[LIB] IMGUI bind for AutoHotKey

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[LIB] IMGUI bind for AutoHotKey

Post by kazhafeizhale » 06 Dec 2021, 08:28

I converted a GUI library from AU3 (https://github.com/thedemons/imgui-autoit)

Code: Select all

;by ahker, 2397633100@qq.com
;char      short      int      long      float      double      指针
;1            2        4         4       4              8         4
;char      short      int      long      float      double      指针
;1            2         4        8        4             8         8
IMGUI := _ImGui_Load_dll()
__imgui_created := False
ImDrawList_ptr := 0, ImDraw_offset_x := 0, ImDraw_offset_y := 0

FLT_MAX         				          :=  3.402823466e+38

ImGuiWindowFlags_None                   :=  0
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar             := 1<<0
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize               := 1<<1
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove                 := 1<<2
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar            := 1<<3
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse      := 1<<4
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse             := 1<<5
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize       := 1<<6
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground           := 1<<7
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings        := 1<<8
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs          := 1<<9
ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar                := 1<<10
ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar    := 1<<11
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing     := 1<<12
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus  := 1<<13
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar:= 1<<14
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar:= 1<<15
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysUseWindowPadding := 1<<16
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs            := 1<<18
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus             := 1<<19
ImGuiWindowFlags_UnsavedDocument        := 1<<20
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking              := 1<<21
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav                  :=  ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs |  ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration           :=  ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar| ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar |  ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs               :=  ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs |  ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus
ImGuiWindowFlags_NavFlattened           := 1<<23
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow            := 1<<24
ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip                := 1<<25
ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup                  := 1<<26
ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal                  := 1<<27
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildMenu              := 1<<28
ImGuiWindowFlags_DockNodeHost           := 1<<29

ImGuiInputTextFlags_None                := 0
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsDecimal        := 1<< 0
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal    := 1<<1
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsUppercase      := 1<<2
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsNoBlank        := 1<<3
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll       := 1<<4
ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue    := 1<<5
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion  := 1<<6
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory     := 1<<7
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackAlways      := 1<<8
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCharFilter  := 1<<9
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AllowTabInput       := 1<<10
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CtrlEnterForNewLine := 1<<11
ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoHorizontalScroll  := 1<<12
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AlwaysInsertMode    := 1<<13
ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly            := 1<<14
ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password            := 1<<15
ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoUndoRedo          := 1<<16
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsScientific     := 1<<17
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize      := 1<<18
ImGuiInputTextFlags_Multiline           := 1<<20
ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoMarkEdited        := 1<<21

ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_None                 :=  0
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Selected             := 1<<0
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Framed               := 1<<1
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowItemOverlap     := 1<<2
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen     := 1<<3
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoAutoOpenOnLog      := 1<<4
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen          := 1<<5
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick    := 1<<6
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow          := 1<<7
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Leaf                 := 1<<8
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Bullet               := 1<<9
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_FramePadding         := 1<<10
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_SpanAvailWidth       := 1<<11
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_SpanFullWidth        := 1<<12
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NavLeftJumpsBackHere := 1<<13
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_CollapsingHeader     := ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Framed | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen |  ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoAutoOpenOnLog

ImGuiPopupFlags_None                    :=  0
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonLeft         :=  0
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight        :=  1
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonMiddle       :=  2
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonMask_        :=  0x1F
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonDefault_     :=  1
ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverExistingPopup := 1<<5
ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverItems         := 1<<6
ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId              := 1<<7
ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupLevel           := 1<<8
ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopup                := ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId |  ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupLevel

ImGuiSelectableFlags_None               :=  0
ImGuiSelectableFlags_DontClosePopups    := 1<<0
ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns     := 1<<1
ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowDoubleClick   := 1<<2
ImGuiSelectableFlags_Disabled           := 1<<3
ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowItemOverlap   := 1<<4

ImGuiComboFlags_None                    :=  0
ImGuiComboFlags_PopupAlignLeft          := 1<<0
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightSmall             := 1<<1
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightRegular           := 1<<2
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLarge             := 1<<3
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLargest           := 1<<4
ImGuiComboFlags_NoArrowButton           := 1<<5
ImGuiComboFlags_NoPreview               := 1<<6
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightMask_             := ImGuiComboFlags_HeightSmall | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightRegular | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLarge |  ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLargest

ImGuiTabBarFlags_None                           :=  0
ImGuiTabBarFlags_Reorderable                    := 1<<0
ImGuiTabBarFlags_AutoSelectNewTabs              := 1<<1
ImGuiTabBarFlags_TabListPopupButton             := 1<<2
ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton   := 1<<3
ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoTabListScrollingButtons      := 1<<4
ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoTooltip                      := 1<<5
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown        := 1<<6
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll            := 1<<7
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyMask_             := ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown |  ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyDefault_          := ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown

ImGuiTabItemFlags_None                          :=  0
ImGuiTabItemFlags_UnsavedDocument               := 1<<0
ImGuiTabItemFlags_SetSelected                   := 1<<1
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton  := 1<<2
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoPushId                      := 1<<3
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoTooltip                     := 1<<4

ImGuiFocusedFlags_None                          :=  0
ImGuiFocusedFlags_ChildWindows                  := 1<<0
ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootWindow                    := 1<<1
ImGuiFocusedFlags_AnyWindow                     := 1<<2
ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootAndChildWindows           := ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootWindow |  ImGuiFocusedFlags_ChildWindows

ImGuiHoveredFlags_None                          :=  0
ImGuiHoveredFlags_ChildWindows                  := 1<<0
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootWindow                    := 1<<1
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AnyWindow                     := 1<<2
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup       := 1<<3
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem  := 1<<5
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlapped           := 1<<6
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenDisabled             := 1<<7
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RectOnly                      := ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem |  ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlapped
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootAndChildWindows           := ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootWindow |  ImGuiHoveredFlags_ChildWindows

ImGuiDockNodeFlags_None                         :=  0
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_KeepAliveOnly                := 1<<0
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingInCentralNode       := 1<<2
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode          := 1<<3
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoSplit                      := 1<<4
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoResize                     := 1<<5
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_AutoHideTabBar               := 1<<6

ImGuiDragDropFlags_None                         :=  0
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoPreviewTooltip       := 1<<0
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoDisableHover         := 1<<1
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoHoldToOpenOthers     := 1<<2
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceAllowNullID            := 1<<3
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceExtern                 := 1<<4
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceAutoExpirePayload      := 1<<5
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery         := 1<<10
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect      := 1<<11
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoPreviewTooltip       := 1<<12
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptPeekOnly               := ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery |  ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect

ImGuiDataType_S8 := 0
ImGuiDataType_U8 := 1
ImGuiDataType_S16 := 2
ImGuiDataType_U16 := 3
ImGuiDataType_S32 := 4
ImGuiDataType_U32 := 5
ImGuiDataType_S64 := 6
ImGuiDataType_U64 := 7
ImGuiDataType_Float := 8
ImGuiDataType_Double := 9
ImGuiDataType_COUNT := 10

ImGuiDir_None    :=  -1
ImGuiDir_Left    :=  0
ImGuiDir_Right   :=  1
ImGuiDir_Up      :=  2
ImGuiDir_Down    :=  3

ImGuiKey_Tab := 0
ImGuiKey_LeftArrow := 1
ImGuiKey_RightArrow := 2
ImGuiKey_UpArrow := 3
ImGuiKey_DownArrow := 4
ImGuiKey_PageUp := 5
ImGuiKey_PageDown := 6
ImGuiKey_Home := 7
ImGuiKey_End := 8
ImGuiKey_Insert := 9
ImGuiKey_Delete := 10
ImGuiKey_Backspace := 11
ImGuiKey_Space := 12
ImGuiKey_Enter := 13
ImGuiKey_Escape := 14
ImGuiKey_KeyPadEnter := 15
ImGuiKey_A := 16
ImGuiKey_C := 17
ImGuiKey_V := 18
ImGuiKey_X := 19
ImGuiKey_Y := 20
ImGuiKey_Z := 21

ImGuiKeyModFlags_None       :=  0
ImGuiKeyModFlags_Ctrl       := 1<<0
ImGuiKeyModFlags_Shift      := 1<<1
ImGuiKeyModFlags_Alt        := 1<<2
ImGuiKeyModFlags_Super      := 1<<3
ImGuiNavInput_Activate := 0
ImGuiNavInput_Cancel := 1
ImGuiNavInput_Input := 2
ImGuiNavInput_Menu := 3
ImGuiNavInput_DpadLeft := 4
ImGuiNavInput_DpadRight := 5
ImGuiNavInput_DpadUp := 6
ImGuiNavInput_DpadDown := 7
ImGuiNavInput_LStickLeft := 8
ImGuiNavInput_LStickRight := 9
ImGuiNavInput_LStickUp := 10
ImGuiNavInput_LStickDown := 11
ImGuiNavInput_FocusPrev := 12
ImGuiNavInput_FocusNext := 13
ImGuiNavInput_TweakSlow := 14
ImGuiNavInput_TweakFast := 15

ImGuiNavInput_KeyMenu_ := 16
ImGuiNavInput_KeyLeft_ := 17
ImGuiNavInput_KeyRight_ := 18
ImGuiNavInput_KeyUp_ := 19
ImGuiNavInput_KeyDown_ := 20
ImGuiNavInput_COUNT := 21
ImGuiNavInput_InternalStart_ :=  ImGuiNavInput_KeyMenu_

ImGuiConfigFlags_None                   :=  0
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard      := 1<<0
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad       := 1<<1
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos   := 1<<2
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavNoCaptureKeyboard   := 1<<3
ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouse                := 1<<4
ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange    := 1<<5
ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable          := 1<<6

ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable        := 1<<10
ImGuiConfigFlags_DpiEnableScaleViewports:= 1<<14
ImGuiConfigFlags_DpiEnableScaleFonts    := 1<<15
ImGuiConfigFlags_IsSRGB                 := 1<<20
ImGuiConfigFlags_IsTouchScreen          := 1<<21

ImGuiBackendFlags_None                  :=  0
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasGamepad            := 1<<0
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors       := 1<<1
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasSetMousePos        := 1<<2
ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset  := 1<<3
ImGuiBackendFlags_PlatformHasViewports  := 1<<10
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport:= 1<<11
ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasViewports  := 1<<12

ImGuiCol_Text := 0
ImGuiCol_TextDisabled := 1
ImGuiCol_WindowBg := 2
ImGuiCol_ChildBg := 3
ImGuiCol_PopupBg := 4
ImGuiCol_Border := 5
ImGuiCol_BorderShadow := 6
ImGuiCol_FrameBg := 7
ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered := 8
ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive := 9
ImGuiCol_TitleBg := 10
ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive := 11
ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed := 12
ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg := 13
ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg := 14
ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab := 15
ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered := 16
ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive := 17
ImGuiCol_CheckMark := 18
ImGuiCol_SliderGrab := 19
ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive := 20
ImGuiCol_Button := 21
ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered := 22
ImGuiCol_ButtonActive := 23
ImGuiCol_Header := 24
ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered := 25
ImGuiCol_HeaderActive := 26
ImGuiCol_Separator := 27
ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered := 28
ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive := 29
ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip := 30
ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered := 31
ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive := 32
ImGuiCol_Tab := 33
ImGuiCol_TabHovered := 34
ImGuiCol_TabActive := 35
ImGuiCol_TabUnfocused := 36
ImGuiCol_TabUnfocusedActive := 37
ImGuiCol_DockingPreview := 38
ImGuiCol_DockingEmptyBg := 39
ImGuiCol_PlotLines := 40
ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered := 41
ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram := 42
ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered := 43
ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg := 44
ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget := 45
ImGuiCol_NavHighlight := 46
ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight := 47
ImGuiCol_NavWindowingDimBg := 48
ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg := 49
ImGuiCol_DockingPreview_1 := 50
ImGuiCol_DockingOutLine := 51
ImGuiCol_DockingLine := 52

ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha := 0
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding := 1
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding := 2
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowBorderSize := 3
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize := 4
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowTitleAlign := 5
ImGuiStyleVar_ChildRounding := 6
ImGuiStyleVar_ChildBorderSize := 7
ImGuiStyleVar_PopupRounding := 8
ImGuiStyleVar_PopupBorderSize := 9
ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding := 10
ImGuiStyleVar_FrameRounding := 11
ImGuiStyleVar_FrameBorderSize := 12
ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing := 13
ImGuiStyleVar_ItemInnerSpacing := 14
ImGuiStyleVar_IndentSpacing := 15
ImGuiStyleVar_ScrollbarSize := 16
ImGuiStyleVar_ScrollbarRounding := 17
ImGuiStyleVar_GrabMinSize := 18
ImGuiStyleVar_GrabRounding := 19
ImGuiStyleVar_TabRounding := 20
ImGuiStyleVar_ButtonTextAlign := 21
ImGuiStyleVar_SelectableTextAlign := 22

ImGuiColorEditFlags_None            :=  0
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha         := 1<<1
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoPicker        := 1<<2
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions       := 1<<3
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoSmallPreview  := 1<<4
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs        := 1<<5
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip       := 1<<6
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoLabel         := 1<<7
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoSidePreview   := 1<<8
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop      := 1<<9
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoBorder        := 1<<10
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar        := 1<<16
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaPreview    := 1<<17
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaPreviewHalf:= 1<<18
ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR             := 1<<19
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB      := 1<<20
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV      := 1<<21
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHex      := 1<<22
ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8           := 1<<23
ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float           := 1<<24
ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar    := 1<<25
ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel  := 1<<26
ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputRGB        := 1<<27
ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputHSV        := 1<<28

ImGuiColorEditFlags__OptionsDefault := ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 | ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB | ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputRGB |  ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar
ImGuiColorEditFlags__DisplayMask    := ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB | ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV |  ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHex
ImGuiColorEditFlags__DataTypeMask   := ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 |  ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float
ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask     := ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel |  ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar
ImGuiColorEditFlags__InputMask      := ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputRGB |  ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputHSV

ImGuiMouseButton_Left :=  0
ImGuiMouseButton_Right :=  1
ImGuiMouseButton_Middle :=  2
ImGuiMouseButton_COUNT :=  5

ImGuiMouseCursor_None :=  -1
ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow :=  0
ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput := 0
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll := 1
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS := 2
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW := 3
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW := 4
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE := 5
ImGuiMouseCursor_Hand := 6
ImGuiMouseCursor_NotAllowed := 7

ImGuiCond_None          :=  0
ImGuiCond_Always        := 1<<0
ImGuiCond_Once          := 1<<1
ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver  := 1<<2
ImGuiCond_Appearing     := 1<<3

ImDrawCornerFlags_None      :=  0
ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft   := 1<<0
ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight  := 1<<1
ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft   := 1<<2
ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight  := 1<<3
ImDrawCornerFlags_Top       := ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft |  ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight
ImDrawCornerFlags_Bot       := ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft |  ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight
ImDrawCornerFlags_Left      := ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft |  ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft
ImDrawCornerFlags_Right     := ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight |  ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight
ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF

ImDrawListFlags_None             :=  0
ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedLines := 1<<0
ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedFill  := 1<<1
ImDrawListFlags_AllowVtxOffset   := 1<<2

    path := ""
        path := A_PtrSize == 4 ? (A_ScriptDir . "/lib/dll_32/") : (A_ScriptDir . "/lib/dll_64/")
        path := A_PtrSize == 4 ? (dir . "/dll_32/") : (dir . "/dll_64/")
    dllcall("SetDllDirectory", "Str", path)
    hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "imgui.dll", "Ptr")
    return hModule

_ImGui_EnableViewports(enable := True)
    DllCall("imgui\EnableViewports","Int", enable)

_ImGui_EnableDocking(enable := True)
	io := _ImGui_GetIO()
    ConfigFlags := NumGet(io , 0, "Int")
    set := enable ? (ConfigFlags | ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable ) : (ConfigFlags ^ ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable )
    NumPut("Int", set, io)
_ImGui_SetWindowTitleAlign(x := 0.5, y := 0.5)
    imstyle := _ImGui_GetStyle()
    NumPut("float", x, "float", y, imstyle, 28)
_ImGui_GUICreate(title, w, h, x := -1, y := -1, style := 0, ex_style := 0)
    global __imgui_created
        return False
	result := DllCall("imgui\GUICreate", "wstr", title, "int", w, "int", h, "int", x, "int", y)
    if(style != 0)
        DllCall("SetWindowLong", "Ptr", result, "Int", -16 ,"Int", style)
    if(ex_style != 0)
        DllCall("SetWindowLong", "Ptr", result, "Int", -20, "Int", ex_style)
	__imgui_created := True
    return result
	result := DllCall("imgui\PeekMsg")
    return result

; ####======================================================================================================
; ####\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
; ####======================================================================================================
; ####\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

	result := DllCall("imgui\GetIO", "Cdecl Ptr")
	return result

    result := Dllcall("imgui\GetStyle", "Cdecl Ptr")
    return result
   DllCall("imgui\BeginFrame", "Cdecl")
   DllCall("imgui\EndFrame", "UInt", 0x004488, "Cdecl")


_ImGui_Begin(title, close_btn := 0, flags := 0)
    DllCall("imgui\Begin", "WStr", title, "Int", close_btn, "Int", flags, "Cdecl")
   DllCall("imgui\End", "Cdecl")

; // Child Windows
;flags := ImGuiWindowFlags_None
 _ImGui_BeginChild(text, w := 0, h := 0, border := False, flags := 0)

	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginChild", "wstr", text, "float", w, "float", h, "int", border, "int", flags)
	Return result

    result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowAppearing")
    Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowCollapsed")
	Return result

;flags := ImGuiFocusedFlags_None
_ImGui_IsWindowFocused(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowFocused", "int", flags)
	Return result[0]
_ImGui_IsWindowHovered(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowHovered", "int", flags)
	Return result[0]

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowDrawList")
	Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetOverlayDrawList")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetBackgroundDrawList")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetForegroundDrawList")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowDpiScale")
	Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowViewport")
	return result

	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowPos")

	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowSize")

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowWidth")
	Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowHeight")
	Return result
;cond := ImGuiCond_None
_ImGui_SetNextWindowPos(x, y, cond := 0, pivot_x := 0, pivot_y := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowPos", "float", x, "float", y, "int", cond, "float", pivot_x, "float", pivot_y)
_ImGui_SetNextWindowSize(x, y, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowSize", "float", x, "float", y, "int", cond)
_ImGui_SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min_x, size_min_y, size_max_x, size_max_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowSizeConstraints", "float", size_min_x, "float", size_min_y, "float", size_max_x, "float", size_max_y)

_ImGui_SetNextWindowContentSize(size_x, size_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowContentSize", "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
_ImGui_SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowCollapsed", "int", collapsed, "int", cond)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowBgAlpha", "float", alpha)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowViewport", "int", id)
_ImGui_SetWindowPos(pos_x, pos_y, cond:=0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowPosition", "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y, "int", cond)
_ImGui_SetWindowSize(size_x, size_y, cond:=0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowSize", "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", cond)

_ImGui_SetWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowCollapsed", "int", collapsed, "int", cond)


	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowFontScale", "float", scale)
_ImGui_SetWindowPosByName(name, pos_x, pos_y, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowPosByName", "wstr", name, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y, "int", cond)

_ImGui_SetWindowSizeByName(name, size_x, size_y, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowSizeByName", "wstr", name, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", cond)

_ImGui_SetWindowCollapsedByName(name, collapsed, cond := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowCollapsedByName", "wstr", name, "int", collapsed, "int", cond)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowFocus", "wstr", name)

___ImGui_RecvImVec2(return_type, func_name)
	struct_x := buffer("4", 0)
	struct_y := buffer("4", 0)
	result := DllCall("imgui\" func_name, "ptr", struct_x, "ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 0, "float")]
	Return ret

	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetContentRegionMax")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetContentRegionAvail")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowContentRegionMin")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowContentRegionMax")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetItemRectMin")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetItemRectMax")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetItemRectSize")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetMousePos")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup")
;button := ImGuiMouseButton_Left
_ImGui_GetMouseDragDelta(button := 0, lock_threshold := -1)
    struct_x := buffer(4, 0)
    struct_y := buffer(4, 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetMouseDragDelta", "int", button, "float", lock_threshold, "ptr", struct_x,"ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 4, "float")]
	Return ret

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowContentRegionWidth")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollX")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollY")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollMaxX")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollMaxY")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollX", "float", scroll_x)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollY", "float", scroll_y)
_ImGui_SetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollHereX", "float", center_x_ratio)
_ImGui_SetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollHereY", "float", center_y_ratio)
_ImGui_SetScrollFromPosX(local_x, center_x_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollFromPosX", "float", local_x, "float", center_x_ratio)
_ImGui_SetScrollFromPosY(local_y, center_y_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollFromPosY", "float", local_y, "float", center_y_ratio)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushFont", "ptr", font)
_ImGui_PushStyleColor(idx, col)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushStyleColor", "int", idx, "uint", col)
_ImGui_PopStyleColor(count := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\PopStyleColor", "int", count)
_ImGui_PushStyleVar(idx, val)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushStyleVar", "int", idx, "float", val)
_ImGui_PushStyleVarPos(idx, val_x, val_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushStyleVarPos", "int", idx, "float", val_x, "float", val_y)
_ImGui_PopStyleVar(count := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\PopStyleVar", "int", count)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFont")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFontSize")
	Return result
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetFontTexUvWhitePixel")

_ImGui_GetColorU32(idx, alpha_mul := 1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColorU32", "int", idx, "float", alpha_mul)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\PushItemWidth", "float", item_width)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextItemWidth", "float", item_width)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CalcItemWidth")
	Return result
_ImGui_PushTextWrapPos(wrap_pos_x := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushTextWrapPos", "float", wrap_pos_x)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushAllowKeyboardFocus", "int", allow_keyboard_focus)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushButtonRepeat", "int", repeat)
_ImGui_SameLine(offset_from_start_x := 0, spacing_w := -1)
	Dllcall("imgui\SameLine", "float", offset_from_start_x, "float", spacing_w)
_ImGui_Dummy(size_x, size_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\Dummy", "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
_ImGui_Indent(indent_w := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\Indent", "float", indent_w)
_ImGui_Unindent(indent_w := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\Unindent", "float", indent_w)
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetCursorPosition")
_ImGui_SetCursorPos(local_pos_x, local_pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorPosition", "float", local_pos_x, "float", local_pos_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetCursorPosX")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetCursorPosY")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorPosX", "float", x)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorPosY", "float", y)
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetCursorStartPos")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetCursorScreenPos")
_ImGui_SetCursorScreenPos(pos_x, pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorScreenPos", "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTextLineHeight")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFrameHeight")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFrameHeightWithSpacing")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\PushID", "wstr", str_id)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetID", "wstr", str_id)
	Return result

