RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

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just me
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RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

23 May 2023, 05:31

I converted my RichEdit class to v2.

You can download the complete code including the additional RichEditDlgs.ahk and a sample script from

Special thanks to @mcl for testing.
Change history:


Code: Select all

; ======================================================================================================================
; Scriptname:     RichEdit.ahk
; Namespace:      RichEdit
; Author:         just me
; AHK Version:    2.0.2 (Unicode)
; OS Version:     Win 10 Pro (x64)
; Function:       The class provides some wrapper functions for rich edit controls (v4.1 Unicode).
; Change History:
;    2023-05-23/just me - initial release
; Credits:
;    corrupt for cRichEdit:
;    jballi for HE_Print:
;    majkinetor for Dlg:
; ======================================================================================================================
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#DllLoad "Msftedit.dll"
; ======================================================================================================================
Class RichEdit {
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Class variables - do not change !!!
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Callback functions for RichEdit
   Static GetRTFCB := 0
   Static LoadRTFCB := 0
   Static SubclassCB := 0
   ; Initialize the class on startup
   Static __New() {
      ; RichEdit.SubclassCB := CallbackCreate(RichEdit_SubclassProc)
      RichEdit.GetRTFCB := CallbackCreate(ObjBindMethod(RichEdit, "GetRTFProc"), , 4)
      RichEdit.LoadRTFCB := CallbackCreate(ObjBindMethod(RichEdit, "LoadRTFProc"), , 4)
      RichEdit.SubclassCB := CallbackCreate(ObjBindMethod(RichEdit, "SubclassProc"), , 6)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static GetRTFProc(dwCookie, pbBuff, cb, pcb) { ; Callback procedure for GetRTF
      Static RTF := ""
      If (cb > 0) {
         RTF .= StrGet(pbBuff, cb, "CP0")
         Return 0
      If (dwCookie = "*GetRTF*") {
         Out := RTF
         VarSetStrCapacity(&RTF, 0)
         RTF := ""
         Return Out
      Return 1
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static LoadRTFProc(FileHandle, pbBuff, cb, pcb) { ; Callback procedure for LoadRTF
      Return !DllCall("ReadFile", "Ptr", FileHandle, "Ptr", pbBuff, "UInt", cb, "Ptr", pcb, "Ptr", 0)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static SubclassProc(H, M, W, L, I, R) { ; RichEdit subclassproc
      ; See ->
      Return (M = 0x87) ? 4 : DllCall("DefSubclassProc", "Ptr", H, "UInt", M, "Ptr", W, "Ptr", L, "Ptr")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   __New(GuiObj, Options, MultiLine := True) {
      Static WS_TABSTOP := 0x10000, WS_HSCROLL := 0x100000, WS_VSCROLL := 0x200000, WS_VISIBLE := 0x10000000,
             WS_CHILD := 0x40000000,
             WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE := 0x200, WS_EX_STATICEDGE := 0x20000,
             ES_MULTILINE := 0x0004, ES_AUTOVSCROLL := 0x40, ES_AUTOHSCROLL := 0x80, ES_NOHIDESEL := 0x0100,
             ES_WANTRETURN := 0x1000, ES_DISABLENOSCROLL := 0x2000, ES_SUNKEN := 0x4000, ES_SAVESEL := 0x8000,
             ES_SELECTIONBAR := 0x1000000
      Static MSFTEDIT_CLASS := "RICHEDIT50W" ; RichEdit v4.1+ (Unicode)
      ; Specify default styles & exstyles
      If (MultiLine)
                   ES_DISABLENOSCROLL | ES_SAVESEL ; | ES_SELECTIONBAR ; does not work properly
      ExStyles := WS_EX_STATICEDGE
      ; Create the control
      CtrlOpts := "Class" . MSFTEDIT_CLASS . " " . Options . " +" . Styles . " +E" . ExStyles
      This.RE := GuiObj.AddCustom(CtrlOpts)
      ; Initialize control
      ; EM_SETLANGOPTIONS = 0x0478 (WM_USER + 120)
      ; IMF_AUTOKEYBOARD = 0x01, IMF_AUTOFONT = 0x02
      ; SendMessage(0x0478, 0, 0x03, This.HWND) ; commented out
      ; Subclass the control to get Tab key and prevent Esc from sending a WM_CLOSE message to the parent window.
      ; One of majkinetor's splendid discoveries!
      DllCall("SetWindowSubclass", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Ptr", RichEdit.SubclassCB, "Ptr", This.HWND, "Ptr", 0)
      This.MultiLine := !!MultiLine
      This.DefFont := This.GetFont(1)
      This.DefFont.Default := 1
      This.BackColor := DllCall("GetSysColor", "Int", 5, "UInt") ; COLOR_WINDOW
      This.TextColor := This.DefFont.Color
      This.TxBkColor := This.DefFont.BkColor
      ; Additional settings for multiline controls
      If (MultiLine) {
         ; Adjust the formatting rectangle
         RC := This.GetRect()
         This.SetRect(RC.L + 6, RC.T + 2, RC.R, RC.B)
         ; Set advanced typographic options
         ; TO_ADVANCEDTYPOGRAPHY	= 1, TO_ADVANCEDLAYOUT = 8 ? not documented
         SendMessage(0x04CA, 1, 1, This.HWND)
      ; Correct AHK font size setting, if necessary
      If (Round(This.DefFont.Size) != This.DefFont.Size) {
         This.DefFont.Size := Round(This.DefFont.Size)
      ; Initialize the print margins
      ; Initialize the text limit
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   __Delete() {
      If DllCall("IsWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND) && (RichEdit.SubclassCB) {
         DllCall("RemoveWindowSubclass", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Ptr", RichEdit.SubclassCB, "Ptr", 0)
      This.RE := 0
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; GUICONTROL PROPERTIES =============================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ClassNN => This.RE.ClassNN
   Enabled => This.RE.Enabled
   Focused => This.RE.Focused
   Gui => This.RE.Gui
   Hwnd => This.RE.Hwnd
   Name {
      Get => This.RE.Name
      Set => This.RE.Name := Value
   Visible => This.RE.Visible
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; GUICONTROL METHODS ================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Focus() => This.RE.Focus()
   GetPos(&X?, &Y?, &W?, &H?) => This.RE.GetPos(&X?, &Y?, &W?, &H?)
   Move(X?, Y?, W?, H?) => This.RE.Move(X?, Y?, W?, H?)
   OnCommand(Code, Callback, AddRemove?) => This.RE.OnCommand(Code, Callback, AddRemove?)
   OnNotify(Code, Callback, AddRemove?) => This.RE.OnNotify(Code, Callback, AddRemove?)
   Opt(Options) => This.RE.Opt(Options)
   Redraw() => This.RE.Redraw()
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; PUBLIC METHODS ====================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Methods to be used by advanced users only
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetCharFormat() { ; Retrieves the character formatting of the current selection
      ; For details see
      ; Returns a 'CF2' object containing the formatting settings.
      ; EM_GETCHARFORMAT = 0x043A
      CF2 := RichEdit.CHARFORMAT2()
      SendMessage(0x043A, 1, CF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return (CF2.Mask ? CF2 : False)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetCharFormat(CF2) { ; Sets character formatting of the current selection
      ; For details see
      ; CF2 : CF2 object like returned by GetCharFormat().
      ; EM_SETCHARFORMAT = 0x0444
      Return SendMessage(0x0444, 1, CF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetParaFormat() { ; Retrieves the paragraph formatting of the current selection
      ; For details see
      ; Returns a 'PF2' object containing the formatting settings.
      ; EM_GETPARAFORMAT = 0x043D
      PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2()
      SendMessage(0x043D, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return (PF2.Mask ? PF2 : False)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetParaFormat(PF2) { ; Sets the  paragraph formatting for the current selection
      ; For details see
      ; PF2 : PF2 object like returned by GetParaFormat().
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447
      Return SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Control specific
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   IsModified() { ; Has the control been  modified?
      ; EM_GETMODIFY = 0xB8
      Return SendMessage(0xB8, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetModified(Modified := False) {  ; Sets or clears the modification flag for an edit control
      ; EM_SETMODIFY = 0xB9
      Return SendMessage(0xB9, !!Modified, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetEventMask(Events?) { ; Set the events which shall send notification codes control's owner
      ; Events : Array containing one or more of the keys defined in 'ENM'.
      ; For details see
      ; EM_SETEVENTMASK	= 	0x0445
      Static ENM := {NONE: 0x00, CHANGE: 0x01, UPDATE: 0x02, SCROLL: 0x04, SCROLLEVENTS: 0x08, DRAGDROPDONE: 0x10,
                     PARAGRAPHEXPANDED: 0x20, PAGECHANGE: 0x40, KEYEVENTS: 0x010000, MOUSEEVENTS: 0x020000,
                     REQUESTRESIZE: 0x040000, SELCHANGE: 0x080000, DROPFILES: 0x100000, PROTECTED: 0x200000,
                     LINK: 0x04000000}
      If !IsSet(Events) || (Type(Events) != "Array")
         Events := ["NONE"]
      Mask := 0
      For Each, Event In Events {
         If ENM.HasProp(Event)
            Mask |= ENM.%Event%
            Return False
      Return SendMessage(0x0445, 0, Mask, This.HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Loading and storing RTF format
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetRTF(Selection := False) { ; Gets the whole content of the control as rich text
      ; Selection = False : whole contents (default)
      ; Selection = True  : current selection
      ; EM_STREAMOUT = 0x044A
      ; SF_TEXT = 0x1, SF_RTF = 0x2, SF_RTFNOOBJS = 0x3, SF_UNICODE = 0x10, SF_USECODEPAGE =	0x0020
      ; SFF_PLAINRTF = 0x4000, SFF_SELECTION = 0x8000
      ; UTF-8 = 65001, UTF-16 = 1200
      ; Static GetRTFCB := CallbackCreate(RichEdit_GetRTFProc)
      Flags := 0x4022 | (1200 << 16) | (Selection ? 0x8000 : 0)
      ES := Buffer((A_PtrSize * 2) + 4, 0)                  ; EDITSTREAM structure
      NumPut("UPtr", This.HWND, ES)                         ; dwCookie
      NumPut("UPtr", RichEdit.GetRTFCB, ES, A_PtrSize + 4)  ; pfnCallback
      SendMessage(0x044A, Flags, ES.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return RichEdit.GetRTFProc("*GetRTF*", 0, 0, 0)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   LoadRTF(FilePath, Selection := False) { ; Loads RTF file into the control
      ; FilePath = file path
      ; Selection = False : whole contents (default)
      ; Selection = True  : current selection
      ; EM_STREAMIN = 0x0449
      ; SF_TEXT = 0x1, SF_RTF = 0x2, SF_RTFNOOBJS = 0x3, SF_UNICODE = 0x10, SF_USECODEPAGE =	0x0020
      ; SFF_PLAINRTF = 0x4000, SFF_SELECTION = 0x8000
      ; UTF-16 = 1200
      ; Static LoadRTFCB := CallbackCreate(RichEdit_LoadRTFProc)
      Flags := 0x4002 | (Selection ? 0x8000 : 0) ; | (1200 << 16)
      If !(File := FileOpen(FilePath, "r"))
         Return False
      ES := Buffer((A_PtrSize * 2) + 4, 0)                     ; EDITSTREAM structure
      NumPut("UPtr", File.Handle, ES)                          ; dwCookie
      NumPut("UPtr", RichEdit.LoadRTFCB, ES, A_PtrSize + 4)    ; pfnCallback
      Result := SendMessage(0x0449, Flags, ES.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return Result
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Scrolling
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetScrollPos() { ; Obtains the current scroll position
      ; Returns on object with keys 'X' and 'Y' containing the scroll position.
      ; EM_GETSCROLLPOS = 0x04DD
      PT := Buffer(8, 0)
      SendMessage(0x04DD, 0, PT.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return {X: NumGet(PT, 0, "Int"), Y: NumGet(PT, 4, "Int")}
   ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetScrollPos(X, Y) { ; Scrolls the contents of a rich edit control to the specified point
      ; X : x-position to scroll to.
