[Script] Quick Picto Viewer v6+

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[Script] Quick Picto Viewer v6+

20 Jun 2019, 12:41

Hello, guys!

This is an image viewer, organizer and editor based on the GDI+ and FreeImage libraries. It can open 85 image file formats: .hdr, .raw, .tif, .tga, .exr, .webp .png, .bmp, .gif, .jpeg and many others.

QPV is also able to create image slideshows and cache very large dynamic lists of files. Unlike other applications of this kind, it can load, on my system, a list of 500000 files in under 10 seconds, while XnView Classic or Irfan View need more than 15 minutes.

With Quick Picto Viewer you can generate file statistics over huge image libraries which can help identify very small images, very low key, or washed out images. You can also identify image duplicates and auto-select files by given criteria.

Quick Picto Viewer is also able to play sound files associated with images, automatically or on demand, and even generate slideshows that are in synch with the audio files duration. Supported audio formats: WAV, MP3 and WMA.

Since Quick Picto Viewer v4, users can also edit images by using freely rotated freeform, elliptical or rectangular selections. Common functions provided: paste in place, color adjustments, draw arcs, lines or shapes, insert text, soft edges blur area and so on.

Beginning with v6.0, Quick Picto Viewer allows editing of images over 536 megapixels, up to 10100 megapixels. Most of the image editing tools were reimplemented in C++. More work is underway for all the tools to be compatible with such large images.

Download from Microsoft Store.

.ZIP pack, compiled [for x64, portable].

Source code on GitHub.

Current version: 6.0.00.
mercredi 5 juin 2024. 05/06/2024.


Since Quick Picto Viewer v4, the script relies on AHK_H for multi-threading.

Please send me feedback and suggestions.

Best regards, Marius.
Last edited by robodesign on 05 Jun 2024, 02:55, edited 138 times in total.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

20 Jun 2019, 15:12

Impressive. Well done.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

20 Jun 2019, 17:01

:bravo: Awesome, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

21 Jun 2019, 11:09

robodesign wrote:
20 Jun 2019, 12:41
I am considering adding image resize and cropping.
Thank you, Marius. Image resizing and cropping would be awesome!
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

22 Jun 2019, 17:35

Hello, people!

Thank you for the positive feedback.

I released a new version (yesterday) with improvements to how one can update a files list (a slideshow file)..

What I have left to add to this image viewer is.... paste image from the clipboard, rotate, crop and resize images... If I add these, I would say then, it is a complete image viewer..... Which one of these should I add first? ^_^

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

23 Jun 2019, 15:28

New version:

- v3.0.0 (2019-06-23)
- it now caches images at screen resolution if they are three times larger than the current screen resolution, when images are adapted to fit-to-window
- bug fixes and minor improvements

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

24 Jun 2019, 02:00

My thought it's the rotate/crop/resize.
This is the most used functions.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

24 Jun 2019, 16:20

Okay, thanks... I'll try to implement those. No promises. I'm still a beginner ^_^

Resizing should be easy. It's mainly boring user interface work.....

I'm still working on polishing what's already there..... Today, for example, I managed to optimize a certain function that was utterly slow with large folders lists. I'll push the update tomorrow on GitHub.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

25 Jun 2019, 00:05

Wow, this is phenomenal work! Way to go! :bravo:
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

25 Jun 2019, 10:55

Hey, people !

Thank you , Thoughtful Tux.

I updated Quick Picto Viewer. Today I was testing it with over 700 thousand files and I discovered I can do more fixes.

- v3.1.0 (2019-06-25)
- [new] option to have QPV immediately stop the slideshow when the user performs actions, eg. presses keys or changes the window focus
- the UI is now visually highlighting selected or removed files in real time, when the thumbnails list is displayied
- improved performance for updating very large static folders lists and immense files lists
- improved the performance for counting files in folders [in a cached files list]....

