A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

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A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

05 Jan 2017, 09:32

I got tired of the Windows 10 problem where the OS has invisible borders around windows. Which results in a problem where windows snapped to screen edge (or to the taskbar at bottom) will be detached from the edge after quitting and reloading the window. So I made a fix for that. I only played around with for a few minutes so it may have bugs etc., but so far it has worked for me! If there is a better way to do this, please let me know. This is just a chewing gum workaround.

Code: Select all

; ShellMessage code to be put to the auto-exec part
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

; Interface sizes (change that margin to whatever your invisible margin is!)
WinGetPos,,,, aeroTaskBarHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
global aeroWin10margin := 10 ; In Windows 7 and 8 put here 0! In Win10 there is an invisible border margin (and margin's size depends on settings, a typical value is 10 or maybe more seldomly 15)!
global aeroTaskBarHeight := aeroTaskBarHeight-aeroWin10margin ; Taskbar also has the same invisible margin in Win10

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
	If ( wParam = 1 ) ;  wParam 1: HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED
		WinWait, ahk_id %lParam%, , 2 ; wait for 2 secs for the window to get ready ; (otherwise it may not be ready for WinGetPos or WinGetTitle)
		WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
		If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin || aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1 || aeroY + aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin ) ; height has 1 x margin missing
			aeroHeight := aeroHeight + aeroWin10margin
			If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; left edge = a margin away from screen left
				aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
				aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
			If ( aeroX + aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth ) ; right edge = a margin away from screen right
				aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
			WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
		; the previous worked for IntelNUC but the following was needed for Samsung Book9
		Else If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; width has 1 x margin missing at left edge
			aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
			WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
Last edited by jimhoyle on 11 Jan 2017, 09:04, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 40
Joined: 19 Dec 2015, 15:49

Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

05 Jan 2017, 09:42

Also, to go with that, I can post the newest version of my Aero Snap Window Management where you can use #Left, #Right, #End etc. to snap your windows into neat positions (supports rotating between positions).

Code: Select all

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; --- Aero window management auto-execute part starts ----------------- ;
WinGetPos,,,, aeroTaskBarHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
global aeroWin10margin := 10 ; In Windows 7 and 8 put here 0! In Win10 there is an invisible border margin (and margin's size probably depends on settings, a typical value is 10)!
global aeroTaskBarHeight := aeroTaskBarHeight-aeroWin10margin ; Taskbar also has the same invisible margin in Win10
; --- Aero window management auto-execute part ends ----------------- ;

<^>!End::GoSub, AeroEndMaxHeight ; <^>! = AltGr, or more precisely left^ right! (which is same as AltGr)

^<^>!End::GoSub, AeroEnd800 ; Change width to 800px

+<^>!End::GoSub, AeroEnd ; Just center horizontally

<^>!Left::GoSub, AeroLeft

<^>!Right::GoSub, AeroRight

<^>!Up::GoSub, AeroUpHeight ; for some reason AltGr+Up is interpreted as !AltGr+Up???

<^>!Down::GoSub, AeroDownHeight

<^>!+Left::GoSub, AeroLeftNoResize

<^>!+Right::GoSub, AeroRightNoResize

<^>!+Down:: ; AltGr+RShift+Down
!#Left::GoSub, AeroLeftWidth ; AltGr+^ is not possible (that's why it's not here)

<^>!+Up:: ; AltGr+RShift+Up
!#Right::GoSub, AeroRightWidth ; AltGr+^ is not possible (that's why it's not here)

!#Up::GoSub, AeroUp

!#Down::GoSub, AeroDown

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A ; get active window ID (like 0xc00dc)
	; / if window is already exactly at left
	if (aeroX=0-aeroWin10margin && aeroY=0 && aeroWidth=(A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2 && aeroHeight=(A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight))
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)-aeroWin10margin, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2, (A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight)
	; / if window is exactly at right
	else if (aeroX=(A_ScreenWidth/2)-aeroWin10margin && aeroY=0 && aeroWidth=(A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2 && aeroHeight=(A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight))
		; / let's check if we have the center position memorized..
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
			{ ; FYI: aeroAllMemorized[1..n] = "ID x y W H"
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
			} else break
		if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; we didn't find center memorized, so let's just move the window to x-center
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, A_ScreenWidth/2 - aeroWidth/2, 0
		else ; we found the center, so let's put the window at memorized center
			stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt%, %A_Space%
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, tempArray2, tempArray3, tempArray4, tempArray5
	else ; we have to memorize this "center" position
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
		memoryBankSize = 0 ; reset
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
					aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
			} else break
		if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; if we didn't find an old memory slot for this ID
			memoryBankSize++ ; let's create a new memory slot
			aeroAllMemorized%memoryBankSize% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, 0-aeroWin10margin, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2, (A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight)