      ; Y : y-position to scroll to.
      ; EM_SETSCROLLPOS = 0x04DE
      PT := Buffer(8, 0)
      NumPut("Int", X, "Int", Y, PT)
      Return SendMessage(0x04DE, 0, PT.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ScrollCaret() { ; Scrolls the caret into view
      ; EM_SCROLLCARET = 0x00B7
      SendMessage(0x00B7, 0, 0, This.HWND)
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ShowScrollBar(SB, Mode := True) { ; Shows or hides one of the scroll bars of a rich edit control
      ; SB   : Identifies which scroll bar to display: horizontal or vertical.
      ;        This parameter must be 1 (SB_VERT) or 0 (SB_HORZ).
      ; Mode : Specify TRUE to show the scroll bar and FALSE to hide it.
      ; EM_SHOWSCROLLBAR = 0x0460 (WM_USER + 96)
      SendMessage(0x0460, SB, !!Mode, This.HWND)
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Text and selection
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   FindText(Find, Mode?) { ; Finds Unicode text within a rich edit control
      ; Find : Text to search for.
      ; Mode : Optional array containing one or more of the keys specified in 'FR'.
      ;        For details see
      ; Returns True if the text was found; otherwise false.
      ; EM_FINDTEXTEXW = 0x047C, EM_SCROLLCARET = 0x00B7
      Static FR:= {DOWN: 1, WHOLEWORD: 2, MATCHCASE: 4}
      Flags := 0
      If IsSet(Mode) && (Type(Mode) = "Array") {
         For Each, Value In Mode
            If FR.HasProp(Value)
               Flags |= FR[Value]
      Sel := This.GetSel()
      Min := (Flags & FR.DOWN) ? Sel.E : Sel.S
      Max := (Flags & FR.DOWN) ? -1 : 0
      FTX := Buffer(16 + A_PtrSize, 0)
      NumPut("Int", Min, "Int", Max, "UPtr", StrPtr(Find), FTX)
      SendMessage(0x047C, Flags, FTX.Ptr, This.HWND)
      S := NumGet(FTX, 8 + A_PtrSize, "Int"), E := NumGet(FTX, 12 + A_PtrSize, "Int")
      If (S = -1) && (E = -1)
         Return False
      This.SetSel(S, E)
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Finds the next word break before or after the specified character position or retrieves information about
   ; the character at that position.
   FindWordBreak(CharPos, Mode := "Left") { 
      ; CharPos : Character position.
      ; Mode    : Can be one of the keys specified in 'WB'.
      ; Returns the character index of the word break or other values depending on 'Mode'.
      ; For details see
      ; EM_FINDWORDBREAK = 0x044C (WM_USER + 76)
                  , RIGHTBREAK: 7}
      Option := WB.HasProp(Mode) ? WB[Mode] : 0
      Return SendMessage(0x044C, Option, CharPos, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetSelText() { ; Retrieves the currently selected text as plain text
      ; Returns selected text.
      ; EM_GETSELTEXT = 0x043E, EM_EXGETSEL = 0x0434
      Txt := ""
      CR := This.GetSel()
      TxtL := CR.E - CR.S + 1
      If (TxtL > 1) {
         VarSetStrCapacity(&Txt, TxtL)
         SendMessage(0x043E, 0, StrPtr(Txt), This.HWND)
         VarSetStrCapacity(&Txt, -1)
      Return Txt
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetSel() { ; Retrieves the starting and ending character positions of the selection in a rich edit control
      ; Returns an object containing the keys S (start of selection) and E (end of selection)).
      ; EM_EXGETSEL = 0x0434
      CR := Buffer(8, 0)
      SendMessage(0x0434, 0, CR.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return {S: NumGet(CR, 0, "Int"), E: NumGet(CR, 4, "Int")}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetText() {  ; Gets the whole content of the control as plain text
      ; EM_GETTEXTEX = 0x045E
      Txt := ""
      If (TxtL := This.GetTextLen() + 1) {
         GTX := Buffer(12 + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0) ; GETTEXTEX structure
         NumPut("UInt", TxtL * 2, GTX) ; cb
         NumPut("UInt", 1200, GTX, 8)  ; codepage = Unicode
         VarSetStrCapacity(&Txt, TxtL)
         SendMessage(0x045E, GTX.Ptr, StrPtr(Txt), This.HWND)
         VarSetStrCapacity(&Txt, -1)
      Return Txt
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; GetTextColors() { ; Gets the text and background colors - not implemented
   ; }
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetTextLen() { ; Calculates text length in various ways
      GTL := Buffer(8, 0)     ; GETTEXTLENGTHEX structure
      NumPut( "UInt", 1200, GTL, 4)  ; codepage = Unicode
      Return SendMessage(0x045F, GTL.Ptr, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Retrieves the position of the first occurence of the specified text within the specified range.
   GetTextPos(Find, Min := 0, Max := -1, Mode := 1) { 
      ; Find : Text to search for.
      ; Min  : Character position index immediately preceding the first character in the range.
      ;        Integer value to store as cpMin in the CHARRANGE structure.
      ;        Default: 0 - first character
      ; Max  : Character position immediately following the last character in the range.
      ;        Integer value to store as cpMax in the CHARRANGE structure.
      ;        Default: -1 - last character
      ; Mode : Any combination of the following values:
      ;        0 : search backward, 1 : search forward, 2 : match whole word only, 4 : case-sensitive
      ; Returns an object containing the keys S (start of text) and E (end of text) if found, otherwise False.
      ; EM_FINDTEXTEXW = 0x047C
      Flags := Mode & 0x07
      FTX := Buffer(16 + A_PtrSize, 0)
      NumPut("Int", Min, "Int", Max, "UPtr", StrPtr(Find), FTX)
      P := SendMessage(0x047C, Flags, FTX.Ptr, This.Hwnd) << 32 >> 32
      Return (P = -1) ? False : {S: NumGet(FTX, 8 + A_PtrSize, "Int"), E: NumGet(FTX, 12 + A_PtrSize, "Int")}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetTextRange(Min, Max) { ; Retrieves a specified range of characters from a rich edit control
      ; Min : Character position index immediately preceding the first character in the range.
      ;       Integer value to store as cpMin in the CHARRANGE structure.
      ; Max : Character position immediately following the last character in the range.
      ;       Integer value to store as cpMax in the CHARRANGE structure.
      ; CHARRANGE ->
      ; EM_GETTEXTRANGE = 0x044B
      If (Max <= Min)
         Return ""
      Txt := ""
      VarSetStrCapacity(&Txt, Max - Min)
      TR := Buffer(8 + A_PtrSize, 0) ; TEXTRANGE Struktur
      NumPut("UInt", Min, "UInt", Max, "UPtr", StrPtr(Txt), TR)
      SendMessage(0x044B, 0, TR.Ptr, This.HWND)
      VarSetStrCapacity(&Txt, -1)
      Return Txt
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   HideSelection(Mode) { ; Hides or shows the selection
      ; Mode : True to hide or False to show the selection.
      ; EM_HIDESELECTION = 0x043F (WM_USER + 63)
      SendMessage(0x043F, !!Mode, 0, This.HWND)
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   LimitText(Limit) { ; Sets an upper limit to the amount of text the user can type or paste into a rich edit control
      ; Limit : Specifies the maximum amount of text that can be entered.
      ;         If this parameter is zero, the default maximum is used, which is 64K characters.
      ; EM_EXLIMITTEXT =  0x435 (WM_USER + 53)
      SendMessage(0x0435, 0, Limit, This.HWND)
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ReplaceSel(Text := "") { ; Replaces the selected text with the specified text
      ; EM_REPLACESEL = 0xC2
      Return SendMessage(0xC2, 1, StrPtr(Text), This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetText(Text := "", Mode?) { ; Replaces the selection or the whole content of the control
      ; Mode : Array of option flags. It can be any reasonable combination of the keys defined in 'ST'.
      ; For details see
      ; EM_SETTEXTEX = 0x0461, CP_UNICODE = 1200
      Static ST := {DEFAULT: 0, KEEPUNDO: 1, SELECTION: 2}
      Flags := 0
      If IsSet(Mode) && (Type(Mode) = "Array") {
         For Value In Mode
            If ST.HasProp(Value)
               Flags |= ST[Value]
      CP := 1200
      TxtPtr := StrPtr(Text)
      ; RTF formatted text has to be passed as ANSI!!!
      If (SubStr(Text, 1, 5) = "{\rtf") || (SubStr(Text, 1, 5) = "{urtf") {
         Buf := Buffer(StrPut(Text, "CP0"), 0)
         StrPut(Text, Buf, "CP0")
         TxtPtr := Buf.Ptr
         CP := 0
      STX := Buffer(8, 0)     ; SETTEXTEX structure
      NumPut("UInt", Flags, "UInt", CP, STX) ; flags, codepage
      Return SendMessage(0x0461, STX.Ptr, TxtPtr, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetSel(Start, End) { ; Selects a range of characters
      ; Start : zero-based start index
      ; End   : zero-beased end index (-1 = end of text))
      ; EM_EXSETSEL = 0x0437
      CR := Buffer(8, 0)
      NumPut("Int", Start, "Int", End, CR)
      Return SendMessage(0x0437, 0, CR.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Appearance, styles, and options
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   AutoURL(Mode := 1) { ; En- or disable AutoURLDetection
      ; Mode   :  one or a combination of the following values:
      ; Disable                  0
      ; AURL_ENABLEURL           1
      ; AURL_ENABLEEMAILADDR     2     ; Win 8+
      ; AURL_ENABLETELNO         4     ; Win 8+
      ; AURL_ENABLEEAURLS        8     ; Win 8+
      ; EM_AUTOURLDETECT = 0x45B
      RetVal :=  SendMessage(0x045B, Mode & 0x1F, 0, This.HWND)
      Return RetVal
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetRect(&RC := "") { ; Retrieves the rich edit control's formatting rectangle
      ; Returns an object with keys L (eft), T (op), R (ight), and B (ottom).
      ; If a variable is passed in the Rect parameter, the complete RECT structure will be stored in it.
      RC := Buffer(16, 0)
      If !This.MultiLine
         Return False
      SendMessage(0x00B2, 0, RC.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return {L: NumGet(RC, 0, "Int"), T: NumGet(RC, 4, "Int"), R: NumGet(RC, 8, "Int"), B: NumGet(RC, 12, "Int")}
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetOptions(&Options := "") { ; Retrieves the rich edit control`s options
      ; Returns an array of currently set options as the keys defined in 'ECO'.
      ; If a variable is passed in the Option parameter, the combined numeric value of the options will be stored in it.
      ; For details see
      ; EM_GETOPTIONS = 0x044E
                     READONLY: 0x800, WANTRETURN: 0x1000, SAVESEL: 0x8000, SELECTIONBAR: 0x01000000,
                     VERTICAL: 0x400000}
      Options := SendMessage(0x044E, 0, 0, This.HWND)
      O := []
      For Key, Value In ECO.OwnProps()
         If (Options & Value)
      Return O
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
   GetStyles(&Styles := "") { ; Retrieves the current edit style flags
      ; Returns an object containing keys as defined in 'SES'.
      ; If a variable is passed in the Styles parameter, the combined numeric value of the styles will be stored in it.
      ; For details see
      ; EM_GETEDITSTYLE	= 0x04CD (WM_USER + 205)
                     64: "USEAIMM", 128: "NOIME", 256: "ALLOWBEEPS", 512: "UPPERCASE", 1024: "LOWERCASE",
                     2048: "NOINPUTSEQUENCECHK", 4096: "BIDI", 8192: "SCROLLONKILLFOCUS", 16384: "XLTCRCRLFTOCR",
                     32768: "DRAFTMODE", 0x0010000: "USECTF", 0x0020000: "HIDEGRIDLINES", 0x0040000: "USEATFONT",
                     0x0080000: "CUSTOMLOOK",0x0100000: "LBSCROLLNOTIFY", 0x0200000: "CTFALLOWEMBED",
                     0x0400000: "CTFALLOWSMARTTAG", 0x0800000: "CTFALLOWPROOFING"}
      Styles := SendMessage(0x04CD, 0, 0, This.HWND)
      S := []
      For Key, Value In SES.OwnProps()
         If (Styles & Key)
      Return S
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetZoom() { ; Gets the current zoom ratio
      ; Returns the zoom ratio in percent.
      ; EM_GETZOOM = 0x04E0
      N := Buffer(4, 0), D := Buffer(4, 0)
      SendMessage(0x04CD, N.Ptr, D.Ptr, This.HWND)
      N := NumGet(N, 0, "Int"), D := NumGet(D, 0, "Int")
