[Function] Timer

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[Function] Timer

07 Nov 2013, 18:57

[Function] Timer

Below is a function I use often in my gaming scripts to keep track of timers. Generally the cooldown on abilities which is prevalent in many games.

The function is easy to use and not as complicated as the comments at the beginning might imply.

Code: Select all

;{ Timer
; Fanatic Guru
; 2014 04 10
; FUNCTION to Create and Manage Timers
; Method:
;   Timer(Name of Timer, Options)
;   All times are in milliseconds and use A_TickCount which is milliseconds since computer boot up
;   Parameters:
;   1) {Name of Timer} A Unique Name for Timer to Create or Get Information About
;   2) {Option = {Number}} Set Period of Timer, creates or resets existing timer to period
;      {Option = R or RESET} Reset existing timer
;      {Option = U or UNSET} Unset existing timer ie. remove from Timer array
;      {Option = D or DONE} Return true or false if timer is done and period has passed
;      {Option = S or START} Return start time of timer
;      {Option = F or FINISH} Return finish time of timer
;      {Option = L or LEFT} Return time left of timer, will return a negative number if timer is done
;      {Option = N or NOW} Return time now
;      {Option = P or PERIOD} Return period of timer ie. duration, span, length
;      {Option = E or ELAPSE} Return elapse time since timer started
;      Optional, Default = "D"
; Returns:
;   Creates or Returns Information About Timer Based on Options
;   Timer() refreshes all timers which updates the information in the Timer array
; Global:
;   Timer.{Timer Name}.Start|Finish|Period|Done|Left|Now|Elapse
;     Creates a global array called Timer that contains all the timer information at the time of last function call
;	  To use a variable to retrieve Timer information use [] array syntax
;     Timer[Variable_Name,"Left"]
;   Timer_Count = number of Timers created
;	  Variables contain the information the last time function was called
;	  To obtain current information either call the Timer specifically by Name of Timer or use Timer() to update all variables
; Examples:
;   Timer("Cooldown",8000)		; <-- Creates a Timer named Cooldown with an 8 second period
;   Timer("Cooldown")			; <-- Returns True if Timer is Done, False if not Done
;   Timer("Cooldown,"L")		; <-- Returns updated time Left on Timer
;   Timer(VariableName,30000)		; <-- Creates A Timer named the contents of VariableName with a 30 second period
;   When Name of Timer = Cooldown
;   Timer.Cooldown.Period		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains Period (Duration) of Timer named Cooldown
;   Timer.Cooldown.Start		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains internal clock time when Timer Started
;   Timer.Cooldown.Finish		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains internal clock time when Timer will Finish
;   Timer.Cooldown.Now			; <-- Variable created by Function that contains internal clock time last time function was called
;   Timer.Cooldown.Done			; <-- Variable created by Function that contains Done status last time function was called
;   Timer.Cooldown.Left			; <-- Variable created by Function that contains time Left last time function was called
;   Timer.Cooldown.Elapse		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains Elapse time since start of timer and last time function was called
;   Timer["Cooldown","Period"]		; <-- Equivalent to above . array syntax but works better if using Variable to replace literal strings
;   For index, element in Timer		; <-- Useful for accessing information for all timers stored in the array Timer 
;	It is important to understand that () are used to call the function and [] are used to access global variables created by function
;	The function can be used for many applications without ever accessing the variable information
;	I find it useful to have access to these variables outside the function so made them Global but they could probably be made Static
Timer(Timer_Name := "", Timer_Opt := "D")
	global Timer, Timer_Count
	if !Timer
		Timer := {}
	if (Timer_Opt = "U" or Timer_Opt = "Unset")
		if IsObject(Timer[Timer_Name])
			Timer_Count --=
			return true
			return false
	if RegExMatch(Timer_Opt,"(\d+)",Timer_Match)
		if !(Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"])
			Timer_Count += 1
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"] := A_TickCount
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"] := A_TickCount + Timer_Match1
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Period"] := Timer_Match1
	if RegExMatch(Timer_Opt,"(\D+)",Timer_Match)
		Timer_Opt := Timer_Match1
		Timer_Opt := "D"
	if (Timer_Name = "")
		for index, element in Timer
	if (Timer_Opt = "R" or Timer_Opt = "Reset")
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"] := A_TickCount
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"] := A_TickCount + Timer[Timer_Name,"Period"]
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"] := A_TickCount
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Left"] := Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"] - Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"]
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Elapse"] := Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"] - Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"]
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Done"] := true
	if (Timer[Timer_Name,"Left"] > 0)
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Done"] := false
	if (Timer_Opt = "D" or Timer_Opt = "Done")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Done"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "S" or Timer_Opt = "Start")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "F" or Timer_Opt = "Finish")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "L" or Timer_Opt = "Left")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Left"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "N" or Timer_Opt = "Now")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "P" or Timer_Opt = "Period")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Period"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "E" or Timer_Opt = "Elapse")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Elapse"]
A practical gaming example.

