CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

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Posts: 351
Joined: 27 May 2021, 08:27

Re: 2.0-beta.1: CreateImageButton() - 2021-08-03 alpha.1

Post by sashaatx » 28 Dec 2023, 21:05

jNizM wrote:
10 Jan 2022, 03:18
Interesting. Thank you for your test. So with "simple flat buttons" it is not possible for different colors like hover and pressed?
hope you don't mind a dumb question, I use your darkmode library: viewtopic.php?t=115952

Side by side with CreateImageButton and your bootstrap buttons

Im unable to get the background for buttons to get stylized properly using a basic Ctrl.Opt("Background000000"), curious if you have a remedy?

I attempted to use ControlColor.ahk which includes a gdi32 dllcall but no dice. viewtopic.php?t=119720

I wrote this just for sake of quick testing, combining darkmode and bootstrap buttons in one file.

Code: Select all

#Requires Autohotkey v2
#SingleInstance Force

#Include CreateImageButton.ahk
#Include UseGDIP.ahk 
myGui := Gui()
myGui.opt("+Resize +MinSize250x150")
ButtonOK := myGui.Add("Button", "", "&OK")

OkayAgain := myGui.Add("Button", "x+10", "&OK")

Finished := myGui.Add("Button", "", "Finished")
Cancel := myGui.Add("Button", "", "Cancel")


StyleButton(ButtonOK, 0, "success")
StyleButton(OkayAgain, 0, "critical-round")

StyleButton(Finished, 0, "info-round")
StyleButton(Cancel, 0, "critical-round")

myGui.OnEvent('Close', (*) => ExitApp())
myGui.Title := "Window"
myGui.Show("w620 h320")


; credit to jNizM

    global IBStyles
    IBStyles := Map()
    IBStyles["info"] := [[0x80C6E9F4, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x8086D0E7, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x8046B8DA, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1]]
    IBStyles["success"] := [[0x80C6E6C6, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x8091CF91, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x805CB85C, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1]]
    IBStyles["warning"] := [[0x80FCEFDC, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80F6CE95, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80F0AD4E, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1]]
    IBStyles["critical"] := [[0x80F0B9B8, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80E27C79, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80D43F3A, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1]]

    IBStyles["info-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x80C6E9F4, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x8086D0E7, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x8046B8DA, 1]]
    IBStyles["success-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x80C6E6C6, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x8091CF91, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x805CB85C, 1]]
    IBStyles["warning-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80FCEFDC, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80F6CE95, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x80F0AD4E, 1]]
    IBStyles["critical-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80F0B9B8, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80E27C79, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 0, 0x80D43F3A, 1]]

    IBStyles["info-round"] := [[0x80C6E9F4, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x8086D0E7, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x8046B8DA, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1]]
    IBStyles["success-round"] := [[0x80C6E6C6, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x8091CF91, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x805CB85C, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1]]
    IBStyles["warning-round"] := [[0x80FCEFDC, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80F6CE95, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80F0AD4E, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1]]
    IBStyles["critical-round"] := [[0x80F0B9B8, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80E27C79, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80D43F3A, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1]]

    IBStyles["info-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x80C6E9F4, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0x8086D0E7, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x8046B8DA, 1]]
    IBStyles["success-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x80C6E6C6, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0x8091CF91, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x805CB85C, 1]]
    IBStyles["warning-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80FCEFDC, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0x80F6CE95, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x80F0AD4E, 1]]
    IBStyles["critical-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80F0B9B8, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0x80E27C79, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1], [0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0x80D43F3A, 1]]


StyleButton(ctrl, offset, style) => CreateImageButton(ctrl, offset, IBStyles[style]*)

