A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

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A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

19 Jun 2023, 13:39

DatePicker - H
(the H is for "holidays")


Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
;################          DATEPICKER - H         ###############
; A simple popup calendar that has US Holidays in bold font.
; For AHK v1.
; Holiday names shown under/beside MonthCal.
; Alternate Month/Quarter/Year view (uses ini file for this).
; For hotstring date entry, see triggers, explanation below.
; Original calendar-with-bolded-dates code by PhiLho.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/13441-monthcal-setdaystate/
; IsHoliday function by TibBit.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=77312
; The two were integrated by Just Me.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=117399&p
; Then kunkel321 added his customizations.
; Script expects DateFormat.txt in same folder, creates if not found.

+!d:: ; Alt+Shift+D

;===== User Options Set Here ==================
;calColor = Gray
;FontColor = Black
;TypedDateFormat <---- Variable must be assigned below hotstring triggers. See DateFormat: label, below.
UnderCalDateFormat := "MM-dd" ; (keep short) ; Change according to your locale.
BesideCalDateFormat := "MMM-dd ddd" ; Change according to your locale.

ShowMulti =
menu, tray, icon, wmploc.DLL,101 ; A nice calendar icon.  wmploc.dll is for Windows Media Player, I think.
IniRead, ShowMulti, DateFormat.txt, DateTool, Rows, 3 ; Must stay below calendar hotkey.

UsedGUI = 1
WinGetActiveTitle, myWinTarget
myWinTarget := StrReplace(myWinTarget, "*", "") ; Astrisks mess up regex matching... I think.
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A   ; "A" to get the active window's pos.
	X := X + (W * 0.30) ; Use these with GUI Show, below.
	Y := Y + (H * 0.04) ; TxtPos near top/left of current window.
If !myWinTarget ; If no active window is found, use these generic coordinates.
	X := 600, Y := 30

FaveDate := A_Now
tics:=0 ; for below double-click code
global Year, Month, MonthCount, holiFunLoopNum ; Global because they are used in below functions.
OnMessage(0x4E, "WM_NOTIFY") ; Not sure how this works.  Voodoo maybe? Uses Just Me function.

If (ShowMulti = 3) { ; Muli-month view
	MultiButton1 = Month ; Button will show action-upon-press, not 'current view.'
	MultiButton2 = Year
	FaveDate += -30, D ; Start 30 in past, so last month appears too.
	HolisForThisDays = 93
	CalDateFormat := UnderCalDateFormat
	CalNameW = w208
	caltxtloops = 5 ; Show this many holidays in multi-month view.
	TxtPos =
	CalPos =
If (ShowMulti = 1)  { ; Single month view
	MultiButton1 = Quartr
	MultiButton2 = Year
	HolisForThisDays = 31
	CalDateFormat := UnderCalDateFormat
	CalNameW = w208
	caltxtloops = 2 ; Show this many holidays under single-month calendar.
	TxtPos =
	CalPos =
If (ShowMulti = "3 w-3") { ; 12-month view
	MultiButton1 = Month
	MultiButton2 = Quartr
	FaveDate := A_Year "0101000000" ; Default to January of this year.
	HolisForThisDays = 366
	CalDateFormat := BesideCalDateFormat
	CalNameW =
	caltxtloops = 29 ; Show this many holidays to right of 12-month calendar.
	TxtPos = xm ym  ; Put invisible placeholder text in top/left.
	CalPos = x250 ; Move calendar over to make room for text.
	X = 100 ; Don't put GUI over active window, just put in top/left of screen.
	Y = 100

;=========== Popup calendar ===============
Gui, dp:Destroy  ; Clear the DatePicked variable to prevent an error.
Gui, dp:color, %calColor%,
Gui, dp:-MinimizeBox +LastFound ; +Toolwindow ; Toolwindow prevents icon from showing.
Gui, dp:Font, s10 c%FontColor%,
Gui, dp:Add, MonthCal, R%ShowMulti% %CalPos% +0x01 +AltSubmit vDatePicked gDblClick, %FaveDate%

