[Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

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[Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 25 Feb 2020, 12:55


Fast, super powerful, and flexible alternative to AutoHotkey's ImageSearch. A modernized fork of FindText()

Image Image Image Image

site: https://chunjee.github.io/graphicsearch.ahk
documentation: https://chunjee.github.io/graphicsearch.ahk/#/docs

github: https://github.com/Chunjee/graphicsearch.ahk
npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphicsearch.ahk

What is it?
Can be thought of as an alternative to native AHK Imagesearch function. The native function requires saved graphic files, nearly identical image matching, can be difficult to troubleshoot, and performs in a relatively slow manner. GraphicSearch approaches searching differently. Think of ASCII art; GraphicSearch abstracts the screen's image into representative 0's and _'s. Because this is an abstraction, not a bit-for-bit comparison, it allows for faster matching and easier adjustments of fault tolerance. It can also check for several different graphics without recapturing the screen's image every time. In addition, it finds all instances of the graphic unlike AHK ImageSearch which only returns the first match.
GraphicSearch would not be possible without FindText() and it's associated functions by FeiYue. Documentation here will apply in general to those functions.

In a terminal or command line:

Code: Select all

npm install graphicsearch.ahk
In your code only export.ahk needs to be included:

Code: Select all

#Include %A_ScriptDir%\node_modules
#Include graphicsearch.ahk\export.ahk

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()
result := oGraphicSearch.search("|<HumanReadableTag>*165$22.03z")
; => [{1: 1215, 2: 407, 3: 22, 4: 10, "id": "HumanReadableTag", "x" :1226, "y" :412}]
You may also review or copy the library from ./export.ahk on GitHub; #Incude as you would normally when manually downloading.


See Documentation for all methods.

GraphicSearch Queries

GraphicSearch queries are images that have been turned into strings. Unlike Imagesearch, there are only two colors taken into account; a foreground color, and a background color.

Launch the included graphicsearch_gui.ahk to capture and convert screen images into GraphicSearch queries.

See Generating Queries for more guidance.


These examples get progressively more complex

In the first example, we search for an image and click on it.

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()

resultObj := oGraphicSearch.search("|<Pizza>*165$22.03z")
; check if any graphic was found
if (resultObj) {
    ; click on the first graphic in the object
    Click, % resultObj[1].x, resultObj[1].y
var := [ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
       , {1: 1215, 2: 407, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]
In the next example, we search for two graphics; if more than four or more found, sort them and mouseover all of them in order

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()

resultObj := oGraphicSearch.search("|<Pizza>*165$22.03z|<HumanReadableTag>*165$22.03z")
; check if more than one graphic was found
if (resultObj.Count() >= 4) {
    ; re-sort the result object
    resultObj2 := oGraphicSearch.resultSort(resultObj)
    ; Mouseover each of the graphics found
    for _, object in resultObj2 {
        MouseMove, % object.x, object.y, 50
        Sleep, 1000
For the last example, search for two images in a specific area. If four or more found, sort them by the closest to the center of the monitor and click the third one.

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()

resultObj := oGraphicSearch.search("|<Pizza>*165$22.03z||<spaghetti>*125$26.z", [{x2:2000},{y2:2000}])
; check if more than one graphic was found
if (resultObj.Count() >= 4) {
    ; find the center of the screen by dividing the width and height by 2
    centerX := A_ScreenWidth / 2
    centerY := A_ScreenHeight / 2
    ; create a new result object sorted by distance to the center
    resultObj2 := oGraphicSearch.resultSortDistance(resultObj, centerX, centerY)
    ; click the 2nd closest found
    Click, % resultObj2[2].x, resultObj2[2].y
Last edited by Chunjee on 18 Apr 2024, 15:29, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 25 Feb 2020, 12:56


Code: Select all

class graphicsearch {

    static noMatchVal := false ;the value to return when no matches were found
    static defaultOptionsObj := { "x1": 0
                                , "y1": 0
                                , "x2": A_ScreenWidth
                                , "y2": A_ScreenHeight
                                , "err1": 0 ;foreground
                                , "err0": 0 ;background
                                , "screenshot": 1
                                , "findall": 1
                                , "joinqueries": 1
                                , "offsetx": 0
                                , "offsety": 0 }
    static savedScreenshot := []

    ; .search
    static lastSearchQuery      := ""
    static lastSearchOptions    := {}
    ; .scan
    static lastScanQuery      := ""
    static lastScanOptions    := {}

    find(x1, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, query, ScreenShot:=1, findall:=1, joinqueries:=0, offsetx:=20, offsety:=10)
        savedBatchLines := A_BatchLines
        SetBatchLines, -1

        x := (x1 < x2 ? x1:x2), y := (y1 < y2 ? y1:y2)
        , w := Abs(x2 - x1)+1, h := Abs(y2 - y1)+1
        , this.xywh2xywh(x, y, w, h, x, y, w, h, zx, zy, zw, zh)
        if (w < 1 || h < 1) {
            SetBatchLines, %savedBatchLines%
            return this.noMatchVal
        bits := this.GetBitsFromScreen(x, y, w, h, ScreenShot, zx, zy, zw, zh)
        sx := x - zx, sy := y-zy, sw := w, sh := h, arr := [], info := []
        loop, Parse, query, |
        if IsObject(j := this.PicInfo(A_LoopField))
        if (!(num := info.MaxIndex()) || !bits.1) {
            SetBatchLines, %savedBatchLines%
            return this.noMatchVal
        VarSetCapacity(input, num*7*4), k := 0
        loop, % num
            k+=Round(info[A_Index].2 * info[A_Index].3)
            VarSetCapacity(s1, k * 4), VarSetCapacity(s0, k * 4)
            , VarSetCapacity(gs, sw * sh), VarSetCapacity(ss, sw * sh)
            , allpos_max := (findall ? 1024 : 1)
            , VarSetCapacity(allpos, allpos_max*4)
        loop, 2
            if (err1 = 0 && err0 = 0) && (num > 1 || A_Index>1) {
                err1 := 0.1, err0 := 0.05
            if (joinqueries) {
                j := info[1], mode := j.8, color := j.9, n := j.10
                , w1 := -1, h1 := j.3, comment := "", v := "", i := 0
                loop, % num
                    j := info[A_Index], w1+=j.2+1, comment.=j.11
                    loop, 7
                        NumPut((A_Index=1 ? StrLen(v)
                        : A_Index=6 && err1 && !j.12 ? Round(j.4 * err1)
                        : A_Index=7 && err0 && !j.12 ? Round(j.5 * err0)
                        : j[A_Index]), input, 4*(i++), "int")
                    v .= j.1
                ok := this.PicFind( mode, color, n, offsetx, offsety
                , bits, sx, sy, sw, sh, gs, ss, v, s1, s0
                , input,num*7, allpos, allpos_max )
                loop, % ok
                    pos := NumGet(allpos, 4*(A_Index-1), "uint")
                    , rx := (pos&0xFFFF)+zx, ry := (pos>>16)+zy
                    , arr.Push( {1:rx, 2:ry, 3:w1, 4:h1
                    , x:rx+w1//2, y:ry+h1//2, id:comment} )
            } else {
                for i, j in info {
                    mode := j.8, color := j.9, n := j.10, comment := j.11
                    , w1 := j.2, h1 := j.3, v := j.1
                    loop, 7
                        NumPut((A_Index=1 ? 0
                        : A_Index=6 && err1 && !j.12 ? Round(j.4*err1)
                        : A_Index=7 && err0 && !j.12 ? Round(j.5*err0)
                        : j[A_Index]), input, 4*(A_Index-1), "int")
                    ok := this.PicFind( mode,color,n,offsetx,offsety
                    , bits,sx,sy,sw,sh,gs,ss,v,s1,s0
                    , input,7,allpos,allpos_max )
                    loop, % ok
                        pos := NumGet(allpos, 4*(A_Index-1), "uint")
                        , rx := (pos&0xFFFF)+zx, ry := (pos>>16)+zy
                        , arr.Push( {1:rx, 2:ry, 3:w1, 4:h1
                        , x:rx+w1//2, y:ry+h1//2, id:comment} )
                    if (ok && !findall) {
            if (err1=0 && err0=0 && num=1 && !arr.MaxIndex())
                k := 0
                for i,j in info {
                    k += (!j.12)
                if (k = 0) {
            } else {
        ; return this.noMatchVal if no results found
        if (arr.Count() = 0) {
            SetBatchLines, %savedBatchLines%
            return this.noMatchVal
        ; return array of found elements if more than 0 found
        SetBatchLines, %savedBatchLines%
        return arr

    main_search(param_query, param_obj:="")
        ; create default if needed
        if (!IsObject(param_obj)) {
            param_obj := this.defaultOptionsObj.Clone()
        ; merge with default for any blank parameters
        for Key, Value in this.defaultOptionsObj {
            if (!param_obj.HasKey(Key)) { ; if the key is not already in use
                param_obj[Key] := Value

