Created by Ruevil2
Special thanks to:
Osimodas, Gorgrak
For contributing to this project!
Last Updated - 05/07/18
Note: Menus load dynamically and will become available as they are completed.
Multiple Account Support
-- Handles any number of accounts
-- Choose account from tray menu, defaults to first account upon opening
Auto-Join Queue - (In development)
Auto Accept Game - (In development)
Scales to ANY resolution
Scales to ANY launcher size
Scales to CPU speed
Automatic Champ List Update
-- Links to 6 Different build pages for each champion
-- Free champions are indicated by a larger icon
Champion Sales
-- Shows current champion sales in a list
-- Shows original price -> sale price
Skin Sales
-- Shows current skin sales in a list
-- Clicking one of these links shows a pic of the skin
-- Loads the Top 100 streamers list from, ranked by viewer count
Change VO/Text
-- This tool allows you to change the voice and text packs to a different language
-- This will cause the launcher to update/download the new packs.
Screen-Edge Move
-- This prevents the mouse from moving your view when it touches the edge of the screen.
Multiple Account Support
-- Handles any number of accounts
-- Choose account from tray menu, defaults to first account upon opening
Auto-Join Queue - (In development)
Auto Accept Game - (In development)
Scales to ANY resolution
Scales to ANY launcher size
Scales to CPU speed
Automatic Champ List Update
-- Links to 6 Different build pages for each champion
-- Free champions are indicated by a larger icon
Champion Sales
-- Shows current champion sales in a list
-- Shows original price -> sale price
Skin Sales
-- Shows current skin sales in a list
-- Clicking one of these links shows a pic of the skin
-- Loads the Top 100 streamers list from, ranked by viewer count
Change VO/Text
-- This tool allows you to change the voice and text packs to a different language
-- This will cause the launcher to update/download the new packs.
Screen-Edge Move
-- This prevents the mouse from moving your view when it touches the edge of the screen.
Default HotKeys:
F7 - Auto Login 1 - No auto start
F8 - Auto Login 2 - No auto start
F9 - Auto Login 3 - No auto start
F12 - Reload Script
F8 - Auto Login 2 - No auto start
F9 - Auto Login 3 - No auto start
F12 - Reload Script
Champion Guides:
This is a list of all available champions for League and supplies direct links to that champions
guide page for a few of the more popular sites.
guide page for a few of the more popular sites.
Champion Sales:
This menu displays the list of champions that are currently on sale and their comparative prices.
Skin Sales:
This menu displays the list of champion skins that are currently on sale. Clicking shows a splash
image of the champion skin.
image of the champion skin.
Pro League Live Streams:
This checks for currently online pro League streamers. Returns the top 100 streamers currently
online. The list is sorted by viewer count, top(first) entry is the one with the most viewers. Updates every 10 minutes.
online. The list is sorted by viewer count, top(first) entry is the one with the most viewers. Updates every 10 minutes.
Account Select:
This menu is for multiple accounts. Selecting a login here changes which login is used for
the auto-login features. Defaults to the first login in the Config.ini file.
Can support, essentially, an unlimited amount of accounts.
the auto-login features. Defaults to the first login in the Config.ini file.
Can support, essentially, an unlimited amount of accounts.
Auto Login:
Automatically starts League client and logs in using selected credentials. If this menu
does not appear, there was a problem reading account info from Config.ini, see below for editing tips.
This menu is also hidden if the League launcher file path is not found.
does not appear, there was a problem reading account info from Config.ini, see below for editing tips.
This menu is also hidden if the League launcher file path is not found.
Auto Start Queue: - (In development due to new launcher)
Automatically starts League client, logs in using selected credentials, initiates selected queue and
automatically accepts game. If this menu does not appear, there was a problem reading account info
from Config.ini, see below for editing tips. This menu is also hidden if the League launcher file path is not found.
automatically accepts game. If this menu does not appear, there was a problem reading account info
from Config.ini, see below for editing tips. This menu is also hidden if the League launcher file path is not found.
Screen-Edge Toggle:
This option prevents the camera from moving when the mouse touches the edge of the screen. Only
active while in game.
active while in game.
Change VO/Text:
This is a simple tool to easily change the voice and language packs associated with the client.
This will cause your client to perform a small update as it downloads the new language packs and places them.
This will cause your client to perform a small update as it downloads the new language packs and places them.
All username and password changes must be done through the settings GUI. Passwords are encrypted.
For support on this script please post in this thread as I can no longer access the old forum. Thank you!
Editing Tips:
All config.ini editing is done through the Settings GUI.
In case of unrecoverable errors follow these steps:
1. Close the script if it is running.
2. Delete the Data\Config.ini file
3. Rerun the script and allow it to rebuild a default.
In case of unrecoverable errors follow these steps:
1. Close the script if it is running.
2. Delete the Data\Config.ini file
3. Rerun the script and allow it to rebuild a default.
How To:
1. Do you have AutoHotkey? If not, go here.
2. Download or copy script from below.
3. Save the script. Make sure it has the .ahk extension.
4. Right click the script and select 'Run as Administrator'
5. The script will perform some initial setup steps and load up.
6. Right click the new League icon in the system tray and have fun!
Note: At this point the script is functional but auto login requires login credentials.
Note: First run will take longer due to loading data and images.
Created with latest AHK release - Be sure to update your core install!
2. Download or copy script from below.
3. Save the script. Make sure it has the .ahk extension.
4. Right click the script and select 'Run as Administrator'
5. The script will perform some initial setup steps and load up.
6. Right click the new League icon in the system tray and have fun!
Note: At this point the script is functional but auto login requires login credentials.
Note: First run will take longer due to loading data and images.
Created with latest AHK release - Be sure to update your core install!
