the MouseGestureL, cmd works perfect, but I had to remove screenclipping from it.

Now, I had to launch two AutoHotKey process, one for screenclipping with AHK32, and one process for MouseGestureL with AHK64.

Would you mind to upgrade this tool to support Autohotkey 64-bit?

Best regards.

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