Code: Select all
#requires AutoHotkey v2
; #MaxThreadsPerHotkey needs to be higher than 1, otherwise some hotstrings might get lost
; if their activation strings were buffered.
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 10
; Enable X (execution) and B0 (no backspacing) for all hotstrings, which are necessary for this library to work.
; Z option resets the hotstring recognizer after each replacement, as AHK does with auto-replace hotstrings
#Hotstring ZXB0
; Above items are from Descolada's original stript.
TraySetIcon(A_ScriptDir . "\AHK_HS.ico")
SoundBeep 1300, 200 ; Just a starup/reload announcement.
SoundBeep 1500, 400
NameOfThisFile := "AutoCorrect_HS.ahk" ; This variable is used in the below #HotIf command for Ctrl+s: Save and Reload.
;HotstringLibrary := "HotstringLib.ahk" ; Your actual library of hotstrings are added here.
; To change library name, needs to be changed (1) here, and (2) the #Include at the top.
MyAhkEditorPath := "C:\Users\" A_UserName "\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" ; <--- Only valid when VSCode is installed
; MyAhkEditorPath := "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe" : <--- Optionally paste another path and uncomment.
If not FileExist(MyAhkEditorPath) { ; Make sure AHK editor is assigned. Use Notepad otherwise.
MsgBox("This error means that the variable 'MyAhkEditorPath' has"
"`nnot been assigned a valid path for an editor."
"`nTherefore Notepad will be used as a substite.")
MyAhkEditorPath := "Notepad.exe"
; HH_HS Update date: 5-6-2024
; HotstringHelper_HS made for use with Descolada's _HS() function.
; A version of Hotstring Helper that will support block multi-line replacements and
; allow user to examine a hotstring for multi-word matches.
; Customization options are below, near top of code.
; Please get a copy of AutoHotkey.exe (v2) and rename it to match the name of this
; script file, so that the .exe and the .ahk have the same name, in the same folder.
; DO NOT COMPILE, or the Append command won't work. The Gui stays in RAM, but gets
; repopulated upon hotkey press. HotStrings will be appended (added) by the
; script at the bottom. Shift+Append saves to clipboard instead of appending.
; This tool is intended to be embedded in your AutoCorrect list.
hh_Hotkey := "#h" ; The activation hotkey-combo (not string) for HotString Helper, is Win+h.
GuiColor := "F5F5DC" ; "F0F8FF" is light blue. Tip: Use "Default" for Windows default.
FontColor := "003366" ; "003366" is dark blue. Tip: Use "Default" for Windows default.
; ===Change=Settings=for=Big=Validity=Dialog=Message=Box========================
myGreen := 'c1D7C08' ; light green 'cB5FFA4' (for use with dark backgrounds.)
myRed := 'cB90012' ; light red 'cFFB2AD'
myBigFont := 's13'
AutoLookupFromValidityCheck := 0 ; Sets default for auto-lookup of selected text on
; mouse-up, when using the big message box.
; WARNING: findInScript() function uses VSCode shortcut keys ^f and ^g.
hhFormName := "HotStringHelper_HS" ; The name at the top of the form. Change here, if desired.
; ======Change=size=of=GUI=when="Make Bigger"=is=invoked========================
HeightSizeIncrease := 300 ; Numbers, not 'strings,' so no quotation marks.
WidthSizeIncrease := 400
;====Assign=symbols=for="Show Symb"=button======================================
myPilcrow := "¶" ; Okay to change symbols if desired.
myDot := "• " ; adding a space (optional) allows more natural wrapping.
myTab := "⟹ " ; adding a space (optional) allows more natural wrapping.
; These are the defaults for "acronym" based boiler plate template trigger strings.
DefaultBoilerPlateOpts := "" ; PreEnter these multi-word hotstring options; "*" = end char not needed, etc.
myPrefix := "" ; Optional character that you want suggested at the beginning of each hotstring.
addFirstLetters := 5 ; Add first letter of this many words. (5 recommended; 0 = don't use feature.)
tooSmallLen := 2 ; Only first letters from words longer than this. (Moot if addFirstLetters = 0)
mySuffix := "" ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
; PreEnter these (single-word) autocorrect options; "T" = raw text mode, etc.
DefaultAutoCorrectOpts := "" ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
WordListFile := 'GitHubComboList249k.txt' ; Mostly from github: Copyright (c) 2020 Wordnik
; WordListFile := 'wlist_match6.txt' ; From
; Make sure word list is there. Change name of word list subfolder, if desired.
WordListPath := A_ScriptDir '\WordListsForHH\' WordListFile
If not FileExist(WordListPath)
MsgBox("This error means that the big list of comparison words at:`n" . WordListPath .
"`nwas not found.`n`nTherefore the 'Exam' button of the Hotstring Helper tool won't work.")
SplitPath WordListPath, &WordListName ; Extract just the name of the file.
; Add "Fixes X words, but misspells Y" to the end of autocorrect items.
; 1 = Yes, 0 = No. Multi-line Continuation Section items are never auto-commented.
AutoCommentFixesAndMisspells := 0
; Automatically enter the new replacement of a 'whole-word' autocorrect entry into the active edit field?
AutoEnterNewEntry := 1 ; 1 = yes, add. 0 = no, I'll manually type it.
; These can be edited... Cautiously.
#HotIf WinActive(hhFormName) ; Allows window-specific hotkeys.
$Enter:: ; When Enter is pressed, but only in this GUI. "$" prevents accidental Enter key loop.
{ If (hh['SymTog'].text = "Hide Symb")
return ; If 'Show symbols' is active, do nothing.
Else if ReplaceString.Focused {
Send("{Enter}") ; Just normal typing; Enter yields Enter key press.
Else hhButtonAppend() ; Replacement box not focused, so press Append button.
+Left:: ; Shift+Left: Got to trigger, move cursor far left.
{ TriggerString.Focus()
Send "{Home}"
{ hh.Hide()
A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld
^z:: GoUndo() ; Undo last 'word exam' trims, one at a time.
^+z:: GoReStart() ; Put the whole trigger and replacement back (restart).
^Up:: ; Ctrl+Up Arrow, or
^WheelUp:: ; Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up to increase font size (toggle, not zoom.)
{ MyDefaultOpts.SetFont('s15') ; sets at 15
^Down:: ; Ctrl+Down Arrow, or
^WheelDown:: ; Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down to put font size back.
{ MyDefaultOpts.SetFont('s11') ; sets back at 11
#HotIf ; Turn off window-specific behavior.
;===== Main Graphical User Interface (GUI) is built here =======================
hh := Gui('', hhFormName)
hh.Opt("-MinimizeBox +alwaysOnTop")
try hh.BackColor := GuiColor ; This variable gets set at the top of the HotString Helper section.
FontColor := FontColor != "" ? "c" . FontColor : ""
hh.SetFont("s11 " . FontColor) ; This variable gets set at the top of the HotString Helper section.
hFactor := 0, wFactor := 0 ; Don't change size here.
; ----- Trigger string parts ----
hh.AddText('y4 w30', 'Options')
(TrigLbl := hh.AddText('x+40 w250', 'Trigger String'))
(MyDefaultOpts := hh.AddEdit('cDefault yp+20 xm+2 w70 h24'))
(TriggerString := hh.AddEdit('cDefault x+18 w' . wFactor + 280, '')).OnEvent('Change', TriggerChanged)
; ----- Replacement string parts ----
hh.AddText('xm', 'Replacement')
hh.AddButton('vSizeTog x+75 yp-5 h8 +notab', 'Make Bigger').OnEvent("Click", TogSize)
hh.AddButton('vSymTog x+5 h8 +notab', '+ Symbols').OnEvent("Click", TogSym)
(ReplaceString := hh.AddEdit('cDefault vReplaceString +Wrap y+1 xs h' . hFactor + 100 . ' w' . wFactor + 370, '')).OnEvent('Change', GoFilter)
; ---- Below Replacement ----
SecParamLbl := hh.AddText('xm y' . hFactor + 185, 'Second Parameter')
SecParamStr := hh.AddEdit(' x+7 y' . hFactor + 183 . ' w' . wFactor + 245, '')
ComLbl := hh.AddText('xm y' . hFactor + 214, 'Comment')
(ChkFunc := hh.AddCheckbox('x+70 y' . hFactor + 214, 'Make Function')).onEvent('click', FormAsFunc)
ChkFunc.Value := 1 ; 'Make Function' box checked by default? 1 = checked. NOTE: If HH detects a multiline item, this gets unchecked.
