Sort function + extra features

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Sort function + extra features

10 Jun 2018, 17:01

- I was wanting to create a variant of the Sort function.
- To support various features:
- bound functions
- linear arrays
- null sort (what I've called the 'null sort', the equivalent of a 3-parameter comparison function that returns -offset)
- remove duplicates: all/adjacent
- remove duplicates without sorting the list
- reverse a list without sorting it
- sort by string length
- sort by the nth column
- sort case insensitive 'upper' (as though strings were converted to upper case before comparison) (the default is to convert to lower case prior to comparison)
- sort individual characters (no delimiter character) (e.g. alphabetise/randomise/reverse strings)
- sort reverse order special (swap if different, else maintain order)
- stable sort

- I mentioned some Sort command queries here:
Sort: Z mode and CRLF handling - AutoHotkey Community

- Here are some examples, and a prototype function (and an auxiliary 'filter' function):
- Note: the two functions haven't been tested extensively.

Code: Select all

q:: ;Sort examples
vText := "ABCabc"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XD") ;alphabetise string
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XD R") ;reverse alphabetical order (if two items are the same, swap them)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XD XR") ;reverse alphabetical order (if two items are the same, maintain their order)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XD XN R") ;reverse string
Loop, 5
	MsgBox, % "random: " SortNew(vText, "XD Random") ;randomise string

vText := " ;continuation section
a	q	3
b	w	02
c	e	1
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN2") ;sort by col 2
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN2 R") ;sort by col 2 (reverse)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN3") ;sort by col 3
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN3 R") ;sort by col 3 (reverse)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN1") ;sort by col 1
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN1 R") ;sort by col 1 (reverse)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN1 N") ;sort by col 1 (numeric)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XCN1 R N") ;sort by col 1 (reverse + numeric)

vText := "aaa,bb,cccc,d,eeeee"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XL") ;sort by length

;note: XN is the null sort, which means that the order is maintained (unchanged)

vText := "c,b,a,c,b,a"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN U") ;remove duplicates, case insensitive

vText := "c,b,a,C,B,A,c,b,a,C,B,A"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN U C") ;remove duplicates, case sensitive

vText := "c,b,a,C,B,A,c,b,a,C,B,A"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN U N") ;remove duplicates, numeric
vText := "c,b,a,3,2,1,c,b,a,3,2,1"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN U N") ;remove duplicates, numeric
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, U N") ;(sort numeric and) remove duplicates, numeric

vText := "c,c,b,a,c,c,b,a"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN XUA") ;remove adjacent duplicates, case insensitive
vText := "c,c,b,a,c,C,b,a"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN XUA C") ;remove adjacent duplicates, case sensitive

vText := "c,b,a,3,2,1,c,b,a,3,2,1"
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN U N") ;remove duplicates, numeric
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, U N") ;(sort numeric and) remove duplicates, numeric
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XN XUA N") ;remove adjacent duplicates, numeric
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "D, XUA N") ;(sort numeric and) remove adjacent duplicates, numeric

vText := ""
Loop, 127
	vText .= Chr(A_Index)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XD") ;case insensitive (convert to lower case then compare)
MsgBox, % SortNew(vText, "XD XCIU") ;case insensitive (convert to upper case then compare)