HolidayList(30, HolisForThisDays, CalDateFormat) ; This has to appear after MonthCal creation.
Gui, dp:Add, Text, %TxtPos% ; Invisible item to affect TxtPos of below text items.
HoliArr := StrSplit(theseHolis, "`n")
Loop, %caltxtloops% {
If (HoliArr[A_Index]) && (A_Index = 1)
	Gui, dp:Add, Text, y+-19 %CalNameW% vHoliTxt%A_Index%, % HoliArr[A_Index] ; First holi overlaps above invisible item.
else If (HoliArr[A_Index]) ; might not show if date+holidate is >= StrLen(33)
	Gui, dp:Add, Text, y+-1 %CalNameW% vHoliTxt%A_Index%, % HoliArr[A_Index] ; ToDo enforce nowrap.
	Gui, dp:Add, Text, y+-1 %CalNameW% vHoliTxt%A_Index%,
Gui, dp:Add, Button, y+-1 x13 w50 h20 Section	, Submit
Gui, dp:Add, Button, ys X+2 w50 h20 			, %MultiButton1%
Gui, dp:Add, Button, ys X+2 w50 h20 			, %MultiButton2%
Gui, dp:Add, Button, ys X+2 w50 h20 			, Esc
Gui, dp:Show, x%X% y%Y%, DatePicker-H (Alt+Shift+D)

If (ShowMulti != 1) ; More than one month being shown. FaveDate was 30 days ago,
	GuiControl, dp:, DatePicked, %A_Now% ; so move selection to today.

#IfWinActive, DatePicker-H ; If name is changed at Gui, Show; change here too.
; Causes Enter key to enter date; but only if DatePicker is open.
; SetTitleMatchMode might need to be changed for this to work.
		ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, A
		If (FocusedControl = "SysMonthCal321")
			gosub, dpButtonSubmit ; Only if the calendar (not buttons) focused.
			Send {Enter} ; Otherwise do normal Enter key behavior.

Gui, dp:submit, noHide
; Below several lines adapted from TidBit's 2015 Get A Date.
If (A_GuiControlEvent=1 && (A_TickCount-tics)<=DllCall("GetDoubleClickTime") )
	gosub, dpButtonSubmit ; Normal double click.
Else If (A_GuiControlEvent=1) ; Single click.
Else If (A_GuiControlEvent="Normal") { ; Arrow keys or mouse wheel.
	forHoliFunLoopNum := (MonthCount - 2) * 31
	HolidayList(30, forHoliFunLoopNum, CalDateFormat)
	HoliArr := StrSplit(theseHolis, "`n")
	Loop, %caltxtloops% {
	If (HoliArr[A_Index]) ; might not show if date+holidate is >= StrLen(33)
		GuiControl,, HoliTxt%A_Index%, % HoliArr[A_Index]
		GuiControl,, HoliTxt%A_Index%,

	Gui, dp:Submit
	Gui, dp:Destroy
	gosub, DateFormat

	IniWrite, 1, DateFormat.txt, DateTool, Rows
	gosub, DateToolHandler

	IniWrite, 3, DateFormat.txt, DateTool, Rows
	gosub, DateToolHandler

	IniWrite, "3 w-3", DateFormat.txt, DateTool, Rows
	gosub, DateToolHandler

	Gui, dp:Destroy
	DatePicked =
	Gosub EndingPart

;=========== Hotstrings ===============
; Warning:  The below StrReplace expects these hotstrings to have THESE names.  Edit with caution.
:?*:;dd9:: ; For entering dates.
:?*:;dd8:: ; all start with {semicolon}
:?*:;dd7:: ; ddn = in the past, n days.
:?*:;dd6:: ; dn = future by n days.
:?*:;dd1:: ; yesterday
:?*:;d0:: ; ;d0 = today
:?*:;d1:: ; tomorrow
:?*:;d2:: ; day after tomorrow
:?*:;d3:: ; etc.

nOffset := StrReplace(StrReplace(A_ThisHotkey, ":?*:;d", ""), "d", "-")
DatePicked += %nOffset%, days ; Puts offset into date format.
usedGUI = 0

;======= User Option =================
TypedDateFormat := "M-d-yyyy" ; Change according to your locale.

