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How do I create hotkey to suspend AutoHotkey?

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Okay, I have read quick start, help, and dozens of posts on how to create a hotkey to suspend Hotkeys. In two hours nothing I have tried has worked. Either I am really dense, or something is not working right?

Please someone tell me how to do it? I would like to suspend and un-suspend with crtl+alt+F12 I only use autohotkeys to autocorrect typing in non word applications. Just can't get it to stop without using mouse on tray icon???

Thanks for any help.

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<!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...nds/Suspend.htm<!-- m -->

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I am extremely tired (Have yet to go to bed and it's 6:36AM... So my soding is probably a little screwy... But somthing like this?

Activated = True

If (Activated == "True")
HotKey, ^s, Off
Activated = False
HotKey, ^s, On
Activated = True

Z Gecko
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to toggle suspend mode:

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I had tried more than once zGecko and HugoV ideas before I asked for help. Neither worked! I just tried Wicked idea and it does not work either. Strange as the dozen posts on this all say it is simple and should work. I wrote practice script to get of google (from help file). I also work a couple others for practice and they both worked? Perhaps there is something in the script I wrote for autocorrect that makes the suggestions above not to work? Strange, it is suppose to be simple???

I use Kaspersky Internet Security which has messed up many things on my computer. Since my autocorrect script works then all scripts should work? Frustrating.

Z Gecko
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First: Suspend works. Always. Maybe you are not shure WHAT Suspend does. Then please read again the help-topic posted by HugoV.

Second: If you have problems with a script you wrote, You need to post it here, to get help. No one here is a mind-reader.

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I was going by definition in "hugo's" link

When a script's hotkeys are suspended, its tray icon changes to the letter S. This can be avoided by freezing the icon, which is done by specifying 1 for the last parameter of the Menu command. For example:

What I hoped to do was suspend the hotkeys without having to use my mouse to right click tray icon and click on "suspend". This works but requires several extra steps (I change back and forth several times an hour). Clicking on "pause" does not stop my script or do anything at all that I can see.

I am resolved to using mouse if I keep autohotkeys. My same script works with typingassistant and suspending by crtl+alt+F12. The downside to typing assistant is that to add autocorrect words I have to open script and manually add additional autocorrect words. I liked the #+W approach of autohotkeys.

I didn't post my script because it has 3,437 lines. No one expected any one to read my mind. Thanks anyway. I was hoping for a simple solution, but "suspend" any suggestions above does not work.

To add to my headaches, I tried putting autohotkey on a Computer with Vista (above problems are on a computer with XP). Autohotkey didn't work at all on Vista. I need put computers to have the same software and unfortunately typing assistant works on both.

Thanks again for your attention. I have searched through posts and I am not the only one with these problems. Conclusion: So some computers just can't make autohotkeys work right.

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If you have autocorrect or something like that... you probably have something going on with ctrl or alt.. try this. I use it all the time
Posted Image Search&Replace

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Are you sure you apply the suspend command in THE CORRECT script
if you have two scripts running and you suspend the wrong one....

Also AHK does run on Vista, search the forum.

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As far as I know, I only have one script, my autocorrect script. What I wanted to do was "simulate" the action of right clicking icon on task bar and clicking on "suspend". I spent a couple of additional hours last night reading past forum. This action may not be as easy as it might seem.

To use pause::suspend or pause::pause

Does it matter where in the script that it is put. I have read the help files. While they seem simple to those who can understand them, I obviously am not. Though I do suspect that other hotkeys on my computer are interfering with

Thanks for your attention.

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As far as I know, I only have one script, my autocorrect script. What I wanted to do was "simulate" the action of right clicking icon on task bar and clicking on "suspend". I spent a couple of additional hours last night reading past forum. This action may not be as easy as it might seem.

To use pause::suspend or pause::pause

Does it matter where in the script that it is put. I have read the help files. While they seem simple to those who can understand them, I obviously am not. Though I do suspect that other hotkeys on my computer are interfering with

Thanks for your attention.

@ first bold: Saying pause(or any other key)::suspend is exactly the same as clicking suspend in the tray menu.

@ second bold: No, it does not matter where it is in the script.

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neither do anything????

I do run quite a few other key loggers, perhaps there is interference there? But autohotkeys does work fine for an autocorrect program that is universal across all my softwares and Internet email writings!
kennington mouseworks
active keyboard
all above also use hotkeys directly or indirectly

Just can't get it to pause or suspend with any hotkey. I have tried many different combos.

Thanks again for your attention.

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Are you running this script <!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...AutoCorrect.ahk<!-- m --> ?
If so it WORKS for me if I place Pause::Suspend just above the LINE
with the #h::

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Yes that is the script that I am running. I tried before and tried again just now. Adding Pause::Suspend or Pause::Pause does nothing. It could be my clipboard substitute "arsp" interferes. Although, my Kennington mouse interferes with a couple of the programs I listed above. I am not willing to delete the softwares to see which one is causing the problem. It a fine tuning between them to make them all work together. autohotkeys works, just have to suspend with mouse on tray icon. Thanks again.

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IMHO ditch arsclip and replace it with the superior CLCL
<!-- m -->http://www.nakka.com.../index_eng.html<!-- m -->
but that probably does not solve your problem
so you are out of luck. It is not a AHK problem as
the script with the suspends works for me (and others)