AHK Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

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AHK Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

27 Nov 2013, 15:18

AHK Startup

This is my startup script that I put a shortcut to run in my startup folder to load my standard scripts on computer bootup.

It basically Runs a list of scripts.
This list can include a folder which will run all files in that folder and subfolders. Wildcards * and ? can also be used.
Relative path can also be used by using .\ at the beginning of a file path. One dot is the folder this script is located in. Each additional dot steps back one folder.
It also looks for a txt file with the same name as the script and includes the files listed there.
It then creates a tooltip that list all the scripts that it started.
It then removes the tray icon of all the scripts it started leaving only the "AHK Startup" tray icon.
When AHK Startup is exited or stopped all the scripts it started will also be exited and stopped.

All the lines between:

Are example paths only to show different syntax and formatting of how paths can be done. These lines MUST BE EDITED to the path and scripts that the user wants AHK Startup to run.

In the list of scripts, the flag "/noload" can be used after a script name to not run the script but include it in the "Load" submenu. When a running script is exited through the menu then it is also moved to the "Load" submenu which means scripts can be loaded and unloaded through the menu by using "Load" and "Exit". I use "/noload" on scripts that I want easy access to but do not actually want to have running all the time. A script is only moved to the "Load" submenu if exited through the menu. If a script is closed directly or closes itself, then it is not added to the "Load" submenu.

I use this script for startup but AHK Startup does not really even have to be done at bootup, that is just how I use it. You could make three copies of AHK Startup and rename them "Work Scripts", "Web Scripts", and "Game Scripts". Then define within each of those which scripts it starts. Then run them as you need them, one or all three and have three tray icons that each start and stop related scripts together. AHK Startup is really about just consolidating multiply scripts to start and stop together like suites of scripts that you want to run together.

Update: Added a custom right click menu to the AHK Startup tray icon to allow access to some individual script controls.
Update: Added the ability to Reload, Load, and Exit scripts.
Update: Added flags for running scripts with v1 or v2 versions of AutoHotkey.exe
Update: Added additional cleanup of tray icons on screen resolution change and anytime the AHK Startup tray icon is moused over
Update: Converted from TrayIcon library to KillTrayIcon function

Code: Select all

; AHK Startup
; Fanatic Guru
; Version: 2023 03 16
; Startup Script for Startup Folder to Run on Bootup.
; Runs the Scripts Defined in the Files Array
; Removes the Scripts' Tray Icons leaving only AHK Startup
; Creates a ToolTip for the One Tray Icon Showing the Startup Scripts
; If AHK Startup is Exited All Startup Scripts are Exited
; Includes a "Load" menu for a list of scripts that are not currently loaded
; Includes flags to allow for running of both v1 and v2 scripts

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance force  ; Ensures that only the last executed instance of script is running
DetectHiddenWindows, On

; Folder: all files in that folder and subfolders
; Relative Paths: .\ at beginning is the folder of the script, each additional . steps back one folder
; Wildcards: * and ? can be used
; Flags to the right are used to indicate additional instructions, can use tabs for readability
; "/noload" indicates to not load the script initially but add to Load submenu
; "/v1" or no version flag indicates to run with AutoHotkey v1 exe
; "/v2" indicates to run with AutoHotkey v2 exe
Files := [	; Additional Startup Files and Folders Can Be Added Between the ( Continuations  ) Below
"C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\Compiled Scripts\*.exe"
A_MyDocuments "\AutoHotkey\My Scripts\Hotstring Helper.ahk"
"C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\My Scripts\Calculator.ahk"	"/v2"
".\Web\Google Search.ahk"	"/v1"
"Hotkey Help.ahk"
"MediaMonkey.ahk"		"/noload"

; Define Path to AutoHotkey.exe for v1 and v2
RunPathV1 := A_AhkPath
RunPathV2 := A_ProgramFiles "\AutoHotkey\v2\AutoHotkey.exe"

if FileExist(RegExReplace(A_ScriptName,"(.*)\..*","$1.txt")) ; Look for text file with same name as script
	Loop, Read, % RegExReplace(A_ScriptName,"(.*)\..*","$1.txt")
		if A_LoopReadLine

