A memory script for NexusTK/BloonsTK

Post gaming related scripts
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Joined: 31 Dec 2022, 14:41

A memory script for NexusTK/BloonsTK

31 Dec 2022, 17:07

This is just an example for beginners who might want an easy to understand old school game to test and practice on.
It will prepare you for understanding basics in memory+ahk on a logical level.
I will not elaborate any more about this code, there are plenty of resources and tutorials to get to this point!
This is specifically for people who already understand memory+ahk basics.
It is aimed at helping people understand basic logic and reversing basic logic!

The code:

If you grasp all of this, you're ready for freedompoet. If you don't know what that is you probably didn't end up on bloonstk.
In that case you probably already know everything here and are better off moving on to projects with personal meaning to you.

If you do know what freedompoet is: I didn't make the original thing-- but I did fix it and make it work for all custom poet classes on bloonstk single handedly.
It was a broken outdated thing before I picked it up, the creator abandoned it minutes before the server was customized and overhauled.
I will NOT share my versions of freedompoet as it is likely far too advanced, and has a great deal of private information I don't want to edit out.
On the other hand, I will suggest reverse engineering the public versions I passed around within the bloonstk community.
I taught many people there how to create and use these types of scripts-- Sooo it's pretty likely someone can actually hold your hand through it all over there!

P.S if curious this is the creator and maintainer of the main freedompoet script:
Though i'd like to say their "freedombard" never worked.
The freedom(notpoet) scripts you will find in working condition are all by my hands.
This includes:
  • FreedomShifter
All of my work is completely free, open source/based on open source code, and purely for fun.
If anybody ever tries to ask you for money for any of these scripts, they are malicious to put it simply.

As always, enjoy!

P.S After like 15+ years of ahk I am just now joining the forums!
(Or maybe I did a long time ago and don't remember, hard to say-- Either way I'm intent on using it now.)

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