Can the text color of a radio button be changed? Topic is solved
Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
I want to set the chosen radio button apart further in a radio group by changing its text color, is it even possible?
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
g := Gui()
g.SetFont 'cRed'
g.AddRadio , 'abc'
g.SetFont 'cBlue'
g.AddRadio , 'def'
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
Thanks, I mean initially all the text color are the same, when I checked a radio button the text color will change.mikeyww wrote: ↑13 May 2024, 22:26Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 g := Gui() g.SetFont 'cRed' g.AddRadio , 'abc' g.SetFont 'cBlue' g.AddRadio , 'def' g.Show
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
I thought I could easily write it because I've done similar tasks in v1, but surprisingly, there were some grammar changes from v2, so it took me a bit of time.
This is more of a conceptual demonstration to show what you desire is possible. In reality, it needs a bit more refinement.
This is more of a conceptual demonstration to show what you desire is possible. In reality, it needs a bit more refinement.
Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
g := gui()
g.setFont("C000000 S10 W400")
radio := g.addRadio(,"radio")
radio.onEvent("Click", radio_Click)
SetRadioColor.register(radio, 0xFF0000, 0x000000)
radio_Click(guiCtrlObj, info) {
static v := false
guiCtrlObj.Value := (v:=!v)
class SetRadioColor
static _guiCntlObjs := map()
static register(guiCtrlObj, checkedColor, uncheckedColor) {
this._guiCntlObjs[guiCtrlObj] := {logFont:this._guiControlGetLogFont(guiCtrlObj)
static onClick(guiCtrlObj, *) {
guiObj := guiCtrlObj.Gui
guiLogFont := this._guiControlGetLogFont(guiObj)
this._getColorStatic(guiObj,, &crefText)
guiTextColor := (((crefText&0xFF)<<16)|(crefText&0xFF00)|((crefText&0xFF0000)>>16))&0xFFFFFF
prevGuiFontOptions := this._getFontOptionsFromLogFont(guiLogFont, guiTextColor)
prevGuiFontName := guiLogFont.FaceName
guiCtrlLogFont := this._guiCntlObjs[guiCtrlObj].logFont
guiCtrlTextColor := this._guiCntlObjs[guiCtrlObj].%(guiCtrlObj.Value?"checkedColor":"uncheckedColor")%
newGuiCtrlFontOptions := this._getFontOptionsFromLogFont(guiCtrlLogFont, guiCtrlTextColor)
newGuiCtrlFontName := guiCtrlLogFont.FaceName
guiCtrlObj.setFont(newGuiCtrlFontOptions, newGuiCtrlFontName)
static _getFontOptionsFromLogFont(logFont, fontColor?) {
return "norm" (logFont.Italic?" italic":"") (logFont.StrikeOut?" strike":"") (logFont.Underline?" underline":"") (isSet(fontColor)?" C" format("{:06X}",fontColor):"") " S" round(-logFont.Height*72/A_ScreenDPI) " W" logFont.Weight " Q" logFont.Quality
static _getColorStatic(guiObj, &crefBK?, &crefText?) {
static WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC:=0x0138, SMTO_NORMAL:=0x0000
crefBK:= crefText:= 0
if !(hDC:=dllCall("User32.dll\GetDC", "Ptr",guiObj.Hwnd, "Ptr"))
temp := guiObj.addText("xp yp wp hp Hidden")
if (hRet:=dllCall("User32.dll\SendMessageTimeout"
,"Ptr")) {
crefBK:=dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetBkColor", "Ptr",hDC)
crefText:=dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetTextColor", "Ptr",hDC)
dllCall("User32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Ptr",guiObj.Hwnd, "Ptr",hDC)
dllCall("User32.dll\DestroyWindow", "Ptr",temp.Hwnd)
static _guiControlGetLogFont(hWnd_or_guiObj, addTextTemporarily:=true) {
static WM_GETFONT:=0x31, SMTO_NORMAL:=0x0000
case (hWnd_or_guiObj is gui): hWnd:=hWnd_or_guiObj.Hwnd
case (hWnd_or_guiObj is gui.control): hWnd:=hWnd_or_guiObj.Hwnd