Scripts := {}
For index, File in Files
	if File ~= "/noload"
		Status := false
		Status := true
	if File ~= "/v2"
		RunPath := RunPathV2
		RunPath := RunPathV1
	File := RegExReplace(File, "/noload|/v1|/v2")
	RegExMatch(File,"^(\.*)\\",Match), R := StrLen(Match1) ; Look for relative pathing
	if (R=1)
		File := A_ScriptDir SubStr(File,R+1)
	else if (R>1)
		File := SubStr(A_ScriptDir,1,InStr(A_ScriptDir,"\",,0,R-1)) SubStr(File,R+2)

	if RegExMatch(File,"\\$") ; If File ends in \ assume it is a folder
		Loop, %File%*.*,,1 ; Get full path of all files in folder and subfolders
			SplitPath, % A_LoopFileFullPath,,,, Script_Name
			Scripts[Script_Name, "Path"] := A_LoopFileFullPath
			Scripts[Script_Name, "Status"] := Status
			Scripts[Script_Name, "RunPath"] := RunPath
		if RegExMatch(File,"\*|\?") ; If File contains wildcard
			Loop, %File%,,1 ; Get full path of all matching files in folder and subfolders
				SplitPath, % A_LoopFileFullPath,,,, Script_Name
				Scripts[Script_Name, "Path"] := A_LoopFileFullPath
				Scripts[Script_Name, "Status"] := Status
				Scripts[Script_Name, "RunPath"] := RunPath
			SplitPath, % File,,,, Script_Name
			Scripts[Script_Name, "Path"] := File
			Scripts[Script_Name, "Status"] := Status
			Scripts[Script_Name, "RunPath"] := RunPath

; Run All the Scripts with Status true, Keep Their Pid
for Script_Name, Script in Scripts
	if !Script.Status
	; Use same AutoHotkey version to run scripts as this current script is using
	; Required to deal with 'launcher' that was introduced when Autohotkey v2 is installed
	; Requires literal quotes around variables to handle spaces in file paths/names
	Run, % """" Script.RunPath """ """ Script.Path """",,, Pid ; specify Autohotkey version
	Scripts[Script_Name,"Pid"] := Pid

OnExit, ExitSub ; Gosub to ExitSub when this Script Exits

; Build Menu and TrayTip then Remove Tray Icons
gosub TrayTipBuild
gosub MenuBuild
OnMessage(0x404, "AHK_NOTIFYICON") ; Hook Events for Tray Icon (used for Tray Icon cleanup on mouseover)
OnMessage(0x7E, "AHK_DISPLAYCHANGE") ; Hook Events for Display Change (used for Tray Icon cleanup on resolution change)


~#^!Escape::ExitApp ; <-- Terminate Script

	Tip_Text := ""
	for Script_Name, Script in Scripts
		if Script.Status
			Tip_Text .= Script_Name "`n"
	Sort, Tip_Text
	Tip_Text := TrimAtDelim(Trim(Tip_Text, " `n"))
	Menu, Tray, Tip, %Tip_Text% ; Tooltip is limited to first 127 characters

; Stop All the Scripts with Status true (Called When this Scripts Exits)
	for Script_Name, Script in Scripts
		WinGet, hWnds, List, % "ahk_pid " Script.Pid
		Loop % hWnds
			hWnd := hWnds%A_Index%
			WinKill, % "ahk_id " hWnd

	try Menu, SubMenu_Load, DeleteAll ; SubMenu_Load does not always exist
	Menu, Tray, DeleteAll
	for Script_Name, Script in Scripts
		if Script.Status
			PID := Script.PID
			try Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, DeleteAll
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, View Lines, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, View Variables, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, View Hotkeys, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, View Key History, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, &Open, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, &Edit, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, &Pause, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, &Suspend, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, &Reload, ScriptCommand
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, Add, &Exit, ScriptCommand
			Menu, Tray, Add, %Script_Name%, :SubMenu_%PID%
			Menu, SubMenu_Load, Add, % Script_Name, ScriptCommand_Load

	Menu, Tray, NoStandard
	Menu, Tray, Add
	try Menu, Tray, Add, Load, :SubMenu_Load ; SubMenu_Load does not always exist
	Menu, Tray, Standard
	try Menu, Tray, Default, Load ; SubMenu_Load does not always exist