FormatTime, MyDate, %DatePicked%, %TypedDateFormat%
If (usedGUI = 1) ; Only need to wait if MonthCal GUI was used.
	WinWaitActive, %myWinTarget%
SendInput, %MyDate%   ; This types out the date.

;------------- Tooltip Section --------------
dateOffset := DatePicked
vNow := subStr(A_Now, 1, 8)
EnvSub, dateOffset, vNow, days
WdayArr := [6,5,4,3,2,1,0] ; Determine days until Saturday, for suffixes below.
daysTillSat := WdayArr[A_Wday]
fromSat := -1 * (daysTillSat - dateOffset)
MySuffix =
if (nOffset = 0)
	MySuffix := " -- Today"
; Use Saturday this week as a constant in determining the following suffixes.
if (fromSat > 0)
	MySuffix := " next week"
if (fromSat > 8)
	MySuffix := ", week after next"
if (fromSat > 15)
	MySuffix := " in three weeks"
if (fromSat > 22)
	MySuffix := " in four weeks"
if (fromSat > 29)
	MySuffix := " in five weeks"
if (fromSat > 36)
	MySuffix := " in six or more weeks"
if (fromSat < -7)
	MySuffix := " last week"
if (fromSat < -14)
	MySuffix := ", week before last"
if (fromSat < -21)
	MySuffix := " three weeks ago"
if (fromSat < -28)
	MySuffix := " four weeks ago"
if (fromSat < -35)
	MySuffix := " five weeks ago"
if (fromSat < -42)
	MySuffix := " six or more weeks ago"

myToolTipX := A_CaretX + 10 ; For TxtPos of tooltip.
myToolTipY := A_CaretY + 25

DatePicked += 0, days ; Puts it in proper date format.
HoliTip := (isHoliday(DatePicked) <> "")? isHoliday(DatePicked) . " ---> " : ""

FormatTime, DayOfWeek, %DatePicked%, dddd
WeekEndTip := (DayOfWeek = "Saturday") || (DayOfWeek = "Sunday")? "Weekend ---> " : ""

ToolTip, %HoliTip%%WeekEndTip%%DayOfWeek%%MySuffix%, %myToolTipX%, %myToolTipY%
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 2000 ; Number of milliseconds for the tooltip to show.
DatePicked =
nOffset =
;usedGUI = 0
gosub EndingPart


	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
return  ;----------- End of Tooltip section -------------

	; Reassign previous systray icon here, if there was one...
	;Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%/Icons/Psicon.ico ; Specific to Steve's setup.  If you see this, he forgot to remove it.
	If (ShowMulti = "3 w-3") ; 12 months shown.
		IniWrite, 3, DateFormat.txt, DateTool, Rows
Return  ; Replace this with ExitApp to kill each time. Use Return, for it to stay in RAM.

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HolidayList(offset, holiFunLoopNum, holiListDateForm)
; Note: If e.g. "May" is shown, Windows will gather notification data for April, May, June, when creating MonthCal.
; That is the reason for varam1 (offset).  So we only show holi names for e.g. May.
{ ;This function written by kunkel321 (but it calls Tidbit's function, and uses global vars from Just Me's function).
	global theseHolis =
	Month := SubStr("0" . Month, strlen(Month), 2)
	thisLoopDate := Year . Month . "01000000"
	thisLoopDate += %offset%, D
	loop, %holiFunLoopNum% {
		HoliThisLoop := isHoliday(thisLoopDate)
		;MsgBox, loop %A_index% `nhisLoopDate is: %thisLoopDate%  `nHoliThisLoop is: %HoliThisLoop%
		If (HoliThisLoop = "") || (HoliThisLoop = "-1") || (HoliThisLoop = " ") {
			thisLoopDate += 1, D
		FormatTime, thisLoopFormDate, %thisLoopDate%, %holiListDateForm%
		thisHoli := isHoliday(thisLoopDate)
		theseHolis .= thisLoopFormDate . "`t" . thisHoli . "`n"
		thisLoopDate += 1, D
	theseHolis := SubStr(theseHolis, 1, StrLen(theseHolis)-1) ; Remove last `n.
Return, theseHolis