        ; pass the parameters to .find and return
        return this.find(param_obj.x1, param_obj.y1, param_obj.x2, param_obj.y2, param_obj.err1, param_obj.err0, param_query
            , param_obj.screenshot, param_obj.findall, param_obj.joinqueries, param_obj.offsetx, param_obj.offsety)

    search(param_query, param_obj:="")
        ; create default if needed
        if (!IsObject(param_obj)) {
            param_obj := this.defaultOptionsObj.Clone()
        ; save parameters for use in future
        this.lastSearchQuery := param_query
        this.lastSearchOptions := param_obj

        ; pass the parameters to .find and return
        return this.main_search(param_query, param_obj)

        ; save new query if entered
        if (param_query != "") {
            this.lastSearchQuery := param_query
        ; pass saved arguments to .search and return
        return this.main_search(this.lastSearchQuery, this.lastSearchOptions)

    scan(param_query, x1:=0, y1:=0, x2:="", y2:="", err1:=0, err0:=0, screenshot:=1
        , findall:=1, joinqueries:=0, offsetx:=20, offsety:=10)
        if (x2 == "") {
            x2 := A_ScreenWidth
        if (y2 == "") {
            y2 := A_ScreenHeight

        ; save parameters for use in future and build search object
        this.lastScanQuery := param_query
        this.lastScanOptions := { "x1": x1
                                , "y1": y1
                                , "x2": x2
                                , "y2": y2
                                , "err1": err1
                                , "err0": err0
                                , "screenshot": screenshot
                                , "findall": findall
                                , "joinqueries": joinqueries
                                , "offsetx": offsetx
                                , "offsety": offsety }
        ; pass the parameters to .find and return
        return this.main_search(param_query, this.lastScanOptions)

        ; save new query if entered
        if (param_query != "") {
            this.lastScanQuery := param_query
        ; pass saved arguments to .search and return
        return this.main_search(this.lastSearchQuery, this.lastSearchOptions)

    ; Bind the window so that it can find images when obscured
    ; by other windows, it's equivalent to always being
    ; at the front desk. Unbind Window using BindWindow(0)
    BindWindow(window_id := 0, set_exstyle := 0, get := 0)
        static id := 0, old := 0
        if (get)
        return id
        if (window_id)
        id := window_id, old := 0
        if (set_exstyle)
            WinGet, old, ExStyle, ahk_id %id%
            WinSet, Transparent, 255, ahk_id %id%
            loop, 30
            Sleep, 100
            WinGet, i, Transparent, ahk_id %id%
            until (i=255)
        if (old)
            WinSet, ExStyle, %old%, ahk_id %id%
        id := old := 0

    xywh2xywh(x1,y1,w1,h1, ByRef x,ByRef y,ByRef w,ByRef h, ByRef zx := "", ByRef zy := "", ByRef zw := "", ByRef zh := "")
        SysGet, zx, 76
        SysGet, zy, 77
        SysGet, zw, 78
        SysGet, zh, 79
        left := x1, right := x1+w1-1, up := y1, down := y1+h1-1
        left := left<zx ? zx:left, right := right>zx+zw-1 ? zx+zw-1:right
        up := up<zy ? zy:up, down := down>zy+zh-1 ? zy+zh-1:down
        x := left, y := up, w := right-left+1, h := down-up+1

    GetBitsFromScreen(x, y, w, h, ScreenShot := 1, ByRef zx := "", ByRef zy := "", ByRef zw := "", ByRef zh := "")
        static hBM := "", bits := [], Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
        static init := !this.GetBitsFromScreen(0,0,0,0,1)
        if (!ScreenShot) {
            zx := bits.3, zy := bits.4, zw := bits.5, zh := bits.6
            return bits
        savedBatchLines := A_BatchLines, savedIsCritical := A_IsCritical
        if (zw<1 or zh<1) {
            SysGet, zx, 76
            SysGet, zy, 77
            SysGet, zw, 78
            SysGet, zh, 79
        if (zw>bits.5 or zh>bits.6 or !hBM) {
            DllCall("DeleteObject", Ptr,hBM), hBM := "", bpp := 32
            VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0), NumPut(40, bi, 0, "int")
            NumPut(zw, bi, 4, "int"), NumPut(-zh, bi, 8, "int")
            NumPut(1, bi, 12, "short"), NumPut(bpp, bi, 14, "short")
            hBM := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", Ptr,0, Ptr,&bi
                , "int",0, Ptr "*",ppvBits := 0, Ptr,0, "int",0, Ptr)
            Scan0 := (!hBM ? 0:ppvBits), Stride := ((zw*bpp+31)//32)*4
            bits.1 := Scan0, bits.2 := Stride
            bits.3 := zx, bits.4 := zy, bits.5 := zw, bits.6 := zh
            x := zx, y := zy, w := zw, h := zh
        if (hBM) and !(w<1 or h<1) {
            win := DllCall("GetDesktopWindow", Ptr)
            hDC := DllCall("GetWindowDC", Ptr,win, Ptr)
            mDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", Ptr,hDC, Ptr)
            oBM := DllCall("SelectObject", Ptr,mDC, Ptr,hBM, Ptr)
                , Ptr,hDC, "int",x, "int",y, "uint",0x00CC0020|0x40000000)
            DllCall("ReleaseDC", Ptr,win, Ptr,hDC)
            if (id := this.BindWindow(0,0,1)) {
                WinGet, id, ID, ahk_id %id%
            if (id) {
                WinGetPos, wx, wy, ww, wh, ahk_id %id%
                left := x, right := x+w-1, up := y, down := y+h-1
                left := left<wx ? wx:left, right := right>wx+ww-1 ? wx+ww-1:right
                up := up<wy ? wy:up, down := down>wy+wh-1 ? wy+wh-1:down
                x := left, y := up, w := right-left+1, h := down-up+1
            if (id) and !(w<1 or h<1) {
                hDC2 := DllCall("GetDCEx", Ptr,id, Ptr,0, "int",3, Ptr)
                , Ptr,hDC2, "int",x-wx, "int",y-wy, "uint",0x00CC0020|0x40000000)
                DllCall("ReleaseDC", Ptr,id, Ptr,hDC2)
            DllCall("SelectObject", Ptr,mDC, Ptr,oBM)
            DllCall("DeleteDC", Ptr,mDC)
        Critical, %savedIsCritical%
        SetBatchLines, %savedBatchLines%
        return bits

        static info := []
        if !InStr(text,"$")
        if (info[text])
        return info[text]
        v := text, comment := "", e1 := e0 := 0, set_e1_e0 := 0
        ; You Can Add Comment Text within The <>
        if RegExMatch(v,"<([^>]*)>",r)
        v := StrReplace(v,r), comment := Trim(r1)
        ; You can Add two fault-tolerant in the [], separated by commas
        if RegExMatch(v,"\[([^\]]*)]",r)
        v := StrReplace(v,r)
        r := StrSplit(r1, ",")
        e1 := r.1, e0 := r.2, set_e1_e0 := 1
        r := StrSplit(v,"$")
        color := r.1, v := r.2
        r := StrSplit(v,".")
        w1 := r.1, v := this.base64tobit(r.2), h1 := StrLen(v)//w1
        if (w1<1 or h1<1 or StrLen(v)!=w1*h1)
        mode := InStr(color,"-") ? 4 : InStr(color,"#") ? 3
        : InStr(color,"**") ? 2 : InStr(color,"*") ? 1 : 0
        if (mode=4)
        color := StrReplace(color,"0x")
        r := StrSplit(color,"-")
        color := "0x" r.1, n := "0x" r.2
        color := RegExReplace(color,"[*#]")
        r := StrSplit(color,"@")
        color := r.1, n := Round(r.2,2)+(!r.2)
        , n := Floor(9*255*255*(1-n)*(1-n))
        StrReplace(v,"1","",len1), len0 := StrLen(v)-len1
        , e1 := Round(len1*e1), e0 := Round(len0*e0)
        return info[text] := [v,w1,h1,len1,len0,e1,e0
        , mode,color,n,comment,set_e1_e0]