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A ; get active window ID (like 0xc00dc)
	; / if window is already exactly at left
	if (aeroX=0-aeroWin10margin && aeroY=0 && aeroWidth=(A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2 && aeroHeight=(A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight))
		; / let's check if we have the center position memorized..
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
			{ ; FYI: aeroAllMemorized[1..n] = "ID x y W H"
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
			} else break
		if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; we didn't find center memorized, so let's just move the window to x-center
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, aeroWidth/2, 0
		else ; we found the center, so let's put the window at memorized center
			stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt%, %A_Space%
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, tempArray2, tempArray3, tempArray4, tempArray5
	; / if window is exactly at right
	else if (aeroX=(A_ScreenWidth/2)-aeroWin10margin && aeroY=0 && aeroWidth=(A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2 && aeroHeight=(A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight))
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, 0-aeroWin10margin, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2, (A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight)
	else ; we have to memorize this "center" position
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
		memoryBankSize = 0 ; reset
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
					aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
			} else break
		if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; if we didn't find an old memory slot for this ID
			memoryBankSize++ ; let's create a new memory slot
			aeroAllMemorized%memoryBankSize% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)-aeroWin10margin, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2)+aeroWin10margin*2, (A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight)

 ; just maximize (current window) vertically
	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, aeroX, 0, aeroWidth, A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight

 ; vertically reduce (current window) size by 200px if its current height is more than 300px
	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	if aeroHeight >299
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, aeroX, aeroY+100, aeroWidth, aeroHeight-200

	WinGetTitle, WinTitleHere, A
	WinGetPos,,, Width, Height, %WinTitleHere%
	WinMove, %WinTitleHere%,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)-(Width/2), ((A_ScreenHeight-%aeroTaskBarHeight%)/2)-(Height/2)

	WinGetTitle, WinTitleHere, A
	WinGetPos,,, Width, Height, %WinTitleHere%
	WinMove, %WinTitleHere%,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)-(800/2), ((A_ScreenHeight-%aeroTaskBarHeight%)/2)-(Height/2), 800

	WinGetTitle, WinTitleHere, A
	WinGetPos,,, Width, Height, %WinTitleHere%
	WinMove, %WinTitleHere%,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)-(Width/2), 0,, A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A ; get active window ID (like 0xc00dc)
	; / if window is horizontally already at left
	if (aeroX=0-aeroWin10margin)
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, (A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth)+aeroWin10margin
	; / if window is horizontally already at right
	else if (aeroX=(A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth)+aeroWin10margin)
		; / let's check if we have the center position memorized..
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
			{ ; FYI: aeroAllMemorized[1..n] = "ID x y W H"
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
			} else break
		stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt%, %A_Space%
		if ((aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) || (tempArray2=0 && tempArray3=aeroY && tempArray4=aeroWidth && tempArray5=aeroHeight) || (tempArray2=A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth+aeroWin10margin && tempArray3=aeroY && tempArray4=aeroWidth && tempArray5=aeroHeight))
				; we didn't find center memorized, so let's just move the window to X-center
				; ..also if the memorized center position happens to be identical to left/right position
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, A_ScreenWidth/2 - aeroWidth/2, 0 ; move to X-center
		else ; we found the center, so let's put the window at memorized center X (but current Y)
			stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt%, %A_Space%
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, tempArray2, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight
	else ; we have to memorize this "center" position
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
		memoryBankSize = 0 ; reset
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
					aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
			} else break
		if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; if we didn't find an old memory slot for this ID
			memoryBankSize++ ; let's create a new memory slot
			aeroAllMemorized%memoryBankSize% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, 0-aeroWin10margin