I suspect I am ready with polishing details... Therefore, I might begin soon adding crop, resize and paste.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

28 Jun 2019, 04:34

Hello, amigos!

My pleasure , ozzii! I hope you will like the new version.

Resizing images is here now, in batch as well ;-).

- v3.2.0 (2019-06-28)
- [new] option to resize image; this operation can be performed on multiple files at once, in batch.
- using the image resizer, one can convert images colors to grayscale, flip images or adjust gamma and brightness, keeping intact the image dimensions
- [new] Heads-Up Display elements to indicate when multiple files are selected, or when the image is displayied with altered colors, flipped; or when you can pan the image.
- when you copy the image to the clipboard, it is now copied as seen in the picture viewer, with effects or color alterations applied.
- other small fixes or improvements...

Feedback and suggestions, always welcomed.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

09 Jul 2019, 15:08

Hello, guys!

A new version of Quick Picto Viewer is here:

- v3.3.0 (2019-07-09)
- [new] option to copy files to a specified destination
- [new] option for automatic brightness and contrast calibration of images
- [new] option to paste and save image from the clipboard
- [new] option to rotate images [in image resize panel]
- [new] it now maintains a history of filters; the filtering dialog window is no longer using InputBox
- [new] it also maintains a history of multi-rename patterns; the dialog window is no longer using InputBox and it now includes a Help section
- [new] a new window for copy/move files that improves access to different folder destinations; it also records a history of folder destinations
- improved file information panel; making use of JustMe's GDI+ GetProperty implementation
- bug fixes to how folders list are updated
- better handling of some errors

Feedback is welcome. Thank you very much .

If anyone interested, image cropping, still planned. And optimizations for the option to auto-adjust brightness/contrast...

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

10 Jul 2019, 02:53

Thank you Marius for your work.
Impressive from my point of view....
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

10 Jul 2019, 03:10

Thank you very much , ozzii!

To my utter surprise, a major bug slipped into yesterday's version... I just pushed a new version with a fix for it....It prevented users from opening files. My apologies...

It should work fine now, please let me know guys if you find bugs/errors or have any suggestions.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

19 Jul 2019, 06:29

Hello, guys and girls! ;-)

I am finally ready to publish a new version... It is all about colors this time ;-). Lots of work was put into for brightness, contrast and saturation adjustment options for images.

Based on the user settings, I create /generate a Color Matrix for GDI+. If one enables auto-adjustment mode, I retrieve first the histograms [L, R, G, B] and based on the statistics I derive from these, I set user friendly brightness, contrast and saturation levels.

Here's the complete change log:

- v3.4.0 (2019-07-19)
- [new] option to control image saturation level
- [new] added image color modes to display R, G and B channels, individually
- [new] option to choose in which mode the image colors should be auto-adjusted
- [new] option to control RGB channels intensity; this is useful for tinting images [only available through the colors adjustment panel]
- [new] a panel dedicated to adjusting image colors; i made this to facilitate Quick Picto Viewer usage with touch screens
- [new] welcome screen images, randomly generated patterns [inspired by @flyingDman from AHK forums]
- improved formula for auto-adjust image brightness and contrast
- further reduced the time to calculate image color adjustments, by 98% compared to v3.3.5; thanks to @swagFag on AHK forums! THANK YOU VERY MUCH !
welcome-image1.jpg (40.24 KiB) Viewed 19227 times
adjust-image-panel.jpg (224.48 KiB) Viewed 19227 times
I hope you will like this new version.... next is .... image cropping options

PS. If you cannot find the menu option to invoke the colors adjustments panel, you can invoke it with U key...

Best regards, Marius.
Last edited by robodesign on 19 Jul 2019, 13:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

19 Jul 2019, 10:48

Do you have plans to increase support for webp? Thanks.
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Re: [Script] Quick Picto Viewer and Fast Slideshow creator

20 Jul 2019, 04:04

Just want to say : Thank you !!!!

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