Pass the command line to the program and get the return value

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Pass the command line to the program and get the return value

07 May 2023, 07:20

The code in the link works but is slow and doesn't hide the window, is there a fast way to get the value returned by the Everything tool?
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Re: Pass the command line to the program and get the return value

07 May 2023, 07:25

What information are you trying to get?
Posts: 201
Joined: 21 Feb 2023, 00:01

Re: Pass the command line to the program and get the return value

07 May 2023, 07:52

For example

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2 

 es := "C:\Program Files\Everything\es.exe"
 folder := "H:\Folders\Pics\"
 rand := Random(1, 9)
 arg := folder . " !.txt " . rand

 RunWait es " " arg " -export-txt " A_Temp "\esOutput.txt", , "Hide"

 FileEncoding "UTF-8"
 esOutput := FileRead(A_Temp "\esOutput.txt")
 if !esOutput

 myArray := StrSplit(esOutput, "`r`n")
 randLine := Random(1, myArray.Length)
 msgbox MyArray[randLine]
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Re: Pass the command line to the program and get the return value

07 May 2023, 08:37

This took 100-150 ms and showed no command window. It is essentially the same as your script. Nonetheless, if you are looking for text within files, Everything is not designed to do it. By this, I simply mean that the program would need to search within every file, and this process is not fast. Other programs (e.g., dtSearch) are available that index all words in all files and would provide faster output for this type of search.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
start    := A_TickCount
es       := A_ProgramFiles '\Everything\es.exe'
es       := 'd:\Q\everything\es.exe'
folder   := 'H:\Folders\Pics\'
folder   := A_ScriptDir
arg      := folder ' !.txt ' Random(1, 9)
out      := A_Temp '\esOutput.txt'
Try FileRecycle out
RunWait es ' ' arg ' -export-txt ' out,, 'Hide'
; FileEncoding 'UTF-8'
If !esOutput := FileRead(out)
line     := StrSplit(esOutput, '`r`n')
randLine := Random(1, line.Length)
MsgBox line[randLine] '`n`nTime elapsed: ' A_TickCount - start ' ms'
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Re: Pass the command line to the program and get the return value

07 May 2023, 09:01

if u want speed, use the dll or WM_COPYDATA

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