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A ; get active window ID (like 0xc00dc)
	; / if window is horizontally already at left
	if (aeroX=0-aeroWin10margin)
		; / let's check if we have the center position memorized..
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
			{ ; FYI: aeroAllMemorized[1..n] = "ID x y W H"
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
			} else break
		if ((aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) || (tempArray2=0 && tempArray3=aeroY && tempArray4=aeroWidth && tempArray5=aeroHeight) || (tempArray2=A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth+aeroWin10margin && tempArray3=aeroY && tempArray4=aeroWidth && tempArray5=aeroHeight))
				; we didn't find center memorized, so let's just move the window to X-center
				; ..also if the memorized center position happens to be identical to left/right position
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, A_ScreenWidth/2-aeroWidth/2, 0 ; move to X-center
		else ; we found the center, so let's put the window at memorized center X (but current Y)
			stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt%, %A_Space%
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, tempArray2, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight
	; / if window is horizontally already at right
	else if (aeroX=(A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth)+aeroWin10margin)
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, 0-aeroWin10margin
	else ; we have to memorize this "center" position
		aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
		memoryBankSize = 0 ; reset
			if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
				stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
				if (tempArray1=active_id)
					aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
					aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
			} else break
		if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; if we didn't find an old memory slot for this ID
			memoryBankSize++ ; let's create a new memory slot
			aeroAllMemorized%memoryBankSize% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, (A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth)+aeroWin10margin

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	if (aeroX=0-aeroWin10margin) 
	; if window is at the left edge (0% space at the left) then narrow down to the left until 20%
		if (aeroWidth+aeroWin10margin*2 > (Floor(A_ScreenWidth*0.20)+200))
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, aeroX, aeroY, (aeroWidth-200)+aeroWin10margin*2, aeroHeight
	if (aeroX < Floor((A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth)/2)) ; if empty space at the left is less than at the right
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, 0-aeroWin10margin, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight
	else ; space at the right was less, so let's max to 80% and leave 0% at the right
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, Floor(A_ScreenWidth*0.20)+aeroWin10margin, aeroY, Floor(A_ScreenWidth*0.80), aeroHeight

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	if (aeroX=A_ScreenWidth+aeroWin10margin-aeroWidth) 
	; if window is at the right edge (0% space at the right) then narrow down to the right until 20%
		if (aeroWidth+aeroWin10margin*2 > (Floor(A_ScreenWidth*0.20)+200))
			WinMove, %currentWindow%,, A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth+200-aeroWin10margin, aeroY, aeroWidth-200+aeroWin10margin*2, aeroHeight
	if (aeroX > Floor((A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth)/2)) ; if empty space at the left is more than at the right
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, A_ScreenWidth-aeroWidth+aeroWin10margin, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight
	; ..or else horizontally 80%-maximize window so that there is 0% space at the left and 20% space at the right
		WinMove, %currentWindow%,, 0-aeroWin10margin, aeroY, Floor(A_ScreenWidth*0.80), aeroHeight

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, aeroX, 0, aeroWidth, aeroHeight

	WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
	WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	WinMove, %currentWindow%,, aeroX, A_ScreenHeight-aeroHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight, aeroWidth, aeroHeight

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Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

22 Jun 2017, 23:35

Hi. I'm new on this forum, just because of this.

I've downloaded the text file, and it's converted in a .xml file (just in case). But, how can I apply these commands?

I suffer the same little problem on the windows.
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Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

23 Jun 2017, 01:07

APNBUSTER wrote:Hi. I'm new on this forum, just because of this.

I've downloaded the text file, and it's converted in a .xml file (just in case). But, how can I apply these commands?

I suffer the same little problem on the windows.
It's an AutoHotkey script (.ahk)
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Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

23 Jun 2017, 18:33

Ooh, hadn't noticed this, handy that someone bumped it.
Thanks for sharing, will give it a try.
FYI I have been tinkering with similar aero snap replacement scripts, and I think I may have just worked out a really cunning solution for how to describe your desired window size and position using hotkeys.
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Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

24 Oct 2017, 12:07

This is why I love AHK :) Rly thanks for the code, this win 10 feature was driving me nuts, now I can work like before :)
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Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

19 Feb 2018, 16:32

evilC, that code ("Window Tiling system") is very cool! However, what do you do to remove the invisible border problem on newly created windows? Such as when opening Chrome windows when starting Chrome (when the new windows have annoying margins against screen edges and taskbar)?