Please leave comments/bug reports/suggestions. Thank you!
Code: Select all
If not A_IsAdmin
Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
#SingleInstance, Force
OnExit, ExitSub
ver = v6.05
Confine = True
UpdateCheck = 0
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel
Menu, Tray, Tip, League Tools %ver%
WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
IfExist C:\Riot Games\league of legends\LeagueClient.exe
RiotPathF := "C:\Riot Games\league of legends\LeagueClient.exe"
RiotBasePath := "C:\Riot Games\league of legends"
x = 0
FileSelectFile, RiotPath, M3, C:\, Select League Launcher, *.exe
StringReplace, RiotPathF, RiotPath, `n, \
StringSplit, RiotPath, RiotPath, `n
If !RiotPathF
If x = 3
Goto, LauncherNotFound
Goto, SelectLeague
Menu, Tray, Icon, %RiotPathF%, 1
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, League launcher found., %tsecs%
IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\Data
MsgBox % "This is the first run of League Tools. Choosing default configuration."
GoSub, SetFirstRun
GoSub, ReadSettings
Gosub, SettingsSub
GoSub, ReadSettings
Menu, GuidesLoading, Add, Loading, Tools
Menu, GuidesLoading, Disable, Loading
Menu, ChampSalesLoading, Add, Loading, Tools
Menu, ChampSalesLoading, Disable, Loading
Menu, SkinSalesLoading, Add, Loading, Tools
Menu, SkinSalesLoading, Disable, Loading
Menu, ProStreamsLoading, Add, Loading, Tools
Menu, ProStreamsLoading, Disable, Loading
Menu, GroupOrSolo, Add, Solo, Tools
Menu, GroupOrSolo, Add, Group, Tools
Menu, GroupOrSolo, Check, Solo
Menu, Tray, Add, Champ Guides, :GuidesLoading
Menu, Tray, Add, Champ Sales, :ChampSalesLoading
Menu, Tray, Add, Skin Sales, :SkinSalesLoading
Menu, Tray, Add, Pro Streams, :ProStreamsLoading
Menu, AutoSelection, Add, 5v5 Blind, AutoStart
Menu, AutoSelection, Add, 5v5 Draft, AutoStart
Menu, AutoSelection, Add, 5v5 Ranked Solo/Duo, AutoStart
Menu, AutoSelection, Add, 5v5 Ranked Flex, AutoStart
Menu, AutoSelection, Add
Menu, AutoSelection, Add, 3v3 Blind, AutoStart
Menu, AutoSelection, Add, 3v3 Ranked Flex, AutoStart
Menu, AutoSelection, Add
Menu, AutoSelection, Add, ARAM, AutoStart
If RiotPathF
If (Login%A_Index%)
Menu, Accounts, Add, % Login%A_Index%, Tools
If (Login%lgn%)
Menu, Accounts, Check, % Login%lgn%
Menu, Accounts, NoDefault
if !ErrorLevel
Menu, Tray, Add, Select Account, :Accounts
Menu, Tray, Add, Login, LoginOnly
;Auto Start not completed
;Menu, Tray, Add, Login Only, LoginOnly
;Menu, Tray, Add, Group or Solo, :GroupOrSolo
;Menu, Tray, Add, Auto Start, :AutoSelection
;Menu, Tray, Disable, Auto Start
Menu, Tray, Add, Change VO/Text, ChangeVO
Menu, Tray, Add, Screenedge Off, Tools
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, SettingsSub
Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, ReloadSub
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, ExitSub
SetTimer, LoadData, -500
TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, League Tools loaded., %tsecs%
;Considerations to start game
; Must Have:
; Login
; Pass
; RiotPath
; WhichQueueType
; GroupOrSolo
;MsgBox % Login%lgn% "`n`n" RiotPathF "`n`n" A_ThisMenuItem
global t := A_ThisMenuItem
If !lgn
lgn = 1
If (Login%lgn%)
Login(Login%lgn%, Pass%lgn%, RiotpathF)
Start(t, sGroup)
If sGroup
Err := AutoAccept(QueueWaitTime + 500)
Err := AutoAccept(QueueWaitTime)
If (Err = 1)
Tooltip, Queue took over %QueueWaitTime% seconds. Please adjust this.
Sleep 5000
Start(type1, sGroup)
; Blind
; Draft
; Ranked Solo/Duo
; Ranked Flex
; Blind
; Ranked Flex
;Positions are mostly correct and will work well enough. rotating game style not done at all
Sleep, 500
WinGetPos,,, w, h, A
Sleep, 250
MouseClick, left, (w*.10), (h*.05),,0
Sleep, 25
MouseClick, left, (w*.10), (h*.05),,0
Sleep, 3500 ;Replace this with a check for loaded status
If (InStr(type1, "5v5"))
If (InStr(type1, "Blind"))
w1 := (w * 0.195), h1 := (h * 0.305), w2 := (w * 0.199), h2 := (h * 0.743)
else If (InStr(type1, "Draft"))
w1 := (w * 0.195), h1 := (h * 0.305), w2 := (w * 0.199), h2 := (h * 0.784)
else If (InStr(type1, "Solo"))
w1 := (w * 0.195), h1 := (h * 0.305), w2 := (w * 0.199), h2 := (h * 0.826)
else If (InStr(type1, "Flex"))
w1 := (w * 0.195), h1 := (h * 0.305), w2 := (w * 0.199), h2 := (h * 0.868)
else If (InStr(type1, "3v3"))
If (InStr(type1, "Blind"))
w1 := (w * 0.390), h1 := (h * 0.305), w2 := (w * 0.398), h2 := (h * 0.715)
If (InStr(type1, "Flex"))
w1 := (w * 0.390), h1 := (h * 0.305), w2 := (w * 0.398), h2 := (h * 0.756)
else If (InStr(type1, "ARAM"))
w1 := (w * 0.585), h1 := (h * 0.305), w2 := 0, h2 := 0
MouseClick, left, w1, h1,,0
Sleep, 25
MouseClick, left, w1, h1,,0
Sleep, 250
If w2 && h2
Sleep, 250
MouseClick, left, w2, h2,,0
Sleep, 25
MouseClick, left, w2, h2,,0
Sleep, 250
;Confirm Click
MouseMove, (w*.421),(h*.944)
MouseClick, left, (w*.421),(h*.944),,0
Sleep, 5000 ;Replace this with a check for loaded status
if sGroup = 1
;If group then click invite button and wait
MouseMove, (w*0.),(h*0.)
