ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility

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ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility

23 Mar 2024, 01:58

The ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility created by kdalanon is very interesting (

The script uses the ChatGPT API to process selected text.

I would like to add a function to the script that would open an InputBox in which a user can enter a prompt in the text field if no text is selected. That would enable a user to enter an additional prompt manually in the popup input box to elaborate the instructions from the inbuilt menu items. For example, if no text was highlighted and the MenuPopup.Add("&5 - Generate reply", GenerateReply) was chosen, then the GPT API prompt would include the inbuilt prompt in "5 - Generate reply" as well as the additional instructions from the "InputBox"

For example:

if ErrorLevel
InputBox query, Enter your prompt in the text field,,, 300, 100
else query := Clipboard

How could I integrate this in the script below?

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2
#Include "_jxon.ahk"

Script Tray Menu

A_TrayMenu.Add("&Debug", Debug)
A_TrayMenu.Add("&Reload Script", ReloadScript)
A_TrayMenu.Add("E&xit", Exit)
A_IconTip := "ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility"

ReloadScript(*) {

Debug(*) {

Exit(*) {

Dark mode menu

Class DarkMode {
    Static __New(Mode := 1) => ( ; Mode: Dark = 1, Default (Light) = 0
        DllCall(DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "uxtheme", "ptr"), "ptr", 135, "ptr"), "int", mode),
        DllCall(DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "uxtheme", "ptr"), "ptr", 136, "ptr"))


API_Key := "Your_API_Key_Here"
API_URL := ""
Status_Message := ""
Response_Window_Status := "Closed"
Retry_Status := ""

Menus and ChatGPT prompts

MenuPopup := Menu()
MenuPopup.Add("&1 - Rephrase", Rephrase)
MenuPopup.Add("&2 - Summarize", Summarize)
MenuPopup.Add("&3 - Explain", Explain)
MenuPopup.Add("&4 - Expand", Expand)
MenuPopup.Add("&5 - Generate reply", GenerateReply)
MenuPopup.Add("&6 - Find action items", FindActionItems)
MenuPopup.Add("&7 - Translate to English", TranslateToEnglish)

Rephrase(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Rephrase the following text or paragraph to ensure clarity, conciseness, and a natural flow. The revision should preserve the tone, style, and formatting of the original text. Additionally, correct any grammar and spelling errors you come across:"
    Status_Message := "Rephrasing..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Summarize(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Summarize the following:"
    Status_Message := "Summarizing..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Explain(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Explain the following:"
    Status_Message := "Explaining..."
    API_Model := "gpt-3.5-turbo"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Expand(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Considering the original tone, style, and formatting, please help me express the following idea in a clearer and more articulate way. The style of the message could be formal, informal, casual, empathetic, assertive, or persuasive, depending on the context of the original message. The text should be divided into paragraphs for readability. No specific language complexities need to be avoided and the focus should be equally distributed throughout the message. There's no set minimum or maximum length. Here's what I'm trying to say:"
    Status_Message := "Expanding..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

GenerateReply(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Craft a response to any given message. The response should adhere to the original sender's tone, style, formatting, and cultural or regional context. Maintain the same level of formality and emotional tone as the original message. Responses may be of any length, provided they effectively communicate the response to the original sender:"
    Status_Message := "Generating reply..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

FindActionItems(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Find action items that needs to be done and present them in a list:"
    Status_Message := "Finding action items..."
    API_Model := "gpt-3.5-turbo"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

TranslateToEnglish(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Generate an English translation for the following text or paragraph, ensuring the translation accurately conveys the intended meaning or idea without excessive deviation. The translation should preserve the tone, style, and formatting of the original text:"
    Status_Message := "Translating to English..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Create Response Window

Response_Window := Gui("-Caption", "Response")
Response_Window.BackColor := "0x333333"
Response_Window.SetFont("s13 cWhite", "Georgia")
Response := Response_Window.Add("Edit", "r20 ReadOnly w600 Wrap Background333333", Status_Message)
RetryButton := Response_Window.Add("Button", "x190 Disabled", "Retry")
RetryButton.OnEvent("Click", Retry)
CopyButton := Response_Window.Add("Button", "x+30 w80 Disabled", "Copy")
CopyButton.OnEvent("Click", Copy)
Response_Window.Add("Button", "x+30", "Close").OnEvent("Click", Close)


Retry(*) {
    Retry_Status := "Retry"
    RetryButton.Enabled := 0
    CopyButton.Enabled := 0
    CopyButton.Text := "Copy"
    ProcessRequest(Previous_ChatGPT_Prompt, Previous_Status_Message, Previous_API_Model, Retry_Status)

Copy(*) {
    A_Clipboard := Response.Value
    CopyButton.Enabled := 0
    CopyButton.Text := "Copied!"

    DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)
    Sleep 2000

    CopyButton.Enabled := 1
    CopyButton.Text := "Copy"

Close(*) {
    global Response_Window_Status := "Closed"

Connect to ChatGPT API and process request

ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status) {
    if (Retry_Status != "Retry") {
        A_Clipboard := ""
        Send "^c"
        if !ClipWait(2) {
            MsgBox "The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed."
        CopiedText := A_Clipboard
        ChatGPT_Prompt := ChatGPT_Prompt "`n`n" CopiedText
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, '(\\|")+', '\$1') ; Clean back spaces and quotes
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, "`n", "\n") ; Clean newlines
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, "`r", "") ; Remove carriage returns
        global Previous_ChatGPT_Prompt := ChatGPT_Prompt
        global Previous_Status_Message := Status_Message
        global Previous_API_Model := API_Model
        global Response_Window_Status

    OnMessage 0x200, WM_MOUSEHOVER
    Response.Value := Status_Message
    if (Response_Window_Status = "Closed") {
        Response_Window.Show("AutoSize Center")
        Response_Window_Status := "Open"
        RetryButton.Enabled := 0
        CopyButton.Enabled := 0
    DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)

    global HTTP_Request := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")"POST", API_URL, true)
    HTTP_Request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
    HTTP_Request.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " API_Key)
    Messages := '{ "role": "user", "content": "' ChatGPT_Prompt '" }'
    JSON_Request := '{ "model": "' API_Model '", "messages": [' Messages '] }'
    HTTP_Request.SetTimeouts(60000, 60000, 60000, 60000)
    SetTimer LoadingCursor, 1
    if WinExist("Response") {
        WinActivate "Response"
    try {
        if (HTTP_Request.status == 200) {
            SafeArray := HTTP_Request.responseBody
	    pData := NumGet(ComObjValue(SafeArray) + 8 + A_PtrSize, 'Ptr')
	    length := SafeArray.MaxIndex() + 1
	    JSON_Response := StrGet(pData, length, 'UTF-8')
            var := Jxon_Load(&JSON_Response)
            JSON_Response := var.Get("choices")[1].Get("message").Get("content")
            RetryButton.Enabled := 1
            CopyButton.Enabled := 1
            Response.Value := JSON_Response

            SetTimer LoadingCursor, 0
            OnMessage 0x200, WM_MOUSEHOVER, 0
            Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32512) ; Arrow cursor
            DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)

            DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)
        } else {
            RetryButton.Enabled := 1
            CopyButton.Enabled := 1
            Response.Value := "Status " HTTP_Request.status " " HTTP_Request.responseText

            SetTimer LoadingCursor, 0
            OnMessage 0x200, WM_MOUSEHOVER, 0
            Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32512) ; Arrow cursor
            DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)

            DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)


    Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32648) ; Unavailable cursor
    MouseGetPos ,,, &MousePosition
    if (CopyButton.Enabled = 0) & (MousePosition = "Button2") {
        DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)
    } else if (RetryButton.Enabled = 0) & (MousePosition = "Button1") | (MousePosition = "Button2") {
        DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)

LoadingCursor() {
    MouseGetPos ,,, &MousePosition
    if (MousePosition = "Edit1") {
        Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32514) ; Loading cursor
        DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)


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Re: ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility

26 Mar 2024, 08:45

I have not an API KEY to test, but i think it will work

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2
#Include "_jxon.ahk"

Script Tray Menu

; TraySetIcon("Icon.ico")
A_TrayMenu.Add("&Debug", Debug)
A_TrayMenu.Add("&Reload Script", ReloadScript)
A_TrayMenu.Add("E&xit", Exit)
A_IconTip := "ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility"

ReloadScript(*) {

Debug(*) {

Exit(*) {

Dark mode menu

Class DarkMode {
    Static __New(Mode := 1) => ( ; Mode: Dark = 1, Default (Light) = 0
        DllCall(DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "uxtheme", "ptr"), "ptr", 135, "ptr"), "int", mode),
        DllCall(DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "uxtheme", "ptr"), "ptr", 136, "ptr"))


API_Key := "Your_API_Key_Here"
API_URL := ""
Status_Message := ""
Response_Window_Status := "Closed"
Retry_Status := ""

