WatchFolder() - monitor changes of files and/or folders

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just me
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WatchFolder() - monitor changes of files and/or folders

16 Oct 2021, 05:32

Hi, this is the v2 version of WatchFolder(). I ran only a few tests using the sample script.


Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotKey v2.0
; ======================================================================================================================
; Function:       Notifies about changes within folders.
;                 This is a rewrite of HotKeyIt's WatchDirectory() released at
; Tested with:    AHK 2.0-beta.1 (U32/U64)
; Tested on:      Win 10 Pro x64
; Usage:          WatchFolder(Folder, UserFunc[, SubTree := False[, Watch := 3]])
; Parameters:
;     Folder      -  The full qualified path of the folder to be watched.
;                    Pass the string "**PAUSE" and set UserFunc to either True or False to pause respectively resume
;                    watching.
;                    Pass the string "**END" and an arbitrary value in UserFunc to completely stop watching anytime.
;                    If not, it will be done internally on exit.
;     UserFunc    -  The name of a user-defined function to call on changes. The function must accept at least
;                    two parameters:
;                    1: The path of the affected folder. The final backslash is not included even if it is a drive's
;                       root directory (e.g. C:).
;                    2: An array of change notifications containing the following keys:
;                       Action:  One of the integer values specified as FILE_ACTION_... (see below).
;                                In case of renaming Action is set to FILE_ACTION_RENAMED (4).
;                       Name:    The full path of the changed file or folder.
;                       OldName: The previous path in case of renaming, otherwise not used.
;                       IsDir:   True if Name is a directory; otherwise False. In case of Action 2 (removed) IsDir
;                                is always False.
;                    Pass the string "**DEL" to remove the directory from the list of watched folders.
;     SubTree     -  Set to true if you want the whole subtree to be watched (i.e. the contents of all sub-folders).
;                    Default: False - sub-folders aren't watched.
;     Watch       -  The kind of changes to watch for. This can be one or any combination of the FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGES_...
;                    values specified below.
; Return values:
;     Returns True on success; otherwise False.
; Change history:
; me        -  initial release
; License:
;     The Unlicense ->
; Remarks:
;     Due to the limits of the API function WaitForMultipleObjects() you cannot watch more than
;     MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS (64) folders simultaneously.
;     ReadDirectoryChangesW
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME   = 1   (0x00000001) : Notify about renaming, creating, or deleting a file.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME    = 2   (0x00000002) : Notify about creating or deleting a directory.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES  = 4   (0x00000004) : Notify about attribute changes.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE        = 8   (0x00000008) : Notify about any file-size change.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE  = 16  (0x00000010) : Notify about any change to the last write-time of files.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS = 32  (0x00000020) : Notify about any change to the last access time of files.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION    = 64  (0x00000040) : Notify about any change to the creation time of files.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY    = 256 (0x00000100) : Notify about any security-descriptor change.
;     FILE_ACTION_ADDED              = 1   (0x00000001) : The file was added to the directory.
;     FILE_ACTION_REMOVED            = 2   (0x00000002) : The file was removed from the directory.
;     FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED           = 3   (0x00000003) : The file was modified.
;     FILE_ACTION_RENAMED            = 4   (0x00000004) : The file was renamed (not defined by Microsoft).
;     FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME   = 4   (0x00000004) : The file was renamed and this is the old name.
;     FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME   = 5   (0x00000005) : The file was renamed and this is the new name.
;     GetOverlappedResult  
;     CreateFile           
;     FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS     = 0x02000000
;     FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED           = 0x40000000
; ======================================================================================================================
WatchFolder(Folder, UserFunc, SubTree := False, Watch := 0x03) {
   ; Static DummyObject := {Base: {__Delete: Func("WatchFolder").Bind("**END", "")}}
   Static Dummy := OnExit(WatchFolder.Bind("**END", "Exit"))
   Static TimerID := "**" . A_TickCount
   Static TimerFunc := WatchFolder.Bind(TimerID, "")
   Static MAX_DIR_PATH := 260 - 12 + 1
   Static SizeOfFNI := 0xFFFF ; size of the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structure buffer (64 KB)
   Static SizeOfOVL := 32     ; size of the OVERLAPPED structure (64-bit)
   Static FolderObj := {}
   Static EventMap := Map()
   Static WaitObjects := 0