MouseClick, left, (w*0.),(h*0.),,0
Sleep, 100
;If solo then go to find match, (same coords as confirm button)
MouseMove, (w*.421),(h*.944)
MouseClick, left, (w*.421),(h*.944),,0
;Sleep, %StartSleep%
Sleep, 100
;Get new Accept buttton color and relative coords
If q < 120
q := 120
p := q - 60
colorB := "0x133B4D"
Sleep, 250
IfWinActive, ahk_class RCLIENT
WinGetPos,,, mWi, mHi, A
x := (mWi * 0.495)
y := (mHi * 0.769)
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, % "Color Distance: " Distance(colorA, b_Play)
If ColorCross(x, y, colorB, cDist)
Sleep, 400
MouseMove, %x%, %y%
Click, %x%, %y%
IfEqual, A_Index, p, ToolTip, Queue is taking a long time. Waiting 60s more.
IfEqual, A_Index, q, return 1
Sleep, 1000
Sleep, 1000
Login(u="", p="", installloc="")
StartColor := "0x28231E"
Run, %installloc%
WinWaitActive ahk_class RCLIENT
b = 0
Sleep, 250
if WinExist("ahk_class RCLIENT")
WinActivate, ahk_class RCLIENT
WinGetPos,,, w, h, A
PixelGetColor, b_Play, (w*.85), (h*.27), RGB
colorA := "0x28231E"
ColDist := Distance(colorA, b_Play)
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Color Distance: %ColDist%
If ColDist < 45
Sleep, 100
WinActivate, ahk_class RCLIENT
WinWaitActive ahk_class RCLIENT
WinGetPos,,, w, h, A
b = 0
Sleep, 100
If !p
InputBox, temppass, Mot de passe, Entrez votre mot de passe. Il ne sera pas sauvegarder.
Sleep, 100
WinActivate, ahk_class RCLIENT
If u
MouseClick, Left, (w*.85), (h*.27),,0
MouseClick, Left, (w*.85), (h*.27),,0
Sleep, 100
SendRaw, %u%
Sleep, 100
Send {Tab}
Sleep, 100
If temppass
SendInput {Raw}%temppass%
If p
ObfPass := Obf(p, 0, 1234)
SendInput {Raw}%ObfPass%
temppass :=
ObfPass :=
Sleep, 100
Send {enter}
Sleep, 100
;Checking for loaded client
Sleep, 500
IfWinActive, ahk_class RCLIENT
WinGetPos,,, w, h, A
PixelGetColor, b_Play, (w*.10), (h*.05), RGB
colorA := "0x16313F"
ColDist := Distance(colorA, b_Play)
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Color Distance: %ColDist%
If ColDist < 45
global t := A_ThisMenuItem
If !lgn
lgn = 1
Login(Login%lgn%, Pass%lgn%, RiotpathF)
MsgBox, 4, WARNING, This option will change the voice and text language of League.`n`nWould you like to continue? (press Yes or No)
IfMsgBox No
Gui, ChangeVO:Add, Text,,
Warning: This will change the language for League of Legends. This changes voices and text.
These changes are made to the following file,
\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config\LeagueClientSettings.yaml
A backup file is kept under the same folder, renamed to the .old extension.
Not all languages are available for all regions.
Warning: This will cause the league client to download an update to the new language set.
Gui, ChangeVO:Add, DropDownList, vVOchoice, en_US|es_ES|fr_FR|de_DE|it_IT|pl_PL|ko_KR|ro_RO|el_GR|pt_BR|
Gui, ChangeVO:Add, Button, Default gSetVO, OK
Gui, ChangeVO:Add, Button, gCancelVO, Cancel
Gui, ChangeVO:Show
Gui, ChangeVO:Submit
IfExist, % RiotBasePath "\Config\LeagueClientSettings.yaml"
FileRead, LeagueClientSettings, % RiotBasePath "\Config\LeagueClientSettings.yaml"
LeagueClientSettingsF := RegExReplace(LeagueClientSettings, "i)(locale: .).*(.\R)", "$1" VOchoice "$2")
FileMove, % RiotBasePath "\Config\LeagueClientSettings.yaml", % RiotBasePath "\Config\LeagueClientSettings.old", 1
FileAppend, %LeagueClientSettingsF%, % RiotBasePath "\Config\LeagueClientSettings.yaml"
MsgBox, % "LeagueClientSettings.yaml Not Found. Cannot change voice overs."