Menus and ChatGPT prompts

MenuPopup := Menu()
MenuPopup.Add("&1 - Rephrase", Rephrase)
MenuPopup.Add("&2 - Summarize", Summarize)
MenuPopup.Add("&3 - Explain", Explain)
MenuPopup.Add("&4 - Expand", Expand)
MenuPopup.Add("&5 - Generate reply", GenerateReply)
MenuPopup.Add("&6 - Find action items", FindActionItems)
MenuPopup.Add("&7 - Translate to English", TranslateToEnglish)

Rephrase(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Rephrase the following text or paragraph to ensure clarity, conciseness, and a natural flow. The revision should preserve the tone, style, and formatting of the original text. Additionally, correct any grammar and spelling errors you come across:"
    Status_Message := "Rephrasing..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Summarize(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Summarize the following:"
    Status_Message := "Summarizing..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Explain(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Explain the following:"
    Status_Message := "Explaining..."
    API_Model := "gpt-3.5-turbo"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Expand(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Considering the original tone, style, and formatting, please help me express the following idea in a clearer and more articulate way. The style of the message could be formal, informal, casual, empathetic, assertive, or persuasive, depending on the context of the original message. The text should be divided into paragraphs for readability. No specific language complexities need to be avoided and the focus should be equally distributed throughout the message. There's no set minimum or maximum length. Here's what I'm trying to say:"
    Status_Message := "Expanding..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

GenerateReply(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Craft a response to any given message. The response should adhere to the original sender's tone, style, formatting, and cultural or regional context. Maintain the same level of formality and emotional tone as the original message. Responses may be of any length, provided they effectively communicate the response to the original sender:"
    Status_Message := "Generating reply..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

FindActionItems(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Find action items that needs to be done and present them in a list:"
    Status_Message := "Finding action items..."
    API_Model := "gpt-3.5-turbo"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

TranslateToEnglish(*) {
    ChatGPT_Prompt := "Generate an English translation for the following text or paragraph, ensuring the translation accurately conveys the intended meaning or idea without excessive deviation. The translation should preserve the tone, style, and formatting of the original text:"
    Status_Message := "Translating to English..."
    API_Model := "gpt-4"
    ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status)

Create Response Window

Response_Window := Gui("-Caption", "Response")
Response_Window.BackColor := "0x333333"
Response_Window.SetFont("s13 cWhite", "Georgia")
Response := Response_Window.Add("Edit", "r20 ReadOnly w600 Wrap Background333333", Status_Message)
RetryButton := Response_Window.Add("Button", "x190 Disabled", "Retry")
RetryButton.OnEvent("Click", Retry)
CopyButton := Response_Window.Add("Button", "x+30 w80 Disabled", "Copy")
CopyButton.OnEvent("Click", Copy)
Response_Window.Add("Button", "x+30", "Close").OnEvent("Click", Close)


Retry(*) {
    Retry_Status := "Retry"
    RetryButton.Enabled := 0
    CopyButton.Enabled := 0
    CopyButton.Text := "Copy"
    ProcessRequest(Previous_ChatGPT_Prompt, Previous_Status_Message, Previous_API_Model, Retry_Status)

Copy(*) {
    A_Clipboard := Response.Value
    CopyButton.Enabled := 0
    CopyButton.Text := "Copied!"

    DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)
    Sleep 2000

    CopyButton.Enabled := 1
    CopyButton.Text := "Copy"

Close(*) {
    global Response_Window_Status := "Closed"

Connect to ChatGPT API and process request

ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status) {
    if (Retry_Status != "Retry") {
        A_Clipboard := ""
        If (A_Clipboard = "") {
            A_Clipboard := InputBox("Clipboard Empty", "Enter a text").value
        If (A_Clipboard = "") {
            Send "^c"
            if !ClipWait(2) {
                MsgBox "The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed."
        CopiedText := A_Clipboard
        ChatGPT_Prompt := ChatGPT_Prompt "`n`n" CopiedText
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, '(\\|")+', '\$1') ; Clean back spaces and quotes
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, "`n", "\n") ; Clean newlines
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, "`r", "") ; Remove carriage returns
        global Previous_ChatGPT_Prompt := ChatGPT_Prompt
        global Previous_Status_Message := Status_Message
        global Previous_API_Model := API_Model
        global Response_Window_Status