	Dllcall("imgui\Text", "wstr", text)

_ImGui_TextColored(text, color := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\TextColored", "uint", color, "wstr", text)
	Dllcall("imgui\TextDisabled", "wstr", text)
	Dllcall("imgui\TextWrapped", "wstr", text)
_ImGui_LabelText(label, text)
	Dllcall("imgui\LabelText", "wstr", label, "wstr", text)

	Dllcall("imgui\BulletText", "wstr", text)
_ImGui_Button(text, w := 0, h := 0)
	result := DllCall("imgui\Button", "wstr", text, "float", w, "float", h)
    return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\SmallButton", "wstr", label)
	Return result
_ImGui_InvisibleButton(str_id, size_x, size_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InvisibleButton", "wstr", str_id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_ArrowButton(str_id, dir := 2)
	result := DllCall("imgui\ArrowButton", "wstr", str_id, "int", dir)
	Return result
_ImGui_Image(user_texture_id, size_x, size_y, uv0_x := 0, uv0_y := 0, uv1_x := 1, uv1_y := 1, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF, border_col := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\Image", "int", user_texture_id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "float", uv0_x, "float", uv0_y, "float", uv1_x, "float", uv1_y, "uint", tint_col, "uint", border_col)

_ImGui_ImageButton(user_texture_id, size_x, size_y, uv0_x := 0, uv0_y := 0, uv1_x := 1, uv1_y := 1, frame_padding := -1, bg_col := 0, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	result := DllCall("imgui\ImageButton", "int", user_texture_id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "float", uv0_x, "float", uv0_y, "float", uv1_x, "float", uv1_y, "int", frame_padding, "uint", bg_col, "uint", tint_col)
    return result
_ImGui_CheckBox(text, &active)
    b_active := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPut("Int", active, b_active)
	result := DllCall("imgui\Checkbox", "wstr", text, "ptr", b_active)
    active := NumGet(b_active, 0, "Int")
    return result

_ImGui_CheckboxFlags(label, &flags, flags_value)
	struct_flags := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPut("UInt", flags, struct_flags)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CheckboxFlags", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_flags, "uint", flags_value)
	flags := Numget(struct_flags, 0, "uint")
	Return result
_ImGui_RadioButton(label, &v, v_button)
	struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPut("Int", v, struct_v)
	result := DllCall("imgui\RadioButton", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", v_button)
    v := NumGet(struct_v, 0, "Int")
    return result

_ImGui_ProgressBar(fraction, size_arg_x := -1, size_arg_y := 0, overlay := "")
	Dllcall("imgui\ProgressBar", "float", fraction, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y, "wstr", overlay)
;flags := ImGuiComboFlags_None
_ImGui_BeginCombo(label, preview_value, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginCombo", "wstr", label, "wstr", preview_value, "int", flags)
	Return result

_ImGui_SetStyleColor(index, color := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetStyleColor", "int", index, "uint", color)
;flags := ImGuiSelectableFlags_None
_ImGui_Selectable(label, selected := False, flags := 0, size_arg_x := 0, size_arg_y := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\Selectable", "wstr", label, "int", selected, "int", flags, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_Columns(columns_count := 1, id := "", border := true)
	Dllcall("imgui\Columns", "int", columns_count, "wstr", id, "int", border)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnIndex")
	Return result
_ImGui_GetColumnWidth(column_index := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnWidth", "int", column_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_SetColumnWidth(column_index, width)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetColumnWidth", "int", column_index, "float", width)
_ImGui_GetColumnOffset(column_index := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnOffset", "int", column_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_SetColumnOffset(column_index, offset)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetColumnOffset", "int", column_index, "float", offset)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnsCount")
	Return result
_ImGui_DragFloat(label, &v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%3.f", power := 1)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragFloat", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "float", v_speed, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "float", power)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "float")
	Return result
_ImGui_DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	Return ___ImGui_DragFloatN(2, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	Return ___ImGui_DragFloatN(3, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	Return ___ImGui_DragFloatN(4, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)

___ImGui_DragFloatN(n, label, &v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        numput("float", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragFloatN"
		"int", n
		"wstr", label
		"ptr", struct_value
		"float", v_speed
		"float", v_min
		"float", v_max
		"wstr", format
		"float", power
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_DragFloatRange2(label, &v_current_min, &v_current_max, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", format_max := "", power := 1)
    struct_v_current_min := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", v_current_min, struct_v_current_min)
    struct_v_current_max := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", v_current_max, struct_v_current_max)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragFloatRange2", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v_current_min, "ptr", struct_v_current_max, "float", v_speed, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "wstr", format_max, "float", power)
    v_current_min := numget(struct_v_current_min, 0, "float")
    v_current_max := numget(struct_v_current_max, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_DragInt(label, &v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%d")
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragInt", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "float", v_speed, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "int")
	Return result
 _ImGui_DragInt2(label, &v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format :="%d")
	___ImGui_DragIntN(2, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_DragInt3(label, &v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format :="%d")
	___ImGui_DragIntN(3, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_DragInt4(label, &v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format :="%d")
	___ImGui_DragIntN(4, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
___ImGui_DragIntN(n, label, &v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        numput("int", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragIntN",
		"int", n,
		"wstr", label,
		"ptr", struct_value,
		"float", v_speed,
		"int", v_min,
		"int", v_max,
		"wstr", format
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_DragIntRange2(label, &v_current_min, &v_current_max, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", format_max := "")
    struct_v_current_min := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", v_current_min, struct_v_current_min)
    struct_v_current_max := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", v_current_max, struct_v_current_max)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragIntRange2", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v_current_min, "ptr", struct_v_current_max, "float", v_speed, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format, "wstr", format_max)
    v_current_min := numget(struct_v_current_min, 0, "int")
    v_current_max := numget(struct_v_current_max, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderFloat(text, &value, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
    struct := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", value, struct)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderFloat", "wstr", text, "ptr", struct, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "float", power)
    value := numget(struct, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderFloat2(label, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	___ImGui_SliderFloatN(2, label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_SliderFloat3(label, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	___ImGui_SliderFloatN(3, label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_SliderFloat4(label, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	___ImGui_SliderFloatN(4, label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power)

___ImGui_SliderFloatN(n, label, &v, v_min, v_max, format, power)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        numput("float", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderFloatN",
		"int", n,
		"wstr", label,
		"ptr", struct_value,
		"float", v_min,
		"float", v_max,
		"wstr", format,
		"float", power
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderInt(label, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
    struct := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", v, struct)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderInt", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format)
    v := numget(struct, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderInt2(label, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	___ImGui_SliderIntN(2, label, v, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_SliderInt3(label, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	___ImGui_SliderIntN(3, label, v, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_SliderInt4(label, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	___ImGui_SliderIntN(4, label, v, v_min, v_max, format)

___ImGui_SliderIntN(n, label, &v, v_min, v_max, format)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        numput("int", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderIntN",
		"int", n,
		"wstr", label,
		"int", v_min,
		"int", v_max,
		"wstr", format
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderAngle(label, &v_rad, v_degrees_min := -360, v_degrees_max := 360, format := "%.0f deg")
    struct_v_rad := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", v_rad, struct_v_rad)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderAngle", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v_rad, "float", v_degrees_min, "float", v_degrees_max, "wstr", format)
    v_rad := numget(struct_v_rad, 0, "float")
	Return result
_ImGui_VSliderFloat(label, size_x, size_y, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\VSliderFloat", "wstr", label, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "ptr", struct_v, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "float", power)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_VSliderInt(label, size_x, size_y, &v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\VSliderInt", "wstr", label, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "ptr", struct_v, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "int")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiInputTextFlags_None := 0
_ImGui_InputText(label, &buf, flags := 0, buf_size := 128000, call_back := 0)
	struct_buf := Buffer(buf_size, 0)
    StrPut(buf, struct_buf)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputText", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_buf, "int", buf_size, "int", flags, "ptr", call_back, "ptr", 0)
    buf := StrGet(struct_buf, 10240)
	Return result
_ImGui_InputTextMultiline(label, &buf, size_x := 0, size_y := 0, flags := 0, buf_size := 128000)
	struct_buf := Buffer(buf_size, 0)
    StrPut(buf, struct_buf)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputTextMultiline", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_buf, "int", buf_size, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", flags, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
    buf := StrGet(struct_buf, 10240)
	Return result

_ImGui_InputTextWithHint(label, hint, &buf, flags := 0, buf_size := 128000)
	struct_buf := Buffer(buf_size, 0)
    StrPut(buf, struct_buf)
	result := DllCall("imgui\InputTextWithHint", "wstr", label, "wstr", hint, "ptr", struct_buf, "int", buf_size, "int", flags)
    buf := StrGet(struct_buf, 10240)

_ImGui_InputFloat(label, &v, step := 0, step_fast := 0, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputFloat", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "float", step, "float", step_fast, "wstr", format, "int", flags)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_InputFloat2(label, &v, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputFloatN(2, label, v, format, flags)
_ImGui_InputFloat3(label, &v, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputFloatN(3, label, v, format, flags)
_ImGui_InputFloat4(label, &v, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputFloatN(4, label, v, format, flags)
___ImGui_InputFloatN(n, label, &v, format, flags)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        numput("float", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputFloatN",
		"int", n,
		"wstr", label,
		"ptr", struct_value,
		"wstr", format,
		"int", flags
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "float")
	Return result

;flags := ImGuiInputTextFlags_None := 0
_ImGui_InputInt(label, &v, step := 1, step_fast := 100, flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputInt", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", step, "int", step_fast, "int", flags)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_InputInt2(label, &v, flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputIntN(2, label, v, flags := 0)
_ImGui_InputInt3(label, &v, flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputIntN(3, label, v, flags := 0)
_ImGui_InputInt4(label, &v, flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputIntN(4, label, v, flags)

___ImGui_InputIntN(n, label, &v, flags)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        numput("int", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputIntN",
		"int", n,
		"wstr", label,
		"ptr", struct_value,
		"int", flags
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "int")
	Return result
_ImGui_InputDouble(label, &v, step := 0, step_fast := 0, format := "%.6f", flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(8, 0)
    numput("double", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputDouble", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "double", step, "double", step_fast, "wstr", format, "int", flags)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "double")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiColorEditFlags_None 0
_ImGui_ColorEdit(label, &color, flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("uint", color, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ColorEdit", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", flags)
    color := numget(struct_v, 0, "uint")
	Return result
_ImGui_ColorPicker(label, &color, flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("uint", color, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ColorPicker", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", flags)
    color := numget(struct_v, 0, "uint")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\TreeNode", "wstr", label)
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_None 0
_ImGui_TreeNodeEx(label, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\TreeNodeEx", "wstr", label, "int", flags)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\TreePush", "wstr", str_id)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing")
	Return result
_ImGui_CollapsingHeader(label, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CollapsingHeader", "wstr", label, "int", flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_CollapsingHeaderEx(label, &p_open, flags := 0)
    struct_p_open := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", p_open, struct_p_open)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CollapsingHeaderEx", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_p_open, "int", flags)
    p_open := numget(struct_p_open, 0, "int")
	Return result
;cond := ImGuiCond_None 0
_ImGui_SetNextItemOpen(is_open, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextItemOpen", "int", is_open, "int", cond)
;item string 数组
; 返回包含字符串的缓冲对象.
StrBuf(str, encoding)
    ; 计算所需的大小并分配缓冲.
    buf := Buffer(StrPut(str, encoding))
    ; 复制或转换字符串.
    StrPut(str, buf, encoding)
    return buf
_ImGui_ListBox(label, &current_item, items, height_items := -1)
    if(Type(items) != "Array")
        return False
	items_count := items.Length

    struct_current_item := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", current_item, struct_current_item)

    struct_item_count := buffer(4 * (items_count + 1), 0)
    numput("int", items_count , struct_item_count)

        len := StrLen(items[a_index]) + 1
        NumPut("int", len, struct_item_count,  4 * a_index)
    all_str := ""
    for k,v in items
        all_str .= v . chr(0)
    struct_item := StrBuf(all_str, "UTF-16")
    ;strcut_current_item out 当前index
    ;strcut_item 字符串数组 每个item包含的字符串
    ;strcut_item_count int 数组
    ;[0] 总个数,  [1]-[n] 每个的个数
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ListBox", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_current_item, "ptr", struct_item, "ptr", struct_item_count, "int", height_items)
    current_item := NumGet(struct_current_item, 0, "Int")
	Return result