;original options: C CL Dx F N Pn R Random U Z \
;new option: XCDx ;column delimiter (e.g. XCD,), (default: tab), specify the delimiter for the 'sort by the nth column' option
;new option: XCIU ;case-insensitive comparison, sorting is case insensitive (as though strings were converted to upper case before comparison)
;new option: XCNn ;column number (e.g. XCN2), sort by the nth column
;new option: XD ;no delimiter, sort individual characters
;new option: XL ;sort items by string length
;new option: XN ;null sort, e.g. to reverse items without sorting them
;new option: XR ;reverse special (swap if different, else maintain order)
;new option: XS/XS1 ;sort stable
;new option: XU/XS0 ;sort unstable
;new option: XUA ;remove duplicates (adjacent duplicates only)
;note: by default, i.e. if C/CL are omitted, sorting is case insensitive (as though strings were converted to lower case before comparison)
;note: for the U option, all duplicates are removed not just adjacent duplicates (duplicates are determined based on the C/CL/N options)
;note: vText can be a linear array (and the function will return a linear array)
;note: vFunc can be a function name or a bound func
;warning: if U and CL are both specified, the CL is ignored
global AX_SortStable
SortNew(vText, vOpt:="", vFunc:="")
	global vGblSortByLen, vGblSortCasInsU, vGblSortCol, vGblSortColDelim, vGblSortFunc, vGblSortFuncType, vGblSortNull, vGblSortNum, vGblSortPos, vGblSortRev, vGblSortRandom, vGblSortStable
	static vIsFunc := IsFunc("SortNew_Filter")
	static number := "number"
	if !vIsFunc
		MsgBox("error: SortNew_Filter function not found")
	vDoSkipLastDelim := 1
	vGblSortCol := 0 ;(partial string)
	vGblSortColDelim := "`t" ;(partial string)
	vDelim := "`n"
	vGblSortByLen := 0
	vGblSortCasInsU := 0
	vGblSortFunc := vFunc
	vGblSortFuncType := ""
	vGblSortNull := 0
	vGblSortNum := 0
	vGblSortPos := 0 ;(partial string)
	vGblSortRandom := 0
	vGblSortRev := 0
	vGblSortStable := (AX_SortStable = "") ? 1 : AX_SortStable

	vSCS := "Off"
	if vPos := RegExMatch(vOpt, "i)(?<=^| |`t)D(?= |`t)")
		vDelim := SubStr(vOpt, vPos+1, 1)
	if vPos := RegExMatch(vOpt, "i)(?<=^| |`t)XCD(?= |`t)")
		vGblSortColDelim := SubStr(vOpt, vPos+3, 1)

	Loop, Parse, vOpt, % " `t"
		if (vTempLast = "F")
			vGblSortFunc := A_LoopField, vGblSortFuncType := "N"
		else if (A_LoopField = "C")
			vSCS := "On"
		else if (A_LoopField = "CL")
			vSCS := "Locale"
		else if (SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1) = "D")
			vDelim := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2)
		else if (A_LoopField = "N")
			vGblSortNum := 1
		else if (SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1) = "P")
			vGblSortPos := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2)
		else if (A_LoopField = "R")
			vGblSortRev := 1
		else if (A_LoopField = "Random")
			vGblSortRandom := 1
		else if (A_LoopField = "U")
			vDoRemoveDups := "All"
		else if (A_LoopField = "\")
			vGblSortCol := -1, vGblSortColDelim := "\"
		else if (SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 3) = "XCD")
			vGblSortColDelim := SubStr(A_LoopField, 4)
		else if (A_LoopField = "XCIU")
			vGblSortCasInsU := 1
		else if (SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 3) = "XCN")
			vGblSortCol := SubStr(A_LoopField, 4)
		else if (A_LoopField = "XD") ;no delimiter
			vNoDelim := 1
		else if (A_LoopField = "XL") ;sort by length
			vGblSortByLen := 1
		else if (A_LoopField = "XN") ;null sort
			vGblSortNull := 1
		else if (A_LoopField = "XR")
			vGblSortRev := -1
		else if (A_LoopField = "XUA")
			vDoRemoveDups := "Adj"
		else if (A_LoopField = "XS") ;sort stable
		|| (A_LoopField = "XS1") ;sort stable
			vGblSortStable := 1
		else if (A_LoopField = "XU") ;sort unstable
		|| (A_LoopField = "XS0") ;sort unstable
			vGblSortStable := 0
		vTempLast := A_LoopField


	if !vGblSortFuncType
		if IsObject(vFunc)
			vGblSortFuncType := "O" ;object
		else if !(vFunc = "")
			vGblSortFuncType := "N" ;name

