Writer Needed - Repurpose dictation software microphone (Power MicII)

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Writer Needed - Repurpose dictation software microphone (Power MicII)

Post by jamesallen4543 » 26 Jan 2023, 08:29

Repurpose dictation software microphone (Power MicII). A large software computer company (Naunce) developed specialized microphones (Power MicII) for medical dictation. Sadly, these microphones are locked to their proprietary software. I saw a radiology professor repurpose his microphone for another software. I'm hoping someone can help me do something similar. Connecting the microphone to Microsoft's native dictation software activated by the buttons (Win+H) -- here is a link to the website https://pcheng.org/powermic/index.html https://github.com/pmcheng/PBF

It uses the AHKID library https://github.com/jleb/AHKHID; if running or compiling from source, download AHKHID.ahk and put it in the same folder as the main script.

Code: Select all

; PowerMic Buttons for Fluency
; by Phillip Cheng MD MS
; phillip.cheng@med.usc.edu

; This script intercepts Powermic buttons and sends function key presses to the Fluency window.
; If the Fluency window is not a top level window in the local OS (e.g. vGPU session), 
; the script sends simulated keystrokes to the active window (this may have unintended side
; effects if the Fluency window is not the active window, so be careful).

; The following setup must be performed in Fluency:
; F1 = Start/Stop recording (Dictate button)
; F2 = Previous field (Tab backward button)
; F3 = Next field (Tab forward button)

; AHK Version 1.1
; uses AHKHID from https://github.com/jleb/AHKHID

#Include AHKHID.ahk
#SingleInstance, force
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

FileInstall,microphone_green.png, %A_Temp%\microphone_green.png,1
FileInstall,microphone_red.png, %A_Temp%\microphone_red.png,1

Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_Temp%\microphone_green.png
Menu, Tray, Tip, PowerMic Buttons for Fluency (active)

Menu, Tray, Add, About, about
Menu, Tray, Add

Menu, Tray, Add, Dictation Beep, beep_mode
Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Dictation Beep

Menu, Tray, Add, Toggle Mode, toggle_mode

Menu, Tray, Add, Active, active
Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Active
Menu, Tray, Default, Active

Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, exit

Gui +hwndhwnd ; stores window handle in hwnd
    ; Usage Page 1, Usage 0
    ; RIDEV_PAGEONLY only devices with top level collection is usage page 1 (Powermic)
    ; RIDEV_INPUTSINK enables caller to receive input even when not in foreground

OnMessage(0x00FF, "InputMsg")  ; intercept WM_INPUT

    Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Toggle Mode
    Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Dictation Beep

    Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Active
    if (active=1) {
        Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_Temp%\microphone_green.png
        Menu, Tray, Tip, PowerMic Buttons for Fluency (active)
    } else {
        Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_Temp%\microphone_red.png
        Menu, Tray, Tip, PowerMic Buttons for Fluency (disabled)

    Gui +OwnDialogs
    Msgbox,,PowerMic Buttons for Fluency,
PowerMic Buttons for Fluency (PBF)
v. 1.03

by Phillip Cheng MD MS

Fluency Setup:
F1 = Start/Stop recording (PMic Dictate button)
F2 = Previous field (PMic Tab backward button)
F3 = Next field (PMic Tab forward button)

Dictation Beep: 
        on = beep when PMic Dictate button pressed

Toggle Mode: 
        on = push to dictate, push again to stop
        off = deadman switch (push and hold to dictate)
        on = script enabled (green tray icon)
        off = script disabled (red tray icon)
        (double-clicking tray icon also toggles script)


InputMsg(wParam, lParam) {
    Local r, h, vid, pid, uspg, us, data, fluency
    Critical    ;Or otherwise you could get ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
    if (active = 1) {
        ;Get device type
        r := AHKHID_GetInputInfo(lParam, II_DEVTYPE) 
        If (r = RIM_TYPEHID) {
            h := AHKHID_GetInputInfo(lParam, II_DEVHANDLE)

            vid := AHKHID_GetDevInfo(h, DI_HID_VENDORID, True)   ; Vendor ID = 0x554 = 1364 for Dictaphone Corp.
            pid := AHKHID_GetDevInfo(h, DI_HID_PRODUCTID, True)  ; Product ID
            uspg := AHKHID_GetDevInfo(h, DI_HID_USAGEPAGE, True) ; Usage Page
            us := AHKHID_GetDevInfo(h, DI_HID_USAGE, True)       ; Usage
            if (vid = 1364) and (pid = 4097) and (uspg = 1) and (us = 0) {  ; we have a PowerMic!
                r := AHKHID_GetInputData(lParam, uData)
                data := NumGet(uData,2,"UShort")

                fluency:= WinExist("Fluency for Imaging Reporting")
                if (fluency>0) {
                    WinGet, exe_file, ProcessName, ahk_id %fluency%
                    if (exe_file == "vmware-view.exe") {
                    } else {
                        WinActivate, ahk_id %fluency%
                switch data
                    case 0x4: ; Dictate button pressed, toggle dictation on
                        if (local = 0) {
                            controlsend,,{F1},ahk_id %fluency%
                        } else {
                            send {F1}
                        if (toggle = 0) {
                            dictate := 1
                        if (beep = 1) {
                            SoundBeep, 400
                    case 0x0: ; Dictate button released, toggle dictation off
                        if (toggle = 0) {
                            if (dictate = 1) {
                                if (local = 0) {
                                    controlsend,,{F1},ahk_id %fluency%
                                } else {
                                    send {F1}
                                dictate :=0
                    case 0x2: ; Tab backward button pressed, previous field
                        if (local = 0) {
                            controlsend,,{F2},ahk_id %fluency%
                        } else {
                            send {F2}
                    case 0x8: ; Tab forward button pressed, next field
                        if (local = 0) {
                            controlsend,,{F3},ahk_id %fluency%
                        } else {
                            send {F3}

Posts: 6222
Joined: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59

Re: Writer Needed - Repurpose dictation software microphone (Power MicII)

Post by swagfag » 11 Feb 2023, 21:37

if u already got the same exact device as this guy, then u could simply gut the script from lines 130-177 and reuse it as is. if u want to hook up some of the other buttons on the device, then ull have to open up the HIDViewer(its one of the AHKHID examples, i forget which) and check out what kind of data packets pressing each button generates. then add them to the switch-statement and assign whatever functionality u need(eg Send #h Win+H)

if u got a different device, then ull have to adjust the if-statment on L126 and provide the correct vendor/product IDs for ur particular device

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