Gui, ChangeVO:Destroy
;MsgBox % A_ThisMenu "`n`n" A_ThisMenuItem
If A_ThisMenuItem = ScreenEdge Off
Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, ScreenEdge Off
Menu, Tray, Rename, ScreenEdge Off, ScreenEdge On
SetTimer, ScreenEdge, 250
else If A_ThisMenuItem = ScreenEdge On
Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, ScreenEdge On
Menu, Tray, Rename, ScreenEdge On, ScreenEdge Off
SetTimer, ScreenEdge, Off
Sleep, 100
else If A_ThisMenu = Accounts
lgn := A_ThisMenuItemPos
If !(Login%A_Index%)
Menu, Accounts, UnCheck, % Login%A_Index%
Menu, Accounts, Check, % Login%lgn%
else If A_ThisMenu = GroupOrSolo
If A_ThisMenuItem = Solo
Menu, GroupOrSolo, Check, Solo
Menu, GroupOrSolo, UnCheck, Group
sGroup = 1
else If A_ThisMenuItem = Group
Menu, GroupOrSolo, Check, Group
Menu, GroupOrSolo, UnCheck, Solo
sGroup = 0
;MsgBox % A_ThisMenu "`n`n" A_ThisMenuItem
If (A_ThisMenu = "SkinSaleNames")
SplashImage, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Skins\%A_ThisMenuItem%_splash.png, M2, %A_ThisMenuItem%, , %A_ThisMenuItem%
;MsgBox % A_ThisMenu "`n`n" A_ThisMenuItem
CName := A_ThisMenu
StringReplace, n, CName, ', , All
StringReplace, n, n, `., , All
StringReplace, n, n, %A_Space%, -, All
StringLower, a, CName
StringReplace, a, a, %A_Space%, , All
StringReplace, a, a, `., , All
StringReplace, a, a, ', , All
StringReplace, b, CName, ', %A_Space%, All
StringReplace, b, b, `., %A_Space%, All
StringLower, b, b, T
StringReplace, b, b, %A_space%, , All
StringReplace, c, CName, %A_Space%, , All
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem, LolCounter, Run,
IFEqual, A_ThisMenuItem, Op.GG, Run,
;MobaFire - Naming convention changed, non conformative new stylem - Test Guide page
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem, MobaFire, Run,
;case sensitive(Lowercase), no punctuation, no spaces
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem, LOLKing, Run,
;Not case sensitive, spaces become -, no punctuation
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem, LOLNexus, Run,
;Not case sensitive, no spaces, periods left in, ' left in
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem, SoloMid, Run,
;Case sensitive(title), no spaces, no punctuation
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem, ProBuilds, Run,
;Not case sensitive
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem,, Run,
IfEqual, A_ThisMenuItem,, Run,
;MsgBox % A_ThisMenu "`n`n" A_ThisMenuItem
If (A_ThisMenu = "AStreams")
Else If (A_ThisMenu = "TStreams")
If WinActive("ahk_class RiotWindowClass")
ClipCursor( Confine, 13, 13, A_screenwidth-13, A_screenheight-13)
If ChampList && !(IsObject(ChampDataObj)) && !ChampListLoaded && !ChampListError
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Getting champion list.
URL := ""
WebRequest.Open("GET", URL, true)
VersionDataObj := JSON.Load(WebRequest.ResponseText)
ChampDataURL := "" VersionDataObj[1] "/data/en_US/champion.json"
WebRequest.Open("GET", ChampDataURL)
ChampData := WebRequest.ResponseText()
If ChampData
ChampDataObj := JSON.Load(ChampData)
catch e
Goto, ChampError
Goto ChampError
FreeChampURL := ""
WebRequest.Open("GET", FreeChampURL)
StringReplace, FreeChampData, % WebRequest.ResponseText(), `", , All ;"
If FreeChampData
P := 0
P := RegExMatch(FreeChampData, "i)name itemprop=name>(.*?)<", ChampName, (P + 5))
If !P
break[ChampName1].freeToPlay := True
Goto ChampError
MenuSize = 0
For k, v in
cID := v.key, cName :=, cTitle := v.title
Menu, %cName%, Add, %cTitle%, Guides
Menu, %cName%, Disable, %cTitle%
Menu, %cName%, Add
Menu, %cName%, Add, OP.GG, Guides
Menu, %cName%, Add, MobaFire, Guides
Menu, %cName%, Add, LOLKing, Guides
Menu, %cName%, Add, LOLNexus, Guides
Menu, %cName%, Add, SoloMid, Guides
Menu, %cName%, Add, ProBuilds, Guides
Menu, %cName%, Add, LolCounter, Guides
For k, v in
tempList := templist . "`n" .
Menu, GuidesLoading, Delete
Sort, tempList, U
Loop, Parse, tempList, `n
If !A_LoopField
If (MenuSize > 790)
Menu, GuidesLoading, Add, %A_LoopField%, :%A_LoopField%, +BarBreak
MenuSize = 0
Menu, GuidesLoading, Add, %A_LoopField%, :%A_LoopField%
MenuSize := MenuSize + 20
Menu, Tray, Insert, Champ Sales, Champ Guides, :GuidesLoading
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Champion list loaded successfully.
SetTimer, LoadData, -500
ChampListLoaded := 1
TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, There was a problem loading the Champion list.
ChampListError := 1
SetTimer, LoadData, -500
If Sales && !(IsObject(ChampDataObj.ChampSales)) && !SkinListLoaded && !SkinListError
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Getting sales.
