Scroll until specific text is at top of window?

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Scroll until specific text is at top of window?

Post by shipaddicted » 02 Dec 2021, 20:18

I just realized how annoyed I get that one of the webpages I work with frequently isn't automatically scrolled to the section I want to view when it's loaded, and I have to manually PageDown/line down until I get to the area I want. Since I mainly write my scripts to get rid of annoyances, that made me wonder if this could be scripted, but I am at a complete loss as to how to approach it.

I now work with the site for handling accounts receivables. Their site is a bunch of tabs within a page and no keyboard shortcuts, and I haven't yet tried to wrap my head around the intricacies of chrome.ahk or whatever other complex scripts there are out there that might be quicker & less error prone ... but anyhow ... the quick & dirty script I've been using just searches for text & then clicks on the button to switch tabs. I have stuff to scroll down a little bit after it switches tabs, but this rarely ends up being accurate.

So I was wondering if there was any (kinda easy) way to scroll a page in chrome so that specific text is on top?

This is more of a theoretical question since I can't really share access to the site and I don't have any code for this particular task ... just wondering if anyone has tried to tackle this kind of thing and might have any suggestions on where to start ...

thanks!! :D

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