   Static BytesRead := 0
   Static Paused := False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   If (Folder = "")
      Return False
   SetTimer(TimerFunc, 0)
   RebuildWaitObjects := False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   If (Folder = TimerID) { ; called by timer
      If (ObjCount := EventMap.Count) && !Paused {
         ObjIndex := DllCall("WaitForMultipleObjects", "UInt", ObjCount, "Ptr", WaitObjects, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt")
         While (ObjIndex >= 0) && (ObjIndex < ObjCount) {
            Event := NumGet(WaitObjects, ObjIndex * A_PtrSize, "UPtr")
            Folder := EventMap[Event]
            If DllCall("GetOverlappedResult", "Ptr", Folder.Handle, "Ptr", Folder.OVL, "UIntP", &BytesRead, "Int", True) {
               Changes := []
               FNIAddr := Folder.FNI.Ptr
               FNIMax := FNIAddr + BytesRead
               OffSet := 0
               PrevIndex := 0
               PrevAction := 0
               PrevName := ""
               Loop {
                  FNIAddr += Offset
                  OffSet := NumGet(FNIAddr + 0, "UInt")
                  Action := NumGet(FNIAddr + 4, "UInt")
                  Length := NumGet(FNIAddr + 8, "UInt") // 2
                  Name   := Folder.Folder . "\" . StrGet(FNIAddr + 12, Length, "UTF-16")
                  IsDir  := InStr(FileExist(Name), "D") ? 1 : 0
                  PrevIndex := Changes.Length
                  If (Name = PrevName) {
                     If (Action = PrevAction)
                     If (Action = 1) && (PrevAction = 2) {
                        PrevAction := Action
                  If (Action = 4)
                     Changes.Push({Action: Action, IsDir: 0, Name: "", OldName: Name})
                  Else If (Action = 5) && (PrevAction = 4) {
                     Changes[PrevIndex].Name := Name
                     Changes[PrevIndex].IsDir := IsDir
                     Changes.Push({Action: Action, IsDir: IsDir, Name: Name, OldName: ""})
                  PrevAction := Action
                  PrevName := Name
               } Until (Offset = 0) || ((FNIAddr + Offset) > FNIMax)
               If (Changes.Length > 0)
                  Folder.Func.Call(Folder.Folder, Changes)
               DllCall("ResetEvent", "Ptr", Event)
               DllCall("ReadDirectoryChangesW", "Ptr", Folder.Handle, "Ptr", Folder.FNI, "UInt", SizeOfFNI,
                                                "Int", Folder.SubTree, "UInt", Folder.Watch, "UInt", 0,
                                                "Ptr", Folder.OVL, "Ptr", 0)
            ObjIndex := DllCall("WaitForMultipleObjects", "UInt", ObjCount, "Ptr", WaitObjects, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Else If (Folder = "**PAUSE") { ; called to pause/resume watching
      Paused := !!UserFunc
      RebuildObjects := Paused
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Else If (Folder = "**END") { ; called to stop watching
      For Event, Folder In EventMap {
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", Event)
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", Folder.Handle)
      FolderObj := {}
      EventMap := []
      Paused := False
      Return (UserFunc = "Exit" ? False : True)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Else { ; called to add, update, or remove folders
      Folder := RTrim(Folder, "\")
      LongPath := ""
      VarSetStrCapacity(&LongPath, MAX_DIR_PATH)
      If !DllCall("GetLongPathNameW", "Str", Folder, "Ptr", StrPtr(LongPath), "UInt", MAX_DIR_PATH, "UInt")
         Return False
      VarSetStrCapacity(&LongPath, -1)
      Folder := LongPath
      If FolderObj.HasOwnProp(Folder) { ; update or remove
         Event := FolderObj.%Folder%
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", EventMap[Event].Handle)
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", Event)
         RebuildWaitObjects := True
      If InStr(FileExist(Folder), "D") && (UserFunc != "**DEL") && (EventMap.Count < MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) {
         If (UserFunc Is Func) && (UserFunc.MinParams >= 2) && (Watch &= 0x017F) {
            Handle := DllCall("CreateFile", "Str", Folder . "\", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 0x07, "Ptr",0, "UInt", 0x03,
                                            "UInt", 0x42000000, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
            If (Handle > 0) {
               Event := DllCall("CreateEvent", "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1, "Int", 0, "Ptr", 0)
               FNI := Buffer(SizeOfFNI, 0)
               OVL := Buffer(SizeOfOVL, 0)
               NumPut("Ptr", Event, OVL, 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2))
               DllCall("ReadDirectoryChangesW", "Ptr", Handle, "Ptr", FNI, "UInt", SizeOfFNI, "Int", SubTree
                                              , "UInt", Watch, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", OVL, "Ptr", 0)
               EventMap[Event] := {Folder: Folder, Func: UserFunc, Handle: Handle, Subtree: !!SubTree,
                                   Watch: Watch, FNI: FNI, OVL: OVL}
               FolderObj.%Folder% := Event
               RebuildWaitObjects := True
      If (RebuildWaitObjects) {
         WaitObjects := Buffer(MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS * A_PtrSize, 0)
         Addr := WaitObjects.Ptr
         For Event In EventMap
            Addr := NumPut("Ptr", Event, Addr)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   If (EventMap.Count > 0)
      SetTimer(TimerFunc, -100)
   Return (RebuildWaitObjects) ; returns True on success, otherwise False

