Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 15:17

forget about the merging for the moment, start a new profile and make the left pedal axis 1 and the right pedal axis 2 (Both on tab 1).
Then tick the "invert" column as appropriate so that the slider for axis 1 rests on the right, and when you press the left pedal fully, moves all the way left.
Set the slider for axis 2 rests on the left, and when you press the right pedal fully, it moves all the way right.
If you can get this working, then we can fix this. If not, then it may be a hardware problem, or a bug in AHK.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 15:25

I am using a Logitech Driving Force Pro.

I rechecked the axis setup and it was done correctly. I also reversed and the brake pedal still does not act like an analog input.

UJR is seeing the same thing as the script, a 0 or 100 for the brake, basically on or off. The accelerator is reporting different values between 0-100 based on pedal travel.

This is very strange. As mentioned, the brake pedal sweeps through the range as expected in the Windows properties tab for USB game controllers.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 15:28

I set up the test profile, I am getting the same behavior. The left/brake is on/off, the right accelerator is analog.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 15:39

Oh, I interpreted "100 for the whole range of travel" earlier as "100 over the range of travel".
I see, so if the axis doesn't change at all, AHK reads it as ~50. As soon as you touch the pedal, it switches to only reading 0 or 100?
Well if AHK is seeing the digital values as well, then UJR is not going to work. We need to find out why that axis is not being read correctly by AHK.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 15:46

I wonder if you maybe have got the wrong axis?
Some devices have extra axes for whatever reason - there may be a digital version of the brake or something crazy.
Use the "Auto Configure" button in the bottom right of UJR to map all axes for a given stick ID and see if any of the other axes respond to the brake pedal.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 15:47

Correct, here is what AHK reports:

- I run the script and AHK reports ~50
- ~50 remains until I hit the pedal
After pressing the pedal the first time
- Pedal reports 100 when depressed for any range of travel, barely pressed or fully to the floor.
- When not depressed, the pedal reports 0

Sorry for taking so much of your time, but your help is much appreciated!
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 15:53

Ok, I did the auto configure.

- The device reported 6 axes.
- Two of the axes respond to the brake. A digital one, which I am linked to in UJR and an analog one.

I changed the axis in my game profile and now it works!

You and your program are awesome. I guess I should have tried auto configure from the beginning. Thanks for the help!
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

11 Nov 2015, 17:16

Out of the 6, It seems like there are two phantom axes.

1. Steering Axis
2. Digital brake
3. Analog accelerator
4. Analog brake
5. No response to controls or buttons
6. No response to controls or buttons

Could just be because it's an old device...
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

29 Nov 2015, 11:52

I just released the first prototype of my new system, which will be replacing UJR.
There is currently no vJoy support, but it can already do something UJR can't - remap a joystick button to a keyboard key.
UCR is powered by Plugins, so with this system, pretty much anything is possible. Each function that UJR provided will be replaced with a UCR Plugin (eg an Axis to Axis plugin, Button to button plugin), and you can mix and match these to create a profile that suits your needs.
UCR runs as an EXE like UJR does, but the plugins are .ahk text files, so anyone can modify their behavior simply by using a text editor - just copy the text file, give it a new name, make your changes, and hey presto, you have a new plugin.
All UJR users are invited to get involved and help shape the future of UCR.

For more information, please visit the UCR thread
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

12 Dec 2015, 13:19

Alright, first off, this is some brilliant software; thanks so much for your work on it.

I've got the POV controller detection to operate in UJR (the "OFFs" turn to "ONs" when I move my 360 DPAD.)

Please let me know if this is possible: What I *WANT* to do is to press a keyboard input, and have that register as a controller POV input. My reasoning is that this specific game (Helldivers), won't allow mixed inputs (must be all-controller or all-keyboard/mouse), and the 360 DPAD is atrocious. I know that JoytoKey exists, but I need to do the opposite: going from Key to Joy.

Is that something I can do with UJR and VJoy, or do I need to look somewhere else to get this to work?
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

12 Dec 2015, 13:35

No, UJR can not do this.

But UCR will be able to (See post above yours).

ETA for a version of UCR that can do this is sometime before Jan 4th when I go back to work, but likely to be in the next week or two.
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

12 Dec 2015, 13:41

I *did* notice that link, and I *did* snag a copy of UCR. I very much look forward to that implementation. Thanks for the quick response!
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

12 Dec 2015, 13:45

Keep your eyeballs on that thread ;) This weekend I planned on implementing vJoy support, so once that is done, the world is your oyster pretty much - you would be able to write your own plugin to do exactly what you wanted, even if I hadn't gotten around to writing the generic plugins that would let you set up that specific scenario using the GUI.

Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

20 Dec 2015, 07:08

Hello there.

I have stumbled across your program after a google search to find a solution to a problem I have. I think your program, UJR with vJoy should fix it, but I can not work out how.