Code: Select all

#Include Timer.ahk

	If Timer("Bash")            ; Check if Timer "Bash" is finished
		Send 1              ; Send key press to game
		Timer("Bash",6000)  ; Reset Timer "Bash" with 6 seconds
		Sleep 500           ; Global cooldown of game before any other ability can be activated 
	If Timer("Thrash")
		Send 2
		Sleep 500
	If Timer("Trash")
		Send 3
		Sleep 500
	If Timer("Slash")
		Send 4
		Sleep 500
	If Timer("Crash")
		Send 5
		Sleep 500
You have 5 abilities called Bash, Thrash, Trash, Slash, Crash with different cooldowns that are activated by the keys 1 2 3 4 5.
Push or hold down F1 to use any ability that is off cooldown.

The Timer function has a lot of versatility that is explained in the comments of the function.

Last edited by FanaticGuru on 24 May 2014, 01:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Function] Timer

24 May 2014, 00:40

Added an "Elapse" option and the ability to create a timer with a period of zero.

Inspired by tidbit in his script below that also shows nifty use of saving A_TickCount information to an array.


Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
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Re: [Function] Timer

24 May 2014, 01:15

Added an "Unset" option which removes a timer from the Timer array.

Having a no longer needed timer continue to exist has very little impact but if for some reason you are creating massive amounts of timers that you will not continue to need then it might be necessary to delete them.

Also it allows you to keep the Timer array uncluttered so that you can then loop through the array and not have to deal with no longer needed timers.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: [Function] Timer

23 Sep 2016, 20:17

Hi thought I'd contribute some examples of my usage here. Thanks FanaticGuru for this great library.

Arwen2.0 script I write and named after my buddy Arwen. I believe it was set to 800x600 in a VM setup. It would do pixelsearch on the target's HP or MP then cast spells.

Code: Select all

#Include Timer.ahk
#ifWinActive ahk_class ArcheAge
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey, 2
CoordMode, Relative
SetBatchLines, -1
Toggle = 0
InfuseToggle = 0

Toggle := !Toggle
if Toggle = 1
	TrayTip, Heal, On, 1
While Toggle
	if Timer("Target") ; Spam party target incase it's some how lost
		Send {F2}
		Sleep 50
	if Timer("Follow") ; Spam Follow key and try to follow target
		Send {]}
		Sleep 50
	if Timer("MirrorLight")
		Send 5
		Sleep 1200
		Timer("AltMirrorLight",15000) ; buff self 15 secs later
	if Timer("AltMirrorLight")
		Send !5
		Sleep 1200
	PixelSearch, MPBarX, MPBarY, 565, 76, 565, 76, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB ; 70% Mana Infuse
		if (ErrorLevel = 0 and InfuseToggle = 1 and Timer("Infuse"))
			Send 4              ; Send key press to game
			Timer("Infuse",14000)  ; Reset Timer "Infuse" with 14 seconds
			Sleep 1200           ; Global cooldown of game before any other ability can be activated 
	PixelSearch, MyMPBarX, MyMPBarY, 51, 76, 51, 76, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB
		if (ErrorLevel = 0 and Timer("Medi"))
			Send 6
			Sleep 650
			Send 8
			Sleep 9250
	PixelSearch, mHPBarX, mHPBarY, 211, 57, 211, 57, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB
		if (ErrorLevel = 0 and Timer("AltHoT"))
			Send !6
			Sleep 650
	PixelSearch, HPBarX, HPBarY, 175, 57, 175, 57, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB
		if ErrorLevel = 0
			if Timer("AltHoT")
				Send !6
				Sleep 650
			if Timer("Heal")
				Send !7
				Sleep 1650
				Sleep 250
	PixelSearch, HPBarX, HPBarY, 604, 57, 604, 57, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB
		if (ErrorLevel = 0 and Timer("HoT"))
			Send 6
			Sleep 650
	PixelSearch, HPBarX, HPBarY, 580, 57, 580, 57, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB
		if ErrorLevel = 0
			if Timer("HoT")
				Send 6
				Sleep 650
			if Timer("Heal")
				Send 7
				Sleep 1650
				Sleep 250
	PixelSearch, HPBarX, HPBarY, 560, 57, 560, 57, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB
		if (ErrorLevel = 0 and Timer("Fevrent"))
			Send 0
			Sleep 350
			Send 0
			Sleep 350
			Send 0
			Sleep 350
			Send 0
			Sleep 350
			Send 0
			Sleep 350
			Sleep 250
	PixelSearch, CHPBarX, CHPBarY, 616, 57, 616, 57, 0x372A11, 1, Fast, RGB
		if ErrorLevel = 0
			if Timer("Renew")
				Send 9
				Sleep 1000
	TrayTip, Heal, Off, 1