SalesURL := ""
WebRequest.Open("GET", SalesURL)
SalesStr := WebRequest.ResponseText()
StringReplace, SalesStr, SalesStr, ", , All ;"
Q := 0
Q := RegExMatch(SalesStr, "i)a href=/en/news/store/sales/champion-and-skin-sale-(.*?) title", Sdates, Q + 1000)
If Sdates1
StringSplit, SalesD, Sdates1, -
Date1 := A_YYYY . SalesD1 . "00000000"
Date2 := A_YYYY . SalesD2 . "00000000"
DateDay1 :=
DateDay2 :=
DateDay1 -= Date1, Seconds
DateDay2 -= Date2, Seconds
if (DateDay1 > 0 and DateDay2 < 86400)
{ ;Sales Found
RegExMatch(SalesStr, "i)a href=(/en/news/store/sales/champion-and-skin-sale-.*?) title", CurSales, Q)
CurSalesURL := "" CurSales1
WebRequest.Open("GET", CurSalesURL)
CurSalesStr := WebRequest.ResponseText()
StringReplace, CurSalesStr, CurSalesStr, ", , All ;"
RegExMatch(CurSalesStr, "i)(Champion Sales.*?)</div></div>", ChampSales)
P := 1
P := RegExMatch(ChampSales1, "i)/loading/(.*?)_0.jpg", ChampName, P + 1)
RegExMatch(ChampSales1, "i)777777>(.*?)</strike", ChampHiPrice, P + 1)
RegExMatch(ChampSales1, "i)strike> (.*?)</p>", ChampLoPrice, P + 1)
If !ChampName1
ChampDataObj.ChampSales[A_Index] := {SaleName: ChampName1, HiPrice: ChampHiPrice1, LoPrice: ChampLoPrice1}
RegExMatch(CurSalesStr, "i)(Skin Sales.*?)</div></div>", SkinSales)
P := 1
P := RegExMatch(SkinSales1, "i)cboxElement href=(.*?)</h4>", SkinName, P + 1)
If !SkinName1
RegExMatch(SkinName1, "i)(.*?.jpg)", sURL)
RegExMatch(SkinName1, "i)(.*?.jpg)", tURL)
RegExMatch(SkinName1, "i)<h4>(.*)", sName)
ChampDataObj.SkinSales[A_Index] := {SaleName: sName1, sURL: sURL1, tURL: tURL1}
Goto, CheckNextSale
Menu, ChampSalesLoading, Delete
For k, v in ChampDataObj.ChampSales
Menu, % "Sale" . v.SaleName, Add, % v.HiPrice " ---> " v.LoPrice, Tools
Menu, ChampSaleNames, Add, % v.SaleName, % ":Sale" v.SaleName
Menu, Tray, Insert, Skin Sales, Champ Sales, :ChampSaleNames
Menu, SkinSalesLoading, Delete
For k, v in ChampDataObj.SkinSales
Menu, SkinSaleNames, Add, % v.SaleName, Sales
Menu, Tray, Insert, Pro Streams, Skin Sales, :SkinSaleNames
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Sales loaded successfully.
SetTimer, LoadData, -500
SkinListLoaded := 1
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, There was a problem loading the sales.
Sales := 0
;StreamCheck before picture check
If Streams
Menu, ProStreamsLoading, NoDefault
If !ErrorLevel
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Pro Streams Loading - This should only dislpay once.
GoSub, StreamCheck
SetTimer, LoadData, -500
;Check for pictures
If ChampListLoaded
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Getting champion icons.
DDver := ChampDataObj.version
For k,v in
n1 :=
n2 :=
IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\ChampIcons\%n1%.png
urlchamp =
UrlDownloadToFile, %urlchamp%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\ChampIcons\%n1%.png
If ErrorLevel
CIconErr := 1
If v.freeToPlay
Menu, GuidesLoading, Icon, %n2%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\ChampIcons\%n1%.png,,30
MenuSize := MenuSize + 30
Menu, GuidesLoading, Icon, %n2%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\ChampIcons\%n1%.png,,20
MenuSize := MenuSize + 20
Loop % ChampDataObj.ChampSales.Length()
sName := ChampDataObj.ChampSales[A_Index].SaleName
Menu, ChampSaleNames, Icon, %sName%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\ChampIcons\%sName%.png
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Champ Icons downloaded.
;Skin download
If SkinListLoaded
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Getting skin icons.
Loop % ChampDataObj.SkinSales.Length()
sName := ChampDataObj.SkinSales[A_Index].SaleName
sURL := ChampDataObj.SkinSales[A_Index].sURL
tURL := ChampDataObj.SkinSales[A_Index].tURL
If !(FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\Data\Skins\" sName "_splash.png"))
UrlDownloadToFile, % ChampDataObj.SkinSales[A_Index].sURL, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Skins\%sName%_splash.png
If !(FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\Data\Skins\" sName "_thumb.png"))
UrlDownloadToFile, % ChampDataObj.SkinSales[A_Index].tURL, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Skins\%sName%_thumb.png
If ErrorLevel
SIconErr := 1
Menu, SkinSaleNames, Icon, %sName%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Skins\%sName%_thumb.png,,20
;TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, Skin icons downloaded.
SetTimer, UpdateCheck, -1000
/* Example Calls
'twitch': '',
'azubu': '',
'hitbox': '',
'youtube': ''
TwitchURL := ""
WebRequest.Open("GET", TwitchURL)
TwitchData := WebRequest.ResponseText()
TwitchDataObj := JSON.Load(TwitchData)
catch e
TrayTip, League Tools %ver%, There was a problem loading Twitch streamers.