	if IsObject(vText)
		oArray := vText
		vDelim := JEE_StrUnused(1, oArray*)
		vText := JEE_StrJoin(vDelim, oArray*)
		vIsObj := 1
	else if vNoDelim
		vDelim := JEE_StrUnused(1, vText)
		vText2 := vText
		VarSetCapacity(vText, StrLen(vText)*2*2)
		Loop, Parse, vText2
			vText .= A_LoopField vDelim
		vText := SubStr(vText, 1, -StrLen(vDelim))

	if vDoSkipLastDelim
	&& (SubStr(vText, 1, StrLen(vText)) = vDelim)
		vDoRestoreLastDelim := 1, vText := SubStr(vText, 1, -1)

	if (vDelim = "`n")
		vText := StrReplace(vText, "`r`n", "`n", vCountRN)

	if (vGblSortRev = -1)
		vGblSortStable := 0

	if vGblSortCasInsU
	vText := Sort(vText, "D" vDelim " F SortNew_Filter")
	if vGblSortCasInsU

	if (vDoRemoveDups = "All") && vGblSortNum
		VarSetCapacity(vText2, StrLen(vText)*2)
		oTemp := {}
		Loop, Parse, vText, % vDelim
			if A_LoopField is number
				vTemp := A_LoopField
				vTemp := 0
			if !oTemp.HasKey("z" vTemp)
				oTemp["z" vTemp] := 1
				, vText2 .= A_LoopField vDelim
		vText := SubStr(vText2, 1, -StrLen(vDelim))
	else if (vDoRemoveDups = "All") && ((vSCS = "On") || (vSCS = 1))
		VarSetCapacity(vText2, StrLen(vText)*2)
		oTemp := ComObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
		Loop, Parse, vText, % vDelim
			if !oTemp.Exists("z" A_LoopField)
				oTemp.Item("z" A_LoopField) := 1
				, vText2 .= A_LoopField vDelim
		vText := SubStr(vText2, 1, -StrLen(vDelim))
	else if (vDoRemoveDups = "All")
		VarSetCapacity(vText2, StrLen(vText)*2)
		oTemp := {}
		Loop, Parse, vText, % vDelim
			if !oTemp.HasKey("z" A_LoopField)
				oTemp["z" A_LoopField] := 1
				, vText2 .= A_LoopField vDelim
		vText := SubStr(vText2, 1, -StrLen(vDelim))
	else if (vDoRemoveDups = "Adj")
		vLast := vDelim
		vUnused := JEE_StrUnused(1, vText)
		VarSetCapacity(vText2, StrLen(vText)*2)
		if vGblSortNum
			Loop, Parse, vText, % vDelim
				if A_LoopField is number
					vTemp := A_LoopField
					vTemp := 0
				if !(vLast = vTemp)
					vText2 .= A_LoopField vDelim
				vLast := vTemp
			Loop, Parse, vText, % vDelim
				if (vLast "" != A_LoopField)
					vText2 .= A_LoopField vDelim
				vLast := A_LoopField
		vText := SubStr(vText2, 1, -StrLen(vDelim))
	if vDoRestoreLastDelim
		vText .= vDelim
	if vNoDelim
		vText := StrReplace(vText, vDelim)
	if vIsObj
		return StrSplit(vText, vDelim)

	if vCountRN
		return StrReplace(vText, "`n", "`r`n")
	return vText

SortNew_Filter(vTextA, vTextB, vOffset)
	global vGblSortByLen, vGblSortCasInsU, vGblSortCol, vGblSortColDelim, vGblSortFunc, vGblSortFuncType, vGblSortNull, vGblSortNum, vGblSortPos, vGblSortRev, vGblSortRandom, vGblSortStable
	static number := "number"