if (hWnd_or_guiObj~="D)^-?(?:[[:digit:]]+|0[Xx][[:xdigit:]]+)$"
&& dllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr",hWnd_or_guiObj))
if (!hWnd)
return logFont
if (!dllCall("User32.dll\SendMessageTimeout", "Ptr",hWnd, "UInt",WM_GETFONT, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "UInt",SMTO_NORMAL, "UInt",50, "Ptr*",&hFont:=0, "Ptr"))
return logFont
if (!hFont) {
if (!addTextTemporarily)
return logFont
if !(hWnd_or_guiObj is gui)
return logFont
guiCntl:=hWnd_or_guiObj.add("Text","xp yp wp hp Hidden")
if (!dllCall("User32.dll\SendMessageTimeout", "Ptr",hText:=guiCntl.hWnd, "UInt",WM_GETFONT, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "UInt",SMTO_NORMAL, "UInt",50, "Ptr*",&hFont:=0, "Ptr"))
return logFont
dllCall("User32.dll\DestroyWindow", "Ptr",hText)
sizeLF:=dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetObject", "Ptr",hFont, "Int",0, "Ptr",0)
buf:=buffer(sizeLF, 0)
dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetObject", "Ptr",hFont, "Int",sizeLF, "Ptr",buf.Ptr)
logFont.Height := numGet(buf, 0,"Int")
,logFont.Width := numGet(buf, 4,"Int")
,logFont.Escapement := numGet(buf, 8,"Int")
,logFont.Orientation := numGet(buf, 12,"Int")
,logFont.Weight := numGet(buf, 16,"Int")
,logFont.Italic := numGet(buf, 20,"Char")
,logFont.Underline := numGet(buf, 21,"Char")
,logFont.StrikeOut := numGet(buf, 22,"Char")
,logFont.CharSet := numGet(buf, 23,"Char")
,logFont.OutPrecision := numGet(buf, 24,"Char")
,logFont.ClipPrecision := numGet(buf, 25,"Char")
,logFont.Quality := numGet(buf, 26,"Char")
,logFont.PitchAndFamily := numGet(buf, 27,"Char")
,logFont.FaceName := strGet(buf.Ptr+28)
return logFont
; Re: How to get the current Gui font w/o creating a control?
; Re: Get Gui Color
- English is not my native language. Please forgive any awkward expressions.
- 영어는 제 모국어가 아닙니다. 어색한 표현이 있어도 양해해 주세요.
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed? Topic is solved
The SetFont method does not appear to work to change radio buttons text color. I'm not sure. One workaround is to associate text controls to the radio buttons.
Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
g := Gui()
g.OnEvent('Close', (*) => ExitApp())
g.Add('Radio', 'w15 h15').OnEvent('Click', SetRadioColor.Bind('btn1'))
g.Add('Radio', 'xm ym+30 w15 h15').OnEvent('Click', SetRadioColor.Bind('btn2'))
g.Add('Radio', 'xm ym+60 w15 h15').OnEvent('Click', SetRadioColor.Bind('btn3'))
g.txtRadio_btn1 := g.Add('Text', 'xm+20 ym', 'Button 1')
g.txtRadio_btn2 := g.Add('Text', 'xp ym+30', 'Button 2')
g.txtRadio_btn3 := g.Add('Text', 'xp ym+60', 'Button 3')
SetRadioColor(btn, *)
Loop 3
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
This works and seems to demonstrate an AutoHotkey bug whereby the font must first be set to a non-default color.
Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
buttons := ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']
g := Gui(, 'Buttons')
rad := []
defaultColor := 'Black'
fontSize := 10
g.SetFont 's' fontSize ' c' defaultColor
For radio in buttons {
rad.Push g.AddRadio('w200', radio)
rad[rad.Length].OnEvent('Click', radio_Click)
radio_Click(btn, info) {
For radio in rad
radio.SetFont 'c' defaultColor
btn.SetFont 'cRed'
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
Thanks, With some refinement your code can demonstrate on Scripts and FunctionsSeven0528 wrote: ↑14 May 2024, 03:25I thought I could easily write it because I've done similar tasks in v1, but surprisingly, there were some grammar changes from v2, so it took me a bit of time.