SetWindowAttribute(GuiObj, DarkMode := True)
    global DarkColors := Map("Background", "0x202020", "Controls", "0x404040", "Font", "0xE0E0E0")
    global TextBackgroundBrush := DllCall("gdi32\CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", DarkColors["Background"], "Ptr")
    static PreferredAppMode := Map("Default", 0, "AllowDark", 1, "ForceDark", 2, "ForceLight", 3, "Max", 4)

    if (VerCompare(A_OSVersion, "10.0.17763") >= 0)
        if (VerCompare(A_OSVersion, "10.0.18985") >= 0)
        uxtheme := DllCall("kernel32\GetModuleHandle", "Str", "uxtheme", "Ptr")
        SetPreferredAppMode := DllCall("kernel32\GetProcAddress", "Ptr", uxtheme, "Ptr", 135, "Ptr")
        FlushMenuThemes := DllCall("kernel32\GetProcAddress", "Ptr", uxtheme, "Ptr", 136, "Ptr")
        switch DarkMode
            case True:
                DllCall("dwmapi\DwmSetWindowAttribute", "Ptr", GuiObj.hWnd, "Int", DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, "Int*", True, "Int", 4)
                DllCall(SetPreferredAppMode, "Int", PreferredAppMode["ForceDark"])
                GuiObj.BackColor := DarkColors["Background"]
                DllCall("dwmapi\DwmSetWindowAttribute", "Ptr", GuiObj.hWnd, "Int", DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, "Int*", False, "Int", 4)
                DllCall(SetPreferredAppMode, "Int", PreferredAppMode["Default"])
                GuiObj.BackColor := "Default"

SetWindowTheme(GuiObj, DarkMode := True)
    static GWL_WNDPROC := -4
    static GWL_STYLE := -16
    static ES_MULTILINE := 0x0004
    static LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR := 0x1023
    static LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR := 0x1024
    static LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR := 0x1025
    static LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR := 0x1026
    static LVM_GETBKCOLOR := 0x1000
    static LVM_SETBKCOLOR := 0x1001
    static LVM_GETHEADER := 0x101F
    static GetWindowLong := A_PtrSize = 8 ? "GetWindowLongPtr" : "GetWindowLong"
    static SetWindowLong := A_PtrSize = 8 ? "SetWindowLongPtr" : "SetWindowLong"
    static Init := False
    static LV_Init := False
    global IsDarkMode := DarkMode

    Mode_Explorer := (DarkMode ? "DarkMode_Explorer" : "Explorer")
    Mode_CFD := (DarkMode ? "DarkMode_CFD" : "CFD")
    Mode_ItemsView := (DarkMode ? "DarkMode_ItemsView" : "ItemsView")
    for hWnd, GuiCtrlObj in GuiObj
        switch GuiCtrlObj.Type
            case "Button", "CheckBox", "ListBox", "UpDown":
                    DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", GuiCtrlObj.hWnd, "Str", Mode_Explorer, "Ptr", 0)
            case "ComboBox", "DDL":
                    DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", GuiCtrlObj.hWnd, "Str", Mode_CFD, "Ptr", 0)
            case "Edit":
                    if (DllCall("user32\" GetWindowLong, "Ptr", GuiCtrlObj.hWnd, "Int", GWL_STYLE) & ES_MULTILINE)
                        DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", GuiCtrlObj.hWnd, "Str", Mode_Explorer, "Ptr", 0)
                        DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", GuiCtrlObj.hWnd, "Str", Mode_CFD, "Ptr", 0)
            case "ListView":
                    if !(LV_Init)
                        static LV_TEXTCOLOR := SendMessage(LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR, 0, 0, GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                        static LV_TEXTBKCOLOR := SendMessage(LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR, 0, 0, GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                        static LV_BKCOLOR := SendMessage(LVM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0, GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                        LV_Init := True
                    switch DarkMode
                        case True:
                            SendMessage(LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR, 0, DarkColors["Font"], GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                            SendMessage(LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR, 0, DarkColors["Background"], GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                            SendMessage(LVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, DarkColors["Background"], GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                            SendMessage(LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR, 0, LV_TEXTCOLOR, GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                            SendMessage(LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR, 0, LV_TEXTBKCOLOR, GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                            SendMessage(LVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, LV_BKCOLOR, GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                    DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", GuiCtrlObj.hWnd, "Str", Mode_Explorer, "Ptr", 0)

                    ; To color the selection - scrollbar turns back to normal
                    ;DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", GuiCtrlObj.hWnd, "Str", Mode_ItemsView, "Ptr", 0)

