Struggling with Windows Key to switch between virtual desktops

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Struggling with Windows Key to switch between virtual desktops

Post by AlanJuina » 07 Nov 2023, 10:47

I want to use the shortcuts to switch between virtual desktops, but my keyboard doesn't have any windows Key.
here are the official shortcuts : press Windows+Ctrl+Left Arrow to switch to a lower-numbered desktop or Windows+Ctrl+Right Arrow for a higher-numbered one

First I want to assign the ''ScrollLock'' key to the Windows key, but it doesn't work at all

Code: Select all

    send {RWin}
Error: Missing "propertyname:" in object literal.

001: KeyHistory()
003: {
▶ 004: send({RWin})
005: }

which sould be fine since I was careful to put RWin inside curly brackets.

Second I want to replace 'Windows+Ctrl+Left Arrow' with "ScrollLock+1" and "Windows+Ctrl+Right Arrow" with "ScrollLock+2", but how do I do this?

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Re: Struggling with Windows Key to switch between virtual desktops

Post by boiler » 07 Nov 2023, 12:12

From your prior posts, it does appear that you are using v2, so you need to quote literal strings:

Code: Select all

Send '{RWin}'

But sending and releasing the RWin key isn't going to accomplish much. It seems you want a key remap, which is different:

Code: Select all


But be careful about using the "Lock" types of keys for purposes like that. It might work, but if it doesn't, test with another key.

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Re: Struggling with Windows Key to switch between virtual desktops

Post by AlanJuina » 08 Dec 2023, 04:45

your remapping works well for the window key. Can you explain the difference between remapping and ''send''. Why would ''send'' not work for the window key?

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Re: Struggling with Windows Key to switch between virtual desktops

Post by boiler » 08 Dec 2023, 05:19

If you just simply Send a key, you’re not telling it to hold it down and wait to release it when you release the assigned hotkey or anything like that. You’re just telling it to send and release it immediately. A remap makes one key behave like another, so if you hold the physical key down, the key that is mapped to it is also held down.

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