Time until...

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Time until...

16 May 2014, 10:09

Is there a way to display the time left, in hours/minutes/seconds, until a specific future time within the same day?

For example, "There are 6 hours, 32 minutes, and 53 seconds left before your work shift is over"

I keep getting confused when attempting to subtract the current & future minutes since the minute starts over after 60 seconds instead of 100 which would be easier.
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Re: Time until...

16 May 2014, 11:15

I have the following, but I don't know how to put it in a "Hour:Minute:Second" until format.

Code: Select all

Now := A_Now
Future := "20140516163000"

EnvSub, Hours, %Future%, Hours
EnvSub, Minutes, %Future%, Minutes
EnvSub, Seconds, %Future%, Seconds

MsgBox, %Hours% Hours`n%Minutes% Minutes`n%Seconds% Seconds
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Re: Time until...

16 May 2014, 14:36

Try this:

Code: Select all

FutureTime := "17:30:00" ; Each must be two digits and use 24 hour time 
FutureTime := A_YYYY A_MM A_DD RegExReplace(FutureTime, "\D")

EnvSub, Seconds, FutureTime, seconds
Seconds := - Seconds
H := Floor(Seconds / 3600), Seconds := Mod(Seconds, 3600)
M := Floor(Seconds / 60), Seconds :=  Mod(Seconds, 60)
S := Seconds

MsgBox % H (H=1 ? " hour, " :  " hours, ")  M (M=1 ? " minute, " :  " minutes, ") (S ? S : 0) (S=1 ? " second " :  " seconds ") "`n`nTill Party Time"

A dynamic Gui for amusement:

Code: Select all

FutureTime := "17:30:00" ; Each must be two digits and use 24 hour time 
FutureTime := A_YYYY A_MM A_DD RegExReplace(FutureTime, "\D")

Gui, Add, Text, w175 vTime 
Gui, Add, Text,, Till Party Time
Gui, Show, AutoSize

SetTimer, Update, 1000

	Seconds =
	EnvSub, Seconds, FutureTime, seconds
	Seconds := - Seconds
	H := Floor(Seconds / 3600), Seconds := Mod(Seconds, 3600)
	M := Floor(Seconds / 60), Seconds :=  Mod(Seconds, 60)
	S := Seconds
	GuiControl, Text, Time, % H (H=1 ? " hour, " :  " hours, ")  M (M=1 ? " minute, " :  " minutes, ") (S ? S : 0) (S=1 ? " second " :  " seconds ")

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Re: Time until...

16 May 2014, 15:29

This seems to work:

Code: Select all

Future := 20140516163000

EnvSub, Hours, %Future%, Hours
EnvSub, Minutes, %Future%, Minutes
EnvSub, Seconds, %Future%, Seconds
Seconds -= Minutes * 60
Minutes -= Hours * 60
Hours *= -1, Minutes *= -1, Seconds *= -1

MsgBox, %Hours% Hours`n%Minutes% Minutes`n%Seconds% Seconds
(Similar to FG's)
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Re: Time until...

16 May 2014, 16:50

function from FormatTime

Code: Select all

Future := 20140516163000
EnvSub, Future,, Seconds
MsgBox % FormatSeconds(Future)

FormatSeconds(NumberOfSeconds){  ; Convert the specified number of seconds to hh:mm:ss format.
	time := 19990101  ; *Midnight* of an arbitrary date.
	time += %NumberOfSeconds%, seconds
	FormatTime, mmss, %time%, mm:ss
	return NumberOfSeconds//3600 ":" mmss
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Re: Time until...

16 May 2014, 21:59

thanks, it hit the spot!
just me
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Re: Time until...

18 May 2014, 04:25

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
MsgBox, % TimeUntil(16, 30)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TimeUntil(Hour, Min := 0, Sec := 0) { ; Hour must be in 24 hour format
   TimeInterval := A_YYYY . A_MM . A_DD . SubStr("0" . Hour, -1) . SubStr("0" . Min, -1) . SubStr("0" . Sec, -1)
   TimeInterval -= %A_Now%, S
   If (TimeInterval > 0) {
      ; msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb759980(v=vs.85).aspx
      VarSetCapacity(Result, 128, 0)
      DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrFromTimeInterval", "Str", Result, "UInt", 64, "UInt", TimeInterval * 1000, "Int", 30)
      Return Result
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Re: Time until...

18 May 2014, 04:49

tested! yields positive numbers... and thanks for supporting my script habit! :lol:

Re: Time until...

04 Aug 2014, 14:08

I assigned this code to the F4 function key ( added F4:: after #NoEnv ) and have a shortcut in the Windows Startup folder.

It works fine, but only once. Closing the message box and pressing F4 again does nothing.
If my browser is open it works, but pressing F4 a second time drops down the browsing history (the normal F4 function).

How do I make F4 run the script every time?

Re: Time until...

04 Aug 2014, 14:13

That is because of the ExitApp, replace it with Return

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