dynamic changing tooltip

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Joined: 22 Jun 2018, 01:13

dynamic changing tooltip

10 Dec 2020, 06:42

I would like some data in tooltip when i move the mouse, up of the text. These data constantly changing in the ini file. So i would the tooltips constantly changing too.
Thanks in advance the help.

Code: Select all


Gui, Color, Black
Gui, Font, s14 cWhite, Tahoma
Gui, Add, Text, HwndhText0 gReturn, TEST PIECE1.
Gui, Add, Text, HwndhText1 gReturn, TEST PIECE2.

AddTooltip(hText0,  "Piece1/1:" %test1% `n "Piece1/2:" %test2%)
AddTooltip(hText1,  "Piece2/1:" %test3% `n "Piece2/2:" %test4%)

Gui, Show
SetTimer, Press, 60000

loop {
	sleep 30000
	gosub change
	If (ErrorLevel = 0) ; If it is not running
	Else ; If it is running, ErrorLevel equals the process id for the target program (Printkey). Then do nothing.
		sleep 5
		msgbox ...

IniRead,test1,TEST.ini,Test, New1
IniRead,test2,TEST.ini,Test, New2
IniRead,test3,TEST.ini,Test, New3
IniRead,test4,TEST.ini,Test, New4


; Function: AddTooltip v2.0
; Description:
;   Add/Update tooltips to GUI controls.
; Parameters:
;   p1 - Handle to a GUI control.  Alternatively, set to "Activate" to enable
;       the tooltip control, "AutoPopDelay" to set the autopop delay time,
;       "Deactivate" to disable the tooltip control, or "Title" to set the
;       tooltip title.
;   p2 - If p1 contains the handle to a GUI control, this parameter should
;       contain the tooltip text.  Ex: "My tooltip".  Set to null to delete the
;       tooltip attached to the control.  If p1="AutoPopDelay", set to the
;       desired autopop delay time, in seconds.  Ex: 10.  Note: The maximum
;       autopop delay time is ~32 seconds.  If p1="Title", set to the title of
;       the tooltip.  Ex: "Bob's Tooltips".  Set to null to remove the tooltip
;       title.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
;   p3 - Tooltip icon.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
; Returns:
;   The handle to the tooltip control.
; Requirements:
;   AutoHotkey v1.1+ (all versions).
; Title & Icon:
;   To set the tooltip title, set the p1 parameter to "Title" and the p2
;   parameter to the desired tooltip title.  Ex: AddTooltip("Title","Bob's
;   Tooltips"). To remove the tooltip title, set the p2 parameter to null.  Ex:
;   AddTooltip("Title","").
;   The p3 parameter determines the icon to be displayed along with the title,
;   if any.  If not specified or if set to 0, no icon is shown.  To show a
;   standard icon, specify one of the standard icon identifiers.  See the
;   function's static variables for a list of possible values.  Ex:
;   AddTooltip("Title","My Title",4).  To show a custom icon, specify a handle
;   to an image (bitmap, cursor, or icon).  When a custom icon is specified, a
;   copy of the icon is created by the tooltip window so if needed, the original
;   icon can be destroyed any time after the title and icon are set.
;   Setting a tooltip title may not produce a desirable result in many cases.
;   The title (and icon if specified) will be shown on every tooltip that is
;   added by this function.
; Remarks:
;   The tooltip control is enabled by default.  There is no need to "Activate"
;   the tooltip control unless it has been previously "Deactivated".
;   This function returns the handle to the tooltip control so that, if needed,
;   additional actions can be performed on the Tooltip control outside of this
;   function.  Once created, this function reuses the same tooltip control.
;   If the tooltip control is destroyed outside of this function, subsequent
;   calls to this function will fail.
; Credit and History:
;   Original author: Superfraggle
;   * Post: <http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/27670-add-tooltips-to-controls/>
;   Updated to support Unicode: art
;   * Post: <http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/27670-add-tooltips-to-controls/page-2#entry431059>
;   Additional: jballi.
;   Bug fixes.  Added support for x64.  Removed Modify parameter.  Added
;   additional functionality, constants, and documentation.
		Static hTT
          ;-- Misc. constants
          ,HWND_DESKTOP :=0
          ;-- Tooltip delay time constants
                ;-- Set the amount of time a tooltip window remains visible if
                ;   the pointer is stationary within a tool's bounding
                ;   rectangle.
          ;-- Tooltip styles
                ;-- Indicates that the tooltip control appears when the cursor
                ;   is on a tool, even if the tooltip control's owner window is
                ;   inactive.  Without this style, the tooltip appears only when
                ;   the tool's owner window is active.
                ;-- Prevents the system from stripping ampersand characters from
                ;   a string or terminating a string at a tab character.
                ;   Without this style, the system automatically strips
                ;   ampersand characters and terminates a string at the first
                ;   tab character.  This allows an application to use the same
                ;   string as both a menu item and as text in a tooltip control.
          ;-- TOOLINFO uFlags
                ;-- Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the
                ;   tool.  If this flag is not set, uId is the identifier of the
                ;   tool.
                ;-- Indicates that the tooltip control should subclass the
                ;   window for the tool in order to intercept messages, such
                ;   as WM_MOUSEMOVE.  If this flag is not used, use the
                ;   TTM_RELAYEVENT message to forward messages to the tooltip
                ;   control.  For a list of messages that a tooltip control