      Return (N = 0) && (D = 0) ? 100 : Round(N / D * 100)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetBkgndColor(Color) { ; Sets the background color
      ; Color : RGB integer value or HTML color name or
      ;         "Auto" to reset to system default color.
      ; Returns the prior background color.
      ; EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR = 0x0443
      If (Color = "Auto")
         System := True, Color := 0
         System := False, Color := This.GetBGR(Color)
      Result := SendMessage(0x0443, System, Color, This.HWND)
      Return This.GetRGB(Result)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetOptions(Options, Mode := "SET") { ; Sets the options for a rich edit control
      ; Options : Array of options as the keys defined in 'ECO'.
      ; Mode    : Settings mode: SET, OR, AND, XOR
      ; For details see
      ; EM_SETOPTIONS = 0x044D
                   , WANTRETURN: 0x1000, SAVESEL: 0x8000, SELECTIONBAR: 0x01000000, VERTICAL: 0x400000}
           , ECOOP := {SET: 0x01, OR: 0x02, AND: 0x03, XOR: 0x04}
      If (Type(Options) != "Array") || !ECOOP.HasProp(Mode)
         Return False
      O := 0
      For Each, Option In Options {
         If ECO.HasProp(Option)
            O |= ECO.%Option%
            Return False
      Return SendMessage(0x044D, ECOOP.%Mode%, O, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetRect(L, T, R, B) { ; Sets the formatting rectangle of a multiline edit control
      ; L (eft), T (op), R (ight), B (ottom)
      ; Set all parameters to zero to set it to its default values.
      ; Returns True for multiline controls.
      If !This.MultiLine
         Return False
      If (L + T + R + B) = 0
         RC := {Ptr: 0}
      Else {
         RC := Buffer(16, 0)
         NumPut("Int", L, "Int", T, "Int", R, "Int", B, RC)
      SendMessage(0xB3, 0, RC.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetStyles(Styles) { ; Sets the current edit style flags for a rich edit control.
      ; Styles : Object containing on or more of the keys defined in 'SES'.
      ;          If the value is 0 the style will be removed, otherwise it will be added.
      ; For details see
      ; EM_SETEDITSTYLE	= 0x04CC (WM_USER + 204)
                     NOIME: 128, ALLOWBEEPS: 256, UPPERCASE: 512, LOWERCASE: 1024, NOINPUTSEQUENCECHK: 2048,
                     BIDI: 4096, SCROLLONKILLFOCUS: 8192, XLTCRCRLFTOCR: 16384, DRAFTMODE: 32768,
                     USECTF: 0x0010000, HIDEGRIDLINES: 0x0020000, USEATFONT: 0x0040000, CUSTOMLOOK: 0x0080000,
                     LBSCROLLNOTIFY: 0x0100000, CTFALLOWEMBED: 0x0200000, CTFALLOWSMARTTAG: 0x0400000,
                     CTFALLOWPROOFING: 0x0800000}
      If (Type(Styles) != "Object")
         Return False
      Flags := Mask := 0
      For Style, Value In Styles.OwnProps() {
         If SES.HasProp(Style) {
            Mask |= SES.%Style%
            If (Value != 0)
               Flags |= SES.%Style%
      Return Mask ? SendMessage(0x04CC, Flags, Mask, This.HWND) : False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetZoom(Ratio := "") { ; Sets the zoom ratio of a rich edit control.
      ; Ratio : Float value between 100/64 and 6400; a ratio of 0 turns zooming off.
      ; EM_SETZOOM = 0x4E1
      Return SendMessage(0x04E1, (Ratio > 0 ? Ratio : 100), 100, This.HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Copy, paste, etc.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   CanRedo() { ; Determines whether there are any actions in the control redo queue.
      ; EM_CANREDO = 0x0455 (WM_USER + 85)
      Return SendMessage(0x0455, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   CanUndo() { ; Determines whether there are any actions in an edit control's undo queue.
      ; EM_CANUNDO = 0x00C6
      Return SendMessage(0x00C6, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Clear() {
      ; WM_CLEAR = 0x303
      Return SendMessage(0x0303, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Copy() {
      ; WM_COPY = 0x301
      Return SendMessage(0x0301, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Cut() {
      ; WM_CUT = 0x300
      Return SendMessage(0x0300, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Paste() {
      ; WM_PASTE = 0x302
      Return SendMessage(0x0302, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Redo() {
      ; EM_REDO := 0x454
      Return SendMessage(0x0454, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Undo() {
      ; EM_UNDO = 0xC7
      Return SendMessage(0x00C7, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SelAll() {
      ; Select all
      Return This.SetSel(0, -1)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Deselect() {
      ; Deselect all
      Sel := This.GetSel()
      Return This.SetSel(Sel.S, Sel.S)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Font & colors
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ChangeFontSize(Diff) { ; Change font size
      ; Diff : any positive or negative integer, positive values are treated as +1, negative as -1.
      ; Returns new size.
      ; EM_SETFONTSIZE = 0x04DF
      ; Font size changes by 1 in the range 4 - 11 pt, by 2 for 12 - 28 pt, afterward to 36 pt, 48 pt, 72 pt, 80 pt,
      ; and by 10 for > 80 pt. The maximum value is 160 pt, the minimum is 4 pt
      Font := This.GetFont()
      If (Diff > 0 && Font.Size < 160) || (Diff < 0 && Font.Size > 4)
         SendMessage(0x04DF, (Diff > 0 ? 1 : -1), 0, This.HWND)
         Return False
      Font := This.GetFont()
      Return Font.Size
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetFont(Default := False) { ; Get current font
      ; Set Default to True to get the default font.
      ; Returns an object containing current options (see SetFont())
      ; EM_GETCHARFORMAT = 0x043A
      ; BOLD_FONTTYPE = 0x0100, ITALIC_FONTTYPE = 0x0200
      ; CFM_BACKCOLOR = 0x04000000, CFM_CHARSET := 0x08000000, CFM_FACE = 0x20000000, CFM_COLOR = 0x40000000
      ; CFM_SIZE = 0x80000000
      ; CFE_SUBSCRIPT = 0x10000, CFE_SUPERSCRIPT = 0x20000, CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR = 0x04000000, CFE_AUTOCOLOR = 0x40000000
      ; SCF_SELECTION = 1
      Static Mask := 0xEC03001F
      Static Effects := 0xEC000000
      CF2 := RichEdit.CHARFORMAT2()
      CF2.Mask := Mask
      CF2.Effects := Effects
      SendMessage(0x043A, (Default ? 0 : 1), CF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Font := {}
      Font.Name := CF2.FaceName
      Font.Size := CF2.Height / 20
      CFS := CF2.Effects
      Style := (CFS & 1 ? "B" : "") . (CFS & 2 ? "I" : "") . (CFS & 4 ? "U" : "") . (CFS & 8 ? "S" : "")
             . (CFS & 0x10000 ? "L" : "") . (CFS & 0x20000 ? "H" : "") . (CFS & 16 ? "P" : "")
      Font.Style := Style = "" ? "N" : Style
      Font.Color := This.GetRGB(CF2.TextColor)
      If (CF2.Effects & 0x40000000)  ; CFE_AUTOCOLOR
         Font.Color := "Auto"
         Font.Color := This.GetRGB(CF2.TextColor)
      If (CF2.Effects & 0x04000000) ; CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR
         Font.BkColor := "Auto"
         Font.BkColor := This.GetRGB(CF2.BackColor)
      Font.CharSet := CF2.CharSet
      Return Font
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetDefaultFont(Font := "") { ; Set default font
      ; Font : Optional object - see SetFont().
      If IsObject(Font) {
         For Key, Value In Font.OwnProps()
            If This.DefFont.HasProp(Key)
               This.DefFont.%Key% := Value
      Return This.SetFont(This.DefFont)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetFont(Font) { ; Set current/default font
      ; Font : Object containing the following keys
      ;        Name    : optional font name
      ;        Size    : optional font size in points
      ;        Style   : optional string of one or more of the following styles
      ;                  B = bold, I = italic, U = underline, S = strikeout, L = subscript
      ;                  H = superschript, P = protected, N = normal
      ;        Color   : optional text color as RGB integer value or HTML color name
      ;                  "Auto" for "automatic" (system's default) color
      ;        BkColor : optional text background color (see Color)
      ;                  "Auto" for "automatic" (system's default) background color
      ;        CharSet : optional font character set
      ;                  1 = DEFAULT_CHARSET, 2 = SYMBOL_CHARSET
      ;        Empty parameters preserve the corresponding properties
      ; EM_SETCHARFORMAT = 0x0444
      If (Type(Font) != "Object")
         Return False
      CF2 := RichEdit.CHARFORMAT2()
      Mask := Effects := 0
      If Font.HasProp("Name") && (Font.Name != "") {
         Mask |= 0x20000000, Effects |= 0x20000000 ; CFM_FACE, CFE_FACE
         CF2.FaceName := Font.Name
      If Font.HasProp("Size") && (Font.Size != "") {
         Size := Font.Size
         If (Size < 161)
            Size *= 20
         Mask |= 0x80000000, Effects |= 0x80000000 ; CFM_SIZE, CFE_SIZE
         CF2.Height := Size
      If Font.HasProp("Style") && (Font.Style != "") {
         Mask |= 0x3001F           ; all font styles
         If InStr(Font.Style, "B")
            Effects |= 1           ; CFE_BOLD
         If InStr(Font.Style, "I")
            Effects |= 2           ; CFE_ITALIC
         If InStr(Font.Style, "U")
            Effects |= 4           ; CFE_UNDERLINE
         If InStr(Font.Style, "S")
            Effects |= 8           ; CFE_STRIKEOUT
         If InStr(Font.Style, "P")
            Effects |= 16          ; CFE_PROTECTED
         If InStr(Font.Style, "L")
            Effects |= 0x10000     ; CFE_SUBSCRIPT
         If InStr(Font.Style, "H")
            Effects |= 0x20000     ; CFE_SUPERSCRIPT
      If Font.HasProp("Color") && (Font.Color != "") {
         Mask |= 0x40000000        ; CFM_COLOR
         If (Font.Color = "Auto")
            Effects |= 0x40000000  ; CFE_AUTOCOLOR
            CF2.TextColor := This.GetBGR(Font.Color)
      If Font.HasProp("BkColor") && (Font.BkColor != "") {
         Mask |= 0x04000000        ; CFM_BACKCOLOR
         If (Font.BkColor = "Auto")
            Effects |= 0x04000000  ; CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR
            CF2.BackColor := This.GetBGR(Font.BkColor)
      If Font.HasProp("CharSet") && (Font.CharSet != "") {
         Mask |= 0x08000000, Effects |= 0x08000000 ; CFM_CHARSET, CFE_CHARSET
         CF2.CharSet := Font.CharSet = 2 ? 2 : 1 ; SYMBOL|DEFAULT
      If (Mask != 0) {
         Mode := Font.HasProp("Default") ? 0 : 1
         CF2.Mask := Mask
         CF2.Effects := Effects
         Return SendMessage(0x0444, Mode, CF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetFontStyles(Styles, Default := False) { ; Set the font styles for the current selection or the default font
      ; Styles : a string containing one or more of the following styles
      ;          B = bold, I = italic, U = underline, S = strikeout, L = subscript, H = superschript, P = protected,
      ;          N = normal (reset all other styles)
      ; CFE_SUBSCRIPT = 0x10000, CFE_SUPERSCRIPT = 0x20000, SCF_SELECTION = 1
      Static FontStyles := {N: 0, B: 1, I: 2, U: 4, S: 8, P: 16, L: 0x010000, H: 0x020000}
      CF2 := RichEdit.CHARFORMAT2()
      CF2.Mask := 0x3001F ; FontStyles
      If InStr(Styles, "N")
         CF2.Effects := 0
         For Style In StrSplit(Styles)
            CF2.Effects |= FontStyles.HasProp(Style) ? FontStyles.%Style% : 0
      Return SendMessage(0x0444, !Default, CF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ToggleFontStyle(Style) { ; Toggle single font style
      ; Style : one of the following styles
      ;         B = bold, I = italic, U = underline, S = strikeout, L = subscript, H = superschript, P = protected,
      ;         N = normal (reset all other styles)
      ; CFE_SUBSCRIPT = 0x10000, CFE_SUPERSCRIPT = 0x20000, SCF_SELECTION = 1
      Static FontStyles := {N: 0, B: 1, I: 2, U: 4, S: 8, P: 16, L: 0x010000, H: 0x020000}
      If !FontStyles.HasProp(Style)
         Return False
      CF2 := This.GetCharFormat()
      CF2.Mask := 0x3001F ; FontStyles