;Create Menus and Attach
Menu, TStreams, Delete
Menu, AStreams, Delete
Menu, ProStreamsLoading, Delete
Menu, Pro Streams, Delete
MenuSize = 0
Loop % TwitchDataObj.streams.MaxIndex()
If (MenuSize > 620)
Menu, TStreams, Add, % TwitchDataObj.streams[A_Index], Streams, +BarBreak
MenuSize = 0
Menu, TStreams, Add, % TwitchDataObj.streams[A_Index], Streams
MenuSize := MenuSize + 20
Menu, Pro Streams, Add, AzubuTV, :AStreams
Menu, Pro Streams, Add, TwitchTV, :TStreams
;Menu, Tray, Insert, Login, Pro Streams, :Pro Streams
Menu, Accounts, NoDefault
if !ErrorLevel
Menu, Tray, Insert, Select Account, Pro Streams, :Pro Streams
Menu, Tray, Insert, Change VO/Text, Pro Streams, :Pro Streams
SetTimer, StreamCheck, -100000
;AHK Core Update check
whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
whr.Open("GET", "", true)
version1 := whr.ResponseText
ver1 := A_AhkVersion
If !(Version1 = ver1)
Traytip, League Tools %ver%, Core AHK update available, 2
;Script update check
UpdateURL := ""
WebRequest.Open("GET", UpdateURL, true)
Data := WebRequest.ResponseText()
RegExMatch(Data, "i)<title>League Tools (.*?) ", Version)
If !(Version1 = ver)
Traytip, League Tools %ver%, League Tools update available!, 2
Gui, Settings: New, -SysMenu, League Tools %ver%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x10 y10 w60 h20 +0x200, Hotkeys:
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y30 w60 h20 +0x200, Login 1:
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y30 w60 h20 vLogin1Key, %Login1Key%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y50 w60 h20 +0x200, Login 2:
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y50 w60 h20 vLogin2Key, %Login2Key%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y70 w60 h20 +0x200, Login 3:
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y70 w60 h20 vLogin3Key, %Login3Key%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y90 w75 h20 +0x200, Restart Queue:
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y90 w60 h20 vReStartQKey, %ReStartQKey%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y110 w75 h20 +0x200, Reload Script:
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y110 w60 h20 vReloadKey, %ReloadKey%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y160 w60 h20 +0x200, Region
Reg := "NA"
If Reg
selReg := Reg . "|"
StringReplace, RegList, RegList, %selReg%, , All
selReg := Reg . "||"
RegList := Reglist . selReg
Gui, Settings: Add, DropDownList, x128 y160 w60 Sort vReg, %RegList%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y180 w60 h20 +0x200, Locale
Loc := "en_US"
LocList := "en_US|es_ES|fr_FR|de_DE|it_IT|pl_PL|ko_KR|ro_RO|el_GR|pt_BR|"
If Loc
selLoc := Loc . "|"
StringReplace, LocList, LocList, %selLoc%, , All
selLoc := Loc . "||"
LocList := LocList . selLoc
Gui, Settings: Add, DropDownList, x128 y180 w60 Sort vLoc, %LocList%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x10 y210 w60 h20 +0x200, Defaults:
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y230 w75 h20 +0x200, Default Login
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y230 w60 h20 vLgn, %lgn%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y250 w75 h20 +0x200, Queue Wait(ms)
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y250 w60 h20 vQueueWaitTime, %QueueWaitTime%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x10 y280 h20 +0x200, Toaster Mode: (1 = Don't load this)
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y300 w75 h20 +0x200, ChampList
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y300 w60 h20 vToaster, %ChampList%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y320 w75 h20 +0x200, Streams
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y320 w60 h20 vStreams, %Streams%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x35 y340 w75 h20 +0x200, Sales
Gui, Settings: Add, Edit, x130 y340 w60 h20 vSales, %Sales%
Gui, Settings: Add, Text, x200 y8 w130 h20 +0x200, Login Information:
Gui, Settings: Add, Listview, x224 y32 w249 h300 gLoginChange AltSubmit -Hdr, Auto Login Information:|Pass
LV_ModifyCol(2, 1)
If !Login%A_Index%
LV_Add(, Login%A_Index%, Pass%A_Index%)
Gui, Settings: Add, Button, x225 y335 w60 h15 gLoginAdd, Add
Gui, Settings: Add, Button, x295 y335 w60 h15 gLoginRemove, Remove
Gui, Settings: Add, Button, x304 y392 w80 h23 gSettingsOK, &OK
Gui, Settings: Add, Button, x392 y392 w80 h23 gSettingsCancel, &Cancel
Gui, Settings: Show, w481 h424
WinWaitClose, League Tools
Gui, Settings: Submit
;Verify good results before writing
If !NewLoginKey1
NewLoginKey1 := "F7"
If !NewLoginKey2
NewLoginKey2 := "F8"
If !NewLoginKey3
NewLoginKey3 := "F9"
If !ReStartQKey
ReStartQKey := "F10"
If !ReloadSubKey
ReloadSubKey := "F12"
;Write good results and destroy the unnecessary GUI elements
GoSub, WriteSettings
GoSub, ReadSettings
Gui, Settings: Destroy
Menu, Accounts, Delete
;Menu, Login, Delete
;Menu, Group or Solo, Delete
If Login%A_Index%
Menu, Accounts, Add, % Login%A_Index%, Tools
;Menu, Tray, Insert, Screenedge Off, Auto Start, :AutoSelection
;Menu, Tray, Insert, Screenedge On, Auto Start, :AutoSelection
;Menu, Tray, Insert, Auto Start, Group or Solo, :GroupOrSolo
;Menu, Tray, Insert, Group or Solo, Login Only, LoginOnly
Menu, Tray, Insert, Login, Select Account, :Accounts
Gui, Settings: Destroy
If (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
LoginNum := A_EventInfo
Gui +OwnDialogs
InputBox, Login%LoginNum%, League Tools %ver%, Enter new username
If ErrorLevel