InfuseToggle := !InfuseToggle
if InfuseToggle = 1
	TrayTip, Infuse, On, 1
	TrayTip, Infuse, Off, 1
Another Script I wrote for Skill Rotation. I'd like to also thank MasterFocus for his WaitPixelColor Function which you can find @https://github.com/MasterFocus/AutoHotkey which I used for the function TabForPixelColor

Code: Select all

#Include Timer.ahk
#SingleInstance, force
CoordMode, Relative
SetBatchLines, -1
ListLines, Off

; set initial toggles
SenshiToggle := 3
ChannelSkill := 0

; special power bar pixel settings for 1980x1080 and UI @ 110%
sp_EmptyColor := 0x4D2411
sp_ShadedColor := 0x647E81
sp_ColorPosX := 1006
sp_ColorPosY := 1069

; health bar pixel settings for 1980x1080 and UI @ 110%
hp_EmptyColor := 0x294D11
hp_80x := 229
hp_80y := 87

; skill Global Cooldown 
; potential lag/delay compenstation
p_lag := 80

; Default Global Cooldowns
sGCD := 600
mGCD := 700
lGCD := 800
vlGCD := 900
vvlGCD := 1000

; Haste Modifer math
mod_Haste := 0.48
p_GCD := ( 1.00 - mod_Haste )

;  Global Cooldown we will use for our skills
short_GCD := ( sGCD * p_GCD ) + p_lag
med_GCD := ( mGCD * p_GCD ) + p_lag
long_GCD := ( lGCD * p_GCD ) + p_lag
vlong_GCD := ( vlGCD * p_GCD ) + p_lag
vvlong_GCD := ( vvlGCD * p_GCD ) + p_lag

; Tooltip so we know the script loaded
ToolTip, Gunner Macro Loaded, 10, 10
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000

