Crop bitmap and export as Base64 string? ( Create Icons ) Topic is solved

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Re: Crop bitmap and export as Base64 string? ( Create Icons )

28 Jun 2023, 08:29

@Hellbent, many many thanks for the examples. Immensely helpful to me and I imagine all other lesser skilled coders.
Most likely even those deemed as gurus on here. I will be picking at this for awhile trying to learn what does what. Brilliant work!!
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Posts: 2114
Joined: 23 Sep 2017, 13:34

Re: Crop bitmap and export as Base64 string? ( Create Icons )  Topic is solved

13 Aug 2023, 04:44


1. Added the ability to change the background color. Works with images that have transparency that are loaded from the clipboard.

2. Added the ability to draw text. Use `n to create a new line.

quick icons update 1.gif
quick icons update 1.gif (985.74 KiB) Viewed 1456 times

Requires windows 8 or higher.
Replace the path to the gdip lib at the top of the script.

Paste the code from the next post at the bottom of the this script. ( contains extra classes and functions needed )

You can find some examples of how to use the icons in your scripts a few posts above this one. ( How To )

Code: Select all

#Include <My Altered GDIP lib> ;GDIP:
;~ #Include <PopUpWindow_V2> ; At the bottom of the script 
;~ #Include <Gen 3 Buttons> ; 
;~ #Include <HB Vectors v2> 
;~ #Include, <HB Icon Buttons ( LW Ani Buttons )>
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, % A_ScriptDir

IfNotExist, % A_ScriptDir "\Saved Icon Images\"
	FileCreateDir, % A_ScriptDir "\Saved Icon Images\"

IconB64 := "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"

SetIcon( B64ToPBitmap( IconB64 ) )
Theme1 := NewTheme()
GuiButtonType1.SetSessionDefaults( Theme1.All , Theme1.Default , Theme1.Hover , Theme1.Pressed )

Gui1 := {}
Gui1.Controls := {}
Gui1.Handles := []
Gui1.Scale := 1

;~ Gui1.MainIcon := B64ToPBitmap( IconB64 )
Gui1.ImageBackgroundColor := "0xFF22262a" ;<<<<<========<
Gui1.SelectedShape := "Triangle"
Gui1.ShapesArray := [ "Rectangle" , "Rounded Rectangle" , "Circle" , "Triangle" , "Pentagon" , "Hexagon" , "Heptagon" , "Octagon" , "Hexadecagon" ]
Gui1.Display := {}
Gui1.Display.pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 400 , 400 )

Gui1.Image := {}
Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap := Gui1.Image.pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile( Gui1.FilePath )
Gui1.Image.Scale := 1
Gui1.Image.X := 0
Gui1.Image.Y := 0


Gui1.SavedImagePaths := []
Loop, % A_ScriptDir "\Saved Icon Images\*.png"	
	Gui1.SavedImagePaths.Push( A_LoopFileFullPath )

Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps := []
Loop, % A_ScriptDir "\Saved Icon Images\*.txt"	
	FileRead, out , % A_LoopFileFullPath
	if( out ){
		Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps.Push( B64ToPBitmap( out ) )


Gui1.IconPages := []
page := 0

Loop, % Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps.Length()	{
	if( A_Index = 1 || !mod( inDex , 10 ) ){
		Gui1.IconPages[ page ] := []
		inDex := 0
	Gui1.IconPages[ page ][ ++Index ] := Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps[ A_Index ]

Gui1.CurrentPage := page
Gui1.NumberOfPages := page

Gui, New,  -DPIScale HwndHwnd ;+AlwaysOnTop
Gui1.Hwnd := hwnd

Gui, Font, % ( 12 / ( A_ScreenDPI / 96 ) ) * Gui1.Scale " cFFFFFF"
Gui, Color, % Background := "32363a" , 42464a

cc := Gui1.Controls.DisplayPicture := { X: 50 , Y: 50 , W: 400 , H: 400 , Method: "" }
Gui, Add, Picture, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " 0xE hwndhwnd"
cc.Hwnd := hwnd
Gui1.Handles[ hwnd ] := cc


cc := Gui1.Controls.Image_Y_Slider := { X: 455 , Y: 50 , W: 20 , H: 400 }
Gui, Add, Progress , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd Background"
cc.Hwnd := hwnd 

cc := Gui1.Controls.Image_Y_Thumb := { X: 455 , Y: 50 , W: 20 , H: 50 }
Gui, Add, Progress , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd BackgroundRed"
cc.Hwnd := hwnd

cc := Gui1.Controls.Image_X_Slider := { X: 50 , Y: 455 , W: 400 , H: 20 }
Gui, Add, Progress , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd Background"
cc.Hwnd := hwnd

cc := Gui1.Controls.Image_X_Thumb := { X: 50 , Y: 455 , W: 50 , H: 20 }
Gui, Add, Progress , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd BackgroundF0F0F0 cRed" , 100
cc.hwnd := hwnd


;~ Gui1.Controls.CaptureImageFromScreenButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 500 , Y: 30 , W: 300 , H: 40 , Text: "Capture A New Image From The Screen" , Label: "CaptureNewImageFromScreen" }  )
Gui1.Controls.CaptureImageFromScreenButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 500 , Y: 35 , W: 300 , H: 40 , Text: "Capture A New Image From The Screen" , Label: "CaptureNewImageFromScreen" }  )

;~ Gui1.Controls.LoadImageFromClipboardButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 500 , Y: 70 , W: 300 , H: 40 , Text: "Load Image From Clipboard" , Label: "LoadImageFromClipboard" } )
Gui1.Controls.LoadImageFromClipboardButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 500 , Y: 75 , W: 300 , H: 40 , Text: "Load Image From Clipboard" , Label: "LoadImageFromClipboard" } )

;~ Gui1.Controls.LoadImageFromFileButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 500 , Y: 110 , W: 300 , H: 40 , Text: "Load Image From File" , Label: "LoadImageFromFile" }  )
Gui1.Controls.LoadImageFromFileButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 500 , Y: 115 , W: 300 , H: 40 , Text: "Load Image From File" , Label: "LoadImageFromFile" }  )

;~ Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" 500 " y" 160 " w" 230 " r1 " " -VScroll "
Gui, Add, Edit, % "x" 500 " y" 165 " w" 230 " r1 " " -VScroll "

;~ Gui1.Controls.GetFilePathButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 740 , Y: 150 , W: 60 , H: 40 , Text: "Get" , Label: "GetImageFilePath" }  )
Gui1.Controls.GetFilePathButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 740 , Y: 155 , W: 60 , H: 40 , Text: "Get" , Label: "GetImageFilePath" }  )


Gui, Add, Text, x500 y200 Section , ScaleFactor

GlowRadio_1.Settings.FontSize := 12
GlowRadio_1.Settings.ButtonRestColor := "0xFF440000"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.RestColor := "0xFF82868a"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.ActiveColor := "0xFFFF0000"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.Scalefactor := 1
GlowRadio_1.Settings.Owner := Gui1.Hwnd
GlowRadio_1.Settings.BackgroundColor := "0xFF32363a"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.Y_Offset := 1
GlowRadio_1.Settings.X_Offset := 5
GlowRadio_1.Settings.Label := "SetImageScale"

Gui1.ScaleList := [ "0.5" , "1.0" , "1.5" , "2.0" , "3.0" , "5.0" ]

Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios := []
Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios[ 1 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x := 500 , Y: 220 , W: w := 52 , State: 0 , Text: "0.5" } )
Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios[ 2 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: 220 , W: w , State: 1 , Text: "1.0" } )
Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios[ 3 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: 220 , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "1.5" } )
Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios[ 4 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: 220 , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "2.0" } )
Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios[ 5 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: 220 , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "3.0" } )
Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios[ 6 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: 220 , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "5.0" } )


Gui, Add, Text, x500 y+10 Section , Shape


Gui, Add, Text, x500 y315 Section , Border Thickness

GlowRadio_1.Settings.FontSize := "11"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.GroupName := "Group_2"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.Label := "SetBorderThickness"

Gui1.BorderThicknessList := [ "0" , "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "10" ]

Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios := []
Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 1 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x := 500 , Y: y := 335 , W: w := 45 , State: 0 , Text: "0" } )
Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 2 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: y , W: w , State: 1 , Text: "1" } )
Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 3 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: y , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "2" } )
Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 4 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: y , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "3" } )
Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 5 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: y , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "4" } )
Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 6 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: y , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "5" } )
Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 7 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: y , W: w , State: 0 , Text: "10" } )


Gui, Show, x700 w820 h600


BoundFunc := Func( "TestFunction" ).Bind( Gui1 )
Gui1.ShapeListDDL := New DropDownListv1( { rows: 				3
										, X:					500 
										, Y: 					270
										, Bind: 				BoundFunc
										, ScaleFactor: 			1
										, W: 					280 
										, FontSize: 			14 
										, FontColor: 			"0xFFFF0000" 
										, Font: 				"Segoe UI" 
										, Parent: 				Gui1.Hwnd 
										, Selected:     		4	
										, HighlightFontColor:   "0xFFFFFFFF"	
										, List: 				Gui1.ShapesArray } )	

Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: x := 635 , Y: 370 , W: w := 55 , H: 120 , Text: "        B64" , Label: "SaveNewB64Icon" } , { FontOptions: "Top Center " } )
QuickIcon64x64 := "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"
FloppyDiskBitmap := B64ToPBitmap( QuickIcon64x64 )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , FloppyDiskBitmap, 10 , 38 , 35 , 35 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , FloppyDiskBitmap, 5 , 35 , 45 , 45 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , FloppyDiskBitmap, 7 , 36 , 41 , 41 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap )

HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
HButton._DisplayButton( Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 , HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SaveB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )

Gui1.Controls.SavePng := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: x += w + 5 , Y: 370 , W: w , H: 120 , Text: "        .png" , Label: "SavePNGToFIle" } , { FontOptions: "Top Center " } )

PNGICON64x64 := "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"

PNG_ICON_Bitmap := B64ToPBitmap( PNGICON64x64 )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , PNG_ICON_Bitmap, 10 , 38 , 35 , 35 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , PNG_ICON_Bitmap, 5 , 35 , 45 , 45 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , PNG_ICON_Bitmap, 5 , 36 , 45 , 45 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap )

HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
HButton._DisplayButton( Gui1.Controls.SavePng , HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SavePng ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )

Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: x += w + 5 , Y: 370 , W: w , H: 120 , Text: "        B64" , Label: "ClipboardBase64" } , { FontOptions: "Top Center " } )

ClipBoardIcon64x64 := "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABACAYAAACqaXHeAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAAxGSURBVHhe3ZsJXFTVHseHYQYQROkpomkJuWRpqenD5bmgWFjmY0dETNJYXEBQzHxqkllkPUEYlpJyQT6mKGjvuaSv5aUlYgmoKA6IwKCCCiZuLCr//v+r93pn5jLOnRnE+n8+X87hztyz/O45/7PdkTwmc0RckDAkxkwuV0il0kNSqflhFnOZxXq8vgo/j3zw3UHIn9qGI/FmUmkJhmAIMrnFJZmlZTrGPZA/hVFBN0jMzOowFKyUoZhJze/ILKwOYDwIeeKMnvaPiGDhLW1s4Zn+Q2Cgmw+M8AsBl7cXgt/KdWpMCFnCfObsGcR818auk2BahNzCqhLDJ6JVUN/+GtEqZIcuT8OQNwOYyi3MOmYQAbEbGUH+1t1RK33CqoNdIYZt4iuskHhs6g0YqhWKnvLbiVmCFTKG4NT/Mi0E/YJafoTcpv0+DO2Qx2JdkRxErRC9nV1apeKahH11gBFZM3+LdjZXMWz11oB93ewShlzG3fq+pLuZZ+cZh1CaCLUIEp1fFqlMdre99VMhGG8V89ds8uS4hArHJ3pnPlJgODpEILyXKRgnyy+XzL7Tlxia1GIQLgPKkJ76gqy8FlmIhY/cdhT8F34GPnM+AN95H4rGO/R9CIpNh+j/nBTMgyUoMZtxuvwyWtg+dRBDkxiNu1zC5JHfUuyCeTsLYX72cYjMxooKELXrJIRvPQruM96FN7xCYZLfHNFMdJ8FAUuTYMHuIsE8WOZnn4DgjCPQo/9QNRFsOvfYjqFRNpzf7Gl8DsnIgRXbfoTMDXHwXdoy+D5tKRNq8uNXy2BP6lLwD4qC1/3nw+QA8bzqFwFLohfBoQ3LBfMgKP/9X8ZAWvpXELE1B14c764mgvVzjssxNMgcsfKcw6MnH5JxGD7ZuhdOJM8EVaIHlCX6tEhlkjecjveDwBnhMNE/UrCCj8LVLxJiI4OhOtlbMA+W8kRvUCV4wIG05RCd9Rs4Dh7JCWAulzc7ODw7CeOijMZ5bqijPj8rdS8s2pELuSlzoAIzVCZN00lpSgAUrA2EaTMijBJgVVQYqFIDBPPgU5wUAJUJ7vD1+njsDjlqkycsP7VimrTpbfEIczNNPMjhhWcXQsKWHVCq8GMyUyYFwplEfyha4454aFEc7w55qz1gauBsFCBKsIKPYjwK8OG8IChf+0/BPJi847w4EahsRz+fC4vxQc1K3aM2OtjY2VdgqJf14/d7dqgjp7cuIx3KFL5MZmcS/KB003y4nLcPLh/bg+xWoyZvD9Tk74Wod1eCi0eYYAV1Mck/Asa6h+ETXQc3C/drpU9cyd8PVQc3Y3nwgSgC4KxiChSkBMOy7YcY50gPjj9z7NL7+fkYPtJ2IswN5PTY8ZYE+CJjMydAUbwnlGethCYAaCSa1aHrd5ED3/8EU2YuAlfPMJjgNVsvXL3uf3fh0tVQVlEJmJxW+mweNy6rHggw9YEAIZwAVG5aj7D16dCl+3UMqXu3aLSq426Y/u8tOgTwgvLtK6Ch8Q7UNzRAfX29Fg14/WxJMXz33Q/wxfotsDZlIySmbnokCakbIWNrNuTm5MCl6mpoamoSTv9uM9SdV+oUgKbO/FbQ7YVBGzBs0fIR5os0zWQrb6gAjY2NcLW2Fk4cL4CCvGNwPD9PbwryfoNipRJu377NCCmUvj4CELT8ZutlZduxSWJv3x7jWkbra+ZLpJjmwsYQAQgSoa6uDipVKigvK4Py8vJHg9+rqqrSWXlCXwHm4/yAv7/QybFvFoZaxvV96jf8yhOGCkCQCNSMxaKr8oS+AhD8VmDd8al6DNXMiu/5aaXFv5kwRoDWQowABH9YdBrtojY5mogwH3Rxel7rRkKsAI2NTSaloaFRKw+xAvQfN5kToJfzmP9hyFkqwnxAuy6aNxL6C9CAffcW1NZWQU3NRZNw5coFuHathknbGAEmRX3MCeDg9CINiWYI/jUzU9FFgvbhNG8k9BWAntTNm3Vw5kwunDr1M5w+/YvRnDx5EFSqIq1WIFaAeen/VxsS+06e/TKGzDYSc4E8peZNLPoL0AC3bt3AAivRo5+GigrjKSsrhEuXVFpOUawABH+h5DR07OcYSvzZC/1GuQneRLStD7hjEh9AjA4M5wToPeK1IxgyR1HMBaHhj0WMADR+19VdxX5bayJq4Pr1a5i28S1g4rwYTgDHl5yp60ti2QukjtBNhDgfcB2Ki3+DoqIc9AVHjIb8QGWl0mgfQNACia2vfe8Xb0rMpFLaNmIukJcUuokQJ8ANpt+ePZsPpaUFRlNSkgcXL54ziQA0w2Xra9ftmbsSqVT6C3tB1/a2WB/wODBEABoJ2PpaWrdvxiFQSudszAWhGSCLWB9A3cB01OHIclMtD8IQAQj+UEhzgCumFID1AdT8lcpfGV9gLDSnuHChxCRdgOBPibELmOex/7Q0CSLEClBaepwpfEnJMaNRKo+iAGdNIgCtDLnKMwLIZHvZf9wXrxG8iRDrA6jJmhKaXmvmYYgA1MrZ+tp2drgnMTeX0TESc0HXUddfxQnyh8Huzw9swlC6hL3Q0kKIENsFaBikIezcueNGQ/6kqso0wyB/QdRzyGhaED08+qLlotBNhFgBiouPMZMYpTLXaIqKDsP588UmEYC/MdJrxPgyDB9uhNJhgtBNhJguQMMgTV1NCYnKz4MwRAD+nsBLr3n+jKHESmouu8lebGkoFOsDhBc1hqP59AmxAtAIwB8CxwZFUfdHL2Bp+Q17kZqI5o2E/l2Avxw+Jbi8FQv5k+pq45fDfAdo27lr85iI1D4YZ4zzA/zDED7ifEAd9t2jcOoUbWgcNprCwkMm2RDhH5K8MGYyTQDNEcboBSPmA5om0nxZ82ZxPuAWXL16GWprq5FLJqAal9e1mLZxLYD/EsXw6Qvo7baHZm5hkYsB86FQNxDvAxq1+rExGOsD6JSLrR/5gWHvfTwM42r2HsJ8gbbGyGHwExArwONAjAC0283W79mBw2owvL8hyjMrqdzidwyZL2lOiv7MAtAUn62XzMIShgaHvo9xQVuA3P8i+gI6WPwrCMB/+v3GT6qVhEssMS5scuv2NDtivszfI9QSIM4TKrJWwr0Hx+BtAeV960qlTgH4Mz96+i7LP4jAuE7zRO7fgK2APSInAdbxBFAmToGitDlQuG8jsqFNOPltOhTuSoAzChLg/gsSx1MfCkAtmH8oOviNqSrJWIkM47pNbmn5KwbMTTR0UELhKEDc5kwoTfRlXpEpSZkOxz71he2RLrAjqm3IjBwDuxe/igLQO0LT4JzCD46kzIXozCMQvi2XeYuVrQcJMW5h/BiM62WO5jI5naAyN1NCEZm5EL7pB/gpIRQqk3ygODkQTq6dCgc/8oZDH7cNBz/ygsOf+MAZrHwJPpTzCi9IS4qF2Zl5zBkHW37C2X92Joai7HWES4ASDMvAoTF+PeQmBjMiqJJ9oTJlCuLXRmDeyX6gSvKFCiRz7WKYlfQN/GPaw8MP4hXPt85JVujR9DXN2ro9vWTIJURD44yk3RAWlw6pibGQpfgXsgR2tCGU/zbFcohNSIDpa7bBhNBlapV3GjaufmT0p70wbpjJOtp+iwGX4MsTPOCtNZkQEJcF0+J2tDmBSABDFozEB8Qvq0Pv/vdGLfrSFeNGmZW8nc1pDLmEe+CC6Z3knRD6+e4nguDkXfDC6NfVKt/B/unmV4OXzsC4SczK2q7TYQy5DDri6DBTsROis/PblPDNB9W8PdG5Z997bu8sM/2Pq2y6dk/DgMuIFhV0nqi5bnhc0EEnf5wnnhs+rt41etMEjLeOde7SLVhu1e4ORrlMqRBUGKFCtgb0Iwn+9JZlqPvMs4NWr+Y2OVrTXrGyteNOlFhoT1HX2YKx0KyUNmw086UHMNQ3lN5ykyOPzzo49VqL3aARo2oFMsVP5lio0i39dI7m9oPcfFQukatEvw5vSrNzGDBwF84c72Fcq5DkJ2gnlhYlJAjRks9gP6fuRL8M0+zffHqPGP+7W8xnizDObWu1tfXo0L3nT5r+QRdUQc3f+uiCFmc9B42oGRY8N0bSU/dLz21qjgOdQ3v0d/7V1r6b2q/MDAGHX+g7yq32FZ+QXSMWJ+m9mHlirI+r2yTHwcO29Bk5Ia/Ts71qu/QZcNtcbtGMH2lVls7qHPoOuO309zGqAa5vHhk7fXaM97qN/fEzKdIKJpH8AStnNnKcafsDAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"
Clipboard_ICON_Bitmap := B64ToPBitmap( ClipBoardIcon64x64 )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , Clipboard_ICON_Bitmap, 10 , 38 , 35 , 35 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , Clipboard_ICON_Bitmap, 5 , 35 , 45 , 45 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , Clipboard_ICON_Bitmap, 5 , 36 , 45 , 45 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap )

HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
HButton._DisplayButton( Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 , HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.ClipboardB64 ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )


Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: x := 100 , Y: 5 , W: w := 40 , H: 40 , Text: "" , Label: "SetBackgroundColor" } , { FontOptions: "Top Center " } )
QuickIcon64x64 := "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"

FloppyDiskBitmap := B64ToPBitmap( QuickIcon64x64 )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , FloppyDiskBitmap, 2 , 2 , 36 , 36 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , FloppyDiskBitmap, 0 , 0 , 40 , 40 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
Gdip_DrawImage( G , FloppyDiskBitmap, 1 , 1 , 38 , 38 )
Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap )
DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap )

HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Default.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Hover.pBitmap )
HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Pressed.pBitmap )
HButton._DisplayButton( Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton , HButton.Button[ Gui1.Controls.SetBackgroundColorButton ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )



;Add font DropDownList

FontList := []
testList := GetFontNames( 1 )
ddlList := ""
for k, v in testList	{
	if( inStr( k , "@" ) ){
		FontList.Push( SubStr( k , 2 ) )
		ddlList .= SubStr( k , 2 ) "|"
		FontList.Push( k )
		ddlList .= k "|"
	if( FOntList.Length() = 250 ){
		MsgBox, % "Max number of fonts reached"

fontsize := []
Loop, 200
	FontSize.Push( A_Index + 7 )

BoundFunc := Func( "SetFontType" ).Bind( Gui1 )
Gui1.FontTypeDDL := New DropDownListv1( { rows: 				15
										, X:					150 
										, Y: 					8
										, Bind: 				BoundFunc
										, ScaleFactor: 			1
										, W: 					180 
										, FontSize: 			16 
										;~ , FontColor: 			"0xFFFF0000" 
										, FontColor: 			"0xFFFFFFFF" 
										, Font: 				"Segoe UI" 
										, Parent: 				Gui1.Hwnd 
										, Selected:     		1	
										, HighlightFontColor:   "0xFFFFFFFF"	
										, MaxPanelWidth:   100
										, List: 				FontList } )	
BoundFunc := Func( "SetFontSize" ).Bind( Gui1 )
Gui1.FontSizeDDL := New DropDownListv1( { rows: 				12
										, X:					340 
										, Y: 					8
										, Bind: 				BoundFunc
										, ScaleFactor: 			1
										, W: 					80 
										, FontSize: 			16 
										;~ , FontColor: 			"0xFFFF0000" 
										, FontColor: 			"0xFFFFFFFF" 
										, Font: 				"Segoe UI" 
										, Parent: 				Gui1.Hwnd 
										, Selected:     		22	
										, HighlightFontColor:   "0xFFFFFFFF"	
										, MaxPanelWidth:   100
										, List: 				FontSize } )	

Gui1.TextDisplayString := ""
Gui, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Add", Edit, x430 y10 w380 r1 gUpdateText hwndTextStringEditHwnd , % Gui1.TextDisplayString


Gui1.ShapeOutline := { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: 100 , H: 100 , Radius: 50 , Type: "Rounded Rectangle" , Angle: 270 , Thickness: 1 }
Gui1.ShapeColor := "0xFFFF0000"
SetupNewImage( Gui1 , Gui1.Image.pBitmap )

cc := Gui1.OutputIconWindow := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: 500 , Y: 365 , W: 128 * Gui1.Scale , H: 128 * Gui1.Scale , Options: " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale Parent" Gui1.Hwnd } ) 

Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateHatch( "0x66000000" , "0x66ffffff" , 52 ) 
, Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( Gui1.OutputIconWindow.G , Brush , 2 * Gui1.Scale , 2 * Gui1.Scale , ( cc.W - 4 ) * Gui1.Scale , ( cc.H - 4 ) * Gui1.Scale , 15 * Gui1.Scale ) 
, Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )

Gui1.OutputIconWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFFFF0000" , X: 32 , Y: 32 , W: 64 , H: 64 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 


cc := Gui1.IconStripWindow := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: 55 , Y: 500 , W: 750 * Gui1.Scale , H: 80 * Gui1.Scale , Options: " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale Parent" Gui1.Hwnd } ) 

Gui1.IconButtons := []
x := 7
Loop, % 10	{
	obj := { Alpha: 		255 
			, PulseLength: 	5 
			, PulseRate: 	1 
			, Animate:		"Pulse" 
			, X: 			x 
			, Y: 			8 
			, W: 			64 
			, H: 			64 
			, pBitmap: 		Gui1.IconPages[ Gui1.CurrentPage ][ A_Index ]
			, Parent: 		cc.Hwnd 
			, Label:		"IconButtonLabel" }
	x += 70		
	Gui1.IconButtons[ A_Index ] := New IconButtons( obj )
	bd := Func( "IconButtonLabel" ).Bind( Gui1 )
	GuiControl, % Gui1.IconButtons[ A_Index ].Window.Hwnd ":+G" , % Gui1.IconButtons[ A_Index ].Control.Hwnd , IconButtonLabel

DrawSavedIcons( Gui1 )

Gui1.Controls.StripLeftButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 5 , Y:500  , W: 50 , H: 80 , Text: "3" , Label: "SavedIconPageDown" } , { Font: "WebDings" , FontSize: 26 } )
Gui1.Controls.StripRightButton := New HButton( { Owner: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 765 , Y:500  , W: 50 , H: 80 , Text: "4" , Label: "SavedIconPageUp" } , { Font: "WebDings" , FontSize: 26 } )


GlowRadio_1.Settings.FontSize := "11"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.GroupName := "Group_3"
GlowRadio_1.Settings.Label := "SetDisplayType"

Gui1.Controls.TypeRadios := []
Gui1.Controls.TypeRadios[ 1 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x := 50 , Y: y := 478 , W: w := 75 , State: 0 , Text: ".png" } )
Gui1.Controls.TypeRadios[ 2 ] := New GlowRadio_1( { X: x += w , Y: y , W: w , State: 1 , Text: "B64" } )


OnMessage( 0x201 , Func( "ClickEvent" ).Bind( Gui1 ) )
OnMessage( 0x020A , Func( "WheelEvent" ).Bind( Gui1 ) )

Gui1.Controls.DirectionControl := New PositionButtons( { Scale: .4 , Parent: Gui1.Hwnd , X: 10 / 0.3 , Y: 3 / 0.3 , Bind: [ Func("MoveShapeUp").Bind( Gui1 ) , Func("MoveShapeDown").Bind( Gui1 ) , Func("MoveShapeLeft").Bind( Gui1 ) , Func("MoveShapeRight").Bind( Gui1 ) ] } )

cc := Gui1.ColorWheelWindow := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: 10 , Y: 60 , W: 30 , H: 380 , Options: " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale Parent" Gui1.Hwnd } ) 

cc.PaintBackground( color := "0xFF000000" , AutoUpdate := 0 ) 
cc.DrawBitmap( CreateColorWheelBitmap( Gui1 ) , { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: cc.W , H: cc.H } , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 1 )

;~ GuiContextMenu:
;~ *ESC::


SetFontType( Gui1 ){
	SetupNewImage( Gui1 , Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap , Gui1.Image.X , Gui1.Image.Y )
	sleep, 30


SetFontSize( Gui1 ){
	SetupNewImage( Gui1 , Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap , Gui1.Image.X , Gui1.Image.Y )
	sleep, 30


	GuiControlGet, out , % Gui1.Hwnd ":" , % TextStringEditHwnd
	Gui1.TextDisplayString := out
	SetupNewImage( Gui1 , Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap , Gui1.Image.X , Gui1.Image.Y )
	sleep, 30

	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
	ColorGui := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: "Center" , Y: "Center" , W: 50 , H: 50 , Options: " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale +ToolWindow " } ) 
	While( !GetkeyState( "ctrl" , "P" ) ){
		ToolTip, Hover your cursor over the color you want to capture`nand then press "ctrl" 
		MouseGetPos, x , y 
		PixelGetColor, color , x , y , RGB 
		color := "0xFF" SubStr( color , 3 )
		ColorGui.X := x + 30
		ColorGui.Y := y - 70
		ColorGui.PaintBackground( { Color: "0x99000000" , X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: ColorGui.W - 4 , H: ColorGui.H - 4 , Round: 15 } ) 
		ColorGui.PaintBackground( { Color: color , X: 8 , Y: 8 , W: ColorGui.W - 16 , H: ColorGui.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , 1 ) 
		sleep, 30
	Gui1.ImageBackgroundColor := Color
	SetupNewImage( Gui1 , Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap , Gui1.Image.X , Gui1.Image.Y )


SetIcon( pBitmap ){
	hIcon := Gdip_CreateHICONFromBitmap( pBitmap )
	Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
	Menu, Tray, Icon, HICON:%hIcon%

CreateColorWheelBitmap( Gui1 ){
	cc := Gui1.ColorWheelWindow
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( w := cc.W * Gui1.Scale , h := cc.H * Gui1.Scale ) 
	G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) 
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 1 )
	HueRate := 1 / Gui1.Scale
	SatRate := 1 / h 
	Sat := 1 
	lum := 0.5
	x := 1 
	Loop, % w	{
		y := 1 , Hue := 1
		Loop, % h {
			Gdip_SetPixel( pBitmap, x , y , "0xFF" SubStr( HSL_ToRGB( hue , sat , lum ) , 3 ) )
			y++ , hue += HueRate 
		x++ , Sat -= SatRate
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	return pBitmap

MoveShapeUp( Gui1 ){
	ly := Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y
	( GetKeyState( "Ctrl" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y -= 100 ) : ( GetKeyState( "Shift" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y -= 10 ) : ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y -= 1 )
	( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y < ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) * -1 ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y := ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) * -1 )
	if( ly != Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y )
		UpdateWindow( Gui1 )

MoveShapeDown( Gui1 ){
	ly := Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y
	( GetKeyState( "Ctrl" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y += 100 ) : ( GetKeyState( "Shift" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y += 10 ) : ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y += 1 )
	( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y > 400 - ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y := 400 - ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) ) 
	if( ly != Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y )
		UpdateWindow( Gui1 )