;hh.SetFont("s11 cGreen")
ComStr := hh.AddEdit('cGreen vComStr xs y' . hFactor + 234 . ' w' . wFactor + 370)
;hh.SetFont("s11 " . FontColor)
; ---- Buttons ----
(ButApp := hh.AddButton('xm y' . hFactor + 268, 'Append')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonAppend)
(ButCheck := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 268, 'Check')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonCheck)
(ButExam := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 268, 'Exam'))
ButExam.OnEvent("Click", hhButtonExam)
(ButSpell := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 268, 'Spell')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonSpell)
(ButOpen := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 268, 'Open')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonOpen)
(ButCancel := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 268, 'Cancel')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonCancel)
hh.OnEvent("Close", hhButtonCancel)
; ============== Bottom (toggling) "Exam Pane" part of GUI =====================
; ---- delta string ----
(ButLTrim := hh.AddButton('vbutLtrim xm h50 w' . (wFactor+182/6), '>>')).onEvent('click', GoLTrim)
(TxtTypo := hh.AddText('vTypoLabel -wrap +center cBlue x+1 w' . (wFactor+182*5/3), hhFormName))
(ButRTrim := hh.AddButton('vbutRtrim x+1 h50 w' . (wFactor+182/6), '<<')).onEvent('click', GoRTrim)
; ---- radio buttons -----
(RadBeg := hh.AddRadio('vBegRadio y+-18 x' . (wFactor+182/3), '&Beginnings')).onEvent('click', GoFilter)
(RadMid := hh.AddRadio('vMidRadio x+5', '&Middles')).onEvent('click', GoMidRadio)
(RadEnd := hh.AddRadio('vEndRadio x+5', '&Endings')).onEvent('click', GoFilter)
; ---- bottom buttons -----
(ButUndo := hh.AddButton('xm y+3 h26 w' . (wFactor+182*2), "Undo (+Reset)")).OnEvent('Click', GoUndo)
ButUndo.Enabled := false
; ---- results lists -----
(TxtTLable := hh.AddText('vTrigLabel center y+4 h25 xm w' . wFactor+182, 'Misspells'))
(TxtRLable := hh.AddText('vReplLabel center h25 x+5 w' . wFactor+182, 'Fixes'))
(EdtTMatches := hh.AddEdit('cDefault vTrigMatches y+1 xm h' . hFactor+300 . ' w' . wFactor+182,))
(EdtRMatches := hh.AddEdit('cDefault vReplMatches x+5 h' . hFactor+300 . ' w' . wFactor+182,))
; ---- word list file ----
hh.SetFont('bold s8')
(TxtWordList := hh.AddText('vWordList center xm y+1 h14 w' . wFactor*2+364 , "Assigned word list: " WordListName))
hh.SetFont('bold s10')
ShowHideButtonExam(Visibility := False) ; Hides bottom part of GUI as default.
ShowHideButtonExam(Visibility := False) ; Shows/Hides bottom, Exam Pane, part of GUI.
{ examCmds := [ButLTrim, TxtTypo, ButRTrim, RadBeg, RadMid, RadEnd, ButUndo, TxtTLable, TxtRLable, EdtTMatches, EdtRMatches, TxtWordList]
for ctrl in examCmds {
ctrl.Visible := Visibility
ExamPaneOpen := 0
ControlPaneOpen := 0
OrigTrigger := "" ; Used to restore original content.
OrigReplacment := ""
tArrStep := [] ; array for trigger undos
rArrStep := [] ; array for replacement undos
origTriggerTypo := "" ; Used to determine is trigger has been changed, to potentially type new replacement at runtime.
if (A_Args.Length > 0) ; Check if a command line argument is present.
CheckClipboard() ; If present, open hh2 directly.
; This code block copies the selected text, then determines if a hotstring is present.
; If present, hotstring is parsed and HH form is populated and ExamineWords() called.
; If not, NormalStartup() function is called.
Hotkey hh_Hotkey, CheckClipboard ; Change hotkey above, if desired.
{ DefaultHotStr := "" ; Clear each time.
TrigLbl.SetFont(FontColor) ; Reset color of Label, in case it's red.
EdtRMatches.CurrMatches := "" ; reset custom property
Global ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll() ; Save and put back later.
A_Clipboard := "" ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
global A_Args
if (A_Args.Length > 0) ; Check if a command line argument is present.
{ A_Clipboard := A_Args[1] ; Sent via command line, from MCLogger.
A_Args := [] ; Clear, the array after each use.
else ; No cmd line, so just simulaate copy like normal.
{ Send("^c") ; Copy selected text.
Errorlevel := !ClipWait(0.3) ; Wait for clipboard to contain text.
Global Opts:= "", Trig := "", Repl := "", Opts := ""
;hsRegex := "(?Jim)^:(?<Opts>[^:]+)*:(?<Trig>[^:]+)::(?:f\((?<Repl>[^,)]*)[^)]*\)|(?<Repl>[^;\v]+))?(?<fCom>\h*;\h*(?:\bFIXES\h*\d+\h*WORDS?\b)?(?:\h;)?\h*(?<mCom>.*))?$" ; Jim 156
; optional quotes, but not included in capture
hsRegex := '(?Jim)^:(?<Opts>[^:]+)*:(?<Trig>[^:]+)::(?:_HS\((?<Q>[`'"]?)(?<Repl>[\w-]+)(?&Q)(?:,\h*(?&Q)(?<par2>(?&Repl))(?&Q))?\)|(?&Q)(?<Repl>(?&Repl))(?&Q))(?<Comm>.*)?$'
; Awesome regex "Jim-160" by andymbody:
; The regex will detect, and parse, a hotstring, whether normal, or embedded in an HS_ function.
thisHotStr := Trim(A_Clipboard," `t`n`r")
If RegExMatch(thisHotStr, hsRegex, &hotstr) {
thisHotStr := "" ; Reset to blank each use.
TriggerString.text := hotstr.Trig ; Send to top of GUI.
MyDefaultOpts.Value := hotstr.Opts
sleep(200) ; prevents intermitent error on next line.
Global OrigTrigger := hotstr.Trig
hotstr.Repl := Trim(hotstr.Repl, '"')
ReplaceString.text := hotstr.Repl
hotstr.Par2 := Trim(hotstr.Par2, '"')
SecParamStr.text := hotstr.Par2
ComStr.text := Trim(hotstr.Comm, "; ")
Global OrigReplacement := hotstr.Repl
; ---- For parse text label ----
Global strT := hotstr.Trig
Global TrigNeedle_Orig := hotstr.Trig ; used for TriggerChnged function below.
Global strR := hotstr.Repl
;hh.origHotStr := hotstr.Repl ; Used if Rarify checkbox undone.
; set radio buttons, based on options of copied hotstring...
If InStr(hotstr.Opts, "*") && InStr(hotstr.Opts, "?")
RadMid.Value := 1 ; Set Radio to "middle"
Else If InStr(hotstr.Opts, "*")
RadBeg.Value := 1 ; Set Radio to "beginning"
Else If InStr(hotstr.Opts, "?")
RadEnd.Value := 1 ; Set Radio to "end"
RadMid.Value := 1 ; Also set Radio to "middle"
ExamineWords(strT, strR)
Else {
Global strT := A_Clipboard
Global TrigNeedle_Orig := strT ; used for TriggerChnged function below.
Global strR := A_Clipboard
;hh.origHotStr := A_Clipboard ; Used if Rarify checkbox undone.
NormalStartup(strT, strR)
Global tMatches := 0 ; <--- Need this or can't run validiy check w/o first filtering.
; ---- clear/reset undo history ---
ButUndo.Enabled := false
Loop tArrStep.Length
Loop rArrStep.Length
; ---------------------------
;!^q::msgbox 'multiline? ' IsMultiLine '`n`nclipbrd |' A_Clipboard '|'
; This function tries to determine if the content of the clipboard is an AutoCorrect
; item, or a selection of boilerplate text. If boilerplate text, an acronym is
; generated from the first letters. (e.g. ::ttyl::talk to you later)
IsMultiLine := 0
NormalStartup(strT, strR)
{ ; If multiple spaces or `n present, probably not an Autocorrect entry, so make acronym.
If ((StrLen(A_Clipboard) - StrLen(StrReplace(A_Clipboard," ")) > 2) || InStr(A_Clipboard, "`n"))
{ DefaultOpts := DefaultBoilerPlateOpts
ReplaceString.value := A_Clipboard
Global IsMultiLine := 1
ChkFunc.Value := 0 ; Multi-line item, so don't make into function.
If (addFirstLetters > 0)
{ ;LBLhotstring := "Edit trigger string as needed"
initials := "" ; Initials will be the first letter of each word as a hotstring suggestion.
HotStrSug := StrReplace(A_Clipboard, "`n", " ") ; Unwrap, but only for hotstr suggestion.
Loop Parse, HotStrSug, A_Space, A_Tab
{ If (Strlen(A_LoopField) > tooSmallLen) ; Check length of each word, ignore if N letters.
initials .= SubStr(A_LoopField, "1", "1")
If (StrLen(initials) = addFirstLetters) ; stop looping if hotstring is N chars long.
initials := StrLower(initials)
; Append preferred prefix or suffix, as defined above, to initials.
DefaultHotStr := myPrefix . initials . mySuffix
{ ;LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
DefaultHotStr := myPrefix . mySuffix ; Use prefix and/or suffix as needed, but no initials.
Else If (A_Clipboard = "")
{ ;LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
MyDefaultOpts.Text := "" ; <-- Is this needed? Might be redundant by Filter() ?