    PicFind(mode, color, n, offsetX, offsetY, bits, sx, sy, sw, sh
        , ByRef gs, ByRef ss, ByRef text, ByRef s1, ByRef s0
        , ByRef input, num, ByRef allpos, allpos_max)
        static MyFunc := "", Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt"
        if (!MyFunc)
        x32 := "5557565383EC788B8424CC0000008BBC24CC000000C7442"
        . "424000000008B40048B7F148944243C8B8424CC000000897C2"
        . "42C8BBC24CC0000008B40088B7F18894424388B8424CC00000"
        . "0897C24308B400C89C6894424288B8424CC0000008B401039C"
        . "6894424200F4DC68944241C8B8424D000000085C00F8E15010"
        . "0008BB424CC0000008B44242489F78B0C868B7486048B44870"
        . "88974241085C0894424180F8ED700000089CD894C2414C7442"
        . "40C00000000C744240800000000C744240400000000890C248"
        . "D76008DBC27000000008B5C24108B7424088B4C24148B54240"
        . "C89DF89F029F101F78BB424C000000001CE85DB7E5E8B0C248"
        . "9EB893C2489D7EB198BAC24C800000083C70483C00189548D0"
        . "083C101390424742C83BC248C0000000389FA0F45D0803C063"
        . "175D48BAC24C400000083C70483C00189549D0083C30139042"
        . "475D48B7424100174241489DD890C2483442404018BB424B00"
        . "000008B442404017424088BBC24A4000000017C240C3944241"
        . "80F8554FFFFFF83442424078B442424398424D00000000F8FE"
        . "BFEFFFF83BC248C000000030F84A00600008B8424A40000008"
        . "BB424A80000000FAF8424AC0000008BBC24A40000008D2CB08"
        . "B8424B0000000F7D88D04878BBC248C0000008944241085FF0"
        . "F84F702000083BC248C000000010F847F08000083BC248C000"
        . "000020F84330900008B8424900000008B9C24940000000FB6B"
        . "C24940000000FB6B42490000000C744241800000000C744242"
        . "400000000C1E8100FB6DF0FB6D08B84249000000089D10FB6C"
        . "4894424088B842494000000C1E8100FB6C029C101D08904248"
        . "B442408894C24408B4C240801D829D9894424088D043E894C2"
        . "40489F129F9894424148BBC24B40000008B8424B0000000894"
        . "C240C89E98B6C2440C1E00285FF894424340F8EBA0000008BB"
        . "424B000000085F60F8E910000008B8424A00000008B5424240"
        . "39424BC00000001C8034C243489CF894C244003BC24A000000"
        . "0EB3D8D76008DBC2700000000391C247C3D394C24047F37394"
        . "C24087C3189F30FB6F33974240C0F9EC3397424140F9DC183C"
        . "00483C20121D9884AFF39F8741E0FB658020FB648010FB6303"
        . "9DD7EBE31C983C00483C201884AFF39F875E28BB424B000000"
        . "0017424248B4C24408344241801034C24108B442418398424B"
        . "40000000F8546FFFFFF8B8424B00000002B44243C8944240C8"
        . "B8424B40000002B442438894424600F886D0900008B4424288"
        . "BBC24C40000008B74243CC744241000000000C744243800000"
        . "000C7442434000000008D3C8789C583EE01897C246C8974247"
        . "48B44240C85C00F88E70000008B7C24388B8424AC000000BE0"
        . "0000000C704240000000001F8C1E0108944246889F82B84249"
        . "C0000000F49F08B84249C000000897424640FAFB424B000000"
        . "001F8894424708974245C8DB6000000008B04240344241089C"
        . "1894424088B442430394424200F84AA0100008B5C241C89C60"
        . "38C24BC00000031C08B54242C85DB0F8EC8010000897424048"
        . "B7C2420EB2D39C77E1C8BB424C80000008B1C8601CB803B007"
        . "40B836C240401782B8D74260083C0013944241C0F849101000"
        . "039C57ECF8BB424C40000008B1C8601CB803B0174BE83EA017"
        . "9B9830424018B04243944240C0F8D68FFFFFF83442438018BB"
        . "424B00000008B44243801742410394424600F8DEFFEFFFF8B4"
        . "C243483C47889C85B5E5F5DC250008B8424900000008BB424B"
        . "4000000C744240C00000000C744241400000000C1E8100FB6C"
        . "08904248B8424900000000FB6C4894424040FB684249000000"
        . "0894424088B8424B0000000C1E00285F68944242489E88BAC2"
        . "4940000000F8E24FEFFFF8B9C24B000000085DB7E758B9C24A"
        . "00000008B7424148BBC24A000000003B424BC00000001C3034"
        . "424248944241801C78D76008DBC27000000000FB643020FB64"
        . "B012B04242B4C24040FB6132B5424080FAFC00FAFC98D04400"
        . "FAFD28D04888D045039C50F930683C30483C60139DF75C98BB"
        . "C24B0000000017C24148B4424188344240C01034424108B742"
        . "40C39B424B40000000F8566FFFFFFE985FDFFFF85ED7E358B7"
        . "424088BBC24BC00000031C08B54242C8D1C378BB424C400000"
        . "08B0C8601D9803901740983EA010F8890FEFFFF83C00139C57"
        . "5E683BC24D0000000070F8EAA0100008B442474030424C7442"
        . "44007000000896C2444894424288B8424CC00000083C020894"
        . "4243C8B44243C8B9424B00000008B7C24288B0029C28944245"
        . "08B84249800000001F839C20F4EC289C68944244C39FE0F8C0"
        . "90100008B44243C8B700C8B78108B6808897424148B7014897"
        . "C242489C7897424548BB424B40000002B700489F08B7424703"
        . "9C60F4EC68BB424C4000000894424188B47FC89442404C1E00"
        . "201C6038424C8000000894424588B4424648B7C2428037C245"
        . "C3B442418894424040F8F8700000085ED7E268B8C24BC00000"
        . "08B54242431C08D1C398B0C8601D9803901740583EA01784A8"
        . "3C00139C575EA8B4424148B4C245439C8747E85C07E7A8B9C2"
        . "4BC000000896C244831C08B6C245801FBEB0983C0013944241"
        . "4745C8B54850001DA803A0074EC83E90179E78B6C244890834"
        . "424040103BC24B00000008B442404394424180F8D79FFFFFF8"
        . "3442428018B4424283944244C0F8D4CFFFFFF830424018B6C2"
        . "4448B04243944240C0F8D7EFCFFFFE911FDFFFF8B4424288B7"
        . "C245083442440078344243C1C8D4438FF894424288B4424403"
        . "98424D00000000F8F7FFEFFFF8B6C24448B7C24348B0424038"
        . "424A80000008BB424D40000000B4424688D4F01398C24D8000"
        . "0008904BE0F8ED8FCFFFF85ED7E278B7424088BBC24BC00000"
        . "08B8424C40000008D1C378B74246C8B1083C00401DA39F0C60"
        . "20075F283042401894C24348B04243944240C0F8DDEFBFFFFE"
        . "971FCFFFF89F68DBC27000000008B74243C8B8424900000003"
        . "1D2F7F60FAF8424A40000008D0490894424188B8424B000000"
        . "0038424A800000029F0894424348B8424AC000000038424B40"
        . "000002B442438398424AC0000008944243C0F8F560400008B8"
        . "424A40000008BB424A80000000FAF8424AC000000C74424240"
        . "00000008D04B0034424188BB424A0000000894424388B44243"
        . "4398424A80000000F8F320100008B8424AC000000C1E010894"
        . "424408B442438894424148B8424A8000000894424088B44241"
        . "40FB67C060289C52B6C2418893C240FB67C0601897C24040FB"
        . "63C068B44241C85C00F8E1E0100008B442430894424108B442"
        . "42C8944240C31C0EB678D76008DBC2700000000394424207E4"
        . "A8B9C24C80000008B0C8301E90FB6540E020FB65C0E012B142"
        . "42B5C24040FB60C0E0FAFD20FAFDB29F98D14520FAFC98D149"
        . "A8D144A39942494000000720C836C2410017865908D7426008"
        . "3C0013944241C0F84A3000000394424287E9D8B9C24C400000"
        . "08B0C8301E90FB6540E020FB65C0E012B14242B5C24040FB60"
        . "C0E0FAFD20FAFDB29F98D14520FAFC98D149A8D144A3B94249"
        . "40000000F865BFFFFFF836C240C010F8950FFFFFF834424080"
        . "183442414048B442408394424340F8DEFFEFFFF838424AC000"
        . "000018BBC24A40000008B44243C017C24383B8424AC0000000"
        . "F8D99FEFFFF8B4C242483C4785B5E89C85F5DC250008D74260"
        . "08B7C24248B4424400B4424088B9C24D40000008D4F013B8C2"
        . "4D80000008904BB0F8D64FAFFFF894C2424EB848B842490000"
        . "0008B8C24B4000000C7042400000000C74424040000000083C"
        . "001C1E00789C68B8424B0000000C1E00285C98944240889E88"
        . "9F50F8EAFF8FFFF8B9424B000000085D27E5F8B8C24A000000"
        . "08B5C2404039C24BC00000001C1034424088944240C038424A"
        . "000000089C70FB651020FB641010FB6316BC04B6BD22601C28"
        . "9F0C1E00429F001D039C50F970383C10483C30139F975D58BB"
        . "424B0000000017424048B44240C83042401034424108B34243"
        . "9B424B40000007582E92CF8FFFF8B8424B0000000C70424000"
        . "00000C744240400000000C1E002894424088B8424B40000008"
        . "5C00F8E920000008B8424B000000085C07E6F8B8C24A000000"
        . "08B5C24048BB424B800000001E9036C240801DE039C24BC000"
        . "000896C240C03AC24A00000000FB651020FB6410183C1040FB"
        . "679FC83C60183C3016BC04B6BD22601C289F8C1E00429F801D"
        . "0C1F8078846FFC643FF0039CD75CC8BBC24B0000000017C240"
        . "48B6C240C83042401036C24108B0424398424B40000000F856"
        . "EFFFFFF83BC24B4000000020F8E60F7FFFF8B8424BC0000000"
        . "38424B00000008BAC24B800000003AC24B0000000C74424040"
        . "1000000894424088B8424B400000083E8018944240C8B8424B"
        . "000000083C0018944241083BC24B0000000027E798B4424108"
        . "9E92B8C24B00000008B5C240889EA8D34288D45FE8904240FB"
        . "642010FB63A0384249000000039F87C360FB67A0239F87C2E0"
        . "FB6790139F87C260FB63E39F87C1F0FB63939F87C180FB6790"
        . "239F87C100FB67EFF39F87C080FB67E0139F87D04C64301018"
        . "3C20183C30183C10183C6013B0C2475A3834424040103AC24B"
