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First off all i wanna say that i am sorry if i posted this in wrong topic but i couldnt find more appropriate and i didnt wanna open new topic since i have only a small problem. i bought a mini bluetooth keyboard online and when they delivered it i instaled auto hotkey software and made some newbie script the problem is that that keyboard doesnt have windows button :) and i wonder if someone cound just write in what would command for opening start menu look like. Thanks for your answers.

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First off all i wanna say that i am sorry if i posted this in wrong topic but i couldnt find more appropriate and i didnt wanna open new topic since i have only a small problem. i bought a mini bluetooth keyboard online and when they delivered it i instaled auto hotkey software and made some newbie script the problem is that that keyboard doesnt have windows button :) and i wonder if someone cound just write in what would command for opening start menu look like. Thanks for your answers.

The alternative hot key to show the Start Menu is "Ctrl + Escape". You can map this hot key using AHK if you want to use another hot key of your choice.
Example:(Pressing "w" will show the Start menu)

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thank you very much for your answer. :)

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Hey! I wanted a simple macro for a game I am playing and it would make my whole life a lot easier. The macro is supposed to be like this:

Press 2
Press W, mouse click, press space (3 times, as quick as possible)
Press 1 (2 times) (this part is optional)

I am curious about the mouse thing though... is there a syntax that will make a mouse click wherever my cursor is? Thanks in advance.

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has any one by chance played the game zuma deluxe?
i want a script for the same.
i will post my idea round which the script is to be made, once i come to know if by chance someone else is also playing the same game HERE.

all hail AHK!

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Please don't request scripts here, it's for tutorials that would benefit a lot of people. Specific games probably aren't going to be very useful to a random viewer.

Keep the ideas coming, though!


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Could you please write a tutorial of GDI+ for beginners like me.
Thanks a lot .

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Could you please write a tutorial of GDI+ for beginners like me.
Thanks a lot .

I like that idea :-)
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Any code ⇈ above ⇈ requires AutoHotkey_L to run

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I'd like to let you know that you're using an outdated version of SciTE4AutoHotkey in your videos. The latest version is v3.0.01 and you are still using the v3 release candidate. HTH :)

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We need this Section(Tutorials) translate in German! -.-

(My english is terrible)

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I want: open nodepad -> write a few lines on it -> close notepad -> open nopad - >> write a few lines above -> ....
I can choose the number of repetitions ( like : 2,3,4,5,6 .... 100 )
I want to repeat this process auto, I want to use it to Game.

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What about a tutorial on web APIs, HTTP requests and all such.


Like creating a new pastebin paste or, uploading a image. Posting a tweet.


It can all be done via COM events. But, Its a lot slower If done that way.

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Hey Frankie,


 I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to make a script that opens taskmanager and ends/kills a certain task?  If it is possible that would be great!



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Hello ^^


I hope this is the right place to post this. It's just a small problem but it's so hard for me. I was wondering if there is any way to set the hotkey action to take place at a certain time, established by the desktop time. To be more specific I want the mouse to make a series of clicks at a certain time of the day. Your help would greatly be appreciated Frankie.


Thanks a lot.  

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@chinoalterado: see the various solutions at https://gist.github....5979#scheduling