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League of Legends: Auto Picker (Rek'Sai Release) - 27.11.2014

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I cant get it ti work, i open lol first and then the script, choose what i want press ok, press play etc, and when it comes time to pick a champ it just doesnt. Can u please help?



Hi, I tried this in a custom game and on the program when I click OK it tells me the hero and the role and after the program closes



I tried it in a custom game and it didnt work also i checked taskmanager and it had no autohotkey or anything like that in it


EDIT: once i get into  chamipion select it closes



I copied the code, updated my AHK to the latest one, used the default size for the league client and ran it as administrator, however it still did not work for me, any solutions? The gui does appear and i do select the role and champion but after that when i enter a custom game to test it it doesn't do anything.



Im new to hotkey and came across this post.  I copy and pasted the codes you typed but it didnt work.  I then went to the link u sent to someone: http://ahkscript.org/download/ and the windows pop up asking for the champ and lane but nothing happens? Please help asap thanks


This might be the problem, you guys are facing.


The code scans for both, blank white box for entering champion name and specified region for colour 303030 separately. This way, if colour  303030 is encountered, then autopicker will exit. Its possible that some users encounter this colour even before reaching champion select screen and autopicker exits and it leaves you wondering what happened.

This can be resolved if code exits only if a champion has been selected.


Just replace this -

Sleep, 2000
PixelSearch, FoundbX, FoundbY, 296, 180, 350, 233, 0x303030, 0, Fast ;Exit Script
if ErrorLevel = 0

With this -

Sleep, 2000
PixelSearch, FoundbX, FoundbY, 296, 180, 350, 233, 0x303030, 0, Fast ;Exit Script
if ErrorLevel = 0

Do let others know if this worked for you.

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This might be the problem, you guys are facing.


The code scans for both, blank white box for entering champion name and specified region for colour 303030 separately. This way, if colour  303030 is encountered, then autopicker will exit. Its possible that some users encounter this colour even before reaching champion select screen and autopicker exits and it leaves you wondering what happened.

This can be resolved if code exits only if a champion has been selected.


Just replace this -

Sleep, 2000
PixelSearch, FoundbX, FoundbY, 296, 180, 350, 233, 0x303030, 0, Fast ;Exit Script
if ErrorLevel = 0

With this -

Sleep, 2000
PixelSearch, FoundbX, FoundbY, 296, 180, 350, 233, 0x303030, 0, Fast ;Exit Script
if ErrorLevel = 0

Do let others know if this worked for you.

Sorry but it doesnt work

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Sorry but it doesnt work

Which server are you trying to use this on? (NA, EW, SG etc.)

Did you try running it with admin privileges? (Right click>>Run as administrator)

Some users require admin privilege for ahk to work. 

Also install latest version from http://ahkscript.org/download/ (Updated Jan 5, 2015)

See if this helps.

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Which server are you trying to use this on? (NA, EW, SG etc.)

Did you try running it with admin privileges? (Right click>>Run as administrator)

Some users require admin privilege for ahk to work. 

Also install latest version from http://ahkscript.org/download/ (Updated Jan 5, 2015)

See if this helps.

I play in NA and i ran it as run as administrator but is still doesn work;-; i downloaded leatest AHK but doesnt work either

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Which server are you trying to use this on? (NA, EW, SG etc.)

Did you try running it with admin privileges? (Right click>>Run as administrator)

Some users require admin privilege for ahk to work. 

Also install latest version from http://ahkscript.org/download/ (Updated Jan 5, 2015)

See if this helps.

I play in NA and i ran it as run as administrator but is still doesn work;-; i downloaded the latest AHK but doesnt work either

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How in the hell do i impliment this i always get this erorr sorry i'm new:



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Try and doesn't work for Garena SG/MY, any idea?

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Try and doesn't work for Garena SG/MY, any idea?

If the champion select window is the same, it should work, but you need to work out your window coordinates for the controls been used for this to work.

Can anyone explain why 0x303030 is been looked up? I don't seem to be finding that square...

My window is shorter because im running in a 720p TV, and I believe the code needs to be documented.


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I'm new to this website, but I've used your script and it works.

Here are a couple questions I have about the script.

1. When the program is running and I get to Champion Select, it selects the champion before typing in the role. Is there any way I can switch this around?
2. It takes a few seconds to call a role, so sometimes, if not all times, someone has called it before simply by using "Copy and Paste". Is there any way to speed it up? I've searched through the code, but can't find anything relating to the speed.