I would like to be able to activate the taskbar with a keyboard shortcut.
What I've tried was this:
Code: Select all
WinActivate, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
The reason I need it:
I use a program named Logitech Gaming Software, which loads profiles automatically once I start an application.
(Excel, Notepad++, Default profile, Game profile etc.)
Everytime I change the application, the color of my mouse gets changed too.
(This indicates the profile change was sucessful.)
Sometimes it doesn't work, though.
(I run for example Excel, but I'm still in my default profile, which means all my macros will not work.)
When this happens, I always click on the taskbar (to force the load of the default profile),
and after that I click again on my target application.
99% it works then.
For this reason I'm searching for a way to remove the focus of the program and to set it again.
I thought clicking on the task bar would be the best way.
Any ideas?