Sending key when Mouse button clicked at certain point on screen Topic is solved

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Sending key when Mouse button clicked at certain point on screen

11 Apr 2021, 09:58

Code: Select all

 #IfWinActive ahk_class IrfanView
        MouseGetPos,xpos, ypos 
        If (ypos >170 and ypos <570)
        Msgbox %ypos%
        Send, {Space}
I have written the above code for sending the Space key when the Left Mouse button is clicked within a certain range on the Application window. It works when clicked within the range. However, when the Left Mouse button is clicked outside the range, the default behavior does not happen. For example, nothing happens when the Left Mouse button is clicked on the Application close button (which is outside the specified range).

Please help with inputs/solutions. Thanks.
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Re: Sending key when Mouse button clicked at certain point on screen  Topic is solved

11 Apr 2021, 10:09


Code: Select all

#IfWinActive ahk_class IrfanView
MouseGetPos,, ypos
If (ypos >170 and ypos <570)
	ToolTip %ypos%
	Send, {Space}
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Re: Sending key when Mouse button clicked at certain point on screen

11 Apr 2021, 10:09


Code: Select all

#IfWinActive ahk_class IrfanView
MouseGetPos,, ypos
If (ypos > 170 and ypos < 570)
 Msgbox, %ypos%
 Send {Space}
} Else Send {%A_ThisHotkey%}

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