ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

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Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Post by ElVerdaderoJuan » 03 Jan 2024, 19:27

wineguy wrote:
03 Jan 2024, 03:41
@ElVerdaderoJuan - I don't actually use ImagePut, but HBITMAP requires a handle, not Base64 Text as you have supplied.

According to ImagePut Wiki, you probably want ImagePutHBitmap instead of ImagePutBase64.
That worked, thank you very much! :xmas:

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Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Post by iseahound » 26 Jan 2024, 18:03

I added a new wiki page that shows how to integrate ImagePut to the AutoHotkey GUI. Note: The GUI code posted earlier in this forum is for AutoHotkey v2. Likewise, the following code will only address AutoHotkey v2.

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by fiendhunter » 25 Apr 2024, 21:07

Code: Select all

;@Ahk2Exe-AddResource C:\T1_Test_Image .bmp
HT1_Test_Image := LoadPicture("C:\T1_Test_Image.bmp")
HT1_Test_Image := LoadBitmapResource("T1_Test_Image.bmp")

; tried to convert gdi+	pT1_Test_Image := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(HT1_Test_Image)
buf := ImagePutBuffer([0, 0, 1920, 972, "A"])
if xy := buf.ImageSearch(HT1_Test_Image) {           ; Search image working with buf.ImageSearch("C:\T1_Test_Image.bmp")
MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]
I couldnt figure how to search a HBitmap out. Did I miss someting? Could you show me the path please?

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by iseahound » 26 Apr 2024, 00:17

Does your image include transparency? If so HBitmap does not support transparency,

Try this script which searches an HBitmap:

Code: Select all

#include ImagePut (for v1).ahk
#singleinstance force

; Get a random image.
pic := ImagePutBuffer("")

; Get random coordinates.
Random, x, 0, % pic.width
   Random, x2, 0, % pic.width
until x2 != x
Random, y, 0, % pic.height
   Random, y2, 0, % pic.height
until y2 != y

; Crop the source image to create a random search image.
search := pic.crop(min(x, x2), min(y, y2), abs(x2 - x), abs(y2 - y))
search2 := ImagePutHBitmap(search)

; Optional: Make all white pixels transparent.
; Doing so allows searching of non-rectangular images.
; search.transcolor(0xFFFFFF)

; Find the cropped image.
xy := pic.imagesearch(search2)
hwnd :=

; If found, create a box around it.
if (xy) 
   MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]
   WinGetPos wx, wy,,, % "ahk_id" hwnd, "", [wx+xy[1], wy+xy[2]])
else, "Not Found", [A_ScreenWidth//2 - 600])

+Esc:: Reload
Esc:: ExitApp

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by fiendhunter » 26 Apr 2024, 02:36

Thank for reply. My test image does not include transparent pixels. but will also use transparent images.

I need a HbitmapPutBuffer() function. At your example ImagePutHBitmap() it converts an image into hbitmap and you can use this for pic.imagesearch()

But when I tried to add an hbitmap directly into pic.imagesearch() it doesnt find any match. "buf.ImageSearch(HT1_Test_Image)"

LoadBitmapResource() (.exe) and LoadPicture() (.ahk) are same hbitmap output. What is the different with your ImagePutHBitmap()?

Code: Select all

LoadBitmapResource(resName, shared := true) ; not support PNG
	resNameType := "str"
	if resName is integer
		if resName between 0 and 0xFFFF
			resNameType := "ptr"
	ret := DllCall("LoadImage", "ptr", GetOwnModuleHandle(), resNameType, resName, "uint", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", shared ? 0x8000 : 0, "ptr")
	return ret

	static h := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
	return h

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by iseahound » 27 Apr 2024, 03:24

I could not find any errors:

Code: Select all

#include ImagePut (for v1).ahk
HT1_Test_Image := LoadPicture("a.bmp")

buf := ImagePutBuffer(0) ; 0 means all screens
if xy := buf.ImageSearch(HT1_Test_Image) {
   MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]
ImagePutHBitmap is part of my collection of customized and optimized functions. It is better than LoadPicture because it preserves transparency.

