Pinch to Zoom

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Pinch to Zoom

Post by Mewtiny » 22 Jan 2023, 20:26

Something I've been hunting around for a long time is the ability to remap ctrl+mousewheel to a pinch/zoom gesture because it's just better. I've read many places that it should be possible to do this with AHK and I've also read that it can't and would require a virtual HID to handle it.

I came across a couple posts with some sample code for simulating a single touch mouse click that were derived from some technet docs for doing it in C++. Some others had tried getting the zoom functions to work but were unable and I saw that they weren't building or passing the finger contact parameters properly. These were all very old threads that I didn't want to necro but I've hacked this script together (in 1.3 .. for some reason 2.0 is being cranky but no errors) and it visually shows the gesture registering on the screen however it doesn't actually perform the gesture.

Wondering if anyone has any insight on what might be missing to get it to register. Or if it truly is a lost cause without a touch screen or touchpad.

Note: in it's current state, if you try to perform the action too quickly, the gesture indicators will continue to get stuck on the screen and you''ll have to reload Explorer or reboot to remove them.

Moderator note: DO NOT RUN the following code. It is for reference only. It may affect your desktop in ways that are not easily reversed.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33+


    ; Simulating Tap
    ; By Tap we mean that it has simply touched any portion of screen. In this use case actor takes two action
    ; 	* Touch down on screen co-ordinate input
    ; 	* Lifts Up Touch input

    ; x86 | x64
    ; 136 | 144 sizeof POINTER_TOUCH_INFO
    ;   0 |   0   UInt pointerInfo.pointerType
    ;   4 |   4   UInt pointerInfo.pointerId
    ;   8 |   8   UInt pointerInfo.frameId
    ;  12 |  12   UInt pointerInfo.pointerFlags
    ;  16 |  16    Ptr pointerInfo.sourceDevice
    ;  20 |  24    Ptr pointerInfo.hwndTarget
    ;  24 |  32    Int pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.x
    ;  28 |  36    Int pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.y
    ;  32 |  40    Int pointerInfo.ptHimetricLocation.x
    ;  36 |  44    Int pointerInfo.ptHimetricLocation.y
    ;  40 |  48    Int pointerInfo.ptPixelLocationRaw.x
    ;  44 |  52    Int pointerInfo.ptPixelLocationRaw.y
    ;  48 |  56    Int pointerInfo.ptHimetricLocationRaw.x
    ;  52 |  60    Int pointerInfo.ptHimetricLocationRaw.y
    ;  56 |  64   UInt pointerInfo.dwTime
    ;  60 |  68   UInt pointerInfo.historyCount
    ;  64 |  72    Int pointerInfo.InputData
    ;  68 |  76   UInt pointerInfo.dwKeyStates
    ;  72 |  80 UInt64 pointerInfo.PerformanceCount
    ;  80 |  88    Int pointerInfo.ButtonChangeType
    ;  88 |  96   UInt touchFlags
    ;  92 | 100   UInt touchMask
    ;  96 | 104    Int rcContact.left
    ; 100 | 108    Int
    ; 104 | 112    Int rcContact.right
    ; 108 | 116    Int rcContact.bottom
    ; 112 | 120    Int rcContactRaw.left
    ; 116 | 124    Int
    ; 120 | 128    Int rcContactRaw.right
    ; 124 | 132    Int rcContactRaw.bottom
    ; 128 | 136   UInt orientation
    ; 132 | 140   UInt pressure

    ; enum tagPOINTER_INPUT_TYPE {
    ;     PT_POINTER  = 1,   // Generic pointer
    ;     PT_TOUCH    = 2,   // Touch
    ;     PT_PEN      = 3,   // Pen
    ;     PT_MOUSE    = 4,   // Mouse
    ; #if(WINVER >= 0x0603)
    ;     PT_TOUCHPAD = 5,   // Touchpad
    ; #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0603 */
    ; };