    OnMessage 0x200, WM_MOUSEHOVER
    Response.Value := Status_Message
    if (Response_Window_Status = "Closed") {
        Response_Window.Show("AutoSize Center")
        Response_Window_Status := "Open"
        RetryButton.Enabled := 0
        CopyButton.Enabled := 0
    DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)

    global HTTP_Request := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")"POST", API_URL, true)
    HTTP_Request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
    HTTP_Request.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " API_Key)
    Messages := '{ "role": "user", "content": "' ChatGPT_Prompt '" }'
    JSON_Request := '{ "model": "' API_Model '", "messages": [' Messages '] }'
    HTTP_Request.SetTimeouts(60000, 60000, 60000, 60000)
    SetTimer LoadingCursor, 1
    if WinExist("Response") {
        WinActivate "Response"
    try {
        if (HTTP_Request.status == 200) {
            SafeArray := HTTP_Request.responseBody
	    pData := NumGet(ComObjValue(SafeArray) + 8 + A_PtrSize, 'Ptr')
	    length := SafeArray.MaxIndex() + 1
	    JSON_Response := StrGet(pData, length, 'UTF-8')
            var := Jxon_Load(&JSON_Response)
            JSON_Response := var.Get("choices")[1].Get("message").Get("content")
            RetryButton.Enabled := 1
            CopyButton.Enabled := 1
            Response.Value := JSON_Response

            SetTimer LoadingCursor, 0
            OnMessage 0x200, WM_MOUSEHOVER, 0
            Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32512) ; Arrow cursor
            DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)

            DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)
        } else {
            RetryButton.Enabled := 1
            CopyButton.Enabled := 1
            Response.Value := "Status " HTTP_Request.status " " HTTP_Request.responseText

            SetTimer LoadingCursor, 0
            OnMessage 0x200, WM_MOUSEHOVER, 0
            Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32512) ; Arrow cursor
            DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)

            DllCall("SetFocus", "Ptr", 0)


    Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32648) ; Unavailable cursor
    MouseGetPos ,,, &MousePosition
    if (CopyButton.Enabled = 0) & (MousePosition = "Button2") {
        DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)
    } else if (RetryButton.Enabled = 0) & (MousePosition = "Button1") | (MousePosition = "Button2") {
        DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)

LoadingCursor() {
    MouseGetPos ,,, &MousePosition
    if (MousePosition = "Edit1") {
        Cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32514) ; Loading cursor
        DllCall("SetCursor", "UPtr", Cursor)


My WEB some useful stuff
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Posts: 26
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Re: ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility

27 Mar 2024, 04:11

Thanks for your input! That generated both an input box as well as a response window.
After some tinkering, I managed to get it to work with the correct if command:

Code: Select all

ProcessRequest(ChatGPT_Prompt, Status_Message, API_Model, Retry_Status) {
    if (Retry_Status != "Retry") {
        A_Clipboard := ""
		Send "^c"
		ClipWait 1
        If (A_Clipboard = "") {
            A_Clipboard := InputBox("Enter a prompt and hit enter!", "Clipboard Empty", "w400 h100").value
        CopiedText := A_Clipboard
        ChatGPT_Prompt := ChatGPT_Prompt "`n`n" CopiedText
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, '(\\|")+', '\$1') ; Clean back spaces and quotes
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, "`n", "\n") ; Clean newlines
        ChatGPT_Prompt := RegExReplace(ChatGPT_Prompt, "`r", "") ; Remove carriage returns
        global Previous_ChatGPT_Prompt := ChatGPT_Prompt
        global Previous_Status_Message := Status_Message
        global Previous_API_Model := API_Model
        global Response_Window_Status
Posts: 23
Joined: 03 Apr 2017, 12:23

Re: ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility

10 May 2024, 18:31

I have been using this fork of Whispering (, a cross-platform app for transcription/dictation using Whisper Engine on OpenAI. It's working as well as could be expected. However, it would be nice to have everything accomplished within the autohotkey environment.

Among listed OpenAI community libraries (, I do not see anything made with Autohotkey. The kdalanon ChatGPT utility, with _jxon.ahk, constitutes the closest thing currently I could find to a "pure AHK-based" interface.

I could not figure out the interfacing format/syntax for the OpenAI Speech API ( for possible integration into the ChatGPT utility, or to be used in a standalone AHK script, assuming an audio file in wav or mp3 has already been recorded. Can anyone shed any light on that?

Thanks in advance!
Posts: 23
Joined: 03 Apr 2017, 12:23

Re: ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility

18 May 2024, 11:03

Turns out that running Curl through Run %ComSpec% is the lowest of low-hanging fruits. I use the 100% portable (the successor to FMedia) for recording sound through command-line. Everything could be controlled nicely within AHK, the ultimate glue on Windows.
Posts: 23
Joined: 03 Apr 2017, 12:23

Re: ChatGPT AutoHotkey Utility

20 May 2024, 15:01

An AHK-based approach, using cURL and phiola (audio recorder):, in case it helps anyone.

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