; Hotkey we can hold to activate loop/macro
KeyWait r, T0.25
If ErrorLevel
	While GetKeyState("r", "P")
		GoSub, CheckUp	; Go to Subroutine to do some checks
		If state = U
		If Timer("Senshi") && Timer("SenshiDelay") && (SenshiToggle > 0)
			PixelGetColor, sp_OutputColor, sp_ColorPosX, sp_ColorPosY
			If !((sp_OutputColor = sp_EmptyColor) or (sp_OutputColor = sp_ShadedColor))
				Send, {8 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {8 Up}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {8 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {8 Up}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {8 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {8 Up}
				Timer("SenshiDelay", 2000)
				Sleep, short_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("Senshi2") && Timer("SenshiDelay") && (SenshiToggle > 1)
			PixelGetColor, sp_OutputColor, sp_ColorPosX, sp_ColorPosY
			If !((sp_OutputColor = sp_ShadedColor) or (sp_OutputColor = sp_EmptyColor))
				Send, {9 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {9 Up}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {9 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {9 Up}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {9 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {9 Up}
				Timer("SenshiDelay", 2000)
				Sleep, short_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("Senshi3") && Timer("SenshiDelay") && (SenshiToggle > 2)
			PixelGetColor, sp_OutputColor, sp_ColorPosX, sp_ColorPosY
			If !((sp_OutputColor = sp_EmptyColor) or (sp_OutputColor = sp_ShadedColor))
				Send, {Ctrl Down}
				Send, {8 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {8 Up}
				Send, {Ctrl Up}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {Ctrl Down}
				Send, {8 Down}
				Sleep, 25
				Send, {8 Up}
				Send, {Ctrl Up}
				Timer("SenshiDelay", 2000)
				Sleep, short_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("Buff")
			Send, {6 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {6 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {6 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {6 Up}
			Sleep, vlong_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("Elusive")
			Send, {1 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {1 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {1 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {1 Up}
			Sleep, short_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("Fatal")
			Send, {4 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {4 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {4 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {4 Up}
			Sleep, 1100
			Send, {4 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {4 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {4 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {4 Up}
			Sleep, med_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("Frigid")
			Send, {2 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {2 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {2 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {2 Up}
			Sleep, long_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("Incen")
			Send, {3 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {3 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {3 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {3 Up}
			Sleep, med_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("HeavensW")
			Send, {5 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {5 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {5 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {5 Up}
			Sleep, long_GCD
		If state = U
		If Timer("SnP") && ( ChannelSkill )
			Send, {7 Down}{7 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {7 Down}{7 Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {7 Down}
			Sleep, 3000
			Send, {7 Up}
			Sleep, vlong_GCD
		GoSub, CheckUp
		If state = U
		If Timer("BladeDance")
			Send, {Ctrl Down}
			Send, {2 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {2 Up}
			Send, {Ctrl Up}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {Ctrl Down}
			Send, {2 Down}
			Sleep, 25
			Send, {2 Up}
			Send, {Ctrl Up}
			Sleep, long_GCD			
	Send, {r Down}{r Up}
	ToolTip, Hotkey Released, 10, 10
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000

GetKeyState, state, r, P
If state = U
	; Commented section we can use if the class can heal
	; PixelGetColor, hp_OutputColor, hp_80x, hp_80y
	; If (( hp_OutputColor = hp_EmptyColor ) && Timer("Heal")) || (( hp_OutputColor = hp_EmptyColor ) && Timer("HealingAura"))
	; {
		; HealingRequired := 1
	; }
	; Else
	; {
		; HealingRequired := 0
	; }
	Enemy := TabForPixelColor(0x5950D6, 858, 69)
	If ( Enemy = 0 )
		; Can be made into a very simple Zoolander Bot to if you send left key. Just uncomment both Send Lefts below to release left key when enemy is detect
		; Send, {Left Up}
		ToolTip, Enemy DETECTED !!!, 10, 10
		GetKeyState, state, r, P

; Reload script because I was usually changing it or needed the script to stop immediately for some reason

; Toggle for Summons we may or may not want to use in our rotation
If SenshiToggle > 3
	SenshiToggle := 0
ToolTip, %SenshiToggle% Senshi Enabled, 10, 10
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000

; Toggle for Channel Skill
ChannelSkill := !ChannelSkill
ToolTip, %ChannelSkill% ChannelSkill, 10, 10
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000

; Basically this is MasterFocus's WaitPixelColor Function which you can find @ https://github.com/MasterFocus/AutoHotkey
; I only changed the Function name, removed some if statements because they were unused, and added a send Tab key in the loop.
TabForPixelColor(p_DesiredColor,p_PosX,p_PosY,p_TimeOut=0,p_GetMode="") {
    l_Start := A_TickCount
        PixelGetColor, l_OutputColor, %p_PosX%, %p_PosY%, %p_GetMode%
        If ( l_OutputColor = p_DesiredColor )
            Return (0)
        If ( p_TimeOut ) && ( A_TickCount - l_Start >= p_TimeOut )
		GetKeyState, state, r, P
		If state = D
			; Zoolander Bot code
			; Send, {Left Down}
			Send, {Tab Down}{Tab Up}
			l_Elapsed := A_TickCount - l_Start
			ToolTip, Searching - %l_Elapsed%ms, 10, 10
			Return (3)
		Sleep, 25

SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
Ulfric Stormcloak
Posts: 39
Joined: 28 Apr 2017, 23:26

Re: [Function] Timer

25 May 2017, 13:27

FanaticGuru wrote:[Function] Timer

Below is a function I use often in my gaming scripts to keep track of timers. Generally the cooldown on abilities which is prevalent in many games.

