The steps are simple: press Ctrl + Shift + O and then press Down to loop through all the function and variable names. For each name, press F2, type a random text string with a specific length, and continue.
The result will be fully obfuscated code, without encryption, but I think it is enough to prevent curious eyes. If someone were to fully understand these full of mess, they would likely possess the ability to reconstruct a 100x better version from entirely from scratch, rather than attempting to replicate the obfuscated one:
Code: Select all
wrh(input_string) {
er9 := StrSplit(input_string, "")
i1m := ""
a78 := er9.Length
while (a78 > 0)
o0f := er9[a78]
oj0 := ""
i_g := ""
if a78 > 1
oj0 := er9[a78 - 1]
if a78 > 2
i_g := er9[a78 - 2]
if (o0f and hnx.has(o0f)) {
if (
oj0 and InStr(qd8, oj0)
and not hnx.has(oj0)
and hnx.has(o0f)
i1m := itl[oj0 o0f] i1m
a78 := a78 - 2
else if (
i_g and InStr(qd8, i_g)
and not hnx.has(i_g)
and hnx.has(oj0)
and hnx.has(o0f)
i1m := itl[i_g oj0 o0f] i1m
a78 := a78 - 3
else {
if (a78 > 0)
i1m := er9[a78] i1m
return i1m
Ctrl F11: Start
Ctrl F12: Stop
Open your AHK script with VSC, click on some variable, and press F2. Use AHK WindowsSpy to identify the highlight background color of the renaming form, then replace it with 0x2741A6 in the PixelSearch function.
Also, you can specify the length of the random string as desired. Additionally, a global variable is there to make sure that no string is used more than once
Code: Select all
#SingleInstance Force
~^F12:: {
used_text := ""
global used_text
str := "_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
s := StrSplit(str str str)
Loop length {
rnd := Random(1, s.Length)
i .= s.removeat(rnd)
i_first := SubStr(i, 1, 1)
if (InStr("_0123456789", i_first) or InStr(used_text, i))
return random_text(length)
used_text .= i
return i
~^F11:: DoTheThing()
DoTheThing() {
Sleep 50
Sleep 5
Sleep 50
SendInput("{F2 down}{F2 up}")
Sleep 200
loop 3 {
if PixelSearch(&Px, &Py, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, 0x2741A6, 0) {
ToolTip("Found it at " Px ", " Py)
Sleep 5
Sleep 5
Sleep 5
Sleep 30
return DoTheThing()