	if vGblSortCasInsU
		vTextA := StrUpper(vTextA)
		, vTextB := StrUpper(vTextB)
	if (vGblSortRev = -1)
		vOffset2 := vOffset
	if !vGblSortStable
		vOffset := 0
	if vGblSortRandom
		return Random(0, 1) ? -1 : 1
	if (vGblSortCol > 0)
		vTextA := StrSplit(vTextA, vGblSortColDelim)[vGblSortCol]
		, vTextB := StrSplit(vTextB, vGblSortColDelim)[vGblSortCol]
	else if (vGblSortCol < 0)
		oTempA := StrSplit(vTextA, vGblSortColDelim)
		, oTempB := StrSplit(vTextB, vGblSortColDelim)
		, vTextA := oTempA[oTempA.Length()-vGblSortCol]
		, vTextB := oTempB[oTempB.Length()-vGblSortCol]
	if vGblSortPos ;if positive or negative
		vTextA := JEE_SubStr(vTextA, vGblSortPos)
		, vTextB := JEE_SubStr(vTextB, vGblSortPos)
	if vGblSortNull
		vRet := -vOffset
	else if vGblSortFuncType
		vRet := %vGblSortFunc%(vTextA, vTextB, vOffset)
	else if vGblSortByLen
		vLenA := StrLen(vTextA), vLenB := StrLen(vTextB)
		, vRet := (vLenA > vLenB) ? 1 : (vLenA < vLenB) ? -1 : -vOffset
	else if vGblSortNum
		if vTextA is not number
			vTextA := 0
		if vTextB is not number
			vTextB := 0
		vRet := (vTextA > vTextB) ? 1 : (vTextA < vTextB) ? -1 : -vOffset
		vRet := ("" vTextA > vTextB) ? 1 : ("" vTextA < vTextB) ? -1 : -vOffset
	if vGblSortRev
		if vRet
			vRet *= -1
		else ;only possible if vGblSortRev = -1
			vRet := -vOffset2
	return vRet


; ;e.g.
; oArray := StrSplit("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
; MsgBox, % JEE_StrJoin(" - ", oArray*)
; MsgBox, % JEE_StrJoin(["=","`r`n"], oArray*)
; MsgBox, % JEE_StrJoin(["`t","`r`n"], oArray*)
; MsgBox, % JEE_StrJoin(["`t","`t","`r`n"], oArray*)
; MsgBox, % JEE_StrJoin(["`t","`t","`t","`r`n"], oArray*)
; MsgBox, % JEE_StrJoin(["`t","`t","`t","`t","`r`n"], oArray*)
; MsgBox, % JEE_StrJoin(["","","","","`r`n"], oArray*)

JEE_StrJoin(vSep, oArray*)
	VarSetCapacity(vOutput, oArray.Length()*200*2)
	if IsObject(vSep) && (vSep.Length() = 1) ;convert 1-item array to string
		vSep := vSep.1
	if !IsObject(vSep)
		Loop, % oArray.MaxIndex()-1
			vOutput .= oArray[A_Index] vSep
		vOutput .= oArray[oArray.MaxIndex()]
		oSep := vSep, vCount := oSep.Length(), vIndex := 0
		Loop, % oArray.MaxIndex()-1
			;vIndex := Mod(A_Index-1, vCount)+1
			vIndex := (vIndex = vCount) ? 1 : vIndex+1
			, vOutput .= oArray[A_Index] oSep[vIndex]
		vOutput .= oArray[oArray.MaxIndex()]
	return vOutput


JEE_StrUnused(vNum, oArray*)
	VarSetCapacity(vText, 1000*oArray.Length()*2)
	Loop, % oArray.Length()
		vText .= oArray[A_Index]
	vCount := 0
	Loop, 65535
		if !InStr(vText, Chr(A_Index))
			vOutput .= Chr(A_Index)
			if (vCount = vNum)
	;return StrSplit(vOutput)
	return vOutput


;works like SubStr (AHK v2) (on AHK v1/v2)
JEE_SubStr(ByRef vText, vPos, vLen:="")
	static vIsV1 := !!SubStr(1, 0)
	if (vPos = 0)
	if vIsV1 && (vPos <= -1)
	if (vLen = "")
		return SubStr(vText, vPos)
	return SubStr(vText, vPos, vLen)