MoveShapeLeft( Gui1 ){
	lx := Gui1.ShapeOutline.X
	( GetKeyState( "Ctrl" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X -= 100 ) : ( GetKeyState( "Shift" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X -= 10 ) : ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X -= 1 )
	( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X < ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 ) * -1 ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X := ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 ) * -1 )
	if( lx != Gui1.ShapeOutline.X )
		UpdateWindow( Gui1 )

MoveShapeRight( Gui1 ){
	lx := Gui1.ShapeOutline.X
	( GetKeyState( "Ctrl" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X += 100 ) : ( GetKeyState( "Shift" ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X += 10 ) : ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X += 1 )
	( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X > 400 - ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 ) ) ? ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X := 400 - ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 ) ) 
	if( lx != Gui1.ShapeOutline.X )
		UpdateWindow( Gui1 )

	ToolTip, Currently Not Available
	sleep, 2000

	ToolTip, Currently Not Available
	sleep, 2000

	ToolTip, Not enabled yet
	sleep, 1500
	Clipboard := ""
	sleep, 500
	out :=  Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string( Gui1.CroppedBitmap , "PNG" , 100 )
	Clipboard := Out

	out :=  Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string( Gui1.CroppedBitmap , "PNG" , 100 )
	name := "Icon_B64_" A_Now ".txt"
	FileAppend, % out , % A_ScriptDir "\Saved Icon Images\" name
	Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps.push( Gdip_CloneBitmapArea( Gui1.CroppedBitmap , 0 , 0 , 64 , 64 ) )
	Gui1.IconPages := []
	page := 0

	Loop, % Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps.Length()	{
		if( A_Index = 1 || !mod( inDex , 10 ) ){
			Gui1.IconPages[ page ] := []
			inDex := 0
		Gui1.IconPages[ page ][ ++Index ] := Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps[ A_Index ]

	Gui1.CurrentPage := page
	Gui1.NumberOfPages := page
	DrawSavedIcons( Gui1 )

	if( Gui1.CurrentPage > 1 ){
		DrawSavedIcons( Gui1 )
	if( Gui1.CurrentPage < Gui1.NumberOfPages ){
		DrawSavedIcons( Gui1 )

DrawSavedIcons( Gui1 ){
	cc := Gui1.IconStripWindow
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF22262a" , X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: 705 , H: cc.H - 4 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x := 7 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	cc.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF12161a" , X: x += 70 , Y: 8 , W: 64 , H: cc.H - 16 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
	x := 7
	Loop, % Gui1.IconPages[ Gui1.CurrentPage ].Length()	{
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateHatch( "0x66000000" , "0x66ffffff" , 52 ) 
		, Gdip_FillRectangle( cc.G , Brush , x * Gui1.Scale , 8 * Gui1.Scale , 64 * Gui1.Scale , 64 * Gui1.Scale ) 
		, Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		x += 70
	Loop, 10	{
		Gui1.IconButtons[ A_Index ].Bitmap.pBitmap := Gui1.IconPages[ Gui1.CurrentPage ][ A_Index ]
		Gui1.IconButtons[ A_Index ].Draw()

	path := A_ScriptDir "\Saved Icon Images\Icon_" A_Now ".png"
	Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile( Gui1.CroppedBitmap , path , 100 )


TestFunction( Gui1 ){
	Gui1.SelectedShape := Gui1.ShapesArray[ Gui1.ShapeListDDL.Selected ]
	Gui1.ShapeOutline.Type := Gui1.SelectedShape
	if(  Gui1.SelectedShape = "Rectangle" )
		Gui1.ShapeOutline.Angle := 45
		Gui1.ShapeOutline.Angle := 270
	UpdateWindow( Gui1 )

	Target := New DrawTarget()
	pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen( Target.X "|" Target.Y "|" Target.W "|" Target.H  )
	SetupNewImage( Gui1 , pBitmap )


	Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness := Gui1.BorderThicknessList[ Gui1.Controls.BorderThicknessRadios[ 1 ].GetSelected() ]
	UpdateWindow( Gui1 )

	Gui1.Image.Scale := Gui1.ScaleList[ Gui1.Controls.ScaleRadios[ 1 ].GetSelected() ]
	SetupNewImage( Gui1 , Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap )

	Gui1.ShapeOutline.Angle += 3
	UpdateWindow( Gui1 )

SetupNewImage( Gui1 , nBitmap , iX := "" , iY := "" ){
	;~ Gdip_DisposeImage( Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap )
	;~ Gdip_DisposeImage( Gui1.Image.pBitmap )
	Gui1.Image.BackupBitmap := nBitmap
	oW := W := Gdip_GetImageWidth( nBitmap )
	oH := H := Gdip_GetImageHeight( nBitmap )
	w += 600
	h += 600
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( w  , h  )
	G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( Gui1.ImageBackgroundColor )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -2 , -2 , w + 4 , h + 4 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DrawImage( G , nBitmap, 300 , 300 , w - 600 , h - 600 )

	Gui1.Image.pBitmap := pBitmap
	if( Gui1.TextDisplayString != "" ){
		x := 300 , y := 300 , w := oW , h := oH
		color := Gui1.ShapeColor
		fs := Gui1.FontSizeDDL.Value
		fontType := Gui1.FontTypeDDL.Value
		string := strSplit( Gui1.TextDisplayString )
		out := ""
		for k , v in string	{
			if( broken ){
				broken := 0
			if( v = "``" ){
				if( string[ k + 1 ] = "n" ){
					out .= "`n"
					broken := 1
					;~ MsgBox, % out
					out .= v
				out .= v
		;~ ToolTip, % "Tip:`n" out
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( color )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , out , "s" fs " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x" x " y" y , FontType , w , h )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	Gui1.Image.W := Gdip_GetImageWidth( Gui1.Image.pBitmap )
	Gui1.Image.H := Gdip_GetImageHeight( Gui1.Image.pBitmap )
	w := Gui1.Image.W *= Gui1.Image.Scale
	h := Gui1.Image.H *= Gui1.Image.Scale
	if( iX = "" )
		Gui1.Image.X := -300 * Gui1.Image.Scale
	if( iY = "" )
		Gui1.Image.Y := -300 * Gui1.Image.Scale
	G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( Gui1.Display.pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" )
	Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -10 , -10 , 500 , 500 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DrawImage( G , pBitmap , Gui1.Image.X , Gui1.Image.Y , w , h )
	DrawShape( Gui1 , G )
	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( Gui1.Display.pBitmap )
	SetImage( Gui1.Controls.DisplayPicture.hwnd , hBitmap )
	DeleteObject( hBitmap )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	cc := Gui1.Controls.Image_X_Thumb
	cc.X :=  Gui1.Controls.Image_X_Slider.X
	if( w <= 400 ){
		cc.W := 400
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Move" , % Gui1.Controls.Image_X_Thumb.Hwnd , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H
		cc.TScale := 0
	}else if( w <= 750 ){
		cc.W := 800 - w 
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Move" , % Gui1.Controls.Image_X_Thumb.Hwnd , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H
		cc.TScale := 1
		cc.W := 50
		cc.TScale := w / 400 
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Move" , % Gui1.Controls.Image_X_Thumb.Hwnd , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H
	cc := Gui1.Controls.Image_Y_Thumb
	cc.Y :=  Gui1.Controls.Image_Y_Slider.Y
	if( h <= 400 ){
		cc.H := 400
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Move" , % Gui1.Controls.Image_Y_Thumb.Hwnd , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H
		cc.TScale := 0
	}else if( h <= 750 ){
		cc.H := 800 - h
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Move" , % Gui1.Controls.Image_Y_Thumb.Hwnd , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H
		cc.TScale := 1
		cc.H := 50
		cc.TScale := h / 400 
		GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Move" , % Gui1.Controls.Image_Y_Thumb.Hwnd , % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H

ClickEvent( Gui1 , w , l , msg , hwnd ){
	CoordMode, Mouse, Client
	MouseGetPos, x , y
	x /= Gui1.Scale
	y /= Gui1.Scale
	for k , v in [ "Image_Y_Slider" , "Image_X_Slider" ]	{
		cc := Gui1.Controls[ v ]
		str := SubStr( v , 1 , strlen( v ) - 6 ) "Thumb"
		thumb := Gui1.Controls[ str ]
		if( x >= cc.X && x <= cc.X + cc.W && y >= cc.Y && y <= cc.Y + cc.H ){
			if( Thumb.TScale ){
				SetThumbPosition( Gui1 , cc , Thumb , v )
				Sleep, 30
				return 1
	cc := Gui1.Controls.DisplayPicture
	if( x >= cc.X && x <= cc.X + cc.W && y >= cc.Y && y <= cc.Y + cc.H ){
		x -= 50 
		y -= 50 
		MouseVector := New Vector( x , y )
		ShapeVector := New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2  , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 )
		Gui1.AngleVector := New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X - 20 + 7 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 )
		LeftVector := New Vector( Gui1.AngleVector )
		Gui1.ColorVector := New Vector( Gui1.AngleVector.X , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 + 20 )
		if( MouseVector.Dist( ShapeVector ) < Gui1.ShapeOutline.Radius ){
			While( GetKeyState( "LButton" , "P" ) ){
				MouseGetPos, x , y
				x -= 50 
				y -= 50 
				if( x < 0 )
					x := 0
				else if( x > 400 * Gui1.Scale )	
					x := 400 * Gui1.Scale 
				if( y < 0 )
					y := 0
				else if( y > 400 * Gui1.Scale )
					y := 400 * Gui1.Scale 
				Gui1.ShapeOutline.X := x - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Radius
				Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y := y - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Radius
				UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
				Sleep, 30
		}else if( MouseVector.Dist( LeftVector ) < 15 ){
			While( GetKeyState( "LButton" , "P" ) ){
				MouseGetPos, x , y
				x -= 50 
				y -= 50 
				MouseVector := New Vector( x , y )
				MouseVector.Sub( { X: Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Y: Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 } )
				Gui1.ShapeOutline.Angle := MouseVector.GetAngle()
				UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
				Sleep, 30
		}else if( MouseVector.Dist( Gui1.ColorVector ) < 15 ){
			colorGui := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: x + 100, Y: y - 25  , W: 50 , H: 50 , Options: " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale +Owner" Gui1.Hwnd } ) 
			While( GetKeyState( "LButton" , "P" ) ){
				CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
				CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
				MouseGetPos, x , y
				PixelGetColor, OutColor , x , y , RGB 
				colorGui.X := x + 100
				colorGui.Y := y - 25
				colorGui.PaintBackground( { color: "0xFF" SubStr( OutColor , 3 ) , X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: colorGui.W - 4 , H: colorGui.H - 4 , Round: 10 } , AutoUpdate := 1 ) 
				Gui1.ShapeColor := "0xFF" SubStr( OutColor , 3 )
				UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
				Sleep, 30
	cc := Gui1.IconStripWindow
	if( x >= cc.X && x <= cc.X + cc.W && y >= cc.Y && y <= cc.Y + cc.H ){
		tx := x 
		ty := y 
		x -= cc.X
		y -= cc.Y
		Loop, 10	{
			cc := Gui1.IconButtons[ A_Index ].Window
			if( x >= cc.X && x <= cc.X + cc.W && y >= cc.Y && y <= cc.Y + cc.H ){
				if( Gui1.IconPages[ Gui1.CurrentPage ][ A_Index ] ){
					Clipboard := ""
					sleep, 500
					out :=  Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string( Gui1.SavedB64Bitmaps[ ( Gui1.CurrentPage * 10 - 10 ) + A_Index  ] , "PNG" , 100 )
					Clipboard := Out
				return 1

SetThumbPosition( Gui1 , Slider , Thumb , ControlName  ){
	CoordMode, Mouse, Client
	While( GetKeyState( "LButton" , "P" ) ){
		MouseGetPos, x , y
		change := 0
		if( ControlName = "Image_X_Slider" ){
			if( x < Slider.X + Thumb.W / 2 && x != lx ){
				lx := x
				Thumb.X := Slider.X
				change := 1
			}else if( x > Slider.X + Slider.W - Thumb.W / 2 && x != lx ){
				lx := x
				Thumb.X := Slider.X + Slider.W - Thumb.W
				change := 1
			}else if( x != lx ){
				lx := x
				Thumb.X := x - Thumb.W / 2
				change := 1
			if( change ){
				MoveSliderThumbControl( Gui1 , Thumb )
				if( Gui1.Image.W >= 750 ){
					Gui1.Image.X := ( Slider.X - Thumb.X )  
					Gui1.Image.X *= Thumb.TScale
					Gui1.Image.X := ( Slider.X - Thumb.X )  
				UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
		}else if( ControlName = "Image_Y_Slider" ){
			if( y < Slider.Y + Thumb.H / 2 && y != ly ){
				ly := y
				Thumb.Y := Slider.Y
				change := 1
			}else if( y > Slider.Y + Slider.H - Thumb.H / 2 && y != ly ){
				ly := y
				Thumb.Y := Slider.Y + Slider.H - Thumb.H
				change := 1
			}else if( y != ly ){
				ly := y
				Thumb.Y := y - Thumb.H / 2
				change := 1
			if( change ){
				MoveSliderThumbControl( Gui1 , Thumb )
				if( Gui1.Image.H >= 750 ){
					Gui1.Image.Y := ( Slider.Y - Thumb.Y )  
					Gui1.Image.Y *= Thumb.TScale
					Gui1.Image.Y := ( Slider.Y - Thumb.Y )  
				UpdateWindow( Gui1 )


WheelEvent( Gui1 , input ){
	static Busy
	if( Busy )
	Busy := 1
	MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl , 2
	cc := Gui1.Controls.DisplayPicture
	if( cc.Hwnd != ctrl ){
		busy := 0
	Dir := ( (input >> 16 ) > 0x7FFF ) || ( ( input < 0 ) ? ( 1 ) : ( 0 ) )
	cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
	if( Dir ){ ;wheel Up
		if( GetKeyState( "Shift" ) ){
			if( cc.W < Gui1.Controls.DisplayPicture.W - 10 ){
				cc.X -= 5
				cc.Y -= 5
				cc.W += 10
				cc.H += 10
				cc.Radius += 5
				UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
			if( cc.W < Gui1.Controls.DisplayPicture.W ){
				cc.X -= 1
				cc.Y -= 1
				cc.W += 2
				cc.H += 2
				cc.Radius += 1
				UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
	}else{ ;wheel down
		if( GetKeyState( "Shift" ) ){
			if( cc.W > 50 ){
				cc.X += 5
				cc.Y += 5
				cc.W -= 10
				cc.H -= 10
				cc.Radius -= 5
			}else if( cc.W != 50 ){
				out := ( 50 - cc.W )
			UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
			if( cc.W > 50 ){
				cc.X += 1
				cc.Y += 1
				cc.W -= 2
				cc.H -= 2
				cc.Radius -= 1
			UpdateWindow( Gui1 )
	Busy := 0
	return 1

	clip := Clipboard
	nStr := SubStr( Clip , StrLen( Clip ) - 2 ) 
	tempStringBitmap := B64ToPBitmap( clip ) 
	width := Gdip_GetImageWidth( tempStringBitmap )
	if( width ){
		Gui1.Image.pBitmap := tempStringBitmap
	}else if( nStr = "png" || nStr = "jpg" ){
		Gdip_DisposeImage( Gui1.Image.pBitmap )

		Gui1.Image.pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile( clip )
		Gdip_DisposeImage( Gui1.Image.pBitmap )
		Gui1.Image.pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard()
	SetupNewImage( Gui1 , Gui1.Image.pBitmap )

UpdateWindow( Gui1 ){
	G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( Gui1.Display.pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" )
	Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , -500 , -500 , 1400 , 1400 )
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )

	Gdip_DrawImage( G , Gui1.Image.pBitmap , Gui1.Image.X , Gui1.Image.Y , Gui1.Image.W , Gui1.Image.H )
	DrawShape( Gui1 , G )
	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( Gui1.Display.pBitmap )
	SetImage( Gui1.Controls.DisplayPicture.hwnd , hBitmap )
	DeleteObject( hBitmap )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )

DrawShape( Gui1 , G ){
	cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFF3399FF" , ceil( 1 * Gui1.Scale ) ) 
	, Gdip_DrawRectangle( G , Pen , cc.X * Gui1.Scale , cc.Y * Gui1.Scale , cc.W * Gui1.Scale , cc.H * Gui1.Scale ) 
	, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	;Angle vector
	cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
	x := cc.X - 20
	y := cc.Y  + cc.H / 2 - 7
	w := 15
	h := 15
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFF3399FF" , ceil( 2 * Gui1.Scale ) ) 
	, Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale ) 
	, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	;Color vector
	cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
	x := Gui1.ShapeOutline.X - 20
	y := Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 + 20
	w := 15
	h := 15
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFF3399FF" , ceil( 2 * Gui1.Scale ) ) 
	, Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale ) 
	, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Color := Gui1.ShapeColor
	if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Triangle" ){
		Radius := Floor( Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		Gui1.MyShape := MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		DrawPolygon( G , MyShape , Color , 1 )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Pentagon" ){
		Gui1.MyShape := MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) , Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 5 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		DrawPolygon( G , MyShape , Color , 1 )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Hexagon" ){
		Gui1.MyShape := MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) , Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 6 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		DrawPolygon( G , MyShape , Color  , 1 )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Heptagon" ){
		Gui1.MyShape := MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) , Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 7 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		DrawPolygon( G , MyShape , Color , 1 )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Octagon" ){
		Gui1.MyShape := MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) , Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 8 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		DrawPolygon( G , MyShape , Color , 1 )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Hexadecagon" ){
		Gui1.MyShape := MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) , Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 16 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		DrawPolygon( G , MyShape , Color , 1 )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Circle" ){
		cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
		x := cc.X + ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		y := cc.Y + ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		w := cc.W - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		h := cc.H - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( Color , ceil( 1 * Gui1.Scale ) ) 
		, Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale ) 
		, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Rectangle" ){
		Radius := Floor( Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		Gui1.MyShape := MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X + Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / 2 , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y + Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 4 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		DrawPolygon( G , MyShape , Color , 1 )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Rounded Rectangle" ){
		cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
		x := cc.X + ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		y := cc.Y + ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		w := cc.W - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		h := cc.H - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( Color , ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness * Gui1.Scale ) ) 
		, Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( G , Pen , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale , 10 * Gui1.Scale ) 
		, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	CreateCroppedIcon( Gui1 )

CreateCroppedIcon( Gui1 ){
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 64 , 64 )
	G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)

	sx := ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.X - Gui1.Image.X ) / Gui1.Image.Scale
	sy := ( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Y - Gui1.Image.Y ) / Gui1.Image.Scale
	sw := Gui1.ShapeOutline.W / Gui1.Image.Scale
	sh := Gui1.ShapeOutline.H / Gui1.Image.Scale
	Gdip_DrawImage( G , Gui1.Image.pBitmap , 0 , 0 , 64 , 64 , sx , sy , sw , sh )
	Gdip_DisposeImage( Gui1.CroppedBitmap )

	Gui1.CroppedBitmap := CroppedBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 64 , 64 )
	G2 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( CroppedBitmap )
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G2 , 2 )
	TextureBrush := Gdip_CreateTextureBrush( pBitmap )
	Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )

	Color := Gui1.ShapeColor
	if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Triangle" ){
		w := 64 
		Radius := Floor( w / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		MyShape2 := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius + Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		Gdip_FillPolygon( G2 , TextureBrush , MyShape ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( TextureBrush )
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			DrawPolygon( G2 , MyShape , Color , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Pentagon" ){
		w := 64 
		Radius := Floor( w / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 5 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		MyShape2 := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius + Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		Gdip_FillPolygon( G2 , TextureBrush , MyShape ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( TextureBrush )
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			DrawPolygon( G2 , MyShape , Color , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Hexagon" ){
		w := 64 
		Radius := Floor( w / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 6 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		MyShape2 := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius + Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		Gdip_FillPolygon( G2 , TextureBrush , MyShape ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( TextureBrush )
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			DrawPolygon( G2 , MyShape , Color , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Heptagon" ){
		w := 64 
		Radius := Floor( w / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 7 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		MyShape2 := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius + Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		Gdip_FillPolygon( G2 , TextureBrush , MyShape ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( TextureBrush )
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			DrawPolygon( G2 , MyShape , Color , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Octagon" ){
		w := 64 
		Radius := Floor( w / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 8 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		MyShape2 := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius + Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		Gdip_FillPolygon( G2 , TextureBrush , MyShape ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( TextureBrush )
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			DrawPolygon( G2 , MyShape , Color , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Hexadecagon" ){
		w := 64 
		Radius := Floor( w / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 16 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		MyShape2 := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius + Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		Gdip_FillPolygon( G2 , TextureBrush , MyShape ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( TextureBrush )
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			DrawPolygon( G2 , MyShape , Color , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Circle" ){
		cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
		x := ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		y := ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		w := 64 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		h := 64 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		Gdip_FillEllipse( G2 , TextureBrush , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale ) 
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( Color , ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness * Gui1.Scale ) ) 
			, Gdip_DrawEllipse( G2 , Pen , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale ) 
			, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Rectangle" ){
		w := 64 
		Radius := Floor( w / 2 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
		MyShape := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 4 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		MyShape2 := PolygonShapes( New Vector( W / 2 , w / 2 ) , Radius + Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness , Gui1.ShapeOutline.angle , Gui1.Sides := 3 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 1  )
		Gdip_FillPolygon( G2 , TextureBrush , MyShape ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( TextureBrush )
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			DrawPolygon( G2 , MyShape , Color , Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
	}else if( Gui1.SelectedShape = "Rounded Rectangle" ){
		cc := Gui1.ShapeOutline
		x := ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		y := ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness / 2 ) + 1
		w := 64 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		h := 64 - Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness - 2
		Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G2 , TextureBrush , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale , 10 * Gui1.Scale ) 
		if( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness )
			Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( Color , ceil( Gui1.ShapeOutline.Thickness * Gui1.Scale ) ) 
			, Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( G2 , Pen , X * Gui1.Scale , Y * Gui1.Scale , W * Gui1.Scale , H * Gui1.Scale , 10 * Gui1.Scale ) 
			, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )

	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateHatch( "0x33000000" , "0x33ffffff" , 52 ) 
	, Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( Gui1.OutputIconWindow.G , Brush , 2 * Gui1.Scale , 2 * Gui1.Scale , ( Gui1.OutputIconWindow.W - 4 ) * Gui1.Scale , ( Gui1.OutputIconWindow.H - 4 ) * Gui1.Scale , 15 * Gui1.Scale ) 
	, Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gui1.OutputIconWindow.DrawBitmap( CroppedBitmap , { X: 32 , Y: 32 , W: 64 , H: 64 } , dispose := 0 , AutoUpdate := 1 )

MoveSliderThumbControl( Gui1 , Thumb ){
	GuiControl, % Gui1.Hwnd ":Move" , % Thumb.Hwnd , % "x" Thumb.X " y" Thumb.Y " w" Thumb.W " h" Thumb.H

	local MyButtonDesign := {}
	MyButtonDesign.All := {}
	MyButtonDesign.Default := {}
	MyButtonDesign.Hover := {}
	MyButtonDesign.Pressed := {}
	MyButtonDesign.All.W := 300 , MyButtonDesign.All.H := 40 , MyButtonDesign.All.Text := "Capture A New Image From The Screen" , MyButtonDesign.All.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.All.H := "0xff000000" , MyButtonDesign.All.TextBottomColor2 := "0xff52565a" , MyButtonDesign.All.BackgroundColor := "0xFF32363a" , MyButtonDesign.All.ButtonAddGlossy := "0" , MyButtonDesign.All.GlossTopColor := "0x03"
	MyButtonDesign.Default.W := 300 , MyButtonDesign.Default.H := 40 , MyButtonDesign.Default.Text := "Capture A New Image From The Screen" , MyButtonDesign.Default.Font := "Arial" , MyButtonDesign.Default.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter " , MyButtonDesign.Default.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.Default.H := "0xff000000" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextBottomColor2 := "0xff52565a" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFff0000" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextTopColor2 := "0xFFff0000" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetX := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetY := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetW := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetH := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.BackgroundColor := "0xFF32363a" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF161B1F" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF262B2F" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xFF32363A" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xFF24292D" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF32363A" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonMainColor2 := "0xFF22262a" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonAddGlossy := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.GlossTopColor := "0x03FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Default.GlossTopAccentColor := "05FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Default.GlossBottomColor := "33000000"
	MyButtonDesign.Hover.W := 300 , MyButtonDesign.Hover.H := 40 , MyButtonDesign.Hover.Text := "Capture A New Image From The Screen" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.Font := "Arial" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter " , MyButtonDesign.Hover.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.H := "0xff000000" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextBottomColor2 := "0xff52565a" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFFFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextTopColor2 := "0xFFff0000" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetX := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetY := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetW := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetH := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.BackgroundColor := "0xFF32363a" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0x6622262a" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0x33ff0000" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0x00440000" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0x00440000" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF880000" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonMainColor2 := "0xFFff0000" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonAddGlossy := "1" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.GlossTopColor := "0x03FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.GlossTopAccentColor := "05FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.GlossBottomColor := "33000000"
	MyButtonDesign.Pressed.W := 300 , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.H := 40 , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.Text := "Capture A New Image From The Screen" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.Font := "Arial" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter " , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.H := "0xff000000" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextBottomColor2 := "0xff52565a" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFff0000" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextTopColor2 := "0xFFff0000" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetX := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetY := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetW := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetH := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.BackgroundColor := "0xFF32363a" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF62666a" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF262B2F" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xFF32363A" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xFF151A20" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF32363A" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonMainColor2 := "0xFF22262a" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonAddGlossy := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.GlossTopColor := "0x03FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.GlossTopAccentColor := "05FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.GlossBottomColor := "33000000"
	return MyButtonDesign
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Posts: 2114
Joined: 23 Sep 2017, 13:34

Re: Crop bitmap and export as Base64 string? ( Create Icons )

13 Aug 2023, 04:45

continued from the last post.

Extra Functions and classes.

Paste this at the end of the main script.