I have a set of Saitek Pro Combat Rudder Pedals that I will be using in Elite Dangerous.

I would like to use the pedals for lateral thrust with analogue increments.

The game offers me two options when assigning the pedals for laterial thrust

Independently for thrust left and thrust right but only as digital inputs.

Or, a single axis for analogue. So I could use the left pedal and have rate of thrust increase with pressure, but this will only be in one direction. I can not apply or assign the right pedal to apply thrust in the opposite direction.

So, my idea is to combine the left and right pedals so they would show up in the same axis. at rest would be in the middle. Applying pressure to the left foot would move the axis to the left, ie -ve whilst pressure to the right would move the axis to the right, ie +ve.

I have vJoy set Device 8 with X axis, no buttons, no force feedback, 0 povs.

UJR sees the physical stick and responds to each foot pedal when pressed.

I have Axis one as follows.

vJoystick ID 8

1 (X) Rests L 1 1 [Invert ticked]

Axis two as follows

1 (X) Merge 1 2 [Invert unticked]

In the WIndows 7 (64Bit Ultimate) game controller, I see the following

vJoy Device
Joystick - HOTAS Worthog
Throttle - HOTAS Warthog
Controller (XBOX 360 for Windows) {This is a remapped ps3 controller using SCP Toolkit}
Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals

Selecting vJoy Device and pressing properties, I get the test window. A single X-Axis with the X in the centre. Press the left pedal, the X moves left. Press the right pedal, X moves right. Pressing them together, but with differing levels of pressure, the x moves correctly. Perfect.

Except, the game, Elite Dangerous does not see the vJoy device. If i try and set an input, it sees it as SaitekProFlightCombatRudderPedals and applies the input as if coming directly from the pedal and not coming from vJoy.

In the bindings file, These are the typical entries.

<Primary Device="ThrustMasterWarthogThrottle" Key="Joy_POV1Left" />
<Secondary Device="SaitekProFlightCombatRudderPedals" Key="Pos_Joy_YAxis" />

<Primary Device="GamePad" Key="Pad_B">
<Modifier Device="GamePad" Key="Pad_DPadUp" />
<Secondary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Insert" />

<Binding Device="ThrustMasterWarthogJoystick" Key="Joy_XAxis" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />

Would I be right in think that windows is sending inputs under the long Device name, such as SaitekProFlightCombatRudderPedals and this is what elite dangerous uses.

For vJoy Device 8, is there such a long name I could use and manually change the bindings, which is simple via notepad.

Any advice or help, very much appreciated.

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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

20 Dec 2015, 09:12

So you want to merge two single-axis pedals into one virtual axis?
Yeah, UJR can do that.
Are you trying to control the 8th vjoy stick, or the first vjoy stick (which is the 8th stick in windows)?
With vjoy, it is generally simpler to set it to stick id 1.
Can you get the vjoy stick to move?
Once you can get the vjoy stick to move, here is how it needs to be set up:

Set one pedal to a vjoy axis (eg x) on tab "Axes 1" - use invert if required to make sure the slider sits at the right edge. Leave all other dropdowns alone (no "rests" or "split").
On tab "Axes 2", set the other pedal to the same axis (eg x), and select "merge". You may need to use invert.
Does one of your pedals sit at one end, and the other sit at the other end? or do they both sit at the same end when not pressed?
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Re: Universal Joystick Remapper (UJR) - v6.10 2nd Nov 2015

21 Dec 2015, 01:49

Firstly I don't actually use UJR, but I do use VJoy with an AHK script for ED (and many other games but I prefer to do my own scripts - just more control over what can be done - UJR is great for those that don't want to get into the scripting side however)

With regard to the Elite Dangerous specific stuff, you're correct in that AHK and by extension UJR doesn't block joystick inputs, so both the physical device and the vjoy device are producing an output, and ED usually sees the physical one first (since it has to move first before the VJoy one can be told to move). To get around this you could map the Vjoy axis to a key/button press to bind then change it back since ED is looking for an axis it won't accept the button press as a valid input. I say this so you know how to do it, as not all axis names are identical (eg Vjoy axis SL0 is Axis U in ED) Anyway since I already use ED & Vjoy, the format used for binding vjoy devices in ED is as follows;

<Binding Device="vJoy" DeviceIndex="0" Key="Joy_XAxis" />

<Primary Device="vJoy" DeviceIndex="0" Key="Joy_1" />

The DeviceIndex is vjoy's joystick Number (0 based i.e. n=n-1, so vjoy stick ID 1 = DeviceIndex 0) and the Key is the axis or button (Key="Joy_1") is button 1 and axis is like above where the _X can be one of _(X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ,U,V). POV you'll have to work out for yourself as I don't actually use it (I use my pov to send keys/buttons/other axis).

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