I updated my code quickly. It's still buggy and a chewing gum solution, but much better than nothing. The purpose of this code is to remove all annoying 10 pixel (configurable) margins from left/top/right of screen and at bottom on top of the taskbar. The window is checked everytime it's created or activated.

Code: Select all

; ShellMessage code to be put to the auto-exec part
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

; Interface sizes (change that margin to whatever your invisible margin is!)
WinGetPos,,,, aeroTaskBarHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
global aeroWin10margin := 10 ; In Windows 7 and 8 put here 0! In Win10 there is an invisible border margin (and margin's size depends on settings, a typical value is 10 or maybe more seldomly 15)!
global aeroTaskBarHeight := aeroTaskBarHeight-aeroWin10margin ; Taskbar also has the same invisible margin in Win10

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
	If ( (wParam = 32772) || (wParam = 16) || (wParam = 1) ) 
	;  Win10 wParam 32772: window activated??
	;  Win10 wParam 16: window created??
	;  Win7?? wParam 4: window activated
	;  wParam 6: title of a window in the task bar has been redrawn??
	  WinWait, ahk_id %lParam%, , 2 ; wait for 2 secs for the window to get ready	; (otherwise it may not be ready for WinGetPos or WinGetTitle)
	  WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	  ;MsgBox aeroHeight=%aeroHeight%, A_ScreenHeight=%A_ScreenHeight%, aeroTaskBarHeight=%aeroTaskBarHeight%, 
	  If ( (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin) || (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1) || (aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight) || (aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight + aeroWin10margin) )
	    If ( aeroHeight <= A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin)
	      aeroHeight := aeroHeight + aeroWin10margin ; was necessary..
	    If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1)
	      aeroHeight := A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight ; was necessary..
	    If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; left edge = a margin away from screen left
	      aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
	      aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
	    If ( aeroX + aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth ) ; right edge = a margin away from screen right
	      aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
	    WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
	  Else If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; width has 1 x margin missing at left edge
	    aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
	    WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
Posts: 27
Joined: 23 Sep 2016, 03:58

Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

23 Feb 2018, 04:13

jimhoyle wrote:evilC, that code ("Window Tiling system") is very cool! However, what do you do to remove the invisible border problem on newly created windows? Such as when opening Chrome windows when starting Chrome (when the new windows have annoying margins against screen edges and taskbar)?

I updated my code quickly. It's still buggy and a chewing gum solution, but much better than nothing. The purpose of this code is to remove all annoying 10 pixel (configurable) margins from left/top/right of screen and at bottom on top of the taskbar. The window is checked everytime it's created or activated.

Code: Select all

; ShellMessage code to be put to the auto-exec part
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

; Interface sizes (change that margin to whatever your invisible margin is!)
WinGetPos,,,, aeroTaskBarHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
global aeroWin10margin := 10 ; In Windows 7 and 8 put here 0! In Win10 there is an invisible border margin (and margin's size depends on settings, a typical value is 10 or maybe more seldomly 15)!
global aeroTaskBarHeight := aeroTaskBarHeight-aeroWin10margin ; Taskbar also has the same invisible margin in Win10

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
	If ( (wParam = 32772) || (wParam = 16) || (wParam = 1) ) 
	;  Win10 wParam 32772: window activated??
	;  Win10 wParam 16: window created??
	;  Win7?? wParam 4: window activated
	;  wParam 6: title of a window in the task bar has been redrawn??
	  WinWait, ahk_id %lParam%, , 2 ; wait for 2 secs for the window to get ready	; (otherwise it may not be ready for WinGetPos or WinGetTitle)
	  WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	  ;MsgBox aeroHeight=%aeroHeight%, A_ScreenHeight=%A_ScreenHeight%, aeroTaskBarHeight=%aeroTaskBarHeight%, 
	  If ( (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin) || (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1) || (aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight) || (aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight + aeroWin10margin) )
	    If ( aeroHeight <= A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin)
	      aeroHeight := aeroHeight + aeroWin10margin ; was necessary..
	    If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1)
	      aeroHeight := A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight ; was necessary..
	    If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; left edge = a margin away from screen left
	      aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
	      aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
	    If ( aeroX + aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth ) ; right edge = a margin away from screen right
	      aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
	    WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
	  Else If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; width has 1 x margin missing at left edge
	    aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
	    WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
Nice, but this only works for 1 monitor. Any way to update the code not to move the windows to next monitors? Now it moves to the Right/Left site too much.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2018, 13:49

Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

09 Nov 2018, 13:59

jimhoyle wrote:
05 Jan 2017, 09:32

Code: Select all

; ShellMessage code to be put to the auto-exec part
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

; Interface sizes (change that margin to whatever your invisible margin is!)
WinGetPos,,,, aeroTaskBarHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
global aeroWin10margin := 10 ; In Windows 7 and 8 put here 0! In Win10 there is an invisible border margin (and margin's size depends on settings, a typical value is 10 or maybe more seldomly 15)!
global aeroTaskBarHeight := aeroTaskBarHeight-aeroWin10margin ; Taskbar also has the same invisible margin in Win10

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
	If ( wParam = 1 ) ;  wParam 1: HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED
		WinWait, ahk_id %lParam%, , 2 ; wait for 2 secs for the window to get ready ; (otherwise it may not be ready for WinGetPos or WinGetTitle)
		WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
		If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin || aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1 || aeroY + aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin ) ; height has 1 x margin missing
			aeroHeight := aeroHeight + aeroWin10margin
			If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; left edge = a margin away from screen left
				aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
				aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
			If ( aeroX + aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth ) ; right edge = a margin away from screen right
				aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
			WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
		; the previous worked for IntelNUC but the following was needed for Samsung Book9
		Else If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; width has 1 x margin missing at left edge
			aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
			WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
So I really love this script, Thanks! But I found a little problem. Desktop icons move to the left when you have this script enabled and you will see icon's name cut and icons missplaced. Is there a way to exlude "desktop" from it? Or maybe a different workaround like make this script work just for desired apps. Dunno... newbie user here.
Posts: 40
Joined: 19 Dec 2015, 15:49

Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

10 Jun 2020, 16:29

A bit late reply, but here goes. This is a new version, where some of those problems should be better/fixed:

Code: Select all

; ShellMessage code to be put to the auto-exec part
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

; Interface sizes (change that margin to whatever your invisible margin is!)
WinGetPos,,,, aeroTaskBarHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
global aeroWin10margin := 10 ; In Windows 7 and 8 put here 0! In Win10 there is an invisible border margin (and margin's size depends on settings, a typical value is 10 or maybe more seldomly 15)!
global aeroTaskBarHeight := aeroTaskBarHeight-aeroWin10margin ; Taskbar also has the same invisible margin in Win10

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
	If ( (wParam = 32772) || (wParam = 16) || (wParam = 1) || (wParam = 6) ) 
	;  according to testing on 4.3.2020, creating and activating windows in a basic setting where many apps are open (Chrome, Spotify, Photoshop etc.)
	;  * Win10 wParam 16: something typical, related to new window creation (possibly) - might always trigger when new window is created?
	;  * Win10 wParam 6: something typical, related to old/new window activating/appearing - might always trigger when new window is created?
	;  * Win10 wParam 1: relatively rare, seems to relate to new program launching and creating a window, however in some cases, randomly "1" does NOT trigger when creating a new window
	;  * Win10 wParam 32772: already existing program, then window activated (either maximized or activated)
	;  * Win10 wParan 32774: rarely occurs, something
	;  * ..typically when a new program is launched, the opening window triggers many wParams, e.g.: 6, 16, 6, 1, 32772, 6, 16, 16 (but varies a lot!)