Code: Select all

;Custom Radio Button Class
class GlowRadio_1	{
	;Written By: Hellbent
	;Date: Aprial 6th , 2022
	;Creates new instances of gui Radio controls and groups
	;New Instance Example: MyRadio := New GlowRadio_1( { Scalefactor: 1 , State: 1 , Y: 10 , Text: "Admin" , BackgroundColor: "0xFF22262A" , Y_Offset: 1 , X_Offset: 5 } )
	;Get Selected Item From Group Example: MyRadio..GetSelected()  ;(Returns the position of the selected radio in it's group )
	;Get The State Of A Radio Example: MyRadio.State    ;Or: MyRadio.GetState() 
	static init := GlowRadio_1._SetDefaults()
		This.W := 11 
		This.H := 11
		This.Groups := {}
		This.Index := 0
		This.Settings := {}
		This.Settings.X := 10
		This.Settings.Y := 10
		This.Settings.W := 120
		This.Settings.H := 20
		This.Settings.Text := ""
		This.Settings.ActiveColor := "0xFF67D5D6"
		This.Settings.ButtonRestColor := "0xFF004444"
		This.Settings.RestColor := "0xFF009999"
		This.Settings.State := 0
		This.Settings.Font := "Arial"
		This.Settings.FontSize := 14
		This.Settings.FontOptions := " vCenter Left "
		This.Settings.BackgroundColor := "0xFF22262a"
		This.Settings.GroupName := "Group1"
		This.Settings.Owner := "1"
		This.Settings.GroupIndex := 1
		This.Settings.GroupSelected := 0
		This.Settings.ScaleFactor := 1
		This.Settings.Y_Offset := 5
		This.Settings.X_Offset := 1
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This._CreateRadioObject( obj )
		if( This.State ){
			Loop, % GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Members.Length()	{
				GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Members[ A_Index ].GroupSelected := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Selected
				GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Members[ A_Index ].State := 0
			This.State := 1
		Loop, % GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Members.Length()	
			GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Members[ A_Index ].Draw()
	_CreateRadioObject( obj := "" ){
		local k , v 
		for k , v in GlowRadio_1.Settings
			This[ k ] := v 
		if( IsObject( obj ) ){
			for k , v in obj 
				if( GlowRadio_1.Settings.HasKey( k ) )
					This[ k ] := v 
			if( obj.HasKey( "GroupName" ) )
				GlowRadio_1.Settings.GroupName := obj.GroupName
		local hwnd , bd
		Gui, % This.Owner ":Add", Picture, % "x" This.X * This.ScaleFactor " y" This.Y * This.ScaleFactor " w" This.W * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.H * This.ScaleFactor " hwndhwnd 0xE"
		This.Hwnd := hwnd
		If( !isObject( GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ] ) ){
			GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ] := {}
			This.Index := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Index := 1
			GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Members := []
			( This.State ) ? ( This.GroupSelected := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Selected := This.Index ) : ( This.GroupSelected := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Selected := 0 )
			This.Index := ++GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Index
			( This.State ) ? ( This.GroupSelected := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Selected := This.Index ) : ( This.GroupSelected := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Selected := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Selected )
		GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Members[ This.Index ] := This
		bd := This._SwitchStates.Bind( This )
		GuiControl, % This.Owner ":+G" , % Hwnd , % bd
		GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].Selected := This.GroupSelected
		GuiControl, % This.Owner ":Focus", % This.Hwnd
		GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].LastSelected := This.GroupSelected
		local cc := GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ] , ls := cc.Selected
		if( This.Index = GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].LastSelected )
		cc.Selected := This.Index
		Loop, % cc.Members.Length()	{
			cc.Members[ A_Index ].GroupSelected := cc.Selected
			cc.Members[ A_Index ].State := 0
		This.State := 1
		cc.Members[ GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].LastSelected ].Draw()
		GlowRadio_1.Groups[ This.GroupName ].LastSelected := This.Index
		GuiControl, % This.Owner ":Focus", % This.Hwnd
		if( This.Label ){
				goSub, % This.Label
		return 	This.State
		return This.GroupSelected
		;Bitmap Created Using: HB Bitmap Maker
		local ly := 0
		ScaleFactor := This.ScaleFactor
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.W * ScaleFactor , This.H * ScaleFactor ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.BackgroundColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -10 * ScaleFactor , -10 * ScaleFactor , 140 * ScaleFactor , 210 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;Outer ring
		Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( ( This.State ) ? ( This.ActiveColor ) : ( This.ButtonRestColor ) , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawRectangle( G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , ( ( This.H / 2 ) - ( GlowRadio_1.H / 2 ) + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor , GlowRadio_1.W * This.ScaleFactor , GlowRadio_1.H * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;inner square
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( This.ButtonRestColor ) ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 4 * ScaleFactor , ( ( This.H / 2 ) - ( GlowRadio_1.H / 2 ) + 3 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * ScaleFactor , 7 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( This.State ) ? ( This.ActiveColor ) : ( This.ButtonRestColor ) ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 5 * ScaleFactor , ( ( This.H / 2 ) - ( GlowRadio_1.H / 2 ) + 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;bottom layer of text
		if( This.State )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.FontSize * ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" floor( ( GlowRadio_1.W + 5 + 1 + This.X_Offset ) * ScaleFactor ) " y" ly := Floor( ( ( 2 + This.Y_Offset ) * ScaleFactor ) ) , This.Font , Floor( This.W * ScaleFactor ) , Floor( This.H * ScaleFactor ) ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(  "0x000000" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.FontSize * ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" Floor( ( GlowRadio_1.W + 5 + 2 + This.X_Offset ) * ScaleFactor ) " y" ly := Floor( ( ( 2 + This.Y_Offset ) * ScaleFactor ) ) , This.Font , Floor( This.W * ScaleFactor ) , floor( This.H * ScaleFactor ) ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;top layer of text
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( This.State ) ? ( This.ActiveColor ) : ( This.RestColor ) ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Text , "s" This.FontSize * ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" floor( ( GlowRadio_1.W + 5 + This.X_Offset ) * ScaleFactor ) " y" Floor( ( ly - 1 + This.Y_Offset ) ) , This.Font , Floor( ( This.W - GlowRadio_1.W ) * ScaleFactor ) , Floor( This.H * ScaleFactor ) ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( pBitmap )
		SetImage( This.Hwnd , hBitmap )
		Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		DeleteObject( hBitmap )

class DropDownListv1	{

			return This.List[ This.Selected ]
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This._UpdateDefaults( obj )
		This._SetTimer( This.HoverTimer , 100 )
		;~ SoundBeep 777
		This.Parent := ""
		This.ScaleFactor := 1
		This.X := 10
		This.Y := 10
		This.W := 300
		This.HeaderMargin := 5
		This.Font := "Arial"
		This.FontSize := 12
		;~ This.FontColor := "0xFF000000"
		This.FontColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.FontOptions := "Center vCenter NoWrap  "
		This.H := Floor( This._GetTextSize() + 2 * This.HeaderMargin )
		This.PanelStartingPositionY := 9
		This.Selected := 1
		This.StartingPosition := 1
		;~ This.MainColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.MainColor := "0xFF32363a"
		;~ This.ArrowColor := "0xFF000000"
		This.ArrowColor := "0xFFFF0000"
		This.Rows := 10
		This.BodyMargin := 3
		This.PanelTextPading := 1
		This.PanelTextHeight := Floor( This._GetTextSize() )
		This.PanelHeight := This.PanelTextHeight + 2 * This.PanelTextPading
		This.BodyHeight := This.BodyMargin * 2 + ( This.PanelHeight * This.Rows ) + ( This.BodyMargin * ( This.Rows - 1 ) ) + This.PanelStartingPositionY
		This.ThumbMinY := This.PanelStartingPositionY + 2
		This.ThumbRange := This.BodyHeight - This.ThumbMinY - 6 
		This.ThumbY := This.ThumbMinY
		This.Interval := Floor( This.ThumbRange / This.List.Length() )
		;~ This.PanelColor1 := "0xFFCFCFCF"
		This.PanelColor1 := "0xFF22262a"
		;~ This.PanelColor2 := "0xFFEFEFEF"
		This.PanelColor2 := "0xFF12161a"
		;~ This.HighLightPanelColor := "0x3300AAFF"
		This.HighLightPanelColor := "0x33ff0000"
		;~ This.SelectedPanelColor := "0x990099FF"
		This.SelectedPanelColor := "0x99ff2222"
		This.SelectedFontColor := This.FontColor
		;~ This.HighlightFontColor := This.FontColor
		This.HighlightFontColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.HeaderFontColor := This.FontColor
		;~ This.SliderTrackColor := "0xFFDCDCDC"
		This.SliderTrackColor := "0xFF12161a"
		;~ This.SliderButtonColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.SliderButtonColor := "0xFF22262a"
		;~ This.SliderRidgeColor := "0x33333333"
		This.SliderRidgeColor := "0x66ff0000"
		This.BorderColor := "0x33000000"
		;~ This.BorderColor := "0xff0000ff"
		This.Hovered := ""
		This.PanelControls := []
		This.Active := 0
		This.CallBind := This._CallBind.Bind( This )
		This.HoverTimer := This._Hover.Bind( This )
		;~ This.FocusColor := "0x990099FF"
		This.FocusColor := "0x99ff0000"
		This.Focused := 0
	_UpdateDefaults( obj := "" ){
		for k, v in obj
			This[ k ] := obj[ k ] 
		This.H := Floor( This._GetTextSize() + 2 * This.HeaderMargin )
		This.Roundness := This.H / 5
		if( !IsObject( obj.Bind ) && obj.Bind )
			This.Bind := func( obj.Bind ).Bind( This )
		if( This.Rows < 5 )
			This.Rows := 5
		This.PanelTextHeight := Floor( This._GetTextSize() )
		This.PanelHeight := This.PanelTextHeight + 2 * This.PanelTextPading
		This.BodyHeight := This.BodyMargin * 2 + ( This.PanelHeight * This.Rows ) + ( This.BodyMargin * ( This.Rows - 1 ) ) + This.PanelStartingPositionY
		This.ThumbMinY := This.PanelStartingPositionY + 2
		This.ThumbRange := This.BodyHeight - This.ThumbMinY - 6 - 2
		if( ( This.ThumbRange / 0.5 ) < This.List.Length() ){
			Msgbox, 262144, Error, The list you are using exceeds the current maximum length. `n1
		This.Interval := Floor( ( This.ThumbRange * This.ScaleFactor) / This.List.Length() )
		This.TotalInterval := This.Interval * This.List.Length()
		This.ThumbHeight := This.ThumbRange - This.TotalInterval
		While( This.Interval > 1 ){
			;~ This.Interval -= 1
			This.Interval -= 0.5
			This.TotalInterval := This.Interval * This.List.Length()
			This.ThumbHeight := This.ThumbRange - This.TotalInterval
		if( ( This.ThumbHeight ) < 30 || !This.Interval ){
			Msgbox, 262144, Error, % "The list you are using exceeds the current maximum length. `n2 " 
		This.Thumb := { X: ( This.W - 32 ) , Y: This.ThumbMinY , W: 26 , H: This.ThumbHeight }
		This.Panels := []
		This.PanelHandles := []
		temp := This.PanelStartingPositionY - 2
		Loop, % This.Rows	{
			This.Panels[ A_Index ] := { X: 4 , Y: temp , W: ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) , H: This.PanelHeight , Hwnd: "" }
			temp += This.PanelHeight + This.BodyMargin
		This.ToggleButton := { X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: ( This.W - 4 ) , H: ( This.H - 4 ) , Hwnd: "" }
		This.WheelActive := 0
		This.FT := 0
		OnMessage( 0x020A , This._WheelChange.Bind( This ) )
		OnMessage( 0x201 , This._WatchFocus.Bind( This ) )
		OnMessage( 0x100 , This._WatchKeyPress.Bind( This ) )
		if( !obj.HasKey( "HeaderFontColor" ) )
			This.HeaderFontColor := This.FontColor
		if( !obj.HasKey( "HighlightFontColor" ) )
			This.HighlightFontColor := This.FontColor
		This.Gui1 :=  New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: This.X * This.ScaleFactor , Y: This.Y * This.ScaleFactor , W: This.W * This.ScaleFactor , H: This.H * This.ScaleFactor , Options: " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +Parent" This.Parent } )
		This.Gui2 :=  New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: This.X * This.ScaleFactor , Y: This.Y * This.ScaleFactor , W: This.W * This.ScaleFactor , H: This.BodyHeight * This.ScaleFactor , Options: " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +Owner" This.Gui1.Hwnd } )
		Gui, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" ( This.W - 34 ) * This.ScaleFactor " y" This.ThumbY * This.ScaleFactor " w" 30 * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.ThumbHeight * This.ScaleFactor " hwndhwnd" 
		This.ThumbHwnd := hwnd
		bd := This._AdjustSlider.Bind( This )
		GuiControl, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":+G", % hwnd, % bd 
		Loop, % This.Rows	{
			Gui, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" This.Panels[ A_Index ].X * This.ScaleFactor " y" This.Panels[ A_Index ].Y * This.ScaleFactor " w" This.Panels[ A_Index ].W * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.Panels[ A_Index ].H * This.ScaleFactor " hwndhwnd"
			This.Panels[ A_Index ].Hwnd := hwnd
			This.PanelHandles[ hwnd ] := A_Index
			bd := This._SelectPanel.Bind( This )
			GuiControl, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
		Gui, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" This.ToggleButton.X * This.ScaleFactor " y" This.ToggleButton.Y * This.ScaleFactor " w" This.ToggleButton.W * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.ToggleButton.H * This.ScaleFactor " hwndhwnd"
		This.ToggleButton.Hwnd := hwnd
		This.HKBind := This._LButtonHK.Bind( This )
		bd := This._ToggleBody.Bind( This )
		GuiControl, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
		GuiControl, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":Move" , % This.ThumbHwnd , % "y" This.Thumb.Y * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.ThumbHeight * This.ScaleFactor
		MouseGetPos,,, win , ctrl , 2 
		if( win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ){
			if( !This.Hovered && This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] ){
				This.Hovered := ctrl
		if( This.Hovered && ctrl != This.Hovered ){
			This.Hovered := ""
			if( This.Active )
	_WheelChange( input ){
		local ctrl , Dir , win 
		if( This.WheelActive )
		if( This.ft := !This.ft )
		This.WheelActive := 1
		Dir := ( (input >> 16 ) > 0x7FFF ) || ( ( input < 0 ) ? ( 1 ) : ( 0 ) )
		MouseGetPos,,, win, ctrl, 2
		if( !Dir &&  ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd ){
			( --This.Selected < 1 ) ? ( This.Selected := 1 )
			This.StartingPosition := This.Selected
		}else if( Dir &&  ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd ){
			( ++This.Selected > This.List.Length() ) ? ( This.Selected := This.List.Length() )
			This.StartingPosition := This.Selected
		}else if( !Dir && win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ){
			( --This.StartingPosition < 1 ) ? ( This.StartingPosition := 1 )
		}else if( Dir && win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ){
			( ++This.StartingPosition > This.List.Length() ) ? ( This.StartingPosition := This.List.Length() )
		This.Thumb.Y := This.ThumbMinY + This.StartingPosition
		if( This.Active )
		if( ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd )
			This._SetTimer( This.CallBind , -30 )
		This.WheelActive := 0
	_WatchKeyPress( key ){
		if( key = 9 && This.Focused )
			This.SetFocus( 0 )
		MouseGetPos,,, win, ctrl, 2
		if( This.Focused && ctrl != This.ToggleButton.Hwnd && win != This.Gui2.Hwnd && ctrl )
			This.SetFocus( 0 )
		else if( !This.Focused && ( ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd || win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ) )
			This.SetFocus( 1 )
	SetFocus( value , option := 1 ){
		if( This.Focused := value )
			GuiControl, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":Focus" , % This.ToggleButton.Hwnd
	_SetTimer( Timer , Amount := 30 ){
		SetTimer, % Timer, % Amount
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2
		if( This.List[ This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] != "" ){
			This.Output := This.List[ This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] + This.StartingPosition - 1 ]
			This.Selected := This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] + This.StartingPosition - 1
			bd := This.HKBind 
			HotKey, ~LButton, % bd , Off
			This.Active := 0
			This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
			This._SetTimer( This.CallBind , -30 )
			;~ This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
			;~ ToolTip, % "Here`n" This.Gui2.hwnd
		if( This.Active := !This.Active ){
			WinGetPos, x, y,,, % "ahk_Id " This.Gui1.Hwnd
			This.Gui2.UpdateSettings( { X: x , Y: y + ( This.Gui1.H  ) } )
			This.StartingPosition := This.Selected 
			This.Focused := 1
			bd := This.HKBind
			Hotkey, ~LButton , % bd , On
			This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
			bd := This.HKBind 
			HotKey, ~LButton, % bd , Off
		MouseGetPos,,, win, ctrl, 2
		if( win != This.Gui2.Hwnd && ctrl != This.ToggleButton.Hwnd ){
			bd := This.HKBind 
			HotKey, ~LButton, % bd , Off
			This.Active := 0
			This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
		local ly
		CoordMode, Mouse, Client
		While( GetKeyState( "LButton" ) ){
			MouseGetPos,, y
			if( ly != y ){
				ly := y
				y /= This.ScaleFactor
				if( ( y - This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) <  This.ThumbMinY ){
					This.Thumb.Y := This.ThumbMinY 
					This.StartingPosition := 1
				}else if( ( y + This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) > ( This.ThumbMinY + This.ThumbRange ) ){
					This.Thumb.Y := This.ThumbMinY + This.ThumbRange - This.ThumbHeight
					This.StartingPosition := This.List.Length()
					This.Thumb.Y := y - This.ThumbHeight / 2
					;~ This.StartingPosition := floor( This.Thumb.Y - This.ThumbMinY )
					This.StartingPosition := floor( ( This.Thumb.Y - This.ThumbMinY ) / This.Interval )
			sleep, 10
		local brush , pen 
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 1 * This.ScaleFactor , 1 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.MainColor , ( This.MainColor2 != "" ) ? ( This.MainColor2 ) : ( This.MainColor ) , 1 , 1 ) 
		, Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Brush , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrush( 1 * This.ScaleFactor , 1 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W / 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , "0xaaaaaaaa" , "0xFF000000" , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		if( This.Focused ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FocusColor )
			, Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) 
			, Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 8 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 8 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) 
			, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HeaderFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui1.G , This.List[ This.Selected ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions " NoWrap c" Brush " x" 5 * This.ScaleFactor " y" 2 * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - ( This.W / 4 ) ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.H * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.ArrowColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui1.G , ( !This.Active ) ? ( 6 ) : ( 5 ) , "s" ( s := 16 ) * This.ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" ( This.W - 30 ) * This.ScaleFactor " y" 1 * This.ScaleFactor  , "WebDings" , 30 * This.ScaleFactor , This.H * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		local temp , brush , pen , tog 
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.MainColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;~ ToolTip, % This.BorderColor
		Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( This.BorderColor , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.BorderColor ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0000FF" ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;~ Bob := This.BorderColor
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( Bob ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.MainColor ) , Gdip_FillPolygon( This.Gui2.G, Brush , ( This.W / 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor "," 0 * This.ScaleFactor "|" ( This.W - ( This.W / 5 ) ) * This.ScaleFactor "," 100 * This.ScaleFactor "|" ( This.W / 5 ) * This.ScaleFactor "," 100 * This.ScaleFactor "|" ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		temp := This.PanelStartingPositionY
		Loop, % This.Rows	{
			tog := !tog
			if( ( A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ) = This.Selected ){
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SelectedPanelColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , temp * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SelectedFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " NoWrap vCenter  c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			}else if( A_Index = This.PanelHandles[ This.Hovered ] ){
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HighLightPanelColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , temp * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HighlightFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " NoWrap vCenter  c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( !tog ) ? ( This.PanelColor1 ) : ( This.PanelColor2 ) ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , temp * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " NoWrap vCenter  c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			temp += This.PanelHeight + This.BodyMargin
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderTrackColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , ( This.W - 34 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 9 * This.ScaleFactor , 30 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 15 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderButtonColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , ( This.W - 32 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Thumb.Y * This.ScaleFactor , 26 * This.ScaleFactor , This.ThumbHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderRidgeColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Brush , ( This.Thumb.X + 3 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.Y + ( This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) - 5 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.W - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 3 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderRidgeColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Brush , ( This.Thumb.X + 3 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.Y + ( This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) + 5 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.W - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 3 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderRidgeColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Brush , ( This.Thumb.X + 3 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.Y + ( This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.W - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 3 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	_GetTextSize( index := 4 ){
		local pBitmap, G, Brush, temparr
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 10 , 10 ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ), Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000")
		temparr := StrSplit( Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , ( This.Text ) ? ( This.Text ) : ( "Test String" ), " s" This.Fontsize " c" Brush " " This.FontOptions " x" 0 " y" 0 , This.Font , 10000, 10000  ),"|","|"  ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G ) , Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		return temparr[ index ]
;|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|
;|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|
;|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|
;Function: PolygonShapes 
;Written By: Hellbent
;Date: Jan 16th, 2023
;Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2023 
;Can now set it so that the return string has an extra wrap to close the shape. ( used for "DRAWLINES" or "DRAWPOLYGON" )
;Requires: Vectors class ( #Include <HB Vectors v2> )
;Returns a string or an array of points for a simple closed polygon shape. 
;HomeVector: { X: x position , Y: y position } give an obj with x and y keys. 
;			This is the center of your shape.
;Radius: The radius to use for the shape. How big the shape will be
;StartAngle: The point for the first side of the shape. The rotaion of the shape.
;Sides: The number of sides the shape should have. 3 or more sides
;returnString: Set the fuction to return a "string" of points or an [ array ] of points 
PolygonShapes( HomeVector , Radius := 100 , StartAngle := 0 , Sides := 4 , returnString := 1 , AddExtraWrapArm := 0 ){
	local StartVector , points , SpacingAngle , OutputString
	if( sides < 3 ){
		MsgBox, 262192, Error , A shape requires 3 or more sides.`nWhat you're thinking of is a line or a point.
	StartVector := New Vector( HomeVector )
	StartVector.SetMag( Radius )
	StartVector.SetAngle( StartAngle )
	SpacingAngle := 360 / Sides
	Points := []
	Points[ 1 ] := New Vector( StartVector )
	Points[ 1 ].Add( HomeVector )
	if( returnString )
		OutputString := Points[ 1 ].X "," Points[ 1 ].Y "|"
	Loop, % Sides - 1	{
		StartVector := StartVector.RotateAngle( SpacingAngle , 1 )
		Points[ A_Index + 1 ] := New Vector( StartVector )
		Points[ A_Index + 1 ].Add( HomeVector )
		if( returnString )
			OutputString .= Points[ A_Index + 1 ].X "," Points[ A_Index + 1 ].Y "|"
	if( returnString ){
		OutputString .= Points[ 1 ].X "," Points[ 1 ].Y "|"
		if( AddExtraWrapArm ) ;Adds an extra overlap so that when you use "DrawLines" the shape fully closes regardless of the thickness of the lines.
			OutputString .= Points[ 2 ].X "," Points[ 2 ].Y "|"
		return OutputString
	return Points
;|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|
;|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|
;|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|<( )>|
FillPolygon( G , Points := "50 , 50 | 100 , 100 | 150 , 50 | 50 , 50 " , Color := "0xFFFF0000" ){
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( Color ) , Gdip_FillPolygon( G , Brush , Points ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
DrawPolygon( G , Points := "50 , 50 | 100 , 100 | 150 , 50 | 50 , 50 " , Color := "0xFF000000" , Thickness := 3 ){
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( Color , Thickness ) , Gdip_DrawLines( G , Pen , Points ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
;| ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) |;
;| ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) |;
;| ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) | ((((()))))***^|^***((((())))) |;

;~ class Commands	extends DockItDraw {
class Commands {
	GetWinHwnd( option := "A" ){
		return WinActive( option )
	GetWinTitle( hwnd ){
		local out 
		WinGetTitle, out , % "ahk_id " hwnd
		return out
	GetWinPos( hwnd ){
		local x , y , w , h 
		WinGetPos, x , y , w , h , % "ahk_id " hwnd 
		return { X: x , Y: y , W: w , H: h }
	GetMousePos( mode := "Screen" ){
		local x , y 
		CoordMode, Mouse, % mode
		MouseGetPos, x , y 
		return { X: x , Y: y }

class DrawTarget extends Commands	{
		local pos := This.GetMousePos()
		This.State := 0
		This.Color := "0xFFFF0000"
		This.X1 := pos.X
		This.X2 := 0
		This.Y1 := pos.Y
		This.Y2 := 0
		This.X := pos.X
		This.Y := pos.Y
		This.W := 0
		This.H := 0
		This.Gui1 := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: pos.X - 500 , Y: pos.Y - 500 , W: 1001 , H: 1001 , Options: " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale +ToolWindow +E0x20" } ) 
		return { X: This.X , Y: This.Y , W: This.W , H: This.H }
		while( !GetKeyState( "ctrl" ) ){
			ToolTip, Press "ctrl" to set the starting position. `n`nTop left corner.
			pos := This.GetMousePos()
			This.Gui1.UpdateSettings( { X: pos.X - 501 , Y: pos.Y - 501 } )
			sleep, 30
		This.X1 := pos.X 
		This.Y1 := pos.Y
		This.State := 1
		While( GetKeyState( "ctrl" ) )
			sleep, 30
		while( !GetKeyState( "ctrl" ) ){
			ToolTip, Press "ctrl" to set the ending position. `n`nBottom Right corner.
			pos := This.GetMousePos()
			This.X2 := pos.X 
			This.Y2 := pos.Y
			( This.X1 <= This.X2 ) ? ( This.X := This.X1 , This.W := This.X2 - This.X1 ) : ( This.X := This.X2 , This.W := This.X1 - This.X2 )
			( This.Y1 <= This.Y2 ) ? ( This.Y := This.Y1 , This.H := This.Y2 - This.Y1 ) : ( This.Y := This.Y2 , This.H := This.Y1 - This.Y2 )
			This.Gui1.UpdateSettings( { X: This.X - 1 , Y: This.Y - 1 , W: This.W + 2 , H: This.H + 2 } , 1 )
			sleep, 30
		While( GetKeyState( "ctrl" ) )
			sleep, 30
		if( !This.State ){
			Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( This.Color , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawLine( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 501 , 0 , 501 , 1001 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
			Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( This.Color , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawLine( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 0 , 501 , 1001 , 501 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		}else if( This.State = 1 ){
			Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( This.Color , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 1 , 1  , This.W , This.H ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )

B64ToPBitmap( Input ){
	local ptr , uptr , pBitmap , pStream , hData , pData , Dec , DecLen , B64
	VarSetCapacity( B64 , strlen( Input ) << !!A_IsUnicode )
	B64 := Input
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" ( ( A_IsUnicode ) ? ( "W" ) : ( "A" ) ), Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt" , &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, 0, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	VarSetCapacity( Dec , DecLen , 0 )
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), Ptr, &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, &Dec, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\RtlMoveMemory", Ptr, pData := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalLock", Ptr, hData := DllCall( "Kernel32.dll\GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 2,  UPtr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt" , DecLen, UPtr), UPtr) , Ptr, &Dec, UPtr, DecLen)
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalUnlock", Ptr, hData)
	DllCall("Ole32.dll\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", Ptr, hData, "Int", True, Ptr "P", pStream)
	DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream",  Ptr, pStream, Ptr "P", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap


;#########################################################          #Include, <HB Icon Buttons ( LW Ani Buttons )>          #########################################################
class IconButtons	{
	;Written By: Hellbent
	;Date: Apr 7th
	;Create Layered Window Buttons From a pBitmap. 
	;Accepts a parent window but can also rest in a window sans parent.
	static init := IconButtons._SetDefaults()
		;>>>>>     Static class Data
		This.Index := 0
		This.Handles := []
		This.CurrentIcon := ""
		This.LastIcon := ""
		This.HoverTimer := This._Hover.Bind( This )
		This.FT := 1
		This.Beep := 0
		;>>>>>     Window Data
		This.Window := {}
		This.Window.X := 10
		This.Window.Y := 10
		This.Window.W := 10
		This.Window.H := 10
		This.Window.Parent := ""
		This.Window.Hwnd := ""
		This.Window.HDC := ""
		This.Window.OBM := ""
		This.Window.Graphics := ""
		This.Window.HBM := ""
		This.Window.Smoothing := 2
		This.Window.Options := " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale +ToolWindow "
		;>>>>>     Bitmap Data
		This.Bitmap := {}
		This.Bitmap.pBitmap := ""
		This.Bitmap.Alpha := 255
		This.Bitmap.X := 0
		This.Bitmap.Y := 0
		This.Bitmap.W := 10
		This.Bitmap.H := 10
		This.Bitmap.Animate := ""
		This.Bitmap.PulseLength := 5
		This.Bitmap.PulseRate := 1
		;>>>>>     Control Data
		This.Control := {}
		This.Control.X := 0
		This.Control.Y := 0
		This.Control.W := 10
		This.Control.H := 10
		This.Control.Hwnd := ""
		This.Control.CanHover := 1
	;>>>>>     CREATE A NEW ICON BUTTON.  				Prototype: >>>>>   Obj := { X: 494 , Y: 242 , W: 130 , H: 26 , Parent: ParentHwnd , pBitmap: pBitmap , Bind: "" , BoundObject: "" }
	__New( obj := "" ){ 
		This._UpdateDefaults( obj )
		IconButtons.Handles[ This.Control.Hwnd ] := This
		if( IconButtons.Beep )
			SoundBeep, 500
		if( This.Control.CanHover && IconButtons.FT && !IconButtons.FT := !IconButtons.FT )
			IconButtons._SetHoverTimer( 60 )
		local k , v 
		This.Window := {}
		for k , v in IconButtons.Window
			This.Window[ k ] := v 
		This.Bitmap := {}
		for k , v in IconButtons.Bitmap
			This.Bitmap[ k ] := v 
		This.Control := {}
		for k , v in IconButtons.Control
			This.Control[ k ] := v 
	_UpdateDefaults( obj := "" ){
		local k , v 
		if( !IsObject( obj ) )
			return 2
		for k , v in obj 	{
			if( This[ "Window" ].HasKey( k ) )
				This[ "Window" ][ k ] := obj[ k ] 
		for k , v in [ "W" , "H" , "pBitmap" , "Alpha" , "Animate" , "PulseLength" , "PulseRate" ]	{
			if( obj.HasKey( v ) )
				This[ "Bitmap" ][ v ] := obj[ v ]
		for k , v in [ "W" , "H" , "CanHover" ]	{
			if( obj.HasKey( v ) )
				This[ "Control" ][ v ] := obj[ v ]
		local hwnd
		if( This.Window.Parent ){
			Gui , New, % " +LastFound +E0x80000 hwndhwnd -Caption  " This.Window.Options " +Parent" This.Window.Parent
			Gui , New, % " +LastFound +E0x80000 hwndhwnd -Caption  " This.Window.Options
		This.Window.Hwnd := hwnd
		local hwnd , bd
		Gui, % This.Window.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" This.Control.X " y" This.Control.Y " w" This.Control.W " h" This.Control.H " hwndhwnd"
		This.Control.Hwnd := hwnd
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( This.Window.Graphics )
		SelectObject( This.Window.HDC , This.Window.OBM )
		DeleteObject( This.Window.hbm )
		DeleteDC( This.Window.hdc )
		This.Window.hbm := CreateDIBSection( This.Window.W , This.Window.H )
		This.Window.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
		This.Window.obm := SelectObject( This.Window.hdc , This.Window.hbm )
		This.Window.Graphics := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC( This.Window.hdc )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.Window.Graphics , This.Window.Smoothing )
	_SetHoverTimer( State := "Off" ){
		local bd := This.HoverTimer
		SetTimer, % bd , % State
		local ctrl , cc 
		static bu := { X: "" , Y: "" , W: "" , H: "" } , index := 0
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2 
		if( !This.LastIcon && !This.Handles[ ctrl ].Control.CanHover )
		if( This.Handles[ ctrl ].Bitmap.w && This.LastIcon != ctrl && !This.LastIcon ){
			This.LastIcon := ctrl
			cc := This.Handles[ ctrl ]
			bu.X := cc.Window.X
			bu.Y := cc.Window.Y
			bu.W := cc.Window.W
			bu.H := cc.Window.H
			Index := 0
		}else if( This.LastIcon && This.LastIcon = ctrl){
			if( This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.Animate = "Pulse" ){
				cc := This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ]
				if( ++Index <= This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseLength ){
					cc.Set( { X: cc.Window.X -= This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate , Y: cc.Window.Y -= This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate , W: cc.Window.W += 2 * This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate , H: cc.Window.H += 2 * This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate } , 1 )
				}else if( Index <= ( 2 * This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseLength ) ){
					cc.Set( { X: cc.Window.X += This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate , Y: cc.Window.Y += This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate , W: cc.Window.W -= 2 * This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate , H: cc.Window.H -= 2 * This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.PulseRate } , 1 )
					Index := 0
			}else if( This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ].Bitmap.Animate = "Spin" ){
				cc := This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ]
				if( ++Index < 6 ){
					cc.Set( { X: cc.Window.X -= 1 , Y: cc.Window.Y -= 1 , W: cc.Window.W += 2 , H: cc.Window.H += 2 } , 1 )
				}else if( Index < 11 ){
					cc.Set( { X: cc.Window.X += 1 , Y: cc.Window.Y += 1 , W: cc.Window.W -= 2 , H: cc.Window.H -= 2 } , 1 )
					Index := 0
		}else if( This.LastIcon && This.LastIcon != ctrl ){
			cc := This.Handles[ This.LastIcon ]
			cc.Set( { X: bu.X , Y: bu.Y , W: bu.W , H: bu.H } , 1 )
			This.LastIcon := ""
		Gui , % This.Window.Hwnd ":Show", NA
		Gui , % This.Hwnd ":Hide",
	Set( obj := "" , updateGraphics := 0 ){
		local k , v 
		if( !IsObject( obj ) )
			return 2
		for k , v in obj 	{
			if( This[ "Window" ].HasKey( k ) )
				This[ "Window" ][ k ] := obj[ k ] 
		for k , v in [ "W" , "H" , "pBitmap" , "Alpha" , "Animate" , "PulseLength" , "PulseRate" ]	{
			if( obj.HasKey( v ) )
				This[ "Bitmap" ][ v ] := obj[ v ]
		for k , v in [ "W" , "H" , "CanHover" ]	{
			if( obj.HasKey( v ) )
				This[ "Control" ][ v ] := obj[ v ]
		if( updateGraphics ){
		GuiControl, % This.Window.Hwnd ":Move", % This.Control.Hwnd , % "w" This.Control.W " h" This.Control.H
		UpdateLayeredWindow( This.Window.hwnd , This.Window.hdc , This.Window.X , This.Window.Y , This.Window.W , This.Window.H , This.Bitmap.Alpha )
	ClearWindow( AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.Window.Graphics )
		if( Autoupdate )
	;>>>>>     DRAW THE BUTTON
		Gdip_DrawImage( This.Window.Graphics , This.Bitmap.pBitmap , This.Bitmap.X , This.Bitmap.Y , This.Bitmap.W , This.Bitmap.H )
;###################################################          END OF CLASS             YOU LOOK FAT IN THOSE GENES...          ######################################################
Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(pBitmap, ext, Quality=75) { ;Excised from
        return -1
	Extension := "." Ext
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "uint*", nCount, "uint*", nSize)
	VarSetCapacity(ci, nSize)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "uint", nCount, "uint", nSize, Ptr, &ci)
	if !(nCount && nSize)
		return -2
	Loop, % nCount {
		sString := StrGet(NumGet(ci, (idx := (48+7*A_PtrSize)*(A_Index-1))+32+3*A_PtrSize), "UTF-16")
		if !InStr(sString, "*" Extension)
		pCodec := &ci+idx
	if !pCodec
		return -3
	if (Quality != 75){
		Quality := (Quality < 0) ? 0 : (Quality > 100) ? 100 : Quality
		if Extension in .JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", Ptr, pBitmap, Ptr, pCodec, "uint*", nSize)
			VarSetCapacity(EncoderParameters, nSize, 0)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", Ptr, pBitmap, Ptr, pCodec, "uint", nSize, Ptr, &EncoderParameters)
			Loop, % NumGet(EncoderParameters, "UInt") {
				elem := (24+(A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4))*(A_Index-1) + 4 + (pad := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 4 : 0)
				if (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+16, "UInt") = 1) && (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+20, "UInt") = 6){
					p := elem+&EncoderParameters-pad-4
					NumPut(Quality, NumGet(NumPut(4, NumPut(1, p+0)+20, "UInt")), "UInt")
	DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr",0, "int",true, "ptr*",pStream)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToStream", "ptr",pBitmap, "ptr",pStream, "ptr",pCodec, "uint",p ? p : 0)
    DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr",pStream, "uint*",hData)
	pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr",hData, "uptr")
	nSize := DllCall("GlobalSize", "uint",pData)
	VarSetCapacity(Bin, nSize, 0)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr",&Bin , "ptr",pData , "uint",nSize)
	DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr",hData)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pStream + 0, 0, "uptr") + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0, "uptr"), "ptr",pStream)
	DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr",hData)
	DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint",0x01, "ptr",0, "uint*",base64Length)
	VarSetCapacity(base64, base64Length*2, 0)				
	DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint", 0x40000001 , "ptr",&base64, "uint*",base64Length) ; [ 0x40000001 = CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF ( 0x40000000 ) And CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 ( 0x00000001 ) ]
	Bin := ""
	VarSetCapacity(Bin, 0)
	VarSetCapacity(base64, -1)
	return  base64

