rqrr() - QR code decoding

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rqrr() - QR code decoding

20 May 2022, 08:29

Compiled from "WanzenBug/rqrr".
It is a little lighter and faster than the current "zbarimg.exe" solution, but the recognition rate is lower.

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rqrr(pic) {
	static _ := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "rqrr.dll", "Cdecl UPtr")
	if sz := dllcall("rqrr.dll\read", "ptr", st := strbuf(pic, "utf-16"), "uint", (st.size / 2) - 1, "ptr", buf := buffer(1024), "uint", 1024, "Cdecl int")
		t := [], zo := sz + buf.ptr, ds := buf.ptr
		while ds < zo
			len := NumGet(ds, "uint"), ds += 4, t.push(strget(ds, len, "utf-8")), ds += len
		return t
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