FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by SteveMylo » 15 Nov 2023, 15:28

@trialAdd i think that’s normal for 200 loops. But i’m not totally sure. There is a wait() function in FINDTEXT which I use instead of (loop) and i can hear my computer ramp up

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by trialAdd » 16 Nov 2023, 01:14

if loop is the main issue then adding sleep would have reduced cpu usage , but spike of cpu usage is still staying high with findtext

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by sakamoto » 25 Nov 2023, 11:12

Hi all, i'm trying to use FINDTEXT to work only in a specific window, is there a way to do it?
i want to split my screen, let FINDTEXT working in the right window and i keep using the left window.
But when i do this, FINDTEXT 'steals' my mouse pointer when running .Click().
Furthermore I think FINDTEXT returns X and Y based on screen coordinates and not on the not active window i want to.

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by feiyue » 18 Dec 2023, 12:24

Updated to 9.4 version - 2023/12/18 :dance: :beer:
1. Add: The image processing window has added a screenshot page,
which makes it more convenient to obtain colors when using multi-color search mode.
2. Add: EditScroll() function is added to Locate the specified row in the edit box.

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by MancioDellaVega » 25 Feb 2024, 02:59

Hi bro,
I am a newbie to Ahk and enthusiastic about your function and I believe it is a must-have for all users of Ahk. Your function was the first one I saw when I started learning ahk and I have been using it since version 6.0, thank you very much.
I use your function with a function of mine that integrates a kind of debug mode, that helps me find out if something goes wrong in the search... I have to complete it, but it is only one idea...

Code: Select all

DrawRectangle(x1:=0, y1:=0, w1:=0, h1:=0, n:=1, bw:=3, cl:="ff0000") 
    flyingDman, RRR
	Disegna la cornice di un rettangolo con l'uso di gui

Global FirstCall

    if ((w1=0) && (h1=0)) {
        Gui % (n ": Destroy", FirstCall:=[])
    FirstCall? "": FirstCall:=[], FirstCall[n]? "": (FirstCall[n]:=[], FirstCall[n].1:=1)
  , w1<0? (w1:=Abs(w1), x1:=x1-w1): "", h1<0? (h1:=Abs(h1), y1:=y1-h1): ""
    Gui % n ": +LastFound"
    w2:= w1 - bw, h2:= h1 - bw
    WinSet, Region, 0-0 %w1%-0 %w1%-%h1% 0-%h1% 0-0 %bw%-%bw% %w2%-%bw% %w2%-%h2% %bw%-%h2% %bw%-%bw%
    If (FirstCall[n].1) {
        Gui % n ": -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -DPIScale +HWNDhwnd +e0x8000088"
        Gui % n ": Color", % cl
        FirstCall[n].1:= 0
	Gui % n ": Show", NA x%x1% y%y1% w%w1% h%h1% ; performs better then WinMove over some controls

CercaTesto(Text, ByRef Ok, Premi:=1, MaxCicliAttesa:=5, ShowMessage:=1, Param*)
		Text = stringa da ricercare data dalla funzione Findtext
		Premi =  0  NON preme e NON sposta il mouse
				 1  Clicca e sposta il mouse sul testo trovato
				-1  Mostra Mousetip e sposta il mouse alle coordinate trovate
				-2  Mostra solo Mousetip sul testo trovato
		MaxCicliAttesa = Massima Attesa prima di dare la ricerca fallita
		ShowMessage = 0|1 : Mostra messaggio di Search
					  -1  : Mostra Area di ricerca e messaggio di Search
		Return CercaTesto = 0|1 Testo trovato o non trovato
		OK = Parametri della immagine trovata

	    If the return variable is set to 'ok', ok[1] is the first result found.
	    ok[1].id is the comment text, which is included in the <> of its parameter.
	    ok[1].1 is the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the found image
	    ok[1].2 is the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the found image
	    ok[1].3 is the width of the found image
	    ok[1].4 is the height of the found image
	    ok[1].x <==> ok[1].1+ok[1].3//2 ( is the Center X coordinate of the found image )
	    ok[1].y <==> ok[1].2+ok[1].4//2 ( is the Center Y coordinate of the found image )