TriggerString.Text := "", ReplaceString.Text := "", ComStr.Text := "" ; Clear boxes.
RadBeg.Value := 0, RadMid.Value := 0, RadEnd.Value := 0
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
{ ;LBLhotstring := "Add misspelled word"
If (AutoEnterNewEntry = 1)
{ Global targetWindow := WinActive("A") ; Get the handle of the currently active window
Global origTriggerTypo := A_Clipboard ; Used to determine if we can type new replacement into current edit field.
; NOTE: Do we want the copied word to be lower-cased and trimmed of white space? Methinks, yes.
DefaultHotStr := Trim(StrLower(A_Clipboard)) ; No `n found so assume it's a mispelling autocorrect entry: no pre/suffix.
ReplaceString.value := Trim(StrLower(A_Clipboard))
DefaultOpts := DefaultAutoCorrectOpts
MyDefaultOpts.text := DefaultOpts
;TrigLbl.value := LBLhotstring
TriggerString.value := DefaultHotStr
ButApp.Enabled := true
If ExamPaneOpen = 1
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
; The "Exam" button triggers this function. Most of this function is dedicated
; to comparing/parsing the trigger and replacement to populate the blue Delta String
ExamineWords(strT, strR)
{ SubTogSize(0, 0) ; Incase size is 'Bigger,' make Smaller.
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
ostrT := strT ; original value (not an array)
ostrR := strR
LenT := strLen(strT)
LenR := strLen(strR)
LoopNum := min(LenT, LenR)
strT := StrSplit(strT)
strR := StrSplit(strR)
Global beginning := ""
Global typo := ""
Global fix := ""
Global ending := ""
If ostrT = ostrR ; trig/replacement the same
{ deltaString := "[ " ostrT " | " ostrR " ]"
found := false ; for duplicate item message, below
else ; trig/replacement not the same, so find the difference
{ Loop LoopNum
{ ; find matching left substring.
bsubT := (strT[A_Index])
bsubR := (strR[A_Index])
If (bsubT = bsubR)
beginning .= bsubT
Loop LoopNum
{ ; Reverse Loop, find matching right substring.
RevIndex := (LenT - A_Index) + 1
esubT := (strT[RevIndex])
RevIndex := (LenR - A_Index) + 1
esubR := (strR[RevIndex])
If (esubT = esubR)
ending := esubT . ending
If (strLen(beginning) + strLen(ending)) > LoopNum { ; Overlap means repeated chars in trig or replacement.
If (LenT > LenR) { ; Trig is longer, so use T-R for str len.
delta := subStr(ending, 1, (LenT - LenR)) ; Left part of ending. Right part of beginning would also work.
delta := " [ " . delta . " | ] "
If (LenR > LenT) { ; Replacement is longer, so use R-T for str len.
delta := subStr(ending, 1, (LenR - LenT))
delta := " [ | " . delta . " ] "
Else {
If strLen(beginning) > strLen(ending) { ; replace shorter string last
typo := StrReplace(ostrT, beginning, "")
typo := StrReplace(typo, ending, "")
fix := StrReplace(ostrR, beginning, "")
fix := StrReplace(fix, ending, "")
Else {
typo := StrReplace(ostrT, ending, "")
typo := StrReplace(typo, beginning, "")
fix := StrReplace(ostrR, ending, "")
fix := StrReplace(fix, beginning, "")
delta := " [ " . typo . " | " . fix . " ] "
deltaString := beginning . delta . ending
; -------------
TxtTypo.text := deltaString ; set label at top of form.
ViaExamButt := "Yes"
GoFilter(ViaExamButt) ; Call filter function then come back here.
If (ButExam.text = "Exam") {
ButExam.text := "Done"
If(hFactor != 0) {
hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Bigger"
SubTogSize(0, 0) ; Make replacement edit box small again.
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
; This function toggles the size of the HH form, using the above variables.
; HeightSizeIncrease and WidthSizeIncrease determine the size when large.
; The size when small is hardcoded. Change with caution.
{ If (hh['SizeTog'].text = "Make Bigger") { ; Means current state is 'Small'
hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Smaller"
If (ButExam.text = "Done") {
ShowHideButtonExam(Visibility := False)
ExamPaneOpen := 0
ControlPaneOpen := 0
ButExam.text := "Exam"
Global hFactor := HeightSizeIncrease
SubTogSize(hFactor, WidthSizeIncrease)
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
If (hh['SizeTog'].text = "Make Smaller") { ; Means current state is 'Big'
hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Bigger"
Global hFactor := 0
SubTogSize(0, 0)
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
; Called by TogSize function.
SubTogSize(hFactor, wFactor) ; Actually re-draws the form.
{ ;MsgBox("TogSizeFunc`nhFactor is:`n`n" . hFactor)
TriggerString.Move(, , wFactor + 280,)
ReplaceString.Move(, , wFactor + 372, hFactor + 100)
SecParamLbl.Move(, hFactor + 185, ,)
SecParamStr.Move(, hFactor + 183, ,)
ComLbl.Move(, hFactor + 214, ,)
ComStr.move(, hFactor + 234, wFactor + 367,)
ChkFunc.Move(, hFactor + 214, ,)
ButApp.Move(, hFactor + 268, ,)
ButCheck.Move(, hFactor + 268, ,)
ButExam.Move(, hFactor + 268, ,)
ButSpell.Move(, hFactor + 268, ,)
ButOpen.Move(, hFactor + 268, ,)
ButCancel.Move(, hFactor + 268, ,)
; This function gets called from hhButtonExam (below) or ButExam's onEvent.
; It shows the Control Pane.
{ Global ControlPaneOpen
If ControlPaneOpen = 1 {
ButExam.text := "Exam"
ControlPaneOpen := 0
Else {
ButExam.text := "Done"
;msgbox 'hFactor is ' hFactor
If(hFactor = HeightSizeIncrease) {
TogSize() ; Make replacement edit box small again.
hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Bigger"
ControlPaneOpen := 1
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
hhButtonExam(*) ; Tripple state, but button text is only dual state (exam/done)
{ Global ExamPaneOpen
Global ControlPaneOpen
If ((ExamPaneOpen = 0) and (ControlPaneOpen = 0) and GetKeyState("Shift"))
|| ((ExamPaneOpen = 1) and (ControlPaneOpen = 0) and GetKeyState("Shift")) { ; Both closed, so open Control Pane.
subFuncExamControl() ; subFunction shows control pane.
Else If (ExamPaneOpen = 0) and (ControlPaneOpen = 0) { ; Both closed, so open Exam Pane.
ButExam.text := "Done"
If(hFactor = HeightSizeIncrease) {
TogSize() ; Make replacement edit box small again.
hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Bigger"
Global OrigTrigger := TriggerString.text
Global OrigReplacement := ReplaceString.text
ExamineWords(OrigTrigger, OrigReplacement)
ExamPaneOpen := 1
Else { ; Close either whatever pane is open..
ButExam.text := "Exam"
ExamPaneOpen := 0
ControlPaneOpen := 0
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
; This functions toggles on/off whether the Pilcrow and other symbols are shown.
; When shown, the replacment box is set "read only" and Append is disabled.
{ If (hh['SymTog'].text = "+ Symbols") {
hh['SymTog'].text := "- Symbols"
togReplaceString := ReplaceString.text
togReplaceString := StrReplace(StrReplace(togReplaceString, "`r`n", "`n"), "`n", myPilcrow . "`n") ; Pilcrow for Enter
togReplaceString := StrReplace(togReplaceString, A_Space, myDot) ; middle dot for Space
togReplaceString := StrReplace(togReplaceString, A_Tab, myTab) ; space arrow space for Tab
ReplaceString.value := togReplaceString
ButApp.Enabled := false
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
If (hh['SymTog'].text = "- Symbols") {
hh['SymTog'].text := "+ Symbols"
togReplaceString := ReplaceString.text
togReplaceString := StrReplace(togReplaceString, myPilcrow . "`r", "`r") ; Have to use `r ... weird.
togReplaceString := StrReplace(togReplaceString, myDot, A_Space)
togReplaceString := StrReplace(togReplaceString, myTab, A_Tab)
ReplaceString.value := togReplaceString
ButApp.Enabled := true
hh.Show('Autosize yCenter')
; The function is called whenever the trigger(hotstring) edit box is changed.
; It assesses whether a letter has beem manually added to the beginning/ending
; of the trigger, and adds the same letter to the replacement edit box.
; BUGGY... Doesn't always do anything. :(
{ TrigNeedle_New := TriggerString.text
If TrigNeedle_New != TrigNeedle_Orig && ExamPaneOpen = 1 { ; If trigger has changed and pane open.
If TrigNeedle_Orig = SubStr(TrigNeedle_New, 2, ) { ; one char added on the left left box
tArrStep.push(TriggerString.text) ; <---- save history for Undo feature
rArrStep.push(ReplaceString.text) ; <---- save history
ReplaceString.Value := SubStr(TrigNeedle_New, 1, 1) . ReplaceString.text ; add same char to left of other box
If TrigNeedle_Orig = SubStr(TrigNeedle_New, 1, StrLen(TrigNeedle_New)-1) { ; one char added on the right or left box
tArrStep.push(TriggerString.text) ; <---- save history for Undo feature
rArrStep.push(ReplaceString.text) ; <---- save history
ReplaceString.text := ReplaceString.text . SubStr(TrigNeedle_New, -1, ) ; add same char on other side.