	Cmd_Open			= 65300
	Cmd_Reload			= 65400
	Cmd_Edit			= 65401
	Cmd_Pause			= 65403
	Cmd_Suspend			= 65404
	Cmd_Exit			= 65405
	Cmd_ViewLines		= 65406
	Cmd_ViewVariables	= 65407
	Cmd_ViewHotkeys		= 65408
	Cmd_ViewKeyHistory	= 65409
	Pid := RegExReplace(A_ThisMenu,"SubMenu_(\d*)$","$1") ; each SubMenu name included Pid
    cmd := RegExReplace(A_ThisMenuItem, "[^\w#@$?\[\]]") ; strip invalid chars

	; if Cmd_Reload, simulate by exiting and running again with captured Pid
	if (cmd = "Reload")
		for Script_Name, Script in Scripts ; find Script by Pid
			if (Script.Pid = Pid)
		Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, DeleteAll ; delete Tray SubMenu of old Pid (use 'try' just in case)
		PostMessage, 0x111, Cmd_Exit,,,ahk_pid %Pid%
		Run, % """" Script.RunPath """ """ Script.Path """",,, Pid ; specify Autohotkey version
		Scripts[Script_Name,"Pid"] := Pid
		gosub MenuBuild ; need to rebuild menu because changed Pid is used in menu names
		TrayIconRemove(8) ; need to remove new icon
	    if (cmd = "Pause" or cmd = "Suspend")
			Menu, SubMenu_%PID%, ToggleCheck, %A_ThisMenuItem%
		cmd := Cmd_%cmd%
		PostMessage, 0x111, %cmd%,,,ahk_pid %Pid%

	; If Cmd_Exit then Set Status to false
	if (cmd = 65405)
		for Script_Name, Script in Scripts
			if (Script.Pid = Pid)
		Scripts[Script_Name, "Status"] := false

		; Rebuild Menu and TrayTip
		gosub MenuBuild
		gosub TrayTipBuild

	; Run Script and Keep Info
	Run, % """" Scripts[A_ThisMenuItem].RunPath """ """ Scripts[A_ThisMenuItem].Path """",,, Pid ; specify Autohotkey version
	Scripts[A_ThisMenuItem, "Pid"] := Pid
	Scripts[A_ThisMenuItem, "Status"] := true

	; Rebuild Menu and TrayTip then Remove Tray Icon
	gosub MenuBuild
	gosub TrayTipBuild


	global Scripts
	Loop, % Attempts	; Try To Remove Over Time Because Icons May Lag Especially During Bootup
		for Script_Name, Script in Scripts
			if Script.Status
				WinGet, hWnds, List, % "ahk_pid " Script.Pid
				Loop % hWnds
					hWnd := hWnds%A_Index%
		Sleep A_index**2 * 200

; Lexikos 
KillTrayIcon(scriptHwnd) {
    static NIM_DELETE := 2, AHK_NOTIFYICON := 1028
    VarSetCapacity(nic, size := 936+4*A_PtrSize)
    NumPut(size, nic, 0, "uint")
    NumPut(scriptHwnd, nic, A_PtrSize)
    NumPut(AHK_NOTIFYICON, nic, A_PtrSize*2, "uint")
    return DllCall("Shell32\Shell_NotifyIcon", "uint", NIM_DELETE, "ptr", &nic)

	if (StrLen(String)>Length)
		RegExMatch(SubStr(String, 1, Length+1),"(.*)" Delim, Match), Result := Match Tail
		Result := String
	return Result

AHK_NOTIFYICON(wParam, lParam, uMsg, hWnd) ; OnMessage(0x404, "AHK_NOTIFYICON")
	; Cleanup Tray Icons on MouseOver
	if (lParam = 0x200) ; WM_MOUSEMOVE := 0x200

	; Cleanup Tray Icons on Resolution Change
	TrayIconRemove(8) ; Resolution Change can take a moment so try over time
TrayIcon was broken by a Windows 11 update. Switched to KillTrayIcon function by Lexikos that does the one thing needed from the TrayIcon library in one function to remove tray icons. This removes any TrayIcon library dependency.