                    ; Header Text needs some NM_CUSTOMDRAW coloring
                    LV_Header := SendMessage(LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0, GuiCtrlObj.hWnd)
                    DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", LV_Header, "Str", Mode_ItemsView, "Ptr", 0)

    if !(Init)
        global WindowProcNew := CallbackCreate(WindowProc)  ; Avoid fast-mode for subclassing.
        global WindowProcOld := DllCall("user32\" SetWindowLong, "Ptr", GuiObj.Hwnd, "Int", GWL_WNDPROC, "Ptr", WindowProcNew, "Ptr")
        Init := True


WindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
    static WM_CTLCOLOREDIT := 0x0133
    static WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX := 0x0134
    static WM_CTLCOLORBTN := 0x0135
    static WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC := 0x0138
    static DC_BRUSH := 18

    if (IsDarkMode)
        switch uMsg
                DllCall("gdi32\SetTextColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", DarkColors["Font"])
                DllCall("gdi32\SetBkColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", DarkColors["Controls"])
                DllCall("gdi32\SetDCBrushColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", DarkColors["Controls"], "UInt")
                return DllCall("gdi32\GetStockObject", "Int", DC_BRUSH, "Ptr")
            case WM_CTLCOLORBTN:
                DllCall("gdi32\SetDCBrushColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", DarkColors["Background"], "UInt")
                return DllCall("gdi32\GetStockObject", "Int", DC_BRUSH, "Ptr")
            case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC:
                DllCall("gdi32\SetTextColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", DarkColors["Font"])
                DllCall("gdi32\SetBkColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", DarkColors["Background"])
                return TextBackgroundBrush
    return DllCall("user32\CallWindowProc", "Ptr", WindowProcOld, "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", uMsg, "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam)
image.png (1.18 KiB) Viewed 1233 times
image.png (2.12 KiB) Viewed 1233 times
image.png (22.44 KiB) Viewed 1229 times
? /Easy-Auto-GUI-for-AHK-v2 ? /Useful-AHK-v2-Libraries-and-Classes : /Pulovers-Macro-Creator-for-AHKv2 :

just me
Posts: 9578
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 08:51
Location: Germany

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2023-07-10

Post by just me » 29 Dec 2023, 06:24


Code: Select all

; ======================================================================================================================
; How to use:
;     1. ...
;     2. ...
;     3. If you want to change the default Gui background color - needed for rounded buttons -
;        call CreateImageButton("SetDefGuiColor", NewColor) or CreateImageButton("SetDefTxtColor", NewColor)
;        where NewColor is a RGB integer value (0xRRGGBB) or a HTML color name ("Red").
;        To reset the colors to the AHK/system default pass "*INIT*" in NewColor.
When I wrote the function I wasn't aware that Gui.Backcolor can be used to get the value. Maybe I'll add a corresponding option to SetDefGuiColor().

And consider to post questions in "Ask for Help", please.

Posts: 351
Joined: 27 May 2021, 08:27

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2023-07-10

Post by sashaatx » 31 Dec 2023, 08:19

? /Easy-Auto-GUI-for-AHK-v2 ? /Useful-AHK-v2-Libraries-and-Classes : /Pulovers-Macro-Creator-for-AHKv2 :

Posts: 351
Joined: 27 May 2021, 08:27

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by sashaatx » 23 Jan 2024, 18:23

super vibrant take on bootstrap buttons with brightness on hover, and other neon colors not pictured
image.png (85.11 KiB) Viewed 950 times

Code: Select all

; ===============================================================================================================================

IBStyles := Map()
IBStyles["info"] := [[0xFF46B8DA, , , , ,], [0xFF8ED1F0], [0xFF25739E], [0xFFD6D6D6]]
IBStyles["success"] := [[0xFF5CB85C, , , , ,], [0xFFA0EBA0], [0xFF3C7A3C], [0xFFD6D6D6]]
IBStyles["warning"] := [[0xFFF0AD4E, , , , ,], [0xFFFFDC8A], [0xFFBF7E30], [0xFFD6D6D6]]
IBStyles["critical"] := [[0xFFD43F3A, , , , ,], [0xFFFF8780], [0xFFAE2B26], [0xFFD6D6D6]]