Global TrigNeedle_Orig := TrigNeedle_New ; Update the "original" string so it can detect the next change.
ButUndo.Enabled := true
; This function detects that the "[] Make Function" box was ticked.
; It puts/removes the needed hotstring options, then beeps.
{ If (ChkFunc.Value = 0) {
MyDefaultOpts.text := "X0B" StrReplace(StrReplace(MyDefaultOpts.text, "X0", ""), "B", "")
SecParamStr.value := ""
SoundBeep 700, 200
else {
MyDefaultOpts.text := StrReplace(StrReplace(MyDefaultOpts.text, "X0", ""), "B", "")
SoundBeep 900, 200
; Runs a validity check. If validiy problems are found, user is given option to append anyway.
{ Global tMyDefaultOpts := MyDefaultOpts.text
Global tTriggerString := TriggerString.text
Global tReplaceString := ReplaceString.text
Global tSecParamStr := SecParamStr.text
ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tTriggerString, tReplaceString, tSecParamStr)
If Not InStr(CombinedValidMsg, "-Okay.", , , 3) ; Msg doesn't have three occurrences of "-Okay."
biggerMsgBox(CombinedValidMsg, 1)
else { ; no validation problems found
Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tTriggerString, tReplaceString, tSecParamStr)
; Calls the validity check, but doesn't append the hotstring.
{ Global tMyDefaultOpts := MyDefaultOpts.text
Global tTriggerString := TriggerString.text
Global tReplaceString := ReplaceString.text
Global tSecParamStr := SecParamStr.text
ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tTriggerString, tReplaceString, tSecParamStr)
biggerMsgBox(CombinedValidMsg, 0)
; An easy-to-see large dialog to show Validity report/warning.
; Selecting text from the trigger report box copies it when releasing the mouse button.
; Selected text is sent to find box in VSCode. If digits, sent to go-to-line.
bb := 0
; add support for para2 here...
biggerMsgBox(thisMess, secondButt)
{ A_Clipboard := thisMess
global bb
if (IsObject(bb)) ; Ensures we don't have multiple instances.
Global bb := Gui(,'Validity Report')
bb.SetFont('s11 ' FontColor)
bb.BackColor := GuiColor, GuiColor
global mbTitle := ""
(mbTitle := bb.Add('Text',, 'For proposed new item:')).Focus() ; Focusing this prevents the three "edit" boxes from being focussed by default.
bb.SetFont(myBigFont )
proposedHS := ':' tMyDefaultOpts ':' tTriggerString '::' tReplaceString
bb.Add('Text', (strLen(proposedHS)>90? 'w600 ':'') 'xs yp+22', proposedHS)
bb.SetFont('s11 ')
secondButt=0? bb.Add('Text', ,"===Validation Check Results==="):''
bb.SetFont(myBigFont )
bbItem := StrSplit(thisMess, "*|*")
If InStr(bbItem[2],"`n",,,10) ; 2 lines per conflict, if more than 5 conflicts, truncate, and add message.
bbItem2 := subStr(bbItem[2], 1, inStr(bbItem[2], "`n",,,10)) "`n## Too many conflicts to show in form ##"
Else ; There are 10 or fewer conflicts found, so show full substring.
bbItem2 := bbItem[2]
; Use "edit" rather than "text" because it allows us to select the text.
edtSharedSettings := ' -VScroll ReadOnly -E0x200 Background'
bb.Add('Edit', (inStr(bbItem[1],'-Okay.')? myGreen : myRed) edtSharedSettings GuiColor, bbItem[1])
trigEdtBox := bb.Add('Edit', (strLen(bbItem2)>104? ' w600 ' : ' ') (inStr(bbItem2,'-Okay.')? myGreen : myRed) edtSharedSettings GuiColor, bbItem2)
bb.Add('Edit', (strLen(bbItem[3])>104? ' w600 ' : ' ') (inStr(bbItem[3],'-Okay.')? myGreen : myRed) edtSharedSettings GuiColor, bbItem[3])
bb.Add('Edit', (strLen(bbItem[4])>104? ' w600 ' : ' ') (inStr(bbItem[4],'-Okay.')? myGreen : myRed) edtSharedSettings GuiColor, bbItem[4])
trigEdtBox.OnEvent('Focus', findInScript)
bb.SetFont('s11 ' FontColor)
secondButt=1? bb.Add('Text',,"==============================`nAppend HotString Anyway?"):''
bbAppend := bb.Add('Button', , 'Append Anyway')
bbAppend.OnEvent 'Click', (*) => Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tTriggerString, tReplaceString, tSecParamStr)
bbAppend.OnEvent 'Click', (*) => bb.Destroy()
if secondButt != 1
bbAppend.Visible := False
bbClose := bb.Add('Button', 'x+5 Default', 'Close')
bbClose.OnEvent 'Click', (*) => bb.Destroy()
If not inStr(bbItem2,'-Okay.') ; It no trigger concerns, don't need checkbox.
global bbAuto := bb.Add('Checkbox', 'x+5 Checked' AutoLookupFromValidityCheck, 'Auto Lookup`nin editor')
bb.Show('yCenter x' (A_ScreenWidth/2))
WinSetAlwaysontop(1, "A")
bb.OnEvent 'Escape', (*) => bb.Destroy()
; Find the text that is selected in the biggerMsgBox GUI.
{ If (bbAuto.Value = 0)
Return ; If auto-lookup on mouse up box not checked, do nothing.
SoundBeep ; Otherwise beep, wait for mouse up, etc.
if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P"))
KeyWait "LButton", "U"
A_Clipboard := ""
SendInput "^c"
If !ClipWait( 1, 0)
;msgbox A_Clipboard
if WinExist(NameOfThisFile)
WinActivate NameOfThisFile
{ Run MyAhkEditorPath " " NameOfThisFile
While !WinExist(NameOfThisFile)
Sleep 50
WinActivate NameOfThisFile
If RegExMatch(A_Clipboard, "^\d{2,}") ; two or more digits?
SendInput "^g" A_Clipboard ; <--- Keyboard shortcut for "Go to line number."
{ SendInput "^f" ; <--- Keyboard shortcut for "Find"
sleep 200
SendInput "^v" ; Paste in search string (which is text selected in big message box.)
mbTitle.Focus() ; Focus title again so text doesn't stay selected.
; This function runs several validity checks.
ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tTriggerString, tReplaceString, tSecParamStr)
{ GoFilter() ; This ensures that "rMatches" has been populated. <--- had it commented out for a while, then put back.
Global CombinedValidMsg := "", validHotDupes := "", validHotMisspells := "", ACitemsStartAt
ThisFile := Fileread(NameOfThisFile) ; Save these contents to variable 'ThisFile'.
If (tMyDefaultOpts = "") ; If options box is empty, skip regxex check.
validOpts := "Okay."
else { ;===== Make sure hotstring options are valid ========
NeedleRegEx := "i)(\*|B|\?|SI|C|K|[0-9]|SE|X|SP|O|R|T)" ; These are in the AHK docs I swear!!!
WithNeedlesRemoved := RegExReplace(tMyDefaultOpts, NeedleRegEx, "") ; Remove all valid options from var.
If (InStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "B0", 0))
validOpts := "The `"B0`" (no backspacing) option should be put in the second parameter box."
Else If (WithNeedlesRemoved = "") ; If they were all removed...
validOpts := "Okay."
else { ; Some characters from the Options box were not recognized.
OptTips := inStr(WithNeedlesRemoved, ":")? "Don't include the colons.`n":""
OptTips .= " ; a block text assignement to var
...Tips from AHK v1 docs...
* - ending char not needed
? - trigger inside other words
B0 - no backspacing
SI - send input mode
C - case-sensitive
K(n) - set key delay
SE - send event mode
X - execute command
SP - send play mode
O - omit end char
R - send raw
T - super raw
validOpts .= "Invalid Hotsring Options found.`n---> " WithNeedlesRemoved "`n" OptTips
;==== Make sure hotstring box content is valid ========
validHot := "" ; Reset to empty each time.
If (tTriggerString = "") || (tTriggerString = myPrefix) || (tTriggerString = mySuffix)
validHot := "HotString box should not be empty."
Else If InStr(tTriggerString, ":")
validHot := "Don't include colons."
else ; No colons, and not empty. Good. Now check for duplicates.
{ Loop Parse, ThisFile, "`n", "`r" { ; Check line-by-line.
If (A_Index < ACitemsStartAt) or (SubStr(trim(A_LoopField, " `t"), 1,1) != ":")
continue ; Will skip non-hotstring lines, so the regex isn't used as much.
If RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "i):(?P<Opts>[^:]+)*:(?P<Trig>[^:]+)", &loo) { ; loo is "current loopfield"
If (tTriggerString = loo.Trig) and (tMyDefaultOpts = loo.Opts) { ; full duplicate triggers
validHotDupes := "`nDuplicate trigger string found at line " A_Index ".`n---> " A_LoopField
} ; No duplicates. Look for conflicts...
If (InStr(loo.Trig, tTriggerString) and inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "*") and inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "?"))
|| (InStr(tTriggerString, loo.Trig) and inStr(loo.Opts, "*") and inStr(loo.Opts, "?")) { ; Word-Middle Matches
validHotDupes .= "`nWord-Middle conflict found at line " A_Index ", where one of the strings will be nullified by the other.`n---> " A_LoopField
If ((loo.Trig = tTriggerString) and inStr(loo.Opts, "*") and not inStr(loo.Opts, "?") and inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "?") and not inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "*"))
|| ((loo.Trig = tTriggerString) and inStr(loo.Opts, "?") and not inStr(loo.Opts, "*") and inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "*") and not inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "?")) { ; Rule out: Same word, but beginning and end opts
validHotDupes .= "`nDuplicate trigger found at line " A_Index ", but maybe okay, because one is word-beginning and other is word-ending.`n---> " A_LoopField
If (inStr(loo.Opts, "*") and loo.Trig = subStr(tTriggerString, 1, strLen(loo.Trig)))
|| (inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "*") and tTriggerString = subStr(loo.Trig, 1, strLen(tTriggerString))) { ; Word-Beginning Matches
validHotDupes .= "`nWord Beginning conflict found at line " A_Index ", where one of the strings is a subset of the other. Whichever appears last will never be expanded.`n---> " A_LoopField
If (inStr(loo.Opts, "?") and loo.Trig = subStr(tTriggerString, -strLen(loo.Trig)))
|| (inStr(tMyDefaultOpts, "?") and tTriggerString = subStr(loo.Trig, -strLen(tTriggerString))) { ; Word-Ending Matches
validHotDupes .= "`nWord Ending conflict found at line " A_Index ", where one of the strings is a superset of the other. The longer of the strings should appear before the other, in your code.`n---> " A_LoopField
Else ; not a regex match, so go to next loop.
If validHotDupes != ""
validHotDupes := SubStr(validHotDupes, 2)
If (tMatches > 0){ ; This error message is collected separately from the loop, so both can potentially be reported.
validHotMisspells := "This trigger string will misspell [" tMatches "] words."
if validHotDupes and validHotMisspells
validHot := validHotDupes "`n-" validHotMisspells ; neither is blank, so new line
else If !validHotDupes and !validHotMisspells ; both are blank, so no validity concerns.
validHot := "Okay."
validHot := validHotDupes validHotMisspells ; one (and only one) is blank so concantinate
;==== Make sure replacement string box content is valid ===========
If (tReplaceString = "")
validRep := "Replacement string box should not be empty."
else if (SubStr(tReplaceString, 1, 1) == ":") ; If Replacement box empty, or first char is ":"
validRep := "Don't include the colons."
else if (tReplaceString = tTriggerString)
validRep := "Replacement string SAME AS Trigger string."
validRep := "Okay."
;===== Make sure second parameter box content is valid ==========
; <-------------------------- Second Param validity checks go here.
If (RegExMatch(tSecParamStr, "[`'`"]"))
validPar := "Do not include quotation marks in Second Parameter box."
validPar := "Okay."
; Concatenate the three above validity checks.
CombinedValidMsg := "OPTIONS BOX `n-" . validOpts
. "*|*HOTSTRING BOX `n-" . validHot
. "*|*REPLACEMENT BOX `n-" . validRep
. "*|*SECOND PARAM BOX `n-" . validPar
Return CombinedValidMsg ; return result for use is Append or Validation functions.
} ; end of validation func
; The "Append It" function actually combines the hotsring components and
; appends them to the script, then reloads it.
Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tTriggerString, tReplaceString, tSecParamStr)
{ WholeStr := ""
tMyDefaultOpts := MyDefaultOpts.text
tTriggerString := TriggerString.text
tReplaceString := ReplaceString.text
tSecParamStr := SecParamStr.text
; tComStr := hh['ComStr'].text ; tComStr is "text of comment string." <--- not used?
tComStr := '' ; tComStr is "text of comment string."
aComStr := '' ; aComStr is "auto comment string." Default to blank each time.
If (rMatches > 0) and (AutoCommentFixesAndMisspells = 1) ; AutoCom var set near top of code.
{ Misspells := ""
Misspells := EdtTMatches.Value
If (tMatches > 3) ; and (Misspells != "") ; More than 3 misspellings?
Misspells := ", but misspells " . tMatches . " words !!! "
Else If (Misspells != "") { ; any misspellings? List them, if <= 3.
; Misspells := StrReplace(Misspells, "`n", " (), ")
Misspells := SubStr(StrReplace(Misspells, "`n", " (), "), 1, -2) . ". "
Misspells := ", but misspells " . Misspells
;MsgBox("tMatches " . tMatches . "`nMisspells is:`n`n" . Misspells)
aComStr := "Fixes " . rMatches . " words " . Misspells
aComStr := StrReplace(aComStr, "Fixes 1 words ", "Fixes 1 word ")
If (tSecParamStr != "") and (chkFunc.Value = 1)
tSecParamStr := '", "' tSecParamStr
tSecParamStr := ''
fopen := '' , fclose := ''
If (chkFunc.Value = 1) and (IsMultiLine = 0) ; add function part if needed
tMyDefaultOpts := StrReplace(tMyDefaultOpts, "X", "")
tMyDefaultOpts := StrReplace(tMyDefaultOpts, "B0", "")
fopen := '_HS("'
fclose := '")'
If (ComStr.text != "") || (aComStr != "")
tComStr := " `; " . aComStr . ComStr.text ; Put the ';' in front of the comment.
If InStr(tReplaceString, "`n") { ; Combine the parts into a muli-line hotstring.
openParenth := subStr(tReplaceString, -1) = "`t"? "(RTrim0`n" : "(`n" ; If last char is Tab, use LTrim0.
WholeStr := ":" . tMyDefaultOpts . ":" . tTriggerString . "::" . tComStr . "`n" . fopen . openParenth . tReplaceString . tSecParamStr . "`n)" . fclose
Else ; Combine the parts into a single-line hotstring.
WholeStr := ":" . tMyDefaultOpts . ":" . tTriggerString . "::" . fopen . tReplaceString . tSecParamStr . fclose . tComStr
If GetKeyState("Shift") { ; User held Shift when clicking Append Button.
A_Clipboard := WholeStr
SoundBeep 800, 200
SoundBeep 700, 300
; MsgBox "in appendit(), clipbrd is`n" A_Clipboard
{ FileAppend("`n" WholeStr, NameOfThisFile) ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.
If (AutoEnterNewEntry = 1) ; If this user setting (at the top) is set, then call function
If not getKeyState("Ctrl")
Reload() ; relaod the script so the new hotstring will be ready for use; but not if ctrl pressed.
} ; Newly added hotstrings will be way at the bottom of the ahk file.
; This function only gets called if the new AC item is a single-word fix.
; It assesses whether the text in the target document is still selected, and if trigger is unchanged,
; and if so, corrects the item in the target document.
{ Send("^c") ; Copy selected text.
Errorlevel := !ClipWait(0.3) ; Wait for clipboard to contain text.
Global origTriggerTypo := trim(origTriggerTypo) ; Remove any whitespace.
hasSpace := (subStr(A_Clipboard, -1) = " ")? " " : ""
A_Clipboard := trim(A_Clipboard) ; Remove any whitespace.
If (origTriggerTypo = A_Clipboard) and (origTriggerTypo = TriggerString.text) ; Make sure nothing has changed.
{ If (bb != 0) ; If the big validity message box is showing..
bb.Hide() ; Hide it.
hh.Hide() ; hide main HotStrHelper form.
Send(ReplaceString.text hasSpace)
; Calls the Google "Did you mean..." function below.
hhButtonSpell(*) ; Called it "Spell" because "Spell Check" is too long.
{ tReplaceString := ReplaceString.text
If (tReplaceString = "")
MsgBox("Replacement Text not found.", , 4096)
else {
googleSugg := GoogleAutoCorrect(tReplaceString) ; Calls below function
If (googleSugg = "")
MsgBox("No suggestions found.", , 4096)
Else {
msgResult := MsgBox(googleSugg "`n`n######################`nChange Replacement Text?", "Google Suggestion", "OC 4096")
if (msgResult = "OK") {
ReplaceString.value := googleSugg
{ ; Original by TheDewd, converted to v2 by Mikeyww.
objReq := ComObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1')
objReq.Open('GET', '' word)
, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)')
objReq.Send(), HTML := objReq.ResponseText
If RegExMatch(HTML, 'value="(.*?)"', &A)
If RegExMatch(HTML, ';spell=1.*?>(.*?)<\/a>', &B)
Return B[1] || A[1]
; Opens this file and go to the bottom so you can see your Hotstrings.