		Sleep 1 ; just a workaround
		WinGetTitle, Title, A
		WinGetClass, SavedClass, A

	  If ( !Title )
	  	Sleep 30 ; give time for the active window to draw and form a title and class (who knows what number would be enough!)
	  	WinGetTitle, Title, A
		  WinGetClass, SavedClass, A
		If ( SavedClass != "ClassicShell.CMenuContainer" && SavedClass != "DV2ControlHost" && SavedClass != "MultitaskingViewFrame" && SavedClass != "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow" && SavedClass != "#32770" && SavedClass != "CtrlNotifySink" && !RegExMatch(Title, "Open.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Save.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Export.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Place.*") )
		  WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
	    If ( (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin) || (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1) || (aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight) || (aeroHeight = A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight + aeroWin10margin) )
	    	If ( aeroHeight <= A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin)
	    	  aeroHeight := aeroHeight + aeroWin10margin ; was necessary..
	    	If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1)
	    	  aeroHeight := A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight ; was necessary..
		    If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; left edge = a margin away from screen left
		    	aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
		      aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
		    If ( aeroX + aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth ) ; right edge = a margin away from screen right
		    	aeroWidth := aeroWidth + aeroWin10margin
	      If !( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight && ( RegExMatch(Title, "Outlook$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Word$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Excel$") ) )
	        WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes ONLY if it's not a Microsoft program listed above (because those seem to be fixed already)
	    Else If ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth && aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight )
	      Return ; do NOT continue to the following cases if fullscreen mode detected (otherwise in a faultless fullscreen window unwanted things would happen)
	    Else If ( aeroX == 0  ) ; width has 1 x margin missing at left edge
	      aeroX := -aeroWin10margin
	      WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
	    Else If ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth - aeroX ) ; thought it should be "aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth - aeroWin10margin - aeroX" but no
	    { ; this fixes Task Manager having right and bottom margins off the screen right edge and taskbar
	    	aeroX := aeroX + aeroWin10margin
	    	If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin )
	    	  aeroY := aeroY + aeroWin10margin
	    	WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes
Posts: 2
Joined: 06 Jan 2023, 04:01

Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

05 Jan 2024, 02:38

A slightly improved jimhoyle's script.

Code: Select all

; ShellMessage code to be put to the auto-exec part
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt, hWnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

; Interface sizes (change that margin to whatever your invisible margin is!)
WinGetPos,,,, aeroTaskBarHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
global aeroWin10margin := 3
; HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics "PaddedBorderWidth"
; aeroWin10margin := 7 with PaddedBorderWidth = -60 (4 px?)
; aeroWin10margin := 4 with PaddedBorderWidth = -15 (2 px?)
; aeroWin10margin := 3 with PaddedBorderWidth = 0 (1 px?)
global aeroTaskBarHeight -= aeroWin10margin ; Taskbar also has the same invisible margin in Win10
global Mod1 := 0 ; modifiers for programs that calculate aero coordinates differently.
global Mod2 := 0

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
	If ( (wParam = 32772) || (wParam = 16) || (wParam = 1) || (wParam = 6) ) 
	; according to testing on 4.3.2020, creating and activating windows in a basic setting where many apps are open (Chrome, Spotify, Photoshop etc.)
	; * Win10 wParam 16: something typical, related to new window creation (possibly) - might always trigger when new window is created?
	; * Win10 wParam 6: something typical, related to old/new window activating/appearing - might always trigger when new window is created?
	; * Win10 wParam 1: relatively rare, seems to relate to new program launching and creating a window, however in some cases, randomly "1" does NOT trigger when creating a new window
	; * Win10 wParam 32772: already existing program, then window activated (either maximized or activated)
	; * Win10 wParan 32774: rarely occurs, something
	; * ..typically when a new program is launched, the opening window triggers many wParams, e.g.: 6, 16, 6, 1, 32772, 6, 16, 16 (but varies a lot!)
		Sleep 1 ; just a workaround
		WinGetTitle, Title, A
		WinGetClass, SavedClass, A
		Winget, Name, ProcessName, A