      If (Style = "N")
         CF2.Effects := 0
         CF2.Effects ^= FontStyles.%Style%
      Return SendMessage(0x0444, 1, CF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Paragraph formatting
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   AlignText(Align := 1) { ; Set paragraph's alignment
      ; Note:  Values greater 3 doesn't seem to work though they should as documented
      ; Align: may contain one of the following numbers:
      ;        PFA_LEFT             1
      ;        PFA_RIGHT            2
      ;        PFA_CENTER           3
      ;        PFA_JUSTIFY          4 // New paragraph-alignment option 2.0 (*)
      ;        PFA_FULL_INTERWORD   4 // These are supported in 3.0 with advanced
      ;        PFA_FULL_INTERLETTER 5 // typography enabled
      ;        PFA_FULL_SCALED      6
      ;        PFA_FULL_GLYPHS      7
      ;        PFA_SNAP_GRID        8
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447, PFM_ALIGNMENT = 0x08
      Static PFA := {LEFT: 1, RIGHT: 2, CENTER: 3, JUSTIFY: 4}
      If PFA.HasProp(Align)
         Align := PFA.%Align%
      If (Align >= 1) && (ALign <= 8) {
         PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2() ; PARAFORMAT2 struct
         PF2.Mask := 0x08              ; dwMask
         PF2.Alignment := Align        ; wAlignment
         SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
         Return True
      Return False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetBorder(Widths, Styles) { ; Set paragraph's borders
      ; Borders are not displayed in RichEdit, so the call of this function has no visible result.
      ; Even WordPad distributed with Win7 does not show them, but e.g. Word 2007 does.
      ; Widths : Array of the 4 border widths in the range of 1 - 15 in order left, top, right, bottom; zero = no border
      ; Styles : Array of the 4 border styles in the range of 0 - 7 in order left, top, right, bottom (see remarks)
      ; Note:
      ; The description on MSDN at is wrong!
      ; To set borders you have to put the border width into the related nibble (4 Bits) of wBorderWidth
      ; (in order: left (0 - 3), top (4 - 7), right (8 - 11), and bottom (12 - 15). The values are interpreted as
      ; half points (i.e. 10 twips). Border styles are set in the related nibbles of wBorders.
      ; Valid styles seem to be:
      ;     0 : \brdrdash (dashes)
      ;     1 : \brdrdashsm (small dashes)
      ;     2 : \brdrdb (double line)
      ;     3 : \brdrdot (dotted line)
      ;     4 : \brdrhair (single/hair line)
      ;     5 : \brdrs ? looks like 3
      ;     6 : \brdrth ? looks like 3
      ;     7 : \brdrtriple (triple line)
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447, PFM_BORDER = 0x800
      If (Type(Widths) != "Array") ||  (Type(Styles) != "Array") || (Widths.Length != 4) || (Styles.Length != 4)
         Return False
      W := S := 0
      For I, V In Widths {
         If (V)
            W |= V << ((A_Index - 1) * 4)
         If Styles[I]
            S |= Styles[I] << ((A_Index - 1) * 4)
      PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2()
      PF2.Mask := 0x800
      PF2.BorderWidth := W
      PF2.Borders := S
      Return SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetLineSpacing(Lines) { ; Sets paragraph's line spacing.
      ; Lines : number of lines as integer or float.
      ; SpacingRule = 5:
      ; The value of dyLineSpacing / 20 is the spacing, in lines, from one line to the next. Thus, setting
      ; dyLineSpacing to 20 produces single-spaced text, 40 is double spaced, 60 is triple spaced, and so on.
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447, PFM_LINESPACING = 0x100
      PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2()
      PF2.Mask := 0x100
      PF2.LineSpacing := Abs(Lines) * 20
      PF2.LineSpacingRule := 5
      Return SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetParaIndent(Indent := "Reset") { ; Sets space left/right of the paragraph.
      ; Indent : Object containing up to three keys:
      ;          - Start  : Optional - Absolute indentation of the paragraph's first line.
      ;          - Right  : Optional - Indentation of the right side of the paragraph, relative to the right margin.
      ;          - Offset : Optional - Indentation of the second and subsequent lines, relative to the indentation
      ;                                of the first line.
      ;          Values are interpreted as centimeters/inches depending on the user's locale measurement settings.
      ;          Call without passing a parameter to reset indentation.
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447
      ; PFM_STARTINDENT  = 0x0001
      ; PFM_RIGHTINDENT  = 0x0002
      ; PFM_OFFSET       = 0x0004
      Static PFM := {STARTINDENT: 0x01, RIGHTINDENT: 0x02, OFFSET: 0x04}
      Measurement := This.GetMeasurement()
      PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2()
      If (Indent = "Reset")
         PF2.Mask := 0x07 ; reset indentation
      Else If !IsObject(Indent)
         Return False
      Else {
         PF2.Mask := 0
         If (Indent.HasProp("Start")) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.STARTINDENT
            PF2.StartIndent := Round((Indent.Start / Measurement) * 1440)
         If (Indent.HasProp("Offset")) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.OFFSET
            PF2.Offset := Round((Indent.Offset / Measurement) * 1440)
         If (Indent.HasProp("Right")) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.RIGHTINDENT
            PF2.RightIndent := Round((Indent.Right / Measurement) * 1440)
      If (PF2.Mask)
         Return SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetParaNumbering(Numbering := "Reset") {
      ; Numbering : Object containing up to four keys:
      ;             - Type  : Options used for bulleted or numbered paragraphs.
      ;             - Style : Optional - Numbering style used with numbered paragraphs.
      ;             - Tab   : Optional - Minimum space between a paragraph number and the paragraph text.
      ;             - Start : Optional - Sequence number used for numbered paragraphs (e.g. 3 for C or III)
      ;             Tab is interpreted as centimeters/inches depending on the user's locale measurement settings.
      ;             Call without passing a parameter to reset numbering.
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447
      ; PARAFORMAT numbering options
      ; PFN_BULLET   1 ; tomListBullet
      ; PFN_ARABIC   2 ; tomListNumberAsArabic:   0, 1, 2,	...
      ; PFN_LCLETTER 3 ; tomListNumberAsLCLetter: a, b, c,	...
      ; PFN_UCLETTER 4 ; tomListNumberAsUCLetter: A, B, C,	...
      ; PFN_LCROMAN  5 ; tomListNumberAsLCRoman:  i, ii, iii,	...
      ; PFN_UCROMAN  6 ; tomListNumberAsUCRoman:  I, II, III,	...
      ; PARAFORMAT2 wNumberingStyle options
      ; PFNS_PAREN     0x0000 ; default, e.g.,                 1)
      ; PFNS_PARENS    0x0100 ; tomListParentheses/256, e.g., (1)
      ; PFNS_PERIOD    0x0200 ; tomListPeriod/256, e.g.,       1.
      ; PFNS_PLAIN     0x0300 ; tomListPlain/256, e.g.,        1
      ; PFNS_NONUMBER  0x0400 ; used for continuation w/o number
      ; PFNS_NEWNUMBER 0x8000 ; start new number with wNumberingStart
      ; PFM_NUMBERING      0x0020
      ; PFM_NUMBERINGTAB   0x4000
      Static PFM := {Type: 0x0020, Style: 0x2000, Tab: 0x4000, Start: 0x8000}
      Static PFN := {Bullet: 1, Arabic: 2, LCLetter: 3, UCLetter: 4, LCRoman: 5, UCRoman: 6}
      Static PFNS := {Paren: 0x0000, Parens: 0x0100, Period: 0x0200, Plain: 0x0300, None: 0x0400, New: 0x8000}
      PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2()
      If (Numbering = "Reset")
         PF2.Mask := 0xE020
      Else If !IsObject(Numbering)
         Return False
      Else {
         If (Numbering.HasProp("Type")) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.Type
            PF2.Numbering := PFN.%Numbering.Type%
         If (Numbering.HasProp("Style")) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.Style
            PF2.NumberingStyle := PFNS.%Numbering.Style%
         If (Numbering.HasProp("Tab")) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.Tab
            PF2.NumberingTab := Round((Numbering.Tab / This.GetMeasurement()) * 1440)
         If (Numbering.HasProp("Start")) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.Start
            PF2.NumberingStart := Numbering.Start
      If (PF2.Mask)
         Return SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetParaSpacing(Spacing := "Reset") { ; Set space before / after the paragraph
      ; Spacing : Object containing one or two keys:
      ;           - Before : additional space before the paragraph in points
      ;           - After  : additional space after the paragraph in points
      ;           Call without passing a parameter to reset spacing to zero.
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447
      ; PFM_SPACEBEFORE  = 0x0040
      ; PFM_SPACEAFTER   = 0x0080
      Static PFM := {Before: 0x40, After: 0x80}
      PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2()
      If (Spacing = "Reset")
         PF2.Mask := 0xC0 ; reset spacing
      Else If !IsObject(Spacing)
         Return False
      Else {
         If Spacing.HasProp("Before") && (Spacing.Before >= 0) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.Before
            PF2.SpaceBefore := Round(Spacing.Before * 20)
         If Spacing.HasProp("After") && (Spacing.After >= 0) {
            PF2.Mask |= PFM.After
            PF2.SpaceAfter := Round(Spacing.After * 20)
      If (PF2.Mask)
         Return SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetDefaultTabs(Distance) { ; Set default tabstops
      ; Distance will be interpreted as inches or centimeters depending on the current user's locale.
      Static DUI := 64      ; dialog units per inch
           , MinTab := 0.20 ; minimal tab distance
           , MaxTab := 3.00 ; maximal tab distance
      IM := This.GetMeasurement()
      Distance := StrReplace(Distance, ",", ".")
      Distance := Round(Distance / IM, 2)
      If (Distance < MinTab)
         Distance := MinTab
      Else If (Distance > MaxTab)
         Distance := MaxTab
      TabStops := Buffer(4, 0)
      NumPut("Int", Round(DUI * Distance), TabStops)
      Result := SendMessage(0x00CB, 1, TabStops.Ptr, This.HWND)
      DllCall("UpdateWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND)
      Return Result
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SetTabStops(TabStops := "Reset") { ; Set paragraph's tabstobs
      ; TabStops is an object containing the integer position as hundredth of inches/centimeters as keys
      ; and the alignment ("L", "C", "R", or "D") as values.
      ; The position will be interpreted as hundredth of inches or centimeters depending on the current user's locale.
      ; Call without passing a  parameter to reset to default tabs.
      ; EM_SETPARAFORMAT = 0x0447, PFM_TABSTOPS = 0x10
      Static MinT := 30                ; minimal tabstop in hundredth of inches
      Static MaxT := 830               ; maximal tabstop in hundredth of inches
      Static Align := {L: 0x00000000   ; left aligned (default)
                     , C: 0x01000000   ; centered
                     , R: 0x02000000   ; right aligned
                     , D: 0x03000000}  ; decimal tabstop
      Static MAX_TAB_STOPS := 32
      IC := This.GetMeasurement()
      PF2 := RichEdit.PARAFORMAT2()
      PF2.Mask := 0x10
      If (TabStops = "Reset")
         Return !!SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      If !IsObject(TabStops)
         Return False
      Tabs  := []
      For Position, Alignment In TabStops.OwnProps() {
         Position /= IC
         If (Position < MinT) Or (Position > MaxT) ||
            !Align.HasProp(Alignment) Or (A_Index > MAX_TAB_STOPS)
            Return False
         Tabs.Push(Align.%Alignment% | Round((Position / 100) * 1440))
      If (Tabs.Length) {
         PF2.Tabs := Tabs