_ImGui_ListBoxHeader(label, size_arg_x := 0, size_arg_y := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ListBoxHeader", "wstr", label, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_ListBoxHeaderEx(label, items_count, height_in_items := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ListBoxHeaderEx", "wstr", label, "int", items_count, "int", height_in_items)
	Return result

_ImGui_PlotLines(label, values, values_offset := 0, overlay_text := "", scale_min := 3.402823466e+38, scale_max := 3.402823466e+38, graph_size_x := 0, graph_size_y := 0, stride := 4)
    if(Type(values) != "Array")
        return False
	count := values.Length
	If values_offset >= count
        values_offset := Mod(values_offset, count)
    struct_values := buffer(4 * count)

        NumPut("float", values[a_index], struct_values, (a_index - 1) * 4)
	DllCall("imgui\PlotLines", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_values, "int",
        count, "int", values_offset, "wstr", overlay_text, "float", scale_min, "float", scale_max,
	    "float", graph_size_x, "float", graph_size_y, "int", stride)
;scale_min := FLT_MAX         				          :=  3.402823466e+38
;scale_max := FLT_MAX
_ImGui_PlotHistogram(label, values, values_offset := 0, overlay_text := "", scale_min := 3.402823466e+38, scale_max := 3.402823466e+38, graph_size_x := 0, graph_size_y := 0, stride := 4)
    if(Type(values) != "Array")
        return False
    count := values.Length
    if( values_offset >= count)
        values_offset := Mod(values_offset, count)
    struct_values := buffer(4 * count, 0)
        numput("float", values[A_Index], struct_values, (a_index -1) * 4)
	Dllcall("imgui\PlotHistogram", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_values, "int", count, "int", values_offset, "wstr", overlay_text, "float", scale_min, "float", scale_max, "float", graph_size_x, "float", graph_size_y, "int", stride)

_ImGui_ValueBool(prefix, b)
	Dllcall("imgui\ValueBool", "wstr", prefix, "int", b)
_ImGui_ValueInt(prefix, v)
	Dllcall("imgui\ValueInt", "wstr", prefix, "int", v)
_ImGui_ValueFloat(prefix, v, float_format := "")
	Dllcall("imgui\ValueFloat", "wstr", prefix, "float", v, "wstr", float_format)

	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginMenuBar")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginMainMenuBar")
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginMenu(label, enabled := True)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginMenu", "wstr", label, "int", enabled)
	Return result
_ImGui_MenuItem(label, shortcut := "", selected := False, enabled := True)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\MenuItem", "wstr", label, "wstr", shortcut, "int", selected, "int", enabled)
	Return result

_ImGui_MenuItemEx(label, shortcut, &p_selected, enabled := True)
    struct_p_selected := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", p_selected, struct_p_selected)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\MenuItemEx", "wstr", label, "wstr", shortcut, "ptr", struct_p_selected, "int", enabled)
    p_selected := numget(struct_p_selected, 0, "int")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetTooltip", "wstr", text)
;flags := ImGuiWindowFlags_None
_ImGui_BeginPopup(str_id, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopup", "wstr", str_id, "int", flags)
	Return result

_ImGui_BeginPopupModal(name, flags := 0)

	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupModal", "wstr", name, "ptr", 0, "int", flags)
	Return result

_ImGui_BeginPopupModalEx(name, &p_open, flags := 0)
    struct_p_open := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("int", p_open, struct_p_open)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupModal", "wstr", name, "ptr", struct_p_open, "int", flags)
    p_open := numget(struct_p_open, 0, "int")
	Return result

;popup_flags := ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonLeft         :=  0
_ImGui_OpenPopup(str_id, popup_flags := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\OpenPopup", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
_ImGui_OpenPopupContextItem(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\OpenPopupContextItem", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginPopupContextItem(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupContextItem", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupContextWindow", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginPopupContextVoid(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupContextVoid", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
;popup_flags := ImGuiPopupFlags_None                    :=  0
_ImGui_IsPopupOpen(str_id, popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsPopupOpen", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiTabBarFlags_None                           :=  0
 _ImGui_BeginTabBar(str_id, flags := 0){
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginTabBar", "wstr", str_id, "int", flags)
	Return result

;flags := ImGuiTabItemFlags_None                          :=  0
_ImGui_BeginTabItemEx(label, &p_open, flags := 0)
    struct_p_open := buffer(4, 0)
    numput("float", p_open, struct_p_open)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginTabItem", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_p_open, "int", flags)
    p_open := numget(struct_p_open, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_BeginTabItem(label, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginTabItem", "wstr", label, "ptr", 0, "int", flags)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetTabItemClosed", "wstr", label)
;flags := ImGuiDockNodeFlags_None                         :=  0
_ImGui_DockSpace(id, size_arg_x := 0, size_arg_y := 0, flags := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\DockSpace", "int", id, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y, "int", flags)
_ImGui_DockSpaceOverViewport(viewport := 0, dockspace_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DockSpaceOverViewport", "ptr", viewport, "int", dockspace_flags)
	Return result
;cond := ImGuiCond_None 0
_ImGui_SetNextWindowDockID(id, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowDockID", "int", id, "int", cond)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowClass", "ptr", window_class)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowDockID")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowDocked")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiDragDropFlags_None                         :=  0
_ImGui_BeginDragDropSource(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginDragDropSource", "int", flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_PushClipRect(clip_rect_min_x, clip_rect_min_y, clip_rect_max_x, clip_rect_max_y, intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushClipRect", "float", clip_rect_min_x, "float", clip_rect_min_y, "float", clip_rect_max_x, "float", clip_rect_max_y, "int", intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
_ImGui_SetKeyboardFocusHere(offset := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetKeyboardFocusHere", "int", offset)
;flags := ImGuiHoveredFlags_None                          :=  0
_ImGui_IsItemHovered(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemHovered", "int", flags)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemActive")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemFocused")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemVisible")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemEdited")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemActivated")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemDeactivated")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemToggledOpen")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyItemHovered")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyItemActive")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyItemFocused")
	Return result
;mouse_button := ImGuiMouseButton_Left
_ImGui_IsItemClicked(mouse_button := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemClicked", "int", mouse_button)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsRectVisible(size_x, size_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsRectVisible", "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsRectVisibleEx(rect_min_x, rect_min_y, rect_max_x, rect_max_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsRectVisibleEx", "float", rect_min_x, "float", rect_min_y, "float", rect_max_x, "float", rect_max_y)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTime")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFrameCount")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiWindowFlags_None
_ImGui_BeginChildFrame(id, size_x, size_y, extra_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginChildFrame", "int", id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", extra_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_CalcTextSize(text, hide_text_after_double_hash := false, wrap_width := -1)
    struct_x := buffer(4, 0)
    struct_y := buffer(4, 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CalcTextSize", "wstr", text, "int", hide_text_after_double_hash, "float", wrap_width, "ptr", struct_x, "ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 0, "float")]
	Return ret

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetKeyIndex", "int", imgui_key)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsKeyDown", "int", user_key_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsKeyPressed(user_key_index, repeat := true)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsKeyPressed", "int", user_key_index, "int", repeat)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsKeyReleased", "int", user_key_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_GetKeyPressedAmount(key_index, repeat_delay, repeat_rate)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetKeyPressedAmount", "int", key_index, "float", repeat_delay, "float", repeat_rate)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\CaptureKeyboardFromApp", "int", capture)
;mouse_button := ImGuiMouseButton_Left
_ImGui_IsMouseDown(button := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseDown", "int", button)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseClicked(button := 0, repeat := False)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseClicked", "int", button, "int", repeat)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseReleased(button := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseReleased", "int", button)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseHoveringRect(r_min_x, r_min_y, r_max_x, r_max_y, clip := True)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseHoveringRect", "float", r_min_x, "float", r_min_y, "float", r_max_x, "float", r_max_y, "int", clip)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMousePosValid")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyMouseDown")
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseDragging(button := 0, lock_threshold := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseDragging", "int", button, "float", lock_threshold)
	Return result
_ImGui_ResetMouseDragDelta(button := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\ResetMouseDragDelta", "int", button)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetMouseCursor")
	Return result
;cursor_type := ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow :=  0
_ImGui_SetMouseCursor(cursor_type := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetMouseCursor", "int", cursor_type)
	Dllcall("imgui\CaptureMouseFromApp", "int", capture)
	Dllcall("imgui\LoadIniSettingsFromDisk", "wstr", ini_filename)
	Dllcall("imgui\SaveIniSettingsToDisk", "wstr", ini_filename)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetMainViewport")
	return result
_ImGui_RenderPlatformWindowsDefault(platform_render_arg, renderer_render_arg)
	Dllcall("imgui\RenderPlatformWindowsDefault", "ptr", platform_render_arg, "ptr", renderer_render_arg)

; ========================================================================================================================================== ImDraw

_ImDraw_SetOffset(x, y)
	ImDraw_offset_x := x
	ImDraw_offset_y := y

	ImDrawList_ptr := draw_list
	Return ImDrawList_ptr
_ImDraw_AddLine(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddLine", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness)

;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddRect(x, y, w, h, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding := 0, rounding_corners := 0xF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddRect",  "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", x, "float", y, "float", x+w, "float", y+h, "uint", col, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners, "float", thickness)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddRectFilled( x, y, w, h, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding := 0, rounding_corners := 0xF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddRectFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", x, "float", y, "float", x+w, "float", y+h, "uint", col, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners)
_ImDraw_AddBezierCurve(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1, num_segments := 30)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddBezierCurve", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness, "int", num_segments)
_ImDraw_AddCircle(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 30, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddCircle", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddCircleFilled(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 0)
        num_segments := radius /3 + 10
	Dllcall("imgui\AddCircleFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments)

_ImDraw_AddConvexPolyFilled(points, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
    if(Type(points) != "Array")
        return false

    points_count := points.Length
    struct_points := buffer(4 * points_count * 2, 0)
        NumPut("float", points[A_Index][0], 2 * 4 * A_Index)
        NumPut("float", points[A_Index][1], 2 * 4 * A_Index + 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddConvexPolyFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "ptr", struct_points, "int", points_count, "uint", col)