;Vector Class
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
Class Vector	{
	;Written By: HB
	;Date: Sept 23rd, 2022
	;Last Edit: Sept 24th, 2022
	;Purpose: Vector math class 
	;Credit: Rohwedder 
		;Line intercept concepts and code:
		;Create an Arrow:
		;Getting an angle:
		;Setting an Angle:
	static RadToDeg := 45 / ATan( 1 ) 
		, DegToRad := ATan( 1 ) / 45 
	__New( x := 0 , y := 0 , rotate := 0 ){ 
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			if( rotate = 3 ){
				This.X := x.X * -1
				,This.Y := x.Y * -1
			}else if( rotate = 2 ){
				This.X := x.Y 
				,This.Y := x.X * -1
			}else if( rotate = 1 ){
				This.X := x.Y * -1
				,This.Y := x.X 
				This.X := x.X
				,This.Y := x.Y
			if( rotate = 3 ){
				This.X := X * -1
				,This.Y := Y * -1
			}else if( rotate = 2 ){
				This.X := Y 
				,This.Y := X * -1
			}else if( rotate = 1 ){
				This.X := Y * -1
				,This.Y := X 
				This.X := X
				,This.Y := Y
	Add( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X += x.X
			,This.Y += x.Y
		}else if( y = "" ){
			This.X += x 
			,This.Y += x
			This.X += x 
			,This.Y += y 
	Sub( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X -= x.X
			,This.Y -= x.Y
		}else if( y = "" ){
			This.X -= X
			,This.Y -= X
			This.X -= X
			,This.Y -= Y
	Div( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X /= x.X
			,This.Y /= x.Y
		}else if( x && y = "" ){
			This.X /= x 
			,This.Y /= x 
			This.X /= X
			,This.Y /= Y
	Mult( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X *= x.X
			,This.Y *= x.Y
		}else if( x && y = "" ){
			This.X *= x 
			,This.Y *= x 
			This.X *= X
			,This.Y *= Y
	Dist( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return Sqrt( ( ( This.X - x.X ) **2 ) + ( ( This.Y - x.Y ) **2 ) )
			return Sqrt( ( ( This.X - X ) **2 ) + ( ( This.Y - Y ) **2 ) )
		return Sqrt( This.X * This.X + This.Y * This.Y )
	SetMag( magnitude ){
		local m := This.GetMag()
		This.X := This.X * magnitude / m
		,This.Y := This.Y * magnitude / m
		return This.GetMag()**2
	Dot( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return ( This.X * x.X ) + ( This.Y * x.Y )
			return ( This.X * X ) + ( This.Y * Y )
	Cross( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return This.X * x.Y - This.Y * x.X
			return This.X * Y - This.Y * X
		local m := This.GetMag()
		This.X /= m
		This.Y /= m
		local angle 
		( (  angle := Vector.RadToDeg * DllCall( "msvcrt\atan2" , "Double" , This.Y , "Double" , This.X , "CDECL Double" ) ) < 0 ) ? ( angle += 360 )
		return angle
	SetAngle( newAngle := 0 , NewVector := 0 ){
		local Angle := This.GetAngle()
		, ChangeAngle := newAngle - Angle 
		, Co := Cos( Vector.DegToRad * ChangeAngle )
		, Si := Sin( Vector.DegToRad * ChangeAngle )
		, X := This.X 
		, Y := This.Y
		, X2 := X * Co - Y * Si 
		, Y2 := X * Si + Y * Co 
		if( !NewVector )
			This.X := X2 , This.Y := Y2
			return New Vector( X2 , Y2 )
	RotateAngle( rotationAmount := 90 , NewVector := 0 ){
		local Co := Cos( Vector.DegToRad * rotationAmount )
		, Si := Sin( Vector.DegToRad * rotationAmount )
		, X := This.X 
		, Y := This.Y
		, X2 := X * Co - Y * Si 
		, Y2 := X * Si + Y * Co 
		if( !NewVector )
			This.X := X2 , This.Y := Y2
			return New Vector( X2 , Y2 )
	;class methods
	TestLineInterceptPoint( interceptPoint , Line1 , Line2 ){ ; Line = { Start: { X: , Y: } , End: { X: , Y: } } , interceptPoint = { X: , Y: }
		for k , v in [ "X" , "Y" ]	
			M%v%_Min := min( Line1.Start[ v ] , Line1.End[ v ] )
			,M%v%_Max := max( Line1.Start[ v ] , Line1.End[ v ] )
			,L%v%_Min := min( Line2.Start[ v ] , Line2.End[ v ] )
			,L%v%_Max := max( Line2.Start[ v ] , Line2.End[ v ] )
		if( !( interceptPoint.X < Mx_Min || interceptPoint.X > Mx_Max || interceptPoint.X < Lx_Min || interceptPoint.X > Lx_Max ) && !( interceptPoint.Y < My_Min || interceptPoint.Y > My_Max || interceptPoint.Y < Ly_Min || interceptPoint.Y > Ly_Max ) )
			return 1
		return 0
	GetLineInterceptPoint( Line1 , Line2 ){ ; Line = { Start: { X: , Y: } , End: { X: , Y: } }
		local A1 := Line1.End.Y - Line1.Start.Y
		,B1 := Line1.Start.X - Line1.End.X
		,C1 := A1 * Line1.Start.X + B1 * Line1.Start.Y
		,A2 := Line2.End.Y - Line2.Start.Y
		,B2 := Line2.Start.X - Line2.End.X
		,C2 := A2 * Line2.Start.X + B2 * Line2.Start.Y
		,Denominator := A1 * B2 - A2 * B1 
		return New Vector( { X: ( ( B2 * C1 - B1 * C2 ) / Denominator )  , Y: ( ( A1 * C2 - A2 * C1 ) / Denominator ) } )
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
Class HButton	{
	;Gen 3 Button Class By Hellbent
	static init , Button := [] , Active , LastControl , HoldCtrl 
	__New( Input := "" , All := "" , Default := "" , Hover := "" , Pressed := "" ){
		local hwnd 
			;If this is the first time the class is being used.
		if( !HButton.init && HButton.init := 1 )
				;Set a timer to watch to see if the cursor goes over one of the controls.
		This._CreateNewButtonObject( hwnd := This._CreateControl( Input ) , Input )
		This._BindButton( hwnd , Input )
		This._GetButtonBitmaps( hwnd , Input , All , Default , Hover , Pressed )
		This._DisplayButton( hwnd , HButton.Button[hwnd].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )
		return hwnd

	_DisplayButton( hwnd , hBitmap){
		SetImage( hwnd , hBitmap )
	_GetButtonBitmaps( hwnd , Input := "" , All := "" , Default := "" , Hover := "" , Pressed := "" ){
		HButton.Button[hwnd].Bitmaps := GuiButtonType1.CreateButtonBitmapSet( Input , All , Default , Hover , Pressed )
	_CreateNewButtonObject( hwnd , Input ){
		local k , v  
		HButton.Button[ hwnd ] := {}
		for k , v in Input
			HButton.Button[ hwnd ][ k ] := v
		HButton.Button[ hwnd ].Hwnd := hwnd
	_CreateControl( Input ){
		local hwnd
		Gui , % Input.Owner ":Add" , Pic , % "x" Input.X " y" Input.Y " w" Input.W " h" Input.H " hwndhwnd 0xE"  
		return hwnd
	_BindButton( hwnd , Input ){
		local bd
		bd := This._OnClick.Bind( This )
		GuiControl, % Input.Owner ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
	_SetHoverTimer( timer := "" ){
		local HoverTimer 

		if( !HButton.HoverTimer ) 
			HButton.HoverTimer := ObjBindMethod( HButton , "_OnHover" ) 
		HoverTimer := HButton.HoverTimer
		SetTimer , % HoverTimer , % ( Timer ) ? ( Timer ) : ( 100 )
		local Ctrl
		if( HButton.Button[ ctrl ] && !HButton.Active ){
			HButton.Active := 1
			HButton.LastControl := ctrl
			HButton._DisplayButton( ctrl , HButton.Button[ ctrl ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap )
		}else if( HButton.Active && ctrl != HButton.LastControl ){
			HButton.Active := 0
			HButton._DisplayButton( HButton.LastControl , HButton.Button[ HButton.LastControl ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )

		local Ctrl, last
		HButton._SetHoverTimer( "Off" )
		MouseGetPos,,,, Ctrl , 2
		last := ctrl
		HButton._SetFocus( ctrl )
		HButton._DisplayButton( last , HButton.Button[ last ].Bitmaps.Pressed.hBitmap )
			sleep, 60
		loop, 2
		MouseGetPos,,,, Ctrl , 2
			HButton._DisplayButton( last , HButton.Button[ last ].Bitmaps.Default.hBitmap )
			HButton._DisplayButton( last , HButton.Button[ last ].Bitmaps.Hover.hBitmap )
			if( HButton.Button[ last ].Label ){
			if(IsFunc( HButton.Button[ last ].Label ) )
				fn := Func( HButton.Button[ last ].Label )
				, fn.Call()
				gosub, % HButton.Button[ last ].Label
	_SetFocus( ctrl ){
		GuiControl, % HButton.Button[ ctrl ].Owner ":Focus" , % ctrl
	DeleteButton( hwnd ){
		for k , v in HButton.Button[ hwnd ].Bitmaps
				Gdip_DisposeImage( HButton.Button[hwnd].Bitmaps[k].pBitmap )
				, DeleteObject( HButton.Button[ hwnd ].Bitmaps[k].hBitmap )
		GuiControl , % HButton.Button[ hwnd ].Owner ":Move", % hwnd , % "x-1 y-1 w0 h0" 
		HButton.Button[ hwnd ] := ""
Class GuiButtonType1	{

	static List := [ "Default" , "Hover" , "Pressed" ]
		local arr := [] , Bitmap := {} , fObj := This.CurrentBitmapData.Pressed
		Bitmap.pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( fObj.W , fObj.H ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( Bitmap.pBitmap ) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.BackgroundColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , fObj.W+2 , fObj.H+2 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.ButtonOuterBorderColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 4 , fObj.W-7 , fObj.H-7 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , fObj.W , fObj.H , fObj.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 , fObj.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 3 , fObj.W-5 , fObj.H-8 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , fObj.W-7 , fObj.H-10 , fObj.ButtonMainColor1 , fObj.ButtonMainColor2 , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 5 , 5 , fObj.W-11 , fObj.H-12 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 2 , fObj.W , fObj.H , fObj.TextBottomColor1 , fObj.TextBottomColor2 , 1 , 1 )
		arr := [ { X: -1 , Y: -1 } , { X: 0 , Y: -1 } , { X: 1 , Y: -1 } , { X: -1 , Y: 0 } , { X: 1 , Y: 0 } , { X: -1 , Y: 1 } , { X: 0 , Y: 1 } , { X: 1 , Y: 1 } ]
		Loop, % 8
			Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , fObj.Text , "s" fObj.FontSize " " fObj.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" 1 + arr[A_Index].X + fObj.TextOffsetX " y" 3 + arr[A_Index].Y + fObj.TextOffsetY , fObj.Font , fObj.W + fObj.TextOffsetW , fObj.H + fObj.TextOffsetH )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 2 , fObj.W , fObj.H , fObj.TextTopColor1 , fObj.TextTopColor2 , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , fObj.Text , "s" fObj.FontSize " " fObj.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" 1 + fObj.TextOffsetX " y" 3 + fObj.TextOffsetY , fObj.Font , fObj.W + fObj.TextOffsetW , fObj.H + fObj.TextOffsetH )
	if( fObj.ButtonAddGlossy ){
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossTopColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 5 , 10 , fObj.W-11 , ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 10   ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )

		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossTopAccentColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 10 , 12 , fObj.W-21 , fObj.H / 15 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossBottomColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 5  , 10 + ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 10 , fObj.W-11 , ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 7 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )

		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		Bitmap.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( Bitmap.pBitmap )
		return Bitmap
		local arr := [] , Bitmap := {} , fObj := This.CurrentBitmapData.Hover
		Bitmap.pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( fObj.W , fObj.H ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( Bitmap.pBitmap ) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.BackgroundColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , fObj.W+2 , fObj.H+2 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.ButtonOuterBorderColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 3 , fObj.W-5 , fObj.H-7 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.ButtonCenterBorderColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 4 , fObj.W-7 , fObj.H-9 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , fObj.W , fObj.H-10 , fObj.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 , fObj.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 4 , 5 , fObj.W-9 , fObj.H-11 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 5 , 7 , fObj.W-11 , fObj.H-14 , fObj.ButtonMainColor1 , fObj.ButtonMainColor2 , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 5 , 7 , fObj.W-11 , fObj.H-14 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 2 , fObj.W , fObj.H , fObj.TextBottomColor1 , fObj.TextBottomColor2 , 1 , 1 )
		arr := [ { X: -1 , Y: -1 } , { X: 0 , Y: -1 } , { X: 1 , Y: -1 } , { X: -1 , Y: 0 } , { X: 1 , Y: 0 } , { X: -1 , Y: 1 } , { X: 0 , Y: 1 } , { X: 1 , Y: 1 } ]
		Loop, % 8
			Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , fObj.Text , "s" fObj.FontSize " " fObj.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" 0 + arr[A_Index].X + fObj.TextOffsetX " y" 2 + arr[A_Index].Y + fObj.TextOffsetY , fObj.Font , fObj.W + fObj.TextOffsetW , fObj.H + fObj.TextOffsetH )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 2 , fObj.W , fObj.H , fObj.TextTopColor1 , fObj.TextTopColor2 , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , fObj.Text , "s" fObj.FontSize " " fObj.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" 0 + fObj.TextOffsetX " y" 2 + fObj.TextOffsetY , fObj.Font , fObj.W + fObj.TextOffsetW , fObj.H + fObj.TextOffsetH )
		if( fObj.ButtonAddGlossy = 1 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossTopColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 6 , 10 , fObj.W-13 , ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 10   ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossTopAccentColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 10 , 12 , fObj.W-21 , fObj.H / 15 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossBottomColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 6  , 10 + ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 10 , fObj.W-13 , ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 7 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		Bitmap.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( Bitmap.pBitmap )
		return Bitmap
		local arr := [] , Bitmap := {} , fObj := This.CurrentBitmapData.Default
		Bitmap.pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( fObj.W , fObj.H ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( Bitmap.pBitmap ) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.BackgroundColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -1 , -1 , fObj.W+2 , fObj.H+2 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.ButtonOuterBorderColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 , 3 , fObj.W-5 , fObj.H-7 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.ButtonCenterBorderColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 3 , 4 , fObj.W-7 , fObj.H-9 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 0 , fObj.W , fObj.H-10 , fObj.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 , fObj.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 4 , 5 , fObj.W-9 , fObj.H-11 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 5 , 7 , fObj.W-11 , fObj.H-14 , fObj.ButtonMainColor1 , fObj.ButtonMainColor2 , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 5 , 7 , fObj.W-11 , fObj.H-14 , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 2 , fObj.W , fObj.H , fObj.TextBottomColor1 , fObj.TextBottomColor2 , 1 , 1 )
		arr := [ { X: -1 , Y: -1 } , { X: 0 , Y: -1 } , { X: 1 , Y: -1 } , { X: -1 , Y: 0 } , { X: 1 , Y: 0 } , { X: -1 , Y: 1 } , { X: 0 , Y: 1 } , { X: 1 , Y: 1 } ]
		Loop, % 8
			Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , fObj.Text , "s" fObj.FontSize " " fObj.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" 0 + arr[A_Index].X + fObj.TextOffsetX " y" 2 + arr[A_Index].Y + fObj.TextOffsetY , fObj.Font , fObj.W + fObj.TextOffsetW , fObj.H + fObj.TextOffsetH )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 0 , 2 , fObj.W , fObj.H , fObj.TextTopColor1 , fObj.TextTopColor2 , 1 , 1 )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , fObj.Text , "s" fObj.FontSize " " fObj.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" 0 + fObj.TextOffsetX " y" 2 + fObj.TextOffsetY , fObj.Font , fObj.W + fObj.TextOffsetW , fObj.H + fObj.TextOffsetH )
		if( fObj.ButtonAddGlossy ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossTopColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 6 , 10 , fObj.W-13 , ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 10   ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossTopAccentColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 10 , 12 , fObj.W-21 , fObj.H / 15 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( fObj.GlossBottomColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , 6  , 10 + ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 10 , fObj.W-13 , ( fObj.H / 2 ) - 7 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		Bitmap.hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( Bitmap.pBitmap )
		return Bitmap
	_GetMasterDefaultValues(){ ;Default State
		local Default := {}
		Default.pBitmap := "" 
		, Default.hBitmap := ""
		, Default.Font := "Arial"
		, Default.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter "
		, Default.FontSize := "12"
		, Default.Text := "Button"
		, Default.W := 10
		, Default.H := 10
		, Default.TextBottomColor1 := "0x0002112F"
		, Default.TextBottomColor2 := Default.TextBottomColor1
		, Default.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		, Default.TextTopColor2 := "0xFF000000"
		, Default.TextOffsetX := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetY := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetW := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetH := 0
		, Default.BackgroundColor := "0xFF22262A"
		, Default.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF161B1F"	
		, Default.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF262B2F"	
		, Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xFF3F444A"
		, Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xFF24292D"
		, Default.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF272C32"
		, Default.ButtonMainColor2 := "" Default.ButtonMainColor1
		, Default.ButtonAddGlossy := 0
		, Default.GlossTopColor := "0x11FFFFFF"
		, Default.GlossTopAccentColor := "0x05FFFFFF"	
		, Default.GlossBottomColor := "0x33000000"
		return Default
	_GetMasterHoverValues(){ ;Hover State
		local Default := {}
		Default.pBitmap := ""
		, Default.hBitmap := ""
		, Default.Font := "Arial"
		, Default.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter "
		, Default.FontSize := "12"
		, Default.Text := "Button"
		, Default.W := 10
		, Default.H := 10
		, Default.TextBottomColor1 := "0x0002112F"
		, Default.TextBottomColor2 := Default.TextBottomColor1
		, Default.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		, Default.TextTopColor2 := "0xFF000000"
		, Default.TextOffsetX := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetY := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetW := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetH := 0
		, Default.BackgroundColor := "0xFF22262A"
		, Default.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF161B1F"	
		, Default.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF262B2F"	
		, Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xFF3F444A"
		, Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xFF24292D"
		, Default.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF373C42"
		, Default.ButtonMainColor2 := "" Default.ButtonMainColor1
		, Default.ButtonAddGlossy := 0
		, Default.GlossTopColor := "0x11FFFFFF"
		, Default.GlossTopAccentColor := "0x05FFFFFF"	
		, Default.GlossBottomColor := "0x33000000"
		return Default
	_GetMasterPressedValues(){ ;Pressed State
		local Default := {}
		Default.pBitmap := ""
		, Default.hBitmap := ""
		, Default.Font := "Arial"
		, Default.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter "
		, Default.FontSize := "12"
		, Default.Text := "Button"
		, Default.W := 10
		, Default.H := 10
		, Default.TextBottomColor1 := "0x0002112F"
		, Default.TextBottomColor2 := Default.TextBottomColor1
		, Default.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		, Default.TextTopColor2 := "0xFF000000"
		, Default.TextOffsetX := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetY := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetW := 0
		, Default.TextOffsetH := 0
		, Default.BackgroundColor := "0xFF22262A"
		, Default.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF62666a"
		, Default.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF262B2F"	
		, Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xFF151A20"
		, Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xFF151A20"
		, Default.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF12161a"
		, Default.ButtonMainColor2 := "0xFF33383E"
		, Default.ButtonAddGlossy := 0
		, Default.GlossTopColor := "0x11FFFFFF"
		, Default.GlossTopAccentColor := "0x05FFFFFF"	
		, Default.GlossBottomColor := "0x33000000"
		return Default
	SetSessionDefaults( All := "" , Default := "" , Hover := "" , Pressed := "" ){ ;Set the default values based on user input
		This.SessionBitmapData := {} 
		, This.Preset := 1
		, This.init := 0
		This._SetSessionData( All , Default , Hover , Pressed )
	_SetSessionData( All := "" , Default := "" , Hover := "" , Pressed := "" ){
		local index , k , v , i , j
		if( IsObject( All ) ){
			Loop, % GuiButtonType1.List.Length()	{
				index := A_Index
				For k , v in All
					This.SessionBitmapData[ GuiButtonType1.List[ index ] ][ k ] := v
		For k , v in GuiButtonType1.List
			if( isObject( %v% ) )
				For i , j in %v%
					This.SessionBitmapData[ GuiButtonType1.List[ k ] ][ i ] := j
	_LoadDefaults( input := "" ){
		This.CurrentBitmapData := "" , This.CurrentBitmapData := {}
		For k , v in This.SessionBitmapData
			This.CurrentBitmapData[k] := {}
		This[ input ].Default := This._GetMasterDefaultValues()
		, This[ input ].Hover := This._GetMasterHoverValues()
		, This[ input ].Pressed := This._GetMasterPressedValues()
		local k , v , i , j
		This.CurrentBitmapData := "" , This.CurrentBitmapData := {}
		For k , v in This.SessionBitmapData
			This.CurrentBitmapData[k] := {}
			For i , j in This.SessionBitmapData[k]
				This.CurrentBitmapData[k][i] := j

	_UpdateCurrentBitmapData( All := "" , Default := "" , Hover := "" , Pressed := "" ){
		local k , v , i , j
		if( IsObject( All ) ){
			Loop, % GuiButtonType1.List.Length()	{
				index := A_Index
				For k , v in All
					This.CurrentBitmapData[ GuiButtonType1.List[ index ] ][ k ] := v
		For k , v in GuiButtonType1.List
			if( isObject( %v% ) )
				For i , j in %v%
					This.CurrentBitmapData[ GuiButtonType1.List[ k ] ][ i ] := j
	_UpdateInstanceData( obj := ""){
		For k , v in GuiButtonType1.List	
			This.CurrentBitmapData[v].Text := obj.Text
			, This.CurrentBitmapData[v].W := obj.W
			, This.CurrentBitmapData[v].H := obj.H

	CreateButtonBitmapSet( obj := "" ,  All := "" , Default := "" , Hover := "" , Pressed := ""  ){ ;Create a new button
		local Bitmaps := {}
		if( This.Preset )
			This._LoadDefaults( "CurrentBitmapData" )
		This._UpdateCurrentBitmapData( All , Default , Hover , Pressed )
		This._UpdateInstanceData( obj )
		Bitmaps.Default := This._CreateDefaultBitmap()
		, Bitmaps.Hover := This._CreateHoverBitmap()
		, Bitmaps.Pressed := This._CreatePressedBitmap()
		return Bitmaps
class PopUpWindow	{
;PopUpWindow v2.2
;Date Written: Oct 28th, 2021
;Last Edit: Feb 7th, 2022 :Changed the trigger method.
;Written By: Hellbent aka CivReborn
;SpcThanks: teadrinker , malcev 
	static Index := 0 , Windows := [] , Handles := [] , EditHwnd , HelperHwnd
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This.UpdateSettings( obj )
		if( This.AutoShow )
			This.ShowWindow( This.Title )
		This.X := 10
		This.Y := 10
		This.W := 10
		This.H := 10
		This.Smoothing := 2
		This.Options := " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop "
		This.AutoShow := 0
		This.GdipStartUp := 0
		This.Title := ""
		This.Controls := []
		This.Handles := []
		This.Index := 0 
	AddTrigger( obj ){
		local k , v , cc , bd
		This.Controls[ ++This.Index ] := { 	X:		10
										,	Y:		10
										,	W:		10
										,	H:		10	}
		for k, v in obj
			This.Controls[ This.Index ][ k ] := obj[ k ] 
		cc := This.Controls[ This.Index ]
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd"
		This.Handles[ hwnd ] := This.Index
		This.Controls[ This.Index ].Hwnd := hwnd
		if( IsObject( cc.Label ) ){
			bd := cc.Label
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
			bd := This._TriggerCall.Bind( This )
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
		return hwnd
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2
			;~ SetTimer, % This.Controls[ This.Handles[ ctrl ] ].Label, -0
			gosub, % This.Controls[ This.Handles[ ctrl ] ].Label
	DrawTriggers( color := "0xFFFF0000" , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		local brush , cc 
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( color ) 
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , 3 )
		loop, % This.Controls.Length()	{
			cc := This.Controls[ A_Index ]
			Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , cc.x , cc.y , cc.w , cc.h )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , This.Smoothing )
		if( AutoUpdate )
	UpdateSettings( obj := "" , UpdateGraphics := 0 ){
		local k , v
		if( IsObject( obj ) )
			for k, v in obj
				This[ k ] := obj[ k ]
		( This.X = "Center" ) ? ( This.X := ( A_ScreenWidth - This.W ) / 2 ) 	
		( This.Y = "Center" ) ? ( This.Y := ( A_ScreenHeight - This.H ) / 2 ) 	
		if( UpdateGraphics ){
		local hwnd
		Gui , New, % " +LastFound +E0x80000 hwndhwnd -Caption  " This.Options
		This.Index := PopUpWindow.Index
		PopUpWindow.Windows[ PopUpWindow.Index ] := This
		This.Hwnd := hwnd
		PopUpWindow.Handles[ hwnd ] := PopUpWindow.Index
		if( This.GdipStartUp && !PopUpWindow.pToken )
			PopUpWindow.pToken := GDIP_STARTUP()
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( This.G )
		SelectObject( This.hdc , This.obm )
		DeleteObject( This.hbm )
		DeleteDC( This.hdc )
		This.hbm := CreateDIBSection( This.W , This.H )
		This.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
		This.obm := SelectObject( This.hdc , This.hbm )
		This.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC( This.hdc )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , This.Smoothing )
	ShowWindow( Title := "" ){
		Gui , % This.Hwnd ":Show", % "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " NA", % Title
		Gui , % This.Hwnd ":Hide",
	UpdateWindow( alpha := 255 ){
		UpdateLayeredWindow( This.hwnd , This.hdc , This.X , This.Y , This.W , This.H , alpha )
	ClearWindow( AutoUpdate := 0 , Color := "" ){
		if( color != "" )
			Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.G , color )
			Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.G )
		if( Autoupdate )
	DrawBitmap( pBitmap , obj , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		Gdip_DrawImage( This.G , pBitmap , obj.X , obj.Y , obj.W , obj.H )
		if( dispose )
			Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		if( Autoupdate )
	PaintBackground( color := "0xFF000000" , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		if( isObject( color ) ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( color.HasKey( "Color" ) ) ? ( color.Color ) : ( "0xFF000000" ) ) 
			if( color.Haskey( "Round" ) )
				Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.G , Brush , color.X , color.Y , color.W , color.H , color.Round )
				Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , color.X , color.Y , color.W , color.H ) 
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( color ) 
			Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W + 2 , This.H + 2 ) 
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( AutoUpdate )
	DeleteWindow( GDIPShutdown := 0 ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Destroy"
		SelectObject( This.hdc , This.obm )
		DeleteObject( This.hbm )
		DeleteDC( This.hdc )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( This.G )
		hwnd := This.Hwnd
		for k, v in PopUpWindow.Windows[ Hwnd ]
			This[k] := ""
		PopUpWindow.Windows[ Hwnd ] := ""
		if( GDIPShutdown ){
			Gdip_Shutdown( PopUpWindow.pToken )
			PopUpWindow.pToken := ""
	_OnClose( wParam ){
		if( wParam = 0xF060 ){	;SC_CLOSE ;[ clicking on the gui close button ]
				Gui, % PopUpWindow.HelperHwnd ":Destroy"
				SoundBeep, 555
	CreateCachedBitmap( pBitmap , Dispose := 0 ){
		local pCachedBitmap
		if( This.CachedBitmap )
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipCreateCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , pBitmap , "Ptr" , this.G , "PtrP" , pCachedBitmap )
		This.CachedBitmap := pCachedBitmap
		if( Dispose )
			Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
	DrawCachedBitmap( AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipDrawCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , this.G , "Ptr" , This.CachedBitmap , "Int" , 0 , "Int" , 0 )
		if( AutoUpdate )
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipDeleteCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , This.CachedBitmap )
		local hwnd , MethodList := ["__New","UpdateSettings","ShowWindow","HideWindow","UpdateWindow","ClearWindow","DrawBitmap","PaintBackground","DeleteWindow" , "AddTrigger" , "DrawTriggers", "CreateCachedBitmap" , "DrawCachedBitmap" , "DisposeCachedbitmap" ]
		Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +HwndHwnd
		PopUpWindow.HelperHwnd := hwnd
		Gui, Add, Edit, xm ym w250 r1 Center hwndhwnd, Gui1
		PopUpWindow.EditHwnd := hwnd
		loop, % MethodList.Length()	
			Gui, Add, Button, xm y+1 w250 r1 gPopUpWindow._HelperClip, % MethodList[ A_Index ]
		Gui, Show,,
		OnMessage( 0x112 , This._OnClose.Bind( hwnd ) )
		local ClipList 
		GuiControlGet, out, % PopUpWindow.HelperHwnd ":", % PopUpWindow.EditHwnd	
		ClipList := 		{ 	__New: 					" := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: A_ScreenWidth , H: A_ScreenHeight , Options: "" -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop "" } )"
							,	UpdateSettings:			".UpdateSettings( { X: """" , Y: """" , W: """" , H: """" } , UpdateGraphics := 0 )"
							,	ShowWindow:				".ShowWindow( Title := """" )"
							,	HideWindow:				".HideWindow()"
							,	UpdateWindow:			".UpdateWindow()"
							,	ClearWindow:			".ClearWindow( AutoUpdate := 0 )"
							,	DrawBitmap:				".DrawBitmap( pBitmap := """" , { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: " Out ".W , H: " Out ".H } , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 0 )"
							,	PaintBackground:		".PaintBackground( color := ""0xFF000000"" , AutoUpdate := 0 )  "  ";{ Color: ""0xFF000000"" , X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: " Out ".W - 4 , H: " Out ".H - 4 , Round: 10 }"
							,	DeleteWindow:			".DeleteWindow( GDIPShutdown := 0 )"
							,	AddTrigger:				".AddTrigger( { X: """" , Y: """" , W: """" , H: """" , Value: """" , Label: """" } )"	
							,	DrawTriggers:			".DrawTriggers( color := ""0xFFFF0000"" , AutoUpdate := 0 )"	
							,	CreateCachedBitmap:		".CreateCachedBitmap( pBitmap , Dispose := 0 )"	
							,	DrawCachedBitmap: 		".DrawCachedBitmap( AutoUpdate := 0 )"	
							,	DisposeCachedbitmap:	".DisposeCachedbitmap()"	}
		clipboard := Out ClipList[ A_GuiControl ]