{ If WinActive(hhFormName)
{ hh.Hide()
A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
Run MyAhkEditorPath " " NameOfThisFile
msgbox 'cannot run ' NameOfThisFile
WinWaitActive(NameOfThisFile) ; Wait for the script to be open in text editor.
Send("{Ctrl Down}{End}{Ctrl Up}{Home}") ; Navigate to the bottom.
; Close/hide form, clear everything, and restore clipboard contents.
{ hh.Hide()
MyDefaultOpts.value := ""
TriggerString.value := ""
ReplaceString.value := ""
tArrStep := [] ; array for trigger undos
rArrStep := [] ; array for replacement undos
A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
GoLTrim(*) ; Trim one char from left of trigger and replacement.
{ ;---- trig -----
tText := TriggerString.value
tArrStep.push(tText) ; <---- save history for Undo feature
tText := subStr(tText, 2)
TriggerString.value := tText
; ----- repl -----
rText := ReplaceString.value
rArrStep.push(rText) ; <---- save history
rText := subStr(rText, 2)
ReplaceString.value := rText
; -----------
ButUndo.Enabled := true
GoRTrim(*) ; Trim one char from right of trigger and replacement.
{ ; ----- trig -----
tText := TriggerString.value
tArrStep.push(tText) ; <---- save history
tText := subStr(tText, 1, strLen(tText) - 1)
TriggerString.value := tText
; ----- repl -----
rText := ReplaceString.value
rArrStep.push(rText) ; <---- save history
rText := subStr(rText, 1, strLen(rText) - 1)
ReplaceString.value := rText
; -----------
ButUndo.Enabled := true
; Left and Right Trims are saved in Arrays. This function removes the last one.
{ If GetKeyState("Shift")
else If (tArrStep.Length > 0) and (rArrStep.Length > 0) {
TriggerString.value := tArrStep.Pop()
ReplaceString.value := rArrStep.Pop()
else {
ButUndo.Enabled := false
; ReEnters the trigger and replacement that were gotten from RegEx upon first capture.
; Clears arrays. Has effect of "undoing" all of the changes.
{ If !OrigTrigger and !OrigReplacment
MsgBox("Can't restart -- Nothing in memory...")
Else {
TriggerString.Value := OrigTrigger ; Restore original values.
ReplaceString.Value := OrigReplacement
ButUndo.Enabled := false
tArrStep := [] ; Reset arrays to nothing.
rArrStep := []
; Single-click of middle radio button just calls GoFilter function but
; double-click sets button to false.
clickLast := 0
{ global clickCurrent := A_TickCount
if (clickCurrent - clickLast < 500) { ; Simulates watching for double-click.
RadMid.Value := 0 ; Set middle radio to blank, and removed hotstring options.
MyDefaultOpts.text := strReplace(strReplace(MyDefaultOpts.text, "?", ""), "*", "")
global clickLast := A_TickCount
; Filters the two lists of words at bottom of Exam Pane.
; Mostly this is called via L/R trims, or by changing radio buttons.
; If it is called via Exam button, then reads Options box and updates radios.
GoFilter(ViaExamButt := "No", *) ; Filter the big list of words, as needed.
{ ; ====== Hotstring/Trigger ===========
tFind := Trim(TriggerString.Value)
If !tFind
tFind := " " ; prevents error if tFind is blank.
tFilt := ''
Global tMatches := 0 ; Global so I can read it in the Validation() function.
MyOpts := MyDefaultOpts.text
If (ViaExamButt = "Yes") { ; Read opts box, change radios as needed.
If inStr(MyOpts, "*") and inStr(MyOpts, "?")
RadMid.value := 1
Else if inStr(MyOpts, "*")
RadBeg.value := 1
Else if inStr(MyOpts, "?")
RadEnd.value := 1
Else {
RadMid.value := 0
RadBeg.value := 0
RadEnd.value := 0
Loop Read, WordListPath ; Compare with the big list of words and find matches.
If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, tFind) {
IF (RadMid.value = 1) {
tFilt .= A_LoopReadLine '`n'
Else If (RadEnd.value = 1) {
If InStr(SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, -StrLen(tFind)), tFind) {
tFilt .= A_LoopReadLine '`n'
else If (RadBeg.value = 1) {
If InStr(SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, StrLen(tFind)), tFind) {
tFilt .= A_LoopReadLine '`n'
Else {
If (A_LoopReadLine = tFind) {
tFilt := tFind
IF (RadMid.value = 1) {
If not inStr(MyOpts, "*")
MyOpts := MyOpts . "*"
If not inStr(MyOpts, "?")
MyOpts := MyOpts . "?"
Else If (RadEnd.value = 1) {
If not inStr(MyOpts, "?")
MyOpts := MyOpts . "?"
MyOpts := StrReplace(MyOpts, "*")
else If (RadBeg.value = 1) {
If not inStr(MyOpts, "*")
MyOpts := MyOpts . "*"
MyOpts := StrReplace(MyOpts, "?")
MyDefaultOpts.text := MyOpts
EdtTMatches.Value := tFilt
TxtTLable.Text := "Misspells [" . tMatches . "]"
If (tMatches > 0) {
TrigLbl.Text := "Misspells [" . tMatches . "] words" ; Change Trig Str Label to show warning.
If (tMatches = 0) {
TrigLbl.Text := "No Misspellings found." ; Change Trig Str Label to NO LONGER show warning.
TrigLbl.SetFont(FontColor) ; reset color of Label, incase it's red.
; ====== Replacement/Expansion text ==========
rFind := Trim(ReplaceString.Value, "`n`t ")
If !rFind
rFind := " " ; prevents error if rFind is blank.
rFilt := ''
Global rMatches := 0
Loop Read WordListPath ; Compare with the big list of words and find matches.
If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, rFind) {
IF (RadMid.value = 1) {
rFilt .= A_LoopReadLine '`n'
Else If (RadEnd.value = 1) {
If InStr(SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, -StrLen(rFind)), rFind) {
rFilt .= A_LoopReadLine '`n'
else If (RadBeg.value = 1) { ; 'Beg' radio.
If InStr(SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, StrLen(rFind)), rFind) {
rFilt .= A_LoopReadLine '`n'
Else {
If (A_LoopReadLine = rFind) {
rFilt := rFind
EdtRMatches.Value := rFilt
TxtRLable.Text := "Fixes [" . rMatches . "]"
; #####################################################################################
; ..................QQQQQQ........QQQQQ.......QQQQQQQQQQ..........QQQQ..........QQQQ...
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; ..............................................................QQQQQ............QQQQQ.
; QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.............................................QQQQ............QQQQ..
; QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.............................................QQQQQ..........QQQQQ..
; QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..............................................QQQQ..........QQQQ...
; #####################################################################################
* AHK Forum thread:
* Sends a hotstring and buffers user keyboard input while sending, which means keystrokes won't
* become interspersed or get lost. This requires that the hotstring has the X (execute) and B0 (no
* backspacing) options enabled: these can be globally enabled with `#Hotstring XB0`
* Note that mouse clicks *will* interrupt sending keystrokes.
* @param replacement The hotstring to be sent. If no hotstring is provided then instead _HS options
* will be modified according to the provided opts.
* @param opts Optional: hotstring options that will either affect all the subsequent _HS calls (if
* no replacement string was provided), or can be used to disable backspacing (`:B0:hs::hotstring` should
* NOT be used, correct is `_HS("hotstring", "B0")`).
* Additionally, differing from the default AHK hotstring syntax, the default option of backspacing
* deletes only the non-matching end of the trigger string (compared to the replacement string).
* Use the `BF` option to delete the whole trigger string.
* Also, using `Bn` backspaces only n characters and `B-n` leaves n characters from the beginning
* of the trigger string.
* * Hotstring settings that modify the hotstring recognizer (eg Z, EndChars) must be changed with `#Hotstring`
* * Hotstring settings that modify SendMode or speed must be changed with `_HS(, "opts")` or with hotstring
* local options such as `:K40:hs::hotstring`. In this case `#Hotstring` has no effect.
* * O (omit EndChar) argument default option needs to be changed with `_HS(, "O")` AND with `#Hotstring O`.
* Note that if changing global settings then the SendMode will be reset to InputThenEvent if no SendMode is provided.
* SendMode can only be changed with this (`#Hotstring SE` has no effect).
* @param sendFunc Optional: this can be used to define a default custom send function (if replacement
* is left empty), or temporarily use a custom function. This could, for example, be used to send
* via the Clipboard. This only affects sending the replacement text: backspacing and sending the
* ending character is still done with the normal Send function.