;commands as functions (AHK v2 functions for AHK v1) - AutoHotkey Community

MsgBox(Params*) ;Text, Title, Options
    local Match, Options, Result, Temp, Text, Timeout, Title, Type
    static TypeArray := {"OK":0, "O":0, "OKCancel":1, "O/C":1, "OC":1, "AbortRetryIgnore":2, "A/R/I":2, "ARI":2
        , "YesNoCancel":3, "Y/N/C":3, "YNC":3, "YesNo":4, "Y/N":4, "YN":4, "RetryCancel":5, "R/C":5, "RC":5
        , "CancelTryAgainContinue":6, "C/T/C":6, "CTC":6, "Iconx":16, "Icon?":32, "Icon!":48, "Iconi":64
        , "Default2":256, "Default3":512, "Default4":768}

    Text := !Params.Length() ? "Press OK to continue." : Params.HasKey(1) ? Params.1 : ""
    Title := !Params.HasKey(2) ? A_ScriptName : (Params.2 = "") ? " " : Params.2
    Options := Params.3, Timeout := "", Type := 0
    if (Options)
        Loop, Parse, Options, % " `t"
            (Temp := Abs(A_LoopField)) || (Temp := TypeArray[A_LoopField]) ? (Type |= Temp)
                : RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "Oi)^T(\d+\.?\d*)$", Match) ? Timeout := Match.1
                : 0
    MsgBox % Type, % Title, % Text, % Timeout
    Loop Parse, % "Timeout,OK,Cancel,Yes,No,Abort,Ignore,Retry,Continue,TryAgain", % ","
        IfMsgBox % Result := A_LoopField
    return Result
Random(Min:="", Max:="")
    local OutputVar
    Random OutputVar, %Min%, %Max%
    return OutputVar
Sort(String, Options:="")
    Sort String, %Options%
    return String
    StringCaseSense %OnOffLocale%
StrUpper(String, T:="")
    local OutputVar
    StringUpper OutputVar, String, %T%
    return OutputVar

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Re: Sort function + extra features

27 Oct 2018, 18:55

Very smart function. I am sure I can find an application for this. :)
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Re: Sort function + extra features

28 Oct 2018, 00:30

Is there any option there for logical number sorting? I find it odd not being implemented by default in the official Sort command.
Here's what I resorted to for some scripts of mine. Note that for a list made exclusively of numbers the N parameter works the same as the additional SortN* functions, but when list contains alpha characters the result is not as desired when using N.
Unfortunately there is no ANSI version of StrCmpLogical so one has to first convert ANSI strings to Unicode prior to comparison in the ANSI versions of AHK.

Code: Select all

var := "aBc 3 2 1 11 Abc 12 24 texT 78 94 9 7 72 Letters 99 101 Text", var1 := var
AW := A_IsUnicode ? "W": "A"
Sort, var, D%A_Space% CL N
Sort, var1, D%A_Space% CL F SortN%AW%
MsgBox, %var%`n%var1%
SortNA(s1, s2)
; for ANSI AHK we must first convert input strings to Unicode, then perform comparison
s1a := StrGet(&s1, "UTF-8"), s2a := StrGet(&s2, "UTF-8")
VarSetCapacity(s1b, 2*StrPut(s1a, "UTF-16"), 0), VarSetCapacity(s2b, 2*StrPut(s2a, "UTF-16"), 0)
StrPut(s1a, &s1b, "UTF-16"), StrPut(s2a, &s2b, "UTF-16")
return DllCall("shlwapi\StrCmpLogicalW", "Ptr", &s1b, "Ptr", &s2b, "Int")
SortNW(s1, s2)
return DllCall("shlwapi\StrCmpLogicalW", "Str", s1, "Str", s2, "Int")
Part of my AHK work can be found here.
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Re: Sort function + extra features

19 Nov 2018, 20:11

@drugwash: Thanks for this "logical" function! I just needed it. DllCall is very fast, so proverbially slow Sort command using custom function isn't handicapped much!
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Re: Sort function + extra features

20 Nov 2018, 03:27

You're welcome, glad I could be of help. ;)
Part of my AHK work can be found here.
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Re: Sort function + extra features

23 Nov 2018, 15:56

See also:
minor bug: Sort command's handling of LFs/CRLFs - AutoHotkey Community ... 14&t=59066
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Re: Sort function + extra features

30 Dec 2018, 17:21

I revisited this topic and I renamed this function as SortPlus. ;)

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