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Process the MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification
; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/controls/mcn-getdaystate
; The first notification is sent while the GuiControl is created.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; This function, and LDOM(), written by user: Just Me.
   Static OffHwnd := 0
        , OffCode := OffHwnd + (A_PtrSize * 2)
        , OffYear := OffCode + A_PtrSize
        , OffMonth := OffYear + 2
        , OffCount := OffMonth + 14
        , OffArray := OffCount + A_PtrSize
   If (NumGet(L + OffCode, "Int") = -747) { ; MCN_GETDAYSTATE
      Year := NumGet(L + OffYear, "UShort")
      Month := NumGet(L + OffMonth, "UShort")
      MonthCount := NumGet(L + OffCount, "Int")
      Addr := NumGet(L + OffArray, "UPtr")
      CurrentDate := Format("{:}{:02}01000000", Year, Month)
      Loop, %MonthCount% {
         LastDay := LDOM(CurrentDate)
         BoldDays := 0
         Loop, %LastDay% {
            I := A_Index - 1
            If (isHoliday(CurrentDate) <> "") {
               BoldDays |= 1 << I
            CurrentDate += 1, D
         NumPut(BoldDays, Addr + 0, "UInt")
         Addr += 4
         CurrentDate := SubStr(CurrentDate, 1, 6) . "01000000"
		Return 1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDOM(Date) { ; get the number of last day of the month
   Date += 31, D
   Date := SubStr(Date, 1, 6)
   Date += -1, D
   Return (SubStr(Date, 7, 2) + 0)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

isHoliday(yyyymmddhhmiss:="", businessOnly:=0, stopAtFirst:=0)
; This function written by user: Tidbit.
	tstamp:=(yyyymmddhhmiss="") ? A_Now : yyyymmddhhmiss

	; not a valid timestamp
	if (strLen(yyyymmddhhmiss)!=14)
		return -1
	if yyyymmddhhmiss is not number
		return -2

	out:="" ; return a string of all possible events today

	; grab more data than needed. safety first.
	formatTime, ttt, %tstamp%, yyyy|MM|dd|MMMM|dddd
	date:=strSplit(ttt, "|")
	formatTime, ttt, %tstamp%, YWeek
	date.push(substr(ttt, 5))
	formatTime, ttt, %tstamp%, YDay

	date:={year: date[1], mon: date[2], day: date[3], monN: date[4], dayN: date[5], dayY: date[7], weekY: date[6]}

	; Leap-year
	if ((mod(date.year, 4)=0 && mod(date.year, 100)!=0) || mod(date.year, 400)=0)

	; Easter... Amazing. Thank you, "Nature" Journal - 1876
	a:=mod(date.year, 19), b:=floor(date.year/100), c:=mod(date.year, 100)
	d:=floor(b/4), e:=mod(b, 4), f:=floor((b+8)/25)
	g:=floor((b-f+1)/3), h:=mod(((19*a)+b-d-g+15), 30), i:=floor(c/4),
	k:=mod(c, 4), l:=mod((32+(2*e)+(2*i)-h-k), 7), m:=floor((a+(11*h)+(22*L))/451)
	emonth:=format("{:02}", (floor((h+l+(7*m)+114)/31)))
	eday:=format("{:02}", mod((h+l-(7*m)+114), 31)+1)