        . "00000008B4424048BBC24B0000000017C24083944240C0F855"
        . "8FFFFFFE96FF6FFFF83C47831C95B89C85E5F5DC2500090909"
        . "090909090"
        x64 := "4157415641554154555756534881EC88000000488B84245"
        . "0010000488BB42450010000448B94245801000089542428448"
        . "944240844898C24E80000008B40048B76144C8BBC244001000"
        . "04C8BB42448010000C74424180000000089442430488B84245"
        . "00100008974241C488BB424500100008B40088B76188944243"
        . "C488B842450010000897424388B400C89C789442440488B842"
        . "4500100008B401039C7894424100F4DC74585D289442454488"
        . "B84245001000048894424200F8ECB000000488B442420448B0"
        . "8448B68048B400885C0894424040F8E940000004489CE44890"
        . "C244531E431FF31ED0F1F8400000000004585ED7E614863142"
        . "4418D5C3D0089F848039424380100004589E0EB1D0F1F0083C"
        . "0014D63D94183C0044183C1014883C20139C34789149E74288"
        . "3F9034589C2440F45D0803A3175D783C0014C63DE4183C0048"
        . "3C6014883C20139C34789149F75D844012C2483C50103BC241"
        . "80100004403A42400010000396C24047582834424180748834"
        . "424201C8B442418398424580100000F8F35FFFFFF83F9030F8"
        . "43D0600008B8424000100008BBC24080100000FAF842410010"
        . "0008BB424000100008D3CB88B842418010000F7D885C9448D2"
        . "C860F841101000083F9010F844108000083F9020F84E008000"
        . "08B742428C744240400000000C74424180000000089F0440FB"
        . "6CEC1E8104589CC0FB6D84889F08B7424080FB6D44189DB89F"
        . "0440FB6C64889F1C1E8100FB6CD89D60FB6C08D2C0A8B94242"
        . "00100004129C301C3438D040129CE4529C48904248B8424180"
        . "10000C1E00285D2894424080F8E660100004C89BC244001000"
        . "0448BBC24180100004585FF0F8E91040000488B8C24F800000"
        . "04863C74C6354241831D24C03942430010000488D440102EB3"
        . "A0F1F80000000004439C37C4039CE7F3C39CD7C384539CC410"
        . "F9EC044390C240F9DC14421C141880C124883C2014883C0044"
        . "139D70F8E2D040000440FB6000FB648FF440FB648FE4539C37"
        . "EBB31C9EBD58B5C2428448B8C242001000031ED4531E44889D"
        . "84189DB0FB6DB0FB6F48B84241801000041C1EB10450FB6DBC"
        . "1E0024585C98904240F8EA10000004C89BC24400100004C89B"
        . "42448010000448B7C2408448BB424180100004585F67E60488"
        . "B8C24F80000004D63D44C039424300100004863C74531C94C8"
        . "D440102410FB600410FB648FF410FB650FE4429D829F10FAFC"
        . "029DA0FAFC98D04400FAFD28D04888D04504139C7430F93040"
        . "A4983C1014983C0044539CE7FC4033C244501F483C5014401E"
        . "F39AC2420010000758C4C8BBC24400100004C8BB4244801000"
        . "08B8424180100002B4424308904248B8424200100002B44243"
        . "C894424680F88750800008B7C24404D89F5488BAC243001000"
        . "0448B7424104C89FEC74424040000000048C74424280000000"
        . "0C74424200000000089F883E801498D4487044189FF4889442"
        . "4088B44243083E801894424788B042485C00F88D9000000488"
        . "B5C24288B8424100100004D89EC448B6C245401D8C1E010894"
        . "4247089D82B8424F000000089C7B8000000000F49C731FF894"
        . "4246C0FAF842418010000894424648B8424F000000001D8894"
        . "42474908B442404897C24188D1C388B4424384139C60F84AB0"
        . "000004189C131C04585ED448B44241C7F36E9C30000000F1F4"
        . "0004139CE7E1B418B148401DA4863D2807C150000740B4183E"
        . "901782E0F1F4400004883C0014139C50F8E920000004139C78"
        . "9C17ECC8B148601DA4863D2807C15000174BD4183E80179B74"
        . "883C701393C240F8D7AFFFFFF4D89E54883442428018B9C241"
        . "8010000488B442428015C2404394424680F8DFCFEFFFF8B4C2"
        . "42089C84881C4880000005B5E5F5D415C415D415E415FC3458"
        . "5FF7E278B4C241C4C8B4424084889F28B0201D84898807C050"
        . "001740583E90178934883C2044939D075E583BC24580100000"
        . "70F8EE60100008B442478488B8C24500100000344241844896"
        . "C2450448BAC241801000044897C24404883C1204889742410C"
        . "744243C07000000448974244448897C24484989CF895C247C8"
        . "9C64C89642430418B074489EA29C28944245C8B8424E800000"
        . "001F039C20F4EC239F0894424580F8CD0000000418B47148BB"
        . "C2420010000412B7F0449635FFC458B4F08458B670C8944246"
        . "08B442474458B771039C70F4FF8488B44241048C1E3024C8D1"
        . "41848035C24308B442464448D04068B44246C39F84189C37F7"
        . "2904585C97E234489F131D2418B04924401C04898807C05000"
        . "1740583E90178464883C2014139D17FE28B4424604139C40F8"
        . "4AA0000004585E40F8EA100000089C131D2EB0D4883C201413"
        . "9D40F8E8E0000008B04934401C04898807C05000074E483E90"
        . "179DF4183C3014501E84439DF7D8F83C601397424580F8D6EF"
        . "FFFFF488B7C2448448B7C2440448B742444448B6C2450488B7"
        . "424104C8B6424304883C701393C240F8D97FDFFFFE918FEFFF"
        . "F6690037C240844017C241883442404014401EF8B442404398"
        . "424200100000F854DFBFFFF4C8BBC2440010000E996FCFFFF8"
        . "B44245C8344243C074983C71C8D7406FF8B44243C398424580"
        . "100000F8F87FEFFFF448B7C2440448B742444448B6C2450488"
        . "B7C24488B5C247C488B7424104C8B64243048634424208B542"
        . "418039424080100004C8B9C24600100000B5424708D4801398"
        . "C2468010000418914830F8E9AFDFFFF4585FF7E1D4C8B44240"
        . "84889F08B104883C00401DA4C39C04863D2C64415000075EB4"
        . "883C701393C24894C24200F8DBAFCFFFFE93BFDFFFF0F1F440"
        . "0008B7C24308B44242831D2F7F70FAF8424000100008D04908"
        . "94424208B8424180100000384240801000029F8894424308B8"
        . "42410010000038424200100002B44243C39842410010000894"
        . "424440F8F2B0400008B8424000100008BBC24080100000FAF8"
        . "42410010000448B642440448B6C24544C8B8C24F8000000C74"
        . "42428000000008D04B8034424208944243C8B4424303984240"
        . "80100000F8F360100008B8424100100008B6C243CC1E010894"
        . "424408B8424080100008904248D450289EF2B7C24204585ED4"
        . "898450FB61C018D45014898410FB61C014863C5410FB634010"
        . "F8E1C0100008B442438894424188B44241C8944240431C0EB6"
        . "90F1F800000000044395424107E4E418B0C8601F98D5102448"
        . "D41014863C9410FB60C094863D24D63C0410FB61411470FB60"
        . "40129F10FAFC94429DA4129D80FAFD2450FAFC08D1452428D1"
        . "4828D144A395424087207836C241801786B4883C0014139C50"
        . "F8E9F0000004139C44189C27E96418B0C8701F98D5102448D4"
        . "1014863C9410FB60C094863D24D63C0410FB61411470FB6040"
        . "129F10FAFC94429DA4129D80FAFD2450FAFC08D1452428D148"
        . "28D144A3B5424080F864BFFFFFF836C2404010F8940FFFFFF8"
        . "304240183C5048B0424394424300F8DE6FEFFFF83842410010"
        . "000018BBC24000100008B442444017C243C3B8424100100000"
        . "F8D95FEFFFF8B4C2428E95CFBFFFF48634424288B5424400B1"
        . "424488BBC24600100008D48013B8C24680100008914870F8D3"
        . "5FBFFFF8304240183C504894C24288B0424394424300F8D7AF"
        . "EFFFFEB92448B5C2428448B84242001000031DB8B842418010"
        . "00031F6448B9424180100004183C30141C1E3074585C08D2C8"
        . "5000000000F8E6BF9FFFF4585D27E57488B8C24F80000004C6"
        . "3CE4C038C24300100004863C74531C0488D4C01020FB6110FB"
        . "641FF440FB661FE6BC04B6BD22601C24489E0C1E0044429E00"
        . "1D04139C3430F9704014983C0014883C1044539C27FCC01EF4"
        . "401D683C3014401EF399C24200100007595E9FBF8FFFF8B8C2"
        . "4200100008B84241801000031DB31F6448B8C241801000085C"
        . "98D2C85000000007E7D4585C97E694C63C6488B8C24F800000"
        . "04863C74D89C24C038424300100004C0394242801000031D24"
        . "88D4C0102440FB6190FB641FF4883C104440FB661FA6BC04B4"
        . "56BDB264101C34489E0C1E0044429E04401D8C1F8074188041"
        . "241C60410004883C2014139D17FC401EF4401CE83C3014401E"
        . "F399C2420010000758383BC2420010000020F8E4BF8FFFF486"
        . "3B424180100008B9C24180100008BBC2420010000488D56014"
        . "48D67FFBF010000004889D0480394243001000048038424280"
        . "100004889D58D53FD4C8D6A0183BC241801000002488D1C067"
        . "E7E4989C04D8D5C05004989D94929F04889E90FB610440FB65"
        . "0FF035424284439D27C44440FB650014439D27C3A450FB6104"
        . "439D27C31450FB6114439D27C28450FB650FF4439D27C1E450"
        . "FB650014439D27C14450FB651FF4439D27C0A450FB65101443"
        . "9D27D03C601014883C0014983C1014883C1014983C0014C39D"
        . "8759383C7014801F54889D84139FC0F8562FFFFFFE968F7FFF"
        . "F31C9E9D9F8FFFF909090909090909090909090"
        this.MCode(MyFunc, A_PtrSize=8 ? x64:x32)
        return !bits.1 ? 0:DllCall(&MyFunc, "int",mode, "uint",color
        , "uint",n, "int",offsetX, "int",offsetY, Ptr,bits.1
        , "int",bits.2, "int",sx, "int",sy, "int",sw, "int",sh
        , Ptr,&gs, Ptr,&ss, "AStr",text, Ptr,&s1, Ptr,&s0
        , Ptr,&input, "int",num, Ptr,&allpos, "int",allpos_max)