_ImDraw_AddImage(user_texture_id, p_min_x, p_min_y, p_max_x, p_max_y, uv_min_x := 0, uv_min_y := 0, uv_max_x := 1, uv_max_y := 1, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddImage", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "int", user_texture_id, "float", p_min_x, "float", p_min_y, "float", p_max_x, "float", p_max_y, "float", uv_min_x, "float", uv_min_y, "float", uv_max_x, "float", uv_max_y, "uint", col)
_ImDraw_AddImageQuad(user_texture_id, p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, uv1_x := 0, uv1_y := 0, uv2_x := 1, uv2_y := 0, uv3_x := 1, uv3_y := 1, uv4_x := 0, uv4_y := 1, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddImageQuad", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "int", user_texture_id, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "float", uv1_x, "float", uv1_y, "float", uv2_x, "float", uv2_y, "float", uv3_x, "float", uv3_y, "float", uv4_x, "float", uv4_y, "uint", col)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddImageRounded(user_texture_id, p_min_x, p_min_y, p_max_x, p_max_y, uv_min_x := 0, uv_min_y := 0, uv_max_x := 1, uv_max_y := 1, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding := 5, rounding_corners := 0xF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddImageRounded", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "int", user_texture_id, "float", p_min_x, "float", p_min_y, "float", p_max_x, "float", p_max_y, "float", uv_min_x, "float", uv_min_y, "float", uv_max_x, "float", uv_max_y, "uint", col, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners)
_ImDraw_AddNgon(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 5, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddNgon", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddNgonFilled(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 5)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddNgonFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments)

_ImDraw_AddPolyline(points, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, closed := True, thickness := 1)
    if(Type(points) != "Array")
        return false
    points_count := points.Length
    struct_points := buffer(4 * points_count * 2, 0)
        NumPut("float", points[A_Index][0], 2 * 4 * A_Index)
        NumPut("float", points[A_Index][1], 2 * 4 * A_Index + 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddPolyline", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "ptr", struct_points, "int", points_count, "uint", col, "int", closed, "float", thickness)

ImDraw_AddQuad(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddQuad", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddQuadFilled(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddQuadFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "uint", col)
_ImDraw_AddRectFilledMultiColor(p_min_x, p_min_y, p_max_x, p_max_y, col_upr_left, col_upr_right, col_bot_right, col_bot_left)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddRectFilledMultiColor", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p_min_x, "float", p_min_y, "float", p_max_x, "float", p_max_y, "uint", col_upr_left, "uint", col_upr_right, "uint", col_bot_right, "uint", col_bot_left)
_ImDraw_AddText(text, font, font_size, pos_x, pos_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, wrap_width := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddText", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "ptr", font, "float", font_size, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y, "uint", col, "wstr", text, "float", wrap_width)
_ImDraw_AddTriangle(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddTriangle", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddTriangleFilled(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddTriangleFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "uint", col)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathClear", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr)
_ImDraw_PathLineTo(pos_x, pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathLineTo", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y)
_ImDraw_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(pos_x, pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathLineToMergeDuplicate", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathFillConvex", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "uint", col)
_ImDraw_PathStroke(col, closed, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathStroke", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "uint", col, "boolean", closed, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_PathArcTo(center_x, center_y, radius, a_min_a, a_max, num_segments := 20)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathArcTo", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "float", a_min, "float", a_max, "int", num_segments)
_ImDraw_PathArcToFast(center_x, center_y, radius, a_min_of_12, a_max_of_12)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathArcToFast", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "int", a_min_of_12, "int", a_max_of_12)
_ImDraw_PathBezierCurveTo(p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, num_segments := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathBezierCurveTo", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "int", num_segments)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_PathRect(rect_min_x, rect_min_y, rect_max_x, rect_max_y, rounding := 0, rounding_corners := 0xf)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathRect", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", rect_min_x, "float", rect_min_y, "float", rect_max_x, "float", rect_max_y, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners)

;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddImageFit(user_texture_id, pos_x, pos_y, size_x := 0, size_y := 0, crop_area := True, rounding := 0, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding_corners := 0xf)
	"ptr", ImDrawList_ptr,
	"ptr", user_texture_id,
	"float", pos_x,
	"float", pos_y,
	"float", size_x,
	"float", size_y,
	"boolean", crop_area,
	"float", rounding,
	"uint", tint_col,
	"int", rounding_corners)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImGui_ImageFit(user_texture_id, size_x := 0, size_y := 0, crop_area := True, rounding := 0, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding_corners := 0xF)
	    "ptr", user_texture_id,
        "float", size_x,
        "float", size_y,
        "int", crop_area,
        "float", rounding,
        "uint", tint_col,
        "int", rounding_corners)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ImageFromFile", "wstr", file_path)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ImageFromURL", "str", url)
	Return result
	if(user_texture_id == 0)
        return false
    struct_x := buffer(4, 0)
    struct_y := buffer(4, 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ImageGetSize", "ptr", user_texture_id, "ptr", struct_x,"ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 0, "float")]
	Return ret

Posts: 936
Joined: 30 Sep 2017, 03:59
Location: Romania

Re: [LIB] IMGUI bind for AutoHotKey

Post by robodesign » 06 Dec 2021, 18:00

This is awesome! Thank you for the great work!

The file for ahk v1 seems to be incomplete, on bitBucket. Will you complete it?

Best regards, Marius.
KeyPress OSD v4: GitHub or forum. (presentation video)
Quick Picto Viewer: GitHub or forum.
AHK GDI+ expanded / compilation library (on GitHub)
My home page.

Posts: 77
Joined: 25 Dec 2018, 10:58

Re: [LIB] IMGUI bind for AutoHotKey

Post by kazhafeizhale » 08 Dec 2021, 08:32

robodesign wrote:
06 Dec 2021, 18:00
This is awesome! Thank you for the great work!

The file for ahk v1 seems to be incomplete, on bitBucket. Will you complete it?

Best regards, Marius.
It will take some time, because I have no free time at the moment

Posts: 28
Joined: 22 Mar 2020, 06:10

Re: [LIB] IMGUI bind for AutoHotKey

Post by Noblish » 09 Dec 2021, 12:46

Thank you for this, really useful. I was halfway with my imgui project in AHK v1, but I think V1 is so limited. I use AHK every day for my work, and with your project now I can make my work even easier. Appreciate

Posts: 12
Joined: 27 Nov 2023, 06:10

Re: [LIB] IMGUI bind for AutoHotKey

Post by KnIfER » 13 Mar 2024, 05:05

full imgui.ahk for ahk1

converted from imgui.ahk for ahk2, not fully tested..


Code: Select all

; mock functions in AutoHotkey v2
NumPutV2(Type, ByRef Number, ByRef Target, Offset := 0) {
   ;  VarSetCapacity(data, A_PtrSize * (NumGet(Type, "Count") + 1), 0)
   ;  DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", Target + Offset, "Ptr", &data, "UInt", A_PtrSize * (NumGet(Type, "Count") + 1))
   ;  NumPut(Number, &data, Offset, Type)
    NumPut(Number, Target, Offset, Type)
buffer(Num, fill := 0) {
   VarSetCapacity(RET, 44, 0)
   return RET
IsArray(v) {
   return v.Length()!=none

Code: Select all

;by ahker, 2397633100@qq.com
;char      short      int      long      float      double      指针
;1            2        4         4       4              8         4
;char      short      int      long      float      double      指针
;1            2         4        8        4             8         8
Global  IMGUI := _ImGui_Load_dll()
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Global  ImDrawCornerFlags_Left      := ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft |  ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft
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    path := ""
        path := A_PtrSize == 4 ? (A_ScriptDir . "/lib/dll_32/") : (A_ScriptDir . "/lib/dll_64/")
        path := A_PtrSize == 4 ? (dir . "/dll_32/") : (dir . "/dll_64/")
    dllcall("SetDllDirectory", "Str", path)
    hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "imgui.dll", "Ptr")
		MsgBox,% A_ThisFunc ",dll call error! :" ErrorLevel
    return hModule

_ImGui_EnableViewports(enable := True)
    DllCall("imgui\EnableViewports","Int", enable)

_ImGui_EnableDocking(enable := True)
	io := _ImGui_GetIO()
    ConfigFlags := NumGet(io , 0, "Short")
    set := enable ? (ConfigFlags | ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable ) : (ConfigFlags ^ ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable )
    NumPutV2("Short", set, io)
_ImGui_SetWindowTitleAlign(x := 0.5, y := 0.5)
    imstyle := _ImGui_GetStyle()
    NumPutV2("float", x, imstyle, 28)
    NumPutV2("float", y, imstyle, 28)
_ImGui_GUICreate(title, w, h, x := -1, y := -1, style := 0, ex_style := 0)
    Global  __imgui_created
        return False
	result := DllCall("imgui\GUICreate", "wstr", title, "int", w, "int", h, "int", x, "int", y)
        MsgBox,% A_ThisFunc ",dll call error! :" ErrorLevel
	if(style != 0)
        DllCall("SetWindowLong", "Ptr", result, "Int", -16 ,"Int", style)
    if(ex_style != 0)
        DllCall("SetWindowLong", "Ptr", result, "Int", -20, "Int", ex_style)
	__imgui_created := True
    return result
	result := DllCall("imgui\PeekMsg")
        MsgBox,% A_ThisFunc ",dll call error! :" ErrorLevel
    return result

; ####======================================================================================================
; ####\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
; ####======================================================================================================
; ####\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

; // Main
	result := DllCall("imgui\GetIO", "Cdecl Ptr")
        MsgBox,% A_ThisFunc ",dll call error! :" ErrorLevel
	return result

    result := Dllcall("imgui\GetStyle", "Cdecl Ptr")
    return result
   DllCall("imgui\BeginFrame", "Cdecl")
   DllCall("imgui\EndFrame", "UInt", 0x004488, "Cdecl")


_ImGui_Begin(title, close_btn := 0, flags := 0)
    DllCall("imgui\Begin", "WStr", title, "Int", close_btn, "Int", flags, "Cdecl")
   DllCall("imgui\End", "Cdecl")

; // Child Windows
;flags := ImGuiWindowFlags_None
 _ImGui_BeginChild(text, w := 0, h := 0, border := False, flags := 0)

	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginChild", "wstr", text, "float", w, "float", h, "int", border, "int", flags)
	Return result

    result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowAppearing")
    Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowCollapsed")
	Return result

;flags := ImGuiFocusedFlags_None
_ImGui_IsWindowFocused(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowFocused", "int", flags)
	Return result[0]
_ImGui_IsWindowHovered(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowHovered", "int", flags)
	Return result[0]

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowDrawList")
	Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetOverlayDrawList")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetBackgroundDrawList")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetForegroundDrawList")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowDpiScale")
	Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowViewport")
	return result

	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowPos")

	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowSize")

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowWidth")
	Return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowHeight")
	Return result
;cond := ImGuiCond_None
_ImGui_SetNextWindowPos(x, y, cond := 0, pivot_x := 0, pivot_y := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowPos", "float", x, "float", y, "int", cond, "float", pivot_x, "float", pivot_y)
_ImGui_SetNextWindowSize(x, y, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowSize", "float", x, "float", y, "int", cond)
_ImGui_SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min_x, size_min_y, size_max_x, size_max_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowSizeConstraints", "float", size_min_x, "float", size_min_y, "float", size_max_x, "float", size_max_y)

_ImGui_SetNextWindowContentSize(size_x, size_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowContentSize", "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
_ImGui_SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowCollapsed", "int", collapsed, "int", cond)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowBgAlpha", "float", alpha)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowViewport", "int", id)
_ImGui_SetWindowPos(pos_x, pos_y, cond:=0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowPosition", "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y, "int", cond)
_ImGui_SetWindowSize(size_x, size_y, cond:=0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowSize", "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", cond)