	; single space delimited, strictly
	; ["month day-day dayName", "Day Text", federal/business day]
	; if "dayName" = "absolute", "month" becomes "isLeapYear", and "day-day" is a number between 1-366
	dates:=[["01 01", "New Year's Day", 1]
	, ["01 15-21 Monday", "Martin Luther King Jr. Day", 1]
	, ["02 15-21 Monday", "Presidents Day", 1]
	, [ emonth " " eday, "Easter Sunday", 0]
;	, [ emonth " " eday+1, "Easter Monday", 1]
	, ["05 25-31 Monday", "Memorial Day", 1]
	, ["07 04", "Fourth of July", 1]
	, ["09 01-07 Monday", "Labor Day", 1]
;	, ["10 08-14 Monday", "Columbus Day", 1]
	, ["11 11", "Veterans Day", 1]
	, ["11 22-28 Thursday", "Thanksgiving Day", 1]
;	, ["12 24", "Christmas Eve", 0]
	, ["12 25", "Christmas Day", 1]
	, ["02 14", "Valentines Day", 0]
	, ["05 08-14 Sunday", "Mother's Day", 0]
	, ["06 15-21 Sunday", "Father's Day", 0]
	, ["03 17", "St. Patrick's Day", 0]
	, ["10 31", "Halloween", 0]
;	, ["01 23", "0123 Day", 0]
	, ["03 14", "Pi Day", 0]
;	, ["06 28", "Tau Day", 0]
	, ["06 20 Monday", "Juneteenth", 1]
	, ["06 19 Monday", "Juneteenth", 1]
	, ["06 19 Tuesday", "Juneteenth", 1]
	, ["06 19 Wednesday", "Juneteenth", 1]
	, ["06 19 Thursday", "Juneteenth", 1]
	, ["06 19 Friday", "Juneteenth", 1]
	, ["06 18 Friday", "Juneteenth", 1]] ; Added extra ] since below is commented-out.
;	, ["05 04", "May the fourth be with you", 0]
;	, ["11 11", "1111 Day", 0]
;	, ["0 182 absolute", "50% through the year", 0]
;	, ["1 183 absolute", "50% through the year", 0]]

	for k, day in dates
		if (day[3]=0 && businessOnly=1)

		holiday:=day[2] ; give it a nicer name
		stamp:=strSplit(day[1], " ")
		range:=strSplit(stamp[2], "-")
		range[2]:=(range[2]="") ? range[1] : range[2]

		if (stamp[3]!="absolute")
			; set a temp var to blank if a weekday wasn't specified.
			; Otherwise check if the specified day is today
			ttt:=(stamp[3]="") ? "" : date.dayN
			isBetween:=(date.day>=range[1] && date.day<=range[2]) ? 1 : 0
			if (date.mon=stamp[1] && isBetween=1 && ttt=stamp[3])
				out.=holiday "`n", stop:=1
			if (isLeap=stamp[1] && date.dayY=stamp[2])
				out.=holiday "`n", stop:=1

		if (stopAtFirst=1 && stop=1) ; sometimes you'll want to be a nanosecond faster.
			return trim(out, "`r`n `t")
	return trim(out, "`r`n `t")

;############# END OF DATEPICKER - H #####################################
EDIT 12-25-2023: A newer, AHK v2 version, of this is posted in the v2 'Scripts and Functions' sub forum--here: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=124254
There are a couple of new features
-press 1-5 to quickly change the number of dates shown.
-I got rid of year view because I never used it.
-clicking a bold day gives a tooltip showing the name of the holiday.
-the gui is now minimalist (no more space for holidays. no more buttons.)
-see post for more info.
Last edited by kunkel321 on 25 Dec 2023, 11:52, edited 21 times in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
Posts: 486
Joined: 30 Oct 2013, 06:04

Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

20 Jun 2023, 05:13

can be useful.
i will test this, thanks
just need to figure out what to change to have a different date format (dd-mm-yyyy) :oops:
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Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

20 Jun 2023, 08:21

ozzii wrote:
20 Jun 2023, 05:13
can be useful.
i will test this, thanks
just need to figure out what to change to have a different date format (dd-mm-yyyy) :oops:
NOTE: The below info on this particular reply is defunct. It is no longer accurate.

Update line 175.

Code: Select all

IniRead, dateFormat, DateFormat.txt, DateTool, Format, M-d-yyyy  
It reads the format from an ini file. But if the file is not found, it defaults to the right-most parameter.

... Actually, I guess it's not an ini file... It's a txt file. It needs to be formatted as an ini file though.
Also... You'll want to search the code for where the HolidayList function is called, and update the date formatting there too.
Last edited by kunkel321 on 20 Jul 2023, 21:47, edited 2 times in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

21 Jun 2023, 08:08

Thank you for the explanation, I will do what you said.
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Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

21 Jun 2023, 08:23

ozzii wrote:
21 Jun 2023, 08:08
Thank you for the explanation, I will do what you said.
Do you think I should have all of the date formatting locations read from the txt file? If might be easier for people. If would mean a couple of additional ini values would need to be read/written though.