    MCode(ByRef code, hex)
        bch := A_BatchLines
        SetBatchLines, -1
        VarSetCapacity(code, len := StrLen(hex)//2)
        lls := A_ListLines=0 ? "Off" : "On"
        ListLines, Off
        loop, % len
        NumPut("0x" SubStr(hex,2*A_Index-1,2),code,A_Index-1,"uchar")
        ListLines, %lls%
        Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "UPtr" : "UInt", PtrP := Ptr "*"
        DllCall("VirtualProtect",Ptr,&code, Ptr,len,"uint",0x40,PtrP,0)
        SetBatchLines, %bch%

        Chars := "0123456789+/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
        . "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
        lls := A_ListLines=0 ? "Off" : "On"
        ListLines, Off
        loop, Parse, Chars
        i := A_Index-1, v := (i>>5&1) . (i>>4&1)
            . (i>>3&1) . (i>>2&1) . (i>>1&1) . (i&1)
        s := RegExReplace(s,"[" A_LoopField "]",StrReplace(v,"0x"))
        ListLines, %lls%
        return RegExReplace(RegExReplace(s,"10*$"),"[^01]+")

        s := RegExReplace(s,"[^01]+")
        s := RegExReplace(s,".{6}","|$0")
        Chars := "0123456789+/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
        . "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
        lls := A_ListLines=0 ? "Off" : "On"
        ListLines, Off
        loop, Parse, Chars
        i := A_Index-1, v := "|" . (i>>5&1) . (i>>4&1)
            . (i>>3&1) . (i>>2&1) . (i>>1&1) . (i&1)
        s := StrReplace(s,StrReplace(v,"0x"),A_LoopField)
        ListLines, %lls%
        return s

        if RegExMatch(s,"\$(\d+)\.([\w+/]+)",r)
        s := RegExReplace(this.base64tobit(r2),".{" r1 "}","$0`n")
        s := StrReplace(StrReplace(s,"0","_"),"1","0")
        else s=
        return s

    ; You can put the text library at the beginning of the script,
    ; and Use this.PicLib(Text,1) to add the text library to this.PicLib()'s Lib,
    ; Use this.PicLib("comment1|comment2|...") to get text images from Lib
    PicLib(comments, add_to_Lib := 0, index := 1)
        static Lib := []
        if (add_to_Lib)
        re := "<([^>]*)>[^$]+\$\d+\.[\w+/]+"
        loop, Parse, comments, |
            if RegExMatch(A_LoopField,re,r)
            s1 := Trim(r1), s2 := ""
            loop, Parse, s1
                s2.="_" . Format("{:d}",Ord(A_LoopField))
            Lib[index,s2] := r
        Lib[index,""] := ""
        Text := ""
        loop, Parse, comments, |
            s1 := Trim(A_LoopField), s2 := ""
            loop, Parse, s1
            s2.="_" . Format("{:d}",Ord(A_LoopField))
            Text.="|" . Lib[index,s2]
        return Text

    PicN(Number, index := 1)
        return this.PicLib(RegExReplace(Number,".","|$0"), 0, index)