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by fiendhunter » 27 Apr 2024, 10:08

iseahound wrote:
27 Apr 2024, 03:24

Code: Select all

#include ImagePut (for v1).ahk
HT1_Test_Image := LoadPicture("a.bmp")

buf := ImagePutBuffer(0) ; 0 means all screens
if xy := buf.ImageSearch(HT1_Test_Image) {
   MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]
I dont know why. but when I using this "LoadPicture" does not found the target. ( with no errors )

But how "dumAmI" :) I thought that I need to fix "ImageSearch" part. No need! As your mention, replacing LoadPicture with ImagePutHBitmap fixes the issue. Now its working fine.

Storing xy coorinates not related with active window. should I do the math by myself or is there any trick?

Code: Select all

buf := ImagePutBuffer([0, 200, 1920, 972, "A"])
if xy := buf.ImageSearch(HT1_Test_Image) {
MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]
( CoorMode,,window )
Actual xy: 974,933 of ( HT1_Test_Image )
Stored xy: 966,702 ( buf.ImageSearch ) ; total "+8 pixel for x coord" and "+200+31 pixel for y coord" margin of deviation

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by iseahound » 27 Apr 2024, 11:38

Ah. Try using CoordMode, Mouse, Client. Window capture ignores the non-client area (title bar, captions, and shadows) because there are better ways to retrieve that information.

As for your LoadPicture issue: It works on my end, and I am curious to see why it does not work on yours. If you'd like you can send me your images, and I'll see if I can reproduce it. If you have Gdip_All.ahk you can also test Gdip_CreateARGBHBITMAPFromBitmap which is basically my ImagePutHBitmap.

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by fiendhunter » 27 Apr 2024, 14:40

Code: Select all

HT1_Test_Image1 := ImagePutHBitmap("C:\T1_Test_Image1.bmp")
HT1_Test_Image2 := ImagePutHBitmap("C:\T1_Test_Image2.bmp")

pCheckList = HT1_Test_Image1,HT1_Test_Image2,HT1_Test_Image3,HT1_Test_Image4,HT1_Test_Image5,HT1_Test_Image6,HT1_Test_Image7,HT1_Test_Image8,HT1_Test_Image9

buf := ""
buf := ImagePutBuffer([0, 0, 1920, 972, "A"])
Loop, parse, pCheckList, `,
HT1_Selected := %A_LoopField%
if yivXY := buf.ImageSearch(HT1_Selected) {
tooltip % "found by imageput " A_LoopField
sleep 3000
ImageSearch, yivX, yivY, 0,0, 1920, 972, *TransWhite *1 HBITMAP:*%HT1_Selected%
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
tooltip % "found by build-in " A_LoopField
sleep 3000

/* ; cheking area. is image not broken. All checked has no visual problem.
bufwindow := ImageShow(HT1_Selected)
sleep 3000
sleep 500
Result if test image has no transcolor, found. Else it doesnt found.
if I use build-in imagesearch, all found. (ImageSearch, yivX, yivY, 0,0, 1920, 972, *TransWhite *1 HBITMAP:*%HT1_Selected%)

I have imageput.ahk updated 2 days ago and Gdip_all.ahk v1.96

I also tried transcolor with imageputbuffer

Code: Select all

bufferImage := ImagePutBuffer("C:\T1_Test_Image2.bmp")
HT1_Test_Image2 := ImagePutHBitmap(bufferImage)
; bufwindow := ImageShow(HT1_Test_Image2) ; it shows image as transparent version but still it doesnt find the result.

buf := ""
buf := ImagePutBuffer([0, 0, 1920, 972, "A"])
if yivXY := buf.ImageSearch(HT1_Test_Image2) {
tooltip % "found by imageput " "HT1_Test_Image2"

Posts: 140
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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by fiendhunter » 29 Apr 2024, 04:00