This script uses TrayIcon functions created by others that I have updated to be more functional for my needs. These functions are probably useful for others and the original links to them are broken and the old functions probably would not work even if the links were live as they were written for AutoHotkey Basic.

I #include [Library] TrayIcon.ahk in my script as I use these functions in other scripts but have manually placed the three required function at the end of AutoHotkey Startup above for convenience.

Here is a link to my (outdated) version of the entire updated TrayIcon Library:

Updated TrayIcon Library

AHK Startup v2
AutoHotkey v2 version can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=120981

Last edited by FanaticGuru on 31 Aug 2023, 15:11, edited 32 times in total.
Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

27 Nov 2013, 15:47

Nice FanaticGuru, this is going to be very useful :D
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

10 Dec 2013, 17:00

Updated Script on First Page

Change Log:
Streamlined code by combining TrayIconsOverflow function into TrayIcons function so that one function call gets the information on all the Icons regardless of location.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

16 Jan 2014, 17:56

Updated Script on First Page

Change Log:
Updated to work with Unicode 64 bit.
Included only the required 3 TrayIcon functions in the script.
Provided Link to entire updated TrayIcon Library.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

13 Mar 2014, 12:34

Thank you for this. Makes life much easier.

I initially was having a problem where this one script was not getting loaded. It turned out to be a problem with the scripts name: explorer paths.ahk. When I changed it to expxlorerpaths.ahk, it worked fine. It wasn't the space. Something about one or both the words was making it not happy. But this did give me an idea for how the script might be improved.

Would it be possible to, instead of having to enter the file names to be loaded into the script directly, have the script look for a specified folder, one level down, and then just load every script it finds? That way you could easily move scripts in and out of that folder, and not have to be concerned with their names. It would function just like the Windows Startup folder does with shortcuts. It would also make it possible to use it as an executable.

Thanks again. This and the Hotkey Help script are both incredibly useful, and compliment each other beautifully.
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

14 Mar 2014, 07:59

AHKxx wrote: Would it be possible to, instead of having to enter the file names to be loaded into the script directly, have the script look for a specified folder, one level down, and then just load every script it finds? That way you could easily move scripts in and out of that folder, and not have to be concerned with their names. It would function just like the Windows Startup folder does with shortcuts. It would also make it possible to use it as an executable.
This is a great idea..
A sub folder 'Startup' where the scripts/lnk files can be found.
This could be really handful.
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

14 Mar 2014, 08:42

thanks about to test could you please explain what ~#^!Escape means?
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

14 Mar 2014, 09:21

what if these scripts are scattered all over are not all centrally placed in script folder? how would you modify the script toward this case?
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

14 Mar 2014, 12:34

Guest10 wrote:thanks about to test could you please explain what ~#^!Escape means?
~#^!Escape Is Crtl+Win+Alt+Escape which will terminate the script. ~ makes it where the keys can activating more than one script at a time.

I put this in all my scripts so that if I push that key combination all my scripts will be terminated. It is kind of a fail safe to terminate all my scripts.

You can leave this line out it has nothing to do with how this script works.

Last edited by FanaticGuru on 14 Mar 2014, 12:57, edited 1 time in total.
Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

14 Mar 2014, 12:56

Guest10 wrote:what if these scripts are scattered all over are not all centrally placed in script folder? how would you modify the script toward this case?
You can put the full path instead of just the file name in the appropriate place in the script.
"C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\My Scripts\Hotstring Helper.ahk"

The only problem with that is then the entire path gets added to the tooltip that is created.

That is pretty easy to fix though.

I am toying with adding an option to look in a folder like suggested and maybe looking in a text file for a list of script names also. The coding part I can do but I am not sure of the logistics of how it should work. I am trying to devise a way to have it so that you would not have to edit the script to define the folder location but that means there has to be some type of ini or additional file that holds these settings which I am not too keen on.

I will play around with it and post a more versatile script.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

14 Mar 2014, 21:09

thanks that would be great! :D
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

19 Mar 2014, 12:23

Updated Script on First Page

Change Log (2014-03-19):
Changed the list of files to run to accept full paths as well as folders.
Folders names must end with "\"
Changed the list of files to also accept wildcards * and ?
Script will look for a text file with the same name as the script and use that to get list of file names (ie. Startup - Autohotkey.txt) Do not include "" in the text file.

