Get a code

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Get a code

Post by Nabueee58PT » 24 Feb 2024, 19:13

Hello, I want to take an image of an "object" of an application to have the code, how can I do it? After that, I want to click it automatically with a key for example F12.

It is an object that moves, more specifically, a soccer ball in a game.
image.png (2.72 KiB) Viewed 291 times
[Mod action: Moved topic from “Scripts and Functions” because this is seeking help, not sharing a working script.]
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Re: Get a code

Post by boiler » 24 Feb 2024, 20:20

Since it would be pretty terrible graphics if the ball always looked exactly like that as it moved, then your best chance is searching just for some white-ish pixels or blackish pixels assuming there are none other in the search area as opposed to the static pattern of one orientation of the ball. And even then, it probably moves way too quickly for AHK to keep up with it unless it’s just sitting there like a free kick or something.
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