"Backdoor" methods to copy text to the clipboard?

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"Backdoor" methods to copy text to the clipboard?

Post by alancantor » 05 Aug 2021, 10:17

Some of my AHK scripts perform one action if text is selected, and another action if text is not selected. Here is a general technique that works reliably:

Code: Select all

!W::		; Alt + W

clipboard := ""

SendInput ^c
ClipWait, 1		; Wait for clipboard to populate

if ErrorLevel		; ErrorLevel is TRUE implies clipboard did NOT become populated, which means nothing was selected
	MsgBox NO, there is nothing in the clipboard
	MsgBox YES, there is something in the clipboard
I'm using a quirky application that is causing these kinds of scripts to fail. In this application, issuing a copy instruction copies an entire LINE. It does this even when nothing is selected. So this strategy, which works in every other application I've tried it in, is a bust in this one!

Are there "backdoor" methods for issuing a copy command via AHK? I'm wondering whether this bizarre behaviour is triggered by the built-in methods for copying: pressing Ctrl + C, or choosing Copy from a context menu.
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Re: "Backdoor" methods to copy text to the clipboard?

Post by mikeyww » 05 Aug 2021, 11:06

This is actually fairly common. One workaround is to copy the text, then send Shift+Left, copy that string, and compare the two. The strings or their difference may tell you whether any text was originally selected. AHK also has a command to get the selected text from an edit control, but its success may depend on the specific control. You could try it.

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