_ImGui_SetWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowCollapsed", "int", collapsed, "int", cond)


	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowFontScale", "float", scale)
_ImGui_SetWindowPosByName(name, pos_x, pos_y, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowPosByName", "wstr", name, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y, "int", cond)

_ImGui_SetWindowSizeByName(name, size_x, size_y, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowSizeByName", "wstr", name, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", cond)

_ImGui_SetWindowCollapsedByName(name, collapsed, cond := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowCollapsedByName", "wstr", name, "int", collapsed, "int", cond)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetWindowFocus", "wstr", name)

___ImGui_RecvImVec2(return_type, func_name)
	struct_x := buffer(4, 0)
	struct_y := buffer(4, 0)
	result := DllCall("imgui\" func_name, "ptr", struct_x, "ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 0, "float")]
	Return ret

	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetContentRegionMax")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetContentRegionAvail")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowContentRegionMin")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetWindowContentRegionMax")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetItemRectMin")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetItemRectMax")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetItemRectSize")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetMousePos")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup")
;button := ImGuiMouseButton_Left
_ImGui_GetMouseDragDelta(button := 0, lock_threshold := -1)
    struct_x := buffer(4, 0)
    struct_y := buffer(4, 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetMouseDragDelta", "int", button, "float", lock_threshold, "ptr", struct_x,"ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 4, "float")]
	Return ret

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowContentRegionWidth")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollX")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollY")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollMaxX")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetScrollMaxY")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollX", "float", scroll_x)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollY", "float", scroll_y)
_ImGui_SetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollHereX", "float", center_x_ratio)
_ImGui_SetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollHereY", "float", center_y_ratio)
_ImGui_SetScrollFromPosX(local_x, center_x_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollFromPosX", "float", local_x, "float", center_x_ratio)
_ImGui_SetScrollFromPosY(local_y, center_y_ratio := 0.5)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetScrollFromPosY", "float", local_y, "float", center_y_ratio)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushFont", "ptr", font)
_ImGui_PushStyleColor(idx, col)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushStyleColor", "int", idx, "uint", col)
_ImGui_PopStyleColor(count := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\PopStyleColor", "int", count)
_ImGui_PushStyleVar(idx, val)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushStyleVar", "int", idx, "float", val)
_ImGui_PushStyleVarPos(idx, val_x, val_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushStyleVarPos", "int", idx, "float", val_x, "float", val_y)
_ImGui_PopStyleVar(count := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\PopStyleVar", "int", count)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFont")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFontSize")
	Return result
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetFontTexUvWhitePixel")

_ImGui_GetColorU32(idx, alpha_mul := 1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColorU32", "int", idx, "float", alpha_mul)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\PushItemWidth", "float", item_width)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextItemWidth", "float", item_width)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CalcItemWidth")
	Return result
_ImGui_PushTextWrapPos(wrap_pos_x := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushTextWrapPos", "float", wrap_pos_x)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushAllowKeyboardFocus", "int", allow_keyboard_focus)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushButtonRepeat", "int", repeat)
_ImGui_SameLine(offset_from_start_x := 0, spacing_w := -1)
	Dllcall("imgui\SameLine", "float", offset_from_start_x, "float", spacing_w)
_ImGui_Dummy(size_x, size_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\Dummy", "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
_ImGui_Indent(indent_w := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\Indent", "float", indent_w)
_ImGui_Unindent(indent_w := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\Unindent", "float", indent_w)
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetCursorPosition")
_ImGui_SetCursorPos(local_pos_x, local_pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorPosition", "float", local_pos_x, "float", local_pos_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetCursorPosX")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetCursorPosY")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorPosX", "float", x)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorPosY", "float", y)
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetCursorStartPos")
	Return ___ImGui_RecvImVec2("none:cdecl", "GetCursorScreenPos")
_ImGui_SetCursorScreenPos(pos_x, pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetCursorScreenPos", "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTextLineHeight")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFrameHeight")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFrameHeightWithSpacing")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\PushID", "wstr", str_id)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetID", "wstr", str_id)
	Return result

	Dllcall("imgui\Text", "wstr", text)

_ImGui_TextColored(text, color := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\TextColored", "uint", color, "wstr", text)
	Dllcall("imgui\TextDisabled", "wstr", text)
	Dllcall("imgui\TextWrapped", "wstr", text)
_ImGui_LabelText(label, text)
	Dllcall("imgui\LabelText", "wstr", label, "wstr", text)

	Dllcall("imgui\BulletText", "wstr", text)
_ImGui_Button(text, w := 0, h := 0)
	result := DllCall("imgui\Button", "wstr", text, "float", w, "float", h)
    return result

	result := Dllcall("imgui\SmallButton", "wstr", label)
	Return result
_ImGui_InvisibleButton(str_id, size_x, size_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InvisibleButton", "wstr", str_id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_ArrowButton(str_id, dir := 2)
	result := DllCall("imgui\ArrowButton", "wstr", str_id, "int", dir)
	Return result
_ImGui_Image(user_texture_id, size_x, size_y, uv0_x := 0, uv0_y := 0, uv1_x := 1, uv1_y := 1, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF, border_col := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\Image", "int", user_texture_id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "float", uv0_x, "float", uv0_y, "float", uv1_x, "float", uv1_y, "uint", tint_col, "uint", border_col)

_ImGui_ImageButton(user_texture_id, size_x, size_y, uv0_x := 0, uv0_y := 0, uv1_x := 1, uv1_y := 1, frame_padding := -1, bg_col := 0, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	result := DllCall("imgui\ImageButton", "int", user_texture_id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "float", uv0_x, "float", uv0_y, "float", uv1_x, "float", uv1_y, "int", frame_padding, "uint", bg_col, "uint", tint_col)
    return result
_ImGui_CheckBox(text, ByRef active)
    b_active := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("Int", active, b_active)
	result := DllCall("imgui\Checkbox", "wstr", text, "ptr", b_active)
    active := NumGet(b_active, 0, "Int")
    return result

_ImGui_CheckboxFlags(label, ByRef flags, flags_value)
	struct_flags := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("UInt", flags, struct_flags)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CheckboxFlags", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_flags, "uint", flags_value)
	flags := Numget(struct_flags, 0, "uint")
	Return result
_ImGui_RadioButton(label, ByRef v, v_button)
	struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("Int", v, struct_v)
	result := DllCall("imgui\RadioButton", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", v_button)
    v := NumGet(struct_v, 0, "Int")
    return result

_ImGui_ProgressBar(fraction, size_arg_x := -1, size_arg_y := 0, overlay := "")
	Dllcall("imgui\ProgressBar", "float", fraction, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y, "wstr", overlay)
;flags := ImGuiComboFlags_None
_ImGui_BeginCombo(label, preview_value, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginCombo", "wstr", label, "wstr", preview_value, "int", flags)
	Return result

_ImGui_SetStyleColor(index, color := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetStyleColor", "int", index, "uint", color)
;flags := ImGuiSelectableFlags_None
_ImGui_Selectable(label, selected := False, flags := 0, size_arg_x := 0, size_arg_y := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\Selectable", "wstr", label, "int", selected, "int", flags, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_Columns(columns_count := 1, id := "", border := true)
	Dllcall("imgui\Columns", "int", columns_count, "wstr", id, "int", border)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnIndex")
	Return result
_ImGui_GetColumnWidth(column_index := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnWidth", "int", column_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_SetColumnWidth(column_index, width)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetColumnWidth", "int", column_index, "float", width)
_ImGui_GetColumnOffset(column_index := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnOffset", "int", column_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_SetColumnOffset(column_index, offset)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetColumnOffset", "int", column_index, "float", offset)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetColumnsCount")
	Return result
_ImGui_DragFloat(label, ByRef v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%3.f", power := 1)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragFloat", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "float", v_speed, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "float", power)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "float")
	Return result
_ImGui_DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	Return ___ImGui_DragFloatN(2, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	Return ___ImGui_DragFloatN(3, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	Return ___ImGui_DragFloatN(4, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)

___ImGui_DragFloatN(n, label, ByRef v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        NumPutV2("float", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragFloatN"
		, "int", n
		, "wstr", label
		, "ptr", struct_value
		, "float", v_speed
		, "float", v_min
		, "float", v_max
		, "wstr", format
		, "float", power)
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_DragFloatRange2(label, ByRef v_current_min, ByRef v_current_max, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", format_max := "", power := 1)
    struct_v_current_min := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", v_current_min, struct_v_current_min)
    struct_v_current_max := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", v_current_max, struct_v_current_max)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragFloatRange2", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v_current_min, "ptr", struct_v_current_max, "float", v_speed, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "wstr", format_max, "float", power)
    v_current_min := numget(struct_v_current_min, 0, "float")
    v_current_max := numget(struct_v_current_max, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_DragInt(label, ByRef v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%d")
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragInt", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "float", v_speed, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "int")
	Return result
 _ImGui_DragInt2(label, ByRef v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format :="%d")
	___ImGui_DragIntN(2, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_DragInt3(label, ByRef v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format :="%d")
	___ImGui_DragIntN(3, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_DragInt4(label, ByRef v, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format :="%d")
	___ImGui_DragIntN(4, label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
___ImGui_DragIntN(n, label, ByRef v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        NumPutV2("int", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragIntN",
		, "int", n,
		, "wstr", label,
		, "ptr", struct_value,
		, "float", v_speed,
		, "int", v_min,
		, "int", v_max,
		, "wstr", format)
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_DragIntRange2(label, ByRef v_current_min, ByRef v_current_max, v_speed := 1, v_min := 0, v_max := 0, format := "%.3f", format_max := "")
    struct_v_current_min := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", v_current_min, struct_v_current_min)
    struct_v_current_max := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", v_current_max, struct_v_current_max)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DragIntRange2", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v_current_min, "ptr", struct_v_current_max, "float", v_speed, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format, "wstr", format_max)
    v_current_min := numget(struct_v_current_min, 0, "int")
    v_current_max := numget(struct_v_current_max, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderFloat(text, ByRef value, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
    struct := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", value, struct)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderFloat", "wstr", text, "ptr", struct, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "float", power)
    value := numget(struct, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderFloat2(label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	___ImGui_SliderFloatN(2, label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_SliderFloat3(label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	___ImGui_SliderFloatN(3, label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power)
_ImGui_SliderFloat4(label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
	___ImGui_SliderFloatN(4, label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power)

___ImGui_SliderFloatN(n, label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format, power)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
        NumPutV2("float", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderFloatN",
		, "int", n,
		, "wstr", label,
		, "ptr", struct_value,
		, "float", v_min,
		, "float", v_max,
		, "wstr", format,
		, "float", power)
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderInt(label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
    struct := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", v, struct)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderInt", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format)
    v := numget(struct, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderInt2(label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	___ImGui_SliderIntN(2, label, v, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_SliderInt3(label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	___ImGui_SliderIntN(3, label, v, v_min, v_max, format)
_ImGui_SliderInt4(label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	___ImGui_SliderIntN(4, label, v, v_min, v_max, format)