      OutputX:="" --> The name of the variable used to store the returned X coordinate
    , OutputY:="" --> The name of the variable used to store the returned Y coordinate
    , X1:=0 --> the search scope's upper left corner X coordinates
    , Y1:=0 --> the search scope's upper left corner Y coordinates
    , X2:=0 --> the search scope's lower right corner X coordinates
    , Y2:=0 --> the search scope's lower right corner Y coordinates
    , err1:=0 --> Fault tolerance percentage of text       (0.1=10%)
    , err0:=0 --> Fault tolerance percentage of background (0.1=10%)
    , Text:="" --> can be a lot of text parsed into images, separated by '|'

    , ScreenShot:=1 --> if the value is 0, the last screenshot will be used
    , FindAll:=1 --> if the value is 0, Just find one result and return
    , JoinText:=0 --> if you want to combine find, it can be 1, or an array of words to find
    , offsetX:=20 --> Set the max text offset (X) for combination lookup
    , offsetY:=10 --> Set the max text offset (Y) for combination lookup
    , dir:=1 --> Nine directions for searching: up, down, left, right and center
    , zoomW:=1 --> Zoom percentage of image width  (1.0=100%)
    , zoomH:=1 --> Zoom percentage of image height (1.0=100%)

  The function returns an Array containing all lookup results,
  any result is a object with the following values:
  {1:X, 2:Y, 3:W, 4:H, x:X+W//2, y:Y+H//2, id:Comment}
  If no image is found, the function returns 0.
  All coordinates are relative to Screen, colors are in RGB format

  If the return variable is set to 'ok', ok[1] is the first result found.
  ok[1].id is the comment text, which is included in the <> of its parameter.
  ok[1].1 is the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the found image
  ok[1].2 is the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the found image
  ok[1].3 is the width of the found image
  ok[1].4 is the height of the found image
  ok[1].x <==> ok[1].1+ok[1].3//2 ( is the Center X coordinate of the found image ),
  ok[1].y <==> ok[1].2+ok[1].4//2 ( is the Center Y coordinate of the found image ),

  If OutputX is equal to 'wait' or 'wait1'(appear), or 'wait0'(disappear)
  it means using a loop to wait for the image to appear or disappear.
  the OutputY is the wait time in seconds, time less than 0 means infinite waiting
  Timeout means failure, return 0, and return other values means success
  If you want to appear and the image is found, return the found array object
  If you want to disappear and the image cannot be found, return 1
  Example 1: FindText(X:='wait', Y:=3, 0,0,0,0,0,0,Text)   ; Wait 3 seconds for appear
  Example 2: FindText(X:='wait0', Y:=-1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,Text) ; Wait indefinitely for disappear

	CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen    

	;~ MsgBox, %   "Count= " . Param.Count() 
			  ;~ . "`nMaxIndex= " . Param.MaxIndex() 
		      ;~ . "`nMinIndex= " . Param.MinIndex() 
		      ;~ . "`nLength= " . Param.length() 