IBStyles["info-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , , 0xFF46B8DA, 2], [0xFFB4E5FC], [0xFFA6D6E7], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["success-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , , 0xFF5CB85C, 2], [0xFFD9F2D9], [0xFFB8DAB8], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["warning-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , , 0xFFF0AD4E, 2], [0xFFFFF5DB], [0xFFFFE3B3], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["critical-outline"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , , 0xFFD43F3A, 2], [0xFFFFDFDD], [0xFFFFB3B1], [0xFFF0F0F0]]

IBStyles["info-round"] := [[0xFF46B8DA, , , 8, 0xFF46B8DA, 2], [0xFF8ED1F0], [0xFF25739E], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["success-round"] := [[0xFF5CB85C, , , 8, 0xFF5CB85C, 2], [0xFFA0EBA0], [0xFF3C7A3C], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["warning-round"] := [[0xFFF0AD4E, , , 8, 0xFFF0AD4E, 2], [0xFFFFDC8A], [0xFFBF7E30], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["critical-round"] := [[0xFFD43F3A, , , 8, 0xFFD43F3A, 2], [0xFFFF8780], [0xFFAE2B26], [0xFFF0F0F0]]

IBStyles["info-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0xFF46B8DA, 2], [0xFFB4E5FC], [0xFFA6D6E7], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["success-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0xFF5CB85C, 2], [0xFFD9F2D9], [0xFFB8DAB8], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["warning-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0xFFF0AD4E, 2], [0xFFFFF5DB], [0xFFFFE3B3], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
IBStyles["critical-outline-round"] := [[0xFFF0F0F0, , , 8, 0xFFD43F3A, 2], [0xFFFFDFDD], [0xFFFFB3B1], [0xFFF0F0F0]]
; ===============================================================================================================================


MyGui := Gui(, "Bootstrap Buttons")
MyGui.MarginX := 20
MyGui.MarginY := 20
MyGui.SetFont("s11", "Segoe UI")
CreateImageButton("SetDefGuiColor", 0xFFF0F0F0)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn11 := MyGui.AddButton("xm ym w80 h24", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn11, 0, IBStyles["info"]*)

Btn12 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn12, 0, IBStyles["success"]*)

Btn13 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn13, 0, IBStyles["warning"]*)

Btn14 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn14, 0, IBStyles["critical"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn21 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn21, 0, IBStyles["info-outline"]*)

Btn22 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn22, 0, IBStyles["success-outline"]*)

Btn23 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn23, 0, IBStyles["warning-outline"]*)

Btn24 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn24, 0, IBStyles["critical-outline"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn31 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w80 h24", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn31, 0, IBStyles["info-round"]*)

Btn32 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn32, 0, IBStyles["success-round"]*)

Btn33 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn33, 0, IBStyles["warning-round"]*)

Btn34 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn34, 0, IBStyles["critical-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn41 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn41, 0, IBStyles["info-outline-round"]*)

Btn42 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn42, 0, IBStyles["success-outline-round"]*)

Btn43 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn43, 0, IBStyles["warning-outline-round"]*)

Btn44 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn44, 0, IBStyles["critical-outline-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn51 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn51, 0, IBStyles["info"]*)

Btn52 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn52, 0, IBStyles["success"]*)

Btn53 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn53, 0, IBStyles["warning"]*)

Btn54 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn54, 0, IBStyles["critical"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn61 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn61, 0, IBStyles["info-outline"]*)

Btn62 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn62, 0, IBStyles["success-outline"]*)

Btn63 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn63, 0, IBStyles["warning-outline"]*)

Btn64 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn64, 0, IBStyles["critical-outline"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn71 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn71, 0, IBStyles["info-round"]*)

Btn72 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn72, 0, IBStyles["success-round"]*)

Btn73 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn73, 0, IBStyles["warning-round"]*)

Btn74 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn74, 0, IBStyles["critical-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn81 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "Info")
CreateImageButton(Btn81, 0, IBStyles["info-outline-round"]*)