         Return SendMessage(0x0447, 0, PF2.Ptr, This.HWND)
      Return False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Line handling
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetCaretLine() { ; Get the line containing the caret
      Result := SendMessage(0x00BB, -1, 0, This.HWND)
      Return SendMessage(0x0436, 0, Result, This.HWND) + 1
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetLineCount() { ; Get the total number of lines
      Return SendMessage(0x00BA, 0, 0, This.HWND)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetLineIndex(LineNumber) { ; Get the index of the first character of the specified line.
      ; EM_LINEINDEX := 0x00BB
      ; LineNumber   -  zero-based line number
      Return SendMessage(0x00BB, LineNumber, 0, This.HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Statistics
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetStatistics() { ; Get some statistic values
      ; Get the line containing the caret, it's position in this line, the total amount of lines, the absulute caret
      ; position and the total amount of characters.
      Stats := {}
      SB := Buffer(A_PtrSize, 0)
      SendMessage(0x00B0, SB.Ptr, 0, This.Hwnd)
      LI := This.GetLineIndex(-1)
      Stats.LinePos := NumGet(SB, "Ptr") - LI + 1
      Stats.Line := SendMessage(0x00C9, -1, 0, This.HWND) + 1
      Stats.LineCount := This.GetLineCount()
      Stats.CharCount := This.GetTextLen()
      Return Stats
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Layout
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   WordWrap(On) { ; Turn wordwrapping on/off
      ; EM_SCROLLCARET = 0xB7
      Sel := This.GetSel()
      SendMessage(0x0448, 0, On ? 0 : -1, This.HWND)
      This.SetSel(Sel.S, Sel.E)
      SendMessage(0x00B7, 0, 0, This.HWND)
      Return On
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   WYSIWYG(On) { ; Show control as printed (WYSIWYG)
      ; Text measuring is based on the default printer's capacities, thus changing the printer may produce different
      ; results. See remarks/comments in Print() also.
      ; PD_RETURNDC = 0x0100, PD_RETURNDEFAULT = 0x0400
      Static PDC := 0
      Static PD_Size := (A_PtrSize = 4 ? 66 : 120)
      Static OffFlags := A_PtrSize * 5
      Sel := This.GetSel()
      If !(On) {
         DllCall("LockWindowUpdate", "Ptr", This.HWND)
         DllCall("DeleteDC", "Ptr", PDC)
         SendMessage(0x0448, 0, -1, This.HWND)
         This.SetSel(Sel.S, Sel.E)
         SendMessage(0x00B7, 0, 0, This.HWND)
         DllCall("LockWindowUpdate", "Ptr", 0)
         Return True
      PD := Buffer(PD_Size, 0)
      Numput("UInt", PD_Size, PD)
      NumPut("UInt", 0x0100 | 0x0400, PD, A_PtrSize * 5) ; PD_RETURNDC | PD_RETURNDEFAULT
      If !DllCall("Comdlg32.dll\PrintDlg", "Ptr", PD.Ptr, "Int")
      DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", NumGet(PD, A_PtrSize * 2, "UPtr"))
      DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", NumGet(PD, A_PtrSize * 3, "UPtr"))
      PDC := NumGet(PD, A_PtrSize * 4, "UPtr")
      DllCall("LockWindowUpdate", "Ptr", This.HWND)
      Caps := This.GetPrinterCaps(PDC)
      ; Set up page size and margins in pixel
      UML := This.Margins.LT                   ; user margin left
      UMR := This.Margins.RT                   ; user margin right
      PML := Caps.POFX                         ; physical margin left
      PMR := Caps.PHYW - Caps.HRES - Caps.POFX ; physical margin right
      LPW := Caps.HRES                         ; logical page width
      ; Adjust margins
      UML := UML > PML ? (UML - PML) : 0
      UMR := UMR > PMR ? (UMR - PMR) : 0
      LineLen := LPW - UML - UMR
      SendMessage(0x0448, PDC, LineLen, This.HWND)
      This.SetSel(Sel.S, Sel.E)
      SendMessage(0x00B7, 0, 0, This.HWND)
      DllCall("LockWindowUpdate", "Ptr", 0)
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; File handling
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   LoadFile(File, Mode := "Open") { ; Load file
      ; File : file name
      ; Mode : Open / Add / Insert
      ;        Open   : Replace control's content
      ;        Append : Append to conrol's content
      ;        Insert : Insert at / replace current selection
      If !FileExist(File)
         Return False
      Ext := ""
      SplitPath(File, , , &Ext)
      If (Ext = "rtf") {
         Switch Mode {
            Case "Open":
               Selection := False
            Case "Insert":
               Selection := True
            Case "Append":
               This.SetSel(-1, -2)
               Selection := True
         This.LoadRTF(File, Selection)
      Else {
         Text := FileRead(File)
         Switch Mode {
            Case "Open":
            Case "Insert":
            Case "Append":
               This.SetSel(-1, -2)
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   SaveFile(File) { ; Save file
      ; File : file name
      ; Returns True on success, otherwise False.
      Ext := ""
      SplitPath(File, , , &Ext)
      Text := Ext = "rtf" ? This.GetRTF() : This.GetText()
      Try {
         FileObj := FileOpen(File, "w")
         Return True
      Catch As Err {
         MsgBox 16, A_ThisFunc, "Couldn't save '" . File . "'!`n`n" . Type(Err) ": " Err.Message
         Return False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Printing
   ; THX jballi ->
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Print() {
      ; EM_FORMATRANGE = 0x0439, EM_SETTARGETDEVICE = 0x0448
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; Static variables
      Static PD_ALLPAGES := 0x00, PD_SELECTION := 0x01, PD_PAGENUMS := 0x02, PD_NOSELECTION := 0x04
           , PD_RETURNDC := 0x0100, PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES := 0x040000, PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE := 0x100000
           , PD_NONETWORKBUTTON := 0x200000, PD_NOCURRENTPAGE := 0x800000
           , MM_TEXT := 0x1
           , DocName := "AHKRichEdit"
           , PD_Size := (A_PtrSize = 8 ? (13 * A_PtrSize) + 16 : 66)
      ErrorMsg := ""
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; Prepare to call PrintDlg
      ; Define/Populate the PRINTDLG structure
      PD := Buffer(PD_Size, 0)
      Numput("UInt", PD_Size, PD)  ; lStructSize
      Numput("UPtr", This.Gui.Hwnd, PD, A_PtrSize) ; hwndOwner
      ; Collect Start/End select positions
      Sel := This.GetSel()
      ; Determine/Set Flags
             | PD_NOCURRENTPAGE
      If (Sel.S = Sel.E)
         Flags |= PD_NOSELECTION
         Flags |= PD_SELECTION
      Offset := A_PtrSize * 5
      ; Flags, pages, and copies
      NumPut("UInt", Flags, "UShort", 1, "UShort", 1, "UShort", 1, "UShort", -1, "UShort", 1, PD, Offset)
      ; Note: Use -1 to specify the maximum page number (65535).
      ; Programming note: The values that are loaded to these fields are critical. The Print dialog will not
      ; display (returns an error) if unexpected values are loaded to one or more of these fields.
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; Print dialog box
      ; Open the Print dialog.  Bounce If the user cancels.
      If !DllCall("Comdlg32.dll\PrintDlg", "Ptr", PD, "UInt")
         Throw Error("Function: " . A_ThisFunc . " - DLLCall of 'PrintDlg' failed.", -1)
      ; Get the printer device context.  Bounce If not defined.
      If !(PDC := NumGet(PD, A_PtrSize * 4, "UPtr")) ; hDC
         Throw Error("Function: " . A_ThisFunc . " - Couldn't get a printer's device context.", -1)
      ; Free global structures created by PrintDlg
      DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", NumGet(PD, A_PtrSize * 2, "UPtr"))
      DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", NumGet(PD, A_PtrSize * 3, "UPtr"))
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; Prepare to print
      ; Collect Flags
      Offset := A_PtrSize * 5
      Flags := NumGet(PD, OffSet, "UInt")           ; Flags
      ; Determine From/To Page
      If (Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) {
         PageF := NumGet(PD, Offset += 4, "UShort") ; nFromPage (first page)
         PageL := NumGet(PD, Offset += 2, "UShort") ; nToPage (last page)
         PageF := 1, PageL := 65535
      ; Collect printer capacities
      Caps := This.GetPrinterCaps(PDC)
      ; Set up page size and margins in Twips (1/20 point or 1/1440 of an inch)
      UML := This.Margins.LT                   ; user margin left
      UMT := This.Margins.TT                   ; user margin top
      UMR := This.Margins.RT                   ; user margin right
      UMB := This.Margins.BT                   ; user margin bottom
      PML := Caps.POFX                         ; physical margin left
      PMT := Caps.POFY                         ; physical margin top
      PMR := Caps.PHYW - Caps.HRES - Caps.POFX ; physical margin right
      PMB := Caps.PHYH - Caps.VRES - Caps.POFY ; physical margin bottom
      LPW := Caps.HRES                         ; logical page width
      LPH := Caps.VRES                         ; logical page height
      ; Adjust margins
      UML := UML > PML ? (UML - PML) : 0
      UMT := UMT > PMT ? (UMT - PMT) : 0
      UMR := UMR > PMR ? (UMR - PMR) : 0
      UMB := UMB > PMB ? (UMB - PMB) : 0
      ; Define/Populate the FORMATRANGE structure
      FR := Buffer((A_PtrSize * 2) + (4 * 10), 0)
      NumPut("UPtr", PDC, "UPtr", PDC, FR) ; hdc , hdcTarget
      ; Define FORMATRANGE.rc
      ; rc is the area to render to (rcPage - margins), measured in twips (1/20 point or 1/1440 of an inch).
      ; If the user-defined margins are smaller than the printer's margins (the unprintable areas at the edges
      ; of each page), the user margins are set to the printer's margins. In addition, the user-defined margins
      ; must be adjusted to account for the printer's margins.
      ; For example: If the user requests a 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) left margin but the printer's left margin is
      ; 1/4 inch (6.35 mm), rc.Left is set to 720 twips (1/2 inch or 12.7 mm).
      Offset := A_PtrSize * 2
      NumPut("Int", UML, "Int", UMT, "Int", LPW - UMR, "Int", LPH - UMB, FR, Offset)
      ; Define FORMATRANGE.rcPage
      ; rcPage is the entire area of a page on the rendering device, measured in twips (1/20 point or 1/1440 of an inch)
      ; Note: rc defines the maximum printable area which does not include the printer's margins (the unprintable areas
      ; at the edges of the page). The unprintable areas are represented by PHYSICALOFFSETX and PHYSICALOFFSETY.
      Offset += 16
      NumPut("Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", LPW, "Int", LPH, FR, Offset)
      ; Determine print range.
      ; If "Selection" option is chosen, use selected text, otherwise use the entire document.
      If (Flags & PD_SELECTION)
         PrintS := Sel.S, PrintE := Sel.E
         PrintS := 0, PrintE := -1            ; (-1 = Select All)
      Offset += 16
      Numput("Int", PrintS, "Int", PrintE, FR, OffSet) ; cr.cpMin , cr.cpMax
      ; Define/Populate the DOCINFO structure
      DI := Buffer(A_PtrSize * 5, 0)
      NumPut("UPtr", A_PtrSize * 5, "UPtr", StrPtr(DocName), "UPtr", 0, DI) ; lpszDocName, lpszOutput
      ; Programming note: All other DOCINFO fields intentionally left as null.
      ; Determine MaxPrintIndex
      If (Flags & PD_SELECTION)
          PrintM := Sel.E
          PrintM := This.GetTextLen()
      ; Be sure that the printer device context is in text mode
      DllCall("SetMapMode", "Ptr", PDC, "Int", MM_TEXT)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; Print it!
      ; Start a print job.  Bounce If there is a problem.
      PrintJob := DllCall("StartDoc", "Ptr", PDC, "Ptr", DI.Ptr, "Int")
      If (PrintJob <= 0)
         Throw Error("Function: " . A_ThisFunc . " - DLLCall of 'StartDoc' failed.", -1)
      ; Print page loop
      PageC  := 0 ; current page
      PrintC := 0 ; current print index
      While (PrintC < PrintM) {
         ; Are we done yet?
         If (PageC > PageL)
         If (PageC >= PageF) && (PageC <= PageL) {