___ImGui_SliderIntN(n, label, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
    loop, n
        NumPutV2("int", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderIntN",
		, "int", n,
		, "wstr", label,
		, "ptr",struct_value,
		, "int", v_min,
		, "int", v_max,
		, "wstr", format)
    loop, n
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_SliderAngle(label, ByRef v_rad, v_degrees_min := -360, v_degrees_max := 360, format := "%.0f deg")
    struct_v_rad := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", v_rad, struct_v_rad)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\SliderAngle", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v_rad, "float", v_degrees_min, "float", v_degrees_max, "wstr", format)
    v_rad := numget(struct_v_rad, 0, "float")
	Return result
_ImGui_VSliderFloat(label, size_x, size_y, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%.3f", power := 1)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\VSliderFloat", "wstr", label, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "ptr", struct_v, "float", v_min, "float", v_max, "wstr", format, "float", power)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_VSliderInt(label, size_x, size_y, ByRef v, v_min, v_max, format := "%d")
	struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\VSliderInt", "wstr", label, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "ptr", struct_v, "int", v_min, "int", v_max, "wstr", format)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "int")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiInputTextFlags_None := 0
_ImGui_InputText(label, ByRef buf, flags := 0, buf_size := 128000, call_back := 0)
	struct_buf := Buffer(buf_size, 0)
    StrPut(buf, struct_buf)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputText", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_buf, "int", buf_size, "int", flags, "ptr", call_back, "ptr", 0)
    buf := StrGet(struct_buf, 10240)
	Return result
_ImGui_InputTextMultiline(label, ByRef buf, size_x := 0, size_y := 0, flags := 0, buf_size := 128000)
	struct_buf := Buffer(buf_size, 0)
    StrPut(buf, struct_buf)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputTextMultiline", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_buf, "int", buf_size, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", flags, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
    buf := StrGet(struct_buf, 10240)
	Return result

_ImGui_InputTextWithHint(label, hint, ByRef buf, flags := 0, buf_size := 128000)
	struct_buf := Buffer(buf_size, 0)
    StrPut(buf, struct_buf)
	result := DllCall("imgui\InputTextWithHint", "wstr", label, "wstr", hint, "ptr", struct_buf, "int", buf_size, "int", flags)
    buf := StrGet(struct_buf, 10240)

_ImGui_InputFloat(label, ByRef v, step := 0, step_fast := 0, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputFloat", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "float", step, "float", step_fast, "wstr", format, "int", flags)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "float")
	Return result

_ImGui_InputFloat2(label, ByRef v, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputFloatN(2, label, v, format, flags)
_ImGui_InputFloat3(label, ByRef v, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputFloatN(3, label, v, format, flags)
_ImGui_InputFloat4(label, ByRef v, format := "%.3f", flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputFloatN(4, label, v, format, flags)
___ImGui_InputFloatN(n, label, ByRef v, format, flags)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
    loop, n
        NumPutV2("float", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputFloatN",
		, "int", n,
		, "wstr", label,
		, "ptr", struct_value,
		, "wstr", format,
		, "int", flags)
    loop, n
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "float")
	Return result

;flags := ImGuiInputTextFlags_None := 0
_ImGui_InputInt(label, ByRef v, step := 1, step_fast := 100, flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputInt", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", step, "int", step_fast, "int", flags)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_InputInt2(label, ByRef v, flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputIntN(2, label, v, flags := 0)
_ImGui_InputInt3(label, ByRef v, flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputIntN(3, label, v, flags := 0)
_ImGui_InputInt4(label, ByRef v, flags := 0)
	___ImGui_InputIntN(4, label, v, flags)

___ImGui_InputIntN(n, label, ByRef v, flags)
    if(n < 2 || n > 4 || v.Length < n)
        return false
    struct_value := buffer(4 * n, 0)
    loop, n
        NumPutV2("int", v[A_Index], struct_value, (a_index -1) * 4)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputIntN",
		, "int", n,
		, "wstr", label,
		, "ptr", struct_value,
		, "int", flags)
    loop, n
        v[A_Index] := numget(struct_value, (a_index - 1) * 4, "int")
	Return result
_ImGui_InputDouble(label, ByRef v, step := 0, step_fast := 0, format := "%.6f", flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(8, 0)
    NumPutV2("double", v, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\InputDouble", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "double", step, "double", step_fast, "wstr", format, "int", flags)
    v := numget(struct_v, 0, "double")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiColorEditFlags_None 0
_ImGui_ColorEdit(label, ByRef color, flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("uint", color, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ColorEdit", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", flags)
    color := numget(struct_v, 0, "uint")
	Return result
_ImGui_ColorPicker(label, ByRef color, flags := 0)
    struct_v := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("uint", color, struct_v)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ColorPicker", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_v, "int", flags)
    color := numget(struct_v, 0, "uint")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\TreeNode", "wstr", label)
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_None 0
_ImGui_TreeNodeEx(label, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\TreeNodeEx", "wstr", label, "int", flags)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\TreePush", "wstr", str_id)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing")
	Return result
_ImGui_CollapsingHeader(label, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CollapsingHeader", "wstr", label, "int", flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_CollapsingHeaderEx(label, ByRef p_open, flags := 0)
    struct_p_open := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", p_open, struct_p_open)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CollapsingHeaderEx", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_p_open, "int", flags)
    p_open := numget(struct_p_open, 0, "int")
	Return result
;cond := ImGuiCond_None 0
_ImGui_SetNextItemOpen(is_open, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextItemOpen", "int", is_open, "int", cond)
;item string 数组
; 返回包含字符串的缓冲对象.
StrBuf(str, encoding)
    ; 计算所需的大小并分配缓冲.
    buf := Buffer(StrPut(str, encoding))
    ; 复制或转换字符串.
    StrPut(str, buf, encoding)
    return buf
_ImGui_ListBox(label, ByRef current_item, items, height_items := -1)
        return False
	items_count := items.Length

    struct_current_item := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", current_item, struct_current_item)

    struct_item_count := buffer(4 * (items_count + 1), 0)
    NumPutV2("int", items_count , struct_item_count)

    loop, items_count
        len := StrLen(items[a_index]) + 1
        NumPutV2("int", len, struct_item_count,  4 * a_index)
    all_str := ""
    for k,v in items
        all_str .= v . chr(0)
    struct_item := StrBuf(all_str, "UTF-16")
    ;strcut_current_item out 当前index
    ;strcut_item 字符串数组 每个item包含的字符串
    ;strcut_item_count int 数组
    ;[0] 总个数,  [1]-[n] 每个的个数
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ListBox", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_current_item, "ptr", struct_item, "ptr", struct_item_count, "int", height_items)
    current_item := NumGet(struct_current_item, 0, "Int")
	Return result

_ImGui_ListBoxHeader(label, size_arg_x := 0, size_arg_y := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ListBoxHeader", "wstr", label, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_ListBoxHeaderEx(label, items_count, height_in_items := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ListBoxHeaderEx", "wstr", label, "int", items_count, "int", height_in_items)
	Return result

_ImGui_PlotLines(label, values, values_offset := 0, overlay_text := "", scale_min := 3.402823466e+38, scale_max := 3.402823466e+38, graph_size_x := 0, graph_size_y := 0, stride := 4)
        return False
	count := values.Length
	If values_offset >= count
        values_offset := Mod(values_offset, count)
    struct_values := buffer(4 * count)

    loop, count
        NumPutV2("float", values[a_index], struct_values, (a_index - 1) * 4)
	DllCall("imgui\PlotLines", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_values, "int",
       , count, "int", values_offset, "wstr", overlay_text, "float", scale_min, "float", scale_max,
	   , "float", graph_size_x, "float", graph_size_y, "int", stride)
;scale_min := FLT_MAX         				          :=  3.402823466e+38
;scale_max := FLT_MAX
_ImGui_PlotHistogram(label, values, values_offset := 0, overlay_text := "", scale_min := 3.402823466e+38, scale_max := 3.402823466e+38, graph_size_x := 0, graph_size_y := 0, stride := 4)
        return False
    count := values.Length
    if( values_offset >= count)
        values_offset := Mod(values_offset, count)
    struct_values := buffer(4 * count, 0)
    loop, count
        NumPutV2("float", values[A_Index], struct_values, (a_index -1) * 4)
	Dllcall("imgui\PlotHistogram", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_values, "int", count, "int", values_offset, "wstr", overlay_text, "float", scale_min, "float", scale_max, "float", graph_size_x, "float", graph_size_y, "int", stride)

_ImGui_ValueBool(prefix, b)
	Dllcall("imgui\ValueBool", "wstr", prefix, "int", b)
_ImGui_ValueInt(prefix, v)
	Dllcall("imgui\ValueInt", "wstr", prefix, "int", v)
_ImGui_ValueFloat(prefix, v, float_format := "")
	Dllcall("imgui\ValueFloat", "wstr", prefix, "float", v, "wstr", float_format)

	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginMenuBar")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginMainMenuBar")
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginMenu(label, enabled := True)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginMenu", "wstr", label, "int", enabled)
	Return result
_ImGui_MenuItem(label, shortcut := "", selected := False, enabled := True)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\MenuItem", "wstr", label, "wstr", shortcut, "int", selected, "int", enabled)
	Return result

_ImGui_MenuItemEx(label, shortcut, ByRef p_selected, enabled := True)
    struct_p_selected := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", p_selected, struct_p_selected)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\MenuItemEx", "wstr", label, "wstr", shortcut, "ptr", struct_p_selected, "int", enabled)
    p_selected := numget(struct_p_selected, 0, "int")
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetTooltip", "wstr", text)
;flags := ImGuiWindowFlags_None
_ImGui_BeginPopup(str_id, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopup", "wstr", str_id, "int", flags)
	Return result

_ImGui_BeginPopupModal(name, flags := 0)

	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupModal", "wstr", name, "ptr", 0, "int", flags)
	Return result

_ImGui_BeginPopupModalEx(name, ByRef p_open, flags := 0)
    struct_p_open := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("int", p_open, struct_p_open)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupModal", "wstr", name, "ptr", struct_p_open, "int", flags)
    p_open := numget(struct_p_open, 0, "int")
	Return result

;popup_flags := ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonLeft         :=  0
_ImGui_OpenPopup(str_id, popup_flags := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\OpenPopup", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
_ImGui_OpenPopupContextItem(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\OpenPopupContextItem", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginPopupContextItem(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupContextItem", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupContextWindow", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_BeginPopupContextVoid(str_id := "", popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginPopupContextVoid", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
;popup_flags := ImGuiPopupFlags_None                    :=  0
_ImGui_IsPopupOpen(str_id, popup_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsPopupOpen", "wstr", str_id, "int", popup_flags)
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiTabBarFlags_None                           :=  0
 _ImGui_BeginTabBar(str_id, flags := 0){
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginTabBar", "wstr", str_id, "int", flags)
	Return result

;flags := ImGuiTabItemFlags_None                          :=  0
_ImGui_BeginTabItemEx(label, ByRef p_open, flags := 0)
    struct_p_open := buffer(4, 0)
    NumPutV2("float", p_open, struct_p_open)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginTabItem", "wstr", label, "ptr", struct_p_open, "int", flags)
    p_open := numget(struct_p_open, 0, "int")
	Return result