The function is easy to use and not as complicated as the comments at the beginning might imply.

Code: Select all

;{ Timer
; Fanatic Guru
; 2014 04 10
; FUNCTION to Create and Manage Timers
; Method:
;   Timer(Name of Timer, Options)
;   All times are in milliseconds and use A_TickCount which is milliseconds since computer boot up
;   Parameters:
;   1) {Name of Timer} A Unique Name for Timer to Create or Get Information About
;   2) {Option = {Number}} Set Period of Timer, creates or resets existing timer to period
;      {Option = R or RESET} Reset existing timer
;      {Option = U or UNSET} Unset existing timer ie. remove from Timer array
;      {Option = D or DONE} Return true or false if timer is done and period has passed
;      {Option = S or START} Return start time of timer
;      {Option = F or FINISH} Return finish time of timer
;      {Option = L or LEFT} Return time left of timer, will return a negative number if timer is done
;      {Option = N or NOW} Return time now
;      {Option = P or PERIOD} Return period of timer ie. duration, span, length
;      {Option = E or ELAPSE} Return elapse time since timer started
;      Optional, Default = "D"
; Returns:
;   Creates or Returns Information About Timer Based on Options
;   Timer() refreshes all timers which updates the information in the Timer array
; Global:
;   Timer.{Timer Name}.Start|Finish|Period|Done|Left|Now|Elapse
;     Creates a global array called Timer that contains all the timer information at the time of last function call
;	  To use a variable to retrieve Timer information use [] array syntax
;     Timer[Variable_Name,"Left"]
;   Timer_Count = number of Timers created
;	  Variables contain the information the last time function was called
;	  To obtain current information either call the Timer specifically by Name of Timer or use Timer() to update all variables
; Examples:
;   Timer("Cooldown",8000)		; <-- Creates a Timer named Cooldown with an 8 second period
;   Timer("Cooldown")			; <-- Returns True if Timer is Done, False if not Done
;   Timer("Cooldown,"L")		; <-- Returns updated time Left on Timer
;   Timer(VariableName,30000)		; <-- Creates A Timer named the contents of VariableName with a 30 second period
;   When Name of Timer = Cooldown
;   Timer.Cooldown.Period		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains Period (Duration) of Timer named Cooldown
;   Timer.Cooldown.Start		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains internal clock time when Timer Started
;   Timer.Cooldown.Finish		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains internal clock time when Timer will Finish
;   Timer.Cooldown.Now			; <-- Variable created by Function that contains internal clock time last time function was called
;   Timer.Cooldown.Done			; <-- Variable created by Function that contains Done status last time function was called
;   Timer.Cooldown.Left			; <-- Variable created by Function that contains time Left last time function was called
;   Timer.Cooldown.Elapse		; <-- Variable created by Function that contains Elapse time since start of timer and last time function was called
;   Timer["Cooldown","Period"]		; <-- Equivalent to above . array syntax but works better if using Variable to replace literal strings
;   For index, element in Timer		; <-- Useful for accessing information for all timers stored in the array Timer 
;	It is important to understand that () are used to call the function and [] are used to access global variables created by function
;	The function can be used for many applications without ever accessing the variable information
;	I find it useful to have access to these variables outside the function so made them Global but they could probably be made Static
Timer(Timer_Name := "", Timer_Opt := "D")
	global Timer, Timer_Count
	if !Timer
		Timer := {}
	if (Timer_Opt = "U" or Timer_Opt = "Unset")
		if IsObject(Timer[Timer_Name])
			Timer_Count --=
			return true
			return false
	if RegExMatch(Timer_Opt,"(\d+)",Timer_Match)
		if !(Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"])
			Timer_Count += 1
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"] := A_TickCount
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"] := A_TickCount + Timer_Match1
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Period"] := Timer_Match1
	if RegExMatch(Timer_Opt,"(\D+)",Timer_Match)
		Timer_Opt := Timer_Match1
		Timer_Opt := "D"
	if (Timer_Name = "")
		for index, element in Timer
	if (Timer_Opt = "R" or Timer_Opt = "Reset")
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"] := A_TickCount
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"] := A_TickCount + Timer[Timer_Name,"Period"]
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"] := A_TickCount
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Left"] := Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"] - Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"]
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Elapse"] := Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"] - Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"]
	Timer[Timer_Name,"Done"] := true
	if (Timer[Timer_Name,"Left"] > 0)
		Timer[Timer_Name,"Done"] := false
	if (Timer_Opt = "D" or Timer_Opt = "Done")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Done"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "S" or Timer_Opt = "Start")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Start"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "F" or Timer_Opt = "Finish")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Finish"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "L" or Timer_Opt = "Left")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Left"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "N" or Timer_Opt = "Now")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Now"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "P" or Timer_Opt = "Period")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Period"]
	if (Timer_Opt = "E" or Timer_Opt = "Elapse")
		return Timer[Timer_Name,"Elapse"]
A practical gaming example.