            ; StartPage function.  Break If there is a problem.
            If (DllCall("StartPage", "Ptr", PDC, "Int") <= 0) {
               ErrorMsg := "Function: " . A_ThisFunc . " - DLLCall of 'StartPage' failed."
         ; Format or measure page
         If (PageC >= PageF) && (PageC <= PageL)
            Render := True
            Render := False
         PrintC := SendMessage(0x0439, Render, FR.Ptr, This.HWND)
         If (PageC >= PageF) && (PageC <= PageL) {
            ; EndPage function. Break If there is a problem.
            If (DllCall("EndPage", "Ptr", PDC, "Int") <= 0) {
               ErrorMsg := "Function: " . A_ThisFunc . " - DLLCall of 'EndPage' failed."
         ; Update FR for the next page
         Offset := (A_PtrSize * 2) + (4 * 8)
         Numput("Int", PrintC, "Int", PrintE, FR, Offset) ; cr.cpMin, cr.cpMax
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; End the print job
      DllCall("EndDoc", "Ptr", PDC)
      ; Delete the printer device context
      DllCall("DeleteDC", "Ptr", PDC)
      ; Reset control (free cached information)
      SendMessage(0x0439, 0, 0, This.HWND)
      ; Return to sender
      If (ErrorMsg)
         Throw Error(ErrorMsg, -1)
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetMargins() { ; Get the default print margins
      Static PSD_RETURNDEFAULT := 0x00000400, PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES := 0x00000004
           , I := 1000 ; thousandth of inches
           , M := 2540 ; hundredth of millimeters
           , PSD_Size := (4 * 10) + (A_PtrSize * 11)
           , PD_Size := (A_PtrSize = 8 ? (13 * A_PtrSize) + 16 : 66)
           , OffFlags := 4 * A_PtrSize
           , OffMargins := OffFlags + (4 * 7)
      If !This.HasOwnProp("Margins") {
         PSD := Buffer(PSD_Size, 0) ; PAGESETUPDLG structure
         NumPut("UInt", PSD_Size, PSD)
         NumPut("UInt", PSD_RETURNDEFAULT, PSD, OffFlags)
         If !DllCall("Comdlg32.dll\PageSetupDlg", "Ptr", PSD, "UInt")
            Return false
         DllCall("GlobalFree", "UInt", NumGet(PSD, 2 * A_PtrSize, "UPtr"))
         DllCall("GlobalFree", "UInt", NumGet(PSD, 3 * A_PtrSize, "UPtr"))
         Flags := NumGet(PSD, OffFlags, "UInt")
         Metrics := (Flags & PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES) ? I : M
         Offset := OffMargins
         This.Margins := {}
         This.Margins.L := NumGet(PSD, Offset += 0, "Int")           ; Left
         This.Margins.T := NumGet(PSD, Offset += 4, "Int")           ; Top
         This.Margins.R := NumGet(PSD, Offset += 4, "Int")           ; Right
         This.Margins.B := NumGet(PSD, Offset += 4, "Int")           ; Bottom
         This.Margins.LT := Round((This.Margins.L / Metrics) * 1440) ; Left in twips
         This.Margins.TT := Round((This.Margins.T / Metrics) * 1440) ; Top in twips
         This.Margins.RT := Round((This.Margins.R / Metrics) * 1440) ; Right in twips
         This.Margins.BT := Round((This.Margins.B / Metrics) * 1440) ; Bottom in twips
      Return True
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetPrinterCaps(DC) { ; Get printer's capacities
      Static HORZRES         := 0x08, VERTRES         := 0x0A
           , LOGPIXELSX      := 0x58, LOGPIXELSY      := 0x5A
           , PHYSICALWIDTH   := 0x6E, PHYSICALHEIGHT  := 0x6F
           , PHYSICALOFFSETX := 0x70, PHYSICALOFFSETY := 0x71
      Caps := {}
      ; Number of pixels per logical inch along the page width and height
      LPXX := DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", LOGPIXELSX, "Int")
      LPXY := DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", LOGPIXELSY, "Int")
      ; The width and height of the physical page, in twips.
      Caps.PHYW := Round((DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", PHYSICALWIDTH, "Int") / LPXX) * 1440)
      Caps.PHYH := Round((DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", PHYSICALHEIGHT, "Int") / LPXY) * 1440)
      ; The distance from the left/right edge (PHYSICALOFFSETX) and the top/bottom edge (PHYSICALOFFSETY) of the
      ; physical page to the edge of the printable area, in twips.
      Caps.POFX := Round((DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", PHYSICALOFFSETX, "Int") / LPXX) * 1440)
      Caps.POFY := Round((DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", PHYSICALOFFSETY, "Int") / LPXY) * 1440)
      ; Width and height of the printable area of the page, in twips.
      Caps.HRES := Round((DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", HORZRES, "Int") / LPXX) * 1440)
      Caps.VRES := Round((DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", DC, "Int", VERTRES, "Int") / LPXY) * 1440)
      Return Caps
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Internally used classes *
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; CHARFORMAT2 structure ->
   Class CHARFORMAT2 Extends Buffer {
      Size {
         Get => NumGet(This, 0, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 0)
      Mask {
         Get => NumGet(This, 4, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 4)
      Effects {
         Get => NumGet(This, 8, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 8)
      Height {
         Get => NumGet(This, 12, "Int")
         Set => NumPut("Int", Value, This, 12)
      Offset {
         Get => NumGet(This, 16, "Int")
         Set => NumPut("Int", Value, This, 16)
      TextColor {
         Get => NumGet(This, 20, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 20)
      CharSet {
         Get => NumGet(This, 24, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 24)
      PitchAndFamily {
         Get => NumGet(This, 25, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 25)
      FaceName {
         Get => StrGet(This.Ptr + 26, 32)
         Set => StrPut(Value, This.Ptr + 26, 32)
      Weight {
         Get => NumGet(This, 90, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 90)
      Spacing {
         Get => NumGet(This, 92, "Short")
         Set => NumPut("Short", Value, This, 92)
      BackColor {
         Get => NumGet(This, 96, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 96)
      LCID {
         Get => NumGet(This, 100, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 100)
      Cookie {
         Get => NumGet(This, 104, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 104)
      Style {
         Get => NumGet(This, 108, "Short")
         Set => NumPut("Short", Value, This, 108)
      Kerning {
         Get => NumGet(This, 110, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 110)
      UnderlineType {
         Get => NumGet(This, 112, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 112)
      Animation {
         Get => NumGet(This, 113, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 113)
      RevAuthor {
         Get => NumGet(This, 114, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 114)
      UnderlineColor {
         Get => NumGet(This, 115, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 115)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      __New() {
         Static CF2_Size := 116
         Super.__New(CF2_Size, 0)
         This.Size := CF2_Size
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; PARAFORMAT2 structure ->
   Class PARAFORMAT2 Extends Buffer {
      Size {
         Get => NumGet(This, 0, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 0)
      Mask {
         Get => NumGet(This, 4, "UInt")
         Set => NumPut("UInt", Value, This, 4)
      Numbering {
         Get => NumGet(This, 8, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 8)
      StartIndent {
         Get => NumGet(This, 12, "Int")
         Set => (NumPut("Int", Value, This, 12), Value)
      RightIndent {
         Get => NumGet(This, 16, "Int")
         Set => NumPut("Int", Value, This, 16)
      Offset {
         Get => NumGet(This, 20, "Int")
         Set => NumPut("Int", Value, This, 20)
      Alignment {
         Get => NumGet(This, 24, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 24)
      TabCount => NumGet(This, 26, "UShort")
      Tabs {
         Get {
            TabCount := This.TabCount
            Addr := This.Ptr + 28 - 4
            Tabs := Array()
            Tabs.Length := TabCount
            Loop TabCount
               Tabs[A_Index] := NumGet(Addr += 4, "UInt")
            Return Tabs
         Set {
            Static ErrMsg := "Requires a value of type Array but got type "
            If (Type(Value) != "Array")
               Throw TypeError(ErrMsg . Type(Value) . "!", -1)
            DllCall("RtlZeroMemory", "Ptr", This.Ptr + 28, "Ptr", 128)
            TabCount := Value.Length
            Addr := This.Ptr + 28
            For I, Tab In Value
               Addr := NumPut("UInt", Tab, Addr)
            NumPut("UShort", TabCount, This, 26)
            Return Value
      SpaceBefore {
         Get => NumGet(This, 156, "Int")
         Set => NumPut("Int", Value, This, 156)
      SpaceAfter {
         Get => NumGet(This, 160, "Int")
         Set => NumPut("Int", Value, This, 160)
      LineSpacing {
         Get => NumGet(This, 164, "Int")
         Set => NumPut("Int", Value, This, 164)
      Style {
         Get => NumGet(This, 168, "Short")
         Set => NumPut("Short", Value, This, 168)
      LineSpacingRule {
         Get => NumGet(This, 170, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 170)
      OutlineLevel {
         Get => NumGet(This, 171, "UChar")
         Set => NumPut("UChar", Value, This, 171)
      ShadingWeight {
         Get => NumGet(This, 172, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 172)
      ShadingStyle {
         Get => NumGet(This, 174, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 174)
      NumberingStart {
         Get => NumGet(This, 176, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 176)
      NumberingStyle {
         Get => NumGet(This, 178, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 178)
      NumberingTab {
         Get => NumGet(This, 180, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 180)
      BorderSpace {
         Get => NumGet(This, 182, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 182)
      BorderWidth {
         Get => NumGet(This, 184, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 184)
      Borders {
         Get => NumGet(This, 186, "UShort")
         Set => NumPut("UShort", Value, This, 186)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      __New() {
         Static PF2_Size := 188
         Super.__New(PF2_Size, 0)
         This.Size := PF2_Size
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Internally called methods *
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetBGR(RGB) { ; Get numeric BGR value from numeric RGB value or HTML color name
      Static HTML := {BLACK:  0x000000, SILVER: 0xC0C0C0, GRAY:   0x808080, WHITE:   0xFFFFFF
                    , MAROON: 0x000080, RED:    0x0000FF, PURPLE: 0x800080, FUCHSIA: 0xFF00FF
                    , GREEN:  0x008000, LIME:   0x00FF00, OLIVE:  0x008080, YELLOW:  0x00FFFF
                    , NAVY:   0x800000, BLUE:   0xFF0000, TEAL:   0x808000, AQUA:    0xFFFF00}
      If HTML.HasProp(RGB)
         Return HTML.%RGB%
      Return ((RGB & 0xFF0000) >> 16) + (RGB & 0x00FF00) + ((RGB & 0x0000FF) << 16)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetRGB(BGR) {  ; Get numeric RGB value from numeric BGR-Value
      Return ((BGR & 0xFF0000) >> 16) + (BGR & 0x00FF00) + ((BGR & 0x0000FF) << 16)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GetMeasurement() { ; Get locale measurement (metric / inch)
      Static Metric := 2.54  ; centimeters
           , Inches := 1.00  ; inches
           , Measurement := ""
      If (Measurement = "") {
         LCD := Buffer(4, 0)
         DllCall("GetLocaleInfo", "UInt", 0x400, "UInt", 0x2000000D, "Ptr", LCD, "Int", 2)
         Measurement := NumGet(LCD, 0, "UInt") ? Inches : Metric
      Return Measurement
Last edited by just me on 26 May 2023, 04:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