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\Compiled Scripts\*.exe
You could probably use stuff like %A_MyDocuments% in the txt but I have not tested it.

The script will combine the files defined in the script and the files in the txt.

If you don't want any files defined in the script just delete all of them like this

Code: Select all

Files := [	; Additional Startup Files and Folders Can Be Added Between the ( Continuations  ) Below
You could get rid of the continuation entirely and just use Files := {} but leaving the continuation is good in case you ever want to add any back in the script itself.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

19 Mar 2014, 16:24

thanks for the update! :) it goes for my next restart since my computer is running non-stop for weeks... :lol:
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

19 Mar 2014, 16:39

sorry i may be asking a bit too much but it would be ideal if a user could "selectively" add or remove scripts from the Startup menu or tray icon so that it won't an all or nothing deal and a user could selectively load or close scripts through Startup tray icon or something similar (a panel, a menu, etc.).
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

19 Mar 2014, 16:50

@Guest10 If I understand what you're asking, it's possible to do that if you also use FG's Hotkey Help script (see his sig.)

It's useful on its own but makes a really great pairing with the Startup script (having them both running, its easy to forget that they're actually 2 diff scripts!), and it lets you selectively pause, stop, suspend, edit, reload, and open script. There's a menu on top... and if you open the script and look for where the menu is generated, and yo add an &mpersand in front of each menu item, you get shortcut keys. Very cool.

I haven't been able to get the new Startup to work without throwing one error or another. Not sure if it's something I'm doing or not doing or what. Will post later with more deets if I can't figure it out.

@FG Thank you for these 2 fantastically helpful scripts!
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

19 Mar 2014, 17:06

excellent script, thanks for this.

one question though: instead of using absolute paths to the scripts that I have loaded, I use relative paths (makes it easier for using this on multiple computers). what I mean is this:
absolute path: c:\user\myname\dropbox\ahk\autocomplete\autocomplete.ahk
relative path (assuming that autohotkey startup.ahk is in c:\user\myname\dropbox\ahk): .\autocomplete\autocomplete.ahk

but this relative style of pathing doesn't seem to work with your script. is this something you could look at?

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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

19 Mar 2014, 19:02

thanks i didn't know Hotkey Help existed. i did a lil mod to tighten up spacing in Hotkey Help - Pick Settings: yxxx:

Code: Select all

; Create Setting Gui
Gui, Set:Font, s10
Gui, Set:Add, Text, x120 y10 w200 h20 , Hotkey Help - Pick Settings
Gui, Set:Add, Text, x30 y40 w390 h2 0x7
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y50 w380 h30 vSet_ShowBlank, Show Files With No Hotkeys
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y80 w380 h30 vSet_ShowBlankInclude, Show Include Files With No Hotkeys
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y110 w380 h30 vSet_ShowExe, Show EXE Files (Help Comments Do Not Exist in EXE)
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y140 w380 h30 vSet_AhkExe, Scan AHK File with Same Name as Running EXE
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y170 w380 h30 vSet_AhkTxt, Scan Text Files with Same Name as Running Script
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y200 w380 h30 vSet_AhkTxtOver, Text File Help will Overwrite Duplicate Help
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y230 w380 h30 vSet_ShowHotkey, Show Created with Hotkey Command
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y260 w380 h30 vSet_VarHotkey, Attempt to Resolve Variables in Dynamic Hotkeys
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y290 w380 h30 vSet_FlagHotkey, Flag Hotkeys created with the Hotkey Command with <HK>
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y320 w380 h30 vSet_SortInfo, Sort by Hotkey Description (Otherwise by Hotkey Name)
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y350 w180 h30 vSet_CapHotkey, Hotkey Capitalization
Gui, Set:Add, Radio, x240 y380 w80 h30 vSet_CapHotkey_Radio, Title
Gui, Set:Add, Radio, x320 y380 w120 h30, UPPER
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y410 w380 h30 vSet_ShowString, Show Hotstrings
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y440 w380 h30 vSet_HideFold, Hide Fold Start  `;`{  from Help Comment
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y470 w380 h30 vSet_IniSet, Use INI File to Save Settings
Gui, Set:Add, CheckBox, x60 y500 w380 h30 vSet_IniExcluded, Use INI File to Save Excluded Files and Hotkeys
Gui, Set:Add, ComboBox, x60 y530 w60 h30 R5 Choose1 vSet_Hotkey_Mod_Delimiter, "%Set_Hotkey_Mod_Delimiter%"|"+"|"-"|" + "|" - "
Gui, Set:Add, Text, x130 y560 w250 h30, Delimiter to Separate Hotkey Modifiers
Gui, Set:Add, Button, Default x60 y580 w330 h30, Finished
AHKxx wrote:@Guest10 If I understand what you're asking, it's possible to do that if you also use FG's Hotkey Help script (see his sig.)