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotKey v2.0
#Include WatchFolder.ahk
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MainGui := Gui( , "Watch Folder")
MainGui.OnEvent("Close", GuiClose)
MainGui.MarginX := 20
MainGui.MarginY := 20
MainGui.AddText( , "Watch Folder:")
EdtFolder := MainGui.AddEdit("xm y+3 w730 cGray +ReadOnly", "Select a folder ...")
BtnSelect := MainGui.AddButton("x+m yp w50 hp +Default", "...")
BtnSelect.OnEvent("Click", SelectFolder)
MainGui.AddText("xm y+5", "Watch Changes:")
CBSubTree := MainGui.AddCheckbox("xm y+3", "In Sub-Tree")
CBFiles := MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp Checked", "Files")
CBFolders :=MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp Checked", "Folders")
CBAttr :=MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp", "Attributes")
CBSize := MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp", "Size")
CBWrite :=MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp", "Last Write")
CBAccess := MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp", "Last Access")
CBCreation := MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp", "Creation")
CBSecurity := MainGui.AddCheckbox("x+5 yp", "Security")
LV := MainGui.AddListView("xm w800 r15", ["TickCount", "Folder", "Action", "Name", "IsDir", "OldName", " "])
BtnAction := MainGui.AddButton("xm w100 +Disabled", "Start")
BtnAction.OnEvent("Click", StartStop)
BtnPause := MainGui.AddButton("x+m yp wp +Disabled", "Pause")
BtnPause.OnEvent("Click", PauseResume)
BtnClear := MainGui.AddButton("x+m yp wp", "Clear")
BtnClear.OnEvent("Click", Clear)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GuiClose(*) {
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clear(Ctrl, *) {
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PauseResume(Ctrl, *) {
   If (Ctrl.Text = "Pause") {
      WatchFolder("**PAUSE", True)
      Ctrl.Text := "Resume"
   Else {
      WatchFolder("**PAUSE", False)
      Ctrl.Text := "Pause"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
StartStop(Ctrl, *) {
   WatchedFolder := EdtFolder.Text
   If !InStr(FileExist(WatchedFolder), "D") {
      MsgBox(WatchedFolder . " isn't a valid folder name!", "Error")
   If (Ctrl.Text = "Start") {
      Watch := 0
      Watch |= CBFiles.Value ? 1 : 0
      Watch |= CBFolders.Value ? 2 : 0
      Watch |= CBAttr.Value ? 4 : 0
      Watch |= CBSize.Value ? 8 : 0
      Watch |= CBWrite.Value ? 16 : 0
      Watch |= CBAccess.Value ? 32 : 0
      Watch |= CBCreation.Value ? 64 : 0
      Watch |= CBSecurity.Value ? 256 : 0
      If (Watch = 0) {
         CBFiles.Value := 1
         CBFolders.Value := 1
         Watch := 3
      If !WatchFolder(WatchedFolder, MyUserFunc, CBSubTree.Value, Watch) {
         MsgBox("Call of WatchFolder() failed!", "Error")
      BtnAction.Text := "Stop"
   Else {
      WatchFolder(WatchedFolder, "**DEL")
      BtnAction.Text := "Start"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SelectFolder(Ctrl, *) {
   WatchedFolder := DirSelect()
   If (WatchedFolder != "") {
      EdtFolder.Text := WatchedFolder
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MyUserFunc(Folder, Changes) {
   Static Actions := ["1 (added)", "2 (removed)", "3 (modified)", "4 (renamed)"]
   TickCount := A_TickCount
   For Each, Change In Changes
      LV.Modify(LV.Add("", TickCount, Folder, Actions[Change.Action], Change.Name, Change.IsDir, Change.OldName, ""), "Vis")
   Loop LV.GetCount("Columns")
      LV.ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
Enjoy! ;)
Last edited by just me on 15 Oct 2023, 02:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2022, 07:07