    ; Use PicX(Text) to automatically cut into multiple characters
    ; Can't be used in ColorPos mode, because it can cause position errors
        if !RegExMatch(Text,"\|([^$]+)\$(\d+)\.([\w+/]+)",r)
        return Text
        v := this.base64tobit(r3), Text := ""
        c := StrLen(StrReplace(v,"0"))<=StrLen(v)//2 ? "1":"0"
        wz := RegExReplace(v,".{" r2 "}","$0`n")
        while InStr(wz,c)
        while !(wz~="m`n)^" c)
            wz := RegExReplace(wz,"m`n)^.")
        i := 0
        while (wz~="m`n)^.{" i "}" c)
            i := Format("{:d}",i+1)
        v := RegExReplace(wz,"m`n)^(.{" i "}).*","$1")
        wz := RegExReplace(wz,"m`n)^.{" i "}")
        if (v!="")
            Text.="|" r1 "$" i "." this.bit2base64(v)
        return Text

    ; ScreenShot and retained as the last this.ScreenShot.
    ScreenShot(x1 := "", y1 := "", x2 := "", y2 := "")
        if (x1+y1+x2+y2="")
        n := 150000, x := y:=-n, w := h:=2*n
        x := (x1<x2 ? x1:x2), y := (y1<y2 ? y1:y2)
        , w := Abs(x2-x1)+1, h := Abs(y2-y1)+1

    ; Get the RGB color of a point from the last this.ScreenShot.
    ; If the point to get the color is beyond the range of
    ; Screen, it will return White color (0xFFFFFF).
        bits := this.GetBitsFromScreen(0,0,0,0,0,zx,zy,zw,zh)
        return (x<zx or x>zx+zw-1 or y<zy or y>zy+zh-1 or !bits.1)
        ? "0xFFFFFF" : Format("0x{:06X}",NumGet(bits.1

    ; Identify a line of text or verification code
    ; based on the result returned by this.search()
    ; Return Association array {ocr:Text, x:X, y:Y}
    OcrOK(ok, offsetX := 20, offsetY := 20)
        ocr_Text := ocr_X := ocr_Y := min_X := ""
        for k,v in ok
        x := v.1
        , min_X := (A_Index=1 or x<min_X ? x : min_X)
        , max_X := (A_Index=1 or x>max_X ? x : max_X)
        while (min_X!="" and min_X<=max_X)
        LeftX := ""
        for k,v in ok
            x := v.1, y := v.2, w := v.3, h := v.4
            if (x<min_X) or Abs(y-ocr_Y)>offsetY
            ; Get the leftmost X coordinates
            if (LeftX="" or x<LeftX)
            LeftX := x, LeftY := y, LeftW := w, LeftH := h, LeftOCR := v.id
            else if (x=LeftX)
            loop, 100
                err := (A_Index-1)/100+0.000001
                if this.search(LeftX,LeftY,LeftX+LeftW-1,LeftY+LeftH-1,err,err,Text,0).Count()
                if this.search(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1, err, err, Text, 0).Count()
                LeftX := x, LeftY := y, LeftW := w, LeftH := h, LeftOCR := v.id
        if (ocr_X="")
            ocr_X := LeftX, ocr_Y := LeftY
        ; If the interval exceeds the set value, add "*" to the result
        ocr_Text.=(ocr_Text!="" and LeftX-min_X>offsetX ? "*":"") . LeftOCR
        ; Update min_X for next search
        min_X := LeftX+LeftW
        return {ocr:ocr_Text, x:ocr_X, y:ocr_Y}

    ; Sort the results objects from left to right and top to bottom, ignoring slight height difference
    resultSort(param_resultObj, param_ydistance:=10)
        resultObj := param_resultObj.clone()
        ypos := []
        for k,v in resultObj {
            x := v.x, y := v.y, add := 1
            for k2,v2 in ypos
                if (Abs(y-v2) <= param_ydistance) {
                y := v2, add := 0
            if (add)
            n := (y*150000+x) "." k, s := A_Index=1 ? n : s "-" n
        Sort, s, N D-
        resultObj2 := []
        loop, Parse, s, -
        resultObj2.Push( resultObj[(StrSplit(A_LoopField,".")[2])] )
        return resultObj2

    ; Re-order resultObj according to the nearest distance
    resultSortDistance(param_resultObj, param_x:=1, param_y:=1)
        resultObj := param_resultObj.clone()
        for k, v in resultObj {
            x := v.1+v.3//2, y := v.2+v.4//2
            n := ((x-param_x)**2+(y-param_y)**2) "." k
            ; save the square root to the result object pre-sorting
            resultObj[A_Index].distance := round(sqrt(StrSplit(n, ".")[1]), 2)
            s := A_Index = 1 ? n : s "-" n
        Sort, s, N D-
        resultObj2 := []
        loop, Parse, s, -
        return resultObj2

    ; Prompt mouse position in remote assistance
    MouseTip(x := "", y := "")
        if (x="")
        VarSetCapacity(pt,16,0), DllCall("GetCursorPos","ptr",&pt)
        x := NumGet(pt,0,"uint"), y := NumGet(pt,4,"uint")
        x := Round(x-10), y := Round(y-10), w := h:=2*10+1
        Gui, _MouseTip_: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +Hwndmyid +E0x08000000
        Gui, _MouseTip_: Show, Hide w%w% h%h%
        dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
        DetectHiddenWindows, On
        d := 4, i := w-d, j := h-d
        s=0-0 %w%-0 %w%-%h% 0-%h% 0-0
        s=%s%  %d%-%d% %i%-%d% %i%-%j% %d%-%j% %d%-%d%
        WinSet, Region, %s%, ahk_id %myid%
        DetectHiddenWindows, %dhw%
        Gui, _MouseTip_: Show, NA x%x% y%y%
        loop, 4
        Gui, _MouseTip_: Color, % A_Index & 1 ? "Red" : "Blue"
        Sleep, 500
        Gui, _MouseTip_: Destroy

    GetTextFromScreen(x1, y1, x2, y2, Threshold := "", ScreenShot := 1, ByRef rx := "", ByRef ry := "")
        bch := A_BatchLines
        SetBatchLines, -1
        x := (x1<x2 ? x1:x2), y := (y1<y2 ? y1:y2)
        , w := Abs(x2-x1)+1, h := Abs(y2-y1)+1
        , this.xywh2xywh(x,y,w,h,x,y,w,h,zx,zy,zw,zh)
        if (w<1 or h<1) {
            SetBatchLines, %bch%
            return []
        lls := A_ListLines=0 ? "Off" : "On"
        ListLines, Off
        gc := [], k := 0
        loop, %h% {
            j := y+A_Index-1
            loop, %w%
                i := x+A_Index-1, c := this.this.ScreenShot_GetColor(i,j), gc[++k] := (((c>>16)&0xFF)*38+((c>>8)&0xFF)*75+(c&0xFF)*15)>>7
        Threshold := StrReplace(Threshold,"*")
        if (Threshold="") {
            pp := []
            loop, 256
                pp[A_Index-1] := 0
            loop, % w*h
            IP := IS := 0
            loop, 256
                k := A_Index-1, IP+=k*pp[k], IS+=pp[k]
            Threshold := Floor(IP/IS)
            loop, 20
                LastThreshold := Threshold
                IP1 := IS1 := 0
                loop, % LastThreshold+1
                    k := A_Index-1, IP1+=k*pp[k], IS1+=pp[k]
                    IP2 := IP-IP1, IS2 := IS-IS1
                    if (IS1!=0 and IS2!=0)
                        Threshold := Floor((IP1/IS1+IP2/IS2)/2)
                    if (Threshold=LastThreshold)
        s := ""
        loop, % w*h
        s .= gc[A_Index]<=Threshold ? "1":"0"
        w := Format("{:d}",w), CutUp := CutDown := 0
        re1 = (^0{%w%}|^1{%w%})
        re2 = (0{%w%}$|1{%w%}$)
        while RegExMatch(s,re1)
            s := RegExReplace(s,re1), CutUp++
        while RegExMatch(s,re2)
            s := RegExReplace(s,re2), CutDown++
            rx := x+w//2, ry := y+CutUp+(h-CutUp-CutDown)//2
            s := "|<>*" Threshold "$" w "." this.bit2base64(s)
        SetBatchLines, %bch%
        ListLines, %lls%
        return s

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 25 Feb 2020, 13:03

Main Methods

.search(graphicsearch_query [, options])

finds GraphicSearch queries on the screen


graphicsearch_query (string)
The GraphicSearch query(s) to search. Must be concatinated with | if searching multiple graphics
[options:={}] (object)
The options object
[options.x1:=0] (number), [options.y1:=0] (number)
the search scope's upper left corner coordinates
[options.x2:=A_ScreenWidth] (number), [options.y2:=A_ScreenHeight] (number)
the search scope's lower right corner coordinates
[options.err1:=1] (number), [options.err0:=0] (number)
Fault tolerance of graphic and background (0.1=10%)
[options.screenshot:=1] (boolean)
Wether or not to capture a new screenshot or not. If the value is 0, the last captured screenhhot will be used
[options.findall:=1] (boolean)
Wether or not to find all instances or just one.
[options.joinqueries:=1] (boolean)
Join all GraphicsSearch queries for combination lookup.
[options.offsetx:=1] (number), [options.offsety:=0] (number)
Set the Max offset for combination lookup

(Array) Return an array of objects containing all lookup results, else false if no matches were found.