Code: Select all

#include ImagePut (for v1).ahk
#singleinstance force

; Get a random image.
pic := ImagePutBuffer("C:\Macrolarım\aaBitmaplib\T1_Test_Image2.bmp")

; Get random coordinates.
Random, x, 0, % pic.width
   Random, x2, 0, % pic.width
until x2 != x
Random, y, 0, % pic.height
   Random, y2, 0, % pic.height
until y2 != y

; Crop the source image to create a random search image.
search := pic.crop(min(x, x2), min(y, y2), abs(x2 - x), abs(y2 - y))

; Optional: Make all white pixels transparent.
; Doing so allows searching of non-rectangular images.
; search.transcolor(0xFFFFFF) ; if activate this line, and if image has transcolor, RESULT IS NOT FOUND

search2 := ImagePutHBitmap(search)

; Find the cropped image.
xy := pic.imagesearch(search2)
; hwnd :=

; If found, create a box around it. RESULT IS FOUND
if (xy) 
msgbox % "yes"
   MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]
   WinGetPos wx, wy,,, % "ahk_id" hwnd, "", [wx+xy[1], wy+xy[2]])
msgbox % "no", "Not Found", [A_ScreenWidth//2 - 600])
if search2 has transcolor RESULT IS: NOT FOUND else RESULT IS: FOUND

Code: Select all

#include ImagePut (for v1).ahk
#singleinstance force

; Get a random image.
pic := ImagePutBuffer("C:\Macrolarım\aaBitmaplib\T1_Test_Image2.bmp")

; Get random coordinates.
Random, x, 0, % pic.width
   Random, x2, 0, % pic.width
until x2 != x
Random, y, 0, % pic.height
   Random, y2, 0, % pic.height
until y2 != y

; Crop the source image to create a random search image.
search := pic.crop(min(x, x2), min(y, y2), abs(x2 - x), abs(y2 - y))

; Optional: Make all white pixels transparent.
; Doing so allows searching of non-rectangular images.

search2 := ImagePutHBitmap(search)

; get screenshot
pic := ImagePutBuffer([0, 0, 1920, 972, "A"])

; Find the cropped image.
xy := pic.imagesearch(search2)
; hwnd :=

; If found, create a box around it. if search2 has transcolor RESULT IS NOT FOUND else RESULT IS FOUND
if (xy) 
msgbox % "yes"
   MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]
   WinGetPos wx, wy,,, % "ahk_id" hwnd, "", [wx+xy[1], wy+xy[2]])
msgbox % "no", "Not Found", [A_ScreenWidth//2 - 600])
conclusion; imagesearch doesnt work work with (if) search.transcolor(0xFFFFFF)
All my test, I couldnt manage to find any transcolored image.

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by iseahound » 29 Apr 2024, 13:45

Some changes were made at the beginning of the year to add variation to image search, which removed the TransColor searching functionality. Wasn't sure if anyone actually used this, so I'll give it another pass in editing the C code.

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by fiendhunter » 29 Apr 2024, 15:53

iseahound wrote:
29 Apr 2024, 13:45
Some changes were made at the beginning of the year to add variation to image search, which removed the TransColor searching functionality. Wasn't sure if anyone actually used this, so I'll give it another pass in editing the C code.
Thank you it will be huge improvement for my project. Build-in imagesearch takes screenshot for each search. It cost too much unnecessary power and time consumption. Your imagesearch, at my project for 100 loop makes around x12 times faster result.

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Re: ImagePut - A core library for images in AutoHotkey (Now supports HEIC & WEBP)

Post by iseahound » 29 Apr 2024, 18:41

Thanks for the complement. Currently the pixelsearch module is 100% complete including SSE2 vectorization (makes it 3x faster by loading pixels 4 at a time). I'll work on releasing the ImageSearch without any vectorization to just get the transcolor working. I think I mentioned this earlier, but this is really something I work on in my spare time as I'm not automating any games or GUIs at all. I'll see if I can add some data science concepts to the project so I can simultaneously learn something new. Hmm...

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