;Written By: Hellbent
;Date: Jan 22nd, 2022
class PositionButtons	{
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This._UpdateDefaults( obj )
		This.Smoothing := 2
		This.InterpolationMode := 7
		This.hbm := ""
		This.Hwnd := ""
		This.hdc := ""
		This.obm := ""
		This.G := ""
		This.WindowOptions := " +LastFound +E0x80000 hwndhwnd -Caption "
		This.Scale := 1
		This.Width := 204 
		This.Height := 109 
		This.X := 10 
		This.Y := 10 
		This.Controls := []
		This.Handles := []
		This.Controls[ 1 ] := { X: 63 * This.Scale , Y: 15 * This.Scale , W: 78 * This.Scale , H: 40 * This.Scale }
		This.Controls[ 2 ] := { X: 63 * This.Scale , Y: 56 * This.Scale , W: 78 * This.Scale , H: 40 * This.Scale }
		This.Controls[ 3 ] := { X: 20 * This.Scale , Y: 28 * This.Scale , W: 40 * This.Scale , H: 56 * This.Scale }
		This.Controls[ 4 ] := { X: 148 * This.Scale , Y: 28 * This.Scale , W: 40 * This.Scale , H: 56 * This.Scale }
		This.Bind := []
		This.XOffset := 38
		This.YOffset := 18
		This.ButtonTopHighlightColor := "0xFF3399FF"
		This.ButtonBottomHighlightColor := "0x66336699"
		This.HoverTimer := This._MouseHover.Bind( This )
	_UpdateDefaults( obj := "" ){
		local k , v , index := 0
		for k, v in obj	{
			if( IsObject( obj[ k ] ) ){
				for i, j in obj[ k ]	{
					This[ k , i ] := obj[ k , i ]
				This[ k ] := obj[ k ] 
		This.Width := 204 * This.Scale
		This.Height := 109 * This.Scale
		This.X *= This.Scale
		This.Y *= This.Scale
		This.Controls[ 1 ] := { X: 63 * This.Scale , Y: 15 * This.Scale , W: 78 * This.Scale , H: 40 * This.Scale }
		This.Controls[ 2 ] := { X: 63 * This.Scale , Y: 56 * This.Scale , W: 78 * This.Scale , H: 40 * This.Scale }
		This.Controls[ 3 ] := { X: 20 * This.Scale , Y: 28 * This.Scale , W: 40 * This.Scale , H: 56 * This.Scale }
		This.Controls[ 4 ] := { X: 148 * This.Scale , Y: 28 * This.Scale , W: 40 * This.Scale , H: 56 * This.Scale }
	_SetHoverTimer( state := "" ){
		local HoverTimer := This.HoverTimer
		SetTimer, % HoverTimer , % ( state = "" ) ? ( 60 ) : ( State )
		static index := 0
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2
		if( This.Handles[ ctrl ] && !This.Active ){
			This.Active := This.Handles[ ctrl ]
		}else if( This.Active && This.Handles[ ctrl ] != This.Active && !This.Active := "" ){
		This._SetHoverTimer( "Off" )
		This.Pressed := This.Handles[ This._GetControlHwnd() ]
		This.Active := ""
		While( GetKeyState( "LButton" ) )
			sleep, 60
		if( This.Pressed != This.Handles[ This._GetControlHwnd() ] ){
			This.Pressed := ""
			This.Active := This.Handles[ This._GetControlHwnd() ]
			This.Pressed := ""
			This.Active := This.Handles[ This._GetControlHwnd() ]
			if( This.Bind[ This.Active ] ){
					This.Bind[ This.Active ].Call()
					gosub, % This.Bind[ This.Active ]
		local ctrl
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2
		return ctrl
		local hwnd
		Gui , New, % This.WindowOptions " +Parent" This.Parent 
		This.Hwnd := hwnd
		This.hbm := CreateDIBSection( This.Width , This.Height )
		This.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
		This.obm := SelectObject( This.hdc , This.hbm )
		This.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC( This.hdc )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , This.Smoothing )
		Gdip_SetInterpolationMode( This.G , This.InterpolationMode )
		local hwnd
		loop, 4	{
			Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" This.Controls[ A_Index ].X " y" This.Controls[ A_Index ].Y " w" This.Controls[ A_Index ].W " h" This.Controls[ A_Index ].H " hwndhwnd"
			This.Controls[ A_Index ].Hwnd := hwnd
			This.Handles[ hwnd ] := A_Index
		local bd := This._OnClick.Bind( This )
		Loop, 4	
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+G" , % This.Controls[ A_Index ].Hwnd , % bd
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Show",
		Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.G )
		UpdateLayeredWindow( This.hwnd , This.hdc , This.X , This.Y , This.Width , This.Height )
		;background left 
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( This.G , Brush , ( 40 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 20 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 200 * This.Scale , 105 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;inner circle
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 40 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 25 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 190 * This.Scale , 79 * This.Scale , "0xFF72767a" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( This.G , Brush , ( 45 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 26 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 190 * This.Scale , 94 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;Button 1
		if( This.Pressed = 1 )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 102 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 34 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 77 * This.Scale , 33 * This.Scale , "0xFF12161a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 35 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , 5 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 102 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 34 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 77 * This.Scale , 33 * This.Scale , "0xFF32363a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 35 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , 5 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 33 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 77 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , "0xFF3F4752" , "0xFF1C2024" , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.G , Pen , ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 35 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , 5 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )

		if( This.Pressed = 1 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xAA3399FF" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 38 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x99336699" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 53 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		}else if( This.Active = 1 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x993399FF" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 38 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66336699" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 53 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66F0F0F0" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 38 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66000000" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 53 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.Pressed = 1 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "5" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 104 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 37 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "5" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 104 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 36 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;Button 2
		if( This.Pressed = 2 ){
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 107 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 78 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , "0xFF12161a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 76 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , 5 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 79 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 35 * This.Scale , "0xFF02050a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.G , Pen , ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 76 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , 5 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 107 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 78 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , "0xFF32363a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 76 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , 5 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 79 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 35 * This.Scale , "0xFF3F4752" , "0xFF1C2024" , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.G , Pen , ( 103 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 76 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale , 5 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		if( This.Pressed = 2 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xAA3399FF" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 79 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x99336699" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 94 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		}else if( This.Active = 2 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x993399FF" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 79 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66336699" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 94 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66F0F0F0" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 79 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66000000" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , ( 106 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 94 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 68 * This.Scale , 15 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.Pressed = 2 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "6" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 104 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 77 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "6" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 104 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 76 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 74 * This.Scale , 36 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;Button 3
		if( This.Pressed = 3 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 49 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 39 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 95 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale , 90 , 180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 51 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 44 * This.Scale , 65 * This.Scale , "0xFF12161a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 51 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 41 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 89 * This.Scale , 66 * This.Scale , 90 , 180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 49 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 39 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 95 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale , 90 , 180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 51 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 44 * This.Scale , 65 * This.Scale , "0xFF32363a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 51 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 41 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 89 * This.Scale , 66 * This.Scale , 90 , 180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.Pressed = 3 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xAA3399FF" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 53 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 180 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		else if( This.Active = 3 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x993399FF" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 53 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 180 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66F0F0F0" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 53 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 180 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.Pressed = 3 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x99336699" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 53 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 90 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		else if( This.Active = 3 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66336699" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 53 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 90 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66000000" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 53 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 90 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.Pressed = 3 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "3" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 49 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 40 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 55 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "3" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 49 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 39 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 55 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;Button 4
		if( This.Pressed = 4 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 136 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 39 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 95 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale , 90 , -180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 51 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 44 * This.Scale , 65 * This.Scale , "0xFF12161a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 140 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 41 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 89 * This.Scale , 66 * This.Scale , 90 , -180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 136 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 39 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 95 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale , 90 , -180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( ( 51 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 44 * This.Scale , 65 * This.Scale , "0xFF32363a" , "0xFF22262a" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 140 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 41 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 89 * This.Scale , 66 * This.Scale , 90 , -180 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.Pressed = 4 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xAA3399FF" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 146 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , -90 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x99336699" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 146 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 90 , -90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		}else if( This.Active = 4 ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x993399FF" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 146 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , -90 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66336699" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 146 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 90 , -90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66F0F0F0" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 146 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 44 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , -90 , 90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66000000" ) , Gdip_FillPie( This.G , Brush , ( 146 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 46 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 81 * This.Scale , 59 * This.Scale , 90 , -90 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.Pressed = 4 )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "4" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 179 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 40 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 55 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF0F0F0" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.G , "4" , "s" 22 * This.Scale " Center vCenter  c" Brush " x" ( 179 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale " y" ( 39 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , "Webdings" , 55 * This.Scale , 70 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;inner circle  
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x2266AAFF" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( This.G , Brush , ( 45 - This.XOffset ) * This.Scale , ( 26 - This.YOffset ) * This.Scale , 190 * This.Scale , 94 * This.Scale ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
HSL_ToRGB(hue, sat:=1, lum:=0.5 ) {
; Function by [VxE]. See >
; HSL to/from RGB conversion functions by [VxE]. Freely avalable @
; Converts a hue/sat/lum into a 24-bit RGB color code. Input: 0 <= hue <= 360, 0 <= sat <= 1, 0 <= lum <= 1. 

   Static i24 := 0xFFFFFF, i40 := 0xFFFFFF0000, hx := "0123456789ABCDEF"

; Transform the decimal inputs into 24-bit integers. Integer arithmetic is nice..
   sat := ( sat * i24 ) & i24
   lum := ( lum * i24 ) & i24
   hue := ( hue * 0xB60B60 >> 8 ) & i24 ; conveniently, 360 * 0xB60B60 = 0xFFFFFF00

; Determine the chroma value and put it in the 'sat' var since the saturation value is not used after this.
   sat := lum + Round( sat * ( i24 - Abs( i24 - lum - lum ) ) / 0x1FFFFFE )

; Calculate the base values for red and blue (green's base value is the hue)
   red := hue < 0xAAAAAA ? hue + 0x555555 : hue - 0xAAAAAA
   blu := hue < 0x555555 ? hue + 0xAAAAAA : hue - 0x555555

; Run the blue value through the cases
   If ( blu < 0x2AAAAB )
      blu := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * blu ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
   Else If ( blu < 0x800000 )
      blu := sat >> 16
   Else If ( blu < 0xAAAAAA )
      blu := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * ( 0xAAAAAA - blu ) ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
      blu := 2 * lum - sat >> 16

; Run the red value through the cases
   If ( red < 0x2AAAAB )
      red := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * red ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
   Else If ( red < 0x800000 )
      red := sat >> 16
   Else If ( red < 0xAAAAAA )
      red := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * ( 0xAAAAAA - red ) ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
      red := 2 * lum - sat >> 16

; Run the green value through the cases
   If ( hue < 0x2AAAAB )
      hue := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * hue ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
   Else If ( hue < 0x800000 )
      hue := sat >> 16
   Else If ( hue < 0xAAAAAA )
      hue := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * ( 0xAAAAAA - hue ) ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
      hue := 2 * lum - sat >> 16

; Return the values in RGB as a hex integer
   Return "0x" SubStr( hx, ( red >> 4 ) + 1, 1 ) SubStr( hx, ( red & 15 ) + 1, 1 )
         . SubStr( hx, ( hue >> 4 ) + 1, 1 ) SubStr( hx, ( hue & 15 ) + 1, 1 )
         . SubStr( hx, ( blu >> 4 ) + 1, 1 ) SubStr( hx, ( blu & 15 ) + 1, 1 )
} ; END - HSL_ToRGB( hue, sat, lum )
GetFontNames(charset){ ;
   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "UInt", 0, "Ptr")
   VarSetCapacity(LOGFONT, 92, 0)
   NumPut(charset, &LOGFONT + 23, "UChar")
   DllCall("EnumFontFamiliesEx", "Ptr", hDC, "Ptr", 0 , "Ptr", RegisterCallback("EnumFontFamExProc", "F", 4) , "Ptr", pFonts := Object(Fonts := {}), "UInt", 0)
   ObjRelease(pFonts), DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hDC)
   Return Fonts
EnumFontFamExProc(lpelfe, lpntme, FontType, lParam){
   font := StrGet(lpelfe + 28)
   Object(lParam)[font] := ""
   Return true
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Posts: 2114
Joined: 23 Sep 2017, 13:34

Re: Crop bitmap and export as Base64 string? ( Create Icons )

30 Aug 2023, 00:10

I created a tool to create rotated text B64 strings and .PNGS which can be used in the Icon Maker.

RT.gif (1023.59 KiB) Viewed 1189 times

20230829164134.png (82.11 KiB) Viewed 1184 times

Windows 8 or higher

Code: Select all

#Include <My Altered GDIP lib> ;GDIP: ;<<<--- ( GDI+ lib )
#Include <Gen 3 Buttons>   ;  ;<<<--- ( Custom Gui Buttons ) 
;#Include <PopUpWindow_V2> ;Already added to the bottom of the script.
;#Include <HB Vectors v2>  ;Already added to the bottom of the script. 
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1
;set the scripts main icon
IconB64 := "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"
SetIcon( B64ToPBitmap( IconB64 ) )
;set the custom button design
Theme1 := NewTheme()
GuiButtonType1.SetSessionDefaults( Theme1.All , Theme1.Default , Theme1.Hover , Theme1.Pressed )
Main := {}
Main.LumColor := Main.SelectedColor := "0xFF000000"
CreateMainWindow( Main )
CreatePanelWindow( Main )
CreateDispalyWindow( Main )
CreateControls( Main )
goSub, UpdateDemo
return ;<<<---- End Of Auto-Exectue Section
;********************************************************************************************		GuiClose
ClipCustomB64String:	;{
	GuiControlGet, EditOutput , % Main.Hwnd ":" , % Main.MessageEdit.Hwnd
	obj := {}
	obj.FontType := Main.FontTypeDDL.Value
	obj.FontSize := Main.FontSizeDial.Value
	obj.Color := "0x" Main.AlphaDial.Value . SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 )
	obj.FontOptions := Main.FontOptionsDDL.Value
	obj.String := EditOutput
	obj.Angle := Main.AngleDial.Value
	obj.Scale := Main.ScaleDial.Value
	obj.DebugMode := Main.DebugMode
	PNGOutput := New RotatableText( obj )
	outBitmap := PNGOutput.Bitmap
	Clipboard := ""
	outB64 :=  Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string( outBitmap , "PNG" , 100 )
	cString := "MyB64String := """ outB64 """"
	cString .= "`npBitmap := B64ToPBitmap( MyB64String )"
	Clipboard := cString
	Sleep, 100
	cString := ""
;********************************************************************************************		ClipB64ToPBitmapFunction
ClipB64ToPBitmapFunction:	;{
	Clipboard := ClipBitmapFunction()
;********************************************************************************************		ClipB64
ClipB64:	;{
	GuiControlGet, EditOutput , % Main.Hwnd ":" , % Main.MessageEdit.Hwnd
	obj := {}
	obj.FontType := Main.FontTypeDDL.Value
	obj.FontSize := Main.FontSizeDial.Value
	obj.Color := "0x" Main.AlphaDial.Value . SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 )
	obj.FontOptions := Main.FontOptionsDDL.Value
	obj.String := EditOutput
	obj.Angle := Main.AngleDial.Value
	obj.Scale := Main.ScaleDial.Value
	obj.DebugMode := Main.DebugMode
	PNGOutput := New RotatableText( obj )
	outBitmap := PNGOutput.Bitmap
	Clipboard := ""
	sleep, 500
	outB64 :=  Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string( outBitmap , "PNG" , 100 )
	Clipboard := outB64
;********************************************************************************************		SavePNG
SavePNG:	;{
	GuiControlGet, EditOutput , % Main.Hwnd ":" , % Main.MessageEdit.Hwnd
	obj := {}
	obj.FontType := Main.FontTypeDDL.Value
	obj.FontSize := Main.FontSizeDial.Value
	obj.Color := "0x" Main.AlphaDial.Value . SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 )
	obj.FontOptions := Main.FontOptionsDDL.Value
	obj.String := EditOutput
	obj.Angle := Main.AngleDial.Value
	obj.Scale := Main.ScaleDial.Value
	obj.DebugMode := Main.DebugMode
	PNGOutput := New RotatableText( obj )
	outBitmap := PNGOutput.Bitmap
	SetWorkingDir, % A_ScriptDir
	IfNotExist, % A_WorkingDir "\SavedTextImages"
		FileCreateDir, % A_WorkingDir "\SavedTextImages"
	name := A_Now 
	Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile( outBitmap , A_WorkingDir "\SavedTextImages\" name ".png" , 100 )
	Gdip_DisposeImage( outBitmap )
	PNGOutput := ""
	Clipboard := A_WorkingDir "\SavedTextImages\" name ".png"
;********************************************************************************************		Show_Hide_Demo
Show_Hide_Demo:	;{
	if( !Main.Tog := !Main.Tog ){
		goSub, UpdateDemo
;********************************************************************************************		ToggleDebugMode
ToggleDebugMode:	;{
	Main.DebugMode := !Main.DebugMode 
	gosub, UpdateDemo
;********************************************************************************************		UpdateDemo
UpdateDemo:	;{
	GuiControlGet, EditOutput , % Main.Hwnd ":" , % Main.MessageEdit.Hwnd
	obj := {}
	obj.FontType := Main.FontTypeDDL.Value
	obj.FontSize := Main.FontSizeDial.Value
	obj.Color := "0x" Main.AlphaDial.Value . SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 )
	obj.FontOptions := Main.FontOptionsDDL.Value
	obj.String := EditOutput
	obj.Angle := Main.AngleDial.Value
	obj.Scale := Main.ScaleDial.Value
	obj.DebugMode := Main.DebugMode
	Main.Output := New RotatableText( obj )
	DrawDemoWindow( Main )
;********************************************************************************************		GetPixelUnderCursor
GetPixelUnderCursor:	;{
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
	MouseGetPos, px , py
	PixelGetColor, outColor , px , py , RGB Fast
	if( ( "0xFF" SubStr( outColor , 3 ) ) != Main.SelectedColor ){
		Main.SelectedColor := "0xFF" SubStr( outColor , 3 )
		DrawPanelWindow( Main )
;********************************************************************************************		ColorChoice
ColorChoice:	;{
	HotKey, *ctrl , ColorChoice , Off
	SetTimer, GetPixelUnderCursor , Off
	DrawColorDisplay( Main , Main.Scale )
	goSub, UpdateDemo
;********************************************************************************************		SetSelectedColor
SetSelectedColor:	;{
	WinGetPos, x , y ,,, % "ahk_id " Main.Hwnd
	Main.PanelWindow.X := x - 60
	Main.PanelWindow.Y := y - 60
	DrawPanelWindow( Main )
	HotKey, *ctrl , ColorChoice , On
	SetTimer, GetPixelUnderCursor , On
;********************************************************************************************		SetColorWheel
SetColorWheel: ;{
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
	MouseGetPos, x , y
	PixelGetColor, out , x , y , RGB Fast
	Main.LumColor := "0xFF" SubStr( out , 3 )
	DrawPanelWindow( Main )
;********************************************************************************************		MoveWindow
MoveWindow:	;{
	PostMessage, 0xA1, 2 ,,, % "ahk_id " Main.Hwnd
	While( GetKeyState( "LButton" , "P" ) )
		Sleep, 30
	WinGetPos, x , y ,,, % "ahk_id " Main.Hwnd
	Main.X := x , Main.Y := y
	Main.PanelWindow.X := Main.X - 60
	Main.PanelWindow.Y := Main.Y - 60
;********************************************************************************************		CreateDispalyWindow
CreateDispalyWindow( Main ){
	Main.DisplayWindow := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: "Center" , Y: "Center" , W: A_ScreenWidth , H: A_ScreenHeight , Options: " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop " } )
	Gui, % Main.Hwnd ": +Owner" Main.DisplayWindow.Hwnd
;********************************************************************************************		CreatePanelWindow
CreatePanelWindow( Main ){
	Main.PanelWindow := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: Main.X - 60 , Y: Main.Y - 60 , W: Main.W + 120 , H: Main.H + 220 , Options: " +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale +Toolwindow +Owner" Main.Hwnd } ) 
	cc := Main.ColorWheel := CreateColorWheelBitmap( 30 , 360 , Main.Scale )
	Main.ColorWheel.X := 20
	Main.ColorWheel.Y := ( Main.PanelWindow.H - ( Main.ColorWheel.H + 20 ) ) / 2 + 10
	Gui, % Main.PanelWindow.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd gSetColorWheel"
	;~ cc := Main.PanelWindow.MoveButton := { X: 58 , Y: 58 , W: Main.W + 10 , H: Main.H + 40 } 
	cc := Main.PanelWindow.MoveButton := { X: 58 , Y: 58 , W: Main.W + 10 , H: 25 } 
	Gui, % Main.PanelWindow.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd gMoveWindow"
	Main.TipPanel := { X: 10 , Y: Main.H + 100 , W: Main.PanelWindow.W - 20 , H: 100 }
;********************************************************************************************		CreateMainWindow
CreateMainWindow( Main ){
	Main.Scale := 1
	Main.Color := "0xFF212B37"
	Main.X := A_ScreenWidth - 340
	;~ Main.X := ( A_ScreenWidth - 340 ) / 2
	Main.Y := 130
	Main.W := 325
	;~ Main.H := 510
	Main.H := 500
	Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop -DPIScale hwndhwnd , Rotate Text Editor v1
	Main.Hwnd := hwnd
	Gui, Color, % SubStr( Main.Color , 5 ) , 000000
	Gui, Show, % "x" Main.X " y" Main.Y " w" Main.W " h" Main.H 
;********************************************************************************************		DrawDemoWindow
DrawDemoWindow( Main ){
	Main.DisplayWindow.DrawBitmap( Main.Output.Bitmap , { X: A_ScreenWidth / 2 - Main.Output.Width / 2 , Y: A_ScreenHeight / 2 - Main.Output.Height / 2 , W: Main.Output.Width , H: Main.Output.Height } , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 0 )
;********************************************************************************************		DrawPanelWindow
DrawPanelWindow( Main ){
	static LastColor := ""
	if( LastColor != Main.LumColor ){
		LastColor := Main.LumColor
		Gdip_DisposeImage( Main.LumStrip.Bitmap )
		Main.LumStrip := CreateLumStripBitmap( SubStr( Main.LumColor , 5 ) , width := Main.W - 40 , height := 20 , scale := Main.Scale )
	DrawColorWheelPanel( Main )
	DrawLumStripPanel( Main )
	cc := Main.PanelWindow.MoveButton
	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0x05000000" , X: cc.X , Y: cc.Y , W: cc.W , H: cc.H , Round: 8 } )
	DrawTipPanel( Main )
;********************************************************************************************		DrawTipPanel
DrawTipPanel( Main , Text := "" ){
	if( Text = "" ){
		Text := "Hover your cursor over a color and then`npress ""ctrl"" to lock it.`nClick on the color strip to update the`ngradient strip."
	cc := Main.TipPanel
	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF212B37" , X: cc.X , Y: cc.Y , W: cc.W , H: cc.H , Round: 8 } )
	TextSizeObj := { X: cc.X + 41 , Y: cc.Y + 11 , W: cc.W - 50 , H: cc.H - 20 }
	DrawText( Main.PanelWindow.G , TextSizeObj , Text , FontSize := 16 , FontType := "Segoe UI" , Options := " Center vCenter Bold " , Color := "0xFF000000" , Scale := Main.Scale )
	TextSizeObj := { X: cc.X + 40 , Y: cc.Y + 10 , W: cc.W - 50 , H: cc.H - 20 }
	DrawText( Main.PanelWindow.G , TextSizeObj , Text , FontSize := 16 , FontType := "Segoe UI" , Options := " Center vCenter Bold " , Color := "0xFFFFFFFF" , Scale := Main.Scale )