    ; #define TOUCH_FLAG_NONE                 0x00000000 // Default    
    ; #define TOUCH_MASK_NONE                 0x00000000 // Default - none of the optional fields are valid
    ; #define TOUCH_MASK_CONTACTAREA          0x00000001 // The rcContact field is valid
    ; #define TOUCH_MASK_ORIENTATION          0x00000002 // The orientation field is valid
    ; #define TOUCH_MASK_PRESSURE             0x00000004 // The pressure field is valid

    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_NONE               0x00000000 // Default
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_NEW                0x00000001 // New pointer
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_INRANGE            0x00000002 // Pointer has not departed
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_INCONTACT          0x00000004 // Pointer is in contact
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_FIRSTBUTTON        0x00000010 // Primary action
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_SECONDBUTTON       0x00000020 // Secondary action
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_THIRDBUTTON        0x00000040 // Third button
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_FOURTHBUTTON       0x00000080 // Fourth button
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_FIFTHBUTTON        0x00000100 // Fifth button
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_PRIMARY            0x00002000 // Pointer is primary
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_CONFIDENCE         0x00004000 // Pointer is considered unlikely to be accidental
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_CANCELED           0x00008000 // Pointer is departing in an abnormal manner
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_DOWN               0x00010000 // Pointer transitioned to down state (made contact)
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_UPDATE             0x00020000 // Pointer update
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_UP                 0x00040000 // Pointer transitioned from down state (broke contact)
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_WHEEL              0x00080000 // Vertical wheel
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_HWHEEL             0x00100000 // Horizontal wheel
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_CAPTURECHANGED     0x00200000 // Lost capture
    ; #define POINTER_FLAG_HASTRANSFORM       0x00400000 // Input has a transform associated with it

    ; WinAPI Constants
    ; =========================================================================================================================================        
    PT_TOUCH := 2
    PT_TOUCHPAD := 5

    TOUCH_FLAG_NONE := 0x00000000

    TOUCH_MASK_CONTACTAREA := 0x00000001
    TOUCH_MASK_ORIENTATION := 0x00000002
    TOUCH_MASK_PRESSURE := 0x00000004

    POINTER_FLAG_DOWN := 0x00010000
    POINTER_FLAG_INRANGE := 0x00000002
    POINTER_FLAG_INCONTACT := 0x00000004
    POINTER_FLAG_UPDATE := 0x00020000
    POINTER_FLAG_UP := 0x00040000
    ; =========================================================================================================================================

    CONTACTS := 2

    ; Array to contain each contact (144 bytes each)
    VarSetCapacity(contact, 144*2, 0)
    ; Center pinch/zoom on current cursor position
    MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos

    xpos1 := xpos
    ypos1 := ypos
    xpos2 := xpos1 - 60
    xpos1 += 60
    ypos2 := ypos1

    DllCall("InitializeTouchInjection", "UInt", CONTACTS, "UInt", TOUCH_FEEDBACK_DEFAULT)
    ; Init first finger - 0 byte offset
    ; =========================================================================================================================================   
    NumPut(PT_MODE, contact, 0+0, "UInt")
    NumPut(0, contact, 0+4, "UInt")
    NumPut(x := xpos1, contact, 0+32, "Int")
    NumPut(y := ypos1, contact, 0+36, "Int")

    NumPut(TOUCH_FLAG_NONE, contact, 0+96, "UInt")

    NumPut(90, contact, 0+136, "UInt")
    NumPut(32000, contact, 0+140, "UInt")

    NumPut(x - 2, contact, 0+104, "Int")
    NumPut(y - 2, contact, 0+108, "Int")    
    NumPut(x + 2, contact, 0+112, "Int")
    NumPut(y + 2, contact, 0+116, "Int")

    ; Init second finger - 144 byte offset
    ; =========================================================================================================================================
    NumPut(PT_MODE, contact, 144+0, "UInt")
    NumPut(1, contact, 144+4, "UInt")
    NumPut(x := xpos2, contact, 144+32, "Int")
    NumPut(y := ypos2, contact, 144+36, "Int")

