Switch between open Windows of the same type and same App

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Joined: 11 Apr 2019, 18:25

Switch between open Windows of the same type and same App

30 Apr 2019, 17:33

This AutoHotkey script is to switch between open Windows of the same type and same App (.exe)

The hotkey is (Alt + ~)

The "type" checking is based on the App's Title convention that stipulates that the App name should be at the end of the Window title (Eg: New Document - Word )

It works well with regular Window Apps, Chrome Shortcuts and Chrome Apps

Code: Select all

/* ;

	AppTitle := SubStr(FullTitle, InStr(FullTitle, " ", false, -1) + 1)
	Return AppTitle

/* ;

; Alt + ` -  Activate NEXT Window of same type (title checking) of the current APP
WinGet, ActiveProcess, ProcessName, A
WinGet, OpenWindowsAmount, Count, ahk_exe %ActiveProcess%

If OpenWindowsAmount = 1  ; If only one Window exist, do nothing
		WinGetTitle, FullTitle, A
		AppTitle := ExtractAppTitle(FullTitle)

		SetTitleMatchMode, 2		
		WinGet, WindowsWithSameTitleList, List, %AppTitle%
		If WindowsWithSameTitleList > 1 ; If several Window of same type (title checking) exist
			WinActivate, % "ahk_id " WindowsWithSameTitleList%WindowsWithSameTitleList%	; Activate next Window	

Note: The Source Code with the last actualization can be found here https://github.com/JuanmaMenendez/AutoHotkey-script-Open-Show-Apps/blob/master/AutoHotkey-script-Switch-Windows-same-App.ahk

*** Extra ***

Also, I have another script that could work well in tandem with this one because you will be able to Open, Restore or Minimize (if it is already opened) the desired Apps, using the shortcuts key (hotkeys) that you want to set. Examples:

F7:: OpenOrShowAppBasedOnExeName("C:\Windows\System32\SnippingTool.exe")

F8:: OpenOrShowAppBasedOnWindowTitle("Gmail", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --app=https mail.google.com /mail/") Broken Link for safety

Feel free to check my repo and give me your thoughts ;)


Posts: 14
Joined: 21 Jun 2017, 08:22

Re: Switch between open Windows of the same type and same App

01 May 2019, 07:58

Nice script! Suggestion for improvement, add this ability for switching Windows 10 Explorer windows.
Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Switch between open Windows of the same type and same App

01 May 2019, 09:52

@JuanmaMenendez, thank you. This is very useful for me.

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