24 May 2023, 10:15

Could you add a Guide or something similar to how to setup it?
just me
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

26 May 2023, 04:43

@GamesOfFreak, did you look at RichEditSample.ahk on GitHub?
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

26 May 2023, 11:20

Can this library be used to display Markdown format? If possible can you add an example of displaying Markdown text? Thanks.
just me
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

28 May 2023, 02:49

@crocodile, this library can be used to display R(ich)T(ext)F(ormat).
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

17 Jan 2024, 15:56

Great library,

Included it and got it going extremely fast.
Very intuitive and organized. :DD

Thanks a ton!
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

18 Jan 2024, 14:32

Microsoft removed RTF support in Windows 11, but the library still works.
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

18 Feb 2024, 08:59

@just me

I think I have asked you already somewhere else, but I cannot find the thread anymore:

I would like to create a gui with a control that displays javascript code, that can be edited and saved.

Would it be possible to use your richedit control to show the code with correct synthax highlighting? Any other suggestion?

Greets Spitzi
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

19 Feb 2024, 03:29

@kczx3 THANKS. That looks very promising. Will check it out soon
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

19 Feb 2024, 03:50

@kczx3 I tried your code, but the Demo.ahk is in V1, not V2 as you explicitly write.
Also, I get syntax errors when including the Highlighters for CSS, HTML and JS: "missing coma" where you define the RegEx needles.

Did you upload the V1 files instead of the V2 files?
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

19 Feb 2024, 07:10

Did I state it was MY code? No.
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

19 Feb 2024, 08:43

oh, I see - true that. Sorry.
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

19 Feb 2024, 10:41

@Spitzi the repo I linked to does have a branch called v2-main that would likely work on current v2. It doesn't appear highlighters were updated though - just the main script.
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Re: RichEdit - a rich edit control for AHK v2 (2023-05-23)

03 Mar 2024, 08:06

@kczx3: Thanks again for the link you provided.

G33kDude was so kind as to update his demo code to V2 , and I adapted the code to my needs. Works nicely now. I condensed all into one file and just included a highlighter for JS. This is the result:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

; Settings array for the RichCode control
settings := {
	TabSize: 4,
	Indent: "`t",
	FGColor: 0xEDEDCD,
	BGColor: 0x3F3F3F,
	Font: {Typeface: "Consolas", Size: 11, Bold: false},
	WordWrap: False,

	UseHighlighter: True,
	HighlightDelay: 200,
	Colors: {
		Comments:     0x7F9F7F,
		Functions:    0x7CC8CF,
		Keywords:     0xE4EDED,
		Multiline:    0x7F9F7F,
		Numbers:      0xF79B57,
		Punctuation:  0x97C0EB,
		Strings:      0xCC9893,

		; AHK
		A_Builtins:   0xF79B57,
		Commands:     0xCDBFA3,
		Directives:   0x7CC8CF,
		Flow:         0xE4EDED,
		KeyNames:     0xCB8DD9,

		; CSS
		ColorCodes:   0x7CC8CF,
		Properties:   0xCDBFA3,
		Selectors:    0xE4EDED,

		; HTML
		Attributes:   0x7CC8CF,
		Entities:     0xF79B57,
		Tags:         0xCDBFA3,

		; JS
		Builtins:     0xE4EDED,
		Constants:    0xF79B57,
		Declarations: 0xCDBFA3

; Add some controls
g := Gui()
g.AddButton("ym", "Block &Comment").OnEvent("Click", BlockComment)
g.AddButton("ym", "Block &Uncomment").OnEvent("Click", BlockUncomment)
g.OnEvent("Close", GuiClose)

; Add the RichCode
rc := RichCode(g, settings, "xm w640 h470")
rc.Settings.Highlighter := HighlightJS

; Set its starting contents


GuiClose(*) {
	global rc

	; Overwrite rc, leaving the only reference from the GUI
	rc := ""

	; Destroy the GUI, freeing the RichCode instance

	; Close the script

BlockComment(*) {
	rc.SelectedText := "/* " rc.SelectedText " */"

BlockUncomment(*) {
	rc.SelectedText := RegExReplace(rc.SelectedText, "s)\/\* ?(.+?) ?\*\/", "$1")

; courtesy of G33KDUDE -
HighlightJS(Settings, &Code) {
	; Thank you to the Rouge project for compiling these keyword lists
	static Keywords := "for|in|of|while|do|break|return|continue|switch|case|default|if|else|throw|try|catch|finally|new|delete|typeof|instanceof|void|this|yield|import|export|from|as|async|super|this"
	, Declarations := "var|let|const|with|function|class|extends|constructor|get|set"
	, Constants := "true|false|null|NaN|Infinity|undefined"
	, Builtins := "Array|Boolean|Date|Error|Function|Math|netscape|Number|Object|Packages|RegExp|String|sun|decodeURI|decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent|Error|eval|isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt|document|window|console|navigator|self|global|Promise|Set|Map|WeakSet|WeakMap|Symbol|Proxy|Reflect|Int8Array|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int16Array|Uint16Array|Uint16ClampedArray|Int32Array|Uint32Array|Uint32ClampedArray|Float32Array|Float64Array|DataView|ArrayBuffer"
    , Needle := (						; opens a "continuation by enclosure" for better readability
        "ims)"							; options for the regex needle: i=caseinsensitive  m=multiline  s=DotAll  )=end of options      see
        "(\/\/[^\n]+)"               	; Comments
        "|(\/\*.*?\*\/)"             	; Multiline comments
        "|([+*!~&\/\\<>^|=?:@;"      	; Punctuation
        ",().```%{}\[\]\-]+)"        	; Punctuation (continued)
        "|\b(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+)" 	; Numbers
        "|(`"[^`"]*`"|'[^']*')"      	; Strings
        "|\b(" Constants ")\b"       	; Constants
        "|\b(" Keywords ")\b"        	; Keywords
        "|\b(" Declarations ")\b"    	; Declarations
        "|\b(" Builtins ")\b"        	; Builtins
        "|(([a-zA-Z_$]+)(?=\())"     	; Functions
    )									; closes the "continuation by enclosure"

	ColMap := Settings.Cache.ColorMap

	RTF := ""

	Pos := 1
	while FoundPos := RegExMatch(Code, Needle, &Match, Pos) {
		RTF .= (													;continuation by enclosure
			"\cf" ColMap.Plain " "
			EscapeRTF(SubStr(Code, Pos, FoundPos - Pos))
			"\cf" (
				Match.1 ? ColMap.Comments :
				Match.2 ? ColMap.Multiline :
				Match.3 ? ColMap.Punctuation :
				Match.4 ? ColMap.Numbers :
				Match.5 ? ColMap.Strings :
				Match.6 ? ColMap.Constants :
				Match.7 ? ColMap.Keywords :
				Match.8 ? ColMap.Declarations :
				Match.9 ? ColMap.Builtins :
				Match.10 ? ColMap.functions :
			) " "
		Pos := FoundPos + Match.Len()

	return (
		"\cf" ColMap.Plain " "
		EscapeRTF(SubStr(Code, Pos))

	if Settings.HasOwnProp("Cache")
	Cache := Settings.Cache := {}

	; --- Process Colors ---
	Cache.Colors := Settings.Colors.Clone()

	; Inherit from the Settings array's base
	BaseSettings := Settings
	while (BaseSettings := BaseSettings.Base)
		if BaseSettings.HasProp("Colors")
			for Name, Color in BaseSettings.Colors.OwnProps()
				if !Cache.Colors.HasProp(Name)
					Cache.Colors.%Name% := Color

	; Include the color of plain text
	if !Cache.Colors.HasOwnProp("Plain")
		Cache.Colors.Plain := Settings.FGColor

	; Create a Name->Index map of the colors
	Cache.ColorMap := {}
	for Name, Color in Cache.Colors.OwnProps()
		Cache.ColorMap.%Name% := A_Index

	; --- Generate the RTF headers ---
	RTF := "{\urtf"

	; Color Table
	RTF .= "{\colortbl;"
	for Name, Color in Cache.Colors.OwnProps()
		RTF .= "\red"   Color>>16 & 0xFF
		RTF .= "\green" Color>>8  & 0xFF
		RTF .= "\blue"  Color     & 0xFF ";"
	RTF .= "}"

	; Font Table
	if Settings.Font
		FontTable .= "{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 "
		FontTable .= Settings.Font.Typeface
		FontTable .= ";}}"
		RTF .= "\fs" Settings.Font.Size * 2 ; Font size (half-points)
		if Settings.Font.Bold
			RTF .= "\b"

	; Tab size (twips)
	RTF .= "\deftab" GetCharWidthTwips(Settings.Font) * Settings.TabSize

	Cache.RTFHeader := RTF

	static Cache := Map()

	if Cache.Has(Font.Typeface "_" Font.Size "_" Font.Bold)
		return Cache[Font.Typeface "_" font.Size "_" Font.Bold]

	; Calculate parameters of CreateFont
	Height := -Round(Font.Size*A_ScreenDPI/72)
	Weight := 400+300*(!!Font.Bold)
	Face := Font.Typeface

	; Get the width of "x"
	hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "UPtr", 0)
	hFont := DllCall("CreateFont"
	, "Int", Height ; _In_ int     nHeight,
	, "Int", 0      ; _In_ int     nWidth,
	, "Int", 0      ; _In_ int     nEscapement,
	, "Int", 0      ; _In_ int     nOrientation,
	, "Int", Weight ; _In_ int     fnWeight,
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwItalic,
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwUnderline,
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwStrikeOut,
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwCharSet, (ANSI_CHARSET)
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwOutputPrecision, (OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS)
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwClipPrecision, (CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS)
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwQuality, (DEFAULT_QUALITY)
	, "UInt", 0     ; _In_ DWORD   fdwPitchAndFamily, (FF_DONTCARE|DEFAULT_PITCH)
	, "Str", Face   ; _In_ LPCTSTR lpszFace
	, "UPtr")
	hObj := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", hDC, "UPtr", hFont, "UPtr")
	size := Buffer(8, 0)
	DllCall("GetTextExtentPoint32", "UPtr", hDC, "Str", "x", "Int", 1, "Ptr", SIZE)
	DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", hDC, "UPtr", hObj, "UPtr")
	DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", hFont)
	DllCall("ReleaseDC", "UPtr", 0, "UPtr", hDC)

	; Convert to twpis
	Twips := Round(NumGet(size, 0, "UInt")*1440/A_ScreenDPI)
	Cache[Font.Typeface "_" Font.Size "_" Font.Bold] := Twips
	return Twips

	for Char in ["\", "{", "}", "`n"]
		Code := StrReplace(Code, Char, "\" Char)
	return StrReplace(StrReplace(Code, "`t", "\tab "), "`r")


	class RichCode({"TabSize": 4     ; Width of a tab in characters
		, "Indent": "`t"             ; What text to insert on indent
		, "FGColor": 0xRRGGBB        ; Foreground (text) color
		, "BGColor": 0xRRGGBB        ; Background color
		, "Font"                     ; Font to use
		: {"Typeface": "Courier New" ; Name of the typeface
			, "Size": 12             ; Font size in points
			, "Bold": False}         ; Bolded (True/False)

		; Whether to use the highlighter, or leave it as plain text
		, "UseHighlighter": True

		; Delay after typing before the highlighter is run
		, "HighlightDelay": 200

		; The highlighter function (FuncObj or name)
		; to generate the highlighted RTF. It will be passed
		; two parameters, the first being this settings array
		; and the second being the code to be highlighted
		, "Highlighter": Func("HighlightAHK")

		; The colors to be used by the highlighter function.
		; This is currently used only by the highlighter, not at all by the
		; RichCode class. As such, the RGB ordering is by convention only.
		; You can add as many colors to this array as you want.
		, "Colors"
		: [0xRRGGBB
			, 0xRRGGBB
			, 0xRRGGBB,
			, 0xRRGGBB]})

class RichCode
	#DllLoad "msftedit.dll"
	static IID_ITextDocument := "{8CC497C0-A1DF-11CE-8098-00AA0047BE5D}"
	static MenuItems := ["Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "", "Select All", ""
		, "UPPERCASE", "lowercase", "TitleCase"]

	_Frozen := False

	/* @type {Gui.Custom} the underlying control */
	_control := {}

	Settings := {}

	gutter := { Hwnd: 0 }

	; --- Static Methods ---

	static BGRFromRGB(RGB) => RGB >> 16 & 0xFF | RGB & 0xFF00 | RGB << 16 & 0xFF0000

	; --- Properties ---

	Text {
		get => StrReplace(this._control.Text, "`r")
		set => (this.Highlight(Value), Value)

	; TODO: reserve and reuse memory
	selection[i := 0] {
		get => (
			this.SendMsg(0x434, 0, charrange := Buffer(8)), ; EM_EXGETSEL
			out := [NumGet(charrange, 0, "Int"), NumGet(charrange, 4, "Int")],
			i ? out[i] : out

		set => (
			i ? (t := this.selection, t[i] := Value, Value := t) : "",
			NumPut("Int", Value[1], "Int", Value[2], charrange := Buffer(8)),
			this.SendMsg(0x437, 0, charrange), ; EM_EXSETSEL