This is more of a conceptual demonstration to show what you desire is possible. In reality, it needs a bit more refinement.Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 #SingleInstance Force g := gui() g.setFont("C000000 S10 W400") radio := g.addRadio(,"radio") radio.onEvent("Click", radio_Click) SetRadioColor.register(radio, 0xFF0000, 0x000000) radio_Click(guiCtrlObj, info) { static v := false guiCtrlObj.Value := (v:=!v) SetRadioColor.onClick(guiCtrlObj) } ;========================================================================================== class SetRadioColor { static _guiCntlObjs := map() static register(guiCtrlObj, checkedColor, uncheckedColor) { this._guiCntlObjs[guiCtrlObj] := {logFont:this._guiControlGetLogFont(guiCtrlObj) ,checkedColor:checkedColor ,uncheckedColor:uncheckedColor} } static onClick(guiCtrlObj, *) { /* guiObj := guiCtrlObj.Gui guiLogFont := this._guiControlGetLogFont(guiObj) this._getColorStatic(guiObj,, &crefText) guiTextColor := (((crefText&0xFF)<<16)|(crefText&0xFF00)|((crefText&0xFF0000)>>16))&0xFFFFFF prevGuiFontOptions := this._getFontOptionsFromLogFont(guiLogFont, guiTextColor) prevGuiFontName := guiLogFont.FaceName */ guiCtrlLogFont := this._guiCntlObjs[guiCtrlObj].logFont guiCtrlTextColor := this._guiCntlObjs[guiCtrlObj].%(guiCtrlObj.Value?"checkedColor":"uncheckedColor")% newGuiCtrlFontOptions := this._getFontOptionsFromLogFont(guiCtrlLogFont, guiCtrlTextColor) newGuiCtrlFontName := guiCtrlLogFont.FaceName guiCtrlObj.setFont(newGuiCtrlFontOptions, newGuiCtrlFontName) } static _getFontOptionsFromLogFont(logFont, fontColor?) { return "norm" (logFont.Italic?" italic":"") (logFont.StrikeOut?" strike":"") (logFont.Underline?" underline":"") (isSet(fontColor)?" C" format("{:06X}",fontColor):"") " S" round(-logFont.Height*72/A_ScreenDPI) " W" logFont.Weight " Q" logFont.Quality } /* static _getColorStatic(guiObj, &crefBK?, &crefText?) { static WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC:=0x0138, SMTO_NORMAL:=0x0000 crefBK:= crefText:= 0 if !(hDC:=dllCall("User32.dll\GetDC", "Ptr",guiObj.Hwnd, "Ptr")) return temp := guiObj.addText("xp yp wp hp Hidden") if (hRet:=dllCall("User32.dll\SendMessageTimeout" ,"Ptr",guiObj.Hwnd ,"UInt",WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC ,"Ptr",hDC ,"Ptr",temp.Hwnd ,"UInt",SMTO_NORMAL ,"UInt",50 ,"Ptr*",lpdwResult:=0 ,"Ptr")) { crefBK:=dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetBkColor", "Ptr",hDC) crefText:=dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetTextColor", "Ptr",hDC) } dllCall("User32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Ptr",guiObj.Hwnd, "Ptr",hDC) dllCall("User32.dll\DestroyWindow", "Ptr",temp.Hwnd) } */ static _guiControlGetLogFont(hWnd_or_guiObj, addTextTemporarily:=true) { static WM_GETFONT:=0x31, SMTO_NORMAL:=0x0000 logFont:={Height:"" ,Width:"" ,Escapement:"" ,Orientation:"" ,Weight:"" ,Italic:"" ,Underline:"" ,StrikeOut:"" ,CharSet:"" ,OutPrecision:"" ,ClipPrecision:"" ,Quality:"" ,PitchAndFamily:"" ,FaceName:""} hWnd:=0 switch { case (hWnd_or_guiObj is gui): hWnd:=hWnd_or_guiObj.Hwnd case (hWnd_or_guiObj is gui.control): hWnd:=hWnd_or_guiObj.Hwnd default: if (hWnd_or_guiObj~="D)^-?