InputBox, Pass%LoginNum%, League Tools %ver%, Enter new password, HIDE
If ErrorLevel
If (Login%LoginNum%) && (Pass%LoginNum%)
ObfPass := Obf(Pass%LoginNum%, 1, 1234)
LV_Modify(LoginNum, , Login%LoginNum%, ObfPass)
If (A_GuiEvent = "Normal")
global SelectedRow := A_EventInfo
Gui +OwnDialogs
InputBox, Login, League Tools %ver%, Enter new username
InputBox, Pass, League Tools %ver%, Enter new password, HIDE
ObfPass := Obf(Pass, 1, 1234)
LV_Add(, Login, ObfPass)
If SelectedRow = 0
SelectedRow := 0
GoSub, WriteSettings
GoSub, WriteSettings
IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\Data
FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\Data
FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Skins
FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\ChampIcons
FileAppend, %config%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.Ini
IniRead, Reg, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Region, Reg
IniRead, Loc, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Locale, Loc
IniRead, lgn, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, DefaultLogin, lgn, 1
IniRead, QueueWaitTime, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, QueueTime, QueueWaitTime, 500
IniRead, Key1, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Keys, Key1
IniRead, Login1Key, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Hotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Login1Key, F7
IniRead, Login2Key, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Hotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Login2Key, F8
IniRead, Login3Key, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Hotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, Login3Key, F9
IniRead, ReStartQKey, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Hotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ReStartQKey, F10
IniRead, ReloadKey, %A_ScriptDir%\INI\Data\Hotkeys.ini, Hotkeys, ReloadKey, F12
IniRead, ChampList, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Toaster, ChampList, 1
IniRead, Streams, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Toaster, Streams, 1
IniRead, Sales, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Toaster, Sales, 1
IniRead, Login%A_Index%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Login%A_Index%, Username
IniRead, Pass%A_Index%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Login%A_Index%, Password
IfInString, Login%A_Index%, ERROR
Login%A_Index% :=
Login[A_Index] := {Name: Login%A_Index%, Pass: Pass%A_Index%}
IniWrite, %Login1Key%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, HotKeys, Login1Key
IniWrite, %Login2Key%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, HotKeys, Login2Key
IniWrite, %Login3Key%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, HotKeys, Login3Key
IniWrite, %ReStartQKey%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, HotKeys, ReStartQKey
IniWrite, %ReloadKey%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, HotKeys, ReloadKey
IniWrite, %Reg%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Region, Reg
IniWrite, %Loc%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Locale, Loc
IniWrite, %lgn%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, DefaultLogin, lgn
IniWrite, %QueueWaitTime%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, QueueTime, QueueWaitTime
IniWrite, %ChampList%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Toaster, ChampList
IniWrite, %Sales%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Toaster, Sales
IniWrite, %Streams%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Toaster, Streams
IniWrite, %Key1%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Keys, Key1
LV_GetText(Login, A_Index, 1)
If !Login
LV_GetText(Pass, A_Index, 2)
IniWrite, %Login%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Login%A_Index%, Username
IniWrite, %Pass%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\Config.ini, Login%A_Index%, Password
ColorCross(x, y, col, v)
PixelGetColor, b, x, (y + 2), RGB
PixelGetColor, c, x, (y - 2), RGB
PixelGetColor, d, (x + 2), y, RGB
PixelGetColor, e, (x - 2), y, RGB
CDA := Distance(col, b)
CDB := Distance(col, c)
CDC := Distance(col, d)
CDD := Distance(col, e)
if (CDA < v and CDB < v and CDC < v and CDD < v)
return True
return False
Distance(c1, c2)
{ ; function by [VxE], return value range = [0, 441.67295593006372]
return Sqrt((((c1>>16)-(c2>>16))**2)+(((c1>>8&255)-(c2>>8&255))**2)+(((c1&255)-(c1&255))**2))
String=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 -=.,?':;/\!@#$`%^&*()_+|
Random, ,Seed
Loop, Parse, x
Random, Offset , 1, 86
Coded.=SubStr(String, y ? (Pos+Offset)>86 ? Pos+Offset-86 : Pos+Offset : (Pos-Offset)<1 ? Pos-Offset+86 : Pos-Offset,1)
Return Coded
ClipCursor(Confine=True, x1=0 , y1=0, x2=1920, y2=1080)
VarSetCapacity(R,16,0), NumPut(x1,&R+0),NumPut(y1,&R+4),NumPut(x2,&R+8),NumPut(y2,&R+12)
Return Confine ? DllCall( "ClipCursor", UInt,&R ) : DllCall( "ClipCursor" )
class JSON
class Load extends JSON.Functor
Call(self, ByRef text, reviver:="")
this.rev := IsObject(reviver) ? reviver : false
this.keys := this.rev ? {} : false
static quot := Chr(34), bashq := "\" . quot
, json_value := quot . "{[01234567890-tfn"
, json_value_or_array_closing := quot . "{[]01234567890-tfn"
, object_key_or_object_closing := quot . "}"
key := ""
is_key := false
root := {}
stack := [root]
next := json_value
pos := 0
while ((ch := SubStr(text, ++pos, 1)) != "") {