Btn82 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Success")
CreateImageButton(Btn82, 0, IBStyles["success-outline-round"]*)

Btn83 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Warning")
CreateImageButton(Btn83, 0, IBStyles["warning-outline-round"]*)

Btn84 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "Critical")
CreateImageButton(Btn84, 0, IBStyles["critical-outline-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ===============================================================================================================================

#Include CreateImageButton.ahk
#Include UseGDIP.ahk

other colors

Code: Select all

; ===============================================================================================================================

IBStyles := Map()
IBStyles["electric-blue"] := [[0xFF1E90FF, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFF1E90FF, , , , 0xFFFFFF00, 2], [0xFF104E8B, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["neon-green"] := [[0xFF32CD32, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFF32CD32, , , , 0xFFFF00FF, 2], [0xFF228B22, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["vivid-coral"] := [[0xFFFF6347, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFFF6347, , , , 0xFF00FFFF, 2], [0xFFCD5C5C, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["bright-violet"] := [[0xFF8A2BE2, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFF8A2BE2, , , , 0xFFADFF2F, 2], [0xFF4B0082, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["sunny-yellow"] := [[0xFFFFFF00, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFFFFF00, , , , 0xFFFF69B4, 2], [0xFFBDB76B, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]

IBStyles["electric-blue-outline"] := [[0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFF1E90FF, 1], [0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFFFFFF00, 2], [0xFF1E90FF, , , , 0xFF1E90FF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFF1E90FF, 1]]
IBStyles["neon-green-outline"] := [[0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFF32CD32, 1], [0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFFFF00FF, 2], [0xFF32CD32, , , , 0xFF32CD32, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFF32CD32, 1]]
IBStyles["vivid-coral-outline"] := [[0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFFFF6347, 1], [0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFF00FFFF, 2], [0xFFFF6347, , , , 0xFFFF6347, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFFFF6347, 1]]
IBStyles["bright-violet-outline"] := [[0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFF8A2BE2, 1], [0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFFADFF2F, 2], [0xFF8A2BE2, , , , 0xFF8A2BE2, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFF8A2BE2, 1]]
IBStyles["sunny-yellow-outline"] := [[0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFFFFFF00, 1], [0xFFFFFFFF, , , , 0xFFFF69B4, 2], [0xFFFFFF00, , , , 0xFFFFFF00, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , , 0xFFFFFF00, 1]]

IBStyles["electric-blue-round"] := [[0xFF1E90FF, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFF1E90FF, , , 8, 0xFFFFFF00, 2], [0xFF104E8B, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["neon-green-round"] := [[0xFF32CD32, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFF32CD32, , , 8, 0xFFFF00FF, 2], [0xFF228B22, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["vivid-coral-round"] := [[0xFFFF6347, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFFF6347, , , 8, 0xFF00FFFF, 2], [0xFFCD5C5C, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["bright-violet-round"] := [[0xFF8A2BE2, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFF8A2BE2, , , 8, 0xFFADFF2F, 2], [0xFF4B0082, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
IBStyles["sunny-yellow-round"] := [[0xFFFFFF00, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFFFFF00, , , 8, 0xFFFF69B4, 2], [0xFFBDB76B, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1], [0xFFD3D3D3, , , 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1]]
; ===============================================================================================================================


MyGui := Gui(, "Bootstrap Buttons")
MyGui.MarginX := 20
MyGui.MarginY := 20
MyGui.SetFont("s11", "Segoe UI")
CreateImageButton("SetDefGuiColor", 0xFFF0F0F0)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn11 := MyGui.AddButton("xm ym w80 h24", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn11, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue"]*)

Btn12 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn12, 0, IBStyles["neon-green"]*)

Btn13 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn13, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral"]*)

Btn14 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn14, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn21 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn21, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue-outline"]*)

Btn22 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn22, 0, IBStyles["neon-green-outline"]*)

Btn23 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn23, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral-outline"]*)

Btn24 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn24, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet-outline"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn31 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w80 h24", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn31, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue-round"]*)

