AutoHotInterception (AHI): Multi-Keyboard / Multi-Mouse support for AHK. Per-device blocking!

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Re: AutoHotInterception (AHI): Multi-Keyboard / Multi-Mouse support for AHK. Per-device blocking!

Post by gregster » 22 Feb 2023, 13:50

ea5gtq wrote:
22 Feb 2023, 12:05
Please help with a script for two keyboards.
Does anyone have a sample?
What about the context mode example on the github repo? Did you try it?
Probably first initialize the library, like described further up - and determine your VID and PID which you want to use.

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Re: AutoHotInterception (AHI): Multi-Keyboard / Multi-Mouse support for AHK. Per-device blocking!

Post by ea5gtq » 23 Feb 2023, 15:44

Your hint helped. Now both keyboards are detected and print different text with the same key. But unfortunately the program that runs first intercepts the priority.

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Re: AutoHotInterception (AHI): Multi-Keyboard / Multi-Mouse support for AHK. Per-device blocking!

Post by bandicoot » 17 Mar 2023, 15:54

Hello ,
I need some help someone give me this part of code ( Phasermaniac ) perhaps he take this from here big thanks to him and perhaps people who make it

Code: Select all

#include <AutoHotInterception>

AHIWrapper := new AutoHotInterception()
global AHI := AHIWrapper.GetInstance()



GetKeyState, 1JoyX, 1JoyX
GetKeyState, 1JoyY, 1JoyY
1JoyX:= 1JoyX*65535/100
1JoyY:= 1JoyY*65535/100
AHI.SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(MouseId1, 0, 1, 1JoyX, 1JoyY)
KeyWait 1Joy1
AHI.SendMouseButtonEvent(MouseId1, 0, 0)

AHI.SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(MouseId1, 1, 1, 1JoyX, 1JoyY)
KeyWait 1Joy2
AHI.SendMouseButtonEvent(MouseId1, 1, 0)

AHI.SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(MouseId1, 2, 1, 1JoyX, 1JoyY)
KeyWait 1Joy2
AHI.SendMouseButtonEvent(MouseId1, 2, 0)

GetKeyState, 2JoyX, 2JoyX
GetKeyState, 2JoyY, 2JoyY
2JoyX:= 2JoyX*65535/100
2JoyY:= 2JoyY*65535/100
AHI.SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(MouseId2, 0, 1, 2JoyX, 2JoyY)
KeyWait 2Joy1
AHI.SendMouseButtonEvent(MouseId1, 0, 0)

AHI.SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(MouseId2, 1, 1, 2JoyX, 2JoyY)
KeyWait 2Joy2
AHI.SendMouseButtonEvent(MouseId1, 1, 0)

AHI.SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(MouseId2, 2, 1, 2JoyX, 2JoyY)
KeyWait 2Joy2
AHI.SendMouseButtonEvent(MouseId1, 2, 0)

it works like it does ^^ , but could it be possible to have this to move mouse without push a key ? ( with for test and without hide cursor ?)
what I need to be clear , two gamepad who react like a mouse ;)

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Re: AutoHotInterception (AHI): Multi-Keyboard / Multi-Mouse support for AHK. Per-device blocking!

Post by AbhishekAK » 26 Aug 2023, 12:47

i wrote a script

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
#include Lib\AutoHotInterception.ahk

; Initialize AHI
AHI := new AutoHotInterception()

; Mouse
mouseId := AHI.GetMouseId(0x1532, 0x008A) ; Replace with your device VID/PID

; Keyboard
keyboardId := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x1A2C, 0x2D43) ; Replace with your device VID/PID

; Buffer to store input events
global InputBuffer := []

; Subscribe to all buttons on the specific mouse
AHI.SubscribeMouseButtons(mouseId, true, Func("RecordMouseInput"))

; Subscribe to movement coming from the mouse
AHI.SubscribeMouseMove(mouseId, true, Func("RecordMouseMove"))

; Subscribe to all keys on the specific keyboard
AHI.SubscribeKeyboard(keyboardId, true, Func("KeyEvent"))

; Process delayed inputs
SetTimer, ProcessDelayedInputs, 1 ; Check for delayed inputs every 1ms


; Mouse
RecordMouseInput(button, state) {
    global InputBuffer
    InputBuffer.Push({Type: "MouseButton", Timestamp: A_TickCount, Button: button, State: state})

RecordMouseMove(x, y) {
    global InputBuffer
    InputBuffer.Push({Type: "MouseMove", Timestamp: A_TickCount, X: x, Y: y})

; Keyboard
KeyEvent(code, state){
    global InputBuffer
    InputBuffer.Push({Type: "Key", Timestamp: A_TickCount, Code: code, State: state})

    delay := 7000 ; Set the delay to 0.5 seconds (500ms)
    while (InputBuffer.MaxIndex() > 0 && A_TickCount - InputBuffer[1].Timestamp >= delay) {
        input := InputBuffer.RemoveAt(1) ; Remove and get the first input in the buffer

        if (input.Type == "MouseMove") {
            AHI.Instance.SendMouseMove(mouseId, input.X, input.Y)
        } else if (input.Type == "MouseButton") {
            AHI.Instance.SendMouseButtonEvent(mouseId, input.Button, input.State)
        } else if (input.Type == "Key") {
            AHI.Instance.SendKeyEvent(keyboardId, input.Code, input.State)

the problem is when running this and playing games the mouse movement is not 1 to 1 in 3D games. do you know why its not 1 to 1?

[Mod edit: Added [code][/code] tags. Please use them yourself when posting code.]

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Re: AutoHotInterception (AHI): Multi-Keyboard / Multi-Mouse support for AHK. Per-device blocking!

Post by AbhishekAK » 26 Aug 2023, 13:01

hello mod what do you think are the chances of evil c seeing my message and responding?

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