* @returns {void}
_HS(replacement?, opts?, sendFunc?) {
static HSInputBuffer := InputBuffer(), DefaultOmit := false, DefaultSendMode := A_SendMode, DefaultKeyDelay := 0
, DefaultTextMode := "", DefaultBS := 0xFFFFFFF0, DefaultCustomSendFunc := "", DefaultCaseConform := true
, __Init := HotstringRecognizer.Start()
; Save global variables ASAP to avoid these being modified if _HS is interrupted
local Omit, TextMode, PrevKeyDelay := A_KeyDelay, PrevKeyDurationPlay := A_KeyDurationPlay, PrevSendMode := A_SendMode
, ThisHotkey := A_ThisHotkey, EndChar := A_EndChar, Trigger := RegExReplace(ThisHotkey, "^:[^:]*:",,,1)
, ThisHotstring := SubStr(HotstringRecognizer.Content, -StrLen(Trigger)-StrLen(EndChar))
; Only options without replacement text changes the global/default options
if !IsSet(replacement) {
if IsSet(sendFunc)
DefaultCustomSendFunc := sendFunc
if IsSet(opts) {
i := 1, opts := StrReplace(opts, " "), len := StrLen(opts)
While i <= len {
o := SubStr(opts, i, 1), o_next := SubStr(opts, i+1, 1)
if o = "S" {
; SendMode is reset if no SendMode is specifically provided
DefaultSendMode := o_next = "E" ? "Event" : o_next = "I" ? "InputThenPlay" : o_next = "P" ? "Play" : (i--, "Input")
i += 2
} else if o = "O"
DefaultOmit := o_next != "0"
else if o = "*"
DefaultOmit := o_next != "0"
else if o = "K" && RegExMatch(opts, "i)^[-0-9]+", &KeyDelay, i+1) {
i += StrLen(KeyDelay[0]) + 1, DefaultKeyDelay := Integer(KeyDelay[0])
} else if o = "T"
DefaultTextMode := o_next = "0" ? "" : "{Text}"
else if o = "R"
DefaultTextMode := o_next = "0" ? "" : "{Raw}"
else if o = "B" {
++i, DefaultBS := RegExMatch(opts, "i)^[fF]|^[-0-9]+", &BSCount, i) ? (i += StrLen(BSCount[0]), BSCount[0] = "f" ? 0xFFFFFFFF : Integer(BSCount[0])) : 0xFFFFFFF0
} else if o = "C"
DefaultCaseConform := o_next = "0" ? 1 : 0
i += IsNumber(o_next) ? 2 : 1
if !IsSet(replacement)
; Musn't use Critical here, otherwise InputBuffer callbacks won't work
; Start capturing input for the rare case where keys are sent during options parsing
TextMode := DefaultTextMode, BS := DefaultBS
Omit := DefaultOmit
CustomSendFunc := sendFunc ?? DefaultCustomSendFunc
CaseConform := DefaultCaseConform
SendMode DefaultSendMode
if InStr(DefaultSendMode, "Play")
SetKeyDelay , DefaultKeyDelay, "Play"
SetKeyDelay DefaultKeyDelay
; The only opts currently accepted is "B" or "B0" to enable/disable backspacing, since this can't
; be changed with local hotstring options
if IsSet(opts) && InStr(opts, "B")
BS := RegExMatch(opts, "i)[fF]|[-0-9]+", &BSCount) ? (BSCount[0] = "f" ? 0xFFFFFFFF : Integer(BSCount[0])) : 0xFFFFFFF0
; Load local hotstring options, but don't check for backspacing
if RegExMatch(ThisHotkey, "^:([^:]+):", &opts) {
opts := StrReplace(opts[1], " "), i := 1, len := StrLen(opts)
While i <= len {
o := SubStr(opts, i, 1), o_next := SubStr(opts, i+1, 1)
if o = "S" {
SendMode(o_next = "E" ? "Event" : o_next = "I" ? "InputThenPlay" : o_next = "P" ? "Play" : "Input")
i += 2
} else if o = "O"
Omit := o_next != "0"
else if o = "*"
Omit := o_next != "0"
else if o = "K" && RegExMatch(opts, "[-0-9]+", &KeyDelay, i+1) {
i += StrLen(KeyDelay[0]) + 1, KeyDelay := Integer(KeyDelay[0])
if InStr(A_SendMode, "Play")
SetKeyDelay , KeyDelay, "Play"
SetKeyDelay KeyDelay
} else if o = "T"
TextMode := o_next = "0" ? "" : "{Text}"
else if o = "R"
TextMode := o_next = "0" ? "" : "{Raw}"
else if o = "C"
CaseConform := o_next = "0" ? 1 : 0
i += IsNumber(o_next) ? 2 : 1
if CaseConform && ThisHotstring && IsUpper(SubStr(ThisHotstringLetters := RegexReplace(ThisHotstring, "\P{L}"), 1, 1), 'Locale') {
if IsUpper(SubStr(ThisHotstringLetters, 2), 'Locale')
replacement := StrUpper(replacement), Trigger := StrUpper(Trigger)
replacement := (BS < 0xFFFFFFF0 ? replacement : StrUpper(SubStr(replacement, 1, 1))) SubStr(replacement, 2), Trigger := StrUpper(SubStr(Trigger, 1, 1)) SubStr(Trigger, 2)
; If backspacing is enabled, get the activation string length using Unicode character length
; since graphemes need one backspace to be deleted but regular StrLen would report more than one
if BS {
MaxBS := StrLen(RegExReplace(Trigger, "s)((?>\P{M}(\p{M}|\x{200D}))+\P{M})|\X", "_")) + !Omit
if BS = 0xFFFFFFF0 {
BoundGraphemeCallout := GraphemeCallout.Bind(info := {CompareString: replacement, GraphemeLength:0, Pos:1})
RegExMatch(Trigger, "s)((?:(?>\P{M}(\p{M}|\x{200D}))+\P{M})|\X)(?CBoundGraphemeCallout)")
BS := MaxBS - info.GraphemeLength, replacement := SubStr(replacement, info.Pos)
} else
BS := BS = 0xFFFFFFFF ? MaxBS : BS > 0 ? BS : MaxBS + BS
; Send backspacing + TextMode + replacement string + optionally EndChar. SendLevel isn't changed
; because AFAIK normal hotstrings don't add the replacements to the end of the hotstring recognizer
if TextMode || !CustomSendFunc
Send((BS ? "{BS " BS "}" : "") TextMode replacement (Omit ? "" : (TextMode ? EndChar : "{Raw}" EndChar)))
else {
Send((BS ? "{BS " BS "}" : ""))
if !Omit ; This could also be send with CustomSendFunc, but some programs (eg Chrome) sometimes trim spaces/tabs
Send("{Raw}" EndChar)
; Reset the recognizer, so the next step will be captured by it
; Release the buffer, but restore Send settings *after* it (since it also uses Send)
if InStr(A_SendMode, "Play")
SetKeyDelay , PrevKeyDurationPlay, "Play"
SetKeyDelay PrevKeyDelay
SendMode PrevSendMode
GraphemeCallout(info, m, *) => SubStr(info.CompareString, info.Pos, len := StrLen(m[0])) == m[0] ? (info.Pos += len, info.GraphemeLength++, 1) : -1
* Mimics the internal hotstring recognizer as close as possible. It is *not* automatically
* cleared if a hotstring is activated, as AutoHotkey doesn't provide a way to do that.
* Properties:
* HotstringRecognizer.Content => the current content of the recognizer
* HotstringRecognizer.Length => length of the content string
* HotstringRecognizer.IsActive => whether HotstringRecognizer is active or not
* HotstringRecognizer.MinSendLevel => minimum SendLevel that gets captured
* HotstringRecognizer.ResetKeys => gets or sets the keys that reset the recognizer (by default the arrow keys, Home, End, Next, Prior)
* HotstringRecognizer.OnChange => can be set to a callback function that is called when the recognizer content changes.