	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0xFF000000" , X: cc.X + 10 , Y: cc.Y + 10 , W: 30 , H: cc.H - 20 , Round: 8 } )
	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: Main.SelectedColor , X: cc.X + 12 , Y: cc.Y + 12 , W: 26 , H: cc.H - 24 , Round: 8 } )
;********************************************************************************************		DrawLumStripPanel
DrawLumStripPanel( Main ){
	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0x99000000" , X: 70 , Y: 15  , W: Main.LumStrip.W + 20 , H: Main.LumStrip.H + 20 , Round: 10 } ) 
	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0x99212B37" , X: 72 , Y: 17 , W: Main.LumStrip.W + 16 , H: Main.LumStrip.H + 16 , Round: 8 } ) 
	Main.PanelWindow.DrawBitmap( Main.LumStrip.Bitmap , { X: 80 , Y: 25 , W: Main.LumStrip.W , H: Main.LumStrip.H } , dispose := 0 , AutoUpdate := 0 )
;********************************************************************************************		DrawColorWheelPanel
DrawColorWheelPanel( Main ){
	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0x99000000" , X: 10 , Y: ( Main.PanelWindow.H - ( Main.ColorWheel.H + 20 ) ) / 2  , W: Main.ColorWheel.W + 20 , H: Main.ColorWheel.H + 20 , Round: 10 } ) 
	Main.PanelWindow.PaintBackground( { Color: "0x99212B37" , X: 12 , Y: ( Main.PanelWindow.H - ( Main.ColorWheel.H + 20 ) ) / 2 , W: Main.ColorWheel.W + 16 , H: Main.ColorWheel.H + 16 , Round: 8 } ) 
	Main.PanelWindow.DrawBitmap( Main.ColorWheel.Bitmap , { X: 20 , Y: ( Main.PanelWindow.H - ( Main.ColorWheel.H + 20 ) ) / 2 + 10 , W: Main.ColorWheel.W , H: Main.ColorWheel.H } , dispose := 0 , AutoUpdate := 0 )
;********************************************************************************************		DrawColorDisplay
DrawColorDisplay( Main , ScaleFactor := 1 ){
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 60 , 60 ) 
	, G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) 
	, Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( Main.Color ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -10 * ScaleFactor , -10 * ScaleFactor , 80 * ScaleFactor , 90 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	;color display
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 2 * ScaleFactor , 0 * ScaleFactor , 56 * ScaleFactor , 56 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66" SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 ) ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 10 * ScaleFactor , 7 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66" SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 ) ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 4 * ScaleFactor , 2 * ScaleFactor , 52 * ScaleFactor , 52 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 20 * ScaleFactor , 17 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 22 * ScaleFactor , 15 * ScaleFactor , 22 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , "0xFFF0F0F0" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 2 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 20 * ScaleFactor , 17 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFF444444" , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 21 * ScaleFactor , 17 * ScaleFactor , 18 * ScaleFactor , 18 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x33" SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 ) ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 21 * ScaleFactor , 18 * ScaleFactor , 18 * ScaleFactor , 17 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x99" SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 ) ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 24 * ScaleFactor , 21 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 24 * ScaleFactor , 19 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 11 * ScaleFactor , "0xFF" SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 ) , "0x66" SubStr( Main.SelectedColor , 5 ) , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 3 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 24 * ScaleFactor , 21 * ScaleFactor , 12 * ScaleFactor , 11 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( pBitmap )
	Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
	SetImage( Main.ColorDisplayControl.Hwnd , hBitmap )
	DeleteObject( hBitmap )
;********************************************************************************************		CreateControls
CreateControls( Main ){
	;*****		  Font Type DropDownList        *****;
	SizeList := []
	fontList := GetFontNames( 1 )
	for k, v in fontList	{
		if( inStr( k , "@" ) ){
			SizeList.Push( SubStr( k , 2 ) )
			SizeList.Push( k )
		if( SizeList.Length() = 250 ){
			MsgBox, % "Max number of fonts reached"
	fontList := ""
	Main.FontTypeDDL := New DropDownListv1( { X: 80 , Y: 15 , W: 235 , List: SizeList , Selected: 10 , Rows: 15 , FontSize: 14 , Label: "UpdateDemo" , MainColor: "0xFF212C38" , HighlightColor: "0xFFFFFFFF" } )
	;*****	   Font Options DropDownList        *****;
	SizeList := [ "None" , "Bold" , "Underline" , "Center" , "Bold Underline" , "Bold Center" , "Bold Underline Center" , "Underline Center" ]
	Main.FontOptionsDDL := New DropDownListv1( { X: 80 , Y: 50 , W: 235 , List: SizeList , Selected: 6 , Rows: 9 , FontSize: 14 , Label: "UpdateDemo" , MainColor: "0xFF212C38" , HighlightColor: "0xFFFFFFFF" } )
	;*****		       Alpha Dial               *****;
	AlphaList := CreateAlphaList()
	Main.AlphaDial := New DialControl_V4( { X: 10 , Y: 100 , Parent: Main.Hwnd , HeaderText: "Alpha" , List: AlphaList , Selected: 256 , Value: 270 , Label: "UpdateDemo" } )
	;~ Main.AlphaDial.ForceUpdate()
	;*****		       FontSize Dial            *****;
	TempList := []
	Loop, 200
		TempList.Push( A_Index )
	Main.FontSizeDial := New DialControl_V4( { X: 90 , Y: 100 , Parent: Main.Hwnd , HeaderText: "Font Size" , List: TempList , Selected: 36 , Value: ( 270 / 200 ) * 36 - 1 , Label: "UpdateDemo" } )
	;*****		       Angle Dial               *****;
	TempList := []
	Loop, 360
		TempList.Push( A_Index - 1 )
	;~ Main.AngleDial := New DialControl_V4( { X: 170 , Y: 100 , Parent: Main.Hwnd , HeaderText: "Angle" , List: TempList , Selected: 270 , Value: 203 , Label: "UpdateDemo" } )
	Main.AngleDial := New DialControl_V4( { X: 170 , Y: 100 , Parent: Main.Hwnd , HeaderText: "Angle" , List: TempList , Selected: 225 , Value: ( 270 / 360 ) * 225 + .5 , Label: "UpdateDemo" } )
	;*****		       Scale Dial            *****;
	TempList := [ "0.1" , "0.2" , "0.3" , "0.4" , "0.5" , "0.6" , "0.7" , "0.8" , "0.9" , "1" , "1.1" , "1.2" , "1.3" , "1.4" , "1.5" , "2" , "2.5" , "3" , "5" , "10" ]
	Main.ScaleDial := New DialControl_V4( { X: 250 , Y: 100 , Parent: Main.Hwnd , HeaderText: "Scale" , List: TempList , Selected: 10 , Value: 125 , Label: "UpdateDemo" } )
	;*****		  Rotated Text Edit             *****;
	cc := Main.MessageEdit := { X: 10 , Y: 195 , W: 305 , H: "" }
	Gui, % Main.Hwnd ":Font", s16 cWhite
	Gui, % Main.Hwnd ":Add", Edit, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " r2 hwndhwnd -VScroll -Wrap -E0x200 Center gUpdateDemo" , % Main.Text := "Hello`nWorld"
	cc.Hwnd := hwnd
	GuiControlGet, pos , % Main.Hwnd ":pos" , % hwnd
	Main.MessageEdit.H := posH
	;*****		  Show / Hide Button            *****;
	ShowHideButton := New HButton( { Owner: Main.Hwnd , X: 10 , Y: 255 , W: 300 , H: h := 50 , Text: "Show/Hide" , Label: "Show_Hide_Demo" } ) 
	;*****		  Debug Mode Toggle Button      *****;
	DebugModeButton := New HButton( { Owner: Main.Hwnd , X: 10 , Y: 305 , W: 300 , H: h , Text: "Toggle Debug Background" , Label: "ToggleDebugMode" } )
	;*****		       Save PNG Button          *****;
	SavePNGButton := New HButton( { Owner: Main.Hwnd , X: 10 , Y: 355 , W: 300 , H: h := 35 , Text: "Save .png and Clipboard Path" , Label: "SavePNG" } ) 
	;*****		  Clip Base64 Button            *****;
	ClipB64Button := New HButton( { Owner: Main.Hwnd , X: 10 , Y: 390 , W: 300 , H: h := 35 , Text: "Clipboard Base 64 String" , Label: "ClipB64" } )
	;*****	   Clip B64 to pBitmap Button       *****;
	ClipB64ToBitmapButton := New HButton( { Owner: Main.Hwnd , X: 10 , Y: 425 , W: 300 , H: h := 35 , Text: "Clipboard [ B64 >>> pBitmap ] Function" , Label: "ClipB64ToPBitmapFunction" } )
	;*****	   Clip Custom B64 String           *****;
	ClipCustomB64FunctionButton := New HButton( { Owner: Main.Hwnd , X: 10 , Y: 460 , W: 300 , H: h := 35 , Text: "Clipboard Custom B64 String" , Label: "ClipCustomB64String" } )
	;*****	   Color Display Control            *****;
	;~ cc := Main.ColorDisplayControl := { X: 20 , Y: 25 , W: 60 , H: 60 }
	cc := Main.ColorDisplayControl := { X: 10 , Y: 20 , W: 60 , H: 60 }
	Gui, % Main.Hwnd ":Add", Picture, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd gSetSelectedColor 0xE"
	cc.Hwnd := hwnd
	DrawColorDisplay( Main , ScaleFactor := 1 )
;********************************************************************************************		CreateLumStripBitmap
CreateLumStripBitmap( Color := "0088FF" , width := 10 , height := 10 , scale := 1 ){
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( width * scale , height * scale ) 
	Graphics := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) 
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( Graphics , 1 )
	RGBDec := RGBtoHEXandBack( Color )
	R := SubStr( RGBDec , 1 , 3 ) , G := SubStr( RGBDec , 4 , 3 ) , B := SubStr( RGBDec , 7 , 3 )
	HSL := ConvertRGBtoHSL( R , G , B )
	H := HSL[ 1 ] , S := HSL[ 2 ] , L := HSL[ 3 ]
	x := 0
	Loop, % width * scale	{
		RGB := ConvertHSLtoRGB( H , S ,  ( A_Index * ( 1 / ( ( width * scale ) ) ) ) )
		Loop, 3	
			( StrLen( RGB[ A_Index ] ) = 1 ) ? ( RGB[ A_Index ] := "00" RGB[ A_Index ] ) : ( StrLen( RGB[ A_Index ] ) = 2 ) ? ( RGB[ A_Index ] := "0" RGB[ A_Index ] )
		RGBHex := RGBtoHEXandBack( RGB[ 1 ] RGB[ 2 ] RGB[ 3 ] )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF" RGBHex ) 
		Gdip_FillRectangle( Graphics , Brush , x , ( 0 ) * scale , 1 * scale , ( height ) * scale ) 
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( Graphics )
	return { Bitmap: pBitmap , W: width , H: height , X: 0 , Y: 0 }
;********************************************************************************************		CreateColorWheelBitmap
CreateColorWheelBitmap( w := 30 , h := 300 , scale := 1 ){
	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( w * Scale , h * Scale ) 
	G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) 
	Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 1 )
	HueRate := 1 / Scale
	SatRate := 1 / h 
	Sat := 1 
	lum := 0.5
	x := 1 
	Loop, % w	{
		y := 1 , Hue := 1
		Loop, % h {
			Gdip_SetPixel( pBitmap, x , y , "0xFF" SubStr( HSL_ToRGB( hue , sat , lum ) , 3 ) )
			y++ , hue += HueRate 
		x++ , Sat -= SatRate
	Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	return { Bitmap: pBitmap , W: w , H: h , X: 0 , Y: 0 }
;********************************************************************************************		SetIcon
SetIcon( pBitmap ){
	hIcon := Gdip_CreateHICONFromBitmap( pBitmap )
	Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
	Menu, Tray, Icon, HICON:%hIcon%
;********************************************************************************************		CreateAlphaList
	local hexlist := [ "0" , "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , "A" , "B" , "C" , "D" , "E" , "F" ]
	local SizeList := []
	Loop, % hexlist.Length()	{
		index := A_Index
		Loop, % hexlist.Length()	{
			SizeList.push( hexlist[ index ] hexlist[ A_Index ]  )
	return SizeList
;********************************************************************************************		RotatableText
class RotatableText	{
	;Written By: Hellbent
	;Date: Aug 27th 2023
	;Version: 1.1
	;Create a bitmap of rotated text
	static init := RotatableText._SetClassDefaults()
		This.String := "Test String"
		This.Bitmap := ""
		This.FontType := "Segoe UI"
		This.FontSize := 32
		This.FontColor := "0xFF000000"
		This.Scale := 1
		This.Width := ""
		This.Height := ""
		This.FontOptions := " Center vCenter Bold NoWrap "
		This.Angle := 225
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This._UpdateDefaults( obj )
		for k , v in RotatableText	{
			This[ k ] := v
	_UpdateDefaults( obj ){
		if( This.Bitmap != "" ){
			Gdip_DisposeImage( This.Bitmap )
			This.Bitmap := ""
		for k , v in obj
			This[ k ] := v
		w := floor( This._GetTextSize( 3 ) ) + 1 ;* .95
		h := floor( This._GetTextSize( 4 ) ) + 1 ;* .95
		tw := New Vector( w / 2 , h / 2 )
			mag := tw.GetMag()
		This.Width := This.Height := mag * 2
		if( w >= h ){
			y := ( w - h ) / 2
			x := ( h - w ) / 2 
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( w , h )
		G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		;Debug testing
		if( This.DebugMode ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFF00000")
			Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush, 0, 0, w, h)
			Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.Color )
		Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.String , " s" This.Fontsize * This.Scale " c" Brush " " This.FontOptions " x" 0 " y" 0 , This.FontType , w , h  )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G ) 
		nBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.Width , This.Height )
		G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( nBitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Gdip_DrawImage( G , pBitmap , ( This.Width - w ) / 2 , ( This.Height - h ) / 2 , w , h )
		Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G ) 
		Center := New Vector( This.Width / 2 , This.Height / 2 )
		tt := New Vector( 0 , 0 )
		tt.Sub( Center )

		TopLeft := New Vector( 10 , 10 )
		TopLeft.SetMag( tt.GetMag() )
		TopLeft.SetAngle( This.Angle )
		TopRight := New Vector( TopLeft )
		TopRight.SetAngle( This.Angle + 90 )
		BottomLeft := New Vector( TopLeft )
		BottomLeft.SetAngle( This.Angle - 90 )
		BottomLeft.Add( Center )
		TopRight.Add( Center )
		TopLeft.Add( Center )
		This.Bitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( This.Width , This.Height )
		G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( This.Bitmap )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		;Debug testing
		if( This.DebugMode ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000")
			Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush, 0, 0, This.Width , This.Height )
			Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		points := TopLeft.X " , " TopLeft.Y " | " TopRight.X " , " TopRight.Y " | " BottomLeft.X " , " BottomLeft.Y
		Gdip_DrawImagePointsRect( G , nBitmap , points )
		Gdip_DisposeImage( nBitmap )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
	_GetTextSize( Index := 4 ){
		local pBitmap, G, Brush, temparr
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 10 , 10 ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ), Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000")
		temparr := StrSplit( Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , ( This.String ) ? ( This.String ) : ( "Error`nNo String`nWas Used" ), " s" This.Fontsize * This.Scale " c" Brush " " This.FontOptions " x" 0 " y" 0 , This.FontType , 10000, 10000  ),"|","|"  ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G ) , Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		return temparr[ index ]
;********************************************************************************************		FillRoundedRectangle		
FillRoundedRectangle( G , RectObject := "" , Roundness := 5 , Color := "0xFF000000" , Scale := 1 ){
	if( RectObject = "" )
		RectObject := { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: 100 , H: 100 }
	cc := RectObject
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( Color ) 
	Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , cc.X * Scale , cc.Y * Scale , cc.W * Scale , cc.H * Scale , Roundness * Scale ) 
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
;********************************************************************************************		DialControl_V4
;Written By: Hellbent
;Date Started: Aug 24th , 2023
;Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2023
;Class: DialControl_V4
FontSizeDial := New DialControl_V4( { Y: 10 , Value: 32 , Parent: "1" , UseBackground: 1 , MaxValue: 250 , HeaderText: "FontSize" } )
FontSizeDial.X := FontSizeDial.Gui1.X := 15 + FontSizeDial.W * 1
class DialControl_V4	{
	static init := DialControl_V4._SetClassDefaults()
	_SetClassDefaults( obj := "" ){
		This.Defaults := {}
		This.Defaults.X := 10
		This.Defaults.Y := 10
		This.Defaults.W := 70
		This.Defaults.H := 90
		This.Defaults.Scale := 1
		This.Defaults.ControlOptions := " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow "
		This.Defaults.Value := 1
		This.Defaults.Selected := 1
		This.Defaults.UseBackground := 0
		This.Defaults.UseHeader := 1
		This.Defaults.List := ""
		This.Defaults.MinValue := 1
		This.Defaults.MaxValue := 100
		This.Defaults.FontType := "Segoe UI"
		This.Defaults.FontSize := 12
		This.Defaults.HeaderText := ""
		This.Defaults.SweepValue := 1
		;<<<---    COLORS    --->>>;
		This.Defaults.HeaderFontColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.Defaults.ValueFontColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.Defaults.BackgroundColor := "0xFF212B37"
		if( isObject( obj ) ){
			for k , v in obj {
				This.Defaults[ k ] := obj[ k ]
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This._UpdateDefaults( obj )
		This.DebugList := ""
		for k , v in DialControl_V4.Defaults	{
			This.DebugList .= k " : " v "`n" 
			This[ k ] := DialControl_V4.Defaults[ k ]
		This.DrawTimer := This.DrawControl.Bind( This )
		;~ ToolTip, % "Debug List:`n" This.DebugList
	_UpdateDefaults( obj := "" ){
		if( isObject( obj ) ){
			for k , v in obj	{
				This[ k ] := obj[ k ]
		This.Center := New Vector( This.W / 2 , This.H / 2 + 10 )
		This.MouseVector := New Vector( 10 , 10 )
		if( This.List.Length() >= 1 ){
			This.MaxValue := This.List.Length()
		This.SweepValue := This.Value
		if( This.HasKey( "Parent" ) ){
			This.ControlOptions .= " +Parent" This.Parent
		}else if( This.HasKey( "Owner" ) ){
			This.ControlOptions .= " +Owner" This.Owner
		if( !This.HasKey( "AutoShow" ) )
			This.AutoShow := 1
		This.Gui1 := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: This.AutoShow , X: This.X , Y: This.Y , W: This.W , H: This.H , Options: This.ControlOptions } ) 
		This.Hwnd := This.Gui1.Hwnd
		Gui, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":Add" , Text , % "x" 0 " y" 0 " w" This.W " h" This.H " hwndhwnd "
		This.ControlHwnd := hwnd
		bd := This._AdjustDial.Bind( This )
		GuiControl, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
	Draw( value := -30 ){
		local timer := This.DrawTimer
		SetTimer, % timer , % value 
		This.Gui1.DrawBitmap( This.CreateControlGraphics() , { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: This.W * This.Scale , H: This.H * This.Scale } , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 0 )
		CoordMode, Mouse, Client
		MouseGetPos, x , y 
		if( This.Haskey( "Parent" ) )
			return New Vector( ( x - This.X ) / This.Scale , ( y - This.Y ) / This.Scale )
			return New Vector( x / This.Scale , y / This.Scale )
		This.Value := Round( This.MinValue + ( ( ( This.MaxValue - This.MinValue ) / 270 ) * This.Sweepvalue ) )
		if( This.List.Length() > 0 ){
			This.Selected := This.Value
			This.Value := SubStr( This.List[ This.Value ] , 1 , 3 )
		GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":Focus" , % This.ControlHwnd 
		This.MouseVector := This._GetMouseVector()
		if( This.MouseVector.Dist( This.Center ) > 30 )
		index := 0
		While( GetKeyState( "LButton" , "P" ) ){
			This.MouseVector := This._GetMouseVector()
			This.MouseVector.Sub( This.Center )
			This.Angle := This.MouseVector.GetAngle() 
			if( This.Angle >= 135 && This.Angle < 180 ){
				This.Sweepvalue := 0
			}else if( This.Angle <= 135 && This.Angle >= 90  ){
				This.Sweepvalue := 270
			}else if( This.Angle < 90 ){
				This.Sweepvalue := 180 + This.Angle
				This.Sweepvalue := This.Angle - 180
			This.Value := Round( This.MinValue + ( ( ( This.MaxValue - This.MinValue ) / 270 ) * This.Sweepvalue ) )
			if( This.List.Length() > 0 ){
				This.Selected := This.Value
				This.Value := SubStr( This.List[ This.Value ] , 1 , 3 )
			if( This.LastValue != This.Value && This.Value != "" ){
				This.LastValue := This.Value
			Sleep, 30
		if( This.HasKey( "Label" ) ){
				gosub, % This.Label
		;Bitmap Created Using: HB Bitmap Maker
		ScaleFactor := This.Scale
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 70 * ScaleFactor , 90 * ScaleFactor ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ) , Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		if( This.UseBackground )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212B37" ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( G , Brush , -10 * ScaleFactor , -20 * ScaleFactor , 180 * ScaleFactor , 190 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( This.UseHeader ){
			Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 2 * ScaleFactor , 2 * ScaleFactor , 96 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , "0xFF577090" , "0xFF18212A" , 1 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( G , Brush , 2 * ScaleFactor , 2 * ScaleFactor , 66 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor , 5 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.HeaderText , "s" This.FontSize * ScaleFactor " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x" 3 * ScaleFactor " y" 3 * ScaleFactor  , This.FontType , 66 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFd2d6da" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.HeaderText , "s" This.FontSize * ScaleFactor " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x" 2 * ScaleFactor " y" 2 * ScaleFactor  , This.FontType , 66 * ScaleFactor , 20 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0x66000000" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 5 * ScaleFactor , 25 * ScaleFactor , 62 * ScaleFactor , 62 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF212C38" ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 5 * ScaleFactor , 25 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 1 * ScaleFactor , 29 * ScaleFactor , 65 * ScaleFactor , 57 * ScaleFactor , "0x99F0F0F0" , "0x99000000" , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 2 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 5 * ScaleFactor , 25 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 6 * ScaleFactor , 29 * ScaleFactor , 51 * ScaleFactor , 49 * ScaleFactor , "0xFF4D6481" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 7 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawArc( G , Pen , 13 * ScaleFactor , 33 * ScaleFactor , 44 * ScaleFactor , 44 * ScaleFactor , 180 , 270 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 9 * ScaleFactor , 35 * ScaleFactor , 50 * ScaleFactor , 45 * ScaleFactor , "0xFF3e5168" , "0xFF000000" , 1 , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 5 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawArc( G , Pen , 13 * ScaleFactor , 33 * ScaleFactor , 44 * ScaleFactor , 44 * ScaleFactor , 180 , 270 ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 17 * ScaleFactor , 43 * ScaleFactor , 34 * ScaleFactor , 23 * ScaleFactor , "0xFF577090" , "0xFF000000" , 2 , 1 ) , Gdip_FillEllipse( G , Brush , 20 * ScaleFactor , 40 * ScaleFactor , 30 * ScaleFactor , 30 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Value , "s" This.FontSize * ScaleFactor " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x" 22 * ScaleFactor " y" 42 * ScaleFactor  , This.FontType , 30 * ScaleFactor , 30 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFFd2d6da" ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , This.Value , "s" This.FontSize * ScaleFactor " Center vCenter Bold c" Brush " x" 20 * ScaleFactor " y" 40 * ScaleFactor  , This.FontType , 30 * ScaleFactor , 30 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0x99556E8D" , 3 ) , Gdip_DrawEllipse( G , Pen , 5 * ScaleFactor , 25 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor , 60 * ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( "0xFFd4dce5" , 3 ) , Gdip_DrawArc( G , Pen , 13 * ScaleFactor , 33 * ScaleFactor , 44 * ScaleFactor , 44 * ScaleFactor , 180 , This.Sweepvalue ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G )
		return pBitmap
;********************************************************************************************		GetFontNames | EnumFontFamExProc
GetFontNames(charset){ ;
   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "UInt", 0, "Ptr")
   VarSetCapacity(LOGFONT, 92, 0)
   NumPut(charset, &LOGFONT + 23, "UChar")
   DllCall("EnumFontFamiliesEx", "Ptr", hDC, "Ptr", 0 , "Ptr", RegisterCallback("EnumFontFamExProc", "F", 4) , "Ptr", pFonts := Object(Fonts := {}), "UInt", 0)
   ObjRelease(pFonts), DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hDC)
   Return Fonts
EnumFontFamExProc(lpelfe, lpntme, FontType, lParam){
   font := StrGet(lpelfe + 28)
   Object(lParam)[font] := ""
   Return true
;********************************************************************************************		B64ToPBitmap
B64ToPBitmap( Input ){
	local ptr , uptr , pBitmap , pStream , hData , pData , Dec , DecLen , B64
	VarSetCapacity( B64 , strlen( Input ) << !!A_IsUnicode )
	B64 := Input
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" ( ( A_IsUnicode ) ? ( "W" ) : ( "A" ) ), Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt" , &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, 0, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	VarSetCapacity( Dec , DecLen , 0 )
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), Ptr, &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, &Dec, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\RtlMoveMemory", Ptr, pData := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalLock", Ptr, hData := DllCall( "Kernel32.dll\GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 2,  UPtr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt" , DecLen, UPtr), UPtr) , Ptr, &Dec, UPtr, DecLen)
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalUnlock", Ptr, hData)
	DllCall("Ole32.dll\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", Ptr, hData, "Int", True, Ptr "P", pStream)
	DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream",  Ptr, pStream, Ptr "P", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap
;********************************************************************************************		DropDownListv1
class DropDownListv1	{