Code: Select all

optionsObj := {   x1: 0
                , y1: 0
                , x2: A_ScreenWidth
                , y2: A_ScreenHeight
                , err1: 0
                , err0: 0
                , screenshot: 1
                , findall: 1
                , joinqueries: 1
                , offsetx: 1
                , offsety: 1 }

oGraphicSearch.search("|<tag>*165$22.03z", optionsObj)
oGraphicSearch.search("|<tag>*165$22.03z", {x2: 100, y2: 100})


performs the last .search with the last arguments supplied


Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch.search("|<tag>*165$22.03z", {x2: 1028, y2: 720})


.scan(graphicsearch_query [, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, screenshot, findall, joinqueries, offsetx, offsety])

finds GraphicSearch queries on the screen


graphicsearch_query (string)
GraphicsSearch queries as strings. Can be multiple queries separated by |
[x1:=0, y1:=0] (number)
the search scope's upper left corner coordinates
[x2:=0, y2:=0] (number)
the search scope's lower right corner coordinates
[err1:=0, err0:=0] (number)
A number between 0 and 1 (0.1=10%) for fault tolerance of foreground (err1) and background (err0)
[screenshot:=1] (boolean)
if the value is 1, a new capture of the screen will be used; else it will use the last capture
[findall:=1] (boolean)
if the value is 1, graphicsearch will find all matches. for 0, only return one match
[joinqueries:=1] (boolean)
if the value is 1, Join all GraphicsSearch queries for combination lookup
[offsetx:=0, offsety:=0] (number)
Set the Max offset for combination lookup

(Array) Return an array of objects containing all lookup results, else false if no matches were found. Any result is an associative array {1:X, 2:Y, 3:W, 4:H, x:X+W//2, y:Y+H//2, id:tag}. All coordinates are relative to Screen, colors are in RGB format, and combination lookup must use uniform color mode


Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch.scan("|<tag>*165$22.03z", 1, 1, 1028, 720, .1, .1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)
; => [{1: 1215, 2: 400, 3:22, 4: 10, id: "tag", x:1226, y:412}]


performs the last .search with the last arguments supplied


Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch.scan("|<tag>*165$22.03z", {x2: 1028, y2: 720})


.find(x1, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, graphicsearch_query [, screenshot, findall, joinqueries, offsetx, offsety])

functionally identicle to .scan but uses legacy argument order as a convience for old scripts


x1, y1 (number)
the search scope's upper left corner coordinates
x2, y2 (number)
the search scope's lower right corner coordinates
err1, err0 (number)
A number between 0 and 1 (0.1=10%) for fault tolerance of foreground (err1) and background (err0)
graphicsearch_query (string)
GraphicsSearch queries as strings. Can be multiple queries separated by |
[screenshot:=1] (boolean)
if the value is 1, a new capture of the screen will be used; else it will use the last capture
[findall:=1] (boolean)
if the value is 1, graphicsearch will find all matches. for 0, only return one match
[joinqueries:=1] (boolean)
if the value is 1, Join all GraphicsSearch queries for combination lookup
[offsetx:=20, offsety:=10] (number)
Set the Max offset for combination lookup

(Array) Return an array of objects containing all lookup results, else false if no matches were found. Any result is an associative array {1:X, 2:Y, 3:W, 4:H, x:X+W//2, y:Y+H//2, id:tag}. All coordinates are relative to Screen, colors are in RGB format, and combination lookup must use uniform color mode


Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch.find(x1, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, "|<tag>*165$22.03z", 1, 1, 0, 20, 10)
; => [{1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "tag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

.resultSort(resultsObject], ydistance)

Sort the results object from left to right and top to bottom, ignoring slight height difference


[resultsobject] (Object)
The GraphicSearch results object to sort
[ydistance:=10] (number)
The ammount of height difference to ingnore in pixels

(Array) Return an array of objects containing all lookup results


Code: Select all

resultsObj := [ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
              , {1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

; => [{1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}, {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}]

.resultSortDistance(resultsObject [, x, y])

Sort the results objects by distance to a given x,y coordinate. A property "distance" is added to all elements in the returned result object


resultsObject (Object)
The GraphicSearch results object
[x:=1] (number)
The x screen coordinate to measure from
[y:=1] (number)
The y screen coordinate to measure from

(Array) Return an array of objects containing all lookup results


Code: Select all

resultsObj := [ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
              , {1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

oGraphicSearch.resultSortDistance(resultsObj, 2000, 2000)
[ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, distance: "12.08", id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
, {1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, distance: "1766.58", id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]
Last edited by Chunjee on 25 Feb 2020, 13:51, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 25 Feb 2020, 13:04


Assume the following is a snapshot of game and we want to use GraphicSearch to translate to parse where things are on screen.


We'll use the followng capture regions. It's very important to capture the smallest region possible, while also being unique to the graphic so it doesn't match other similar things. For distance calculations it might be useful to search for the center of each graphic. Since GraphicSearch really cares about differences in color, it is highly benifitial to grab an area that is not all the same color.


These GraphicSearch queries should match many, but probably not all 16:9 ratio screens

Code: Select all

spaghettiGraphic :=  "|<Spaghetti>#[email protected]$44.Dzzzzzy3zzzzzzVzzzzzzszzzzzzkDzzzzzw3zzzzzz0zzzzzU0Dzszzs03zyDzy00zzXzzU0Dk7zk003w1ks003z0QC000k073U0003zks07s0zwC01z8"
pizzaGraphic :=      "|<Pizza>#[email protected]$41.TzXyDzy3z7wDzw7yTwDzsDzzs3XkSDzy07UwTzy071szzz023lzzs00zzzzU0tlzzz03rVszy07j7zzw0zzDzzzzzyTzUDzzwzz0Tzzzzy0zzzzzw1zzzzzs7zzzzzsDzz"
beerGraphic :=       "|<Beer>#[email protected]$44.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz3zzzzzzkzzzzzzsDzzzzw03zzzzz00zzzzzk0DzzzzkTzzzzzkDzzzzzw3zzzzzy0Tw7zzU03j1zzs001kTzy000Q1zy00070000001s"

If we want to search for all the pizzas we can perform the following to msgbox the x,y location of each match

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()
resultObj := oGraphicSearch.search(pizzaGraphic)

if (resultObj) {
    loop, % resultObj.Count() {
        msgbox, % "x: " result[A_Index].x ", y: " result[A_Index].y

If we wanted to search for two (or more) items in one search that can be accomplished by joining both queries into one long string and performing the same search

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()
allQueries := pizzaGraphic beerGraphic 
resultObj := oGraphicSearch.search(allQueries)

if (resultObj) {
    loop, % resultObj.Count() {
        msgbox, % "x: " resultObj[A_Index].x ", y: " resultObj[A_Index].y

GraphicSearch's most verbose method is .find. It requires seven arguments and has five more optional arguments.
To simplify use, .search only takes two arguments, a GraphicSearch Query and an optional object with all the same options as properties.

The following are all functionally identical, They search a region of the screen (0,0 -> 600,600) and only return one found match (the first match)

See [Documentation](/documentation) for more details on all methods.

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()
oGraphicSearch.search(pizzaGraphic, {x2: 600, y2: 600, findall: false})
oGraphicSearch.scan(pizzaGraphic, 0, 0, 600, 600, false)
oGraphicSearch.find(0, 0, 600, 600, 0, 0, pizzaGraphic, 1, false)

There may be things we want to search for repeatedly but don't want to juggle arguments constantly, you can create instances of GraphicSearch that are responsible for finding individual graphics.