* The callback receives two arguments: Callback(OldContent, NewContent)
* Methods:
* HotstringRecognizer.Start() => starts capturing hotstring content
* HotstringRecognizer.Stop() => stops capturing
* HotstringRecognizer.Reset() => clears the content and resets the internal foreground window
class HotstringRecognizer {
static Content := "", Length := 0, IsActive := 0, OnChange := 0, __ResetKeys := "{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Next}{Prior}{Home}{End}"
, __hWnd := DllCall("GetForegroundWindow", "ptr"), __Hook := 0
static GetHotIfIsActive(*) => this.IsActive
static __New() {
this.__Hook := InputHook("V L0 I" A_SendLevel)
this.__Hook.KeyOpt(this.__ResetKeys "{Backspace}", "N")
this.__Hook.OnKeyDown := this.Reset.Bind(this)
this.__Hook.OnChar := this.__AddChar.Bind(this)
Hotstring.DefineProp("Call", {Call:this.__Hotstring.Bind(this)})
; These two throw critical recursion errors if defined with the normal syntax and AHK is ran in debugging mode
HotstringRecognizer.DefineProp("MinSendLevel", {
set:((hook, this, value, *) => hook.MinSendLevel := value).Bind(this.__Hook),
get:((hook, *) => hook.MinSendLevel).Bind(this.__Hook)})
{set:((this, dummy, value, *) => (this.__ResetKeys := value, this.__Hook.KeyOpt(this.__ResetKeys, "N"), Value)).Bind(this),
get:((this, *) => this.__ResetKeys).Bind(this)})
static Start() {
if !this.HasProp("__HotIfIsActive") {
this.__HotIfIsActive := this.GetHotIfIsActive.Bind(this)
Hotstring("MouseReset", Hotstring("MouseReset")) ; activate or deactivate the relevant mouse hooks
this.IsActive := 1
static Stop() => (this.__Hook.Stop(), this.IsActive := 0)
static Reset(ih:=0, vk:=0, *) => (vk = 8 ? this.__SetContent(SubStr(this.Content, 1, -1)) : this.__SetContent(""), this.Length := 0, this.__hWnd := DllCall("GetForegroundWindow", "ptr"))
static __AddChar(ih, char) {
hWnd := DllCall("GetForegroundWindow", "ptr")
if this.__hWnd != hWnd
this.__hWnd := hwnd, this.__SetContent("")
this.__SetContent(this.Content char), this.Length += 1
if this.Length > 100
this.Length := 50, this.Content := SubStr(this.Content, 52)
static __MouseReset(*) {
if Hotstring("MouseReset")
static __Hotstring(BuiltInFunc, arg1, arg2?, arg3*) {
switch arg1, 0 {
case "MouseReset":
if IsSet(arg2) {
if arg2 {
Hotkey("~*LButton", this.__MouseReset.Bind(this))
Hotkey("~*RButton", this.__MouseReset.Bind(this))
} else {
case "Reset":
return (Func.Prototype.Call)(BuiltInFunc, arg1, arg2?, arg3*)
static __SetContent(Value) {
if this.OnChange && HasMethod(this.OnChange) && this.Content !== Value
SetTimer(this.OnChange.Bind(this.Content, Value), -1)
this.Content := Value
* InputBuffer can be used to buffer user input for keyboard, mouse, or both at once.
* The default InputBuffer (via the main class name) is keyboard only, but new instances
* can be created via InputBuffer().
* InputBuffer(keybd := true, mouse := false, timeout := 0)
* Creates a new InputBuffer instance. If keybd/mouse arguments are numeric then the default
* InputHook settings are used, and if they are a string then they are used as the Option
* arguments for InputHook and HotKey functions. Timeout can optionally be provided to call
* InputBuffer.Stop() automatically after the specified amount of milliseconds (as a failsafe).
* InputBuffer.Start() => initiates capturing input
* InputBuffer.Release() => releases buffered input and continues capturing input
* InputBuffer.Stop(release := true) => releases buffered input and then stops capturing input
* InputBuffer.ActiveCount => current number of Start() calls
* Capturing will stop only when this falls to 0 (Stop() decrements it by 1)
* InputBuffer.SendLevel => SendLevel of the InputHook
* InputBuffers default capturing SendLevel is A_SendLevel+2,
* and key release SendLevel is A_SendLevel+1.
* InputBuffer.IsReleasing => whether Release() is currently in action
* InputBuffer.Buffer => current buffered input in an array
* Notes:
* * Mouse input can't be buffered while AHK is doing something uninterruptible (eg busy with Send)
class InputBuffer {
Buffer := [], SendLevel := A_SendLevel + 2, ActiveCount := 0, IsReleasing := 0, ModifierKeyStates := Map()
, MouseButtons := ["LButton", "RButton", "MButton", "XButton1", "XButton2", "WheelUp", "WheelDown"]
, ModifierKeys := ["LShift", "RShift", "LCtrl", "RCtrl", "LAlt", "RAlt", "LWin", "RWin"]
static __New() => this.DefineProp("Default", {value:InputBuffer()})
static __Get(Name, Params) => this.Default.%Name%
static __Set(Name, Params, Value) => this.Default.%Name% := Value
static __Call(Name, Params) => this.Default.%Name%(Params*)
__New(keybd := true, mouse := false, timeout := 0) {
if !keybd && !mouse
throw Error("At least one input type must be specified")
this.Timeout := timeout
this.Keybd := keybd, this.Mouse := mouse
if keybd {
if keybd is String {
if RegExMatch(keybd, "i)I *(\d+)", &lvl)
this.SendLevel := Integer(lvl[1])
this.InputHook := InputHook(keybd is String ? keybd : "I" (this.SendLevel) " L0 B0")
this.InputHook.NotifyNonText := true
this.InputHook.VisibleNonText := false
this.InputHook.OnKeyDown := this.BufferKey.Bind(this,,,, "Down")
this.InputHook.OnKeyUp := this.BufferKey.Bind(this,,,, "Up")
this.InputHook.KeyOpt("{All}", "N S")
this.HotIfIsActive := this.GetActiveCount.Bind(this)
BufferMouse(ThisHotkey, Opts := "") {
savedCoordMode := A_CoordModeMouse, CoordMode("Mouse", "Screen")
MouseGetPos(&X, &Y)
ThisHotkey := StrReplace(ThisHotkey, "Button")
this.Buffer.Push(Format("{Click {1} {2} {3} {4}}", X, Y, ThisHotkey, Opts))
CoordMode("Mouse", savedCoordMode)
BufferKey(ih, VK, SC, UD) => (this.Buffer.Push(Format("{{1} {2}}", GetKeyName(Format("vk{:x}sc{:x}", VK, SC)), UD)))
Start() {
this.ActiveCount += 1
SetTimer(this.Stop.Bind(this), -this.Timeout)
if this.ActiveCount > 1
this.Buffer := [], this.ModifierKeyStates := Map()
for modifier in this.ModifierKeys
this.ModifierKeyStates[modifier] := GetKeyState(modifier)
if this.Keybd
if this.Mouse {
HotIf this.HotIfIsActive
if this.Mouse is String && RegExMatch(this.Mouse, "i)I *(\d+)", &lvl)
this.SendLevel := Integer(lvl[1])
opts := this.Mouse is String ? this.Mouse : ("I" this.SendLevel)
for key in this.MouseButtons {
if InStr(key, "Wheel")
HotKey key, this.BufferMouse.Bind(this), opts
else {
HotKey key, this.BufferMouse.Bind(this,, "Down"), opts
HotKey key " Up", this.BufferMouse.Bind(this), opts
HotIf ; Disable context sensitivity
Release() {
if this.IsReleasing || !this.Buffer.Length
return []
sent := [], clickSent := false, this.IsReleasing := 1
if this.Mouse
savedCoordMode := A_CoordModeMouse, CoordMode("Mouse", "Screen"), MouseGetPos(&X, &Y)
; Theoretically the user can still input keystrokes between ih.Stop() and Send, in which case
; they would get interspersed with Send. So try to send all keystrokes, then check if any more
; were added to the buffer and send those as well until the buffer is emptied.
PrevSendLevel := A_SendLevel
SendLevel this.SendLevel - 1
; Restore the state of any modifier keys before input buffering was started
modifierList := ""
for modifier, state in this.ModifierKeyStates
if GetKeyState(modifier) != state
modifierList .= "{" modifier (state ? " Down" : " Up") "}"
if modifierList
Send modifierList
while this.Buffer.Length {
key := this.Buffer.RemoveAt(1)
if InStr(key, "{Click ")
clickSent := true
Send("{Blind}" key)
SendLevel PrevSendLevel
if this.Mouse && clickSent {
MouseMove(X, Y)
CoordMode("Mouse", savedCoordMode)
this.IsReleasing := 0
return sent
Stop(release := true) {
if !this.ActiveCount
sent := release ? this.Release() : []
if --this.ActiveCount
if this.Keybd
if this.Mouse {
HotIf this.HotIfIsActive
for key in this.MouseButtons
HotKey key, "Off"
HotIf ; Disable context sensitivity
return sent
GetActiveCount(HotkeyName) => this.ActiveCount
; Put this so that it deliniates where your _HS() function calls start (I.e. your autocorrect entries.)
ACitemsStartAt := A_LineNumber + 5 ; <--- Used by loop in validity function.
; ========== HOTSTRING SECTION =================================================
; For demonstration purposes lets use SendEvent as the default hotstring mode.
; This can't be enabled with `#Hotstring SE` because that setting is not accessible from AHK.
; O (omit EndChar) argument needs to be changed with this AND with `#Hotstring O`.
_HS(, "SE")
; Regular hotstrings only need to be wrapped with _HS. This uses SendEvent with default delay 0.
::fwi::_HS("for your information")
; Regular hotstring arguments can be used; this sets the keydelay to 40ms (this works since we are using SendMode Event)
:K40:afaik::_HS("as far as I know")
; Other hotstring arguments can be used as well such as Text
:T:omg::_HS("oh my god{enter}")
; Backspacing can be limited to n backspaces with Bn
:*:because of it's::_HS("s", "B2")
; ... however that's usually not necessary, because unlike the default implementation, this one backspaces
; only the non-matching end of the trigger string
; To use regular hotstrings without _HS, reverse the global changes locally (X0 disables execute, B enables backspacing)
:X0B:btw::by the way
; --------> Maybe paste your existing autocorrect library here? <-------
; ======= NEW STRINGS ADDED VIA HOTSTRING HELPER ===============================
:*?:mytrig::_HS("myrepl", "bs2") ; ; Comment blah
::mytrig::_HS("myrepl", "O") ; hello world