    NumPut(TOUCH_FLAG_NONE, contact, 144+96, "UInt")

    NumPut(90, contact, 144+136, "UInt")
    NumPut(32000, contact, 144+140, "UInt")

    NumPut(x - 2, contact, 144+104, "Int")
    NumPut(y - 2, contact, 144+108, "Int")
    NumPut(x + 2, contact, 144+112, "Int")
    NumPut(y + 2, contact, 144+116, "Int")

    ; Register both fingers touching
    ; =========================================================================================================================================
    DllCall("InjectTouchInput", "UInt", CONTACTS, "Ptr", &contact)
    ; Mimic fingers spreading to zoom in on X axis
    ; =========================================================================================================================================    
    ; Some delays to better see the gesture, loop to simulate fingers moving
    Sleep, 100
    Loop 50 {
    	; Trying different directions / speeds of movement.  
        x1 := xpos1 + (1*A_Index)
        x2 := xpos2 - (1*A_Index)
        ;y1 := ypos1 - (10*A_Index)
        ;y2 := ypos2 - (10*A_Index)
        NumPut(x1, contact, 0+32, "Int")
        NumPut(x2, contact, 144+32, "Int")
        ;NumPut(y1, contact, 0+36, "Int")
        ;NumPut(y2, contact, 144+36, "Int")
        DllCall("InjectTouchInput", "UInt", CONTACTS, "Ptr", &contact)
        Sleep, 1
    ; Fingers Up
    ; =========================================================================================================================================
    NumPut(POINTER_FLAG_UP, contact, 0+12, "UInt")
    NumPut(POINTER_FLAG_UP, contact, 144+12, "UInt")
    DllCall("InjectTouchInput", "UInt", CONTACTS, "Ptr", &contact)    

    ; Return cursor to original position
    MouseMove, xpos, ypos    

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by mda731 » 30 May 2023, 10:25


You did the great job.
I was trying to find some solution to emulate pinch zoom for years but with no success.

I've tried your script, it works but very unstable.
There were no problems with explorer gt stuck.

Wish you do not give up and debug and polish your cool script!


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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 30 May 2023, 11:46

@Mewtiny, :thumbdown: don't share something potentially harmful. In my case it worked to reduce, on the desktop, but not to increase. You should create a routine to restore the initial state. I have no way to increase the size of the desktop icons. Neither rebooting.

What do I do now? How do I restore the size of the desktop? Something in the registry file?

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 30 May 2023, 12:35

It is not a matter of changing the size of icons on the desktop. :roll: It is something more "deeper". Does anyone an expert know how to reimage what was done in the script and that it can be restored? :think:

I recommend that @Mewtiny say not to use it, and just look at the script.

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 30 May 2023, 13:41

The script of @Mewtiny it doesn't really work (or not for me), what it does is increase/decrease the size of the icons, without changing anything else (not the size of the text under the icon either).

In the Microsoft store (AppStore) there is an application called "Tablet Touch Pro" (30-day trial version) that includes a Zoom program, and I have been able to restore the icons to a more suitable size, but the change I have made the script has not been fully repaired. Tablet Touch Pro have a restore to size option on exit, I'm going to reboot to see if everything stays intact.

(Everything has a solution, except death) :shh:

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by RussF » 30 May 2023, 14:08

@wetware05, you may not have had to download that program. If you right-click a blank portion of your desktop and choose "View", you can set the icon size there.
image.png (30.28 KiB) Viewed 1477 times

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 30 May 2023, 14:24

RussF wrote:
30 May 2023, 14:08
@wetware05, you may not have had to download that program. If you right-click a blank portion of your desktop and choose "View", you can set the icon size there.


Thanks @RussF, it is now fully restored. But I'm not sure that was the solution from the beginning. The dash left a 6 point (+/-) icon, that size can be changed in the registry, but it was listed as 32 points and changing it had no effect.

The script does some change to the registry, like "Tablet Touch Pro" has "restore icons" option it restored it, but to small size, not medium size.

