Radial menu scripts

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Radial menu scripts

20 Dec 2015, 09:37

Here you can find some of my
Radial menu works - continued from old RADIAL MENU scripts thread.

Radial menu v4 - portable application which helps you to control computers with minimal effort. It's a thing to explore.

- Radial menu v4.zip (portable application)
- last change: 31.12.2021. (day.month.year)
- last version: 4.48
- website: Radial menu v4 website

Notes for first time users

Contact: contact link

Changelog: ..., 4.43, 4.44, 4.45, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48


[module] RM2module
Download RM2module.zip which includes: RM2module.ahk + Gdip.ahk + skins + examples
- last change: 13.05.2014. (day.month.year)
- last version: 2.22

[module] RM3module - work in progress...
Last edited by Learning one on 30 Dec 2021, 20:39, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

20 Dec 2015, 18:13

Radial menu application updated to v4.43 What's new?
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

20 Dec 2015, 23:46

Really glad this is being updated still. Still by far the most useful tool I've found.
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

21 Dec 2015, 10:46

First, thank you so much for your script. It is very nice, and a huge time saver.

Is there a function built in that allows to switch profiles from the menu itself? The script I'm working on is for Centos commands, and I am setting up profiles by different areas of server management (Apache, MySQL, etc). I am trying to set it up to switch profiles and reload the script from the menu, and not going through the profile switcher in the tray. This is what I have so far:

Code: Select all

profile_email() {
	FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Internal\Internal.txt	; delete old
	Sleep, 500
	FileAppend, Email profile`nOrb`nUser agrees on all license and autorship terms, %A_ScriptDir%\Internal\Internal.txt, UTF-8	; create new
It works, but its cumbersome to set up a different function for each profile, so wanted to see if there was anything already defined that would make it easier.

Also, I really like the navigator menu. Although I've been using it to call functions more than local navigation. So when I activate it, its got a nested list of most common server commands, with functions set to load them directly into the clipboard.

Is there a way to specify multiple navigators in one profile?

For example, scripts 1, 2, and 3 - and then bind the navigators to different mouse gestures? So up would be scripts 1, left would be scripts 2, and right would be scripts 3?

Even if they aren't set by profile, it would still be awesome. The navigator I'm using now is set for all the profiles, so its always available.
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

25 Dec 2015, 10:36

Hi! Radial menu is great! What is the "secret" to unlocking more than 60 items (4 rings) per menu?
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

29 Dec 2015, 15:11

I have XButton1 set to show the menu. I'd like to make that a toggle to hide it as well (if the menu is showing, XButton1 hides it). What is the best way to accomplish that?
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

01 Jan 2016, 15:36

Hello again Learning One,

I have found a bug to report or an error rather, not sure how to fix it. When I try to launch Age of Empires HD from my steam lib, Radial Menu launches Toontown Rewritten. They are in two totally different locations.

Things I have tried:
[*]Removing Age of Empires and Re-Adding it after saving. (To RMD)
[*]Uninstalling Radial Menu all together and Re-Installing and Re-Adding Age of Empires.
[*]Deleting Radial Menu and Uninstalling AHK and Completely re-installing everything.
[*]Turning off every process and exiting everything running.

Still cant figure out why it does this, and it ONLY does it with Age of Empires and no other programs/folders.

Code: Select all

System Information
Time of this report: 1/1/2016, 14:10:38
Machine name: WICKY-PC
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.151019-1254)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name
BIOS: BIOS Date: 02/06/12 15:12:21 Ver: 31.01
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2700K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 16352MB RAM
Page File: 4948MB used, 27751MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode

Here is a video to get a better understanding. ANY help would be wonderful :)

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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

02 Jan 2016, 15:42

Try attaching your Main Profile.txt under \Menu Definitions\. If your item is in a submenu, attach the relevant .txt file from the /menu definitions/submenus folder. That will eliminate the biggest possible error source
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

20 Jan 2016, 03:54

Kityn wrote:Hi! Radial menu is great! What is the "secret" to unlocking more than 60 items (4 rings) per menu?
Hi Kityn. The secret is to change ItemLayoutPerRing.
Default value is - it starts with 6 items in 1. ring and gives you ability to have up to 60 items per menu.
If you change (increase) that value, for example to; then your radial menu will start with 8 items in 1. ring and will give you ability to have up to 68 items per menu.