                ;   processes, see TTM_RELAYEVENT.
          ;-- Tooltip icons
          ,TTI_NONE         :=0
          ,TTI_INFO         :=1
          ,TTI_WARNING      :=2
          ,TTI_ERROR        :=3
          ,TTI_INFO_LARGE   :=4
          ,TTI_ERROR_LARGE  :=6
          ;-- Extended styles
          ;-- Messages
          ,TTM_ACTIVATE      :=0x401                    ;-- WM_USER + 1
          ,TTM_ADDTOOLA      :=0x404                    ;-- WM_USER + 4
          ,TTM_ADDTOOLW      :=0x432                    ;-- WM_USER + 50
          ,TTM_DELTOOLA      :=0x405                    ;-- WM_USER + 5
          ,TTM_DELTOOLW      :=0x433                    ;-- WM_USER + 51
          ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOA  :=0x408                    ;-- WM_USER + 8
          ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOW  :=0x435                    ;-- WM_USER + 53
          ,TTM_SETDELAYTIME  :=0x403                    ;-- WM_USER + 3
          ,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH:=0x418                    ;-- WM_USER + 24
          ,TTM_SETTITLEA     :=0x420                    ;-- WM_USER + 32
          ,TTM_SETTITLEW     :=0x421                    ;-- WM_USER + 33
          ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA:=0x40C                    ;-- WM_USER + 12
          ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW:=0x439                    ;-- WM_USER + 57
    ;-- Save/Set DetectHiddenWindows
		DetectHiddenWindows On
    ;-- Tooltip control exists?
		if not hTT
        ;-- Create Tooltip window
            ,"UInt",WS_EX_TOPMOST                       ;-- dwExStyle
            ,"Str","TOOLTIPS_CLASS32"                   ;-- lpClassName
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpWindowName
            ,"UInt",TTS_ALWAYSTIP|TTS_NOPREFIX          ;-- dwStyle
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- x
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- y
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nWidth
            ,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nHeight
            ,"Ptr",HWND_DESKTOP                         ;-- hWndParent
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hMenu
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hInstance
            ,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpParam
            ,"Ptr")                                     ;-- Return type
        ;-- Disable visual style
        ;   Note: Uncomment the following to disable the visual style, i.e.
        ;   remove the window theme, from the tooltip control.  Since this
        ;   function only uses one tooltip control, all tooltips created by this
        ;   function will be affected.
;;;;;        DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme","Ptr",hTT,"Ptr",0,"UIntP",0)
        ;-- Set the maximum width for the tooltip window
        ;   Note: This message makes multi-line tooltips possible
			SendMessage TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,A_ScreenWidth,,ahk_id %hTT%
    ;-- Other commands
		if p1 is not Integer
			if (p1="Activate")
				SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,True,0,,ahk_id %hTT%
			if (p1="Deactivate")
				SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,False,0,,ahk_id %hTT%
			if (InStr(p1,"AutoPop")=1)  ;-- Starts with "AutoPop"
				SendMessage TTM_SETDELAYTIME,TTDT_AUTOPOP,p2*1000,,ahk_id %hTT%
			if (p1="Title")
            ;-- If needed, truncate the title
				if (StrLen(p2)>99)
            ;-- Icon
				if p3 is not Integer
            ;-- Set title
				SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TTM_SETTITLEW:TTM_SETTITLEA,p3,&p2,,ahk_id %hTT%
        ;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
			DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%
        ;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
			Return hTT
    ;-- Create/Populate the TOOLINFO structure
		cbSize:=VarSetCapacity(TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 64:44,0)
		NumPut(cbSize,      TOOLINFO,0,"UInt")              ;-- cbSize
		NumPut(uFlags,      TOOLINFO,4,"UInt")              ;-- uFlags
		NumPut(HWND_DESKTOP,TOOLINFO,8,"Ptr")               ;-- hwnd
		NumPut(p1,          TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr")
        ;-- uId
    ;-- Check to see if tool has already been registered for the control
        ,,ahk_id %hTT%
    ;-- Update the TOOLTIP structure
		NumPut(&p2,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 48:36,"Ptr")
        ;-- lpszText
    ;-- Add, Update, or Delete tool
		if l_RegisteredTool
			if StrLen(p2)
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%
                ,A_IsUnicode ? TTM_DELTOOLW:TTM_DELTOOLA
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%
			if StrLen(p2)
                ,A_IsUnicode ? TTM_ADDTOOLW:TTM_ADDTOOLA
                ,,ahk_id %hTT%
    ;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%
    ;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
		Return hTT
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Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: dynamic changing tooltip

10 Dec 2020, 08:26

I haven't used that function, but the idea would be to set the tooltip inside your timer loop. Until you get it working, you can use ToolTip instead of the function. It might simplify your initial coding. An example of a tooltip command inside a timer loop is below.

Code: Select all

SetTimer, Check, 200
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
ToolTip, (%xpos%`,%ypos%)
In your case, it sounds like the timer loop would check your INI file and then adjust the tooltip.

Code: Select all

SetTimer, Check, 200
If (...)
 ToolTip, .....

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