			return This.List[ This.Selected ]
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This._UpdateDefaults( obj )
		This._SetTimer( This.HoverTimer , 100 )
		;~ SoundBeep 777
		This.Parent := ""
		This.ScaleFactor := 1
		This.X := 10
		This.Y := 10
		This.W := 300
		This.HeaderMargin := 5
		This.Font := "Arial"
		This.FontSize := 12
		;~ This.FontColor := "0xFF000000"
		This.FontColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.FontOptions := "Center vCenter NoWrap  "
		This.H := Floor( This._GetTextSize() + 2 * This.HeaderMargin )
		This.PanelStartingPositionY := 9
		This.Selected := 1
		This.StartingPosition := 1
		;~ This.MainColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.MainColor := "0xFF32363a"
		;~ This.ArrowColor := "0xFF000000"
		;~ This.ArrowColor := "0xFFFF0000"
		This.ArrowColor := "0xFF6699aa"
		This.Rows := 10
		This.MinRows := 5
		This.BodyMargin := 3
		This.PanelTextPading := 1
		This.PanelTextHeight := Floor( This._GetTextSize() )
		This.PanelHeight := This.PanelTextHeight + 2 * This.PanelTextPading
		This.BodyHeight := This.BodyMargin * 2 + ( This.PanelHeight * This.Rows ) + ( This.BodyMargin * ( This.Rows - 1 ) ) + This.PanelStartingPositionY
		This.ThumbMinY := This.PanelStartingPositionY + 2
		This.ThumbRange := This.BodyHeight - This.ThumbMinY - 6 
		This.ThumbY := This.ThumbMinY
		This.Interval := Floor( This.ThumbRange / This.List.Length() )
		;~ This.PanelColor1 := "0xFFCFCFCF"
		;~ This.PanelColor1 := "0xFF22262a"
		This.PanelColor1 := "0x99336699"
		;~ This.PanelColor2 := "0xFFEFEFEF"
		;~ This.PanelColor2 := "0xFF12161a"
		This.PanelColor2 := "0x996699cc"
		;~ This.HighLightPanelColor := "0x3300AAFF"
		;~ This.HighLightPanelColor := "0x33ff0000"
		;~ This.HighLightPanelColor := "0x3300FF00"
		This.HighLightPanelColor := "0x663399FF"
		;~ This.SelectedPanelColor := "0x990099FF"
		;~ This.SelectedPanelColor := "0x99ff2222"
		;~ This.SelectedPanelColor := "0x9922ff22"
		This.SelectedPanelColor := "0x993399ff"
		This.SelectedFontColor := This.FontColor
		;~ This.HighlightFontColor := This.FontColor
		This.HighlightFontColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		This.HeaderFontColor := This.FontColor
		;~ This.SliderTrackColor := "0xFFDCDCDC"
		;~ This.SliderTrackColor := "0xFF12161a"
		This.SliderTrackColor := "0xFF212C38"
		;~ This.SliderTrackColor := "0xFF2C84DB"
		;~ This.SliderButtonColor := "0xFFFFFFFF"
		;~ This.SliderButtonColor := "0xFF22262a"
		This.SliderButtonColor := "0x995256aa"
		;~ This.SliderRidgeColor := "0x33333333"
		;~ This.SliderRidgeColor := "0x66ff0000"
		This.SliderRidgeColor := "0x66212C38"
		This.BorderColor := "0x33000000"
		;~ This.BorderColor := "0xff0000ff"
		This.Hovered := ""
		This.PanelControls := []
		This.Active := 0
		This.CallBind := This._CallBind.Bind( This )
		This.HoverTimer := This._Hover.Bind( This )
		;~ This.FocusColor := "0x990099FF"
		;~ This.FocusColor := "0x99ff0000"
		This.FocusColor := "0x993399ff"
		This.Focused := 0
	_UpdateDefaults( obj := "" ){
		for k, v in obj
			This[ k ] := obj[ k ] 
		This.H := Floor( This._GetTextSize() + 2 * This.HeaderMargin )
		This.Roundness := This.H / 5
		if( !IsObject( obj.Bind ) && obj.Bind )
			This.Bind := func( obj.Bind ).Bind( This )
		if( This.Rows < This.MinRows )
			This.Rows := This.MinRows
		This.PanelTextHeight := Floor( This._GetTextSize() )
		This.PanelHeight := This.PanelTextHeight + 2 * This.PanelTextPading
		This.BodyHeight := This.BodyMargin * 2 + ( This.PanelHeight * This.Rows ) + ( This.BodyMargin * ( This.Rows - 1 ) ) + This.PanelStartingPositionY
		This.ThumbMinY := This.PanelStartingPositionY + 2
		This.ThumbRange := This.BodyHeight - This.ThumbMinY - 6 - 2
		if( ( This.ThumbRange / 0.5 ) < This.List.Length() ){
			Msgbox, 262144, Error, The list you are using exceeds the current maximum length. `n1
		This.Interval := Floor( ( This.ThumbRange * This.ScaleFactor) / This.List.Length() )
		This.TotalInterval := This.Interval * This.List.Length()
		This.ThumbHeight := This.ThumbRange - This.TotalInterval
		While( This.Interval > 1 ){
			;~ This.Interval -= 1
			This.Interval -= 0.5
			This.TotalInterval := This.Interval * This.List.Length()
			This.ThumbHeight := This.ThumbRange - This.TotalInterval
		if( ( This.ThumbHeight ) < 30 || !This.Interval ){
			Msgbox, 262144, Error, % "The list you are using exceeds the current maximum length. `n2 " 
		This.Thumb := { X: ( This.W - 32 ) , Y: This.ThumbMinY , W: 26 , H: This.ThumbHeight }
		This.Panels := []
		This.PanelHandles := []
		temp := This.PanelStartingPositionY - 2
		Loop, % This.Rows	{
			This.Panels[ A_Index ] := { X: 4 , Y: temp , W: ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) , H: This.PanelHeight , Hwnd: "" }
			temp += This.PanelHeight + This.BodyMargin
		This.ToggleButton := { X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: ( This.W - 4 ) , H: ( This.H - 4 ) , Hwnd: "" }
		This.WheelActive := 0
		This.FT := 0
		OnMessage( 0x020A , This._WheelChange.Bind( This ) )
		OnMessage( 0x201 , This._WatchFocus.Bind( This ) )
		OnMessage( 0x100 , This._WatchKeyPress.Bind( This ) )
		if( !obj.HasKey( "HeaderFontColor" ) )
			This.HeaderFontColor := This.FontColor
		if( !obj.HasKey( "HighlightFontColor" ) )
			This.HighlightFontColor := This.FontColor
		This.Gui1 :=  New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: This.X * This.ScaleFactor , Y: This.Y * This.ScaleFactor , W: This.W * This.ScaleFactor , H: This.H * This.ScaleFactor , Options: " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +Parent" This.Parent } )
		This.Gui2 :=  New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: This.X * This.ScaleFactor , Y: This.Y * This.ScaleFactor , W: This.W * This.ScaleFactor , H: This.BodyHeight * This.ScaleFactor , Options: " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +Owner" This.Gui1.Hwnd } )
		Gui, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" ( This.W - 34 ) * This.ScaleFactor " y" This.ThumbY * This.ScaleFactor " w" 30 * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.ThumbHeight * This.ScaleFactor " hwndhwnd" 
		This.ThumbHwnd := hwnd
		bd := This._AdjustSlider.Bind( This )
		GuiControl, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":+G", % hwnd, % bd 
		Loop, % This.Rows	{
			Gui, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" This.Panels[ A_Index ].X * This.ScaleFactor " y" This.Panels[ A_Index ].Y * This.ScaleFactor " w" This.Panels[ A_Index ].W * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.Panels[ A_Index ].H * This.ScaleFactor " hwndhwnd"
			This.Panels[ A_Index ].Hwnd := hwnd
			This.PanelHandles[ hwnd ] := A_Index
			bd := This._SelectPanel.Bind( This )
			GuiControl, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
		Gui, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" This.ToggleButton.X * This.ScaleFactor " y" This.ToggleButton.Y * This.ScaleFactor " w" This.ToggleButton.W * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.ToggleButton.H * This.ScaleFactor " hwndhwnd"
		This.ToggleButton.Hwnd := hwnd
		This.HKBind := This._LButtonHK.Bind( This )
		bd := This._ToggleBody.Bind( This )
		GuiControl, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
		GuiControl, % This.Gui2.Hwnd ":Move" , % This.ThumbHwnd , % "y" This.Thumb.Y * This.ScaleFactor " h" This.ThumbHeight * This.ScaleFactor
		MouseGetPos,,, win , ctrl , 2 
		if( win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ){
			if( !This.Hovered && This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] ){
				This.Hovered := ctrl
		if( This.Hovered && ctrl != This.Hovered ){
			This.Hovered := ""
			if( This.Active )
	_WheelChange( input ){
		local ctrl , Dir , win 
		if( This.WheelActive )
		if( This.ft := !This.ft )
		This.WheelActive := 1
		Dir := ( (input >> 16 ) > 0x7FFF ) || ( ( input < 0 ) ? ( 1 ) : ( 0 ) )
		MouseGetPos,,, win, ctrl, 2
		if( !Dir &&  ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd ){
			( --This.Selected < 1 ) ? ( This.Selected := 1 )
			This.StartingPosition := This.Selected
		}else if( Dir &&  ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd ){
			( ++This.Selected > This.List.Length() ) ? ( This.Selected := This.List.Length() )
			This.StartingPosition := This.Selected
		}else if( !Dir && win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ){
			( --This.StartingPosition < 1 ) ? ( This.StartingPosition := 1 )
		}else if( Dir && win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ){
			( ++This.StartingPosition > This.List.Length() ) ? ( This.StartingPosition := This.List.Length() )
		This.Thumb.Y := This.ThumbMinY + This.StartingPosition
		if( This.Active )
		if( ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd )
			This._SetTimer( This.CallBind , -30 )
		This.WheelActive := 0
	_WatchKeyPress( key ){
		if( key = 9 && This.Focused )
			This.SetFocus( 0 )
		MouseGetPos,,, win, ctrl, 2
		if( This.Focused && ctrl != This.ToggleButton.Hwnd && win != This.Gui2.Hwnd && ctrl )
			This.SetFocus( 0 )
		else if( !This.Focused && ( ctrl = This.ToggleButton.Hwnd || win = This.Gui2.Hwnd ) )
			This.SetFocus( 1 )
	SetFocus( value , option := 1 ){
		if( This.Focused := value )
			GuiControl, % This.Gui1.Hwnd ":Focus" , % This.ToggleButton.Hwnd
	_SetTimer( Timer , Amount := 30 ){
		SetTimer, % Timer, % Amount
				gosub, % This.Label
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2
		if( This.List[ This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] != "" ){
			This.Output := This.List[ This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] + This.StartingPosition - 1 ]
			This.Selected := This.PanelHandles[ ctrl ] + This.StartingPosition - 1
			bd := This.HKBind 
			HotKey, ~LButton, % bd , Off
			This.Active := 0
			This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
			This._SetTimer( This.CallBind , -30 )
			;~ This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
			;~ ToolTip, % "Here`n" This.Gui2.hwnd
		if( This.Active := !This.Active ){
			WinGetPos, x, y,,, % "ahk_Id " This.Gui1.Hwnd
			This.Gui2.UpdateSettings( { X: x , Y: y + ( This.Gui1.H  ) } )
			This.StartingPosition := This.Selected 
			This.Focused := 1
			bd := This.HKBind
			Hotkey, ~LButton , % bd , On
			This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
			bd := This.HKBind 
			HotKey, ~LButton, % bd , Off
		MouseGetPos,,, win, ctrl, 2
		if( win != This.Gui2.Hwnd && ctrl != This.ToggleButton.Hwnd ){
			bd := This.HKBind 
			HotKey, ~LButton, % bd , Off
			This.Active := 0
			This.Gui2.ClearWindow( 1 )
		local ly
		CoordMode, Mouse, Client
		While( GetKeyState( "LButton" ) ){
			MouseGetPos,, y
			if( ly != y ){
				ly := y
				y /= This.ScaleFactor
				if( ( y - This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) <  This.ThumbMinY ){
					This.Thumb.Y := This.ThumbMinY 
					This.StartingPosition := 1
				}else if( ( y + This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) > ( This.ThumbMinY + This.ThumbRange ) ){
					This.Thumb.Y := This.ThumbMinY + This.ThumbRange - This.ThumbHeight
					This.StartingPosition := This.List.Length()
					This.Thumb.Y := y - This.ThumbHeight / 2
					;~ This.StartingPosition := floor( This.Thumb.Y - This.ThumbMinY )
					This.StartingPosition := floor( ( This.Thumb.Y - This.ThumbMinY ) / This.Interval )
			sleep, 10
		local brush , pen 
		Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect( 1 * This.ScaleFactor , 1 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.MainColor , ( This.MainColor2 != "" ) ? ( This.MainColor2 ) : ( This.MainColor ) , 1 , 1 ) 
		, Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Brush , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;~ Brush := Gdip_CreateLineBrush( 1 * This.ScaleFactor , 1 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W / 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor , "0xaaaaaaaa" , "0xFF000000" , 1 ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FocusColor ) 
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF585858" ) 
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF526e8c" ) 
		, Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) 
		, Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) 
		, Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) 
		, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		if( This.Focused ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FocusColor )
			, Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) 
			, Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui1.G , Pen , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 8 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.H - 8 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) 
			, Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HeaderFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui1.G , This.List[ This.Selected ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions " NoWrap c" Brush " x" 5 * This.ScaleFactor " y" 2 * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - ( This.W / 4 ) ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.H * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.ArrowColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui1.G , ( !This.Active ) ? ( 6 ) : ( 5 ) , "s" ( s := 16 ) * This.ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions " c" Brush " x" ( This.W - 30 ) * This.ScaleFactor " y" 1 * This.ScaleFactor  , "WebDings" , 30 * This.ScaleFactor , This.H * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		local temp , brush , pen , tog 
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.MainColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		;~ ToolTip, % This.BorderColor
		Pen := Gdip_CreatePen( This.BorderColor , 1 ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.BorderColor ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF0000FF" ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		;~ Bob := This.BorderColor
		;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( Bob ) , Pen := Gdip_CreatePenFromBrush( Brush , 1 ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush ) , Gdip_DrawRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Pen , 2 * This.ScaleFactor , 7 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 4 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 4 - 7 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Roundness * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeletePen( Pen )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.MainColor ) , Gdip_FillPolygon( This.Gui2.G, Brush , ( This.W / 2 ) * This.ScaleFactor "," 0 * This.ScaleFactor "|" ( This.W - ( This.W / 5 ) ) * This.ScaleFactor "," 100 * This.ScaleFactor "|" ( This.W / 5 ) * This.ScaleFactor "," 100 * This.ScaleFactor "|" ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		temp := This.PanelStartingPositionY
		Loop, % This.Rows	{
			tog := !tog
			if( ( A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ) = This.Selected ){
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SelectedPanelColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , temp * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SelectedFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " NoWrap vCenter  c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SelectedFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions  " c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			}else if( A_Index = This.PanelHandles[ This.Hovered ] ){
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HighLightPanelColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , temp * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HighlightFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " NoWrap vCenter  c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.HighlightFontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions  " c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( !tog ) ? ( This.PanelColor1 ) : ( This.PanelColor2 ) ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , 4 * This.ScaleFactor , temp * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				;~ Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " NoWrap vCenter  c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
				Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.FontColor ) , Gdip_TextToGraphics( This.Gui2.G, This.List[ A_Index + This.StartingPosition - 1 ] , "s" This.FontSize * This.ScaleFactor " " This.FontOptions  " c" Brush " x" 4 * This.ScaleFactor " y" ( temp + 1 ) * This.ScaleFactor  , This.Font , ( This.W - 34 - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.PanelHeight * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
			temp += This.PanelHeight + This.BodyMargin
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderTrackColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , ( This.W - 34 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 9 * This.ScaleFactor , 30 * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.BodyHeight - 15 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderButtonColor ) , Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.Gui2.G, Brush , ( This.W - 32 ) * This.ScaleFactor , This.Thumb.Y * This.ScaleFactor , 26 * This.ScaleFactor , This.ThumbHeight * This.ScaleFactor , 5 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderRidgeColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Brush , ( This.Thumb.X + 3 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.Y + ( This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) - 5 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.W - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 3 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderRidgeColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Brush , ( This.Thumb.X + 3 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.Y + ( This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) + 5 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.W - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 3 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( This.SliderRidgeColor ) , Gdip_FillRectangle( This.Gui2.G , Brush , ( This.Thumb.X + 3 ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.Y + ( This.ThumbHeight / 2 ) ) * This.ScaleFactor , ( This.Thumb.W - 6 ) * This.ScaleFactor , 3 * This.ScaleFactor ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
	_GetTextSize( index := 4 ){
		local pBitmap, G, Brush, temparr
		pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap( 10 , 10 ) , G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage( pBitmap ), Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( G , 2 )
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( "0xFF000000")
		temparr := StrSplit( Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , ( This.Text ) ? ( This.Text ) : ( "Test String" ), " s" This.Fontsize " c" Brush " " This.FontOptions " x" 0 " y" 0 , This.Font , 10000, 10000  ),"|","|"  ) , Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( G ) , Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		return temparr[ index ]
;********************************************************************************************		NewTheme
	local MyButtonDesign := {}
	MyButtonDesign.All := {}
	MyButtonDesign.Default := {}
	MyButtonDesign.Hover := {}
	MyButtonDesign.Pressed := {}
	MyButtonDesign.All.W := 120 , MyButtonDesign.All.H := 35 , MyButtonDesign.All.Text := "Show / Hide" , MyButtonDesign.All.Font := "Cambria" , MyButtonDesign.All.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.All.BackgroundColor := "0xFF212B37" , MyButtonDesign.All.ButtonAddGlossy := "0"
	MyButtonDesign.Default.W := 120 , MyButtonDesign.Default.H := 35 , MyButtonDesign.Default.Text := "Show / Hide" , MyButtonDesign.Default.Font := "Cambria" , MyButtonDesign.Default.FontOptions := " Center vCenter Bold" , MyButtonDesign.Default.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.Default.H := "0xff02112F" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextBottomColor2 := "0xff02112F" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFFFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextTopColor2 := "0xFFFFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetX := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetY := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetW := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.TextOffsetH := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.BackgroundColor := "0xFF212B37" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF3B4D63" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF5C789A" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xFF3F444A" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xFF24292D" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF212B37" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonMainColor2 := "0xFF212B37" , MyButtonDesign.Default.ButtonAddGlossy := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Default.GlossTopColor := "0x11FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Default.GlossTopAccentColor := "05FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Default.GlossBottomColor := "33000000"
	MyButtonDesign.Hover.W := 120 , MyButtonDesign.Hover.H := 35 , MyButtonDesign.Hover.Text := "Show / Hide" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.Font := "Cambria" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter " , MyButtonDesign.Hover.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.H := "0xff02112F" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextBottomColor2 := "0xff02112F" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextTopColor1 := "0xFFFFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextTopColor2 := "0xFFFFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetX := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetY := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetW := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.TextOffsetH := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.BackgroundColor := "0xFF212B37" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF5E7B9D" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF262B2F" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xFF3F444A" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xFF24292D" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonMainColor1 := "0xFF5A7596" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonMainColor2 := "0xFF2E3C4C" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.ButtonAddGlossy := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.GlossTopColor := "0x11FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.GlossTopAccentColor := "05FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Hover.GlossBottomColor := "33000000"
	MyButtonDesign.Pressed.W := 120 , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.H := 35 , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.Text := "Show / Hide" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.Font := "Cambria" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.FontOptions := " Bold Center vCenter " , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.FontSize := "14" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.H := "0xffB0BFD0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextBottomColor2 := "0xffB0BFD0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextTopColor1 := "0xFF000000" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextTopColor2 := "0xFF000000" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetX := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetY := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetW := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.TextOffsetH := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.BackgroundColor := "0xFF212B37" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonOuterBorderColor := "0xFF" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonCenterBorderColor := "0xFF" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonInnerBorderColor1 := "0xffA3B4C8" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonInnerBorderColor2 := "0xff80FFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonMainColor1 := "0x99283442" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonMainColor2 := "0x99597494" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.ButtonAddGlossy := "0" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.GlossTopColor := "0x11FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.GlossTopAccentColor := "05FFFFFF" , MyButtonDesign.Pressed.GlossBottomColor := "33000000"
	return MyButtonDesign
DrawText( G , RectObject := "" , Text := "Sample Text" , FontSize := 16 , FontType := "Segoe UI" , Options := " Center vCenter Bold " , Color := "0xFF000000" , Scale := 1 ){
	if( RectObject = "" )
		RectObject := { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: 100 , H: 100 }
	cc := RectObject
	Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( Color ) 
	Gdip_TextToGraphics( G , Text , "s" FontSize * Scale " " Options " c" Brush " x" cc.X * Scale " y" cc.Y * Scale  , "Segoe UI" , cc.W * Scale , cc.H * Scale ) 
	Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
;********************************************************************************************		Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string
Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(pBitmap, ext, Quality=75) { ;Excised from
        return -1
	Extension := "." Ext
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "uint*", nCount, "uint*", nSize)
	VarSetCapacity(ci, nSize)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "uint", nCount, "uint", nSize, Ptr, &ci)
	if !(nCount && nSize)
		return -2
	Loop, % nCount {
		sString := StrGet(NumGet(ci, (idx := (48+7*A_PtrSize)*(A_Index-1))+32+3*A_PtrSize), "UTF-16")
		if !InStr(sString, "*" Extension)
		pCodec := &ci+idx
	if !pCodec
		return -3
	if (Quality != 75){
		Quality := (Quality < 0) ? 0 : (Quality > 100) ? 100 : Quality
		if Extension in .JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", Ptr, pBitmap, Ptr, pCodec, "uint*", nSize)
			VarSetCapacity(EncoderParameters, nSize, 0)
			DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", Ptr, pBitmap, Ptr, pCodec, "uint", nSize, Ptr, &EncoderParameters)
			Loop, % NumGet(EncoderParameters, "UInt") {
				elem := (24+(A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4))*(A_Index-1) + 4 + (pad := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 4 : 0)
				if (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+16, "UInt") = 1) && (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+20, "UInt") = 6){
					p := elem+&EncoderParameters-pad-4
					NumPut(Quality, NumGet(NumPut(4, NumPut(1, p+0)+20, "UInt")), "UInt")
	DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr",0, "int",true, "ptr*",pStream)
	DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToStream", "ptr",pBitmap, "ptr",pStream, "ptr",pCodec, "uint",p ? p : 0)
    DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr",pStream, "uint*",hData)
	pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr",hData, "uptr")
	nSize := DllCall("GlobalSize", "uint",pData)
	VarSetCapacity(Bin, nSize, 0)
	DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr",&Bin , "ptr",pData , "uint",nSize)
	DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr",hData)
	DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pStream + 0, 0, "uptr") + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0, "uptr"), "ptr",pStream)
	DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr",hData)
	DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint",0x01, "ptr",0, "uint*",base64Length)
	VarSetCapacity(base64, base64Length*2, 0)				
	DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint", 0x40000001 , "ptr",&base64, "uint*",base64Length) ; [ 0x40000001 = CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF ( 0x40000000 ) And CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 ( 0x00000001 ) ]
	Bin := ""
	VarSetCapacity(Bin, 0)
	VarSetCapacity(base64, -1)
	return  base64
;********************************************************************************************		ClipBitmapFunction
	local abc 
	abc =
	( `join`r`n
B64ToPBitmap( Input ){
	local ptr , uptr , pBitmap , pStream , hData , pData , Dec , DecLen , B64
	VarSetCapacity( B64 , strlen( Input ) << !!A_IsUnicode )
	B64 := Input
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" ( ( A_IsUnicode ) ? ( "W" ) : ( "A" ) ), Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt" , &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, 0, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	VarSetCapacity( Dec , DecLen , 0 )
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), Ptr, &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, &Dec, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\RtlMoveMemory", Ptr, pData := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalLock", Ptr, hData := DllCall( "Kernel32.dll\GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 2,  UPtr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt" , DecLen, UPtr), UPtr) , Ptr, &Dec, UPtr, DecLen)
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalUnlock", Ptr, hData)
	DllCall("Ole32.dll\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", Ptr, hData, "Int", True, Ptr "P", pStream)
	DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream",  Ptr, pStream, Ptr "P", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap
	return abc
;********************************************************************************************		PopUpWindow
class PopUpWindow	{
;PopUpWindow v2.2
;Date Written: Oct 28th, 2021
;Last Edit: Feb 7th, 2022 :Changed the trigger method.
;Written By: Hellbent aka CivReborn
;SpcThanks: teadrinker , malcev 
	static Index := 0 , Windows := [] , Handles := [] , EditHwnd , HelperHwnd
	__New( obj := "" ){
		This.UpdateSettings( obj )
		if( This.AutoShow )
			This.ShowWindow( This.Title )
		This.X := 10
		This.Y := 10
		This.W := 10
		This.H := 10
		This.Smoothing := 2
		This.Options := " -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop "
		This.AutoShow := 0
		This.GdipStartUp := 0
		This.Title := ""
		This.Controls := []
		This.Handles := []
		This.Index := 0 
	AddTrigger( obj ){
		local k , v , cc , bd
		This.Controls[ ++This.Index ] := { 	X:		10
										,	Y:		10
										,	W:		10
										,	H:		10	}
		for k, v in obj
			This.Controls[ This.Index ][ k ] := obj[ k ] 
		cc := This.Controls[ This.Index ]
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Add", Text, % "x" cc.X " y" cc.Y " w" cc.W " h" cc.H " hwndhwnd"
		This.Handles[ hwnd ] := This.Index
		This.Controls[ This.Index ].Hwnd := hwnd
		if( IsObject( cc.Label ) ){
			bd := cc.Label
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
			bd := This._TriggerCall.Bind( This )
			GuiControl, % This.Hwnd ":+G" , % hwnd , % bd
		return hwnd
		MouseGetPos,,,, ctrl, 2
			;~ SetTimer, % This.Controls[ This.Handles[ ctrl ] ].Label, -0
			gosub, % This.Controls[ This.Handles[ ctrl ] ].Label
	DrawTriggers( color := "0xFFFF0000" , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		local brush , cc 
		Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( color ) 
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , 3 )
		loop, % This.Controls.Length()	{
			cc := This.Controls[ A_Index ]
			Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , cc.x , cc.y , cc.w , cc.h )
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , This.Smoothing )
		if( AutoUpdate )
	UpdateSettings( obj := "" , UpdateGraphics := 0 ){
		local k , v
		if( IsObject( obj ) )
			for k, v in obj
				This[ k ] := obj[ k ]
		( This.X = "Center" ) ? ( This.X := ( A_ScreenWidth - This.W ) / 2 ) 	
		( This.Y = "Center" ) ? ( This.Y := ( A_ScreenHeight - This.H ) / 2 ) 	
		if( UpdateGraphics ){
		local hwnd
		Gui , New, % " +LastFound +E0x80000 hwndhwnd -Caption  " This.Options
		This.Index := PopUpWindow.Index
		PopUpWindow.Windows[ PopUpWindow.Index ] := This
		This.Hwnd := hwnd
		PopUpWindow.Handles[ hwnd ] := PopUpWindow.Index
		if( This.GdipStartUp && !PopUpWindow.pToken )
			PopUpWindow.pToken := GDIP_STARTUP()
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( This.G )
		SelectObject( This.hdc , This.obm )
		DeleteObject( This.hbm )
		DeleteDC( This.hdc )
		This.hbm := CreateDIBSection( This.W , This.H )
		This.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
		This.obm := SelectObject( This.hdc , This.hbm )
		This.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC( This.hdc )
		Gdip_SetSmoothingMode( This.G , This.Smoothing )
	ShowWindow( Title := "" ){
		Gui , % This.Hwnd ":Show", % "x" This.X " y" This.Y " w" This.W " h" This.H " NA", % Title
		Gui , % This.Hwnd ":Hide",
	UpdateWindow( alpha := 255 ){
		UpdateLayeredWindow( This.hwnd , This.hdc , This.X , This.Y , This.W , This.H , alpha )
	ClearWindow( AutoUpdate := 0 , Color := "" ){
		if( color != "" )
			Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.G , color )
			Gdip_GraphicsClear( This.G )
		if( Autoupdate )
	DrawBitmap( pBitmap , obj , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		Gdip_DrawImage( This.G , pBitmap , obj.X , obj.Y , obj.W , obj.H )
		if( dispose )
			Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
		if( Autoupdate )
	PaintBackground( color := "0xFF000000" , AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		if( isObject( color ) ){
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( ( color.HasKey( "Color" ) ) ? ( color.Color ) : ( "0xFF000000" ) ) 
			if( color.Haskey( "Round" ) )
				Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle( This.G , Brush , color.X , color.Y , color.W , color.H , color.Round )
				Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , color.X , color.Y , color.W , color.H ) 
			Brush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid( color ) 
			Gdip_FillRectangle( This.G , Brush , -1 , -1 , This.W + 2 , This.H + 2 ) 
		Gdip_DeleteBrush( Brush )
		if( AutoUpdate )
	DeleteWindow( GDIPShutdown := 0 ){
		Gui, % This.Hwnd ":Destroy"
		SelectObject( This.hdc , This.obm )
		DeleteObject( This.hbm )
		DeleteDC( This.hdc )
		Gdip_DeleteGraphics( This.G )
		hwnd := This.Hwnd
		for k, v in PopUpWindow.Windows[ Hwnd ]
			This[k] := ""
		PopUpWindow.Windows[ Hwnd ] := ""
		if( GDIPShutdown ){
			Gdip_Shutdown( PopUpWindow.pToken )
			PopUpWindow.pToken := ""
	_OnClose( wParam ){
		if( wParam = 0xF060 ){	;SC_CLOSE ;[ clicking on the gui close button ]
				Gui, % PopUpWindow.HelperHwnd ":Destroy"
				SoundBeep, 555
	CreateCachedBitmap( pBitmap , Dispose := 0 ){
		local pCachedBitmap
		if( This.CachedBitmap )
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipCreateCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , pBitmap , "Ptr" , this.G , "PtrP" , pCachedBitmap )
		This.CachedBitmap := pCachedBitmap
		if( Dispose )
			Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
	DrawCachedBitmap( AutoUpdate := 0 ){
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipDrawCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , this.G , "Ptr" , This.CachedBitmap , "Int" , 0 , "Int" , 0 )
		if( AutoUpdate )
		DllCall( "gdiplus\GdipDeleteCachedBitmap" , "Ptr" , This.CachedBitmap )
		local hwnd , MethodList := ["__New","UpdateSettings","ShowWindow","HideWindow","UpdateWindow","ClearWindow","DrawBitmap","PaintBackground","DeleteWindow" , "AddTrigger" , "DrawTriggers", "CreateCachedBitmap" , "DrawCachedBitmap" , "DisposeCachedbitmap" ]
		Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +HwndHwnd
		PopUpWindow.HelperHwnd := hwnd
		Gui, Add, Edit, xm ym w250 r1 Center hwndhwnd, Gui1
		PopUpWindow.EditHwnd := hwnd
		loop, % MethodList.Length()	
			Gui, Add, Button, xm y+1 w250 r1 gPopUpWindow._HelperClip, % MethodList[ A_Index ]
		Gui, Show,,
		OnMessage( 0x112 , This._OnClose.Bind( hwnd ) )
		local ClipList 
		GuiControlGet, out, % PopUpWindow.HelperHwnd ":", % PopUpWindow.EditHwnd	
		ClipList := 		{ 	__New: 					" := New PopUpWindow( { AutoShow: 1 , X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: A_ScreenWidth , H: A_ScreenHeight , Options: "" -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop "" } )"
							,	UpdateSettings:			".UpdateSettings( { X: """" , Y: """" , W: """" , H: """" } , UpdateGraphics := 0 )"
							,	ShowWindow:				".ShowWindow( Title := """" )"
							,	HideWindow:				".HideWindow()"
							,	UpdateWindow:			".UpdateWindow()"
							,	ClearWindow:			".ClearWindow( AutoUpdate := 0 )"
							,	DrawBitmap:				".DrawBitmap( pBitmap := """" , { X: 0 , Y: 0 , W: " Out ".W , H: " Out ".H } , dispose := 1 , AutoUpdate := 0 )"
							,	PaintBackground:		".PaintBackground( color := ""0xFF000000"" , AutoUpdate := 0 )  "  ";{ Color: ""0xFF000000"" , X: 2 , Y: 2 , W: " Out ".W - 4 , H: " Out ".H - 4 , Round: 10 }"
							,	DeleteWindow:			".DeleteWindow( GDIPShutdown := 0 )"
							,	AddTrigger:				".AddTrigger( { X: """" , Y: """" , W: """" , H: """" , Value: """" , Label: """" } )"	
							,	DrawTriggers:			".DrawTriggers( color := ""0xFFFF0000"" , AutoUpdate := 0 )"	
							,	CreateCachedBitmap:		".CreateCachedBitmap( pBitmap , Dispose := 0 )"	
							,	DrawCachedBitmap: 		".DrawCachedBitmap( AutoUpdate := 0 )"	
							,	DisposeCachedbitmap:	".DisposeCachedbitmap()"	}
		clipboard := Out ClipList[ A_GuiControl ]
;********************************************************************************************		Color Manipulation Functions 
HSL_ToRGB(hue, sat:=1, lum:=0.5 ) {
; Function by [VxE]. See >
; HSL to/from RGB conversion functions by [VxE]. Freely avalable @
; Converts a hue/sat/lum into a 24-bit RGB color code. Input: 0 <= hue <= 360, 0 <= sat <= 1, 0 <= lum <= 1. 

   Static i24 := 0xFFFFFF, i40 := 0xFFFFFF0000, hx := "0123456789ABCDEF"

; Transform the decimal inputs into 24-bit integers. Integer arithmetic is nice..
   sat := ( sat * i24 ) & i24
   lum := ( lum * i24 ) & i24
   hue := ( hue * 0xB60B60 >> 8 ) & i24 ; conveniently, 360 * 0xB60B60 = 0xFFFFFF00

; Determine the chroma value and put it in the 'sat' var since the saturation value is not used after this.
   sat := lum + Round( sat * ( i24 - Abs( i24 - lum - lum ) ) / 0x1FFFFFE )

; Calculate the base values for red and blue (green's base value is the hue)
   red := hue < 0xAAAAAA ? hue + 0x555555 : hue - 0xAAAAAA
   blu := hue < 0x555555 ? hue + 0xAAAAAA : hue - 0x555555

; Run the blue value through the cases
   If ( blu < 0x2AAAAB )
      blu := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * blu ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
   Else If ( blu < 0x800000 )
      blu := sat >> 16
   Else If ( blu < 0xAAAAAA )
      blu := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * ( 0xAAAAAA - blu ) ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
      blu := 2 * lum - sat >> 16

; Run the red value through the cases
   If ( red < 0x2AAAAB )
      red := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * red ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
   Else If ( red < 0x800000 )
      red := sat >> 16
   Else If ( red < 0xAAAAAA )
      red := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * ( 0xAAAAAA - red ) ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
      red := 2 * lum - sat >> 16

; Run the green value through the cases
   If ( hue < 0x2AAAAB )
      hue := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * hue ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
   Else If ( hue < 0x800000 )
      hue := sat >> 16
   Else If ( hue < 0xAAAAAA )
      hue := sat + 2 * ( i24 - 6 * ( 0xAAAAAA - hue ) ) * ( lum - sat ) / i24 >> 16
      hue := 2 * lum - sat >> 16

; Return the values in RGB as a hex integer
   Return "0x" SubStr( hx, ( red >> 4 ) + 1, 1 ) SubStr( hx, ( red & 15 ) + 1, 1 )
         . SubStr( hx, ( hue >> 4 ) + 1, 1 ) SubStr( hx, ( hue & 15 ) + 1, 1 )
         . SubStr( hx, ( blu >> 4 ) + 1, 1 ) SubStr( hx, ( blu & 15 ) + 1, 1 )
} ; END - HSL_ToRGB( hue, sat, lum )
RGBtoHEXandBack(clr) {
   If (StrLen(clr)=9)
      R := SubStr(clr, 1, 3)
      G := SubStr(clr, 4, 3)
      B := SubStr(clr, 7, 3)
      z := Format("{1:02x}", R) Format("{1:02x}", G) Format("{1:02x}", B)
  } Else
      R := "0x" SubStr(clr, 1, 2)
      G := "0x" SubStr(clr, 3, 2)
      B := "0x" SubStr(clr, 5, 2)
      z := Format("{1:03d}", R) Format("{1:03d}", G) Format("{1:03d}", B)

  Return z
ConvertRGBtoHSL(R, G, B) {
   SetFormat, float, 0.5 ; for some reason I need this for some colors to work.