Code: Select all

#Include Timer.ahk

	If Timer("Bash")            ; Check if Timer "Bash" is finished
		Send 1              ; Send key press to game
		Timer("Bash",6000)  ; Reset Timer "Bash" with 6 seconds
		Sleep 500           ; Global cooldown of game before any other ability can be activated 
	If Timer("Thrash")
		Send 2
		Sleep 500
	If Timer("Trash")
		Send 3
		Sleep 500
	If Timer("Slash")
		Send 4
		Sleep 500
	If Timer("Crash")
		Send 5
		Sleep 500
You have 5 abilities called Bash, Thrash, Trash, Slash, Crash with different cooldowns that are activated by the keys 1 2 3 4 5.
Push or hold down F1 to use any ability that is off cooldown.

The Timer function has a lot of versatility that is explained in the comments of the function.

I am using your script it works really well. I dont understand anything in the timer.ahk file but i use it anyways.

I just have a few questions
Is their a way to add a function that holds down left mouse button when the script isnt pressing any buttons ? Like during gap in the timer.
Also i was instead of having to hold the F1 key or some other key. Is their a way to make this toggle-able.

This is the code i am using

Code: Select all

#Include timer.ahk

	If Timer("Bash")            ; Check if Timer "Bash" is finished
		Send 1              ; Send key press to game
		Timer("Bash",9000)  ; Reset Timer "Bash" with 6 seconds
		Sleep 500           ; Global cooldown of game before any other ability can be activated 
	If Timer("Thrash")
		Send 2
		Sleep 1000
	If Timer("Trash")
		Send 3
		Sleep 1000
	If Timer("Slash")
		Sleep, 500		
		Send 4
		Sleep 1000
	If Timer("Crash")
		Send, {Tab}
		Sleep, 500
		SendInput 1
		Sleep, 500
		Send, {Tab}
		Sleep, 500
	If Timer("Crash")
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Re: [Function] Timer

29 May 2017, 17:46

Ulfric Stormcloak wrote:Is their a way to add a function that holds down left mouse button when the script isnt pressing any buttons ? Like during gap in the timer.
Also i was instead of having to hold the F1 key or some other key. Is their a way to make this toggle-able.
This will cause z to toggle the key pressing off and on.

Code: Select all

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
	Toggle := !Toggle
	while (Toggle)
		If Timer("Bash") and Toggle           ; Check if Timer "Bash" is finished
			Send 1              ; Send key press to game
			Timer("Bash",9000)  ; Reset Timer "Bash" with 6 seconds
			Sleep 500           ; Global cooldown of game before any other ability can be activated 
		If Timer("Thrash") and Toggle
			Send 2
			Sleep 1000
		If Timer("Trash") and Toggle
			Send 3
			Sleep 1000
		If Timer("Slash") and Toggle
			Sleep, 500		
			Send 4
			Sleep 1000
		If Timer("Crash") and Toggle
			Send, {Tab}
			Sleep, 500
			SendInput 1
			Sleep, 500
			Send, {Tab}
			Sleep, 500
	Sleep 100
Pressing left mouse in the gap in the timers is vague to me. If you basically want the left mouse held down all the time except the instant that a key is pressed you can do: Send {LButton Up}4{LButton Down}. You will also need to send a LButton down when the code is toggled on and then a LButton up when the code is toggled off but that is the basic concept.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
Posts: 266
Joined: 20 Jun 2014, 16:48

Re: [Function] Timer

19 Sep 2018, 06:43

A great discovery. Found immediate, real application! :P
Posts: 6
Joined: 28 Jun 2019, 09:01

Re: [Function] Timer

20 May 2024, 13:52

do you have any plans to update this awesome script to v2?

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