	If (!Param.Count()) {
		; Parametri di default della zona di ricerca
		;tollerranza 0 = 0.000001
		Param := { x1:0
	}else if (Param.Count() < 6) {
		Param.Appear := 1
    Commento:=SubStr(Text, Pos1+1,pos2-pos1-1)
	y_tooltip:= (Param.y1>29) ? (Param.y1-29) : 0
    if(ShowMessage = -1 ) 
	   DrawRectangle(Param.x1, Param.y1, Param.x2-Param.x1, Param.y2-Param.y1, 1, 3, "red") ; Mostra Area di Ricerca
	if(Param.Appear = 1 ) {
					Loop {
							Switch ShowMessage
							  Case 0: ; NON Mostra niente
							  Case 1,-1: ; Mostra messaggi di stato
										;MsgBox,% Param.x1 " " Param.y1
										ToolTip,% "Search <" Commento ">... " A_Index "/" MaxCicliAttesa,% x_tooltip,% y_tooltip,20
							;ok:=FindText(Param.x1, Param.y1, Param.x2, Param.y2, Param.tolleranza, Param.tolleranza, Text)
							ok:=FindText(OutputX,OutputY,Param.x1, Param.y1, Param.x2, Param.y2, Param.tolleranza, Param.tolleranza, Text)
							Sleep, 1000
					} until (ok) or (A_Index = MaxCicliAttesa)
						DrawRectangle(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, "red") ; Cancella Area di Ricerca
					  ToolTip,,,,20 ; Cancella Tooltip di ricerca
					if (ok) {
								Switch Premi
								  Case -2: ; Mostra Mousetip alle coordinate trovate
										  X:=ok.1.1, Y:=ok.1.2, W:=ok.1.3, H:=ok.1.4,, X+=W//2, Y+=H//2
										  FindText().MouseTip(ok[1].x, ok[1].y)
								  Case -1: ; Mostra Mousetip e sposta il mouse alle coordinate trovate
										  X:=ok.1.1, Y:=ok.1.2, W:=ok.1.3, H:=ok.1.4,, X+=W//2, Y+=H//2
										  FindText().MouseTip(ok[1].x, ok[1].y)
										  Click, %X%, %Y%, 0
								  Case 0: ; NON preme e non sposta il mouse
								  Case 1: ; Clicca e sposta il mouse sulle coordinate trovate
										  X:=ok.1.1, Y:=ok.1.2, W:=ok.1.3, H:=ok.1.4,, X+=W//2, Y+=H//2
										  Click, %X%, %Y%
										  Sleep, 1000
								return 1
								if(ShowMessage!=0) {
									ToolTip,% "<" Commento "> NON TROVATO !!!",% x_tooltip,% y_tooltip,20
									Sleep, 3000
								;MsgBox, % Commento " [ NON trovato!!! ]"
								return 0
	}else if(Param.Appear = 0 ) {


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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by maxkill » 29 Feb 2024, 21:30

feiyue wrote:
18 Dec 2023, 12:24
Updated to 9.4 version - 2023/12/18 :dance: :beer:
1. Add: The image processing window has added a screenshot page,
which makes it more convenient to obtain colors when using multi-color search mode.
2. Add: EditScroll() function is added to Locate the specified row in the edit box.
Cool! Will this work with the normal older code in this thread or need to change things? How do I search an object like normal and also inlcude it's color?

I also have a q can't seem to get it to work since I normally only search around the mousepointer.

Q is, if I want search an area say below mouse and to right but insert a gap that is not to be searched between the mouse and the search area, how do I do this?

I tried using the getrange thinking I could search in this rectangle being drawn. But to no avail.

Code: Select all

Mousegetpos, xx, yy

;t1:=A_TickCount, Text:=xx:=yy:=""


if (ok:=FindText(xx+15, yy, 9, 2125, 3803, 2145, 0, 0, Text)) ; 150 can be adjusted by yourself

?? ..
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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by kashmirLZ » 24 Mar 2024, 02:23

It seems like the "Add FindText()" checkbox isnt changing the text-area below.

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by shawn_xwang » 25 Mar 2024, 06:34

Hello all

I tried the bindwindows, but it seems not working when the target windows is not on top, either I use bind_mode 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, none of them is working, what's wrong? I don't get it, please help here, thanks

Code: Select all

t1:=A_TickCount, Text:=X:=Y:=""
WinExistStatus:=WinExist("ahk_class SciTEWindow")
FindText().BindWindow(WinExistStatus,0) ; setting as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and tried, could not find the text if the windows is not on top
if (ok:=FindText(X, Y, , , , , 0, 0, Text))
  FindText().MouseTip(X, Y)
  FindText().Click(ok[1].x, ok[1].y, "L")
MsgBox, there in no matching image

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by feiyue » 27 Apr 2024, 06:14

Updated to 9.5 version - 2024/04/27 :beer: :dance:
1. Modify: Improved the machine code for searching from the center spiral to the surrounding area.
2. Modify: The color exclusion mode for <FindMultiColor> <FindColor>
can now exclude multiple unwanted colors. Previously, only one color could be excluded.

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by feiyue » 24 May 2024, 18:52

Updated to 9.6 version - 2024/05/25 :beer: :dance:
1. Modify: X:="wait/wait1/wait0" After running once, X will be cleared without affecting subsequent calls.
2. Modify: The color similarity and color difference binarization mode can mix multiple colors for binarization.
Text:="|<>RRGGBB1@0.8/RRGGBB2-DRDGDB2/... $ ..."
3. Add: ColorBlock() function, which can generate color blocks with specified area and color, and limit the number of matching colors.
4. Add: Add the GuiCreate Class in V1 to make Gui related code compatible with V2 and reduce the difficulty of code maintenance.