.searchAgain is a method that performs the same search with the arguments supplied the last time .search was used. Lets create a pizza GraphicSearch and a beer GraphicSearch. Our script will loop and search till they are both found simultaneously.

Code: Select all

oPizzaSearch := new graphicsearch()
oBeerSearch := new graphicsearch()

foundBothGate := false
while (foundBothGate != true) {
    resultPizzaObj := oPizzaSearch.searchAgain()
    resultBeerObj := oBeerSearch.searchAgain()
    if (resultPizzaObj && resultBeerObj) {
        foundBothGate := true
Since we're not doing anything with the result objects we can simplify the code even further. GraphicSearch can fit comfortably in logic code because it doesn't require many arguments

Code: Select all

foundBothGate := false
while (foundBothGate != true) {
    if (oPizzaSearch.searchAgain() && oBeerSearch.searchAgain()) {
        msgbox, % "Found both Pizza and Beer! Let's Eat!"
        foundBothGate := true

Let's imagine we want to click the pizza closet to the center, .resultSortDistance will sort a resultsObject by proximity to an x,y coord. A real smart app might even use GraphicSearch to find the center Image

For example simplicity we'll say we already know the center is at 300,300

:!: Graphicsearch doesn't mutate arguments it's given, notice that the sorted and unsorted ResultObjects are different in this example. :!:

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()

resultObj := oGraphicSearch.search(pizzaGraphic)
if (resultObj) {
    sortedResults := oGraphicSearch.resultSortDistance(resultObj, 300, 300)
    loop, % sortedResults.Count() {
        msgbox, % "x: " sortedResults[A_Index].x ", y: " sortedResults[A_Index].y
    MouseClick, % sortedResults[1].x, sortedResults[1].y
.resultSortDistance returns a Result Object with an additional a property "distance" for each match element. That may be useful for calculating how close things are to each other. Let's msgbox on any pizza's found outside the circle. We'll perform the check if (sortedResults[A_Index].distance > 350) which will return true for anything greater than the radius of the circle (350ish)

Code: Select all

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()

resultObj := oGraphicSearch.search(pizzaGraphic)
if (resultObj) {
    sortedResults := oGraphicSearch.resultSortDistance(resultObj)
    loop, % sortedResults.Count() {
        if (sortedResults[A_Index].distance > 350) {
            msgbox, % "x: " sortedResults[A_Index].x ", y: " sortedResults[A_Index].y " is outside the circle"
Hope you found this helpful
Last edited by Chunjee on 03 Jun 2020, 13:51, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by guest3456 » 25 Feb 2020, 13:40

you have this at the bottom of your github page:
graphicsearch.ahk is a modernized fork of FindText by Chunjee
but i think that should probably also be one of the first lines in your top post here too

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by boiler » 25 Feb 2020, 14:38

guest3456 wrote:
25 Feb 2020, 13:40
you have this at the bottom of your github page:
graphicsearch.ahk is a modernized fork of FindText by Chunjee
but i think that should probably also be one of the first lines in your top post here too
I would think it should be at the top of the page of the graphicsearch.ahk website and your github page as well. And in the source code (at the top). And it should include FeiYue's name in all of those places. And it seems misleading (even though I'm sure unintentional) to say it s a fork of "FindText by Chunjee." It would be clearer to say it's a fork of "FindText by FeiYue." You might want to clarify that your copyright does not apply to FeiYue's code (unless you've coordinated that with him).

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 26 Feb 2020, 00:40

Ah thanks for the input. I will PM feiyue and make sure they are credited correctly.

My ideal would be a proper github fork but I don't think there is an existing repo or account. Will ask.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 02 Jun 2020, 12:47

v0.3.0 was published on 05.13.20

I made .searchAgain take two optional parameters. This way you can change the search image (the documentation calls these "GraphicSearch queries") or the options object, or change nothing. The string and options are kept in memory so they'll just be re-used in the event of no changes. Previously I think it was one or zero parameters. This allows for more control depending on the situation.

Code: Select all

result0 := oGraphicSearch.search("|<tag>*165$22.03z", {x2: 1028, y2: 720})

result1 := oGraphicSearch.searchAgain("|<HumanReadableTag>*99$26.z7z")
result2 := oGraphicSearch.searchAgain( , {x2: 800, y2: 600})
result3 := oGraphicSearch.searchAgain()

v0.3.1 was published today

It makes all .scanAgain parameters work in a similar fashion where they are all optional. This hasn't been tested super robustly so if someone is interested in writing more tests please check the /tests folder and make a pull request.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Netmano » 17 Jun 2020, 16:41

Hey, I am intrested in your AHK script. I am new in AHK and looking for my go to image finder
that has allot of functionality.

I just wanted to ask though. what is the diffrence between Fintext and Graphicsearch?
Does Graphicsearch offer more functionality? Also in Graphicsearch, is it possible to find graphics
even when said grpahics are not visible, for example obscured by other windows?


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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 17 Jun 2020, 18:05

Netmano wrote:
17 Jun 2020, 16:41
I just wanted to ask though. what is the diffrence between Fintext and Graphicsearch?
There is not much difference. FindText is a function (actually a few functions) and this a single bundled class.
I personally can't memorize functions that take more than two or three arguments. FindText requires five or so arguments, I think most of those could be defaulted. GraphicSearch only requires one.
The first argument should always be the most important, obviously what you are searching for is the most important, but FindText takes it seventh and I don't like counting commas.
Therefore this is easier to use.

The real value I wanted to add was documentation as FindText thread is confusing if you don't read the right posts.

Netmano wrote:
17 Jun 2020, 16:41
even when said grpahics are not visible, for example obscured by other windows?
Not familiar with any methodology that can perform imagesearch-like action on a window that isn't being rendered. I understand the desire, for example running a fishing bot while the windows machine is used for other things. But it may not be realistically possible with ahk.
Last edited by Chunjee on 17 Jun 2020, 19:19, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by boiler » 17 Jun 2020, 18:49

Netmano wrote:
17 Jun 2020, 16:41
is it possible to find graphics
even when said grpahics are not visible, for example obscured by other windows?
Gdip_ImageSearch by MasterFocus does exactly that. Besides being able to search windows obscured partially or totally by others, it also allows for finding multiple instances and for searching in different directions.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Netmano » 17 Jun 2020, 19:41


I see, that explains allot, thanks!
I dont really know the diffrences between functions and classes but I will bear it in mind as I go deeper into AHK and programming.
The real value I wanted to add was documentation as FindText thread is confusing if you don't read the right posts.
Yh this is what most appealed to me about your library script. Very well laid out and documented. I loved the examples.

I will keep both in my library and just mess around with them and use it as a learning oppertunity.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Netmano » 17 Jun 2020, 19:43

Hey thanks for this!

I search around for the a release thread or some official page, could not find anything I think it may have been purged.
It looks promosing but lacks documentation and some people mentioned its in early beta and has allot of buggs.
Its been some years since its release though so its a shame no one has taken the mantle.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by boiler » 17 Jun 2020, 20:27

I and others have used it very reliably in many applications.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Chunjee » 17 Jun 2020, 20:54

0.3.2 was published to npm and github.

There was a big bug with joinqueries which is now fixed. Maybe FeiYue has a different understanding of 0/1 or something got lost in translation. I seems like it was working inversely. Anyways it's fixed and I will write some tests to ensure it doesn't break in the future.
Last edited by Chunjee on 18 Jun 2020, 17:50, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by malcev » 18 Jun 2020, 03:18

Netmano wrote:
17 Jun 2020, 16:41
is it possible to find graphics
even when said grpahics are not visible, for example obscured by other windows?
Any Find Graphic algorithm consists of 2 parts:
1) get picture for searching.
2) use algorithm for finding needed parts.
Therefore, just ask lexikos for implenting using pBitmap as input for imagesearch and You can search what You want with default autohotkey algorithm by Aurelian Maga.
Now it uses GetDC(NULL) - printscreen of desktop.

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Re: [Class] graphicsearch.ahk (ImageSearch strings)

Post by Netmano » 18 Jun 2020, 08:11

This is great news, looking to giving it ago

Thakns for the explanation!
but how does one even get hold of the architect?
he cant be messaged on here

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