_ImGui_BeginTabItem(label, flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginTabItem", "wstr", label, "ptr", 0, "int", flags)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\SetTabItemClosed", "wstr", label)
;flags := ImGuiDockNodeFlags_None                         :=  0
_ImGui_DockSpace(id, size_arg_x := 0, size_arg_y := 0, flags := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\DockSpace", "int", id, "float", size_arg_x, "float", size_arg_y, "int", flags)
_ImGui_DockSpaceOverViewport(viewport := 0, dockspace_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\DockSpaceOverViewport", "ptr", viewport, "int", dockspace_flags)
	Return result
;cond := ImGuiCond_None 0
_ImGui_SetNextWindowDockID(id, cond := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowDockID", "int", id, "int", cond)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetNextWindowClass", "ptr", window_class)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetWindowDockID")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsWindowDocked")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiDragDropFlags_None                         :=  0
_ImGui_BeginDragDropSource(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginDragDropSource", "int", flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_PushClipRect(clip_rect_min_x, clip_rect_min_y, clip_rect_max_x, clip_rect_max_y, intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
	Dllcall("imgui\PushClipRect", "float", clip_rect_min_x, "float", clip_rect_min_y, "float", clip_rect_max_x, "float", clip_rect_max_y, "int", intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
_ImGui_SetKeyboardFocusHere(offset := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetKeyboardFocusHere", "int", offset)
;flags := ImGuiHoveredFlags_None                          :=  0
_ImGui_IsItemHovered(flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemHovered", "int", flags)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemActive")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemFocused")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemVisible")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemEdited")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemActivated")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemDeactivated")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemToggledOpen")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyItemHovered")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyItemActive")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyItemFocused")
	Return result
;mouse_button := ImGuiMouseButton_Left
_ImGui_IsItemClicked(mouse_button := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsItemClicked", "int", mouse_button)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsRectVisible(size_x, size_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsRectVisible", "float", size_x, "float", size_y)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsRectVisibleEx(rect_min_x, rect_min_y, rect_max_x, rect_max_y)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsRectVisibleEx", "float", rect_min_x, "float", rect_min_y, "float", rect_max_x, "float", rect_max_y)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetTime")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetFrameCount")
	Return result
;flags := ImGuiWindowFlags_None
_ImGui_BeginChildFrame(id, size_x, size_y, extra_flags := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\BeginChildFrame", "int", id, "float", size_x, "float", size_y, "int", extra_flags)
	Return result
_ImGui_CalcTextSize(text, hide_text_after_double_hash := false, wrap_width := -1)
    struct_x := buffer(4, 0)
    struct_y := buffer(4, 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\CalcTextSize", "wstr", text, "int", hide_text_after_double_hash, "float", wrap_width, "ptr", struct_x, "ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 0, "float")]
	Return ret

	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetKeyIndex", "int", imgui_key)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsKeyDown", "int", user_key_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsKeyPressed(user_key_index, repeat := true)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsKeyPressed", "int", user_key_index, "int", repeat)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsKeyReleased", "int", user_key_index)
	Return result
_ImGui_GetKeyPressedAmount(key_index, repeat_delay, repeat_rate)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetKeyPressedAmount", "int", key_index, "float", repeat_delay, "float", repeat_rate)
	Return result
	Dllcall("imgui\CaptureKeyboardFromApp", "int", capture)
;mouse_button := ImGuiMouseButton_Left
_ImGui_IsMouseDown(button := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseDown", "int", button)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseClicked(button := 0, repeat := False)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseClicked", "int", button, "int", repeat)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseReleased(button := 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseReleased", "int", button)
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseHoveringRect(r_min_x, r_min_y, r_max_x, r_max_y, clip := True)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseHoveringRect", "float", r_min_x, "float", r_min_y, "float", r_max_x, "float", r_max_y, "int", clip)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMousePosValid")
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsAnyMouseDown")
	Return result
_ImGui_IsMouseDragging(button := 0, lock_threshold := -1)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\IsMouseDragging", "int", button, "float", lock_threshold)
	Return result
_ImGui_ResetMouseDragDelta(button := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\ResetMouseDragDelta", "int", button)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetMouseCursor")
	Return result
;cursor_type := ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow :=  0
_ImGui_SetMouseCursor(cursor_type := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\SetMouseCursor", "int", cursor_type)
	Dllcall("imgui\CaptureMouseFromApp", "int", capture)
	Dllcall("imgui\LoadIniSettingsFromDisk", "wstr", ini_filename)
	Dllcall("imgui\SaveIniSettingsToDisk", "wstr", ini_filename)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\GetMainViewport")
	return result
_ImGui_RenderPlatformWindowsDefault(platform_render_arg, renderer_render_arg)
	Dllcall("imgui\RenderPlatformWindowsDefault", "ptr", platform_render_arg, "ptr", renderer_render_arg)

; ========================================================================================================================================== ImDraw

_ImDraw_SetOffset(x, y)
	ImDraw_offset_x := x
	ImDraw_offset_y := y

	ImDrawList_ptr := draw_list
	Return ImDrawList_ptr
_ImDraw_AddLine(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddLine", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness)

;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddRect(x, y, w, h, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding := 0, rounding_corners := 0xF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddRect",  "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", x, "float", y, "float", x+w, "float", y+h, "uint", col, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners, "float", thickness)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddRectFilled( x, y, w, h, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding := 0, rounding_corners := 0xF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddRectFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", x, "float", y, "float", x+w, "float", y+h, "uint", col, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners)
_ImDraw_AddBezierCurve(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1, num_segments := 30)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddBezierCurve", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness, "int", num_segments)
_ImDraw_AddCircle(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 30, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddCircle", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddCircleFilled(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 0)
        num_segments := radius /3 + 10
	Dllcall("imgui\AddCircleFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments)

_ImDraw_AddConvexPolyFilled(points, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
        return false

    points_count := points.Length
    struct_points := buffer(4 * points_count * 2, 0)
    loop, points_count
        NumPutV2("float", points[A_Index][0], 2 * 4 * A_Index)
        NumPutV2("float", points[A_Index][1], 2 * 4 * A_Index + 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddConvexPolyFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "ptr", struct_points, "int", points_count, "uint", col)

_ImDraw_AddImage(user_texture_id, p_min_x, p_min_y, p_max_x, p_max_y, uv_min_x := 0, uv_min_y := 0, uv_max_x := 1, uv_max_y := 1, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddImage", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "int", user_texture_id, "float", p_min_x, "float", p_min_y, "float", p_max_x, "float", p_max_y, "float", uv_min_x, "float", uv_min_y, "float", uv_max_x, "float", uv_max_y, "uint", col)
_ImDraw_AddImageQuad(user_texture_id, p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, uv1_x := 0, uv1_y := 0, uv2_x := 1, uv2_y := 0, uv3_x := 1, uv3_y := 1, uv4_x := 0, uv4_y := 1, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddImageQuad", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "int", user_texture_id, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "float", uv1_x, "float", uv1_y, "float", uv2_x, "float", uv2_y, "float", uv3_x, "float", uv3_y, "float", uv4_x, "float", uv4_y, "uint", col)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddImageRounded(user_texture_id, p_min_x, p_min_y, p_max_x, p_max_y, uv_min_x := 0, uv_min_y := 0, uv_max_x := 1, uv_max_y := 1, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding := 5, rounding_corners := 0xF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddImageRounded", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "int", user_texture_id, "float", p_min_x, "float", p_min_y, "float", p_max_x, "float", p_max_y, "float", uv_min_x, "float", uv_min_y, "float", uv_max_x, "float", uv_max_y, "uint", col, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners)
_ImDraw_AddNgon(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 5, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddNgon", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddNgonFilled(center_x, center_y, radius, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, num_segments := 5)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddNgonFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "uint", col, "int", num_segments)

_ImDraw_AddPolyline(points, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, closed := True, thickness := 1)
        return false
    points_count := points.Length
    struct_points := buffer(4 * points_count * 2, 0)
        NumPutV2("float", points[A_Index][0], 2 * 4 * A_Index)
        NumPutV2("float", points[A_Index][1], 2 * 4 * A_Index + 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddPolyline", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "ptr", struct_points, "int", points_count, "uint", col, "int", closed, "float", thickness)

ImDraw_AddQuad(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddQuad", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddQuadFilled(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddQuadFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "uint", col)
_ImDraw_AddRectFilledMultiColor(p_min_x, p_min_y, p_max_x, p_max_y, col_upr_left, col_upr_right, col_bot_right, col_bot_left)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddRectFilledMultiColor", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p_min_x, "float", p_min_y, "float", p_max_x, "float", p_max_y, "uint", col_upr_left, "uint", col_upr_right, "uint", col_bot_right, "uint", col_bot_left)
_ImDraw_AddText(text, font, font_size, pos_x, pos_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, wrap_width := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddText", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "ptr", font, "float", font_size, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y, "uint", col, "wstr", text, "float", wrap_width)
_ImDraw_AddTriangle(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddTriangle", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "uint", col, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_AddTriangleFilled(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, col := 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Dllcall("imgui\AddTriangleFilled", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p1_x, "float", p1_y, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "uint", col)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathClear", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr)
_ImDraw_PathLineTo(pos_x, pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathLineTo", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y)
_ImDraw_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(pos_x, pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathLineToMergeDuplicate", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", pos_x, "float", pos_y)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathFillConvex", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "uint", col)
_ImDraw_PathStroke(col, closed, thickness := 1)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathStroke", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "uint", col, "boolean", closed, "float", thickness)
_ImDraw_PathArcTo(center_x, center_y, radius, a_min_a, a_max, num_segments := 20)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathArcTo", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "float", a_min, "float", a_max, "int", num_segments)
_ImDraw_PathArcToFast(center_x, center_y, radius, a_min_of_12, a_max_of_12)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathArcToFast", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", center_x, "float", center_y, "float", radius, "int", a_min_of_12, "int", a_max_of_12)
_ImDraw_PathBezierCurveTo(p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, num_segments := 0)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathBezierCurveTo", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", p2_x, "float", p2_y, "float", p3_x, "float", p3_y, "float", p4_x, "float", p4_y, "int", num_segments)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_PathRect(rect_min_x, rect_min_y, rect_max_x, rect_max_y, rounding := 0, rounding_corners := 0xf)
	Dllcall("imgui\PathRect", "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr, "float", rect_min_x, "float", rect_min_y, "float", rect_max_x, "float", rect_max_y, "float", rounding, "int", rounding_corners)

;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImDraw_AddImageFit(user_texture_id, pos_x, pos_y, size_x := 0, size_y := 0, crop_area := True, rounding := 0, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding_corners := 0xf)
	, "ptr", ImDrawList_ptr,
	, "ptr", user_texture_id,
	, "float", pos_x,
	, "float", pos_y,
	, "float", size_x,
	, "float", size_y,
	, "boolean", crop_area,
	, "float", rounding,
	, "uint", tint_col,
	, "int", rounding_corners)
;rounding_corners := ImDrawCornerFlags_All       :=  0xF
_ImGui_ImageFit(user_texture_id, size_x := 0, size_y := 0, crop_area := True, rounding := 0, tint_col := 0xFFFFFFFF, rounding_corners := 0xF)
	    , "ptr", user_texture_id,
        , "float", size_x,
        , "float", size_y,
        , "int", crop_area,
        , "float", rounding,
        , "uint", tint_col,
        , "int", rounding_corners)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ImageFromFile", "wstr", file_path)
	Return result
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ImageFromURL", "str", url)
	Return result
	if(user_texture_id == 0)
        return false
    struct_x := buffer(4, 0)
    struct_y := buffer(4, 0)
	result := Dllcall("imgui\ImageGetSize", "ptr", user_texture_id, "ptr", struct_x,"ptr", struct_y)
    ret := [NumGet(struct_x, 0, "float"), NumGet(struct_y, 0, "float")]
	Return ret

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