[Mod edit: Removed empty codebox.]
please make an application for me in AutoHotKey that will look like such a binder. I would like the application to have a panel where there will be two large fields where I can type what to replace with what, for example .1 turns into a " good day in what help." Next to that I would like to have a + button where I can add a new binder. At the bottom, I would like to have a list of all the binders, which would be large and I could move it around. On the right side of this list there should be an edit button, which when pressed allows me to remove a given bind or edit the text. In normal application mode, I don't want to have an edit button. When I press the Edit button, I want the Delete button to appear next to each bind. In Edit mode, when I press the Edit button, I want to be able to change the text only for the selected bind, not all at once. Next to the Delete button, I want to add a Save button so that after all the edits have been made, I can save the changes and exit the Edit mode. In Edit mode, I would also like to have a Delete button that allows you to delete only a given bind line, and when you press save, those changes would be saved. I hope this describes clearly, please create this panel according to the above requirements.
AHK binder
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