To better understand and see ItemLayoutPerRing, open RM\Utilities\RM item layout.png

To change RM's ItemLayoutPerRing, for example to, open RM\Menu definitions\General settings.txt and put ItemLayoutPerRing = under this line; [SkinOverride], so you'll have:

Code: Select all

ItemLayoutPerRing =
Now you should tell Radial menu designer to operate in mode too. Open RM\Internal\Codes\RMD.ahk.
You''ll find this example in the comments there; ;Layout := {ItemSize:55, ItemLayout: "10_15_20_25_30", RadiusSizeFactor: "1"} ; example how to override some defaults - very rarely used
Just put this line: Layout := {ItemLayout: "8_14_20_26"} one line above it.

Save changes to both files, reload and that's it.
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

20 Jan 2016, 11:03

I notice when I launch my menu, and move my cursor over the options, my cpu on the autohotkey process jumps to about 10% and it crawls. Is it the timer? Any way to address this?
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

21 Jan 2016, 12:49

Learning one, thanks for the explanation!
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

25 Jan 2016, 14:21

@mikemonk: I somehow missed your post... sorry
Is there a function built in that allows to switch profiles from the menu itself?
There's no built-in function, but you can make your own; as you did. :)
Here's my version which accepts parameters and allows you to change profile and skin;

Code: Select all

ChangeProfileOrSkin(NewProfile="", NewSkin="", Reload=1, RMFolder="") {
	RM := (RMFolder="") ? A_ScriptDir : RMFolder
	While (SubStr(RM,0) = "\")
		RM := RTrim(RM, "\")
	FileRead, InternalTxt, % RM "\Internal\Internal.txt"
	oInternal := StrSplit(InternalTxt, "`n", "`r") ; oInternal structure: [Profile, Skin, LicenseAgreement]
	AnyChanges := 0

	;=== Profile ===
	if (oInternal.1 != NewProfile) {	; something to change
		Loop, % RM "\Menu definitions\*.txt"	; check does specified profile exist
			ProfileName := SubStr(A_LoopFileName, 1, StrLen(A_LoopFileName)-4)	; Omit last 4 char. exa: "Main menu.txt" --> "Main menu"
			if (ProfileName = NewProfile and NewProfile != "General settings") {	; valid (existing) new profile
				oInternal.1 := NewProfile, AnyChanges := 1
	;=== Skin ===	
	if (oInternal.2 != NewSkin) {	; something to change
		Loop, % RM "\Skins\*", 2	; check does skin exist
			if (A_LoopFileName = NewSkin and InStr(A_LoopFileName, "+") = 0) {
				oInternal.2 := NewSkin, AnyChanges := 1

	if (AnyChanges = 1) {
		For k,v in oInternal
			NewInternalTxt .= "`n" v
		NewInternalTxt := SubStr(NewInternalTxt,2)	; remove  first `n character

		FileDelete, % RM "\Internal\Internal.txt"	; delete old
		Sleep, 500
		FileAppend, % NewInternalTxt, % RM "\Internal\Internal.txt", UTF-8	; create new
		if (Reload=1)
Item action examples;
Action= fun ChangeProfileOrSkin|Work profile ; changes profile
Action= fun ChangeProfileOrSkin||Cell ; changes skin
Action= fun ChangeProfileOrSkin|Main profile|Metal plate ; changes profile and skin

Check out context sensitive radial menus too - maybe you need just that instead of reloading whole RM and change profile.
Is there a way to specify multiple navigators in one profile? For example, scripts 1, 2, and 3 - and then bind the navigators to different mouse gestures?
Yes - navigators are drop down menus. Build your drop down menu with Menu command of with my CreateMenu() function and than call it with mouse gestures.
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