		If ( !Title )
			Sleep 30 ; give time for the active window to draw and form a title and class (who knows what number would be enough!)
			WinGetTitle, Title, A
			WinGetClass, SavedClass, A
		If (RegExMatch(SavedClass, "^Chrome_")) ; a modifier for Chromium Browsers
			Mod1 := 1
		Else Mod1 := 0
		If (RegExMatch(Title, "Vivaldi$")) { ; a modifier for Vivaldi Browser
			Mod1 := 0
			Mod2 := 1
		Else Mod2 := 0
		If ( SavedClass != "ClassicShell.CMenuContainer" && SavedClass != "DV2ControlHost" && SavedClass != "MultitaskingViewFrame" && SavedClass != "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow" && SavedClass != "#32770" && SavedClass != "CtrlNotifySink" && SavedClass != "TaskListThumbnailWnd" && SavedClass != "Shell_TrayWnd" && SavedClass != "" && Title != "" && !RegExMatch(Title, "Open.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Save.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Export.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Place.*") )
			WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
			If ( (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin) || (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1) || ( ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight ) && !(aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth ) ) )
				If ( aeroHeight <= A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin ) {
					aeroHeight += aeroWin10margin - Mod1 ; was necessary..
				If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin + 1 ) {
					aeroHeight := A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight ; was necessary..
				If ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY ) {
					aeroHeight += aeroWin10margin - Mod1 - 4*Mod2
				If ( aeroX == 0 ) ; left edge = a margin away from screen left
					aeroX -= aeroWin10margin - 2*Mod2
					IF ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth) {
						aeroWidth += aeroWin10margin + 2*Mod1 - Mod2
					Else aeroWidth -= 2*Mod1 + Mod2
					IF ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth - aeroX) {
						aeroWidth += aeroWin10margin
				If ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth - aeroX ) {
					aeroX += aeroWin10margin - Mod2
					aeroWidth -= Mod1 + Mod2
				If !( ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroTaskBarHeight) || (aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight ) && ( RegExMatch(Title, "Outlook$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Word$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Excel$") ) ) {
					WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes ONLY if it's not a Microsoft program listed above (because those seem to be fixed already)
			Else If ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth && aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight )
				Return ; do NOT continue to the following cases if fullscreen mode detected (otherwise in a faultless fullscreen window unwanted things would happen)
			Else If ( aeroX == 0 )
				aeroX -= aeroWin10margin - 2*Mod2
				IF ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth) {
					aeroWidth += aeroWin10margin + 2*Mod1 - Mod2
				Else aeroWidth -= 2*Mod1 + Mod2
				IF ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth - aeroX) {
					aeroWidth += aeroWin10margin
				If ( ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin - Mod2) || ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY - Mod2) ) {
					aeroY += aeroWin10margin
					aeroHeight -= Mod1
				If !( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY - aeroTaskBarHeight && ( RegExMatch(Title, "Outlook$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Word$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Excel$") ) ) {
					WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes ONLY if it's not a Microsoft program listed above (because those seem to be fixed already)
			Else If ( aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth - aeroX ) ; thought it should be "aeroWidth == A_ScreenWidth - aeroWin10margin - aeroX" but no
			{ ; this fixes Task Manager having right and bottom margins off the screen right edge and taskbar
				aeroX += aeroWin10margin - Mod2
				aeroWidth -= Mod1 + Mod2
				If ( ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY - aeroTaskBarHeight - aeroWin10margin - Mod2) || ( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY - Mod2 ) ) {
					aeroY += aeroWin10margin
					aeroHeight -= Mod1
				If !( aeroHeight == A_ScreenHeight - aeroY - aeroTaskBarHeight && ( RegExMatch(Title, "Outlook$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Word$") || RegExMatch(Title, "Excel$") ) ) {
					WinMove, A,, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight ; apply changes ONLY if it's not a Microsoft program listed above (because those seem to be fixed already)
Variant of the script with information output in the form of a console.
Posts: 308
Joined: 23 Jan 2014, 12:05

Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

08 Jan 2024, 11:22

Dimoks wrote:
05 Jan 2024, 02:38
A slightly improved jimhoyle's script.
What did you improve?
Posts: 2
Joined: 06 Jan 2023, 04:01

Re: A fix for Windows 10 invisible borders (and Aero Snap)

16 May 2024, 01:06

You need everything that is in the condition:

Code: Select all

If ( SavedClass != "ClassicShell.CMenuContainer" && SavedClass != "DV2ControlHost" && SavedClass != "MultitaskingViewFrame" && SavedClass != "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow" && SavedClass != "#32770" && SavedClass != "CtrlNotifySink" && SavedClass != "TaskListThumbnailWnd" && SavedClass != "Shell_TrayWnd" && SavedClass != "" && Title != "" && !RegExMatch(Title, "Open.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Save.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Export.*") && !RegExMatch(Title, "Place.*") ){}

Code: Select all

WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
enclose in an condition:

Code: Select all

If ( aeroWidth && aeroHeight ) {}
to avoid window sizes being reset to zero on some events.

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