Btn32 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn32, 0, IBStyles["neon-green-round"]*)

Btn33 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn33, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral-round"]*)

Btn34 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn34, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn41 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn41, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue-round"]*)

Btn42 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn42, 0, IBStyles["neon-green-round"]*)

Btn43 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn43, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral-round"]*)

Btn44 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w80 h24", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn44, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn51 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn51, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue"]*)

Btn52 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn52, 0, IBStyles["neon-green"]*)

Btn53 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn53, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral"]*)

Btn54 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn54, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn61 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn61, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue-outline"]*)

Btn62 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn62, 0, IBStyles["neon-green-outline"]*)

Btn63 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn63, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral-outline"]*)

Btn64 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn64, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet-outline"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn71 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn71, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue-round"]*)

Btn72 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn72, 0, IBStyles["neon-green-round"]*)

Btn73 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn73, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral-round"]*)

Btn74 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn74, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Btn81 := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "electric-blue")
CreateImageButton(Btn81, 0, IBStyles["electric-blue-round"]*)

Btn82 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "neon-green")
CreateImageButton(Btn82, 0, IBStyles["neon-green-round"]*)

Btn83 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "vivid-coral")
CreateImageButton(Btn83, 0, IBStyles["vivid-coral-round"]*)

Btn84 := MyGui.AddButton("x+20 yp w200 h40", "bright-violet")
CreateImageButton(Btn84, 0, IBStyles["bright-violet-round"]*)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ===============================================================================================================================

#Include CreateImageButton.ahk
#Include UseGDIP.ahk
? /Easy-Auto-GUI-for-AHK-v2 ? /Useful-AHK-v2-Libraries-and-Classes : /Pulovers-Macro-Creator-for-AHKv2 :

Posts: 3
Joined: 08 Sep 2022, 10:42

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by mcd » 09 Apr 2024, 11:54

Sorry for the dumb question- Is it possible to add a specific style to all buttons in a GUI without naming each individual button?

I tried this but did not have any luck:

Code: Select all

    for hWnd, controlObj in myGUI {
        if ( controlObj.Type == 'Button' )
            CreateImageButton("ahk_id " hWnd, 0, IBStyles["navy-teal-round"])

Posts: 40
Joined: 27 Jun 2019, 04:36

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by pgeugene » 24 Apr 2024, 00:37

I new to AHK
How to link the buttons to action ?
I tried below command but not working.
Thank you

Code: Select all

Btn11 := MyGui.AddButton("xm ym w80 h24", "Info").OnEvent("Click", ButtonClick)

Posts: 204
Joined: 21 Feb 2023, 00:01

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by WKen » 24 Apr 2024, 02:39

Your question is not related to this thread and should be posted here: Ask for Help (v2)

Code: Select all

Btn11 := MyGui.AddButton("xm ym w80 h24", "Info").OnEvent("Click", ButtonClick)


Posts: 169
Joined: 21 Jan 2014, 22:03

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by kiwichick » 30 Apr 2024, 02:21

Can someone help, please? I'm getting an error when I try this. I'm using the sample script provided on page 1.
2024-04-30_191105.png (43.09 KiB) Viewed 596 times

just me
Posts: 9578
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 08:51
Location: Germany

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by just me » 30 Apr 2024, 02:49

I don't get the error. :roll:

Posts: 169
Joined: 21 Jan 2014, 22:03

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by kiwichick » 30 Apr 2024, 03:29

just me wrote:
30 Apr 2024, 02:49
I don't get the error. :roll:
Hmmmm strange. I tried with a script posted by another user and it worked fine. Just not with the sample script. I've just seen on page 2, another user had the same problem as me. I didn't find it before because I was searching the page for the term Throw Error(ErrMsg) but they posted an image :lol: However, their Call Stack is different so the solution given won't work for me.

Posts: 169
Joined: 21 Jan 2014, 22:03

Re: CreateImageButton() - 2024-01-01

Post by kiwichick » 30 Apr 2024, 03:49

just me wrote:
30 Apr 2024, 02:49
I don't get the error. :roll:
I worked it out. It was because I didn't have the image files.

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