In any case, I might buy the "Tablet Touch Pro" program. If I tried the script it is that when working with a 4K monitor and although the DPI is increased to 150, some dialogues look too small for my tired eyes.

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 30 May 2023, 15:50

The system is still "damaged", because I put the icons to "medium size" and when I reboot it goes back to "small size". But it is a lesser evil. Not going to go crazy for something so small either.

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by RussF » 31 May 2023, 05:49

@wetware05, you might try the registry method located at . Scroll down until you get to "4. Use Registry Editor".


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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 31 May 2023, 15:15


Before using the solution of using "Tablet Touch Pro" I had edited the registry file. The problem has been fixed when I changed the log file to its default size.

(What seems strange to me..., very strange! is that now the control key, plus the mouse wheel, do the effect that the script did, but without the script... reduce the size of the icons —and now it works fine, within its limits, since it increases and decreases—, compared to "Tablet Touch Pro" that does what it has to do: increase the entire screen. Could such behavior have been resident in the log file? , all very rare, or is it native to Windows and I did not know it).

Tested with another Windows 10 computer. It is native to the system.

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by RussF » 01 Jun 2023, 05:49

wetware05 wrote: Tested with another Windows 10 computer. It is native to the system.
Yes, Ctrl+Mousewheel changes the size of icons on the desktop. I've fixed many a users' desktop when their icons changed size and, as they would say, "it just happened - I didn't do anything at all!" :lol:


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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 01 Jun 2023, 06:54

RussF wrote:
01 Jun 2023, 05:49
wetware05 wrote: Tested with another Windows 10 computer. It is native to the system.
Yes, Ctrl+Mousewheel changes the size of icons on the desktop. I've fixed many a users' desktop when their icons changed size and, as they would say, "it just happened - I didn't do anything at all!" :lol:

hi, RussF

I've been in computing since you had to use the computer since MS-Dos and the beginnings of Windows. Until this problem happened, I had not realized that such a function existed. Nor had I seen it commented on by anyone and anywhere. Perhaps because few know that it exists and how it is activated..., perhaps because of its uselessness (they hide the icons, but not their texts —if they are active—).

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by V0RT3X » 01 Jun 2023, 08:20

If you were unaware of Ctrl + mouse wheel zooming, then I feel it's only fair to warn you about Ctrl + plus/minus (+)(-) in browsers... does the same thing in regards to zooming.

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by wetware05 » 01 Jun 2023, 13:58

V0RT3X wrote:
01 Jun 2023, 08:20
If you were unaware of Ctrl + mouse wheel zooming, then I feel it's only fair to warn you about Ctrl + plus/minus (+)(-) in browsers... does the same thing in regards to zooming.
Hi, V0RT3X

Yeah, I knew that, but it makes more sense in a browser (everything gets bigger or smaller) than on desktop. I imagine browsers inherited it from Windows.

All of this may have originated from when Microsoft created the active desktop, where you could insert .html code to function as a Web page. It did not last long because it was a source of insecurity for the system. It was a great idea. They should resume the idea, under the current security approaches.

(Though the RainMeter App does the same thing: it creates a more active desktop

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by mda731 » 23 Jun 2023, 04:30

V0RT3X wrote:
01 Jun 2023, 08:20
If you were unaware of Ctrl + mouse wheel zooming, then I feel it's only fair to warn you about Ctrl + plus/minus (+)(-) in browsers... does the same thing in regards to zooming.
definetely not true.
just find a friend with macbook and see the difference between pinch zoom and ctrl- +/-
pinch zoom is much more useful

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Re: Pinch to Zoom

Post by V0RT3X » 23 Jun 2023, 07:56

You will have to be more clear... what in my post "definetely" not true?
Ctrl + plus/minus does indeed zoom in and out. As does Ctrl + mousewheel.
Is it using pinch/zoom...obviously not. But not a claim that I made either.
My reply was in response to another's. You may need to read the entire thread.

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