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by ozzii » 25 May 2024, 03:06

Thanks feiyue for the update and keeping the v1 alive

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by MancioDellaVega » 25 May 2024, 11:53

Is there one place where i can find the old versions of the FindText before the 9.6 version?
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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by Chunjee » 04 Jun 2024, 09:07

Very cool new version I am having fun exploring it :clap:

Well done :thumbup:

I noticed .Floor at the very top of the class and I found it to be an odd name choice

Code: Select all

  if i is number
    return i+0
  else return 0

Code: Select all

; => 0
; => 0
; => 10
; => 10.000010

As an experiment I changed all this.Floor to ahk's built-in floor and it seems to work the same but I only have 20 tests or so

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by feiyue » 17 Jun 2024, 22:56

Updated to 9.7 version - 2024/06/18 :beer: :dance:
1. Modify: The use of the left and right dilation algorithm greatly improves the success rate of searching for slightly deformed images.
You need to set at least one fault tolerance to be less than 0 in order to enable the left and right dilation algorithm.
In this case, please set the fault tolerance to be very small, otherwise it may lead to incorrect matching.
2. Add: Use FindText().GetTextFromScreen() quickly generates Text to the clipboard.
3. Modify: Skip searching for overlapping areas around the image (FindMultiColor).

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by ahkHereToLearn » 30 Jun 2024, 09:53

Does this 'only' work in AHK v1? When I open it under 2.0.17 I get an immediate error :

Error: Missing comma

Text: FindText(ByRef x:="FindTextClass", ByRef y:="", args*)
Line: 36


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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by gregster » 30 Jun 2024, 10:01

ahkHereToLearn wrote:
30 Jun 2024, 09:53
Does this 'only' work in AHK v1? When I open it under 2.0.17 I get an immediate error :
See here for the v2 version: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=116471
(There are separate forums for v1 and v2 scripts.)

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by ahkHereToLearn » 01 Jul 2024, 09:21

gregster wrote:
30 Jun 2024, 10:01
ahkHereToLearn wrote:
30 Jun 2024, 09:53
Does this 'only' work in AHK v1? When I open it under 2.0.17 I get an immediate error :
See here for the v2 version: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=116471
(There are separate forums for v1 and v2 scripts.)
Thank you. Like the incredible script itself, much appreciated! Is there any benefit to one version over the other for the occasional user?

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by mankvl » 09 Jul 2024, 04:48

shawn_xwang wrote:
25 Mar 2024, 06:34
Hello all

I tried the bindwindows, but it seems not working when the target windows is not on top, either I use bind_mode 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, none of them is working, what's wrong? I don't get it, please help here, thanks

Code: Select all

t1:=A_TickCount, Text:=X:=Y:=""
WinExistStatus:=WinExist("ahk_class SciTEWindow")
FindText().BindWindow(WinExistStatus,0) ; setting as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and tried, could not find the text if the windows is not on top
if (ok:=FindText(X, Y, , , , , 0, 0, Text))
  FindText().MouseTip(X, Y)
  FindText().Click(ok[1].x, ok[1].y, "L")
MsgBox, there in no matching image
I'm having the same problem, it works sometimes. What I do to test is use FindText().MouseTip(X, Y) but it always highlights my cursor where I move it then it is highlighted. If I active the window that I look for text it finds it and code works for some time, but after restart it again just finds cursor so basically cant use BindWindow atm.

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by feiyue » 10 Jul 2024, 18:04

Binding windows may not be applicable to all windows. In the capture interface, 5 binding modes can be tested.
If a binding button is clicked and a background screen appears, it indicates that the binding window can be used.
Otherwise, it cannot be used. It depends on luck,
which is also why I did not provide the ability to bind windows in many early versions. :D :beer:

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Re: FindText - Capture screen image into text and then find it

Post by Descolada » 14 Jul 2024, 00:34

@shawn_xwang could you try the second script from this thread? You can change the line window_handle := WinExist("A") to target your uncapturable window.

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