(?:[[:digit:]]+|0[Xx][[:xdigit:]]+)$" && dllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr",hWnd_or_guiObj)) hWnd:=hWnd_or_guiObj } if (!hWnd) return logFont if (!dllCall("User32.dll\SendMessageTimeout", "Ptr",hWnd, "UInt",WM_GETFONT, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "UInt",SMTO_NORMAL, "UInt",50, "Ptr*",&hFont:=0, "Ptr")) return logFont if (!hFont) { if (!addTextTemporarily) return logFont if !(hWnd_or_guiObj is gui) return logFont guiCntl:=hWnd_or_guiObj.add("Text","xp yp wp hp Hidden") if (!dllCall("User32.dll\SendMessageTimeout", "Ptr",hText:=guiCntl.hWnd, "UInt",WM_GETFONT, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "UInt",SMTO_NORMAL, "UInt",50, "Ptr*",&hFont:=0, "Ptr")) return logFont dllCall("User32.dll\DestroyWindow", "Ptr",hText) } sizeLF:=dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetObject", "Ptr",hFont, "Int",0, "Ptr",0) buf:=buffer(sizeLF, 0) dllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetObject", "Ptr",hFont, "Int",sizeLF, "Ptr",buf.Ptr) logFont.Height := numGet(buf, 0,"Int") ,logFont.Width := numGet(buf, 4,"Int") ,logFont.Escapement := numGet(buf, 8,"Int") ,logFont.Orientation := numGet(buf, 12,"Int") ,logFont.Weight := numGet(buf, 16,"Int") ,logFont.Italic := numGet(buf, 20,"Char") ,logFont.Underline := numGet(buf, 21,"Char") ,logFont.StrikeOut := numGet(buf, 22,"Char") ,logFont.CharSet := numGet(buf, 23,"Char") ,logFont.OutPrecision := numGet(buf, 24,"Char") ,logFont.ClipPrecision := numGet(buf, 25,"Char") ,logFont.Quality := numGet(buf, 26,"Char") ,logFont.PitchAndFamily := numGet(buf, 27,"Char") ,logFont.FaceName := strGet(buf.Ptr+28) return logFont } ; Re: How to get the current Gui font w/o creating a control? ; ; Re: Get Gui Color ; }
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
What a clever way, thank you so muchXMCQCX wrote: ↑14 May 2024, 04:10The SetFont method does not appear to work to change radio buttons text color. I'm not sure. One workaround is to associate text controls to the radio buttons.Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 #SingleInstance g := Gui() g.OnEvent('Close', (*) => ExitApp()) g.Add('Radio', 'w15 h15').OnEvent('Click', SetRadioColor.Bind('btn1')) g.Add('Radio', 'xm ym+30 w15 h15').OnEvent('Click', SetRadioColor.Bind('btn2')) g.Add('Radio', 'xm ym+60 w15 h15').OnEvent('Click', SetRadioColor.Bind('btn3')) g.txtRadio_btn1 := g.Add('Text', 'xm+20 ym', 'Button 1') g.txtRadio_btn2 := g.Add('Text', 'xp ym+30', 'Button 2') g.txtRadio_btn3 := g.Add('Text', 'xp ym+60', 'Button 3') g.Show() SetRadioColor(btn, *) { Loop 3 g.txtRadio_btn%A_Index%.SetFont('cDefault') g.txtRadio_%btn%.SetFont('cGreen') }
Re: Can the text color of a radio button be changed?
Thanks for providing another solutionmikeyww wrote: ↑14 May 2024, 06:53This works and seems to demonstrate an AutoHotkey bug whereby the font must first be set to a non-default color.
Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 buttons := ['abc', 'def', 'ghi'] g := Gui(, 'Buttons') rad := [] defaultColor := 'Black' fontSize := 10 g.SetFont 's' fontSize ' c' defaultColor For radio in buttons { rad.Push g.AddRadio('w200', radio) rad[rad.Length].OnEvent('Click', radio_Click) } g.Show radio_Click(btn, info) { For radio in rad radio.SetFont 'c' defaultColor btn.SetFont 'cRed' }