Re: 2.0-beta.1 - WatchFolder() (alpha.1)

10 Aug 2022, 07:11

Hi there, thanks for your work on this, this helped me a lot! One small issue I noticed: After I called WatchFolder with the "END**" "action", it threw an error in this line:

Code: Select all

   If (EventMap.Count > 0)
with Count not being a property there (or something similar, I don't have the error handy atm :). I guess this is because in the case of **END it resets EventMap to the array type:

Code: Select all

      EventMap := []
I guess EventMap should be

Code: Select all

      EventMap := Map()
here as well?
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Re: 2.0-beta.1 - WatchFolder() (alpha.1)

16 Aug 2022, 13:34

This doesn't seem to work on newer beta versions > .3

It does run, just does not 'notify' of changes. Not sure where to look, could someone point me in the right direction and ill see if i can figure out how to update it to work with the newer beta versions.

Thanks again,

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Joined: 15 Sep 2016, 15:44

Re: 2.0-beta.1 - WatchFolder() (alpha.1)

16 Aug 2022, 15:45

Tre4shunter wrote:
16 Aug 2022, 13:34
This doesn't seem to work on newer beta versions > .3
The script WatchFolder_sample.ahk works for me in v2.beta7 , in a quick test at least. The gui updates with info about new files, changed filesize and so on for the chosen folder.
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Re: 2.0-beta.1 - WatchFolder() (alpha.1)

12 Oct 2023, 10:20

I briefly tested the library in version 2.0.2 and it worked fine. The sample scripts gave a nice illustration of the types of messages you receive when a change is made.

@just me – perhaps it is worth re-titling this thread so people know it runs just fine in the release version of 2.0?
just me
Posts: 9552
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Location: Germany

Re: WatchFolder() - monitor changes of files and/or folders

15 Oct 2023, 02:50

Hi @JoeSchmoe, done.
Posts: 7
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Re: WatchFolder() - monitor changes of files and/or folders

28 Oct 2023, 03:36

I tried to adopt WatchFolder() to return filze size to UserFunc() as well. However, I didn't manage.
I expected that I could make use of FILE_NOTIFY_EXTENDED_INFORMATION structure.
But it didn't work as expected. Can someboday help?
just me
Posts: 9552
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Location: Germany

Re: WatchFolder() - monitor changes of files and/or folders

29 Oct 2023, 03:40


perhaps, if somebody would know your code and you would post in "Ask for Help".

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