UIA v2

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Re: UIA v2

21 May 2024, 23:18

@shipaddicted try y.FindElement({Type:"Edit", not:{Value:""}}).SetFocus() (if SetFocus() doesn't work, try Select() instead).

@redrum notice that UIAViewer doesn't show the tree for the webpage, and in "Window Info" section the title is empty and window class is different. That means that the context menu is a separate window from the main one and you need to use ElementFromHandle for that separately. Try this:

Code: Select all

        discordImage := UIA.GetFocusedElement()
        discordImage.Click("R") ; try ShowContextMenu() as well
        if (hWnd := WinWait("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_2",, 1000)) {
            Sleep 40 ; this might not be necessary if the UIA tree for the context menu is created fast enough by Brave
            contextMenu := UIA.ElementFromHandle(hWnd)
            contextMenu.FindElement({Name:"Copy link address"}).Highlight()
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Re: UIA v2

22 May 2024, 14:32

Descolada wrote:
21 May 2024, 23:18
@shipaddicted try y.FindElement({Type:"Edit", not:{Value:""}}).SetFocus() (if SetFocus() doesn't work, try Select() instead).

@redrum notice that UIAViewer doesn't show the tree for the webpage, and in "Window Info" section the title is empty and window class is different. That means that the context menu is a separate window from the main one and you need to use ElementFromHandle for that separately. Try this:

Code: Select all

        discordImage := UIA.GetFocusedElement()
        discordImage.Click("R") ; try ShowContextMenu() as well
        if (hWnd := WinWait("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_2",, 1000)) {
            Sleep 40 ; this might not be necessary if the UIA tree for the context menu is created fast enough by Brave
            contextMenu := UIA.ElementFromHandle(hWnd)
            contextMenu.FindElement({Name:"Copy link address"}).Highlight()
Works great, thanks!
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Re: UIA v2

22 May 2024, 20:33

Descolada wrote:
21 May 2024, 23:18
@shipaddicted try y.FindElement({Type:"Edit", not:{Value:""}}).SetFocus() (if SetFocus() doesn't work, try Select() instead).
I guess this one wasn't one of the 683 ways I thought of to try this . . . :facepalm: :facepalm:

Thank you!
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Joined: 25 Jan 2015, 22:57

Re: UIA v2

24 May 2024, 12:06

I'm trying to grab a new notification (that is still on screen). Here's what UIA Viewer shows:
Screenshot 2024-05-24 123343.png
Screenshot 2024-05-24 123343.png (69.2 KiB) Viewed 422 times
Code from UIA Viewer's macro creator:

Code: Select all

ShellExperienceHostEl := UIA.ElementFromHandle("New notification ahk_exe ShellExperienceHost.exe")
When I test the code:
Error: No matching window found
---- D:\Documents\AutoHotKey\AHK v2\Lib\UIA-v2-main\Lib\~UIAViewerMacro.tmp
▶ 003: ShellExperienceHostEl := UIA.ElementFromHandle("New notification ahk_exe ShellExperienceHost.exe")
004: ShellExperienceHostEl.ElementFromPath("").Highlight()
005: Exit
Same error if I try to grab child window "New notification from Snip & Sketch".
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Joined: 23 Dec 2021, 02:30

Re: UIA v2

24 May 2024, 13:13

@redrum internally ElementFromHandle uses WinExist to get the handle to the window and then calls IUIAutomation::ElementFromHandle with that handle to get the UIA element. If UIA.ElementFromHandle is throwing the error "No matching window found" then the WinExist call failed (so MsgBox WinExist("New notification ahk_exe ShellExperienceHost.exe") should display "0"). Why that is I can't say - are you sure the window is still on the screen and titled exactly that? Have you tried turning DetectHiddenWindows on?

Also I now see an oversight in UIAViewer macro creator: ShellExperienceHostEl.ElementFromPath("").Highlight() should actually be ShellExperienceHostEl.Highlight()
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Re: UIA v2

24 May 2024, 15:05

MsgBox WinExist("New notification ahk_exe ShellExperienceHost.exe") does indeed return 0

New notification
ahk_class Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow
ahk_exe ShellExperienceHost.exe
Window is definitely still on screen, and I tried with DetectHiddenWindows True.

I'll check if I can find if there's something special about these Windows toast notification windows.
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Re: UIA v2

Yesterday, 12:59

Is there some equivalent to WaitElement for ElementFromHandle? I'm currently doing an inelegant thing (code below), but I'm thinking there must be a better way to accomplish this.

Code: Select all

check := 0
while check < 20 {
  try {
    npEl := UIA.ElementFromHandle("string here") 
    check := 21
  } catch {
    sleep 100
    check := check+1
if check == 20 {
  msgbox "couldn't find string here window"
Posts: 1201
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Re: UIA v2

Yesterday, 13:15

@ajkessel try UIA.ElementFromHandle(WinWait("string here",, 2))
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Re: UIA v2

Yesterday, 15:57

Descolada wrote:
Yesterday, 13:15
@ajkessel try UIA.ElementFromHandle(WinWait("string here",, 2))
Thanks! It seems like ElementFromHandle cannot fail gracefully? So if "string here" never shows up, it will throw an exception? Is the best option there a try {} block?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2021, 02:30

Re: UIA v2

Yesterday, 23:03

@ajkessel either try..catch, or an if clause:

Code: Select all

if hWnd := WinWait("string here",, 2) {

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