It's useful on its own but makes a really great pairing with the Startup script (having them both running, its easy to forget that they're actually 2 diff scripts!), and it lets you selectively pause, stop, suspend, edit, reload, and open script. There's a menu on top... and if you open the script and look for where the menu is generated, and yo add an &mpersand in front of each menu item, you get shortcut keys. Very cool.

I haven't been able to get the new Startup to work without throwing one error or another. Not sure if it's something I'm doing or not doing or what. Will post later with more deets if I can't figure it out.

@FG Thank you for these 2 fantastically helpful scripts!
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

20 Mar 2014, 00:48

sttrebo wrote:excellent script, thanks for this.

one question though: instead of using absolute paths to the scripts that I have loaded, I use relative paths (makes it easier for using this on multiple computers). what I mean is this:
absolute path: c:\user\myname\dropbox\ahk\autocomplete\autocomplete.ahk
relative path (assuming that autohotkey startup.ahk is in c:\user\myname\dropbox\ahk): .\autocomplete\autocomplete.ahk

but this relative style of pathing doesn't seem to work with your script. is this something you could look at?

A_ScriptDir "\autocomplete\autocomplete.ahk" would allow relative pathing.
A_ScriptDir is a built-in variable that contains the full path of the directory where the current script is located.

I will see about adding the ability to use .\ to make it easier though and possibly ..\ to step back a folder.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

20 Mar 2014, 04:49

Hi FanaticGuru,
Thanks for this handful script.
I have a question:

I've put this:

Code: Select all

A_ScriptDir "\Startup\"
I have a message Startup.ahk does not exist. Create it now ?
How come ?
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Re: AutoHotkey Startup (Consolidate AHK Scripts' Tray Icons)

20 Mar 2014, 15:31

ozzii wrote:Hi FanaticGuru,
Thanks for this handful script.
I have a question:

I've put this:

Code: Select all

A_ScriptDir "\Startup\"
I have a message Startup.ahk does not exist. Create it now ?
How come ?
I don't know. This works for me.

The message you are getting I believe is when you attempt to use the Run command to run a script that does not exist.

Below is my directory structure for testing your problem.

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\My Scripts\Startup - AutoHotkey.ahk
C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\My Scripts\Startup\Startup.ahk
"Startup - AutoHotkey.ahk" is this script and I have a shortcut in my Windows Startup folder to run it on bootup. Must be a shortcut and not the actually script or A_ScriptDir will be looking in the Windows Startup folder which is probably not what you want.

A_ScriptDir gets expanded to C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\My Scripts which causes the folder to look in to be C:\Users\Guru\Documents\AutoHotkey\My Scripts\Startup\ where it finds Startup.ahk which then gets Run.

I have a function that lets me look at array contents from the String Things library.

Code: Select all

st_printArr(array, depth=5, indentLevel="")
   for k,v in Array
      list.= indentLevel "[" k "]"
      if (IsObject(v) && depth>1)
         list.="`n" st_printArr(v, depth-1, indentLevel . "    ")
         list.=" => " v
   return rtrim(list)
If you put that function at the end of the script then you can put this at places in the script to make sure the array Files and Scripts contain the expected information.

Code: Select all

MsgBox % ST_printarr(Files)
MsgBox % ST_printarr(Scripts)
Maybe that will help you sort out the problem. There could be problem with my script or A_ScriptDir does not contain what you expect. I also believe you are not running a standard American English setup but I don't see right off how that could have anything to do with the problem. Does your A_ScriptDir contain any "weird" characters?

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks

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