if InStr(" `t`r`n", ch)
if !InStr(next, ch, 1)
this.ParseError(next, text, pos)
holder := stack[1]
is_array := holder.IsArray
if InStr(",:", ch) {
next := (is_key := !is_array && ch == ",") ? quot : json_value
} else if InStr("}]", ch) {
ObjRemoveAt(stack, 1)
next := stack[1]==root ? "" : stack[1].IsArray ? ",]" : ",}"
} else {
if InStr("{[", ch) {
static json_array := Func("Array").IsBuiltIn || ![].IsArray ? {IsArray: true} : 0
(ch == "{")
? ( is_key := true
, value := {}
, next := object_key_or_object_closing )
; ch == "["
: ( value := json_array ? new json_array : []
, next := json_value_or_array_closing )
ObjInsertAt(stack, 1, value)
if (this.keys)
this.keys[value] := []
} else {
if (ch == quot) {
i := pos
while (i := InStr(text, quot,, i+1)) {
value := StrReplace(SubStr(text, pos+1, i-pos-1), "\\", "\u005c")
static tail := A_AhkVersion<"2" ? 0 : -1
if (SubStr(value, tail) != "\")
if (!i)
this.ParseError("'", text, pos)
value := StrReplace(value, "\/", "/")
, value := StrReplace(value, bashq, quot)
, value := StrReplace(value, "\b", "`b")
, value := StrReplace(value, "\f", "`f")
, value := StrReplace(value, "\n", "`n")
, value := StrReplace(value, "\r", "`r")
, value := StrReplace(value, "\t", "`t")
pos := i ; update pos
i := 0
while (i := InStr(value, "\",, i+1)) {
if !(SubStr(value, i+1, 1) == "u")
this.ParseError("\", text, pos - StrLen(SubStr(value, i+1)))
uffff := Abs("0x" . SubStr(value, i+2, 4))
if (A_IsUnicode || uffff < 0x100)
value := SubStr(value, 1, i-1) . Chr(uffff) . SubStr(value, i+6)
if (is_key) {
key := value, next := ":"
} else {
value := SubStr(text, pos, i := RegExMatch(text, "[\]\},\s]|$",, pos)-pos)
static number := "number", integer :="integer"
if value is %number%
if value is %integer%
value += 0
else if (value == "true" || value == "false")
value := %value% + 0
else if (value == "null")
value := ""
this.ParseError(next, text, pos, i)
pos += i-1
next := holder==root ? "" : is_array ? ",]" : ",}"
} ; If InStr("{[", ch) { ... } else
is_array? key := ObjPush(holder, value) : holder[key] := value
if (this.keys && this.keys.HasKey(holder))
} ; while ( ... )
return this.rev ? this.Walk(root, "") : root[""]
ParseError(expect, ByRef text, pos, len:=1)
static quot := Chr(34), qurly := quot . "}"
line := StrSplit(SubStr(text, 1, pos), "`n", "`r").Length()
col := pos - InStr(text, "`n",, -(StrLen(text)-pos+1))
msg := Format("{1}`n`nLine:`t{2}`nCol:`t{3}`nChar:`t{4}"
, (expect == "") ? "Extra data"
: (expect == "'") ? "Unterminated string starting at"
: (expect == "\") ? "Invalid \escape"
: (expect == ":") ? "Expecting ':' delimiter"
: (expect == quot) ? "Expecting object key enclosed in double quotes"
: (expect == qurly) ? "Expecting object key enclosed in double quotes or object closing '}'"
: (expect == ",}") ? "Expecting ',' delimiter or object closing '}'"
: (expect == ",]") ? "Expecting ',' delimiter or array closing ']'"
: InStr(expect, "]") ? "Expecting JSON value or array closing ']'"
: "Expecting JSON value(string, number, true, false, null, object or array)"
, line, col, pos)
static offset := A_AhkVersion<"2" ? -3 : -4
throw Exception(msg, offset, SubStr(text, pos, len))
Walk(holder, key)
value := holder[key]
if IsObject(value) {
for i, k in this.keys[value] {
v := this.Walk(value, k)
if (v != JSON.Undefined)
value[k] := v
ObjDelete(value, k)
return this.rev.Call(holder, key, value)
class Dump extends JSON.Functor
Call(self, value, replacer:="", space:="")
this.rep := IsObject(replacer) ? replacer : "" := ""
if (space) {
static integer := "integer"
if space is %integer%
Loop, % ((n := Abs(space))>10 ? 10 : n) .= " "
else := SubStr(space, 1, 10)
this.indent := "`n"
return this.Str({"": value}, "")
Str(holder, key)
value := holder[key]
if (this.rep)
value := this.rep.Call(holder, key, ObjHasKey(holder, key) ? value : JSON.Undefined)
if IsObject(value) {
static type := A_AhkVersion<"2" ? "" : Func("Type")
if (type ? type.Call(value) == "Object" : ObjGetCapacity(value) != "") {
if ( {
stepback := this.indent
this.indent .=
is_array := value.IsArray
if (!is_array) {
for i in value
is_array := i == A_Index
until !is_array
str := ""
if (is_array) {
Loop, % value.Length() {
if (
str .= this.indent
v := this.Str(value, A_Index)
str .= (v != "") ? v . "," : "null,"
} else {
colon := ? ": " : ":"
for k in value {
v := this.Str(value, k)
if (v != "") {
if (
str .= this.indent
str .= this.Quote(k) . colon . v . ","
if (str != "") {
str := RTrim(str, ",")
if (
str .= stepback
if (
this.indent := stepback
return is_array ? "[" . str . "]" : "{" . str . "}"
} else ; is_number ? value : "value"
return ObjGetCapacity([value], 1)=="" ? value : this.Quote(value)
static quot := Chr(34), bashq := "\" . quot
if (string != "") {
string := StrReplace(string, "\", "\\")
, string := StrReplace(string, quot, bashq)
, string := StrReplace(string, "`b", "\b")
, string := StrReplace(string, "`f", "\f")
, string := StrReplace(string, "`n", "\n")
, string := StrReplace(string, "`r", "\r")
, string := StrReplace(string, "`t", "\t")
static rx_escapable := A_AhkVersion<"2" ? "O)[^\x20-\x7e]" : "[^\x20-\x7e]"
while RegExMatch(string, rx_escapable, m)
string := StrReplace(string, m.Value, Format("\u{1:04x}", Ord(m.Value)))
return quot . string . quot
get {
static empty := {}, vt_empty := ComObject(0, &empty, 1)
return vt_empty
class Functor
__Call(method, ByRef arg, args*)
if IsObject(method)
return (new this).Call(method, arg, args*)
else if (method == "")
return (new this).Call(arg, args*)