06 Feb 2016, 03:33

HannibalHotkey wrote:I have XButton1 set to show the menu. I'd like to make that a toggle to hide it as well (if the menu is showing, XButton1 hides it). What is the best way to accomplish that?
There's no easy way at the moment - you'll have to modify internal codes.
I notice when I launch my menu, and move my cursor over the options, my cpu on the autohotkey process jumps to about 10% and it crawls. Is it the timer? Any way to address this?
At my notebook (Intel Core i5 2430M 2.40GHz, 8GB RAM, Windows 10), RM CPU consumpiton jumps up to max 3,4% when I very very fast move the mouse in random directions over displayed menu for 5+ seconds, otherwise it's CPU consumpiton is mainly 0,0 - 0,1%.
There is no timer, but there is a Loop with a 20ms Sleep which checks under which item is mouse cursor and glows (highlights) that item. If you want, you can modify internal codes and give more sleep; for example to 40ms, but giving too much sleep may make RM less responsive/accurate/slower when it monitors user's mouse movements over displayed menu.

Wickster wrote:When I try to launch Age of Empires HD from my steam lib, Radial Menu launches Toontown Rewritten
Try to launch it in new AHK script (not in RM) with ordinary Run command and say does it work. Like this:

Code: Select all

Run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Launcher.exe
or this:

Code: Select all

Run, Launcher.exe, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

06 Feb 2016, 10:39


Wickster wrote:

Code: Select all

When I try to launch Age of Empires HD from my steam lib, Radial Menu launches Toontown Rewritten
Try to launch it in new AHK script (not in RM) with ordinary Run command and say does it work. Like this:

Code: Select all

Run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Launcher.exe
or this:

Code: Select all

Run, Launcher.exe, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD

@Learning one

The first code ran Age of Empires just fine, the 2nd code however ran ToonTown Rewritten. So how do we fix that inside RM ? :)

This is currently what I have for my games section:

I guess that means we will have to edit something in the Lib ?or ? (Im sure you know since this is your baby). Hope all is well thanks for the continued support
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

06 Feb 2016, 16:14

also another quick bug or glitch that keeps happening randomly is this


it fades out randomly for some reason and i cant figure out why. but it works perfectly when i reload it.

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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

08 Feb 2016, 14:14

Wickster, that glitch is caused by the 16-bit (or 8-bit) color mode. Some older games under Windows 7 (or older) use that mode.

RM2_Redraw() function can fix it (temporary) or you can update to Windows 8 or 10 to fix it permanently (16-bit or 8-bit modes are disabled).
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

09 Feb 2016, 01:35

Ill just keep reloading it then im not upgrading to those crap OSs. Thanks for the info tho!
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

12 Feb 2016, 13:38

@Wickster: RM refines Item action and intentionally turns something like this:
Run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Launcher.exe
into this
Run, Launcher.exe, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD
because long time ago there was request to split full path into target and working dir, which now makes problems in your case...
I suggest doing this; put this in My functions.ahk

Code: Select all

Run(Target, WorkingDir="", MaxMinHide="") {
	Run, % Target, % WorkingDir, % MaxMinHide
and specify this as Item action; Action = fun Run|%A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Launcher.exe
It should work...

@Kityn: thanks for giving user to user support ;)
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

12 Feb 2016, 15:42

Learning one wrote:@Wickster: RM refines Item action and intentionally turns something like this:
Run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Launcher.exe
into this
Run, Launcher.exe, %A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD
because long time ago there was request to split full path into target and working dir, which now makes problems in your case...
I suggest doing this; put this in My functions.ahk

Code: Select all

Run(Target, WorkingDir="", MaxMinHide="") {
	Run, % Target, % WorkingDir, % MaxMinHide
and specify this as Item action; Action = fun Run|%A_ProgramFiles%\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Launcher.exe
It should work...

@Kityn: thanks for giving user to user support ;)

@Learning one , Thanks worked perfectly. :bravo:

@Kityn , Thanks for the support sorry if I was a bit rude. :dance:
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Re: Radial menu scripts - updated 21.12.2015.

12 Feb 2016, 19:57

I'm glad I could help. :)

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