Send action always runs, even when IF statement equates to false??

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Send action always runs, even when IF statement equates to false??

18 Apr 2016, 17:59

Hi All,

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong with this code?
No matter what I ask the if statement to match it always types E when I press `, even if it equates to false.

I need the send to only work on a specific domain. If my domain is XYZ then the below code will still send E when I type `. In fact, even if I pause the script it still replaces ` with E!!? The variable MyDomain returns the correct domain name in the msgbox.

EnvGet, MyDomain, USERDOMAIN
MsgBox, % MyDomain
if (MyDomain = "ABC")
#IfWinExists ahk_class Notepad
`::Send, E
I've also tried
EnvGet, MyDomain, USERDOMAIN
MsgBox, % MyDomain
if MyDomain = "ABC"
If WinExist("ahk_class Notepad")
`::Send, E
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Re: Send action always runs, even when IF statement equates to false??

18 Apr 2016, 18:23

To define a context sensitive hotkey you can use #If outside the hotkey definition:

Code: Select all

EnvGet, MyDomain, USERDOMAIN
MsgBox, % MyDomain
#If (MyDomain = "ABC") ; context sensitive

    If WinActive("ahk_class Notepad")
       Send, E

Code: Select all

EnvGet, MyDomain, USERDOMAIN
MsgBox, % MyDomain
#If WinActive("ahk_class Notepad") ; context sensitive

    If (MyDomain = "ABC")
        Send, E

Re: Send action always runs, even when IF statement equates to false??

18 Apr 2016, 19:50

Thanks for clarifying the #if for me, I was trying to figure that out.
I'll give it a try again now.

Re: Send action always runs, even when IF statement equates to false??

18 Apr 2016, 20:06

Perfect, thank you! I also now see that I can use IF etc after ::, that's very useful!
Of note, when I pause the script the ` key is still sending E? I have to exit the script for it to stop applying, is that expected behavior?

Code: Select all

EnvGet, MyDomain, USERDOMAIN
#if MyDomain = "abc"
	  If WinExist("ahk_class Notepad")
		 Send, E
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Re: Send action always runs, even when IF statement equates to false??

19 Apr 2016, 01:03

Yes it is. You either have to suspend the script or make the following change. Note I moved the Notepad check to be conditional, this causes the ` key to retain its native function if notepad is closed opposed to blocking it.

Code: Select all

EnvGet, MyDomain, USERDOMAIN
#if MyDomain = "abc" && WinExist("ahk_class Notepad") && !A_IsPaused
`::Send, E

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