	SelectedText {
		get {
			Selection := this.selection
			length := selection[2] - selection[1]
			b := Buffer((length + 1) * 2)
			if this.SendMsg(0x43E, 0, b) > length ; EM_GETSELTEXT
				throw Error("Text larger than selection! Buffer overflow!")
			text := StrGet(b, length, "UTF-16")
			return StrReplace(text, "`r", "`n")

		set {
			this.SendMsg(0xC2, 1, StrPtr(Value)) ; EM_REPLACESEL
			this.Selection[1] -= StrLen(Value)
			return Value

	EventMask {
		get => this._EventMask

		set {
			this._EventMask := Value
			this.SendMsg(0x445, 0, Value) ; EM_SETEVENTMASK
			return Value

	_UndoSuspended := false
	UndoSuspended {
		get {
			return this._UndoSuspended

		set {
			try { ; ITextDocument is not implemented in WINE
				if Value
					this.ITextDocument.Undo(-9999995) ; tomSuspend
					this.ITextDocument.Undo(-9999994) ; tomResume
			return this._UndoSuspended := !!Value

	Frozen {
		get => this._Frozen

		set {
			if (Value && !this._Frozen)
				try ; ITextDocument is not implemented in WINE
					this._control.Opt "-Redraw"
			else if (!Value && this._Frozen)
				try ; ITextDocument is not implemented in WINE
					this._control.Opt "+Redraw"
			return this._Frozen := !!Value

	Modified {
		get {
			return this.SendMsg(0xB8, 0, 0) ; EM_GETMODIFY

		set {
			this.SendMsg(0xB9, Value, 0) ; EM_SETMODIFY
			return Value

	; --- Construction, Destruction, Meta-Functions ---

	__New(gui, Settings, Options := "")
		this.__Set := this.___Set
		this.Settings := Settings
		FGColor := RichCode.BGRFromRGB(Settings.FGColor)
		BGColor := RichCode.BGRFromRGB(Settings.BGColor)

		this._control := gui.AddCustom("ClassRichEdit50W +0x5031b1c4 +E0x20000 " Options)

		; Enable WordWrap in RichEdit control ("WordWrap" : true)
		if this.Settings.HasOwnProp("WordWrap")
			this.SendMsg(0x448, 0, 0)

		; Register for WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY events
		; NOTE: this prevents garbage collection of
		; the class until the control is destroyed
		this.EventMask := 1 ; ENM_CHANGE
		this._control.OnCommand 0x300, this.CtrlChanged.Bind(this)

		; Set background color
		this.SendMsg(0x443, 0, BGColor) ; EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR

		; Set character format
		f := settings.font
		cf2 := Buffer(116, 0)
		NumPut("UInt", 116, cf2, 0)          ; cbSize      = sizeof(CF2)
		NumPut("UInt", 0xE << 28, cf2, 4)    ; dwMask      = CFM_COLOR|CFM_FACE|CFM_SIZE
		NumPut("UInt", f.Size * 20, cf2, 12) ; yHeight     = twips
		NumPut("UInt", fgColor, cf2, 20) ; crTextColor = 0xBBGGRR
		StrPut(f.Typeface, cf2.Ptr + 26, 32, "UTF-16") ; szFaceName = TCHAR
		SendMessage(0x444, 0, cf2, this.Hwnd) ; EM_SETCHARFORMAT

		; Set tab size to 4 for non-highlighted code
		tabStops := Buffer(4)
		NumPut("UInt", Settings.TabSize * 4, tabStops)
		this.SendMsg(0x0CB, 1, tabStops) ; EM_SETTABSTOPS

		; Change text limit from 32,767 to max
		this.SendMsg(0x435, 0, -1) ; EM_EXLIMITTEXT

		; Bind for keyboard events
		; Use a pointer to prevent reference loop
		this.OnMessageBound := this.OnMessage.Bind(this)
		OnMessage(0x100, this.OnMessageBound) ; WM_KEYDOWN
		OnMessage(0x205, this.OnMessageBound) ; WM_RBUTTONUP

		; Bind the highlighter
		this.HighlightBound := this.Highlight.Bind(this)

		; Create the right click menu := Menu()
		for Index, Entry in RichCode.MenuItems
			(entry == "") ? :, (*) => this.RightClickMenu.Bind(this))

		; Get the ITextDocument object
		bufpIRichEditOle := Buffer(A_PtrSize, 0)
		this.SendMsg(0x43C, 0, bufpIRichEditOle) ; EM_GETOLEINTERFACE
		this.pIRichEditOle := NumGet(bufpIRichEditOle, "UPtr")
		this.IRichEditOle := ComValue(9, this.pIRichEditOle, 1)
		; ObjAddRef(this.pIRichEditOle)
		this.pITextDocument := ComObjQuery(this.IRichEditOle, RichCode.IID_ITextDocument)
		this.ITextDocument := ComValue(9, this.pITextDocument, 1)
		; ObjAddRef(this.pITextDocument)

	RightClickMenu(ItemName, ItemPos, MenuName)
		if (ItemName == "Cut")
			Clipboard := this.SelectedText, this.SelectedText := ""
		else if (ItemName == "Copy")
			Clipboard := this.SelectedText
		else if (ItemName == "Paste")
			this.SelectedText := A_Clipboard
		else if (ItemName == "Delete")
			this.SelectedText := ""
		else if (ItemName == "Select All")
			this.Selection := [0, -1]
		else if (ItemName == "UPPERCASE")
			this.SelectedText := Format("{:U}", this.SelectedText)
		else if (ItemName == "lowercase")
			this.SelectedText := Format("{:L}", this.SelectedText)
		else if (ItemName == "TitleCase")
			this.SelectedText := Format("{:T}", this.SelectedText)

		; Release the ITextDocument object
		this.ITextDocument := unset, ObjRelease(this.pITextDocument)
		this.IRichEditOle := unset, ObjRelease(this.pIRichEditOle)

		; Release the OnMessage handlers
		OnMessage(0x100, this.OnMessageBound, 0) ; WM_KEYDOWN
		OnMessage(0x205, this.OnMessageBound, 0) ; WM_RBUTTONUP

		; Destroy the right click menu := unset

	__Call(Name, Params) => this._control.%Name%(Params*)
	__Get(Name, Params) => this._control.%Name%[Params*]
	___Set(Name, Params, Value) {
		try {
			this._control.%Name%[Params*] := Value
		} catch Any as e {
			e2 := Error(, -1)
			e.What := e2.What
			e.Line := e2.Line
			e.File := e2.File
			throw e

	; --- Event Handlers ---

	OnMessage(wParam, lParam, Msg, hWnd)
		if (hWnd != this._control.hWnd)

		if (Msg == 0x100) ; WM_KEYDOWN
			if (wParam == GetKeyVK("Tab"))
				; Indentation
				Selection := this.Selection
				if GetKeyState("Shift")
					this.IndentSelection(True) ; Reverse
				else if (Selection[2] - Selection[1]) ; Something is selected
					; TODO: Trim to size needed to reach next TabSize
					this.SelectedText := this.Settings.Indent
					this.Selection[1] := this.Selection[2] ; Place cursor after
				return False
			else if (wParam == GetKeyVK("Escape")) ; Normally closes the window
				return False
			else if (wParam == GetKeyVK("v") && GetKeyState("Ctrl"))
				this.SelectedText := A_Clipboard ; Strips formatting
				this.Selection[1] := this.Selection[2] ; Place cursor after
				return False
		else if (Msg == 0x205) ; WM_RBUTTONUP
			return False

		; Delay until the user is finished changing the document
		SetTimer this.HighlightBound, -Abs(this.Settings.HighlightDelay)

	; --- Methods ---

	; First parameter is taken as a replacement value
	; Variadic form is used to detect when a parameter is given,
	; regardless of content
	Highlight(NewVal := unset)
		if !(this.Settings.UseHighlighter && this.Settings.Highlighter) {
			if IsSet(NewVal)
				this._control.Text := NewVal

		; Freeze the control while it is being modified, stop change event
		; generation, suspend the undo buffer, buffer any input events
		PrevFrozen := this.Frozen, this.Frozen := True
		PrevEventMask := this.EventMask, this.EventMask := 0 ; ENM_NONE
		PrevUndoSuspended := this.UndoSuspended, this.UndoSuspended := True
		PrevCritical := Critical(1000)

		; Run the highlighter
		Highlighter := this.Settings.Highlighter
		if !IsSet(NewVal)
			NewVal := this.text
		RTF := Highlighter(this.Settings, &NewVal)

		; "TRichEdit suspend/resume undo function"

		; Save the rich text to a UTF-8 buffer
		buf := Buffer(StrPut(RTF, "UTF-8"))
		StrPut(RTF, buf, "UTF-8")

		; Set up the necessary structs
		zoom := Buffer(8, 0) ; Zoom Level
		point := Buffer(8, 0) ; Scroll Pos
		charrange := Buffer(8, 0) ; Selection
		settextex := Buffer(8, 0) ; SetText settings
		NumPut("UInt", 1, settextex) ; flags = ST_KEEPUNDO

		; Save the scroll and cursor positions, update the text,
		; then restore the scroll and cursor positions
		MODIFY := this.SendMsg(0xB8, 0, 0)    ; EM_GETMODIFY
		this.SendMsg(0x4E0, ZOOM.ptr, ZOOM.ptr + 4)   ; EM_GETZOOM
		this.SendMsg(0x4DD, 0, POINT)        ; EM_GETSCROLLPOS
		this.SendMsg(0x434, 0, CHARRANGE)    ; EM_EXGETSEL
		this.SendMsg(0x461, SETTEXTEX, Buf) ; EM_SETTEXTEX
		this.SendMsg(0x437, 0, CHARRANGE)    ; EM_EXSETSEL
		this.SendMsg(0x4DE, 0, POINT)        ; EM_SETSCROLLPOS
		this.SendMsg(0x4E1, NumGet(ZOOM, "UInt")
			, NumGet(ZOOM, 4, "UInt"))        ; EM_SETZOOM
		this.SendMsg(0xB9, MODIFY, 0)         ; EM_SETMODIFY

		; Restore previous settings
		Critical PrevCritical
		this.UndoSuspended := PrevUndoSuspended
		this.EventMask := PrevEventMask
		this.Frozen := PrevFrozen

	IndentSelection(Reverse := False, Indent := unset) {
		; Freeze the control while it is being modified, stop change event
		; generation, buffer any input events
		PrevFrozen := this.Frozen
		this.Frozen := True
		PrevEventMask := this.EventMask
		this.EventMask := 0 ; ENM_NONE
		PrevCritical := Critical(1000)

		if !IsSet(Indent)
			Indent := this.Settings.Indent
		IndentLen := StrLen(Indent)

		; Select back to the start of the first line
		sel := this.selection
		top := this.SendMsg(0x436, 0, sel[1]) ; EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR
		bottom := this.SendMsg(0x436, 0, sel[2]) ; EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR
		this.Selection := [
			this.SendMsg(0xBB, top, 0), ; EM_LINEINDEX
			this.SendMsg(0xBB, bottom + 1, 0) - 1 ; EM_LINEINDEX

		; TODO: Insert newlines using SetSel/ReplaceSel to avoid having to call
		; the highlighter again
		Text := this.SelectedText
		out := ""
		if Reverse { ; Remove indentation appropriately
			loop parse text, "`n", "`r" {
				if InStr(A_LoopField, Indent) == 1
					Out .= "`n" SubStr(A_LoopField, 1 + IndentLen)
					Out .= "`n" A_LoopField
		} else { ; Add indentation appropriately
			loop parse Text, "`n", "`r"
				Out .= "`n" Indent . A_LoopField
		this.SelectedText := SubStr(Out, 2)


		; Restore previous settings
		Critical PrevCritical
		this.EventMask := PrevEventMask

		; When content changes cause the horizontal scrollbar to disappear,
		; unfreezing causes the scrollbar to jump. To solve this, jump back
		; after unfreezing. This will cause a flicker when that edge case
		; occurs, but it's better than the alternative.
		point := Buffer(8, 0)
		this.SendMsg(0x4DD, 0, POINT) ; EM_GETSCROLLPOS
		this.Frozen := PrevFrozen
		this.SendMsg(0x4DE, 0, POINT) ; EM_SETSCROLLPOS

	; --- Helper/Convenience Methods ---

	SendMsg(Msg, wParam, lParam) =>
		SendMessage(msg, wParam, lParam, this._control.Hwnd)

Maybe it is useful for somebody else.

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