When I posted to code, I hand't really considered that different people and places use different date formats. Which wasn't very inclusive on my part. :oops:
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

21 Jun 2023, 08:29

I think this will be easier to have the thing from the txt file. no change of the code and easier for any futur update of the ahk file.
But at the first run when you click on the format button it's resulting in an error because the txt is not existing.
I manage with a click on a single and after multi button ;)
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Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

21 Jun 2023, 12:19

Hmmm... Yes, thanks for reporting the error! I think I can fix that pretty easily.

It also occurs to me that, for years and years I've had the date format read from that file, but I don't think I've ever changed it once... So reading it from a file is probably not needed. It might make more sense to just have the variables all assigned at an easy-to-see location near the top of the script. Same with the GUI colors. The only thing that for sure has to get stored in a separate file is the Rows=3 / Rows=1 value. That allows the tool to "remember" the setting between uses. I actually do toggle that pretty often.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

21 Jun 2023, 12:57

Okay some updates:
The date variables are assigned in more obvious locations. Near the top is:

Code: Select all

;===== User Options Set Here ==================
;calColor = Gray
;FontColor = Black
;TypedDateFormat <---- Variable must be assigned below hotstring triggers. See DateFormat: label, below.
UnderCalDateFormat := "MM-dd" ; (keep short) ; Change according to your locale.
HoliPopupDateFormat := "MM-dd-yyyy ddd" ; Change according to your locale.
Further down is:

Code: Select all

;======= User Option =================
TypedDateFormat := "M-d-yyyy" ; Change according to your locale.
It is noteworthy that *IF* a person had this code running as a stand-alone app, then they could assign all of the variables in the AutoExe section at the top of the script. Personally, I have a "MasterScript" with a bunch of tools in it. This is one of the tools and is not at the top, so I have to assign the variables below the hotkey or hotstring in order for them to stay with this tool. If you do put the variables in the AutoExe section, be sure that the iniRead command stays below the hotkey for the calendar.

Also, Since I rarely access the DateFormat.txt file, I simply removed that button. :lol:

Warning: Don't name the ahk file "DatePicker-H.ahk." If you do, then, when your ahk editor is active, you won't be able to type an "h" LOL. Every time you try, you'll just get the popup message box with the list of holidays.

EDIT: Another update today... "Shift-click" the single|multi button for a temporary 12-month view. It reverts back to a 3-month view after closing/reopening. In 12-month view it still only shows the first 5 holiday names at the bottom, which is annoying.

Speaking of which, I should mention that multi-month view always shows exactly 5 lines of text under the MonthCal part of the GUI. So if there are more than 5 holidays present, some will not be shown. Single month view shows exactly two lines.

Another comment: I made the code so that all usage paths of the GUI (basically just 'enter date' or 'cancel/close') lead to the EndingPart: label. The reason for this, is the icon assignment. I have a particular system tray icon for my MasterScript, But my different GUIs get their own icons. Having the DateTool always terminate at the EndingPart: Label, allows me to re-assign my MasterScript icon in only that location. At least that's my intention.
Last edited by kunkel321 on 20 Jul 2023, 21:49, edited 1 time in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
Posts: 486
Joined: 30 Oct 2013, 06:04

Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

22 Jun 2023, 05:01

Thanks for those updates
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Posts: 1194
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: A simple datepicker with holidays - feedback welcome

25 Dec 2023, 11:52

As indicated in the original post, above: A newer, AHK v2 version, of this is posted in the v2 'Scripts and Functions' sub forum--here: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=124254
There are a couple of new features
-press 1-5 to quickly change the number of dates shown.
-I got rid of year view because I never used it.
-clicking a bold day gives a tooltip showing the name of the holiday.
-the gui is now minimalist (no more space for holidays. no more buttons.)
-see post for more info.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel

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