   R := (R / 255)
   G := (G / 255)
   B := (B / 255)

   Min     := min(R, G, B)
   Max     := max(R, G, B)
   del_Max := Max - Min

   L := (Max + Min) / 2

   if (del_Max = 0)
      H := S := 0
   } else
      if (L < 0.5)
         S := del_Max / (Max + Min)
         S := del_Max / (2 - Max - Min)

      del_R := (((Max - R) / 6) + (del_Max / 2)) / del_Max
      del_G := (((Max - G) / 6) + (del_Max / 2)) / del_Max
      del_B := (((Max - B) / 6) + (del_Max / 2)) / del_Max

      if (R = Max)
         H := del_B - del_G
      } else
         if (G = Max)
            H := (1 / 3) + del_R - del_B
         else if (B = Max)
            H := (2 / 3) + del_G - del_R
      if (H < 0)
         H += 1
      if (H > 1)
         H -= 1
   ; return round(h*360) "," s "," l
   ; return (h*360) "," s "," l
   return [abs(round(h*360, 3)), abs(s), abs(l)]
ConvertHSLtoRGB(H, S, L) {

   H := H/360
   if (S == 0)
      R := L*255
      G := L*255
      B := L*255
   } else
      if (L < 0.5)
         var_2 := L * (1 + S)
         var_2 := (L + S) - (S * L)
      var_1 := 2 * L - var_2

      R := 255 * ConvertHueToRGB(var_1, var_2, H + (1 / 3))
      G := 255 * ConvertHueToRGB(var_1, var_2, H)
      B := 255 * ConvertHueToRGB(var_1, var_2, H - (1 / 3))
   ; Return round(R) "," round(G) "," round(B)
   ; Return (R) "," (G) "," (B)
   Return [round(R), round(G), round(B)]
ConvertHueToRGB(v1, v2, vH) {
   vH := ((vH<0) ? ++vH : vH)
   vH := ((vH>1) ? --vH : vH)
   return  ((6 * vH) < 1) ? (v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vH)
         : ((2 * vH) < 1) ? (v2)
         : ((3 * vH) < 2) ? (v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2 / 3) - vH) * 6)
         : v1
;********************************************************************************************		Vector
;Vector Class
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
Class Vector	{
	;Written By: HB
	;Date: Sept 23rd, 2022
	;Last Edit: Sept 24th, 2022
	;Purpose: Vector math class 
	;Credit: Rohwedder 
		;Line intercept concepts and code:
		;Create an Arrow:
		;Getting an angle:
		;Setting an Angle:
	static RadToDeg := 45 / ATan( 1 ) 
		, DegToRad := ATan( 1 ) / 45 
	__New( x := 0 , y := 0 , rotate := 0 ){ 
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			if( rotate = 3 ){
				This.X := x.X * -1
				,This.Y := x.Y * -1
			}else if( rotate = 2 ){
				This.X := x.Y 
				,This.Y := x.X * -1
			}else if( rotate = 1 ){
				This.X := x.Y * -1
				,This.Y := x.X 
				This.X := x.X
				,This.Y := x.Y
			if( rotate = 3 ){
				This.X := X * -1
				,This.Y := Y * -1
			}else if( rotate = 2 ){
				This.X := Y 
				,This.Y := X * -1
			}else if( rotate = 1 ){
				This.X := Y * -1
				,This.Y := X 
				This.X := X
				,This.Y := Y
	Add( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X += x.X
			,This.Y += x.Y
		}else if( y = "" ){
			This.X += x 
			,This.Y += x
			This.X += x 
			,This.Y += y 
	Sub( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X -= x.X
			,This.Y -= x.Y
		}else if( y = "" ){
			This.X -= X
			,This.Y -= X
			This.X -= X
			,This.Y -= Y
	Div( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X /= x.X
			,This.Y /= x.Y
		}else if( x && y = "" ){
			This.X /= x 
			,This.Y /= x 
			This.X /= X
			,This.Y /= Y
	Mult( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) ){
			This.X *= x.X
			,This.Y *= x.Y
		}else if( x && y = "" ){
			This.X *= x 
			,This.Y *= x 
			This.X *= X
			,This.Y *= Y
	Dist( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return Sqrt( ( ( This.X - x.X ) **2 ) + ( ( This.Y - x.Y ) **2 ) )
			return Sqrt( ( ( This.X - X ) **2 ) + ( ( This.Y - Y ) **2 ) )
		return Sqrt( This.X * This.X + This.Y * This.Y )
	SetMag( magnitude ){
		local m := This.GetMag()
		This.X := This.X * magnitude / m
		,This.Y := This.Y * magnitude / m
		return This.GetMag()**2
	Dot( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return ( This.X * x.X ) + ( This.Y * x.Y )
			return ( This.X * X ) + ( This.Y * Y )
	Cross( x , y := "" ){
		if( IsObject( x ) )
			return This.X * x.Y - This.Y * x.X
			return This.X * Y - This.Y * X
		local m := This.GetMag()
		This.X /= m
		This.Y /= m
		local angle 
		( (  angle := Vector.RadToDeg * DllCall( "msvcrt\atan2" , "Double" , This.Y , "Double" , This.X , "CDECL Double" ) ) < 0 ) ? ( angle += 360 )
		return angle
	SetAngle( newAngle := 0 , NewVector := 0 ){
		local Angle := This.GetAngle()
		, ChangeAngle := newAngle - Angle 
		, Co := Cos( Vector.DegToRad * ChangeAngle )
		, Si := Sin( Vector.DegToRad * ChangeAngle )
		, X := This.X 
		, Y := This.Y
		, X2 := X * Co - Y * Si 
		, Y2 := X * Si + Y * Co 
		if( !NewVector )
			This.X := X2 , This.Y := Y2
			return New Vector( X2 , Y2 )
	RotateAngle( rotationAmount := 90 , NewVector := 0 ){
		local Co := Cos( Vector.DegToRad * rotationAmount )
		, Si := Sin( Vector.DegToRad * rotationAmount )
		, X := This.X 
		, Y := This.Y
		, X2 := X * Co - Y * Si 
		, Y2 := X * Si + Y * Co 
		if( !NewVector )
			This.X := X2 , This.Y := Y2
			return New Vector( X2 , Y2 )
	;class methods
	TestLineInterceptPoint( interceptPoint , Line1 , Line2 ){ ; Line = { Start: { X: , Y: } , End: { X: , Y: } } , interceptPoint = { X: , Y: }
		for k , v in [ "X" , "Y" ]	
			M%v%_Min := min( Line1.Start[ v ] , Line1.End[ v ] )
			,M%v%_Max := max( Line1.Start[ v ] , Line1.End[ v ] )
			,L%v%_Min := min( Line2.Start[ v ] , Line2.End[ v ] )
			,L%v%_Max := max( Line2.Start[ v ] , Line2.End[ v ] )
		if( !( interceptPoint.X < Mx_Min || interceptPoint.X > Mx_Max || interceptPoint.X < Lx_Min || interceptPoint.X > Lx_Max ) && !( interceptPoint.Y < My_Min || interceptPoint.Y > My_Max || interceptPoint.Y < Ly_Min || interceptPoint.Y > Ly_Max ) )
			return 1
		return 0
	GetLineInterceptPoint( Line1 , Line2 ){ ; Line = { Start: { X: , Y: } , End: { X: , Y: } }
		local A1 := Line1.End.Y - Line1.Start.Y
		,B1 := Line1.Start.X - Line1.End.X
		,C1 := A1 * Line1.Start.X + B1 * Line1.Start.Y
		,A2 := Line2.End.Y - Line2.Start.Y
		,B2 := Line2.Start.X - Line2.End.X
		,C2 := A2 * Line2.Start.X + B2 * Line2.Start.Y
		,Denominator := A1 * B2 - A2 * B1 
		return New Vector( { X: ( ( B2 * C1 - B1 * C2 ) / Denominator )  , Y: ( ( A1 * C2 - A2 * C1 ) / Denominator ) } )
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 
;00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 00000 <<<>>> 00000 

Posts: 61
Joined: 01 Sep 2020, 09:49

Re: Crop bitmap and export as Base64 string? ( Create Icons )

27 Dec 2023, 02:47

@Hellbent Is there any way that i can convert the Bs64 code and save it to an actual ico File format?
User avatar
Posts: 2114
Joined: 23 Sep 2017, 13:34

Re: Crop bitmap and export as Base64 string? ( Create Icons )

29 Dec 2023, 19:15

vanheartnet098 wrote:
27 Dec 2023, 02:47
@Hellbent Is there any way that i can convert the Bs64 code and save it to an actual ico File format?
try this.

Code: Select all

#Include <GDIP_ALL> ;GDIP:
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1
IconFilePath := A_Desktop "\test.ico"
B64String := "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABACAYAAACqaXHeAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAAAlwSFlzAAAOwwAADsMBx2+oZAAAFZ1JREFUeF7tWwl4FOX534okIQFvbiF4gdZardrWWmzBqnjgVRHvf7VIQW65BAKIqCBWLg+UIwnhCBByBwhITAJJCDkgFwnkIDdJCDlIyO7OzO7m1/edmd3MbiYkgFr/z9P3eX5Psjsz33zv73vPb2YN/5P/yc8j3i2e/bzN7iMIbxOWDBbdVw8W3OJc8C0fI0xUzx2iXv7/U7wFtzu9TW7zSLFkb8Edl4PBZveTTJa3scdD6rC/bOFV45UklOgpdCUYLLg30rj+bB3q7X454g3DdfJK6UzcjrHSY5hpGYdVlqX4WlqBJGs8kmyHkCDuJ0Rjo2WtfGy+ZbJ87j1iX91xGERENFuYevv/npDiHoqZuze6TpIVmGx5E+GWnWhorYe11eYMAKK5Cheyl0OULsifXc9hkpZYZ+HP4lCnse2QSaf4ok7n5xUyxSdpJapdJ/W89AiireEOJV2VUr5vhcVqgjn2TzCnL+j4PA3ybXmydbjeTyHfbYY6rZ9HeNVdJ8Kr5FCcQUoJ5hpSVKDPrW3fEyx0zFT4MaTNBkh5fl0iwA4m4l3LGKd7M4iIHWyR6hR/GuEbyDfS3PhBcbDsv04TJYVEczWM+d+o32kIYGKkZgjxd8GyzQAhc+UlEWAHuwdbm3YuNLeMn8wleGD5BpobcrBq799WRcmCL2FOmSSvtvY4fxbN52CJuQWWXURA0ozLIoBhbDW2cwvZLX/stKmmN6fUxjfmCbSfWCskUkhKfBlC5O8htsKFBP5sg5D2d5kAMeYV5TjFBedxug62QO3cqH4wc4xSp39lopq908q3M3ktWHnGoVGQ/H8FU+4mlQBWkKxDPUc4EwQpiCzg4Evy+VdCAINdQps6ac6NvHCqGpcvrj7vFOj0oBIgJL4Iy3Y3mP36wlwQKH/vMHX6K7YUQNxhgDlrVdv3VwgOkByTHCRQJXlFgdE12l905bVgBTPnkYm7Q9jcB+ZN11M8WATRouR7G0FoyIIxYxEkSwtdc2Wrr0W6NRlDhWvbSBDdw1R1Lk0ot76gVZ59Xu+GumACag7CGuwJaUdfiH79Ia73gDn0YZjK9sgWwm6hmP6Ps/pabLGsd8xbBjVZqlpdE8Xv24ocjvb6Aa8DsHJWM/n3H2EN8oK4ZQDEzTdD2nQdWcM1MMa8AaEuS1H+JyCAwRWkff5yULyU0pkZs1/MPqVbynYGUsxc9C0sQVeRK/SD6D8QYsDNRER/SBu9YNraH8bUeRBNdQ4i2uTHcQleOAcJXXUFOd/LjCkXsjnpDd4ZZBOnGl888ABaQ8gKdpAVyCTYiegNYZMbjCH3QCwOhkDnZ1adx/GKc/L1dmmliOE6dleRYzvuIEBGV+oDbVf3pPQH3YG7DFJALNlGbnA1WsNughjYn4KinQQCuYXody3M2yhYpk5FYfVZzI3Mwv3LIjAr/DgSy87RCHbb0KTRS4C2bOZ0rqqpL95i9/vsJzM6TXm6oEaHpmvh/2nSYqsIIfavsAX3gC28Nyw7yB02c0zQkEBuIQYY0HroKdK3Eb5HC2B4dwMM03Zi5PpDCMoqoxEVq9C/Z8cotRU7ZQUO7qq67YUCn7/9RK6z9Qa8KFhxgrkuncrdGsdnoTSUih4PmYBWgjWIMsMWVl4lgV3CfxCE7VQXxI9iNRGeXY6rJq4nEnbAMCcMj29IRGpFHR1jW7i0GOEUEAW3ZFXd9qKN/JxP9QbrEDQxTmumvOUU3MbBYhPpe5oof2+VYD4wgqzAk0joQyT0gTWkLwQnEgYq7sH9QcYC1hPTgxJlS+jhEwHD7Ej0WBCFL+Lz5WMsuvPQQbWtytkK9CpEDhD2Ezjy6w3UIWgyIsGcvRASdXhiqVr5aY6b8rfAGng1rGQBdhJswWQJARp34CAZSEVT+I1ASzFO1RnhNc0fbrOD0HPxPlw9PwqGGcEYvzuNCGbb6joJb0mjtQRMVNVuE23q460rvUH0ofi8McdHbm4swddAqkttR4BoaoQQ9hvYQq9RCAhTSJAC+zkFRoH/0jhS9r/l6x5YFgLDlC3wWriPsIesYQ8M7wfjtW1HLokEbXFElh6tqt0m2oYn1rpfd5D2UJQ3FX4JKeQqUu56Mm0ioDbRmQDVFYyJ02Hb2V0mwGEFu/u4ZAZCYHdIca+xbhi5hhSe6EfK75UJYHgSDDNCyBLS5XNsXYgJHAwdBHCa1/YI7BP2g+wrXa36WHnxbBIse8i3w66VlbIGUQNUtNWFAAJ9NhfuogaJgmGE3Q3obwjVAxwLVAIkyhDmzR7UTY6TY8r9sgVshteiNgIcljAzFF8lKTHBpr1XB3DeQNFkA23dz3lT7+J2oJuKIhU68Q/CGuFGBPRVVna3O0wJ/5DJkVdec75Qm0Wry+fd6CDAEQztFkAxQdjgidaSnShqsqLXDH90m7m9HQGM7vMj0WthFLKr6pmDtnt1gOVWnzYCtP0BETDDfoBTht7FrmAFhVOfwhJhIOUVk1ZwAwRKc0J9rrMV0P9iyxny72FUGV6vnBvRB5YQqgscypMF+FIQ3PkAnd2CNbEnYRi3Dj0+CCEClBigRU+CYVYYRvsmkBOQI2gJ18EuS4CDAE75qvpy9bfcfoD37PUudgIr31IO4cAACmYU1JwIoBXe4QbTwVecuz0mwFwHYTcFwhDFXWQCuCbQBsH1PWAp8McFuuCOD3fC8J4vPH0idS2A4cmuMDsUe/Mq6A4XtwKObRoC2gKhdtODWdK7WAteffPJpbR6vPqq6WtgjbgJUoA7jGnLFFdQITaVUbEzBFYKlg4CuF1WewRp4zUQIrkQAhbvzYThn+vgMSuwQ+XtMMwOx1MbE+kqLpH058zgDRMHAWb3k6r6cgEUZz/AW0t6FztAt+FNDPH7+ymP92qnvANhN9LKelLknwXBWE11QitM6Ssg+V1Dvq/EALk03qq0yuLmfjD7Uv5vSEVa5QV4TN6EbgSveWGdEuCxgCxhQSSyqhpk8nTnTeCu1kGA4N6oqi8T4Njw5HShd7EDdAPxbBysu3uSkhzNCaE3yOnPRl1fK5s3NT6yK9BfKcAD5h13wxT+Nwj+fWHdRYpTFpBTIAVAuQwmCBs8ICbPkSv+EatpVd/9Dh7vb0cvn4srz5BjwcwQLIvNuygBDG1FqKovE+AogbtEwMmVpAiZP0V8K9X4lshBZBG/hyVmOMTou8k1ehFB7go5pGjrLqoPthNBuynqMzH8HUHuCdj//XrDHDiMGoez1PhUyMpfPc0XPebuRk+d4KcHw9wwjNqUQLPjqkBn3iq0G6eq+jIBjkfYnfYAdAshhXL0ru5oPfoqUBmMVtNpWG0mOkIeb6mHtTYGwpHXqQGi+iCULCKClObcr+Z/GfS/xd4er/eElPG5HC8e+jwUhn9tgNv0zRTgIki5zi3Ak1KhO/29c1U8altaaBT9bMD1jV1PLoZU9YkA0T3MfqCzFthCqUaoIKXrk1BFDUBMrQ1bSxrgX3AWIaX1SKs3oZrCvxz8SrdCDO9HscKLlHYOltwTiNupDfajSnDb7WRWVYg9fY6qvvW4eqov3Gd2HvzsYAK8Fu/F4NWJOFbJewj6buBUDZLbq+rLBDg2QTrb+eWKi+VwnYQlx0swL+U0FqQVEU7DJ60Yn2aUYWtBDRJqmtBAp7bWJUGKHKx2gm0kyARsowC4oRdMP7wtjzlxJ3V/476DG5v/nJ1dNn+G56Io9F9zBNH5Z+Sx9ObOAV5DQJyqPhVCmu1vrpb0LmbwJgebV2ZdM+amFmPRsTJ8dLzcgSWExfTdh8eKse5kJSLLzskkWOuOkiWQ8hQk7SRwMyRSBhA2eEHK+062mHu57H1v42UR4LVoDwasTcHOzNIOCeBH9RoC2gohb1P3V+0HLtYJcniRbFaso6JjQapdef5bqkL9jkhYmFaCz7LLEFOplKlCTSwkLpgoQCoZggjYRjFg47XAme9RbmzFDXMD8Kspm2QC3LuQ/+3w9InCdUsPYNBXKdh6VOkN9ObPRZ6DACr+VPWJAM1WGD/m1ruYwat/ThDxCSm6JF1Z9aWk+OJjRfgko1glwW4RpVhEbrE2pwKClZ8GEglVeyFRyrRRyrRSYJQ4CG66DiByss9JcJ/uh27k/27T/WV4zg8lEjq3Ard5ERi85ii81yQhNL1jApweq5vd31bVV0SbCrli0huACThrEvAx+fmHx1j5CnyQWoRv8wqx8Fi+SkgFoZwIqcCslGJ8cYIyRKtVth7OIObKSIgyCV6wBPeFmRofFG1BHvlKD1K621Q/hYBpfkTIFnjND5ddoaeeNdB3HAA95oXjoaAS3PzpHmSWV+kSwBngortC7BP2g/yujusADC40m0UL/p1VTgSUUuArxceZRcitb8Dr8al4LzkPPuklREYJppIpTj2Si9NNRnlCWpHYHSK9YQuivt+vJyzx76KOgsBAnyAYJrVZAJPgNi0APWYFoScTwT2BqjzvCbjPCYXbjEDc55eNB3cV4XfLQyBYLDTL9nN37gN0doe1LXFHG6KcAWyUBn1PVWBRejEpmA/ffCXobCsqx9sJx/DWoQxMTs7FxpM1ONMioFFoREZDAY7WnUDO+WKcFzlPk7SUQYobCct2A4SAfoCxCGP8kpUsYCdABrnFZF9cNYlLY1/ZQq7iz4Rr5wXhwYAcvJhopHI4DJ/tS5GH1pu703sEeo/K5MdhmgcivJGoNxDL/opazKeU9x4REFCoEMBSazKhymRDQVM9Aov34LWkDzB038voE/Ekeoc9Du/I0Xj4wP9hespyxNZmwWoVgFMr5E2S1tjnEVtUC8OEzeg2xW4BAaS0H3rN3o4+S8LR56MI9CMM+SIGDwRk44n9tRhzRMCQb47itoXbcZ7u39GOsdOLVh09ICE3iLaf1JEbsBSSWS9KL8X0o4VYTT5utprl73mPzvd0MB46+A/0CP4zeob+FTdQd9ePCLg18incQRgS/jj6hPwFA0NH4KWEOThQmws0ERLfBApWY1ZYKgzvrJdJ6DZpIykbi1Gk6NMxDQ6Mjm3Cc/EX8MLhFgzbmIFeZCVHivR9n+GyD1CtqttetG7AAUPPCti/REqFX5/gAFiKuWmnqC4oxrbiaBglESNi/gXDzgcwIPIZDCT0J9xKKz8s6hkM1eCOqKfRP2wEBoSNxDupnyGzqZjcopA0uIDZISkwjP8Whre/gveqQ3j20AU8G9+M0XHnCU14hjA8qho3fhaHOxYHIuV0pay8/DDGBRz8nN4ZoKJPVVdftJujHe0OsRyqbsB8KoYmHjmBxKrzWHtqCyaQInWm83gnZSncdj+Mm2jlmYShkU87Ka/F7URE39C/4PaI0Vic44tqs1I3xJ2qwqg1e+E2hYLi3F3o88UheH+ThsFfH8XAL+Jw/4q9WBCajGYye6NNQnFTMyg8tZur9vUZOdPBcJ2qqr5onw8w+AGj66C89dQiWbAyu1yuCOeTFZglG/6eMJvM/x1kNxRiQ0EYbol6Hp4hj+A2IkJPeTvYOm6NfBI3kWvcu28MPslZj0qzssNTWScgIq0CX+7Pw+roXAQcLkI8FWLpVXkQQZWmJMDvVBkaRKld9G/3QKSr7xNqmyN+oKAd1A6W1Nom+KSUYmpyIWWDSthsZgyPGQeP4OFYeXIb4quOYWb6GtwZ9Rz5/SMYTP7Ppq9HAoOJGBLxBHrTuUPJbcYefh8r8zchquYAEhqOULyIxbfFAZiU5kNBNgT5jeewIL0AKbWN8nxc5+jyjkDXX5chpu7UZgS9fUJOh5wWtxZUkSuUYMKRPByorKOA2IJR8dNgCPwtfvf9W1h9KhChpT/gk+zv8HzcZPx673O4OfwxDAh9FAPDHqX//4ZB9HkwYUj4ExQonyYiRuM2soiB4SNlMm4Mflj+23v3cAyPfgMHz8ST8kZMonTrX8D+r8xFOz9t3ldwkYeiesK1snYAvTaZb9woSPicXGE+FUWTEnPxw5k6chEJk9NXwLD7jzAE/QHDosdictqnWEtW8c3JnVh+whez01difPJHeDPxA7ySMAsvH56FF+Kn4rGYd3DPnucwhLLHLWQNd9H/9+0dg0fp+6/zAnBeaEJMVSPePHQcn2WWw0SFD2+CaOfFlazzG2Oazu9ShC+0D8K+pBcPWEqbTdQflFBlWIJJSbnYVay0pLvK9uPXVAdcRUS4Bf8JfSj13Rv1Ih4nNxlzeCbeIOVfT5yLlw69j1E/TMBD+18nhZ/FXVHP4n4ibfj+tzAqZgIWZ3yFvMZ81Jgk/DunGK/EH5Pvd9aopF/tfHjfT5vzSYeSTgNfR8IXygOog/HAeqmR5XTTBSylHoFJmJKUj2VZRagyWshCGrA8dxPuJoV6BD8CT8L1RERfSoH9CP0pDQ4gV+hP4O8GUZy4e88YPPXDe1ictQ7H67LQKIoIp9b6nwkZtPJZWEEtb2WLUmK7zkX7EFR2Y2r0VHUuT1zjwaPib3WbJZaKFjNWkzssoJgwmxqhqRQXthRVok5gVzmPqDMHMf3YcoyMnYhh+8ZiEAXHQRTshlC2+E30qxQ7pmBO5iqEVx6ksapRb7Zib3k9piRnYiyt+gTy+XW5Z6ji5JV3rvh45du9RE1tvqrGlYm2QGKwf+k9QGVptojkAtXwoZgwP62MmqJT1BvkYO2JYiSfNeJci4X82IRqYx1ON1cgv7kMxRcqUG2qJ5LMqGmxIelsC1bnFmMcrfjY+HSMT8wmUosQWVYPo1W5j/a+vCC8MNo5dlrwXKpQAzFRawmM9ttn3PBSNULIa2jGurwzChFUMc6gsnl8Qi7GJ2VjdmoOlmcXUVArx3enKvFVbhk+PZ6PaUcz8dbh43g17hjePEwrTvHkA6ozfE9WoaixWVbcdeV5IbQBj/GjK28XLpLkakpzM/5ViOtWurJvSBOl3iC7vhlbCquxLINcgyxibsppzEzOl1PY+KQcvJtwgnw7G+NolSdQVTmVjs2hc5aTn+8qqqbgd4GyChPr/ASYTd7pYSdBXqAfy+w7EuW1eedfgnGG4KLD9X1CrswUaUWdWaCA1oQoCmZ++TX4mnx5FcWLlVkVWJVTjm9OVCKgoAb7ys8hu66Z3IHfOWFr4iTXNibX9mx57Vadg/WVBryuitw68+/8NBNg8KS4aHJ9v8BuEW3CDZUNLZTDmyWJ/kqQ5Lc97ISxtG9reVPTqa1VQXOJu+xUdyWiukS73wUyEby5yhN2JYPBhCjWocQLhvxY0+U8hv2HU65BjiGv+qVWeD+F8CSUyThP0A5OT46fyhFcXYXBRNmPs4kzga5mbgc/2JS38rta2/8cwpMhImZcjAhXcJ+uZ9IdgRXnCP9fMfdLEXmbXfk9YYaeIpcCiuzKz2d/ib8Y7Ypw1uA9eN6I5GCloP0PLTmFOY7LjRi/tvNT/jrUYPgPiaH7WFBDAjAAAAAASUVORK5CYII="
pBitmap := 	B64ToPBitmap( B64String )
hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap( pBitmap )
Gdip_DisposeImage( pBitmap )
hBitmap2Icon( hBitmap , IconFilePath )



hBitmap2Icon( hBitmap , destIco) {
   ;~ hBitmap := LoadPicture(sourcePng, "GDI+")
   hIcon := HIconFromHBitmap(hBitmap)
   HiconToFile(hIcon, destIco)
   DllCall("DestroyIcon", "Ptr", hIcon), DllCall("DeleteObject", hBitmap)

HIconFromHBitmap(hBitmap) {
   VarSetCapacity(BITMAP, size := 4*4 + A_PtrSize*2, 0)
   DllCall("GetObject", "Ptr", hBitmap, "Int", size, "Ptr", &BITMAP)
   width := NumGet(BITMAP, 4, "UInt"), height := NumGet(BITMAP, 8, "UInt")
   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
   hCBM := DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "Ptr", hDC, "Int", width, "Int", height, "Ptr")
   VarSetCapacity(ICONINFO, 4*2 + A_PtrSize*3, 0)
   NumPut(1, ICONINFO)
   NumPut(hCBM, ICONINFO, 4*2 + A_PtrSize)
   NumPut(hBitmap, ICONINFO, 4*2 + A_PtrSize*2)
   hIcon := DllCall("CreateIconIndirect", "Ptr", &ICONINFO, "Ptr")
   DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", hCBM), DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hDC)
   Return hIcon

HiconToFile(hIcon, destFile) {
   static szICONHEADER := 6, szICONDIRENTRY := 16, szBITMAP := 16 + A_PtrSize*2, szBITMAPINFOHEADER := 40
        , IMAGE_BITMAP := 0, flags := (LR_COPYDELETEORG := 0x8) | (LR_CREATEDIBSECTION := 0x2000)
        , szDIBSECTION := szBITMAP + szBITMAPINFOHEADER + 8 + A_PtrSize*3
        , copyImageParams := ["UInt", IMAGE_BITMAP, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", flags, "Ptr"]

   VarSetCapacity(ICONINFO, 8 + A_PtrSize*3, 0)
   DllCall("GetIconInfo", "Ptr", hIcon, "Ptr", &ICONINFO)
   if !hbmMask  := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", NumGet(ICONINFO, 8 + A_PtrSize), copyImageParams*) {
      MsgBox, % "CopyImage failed. LastError: " . A_LastError
   hbmColor := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", NumGet(ICONINFO, 8 + A_PtrSize*2), copyImageParams*)
   VarSetCapacity(mskDIBSECTION, szDIBSECTION, 0)
   VarSetCapacity(clrDIBSECTION, szDIBSECTION, 0)
   DllCall("GetObject", "Ptr", hbmMask , "Int", szDIBSECTION, "Ptr", &mskDIBSECTION)
   DllCall("GetObject", "Ptr", hbmColor, "Int", szDIBSECTION, "Ptr", &clrDIBSECTION)

   clrWidth        := NumGet(clrDIBSECTION,  4, "UInt")
   clrHeight       := NumGet(clrDIBSECTION,  8, "UInt")
   clrBmWidthBytes := NumGet(clrDIBSECTION, 12, "UInt")
   clrBmPlanes     := NumGet(clrDIBSECTION, 16, "UShort")
   clrBmBitsPixel  := NumGet(clrDIBSECTION, 18, "UShort")
   clrBits         := NumGet(clrDIBSECTION, 16 + A_PtrSize)
   colorCount := clrBmBitsPixel >= 8 ? 0 : 1 << (clrBmBitsPixel * clrBmPlanes)
   clrDataSize := clrBmWidthBytes * clrHeight

   mskHeight       := NumGet(mskDIBSECTION,  8, "UInt")
   mskBmWidthBytes := NumGet(mskDIBSECTION, 12, "UInt")
   mskBits         := NumGet(mskDIBSECTION, 16 + A_PtrSize)
   mskDataSize := mskBmWidthBytes * mskHeight

   iconDataSize := clrDataSize + mskDataSize
   dwBytesInRes := szBITMAPINFOHEADER + iconDataSize
   dwImageOffset := szICONHEADER + szICONDIRENTRY

   VarSetCapacity(ICONHEADER, szICONHEADER, 0)
   NumPut(1, ICONHEADER, 2, "UShort")
   NumPut(1, ICONHEADER, 4, "UShort")

   NumPut(clrWidth      , ICONDIRENTRY,  0, "UChar")
   NumPut(clrHeight     , ICONDIRENTRY,  1, "UChar")
   NumPut(colorCount    , ICONDIRENTRY,  2, "UChar")
   NumPut(clrBmPlanes   , ICONDIRENTRY,  4, "UShort")
   NumPut(clrBmBitsPixel, ICONDIRENTRY,  6, "UShort")
   NumPut(dwBytesInRes  , ICONDIRENTRY,  8, "UInt")
   NumPut(dwImageOffset , ICONDIRENTRY, 12, "UInt")

   NumPut(clrHeight*2 , clrDIBSECTION, szBITMAP +  8, "UInt")
   NumPut(iconDataSize, clrDIBSECTION, szBITMAP + 20, "UInt")
   File := FileOpen(destFile, "w", "cp0")
   File.RawWrite(clrBits + 0, clrDataSize)
   File.RawWrite(mskBits + 0, mskDataSize)

   DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", hbmColor)
   DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", hbmMask)

B64ToPBitmap( Input ){
	local ptr , uptr , pBitmap , pStream , hData , pData , Dec , DecLen , B64
	VarSetCapacity( B64 , strlen( Input ) << !!A_IsUnicode )
	B64 := Input
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" ( ( A_IsUnicode ) ? ( "W" ) : ( "A" ) ), Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt" , &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, 0, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	VarSetCapacity( Dec , DecLen , 0 )
	If !DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), Ptr, &B64, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x01, Ptr, &Dec, "UIntP", DecLen, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0)
		Return False
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\RtlMoveMemory", Ptr, pData := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalLock", Ptr, hData := DllCall( "Kernel32.dll\GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 2,  UPtr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt" , DecLen, UPtr), UPtr) , Ptr, &Dec, UPtr, DecLen)
	DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalUnlock", Ptr, hData)
	DllCall("Ole32.dll\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", Ptr, hData, "Int", True, Ptr "P", pStream)
	DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream",  Ptr, pStream, Ptr "P", pBitmap)
	return pBitmap

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