Selecting items randoms from a list

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Selecting items randoms from a list

06 Nov 2013, 09:28

What's the most efficient method to select a given number of items randomly from a list so that no item is selected more than once. I'm currently using the following:

Code: Select all

Total = 30 ;for example
nUp = 6 ; for example select 6 items
t = 1
	While t <= nUP
		Random, Ran, 1, %Total%
		if Ran <> TargN
		if Ran not in %numbers%
		numbers = %numbers%%Ran%,
		goto Retry
		t ++		
msgbox %numbers%
But I think there must be a better way.
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

06 Nov 2013, 09:53

Just a shorter one:

Code: Select all

Total := 30 ; for example
nUp   := 6  ; for example select 6 items
t     := 1

While t <= nUP
	Random, Ran, 1, %Total%
	if Ran not in %numbers%
		numbers .= Ran ",", t ++

MsgBox %numbers%
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

06 Nov 2013, 10:08

t isn't even necessary. A_Index works fine

Code: Select all

Total := 30 ; for example
nUp   := 6  ; for example select 6 items

While (A_Index <= nUP)
    Random, Ran, 1, %Total%
    if Ran not in %numbers%
        numbers .= Ran ",", (A_Index) ; A_Index is faster when forced to an expression, i.e. (A_Index)

MsgBox %numbers%
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

06 Nov 2013, 15:27

It is necessary actually. A_Index still increments even if the random number chosen was picked in a prior loop iteration. It could be removed with a second loop I suppose...but that's probably more work than it saves.

Also, since you have a comma on that line... your entire expression is just this:

Code: Select all

...which doesn't really do anything to begin with.
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

06 Nov 2013, 22:56

Thanks, tmplinshi, that's much neater than my original method.
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

06 Nov 2013, 23:41

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
Total := 300000
nUp   := 60000
t     := 1
n     := {}

Tick := A_TickCount
While t <= nUP
    Random, Ran, 1, %Total%
    if (!n[Ran])
        n[Ran] := 1, t++, numbers .= Ran ","
MsgBox, % A_TickCount - Tick "ms.`n" numbers

t     := 1
numbers := ""
Tick := A_TickCount
While t <= nUP
    Random, Ran, 1, %Total%
    if Ran not in %numbers%
        numbers .= Ran ",", t ++
MsgBox, % A_TickCount - Tick "ms.`n" numbers
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

07 Nov 2013, 03:47

Verdlin wrote:t isn't even necessary. A_Index works fine

Code: Select all

Total := 30 ; for example
nUp   := 6  ; for example select 6 items

While (A_Index <= nUP)
    Random, Ran, 1, %Total%
    if Ran not in %numbers%
        numbers .= Ran ",", (A_Index) ; A_Index is faster when forced to an expression, i.e. (A_Index)

MsgBox %numbers%
Using this code, I get this


Is this correct? I only get five numbers. Other times I got four.

However, running this code

Code: Select all

Total := 30 ; for example
nUp   := 6  ; for example select 6 items
t     := 1

While t <= nUP
    Random, Ran, 1, %Total%
    if Ran not in %numbers%
        numbers .= Ran ",", t ++

MsgBox %numbers%
I always get six numbers.

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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

07 Nov 2013, 05:48

One reliable and relatively efficient way to randomly shuffle a list with no repeats is to use the Fisher-Yates Shuffle:

Code: Select all

msgbox, % _shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
msgbox, % _shuffle("one two buckle my shoe", " ")
msgbox, % _shuffle("three|four|close|the|door", "|")

_shuffle(input, delimiter = "")
   delimiter := (!instr(input, substr(delimiter, 1, 1)) ? "" : substr(delimiter, 1, 1))
   array := {}
   loop, parse, input, %delimiter%
   while, array.maxindex()
      random, ran, 1, array.maxindex()
      shuffled .= delimiter . array[ran]
   return ltrim(shuffled, delimiter)
You could also just use the random parameter of the Sort command. ... es_shuffle
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

07 Nov 2013, 08:46

Is It possible to get only 3 elements using _shuffle function?

msgbox, % _shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",3)

And get for example, a m and z...

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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

07 Nov 2013, 17:12

For the OP:

Code: Select all

total := 30, nUp := 6
 , n := numbers :=	""
	n .=	A_Index ","
Until	(A_Index=total)
Total :=	SubStr(Total,1,StrLen(Total)-1)
Sort, n, Random D`,
Loop, parse, n, `,
	numbers .=	A_LoopField ","
Until	(A_Index=nUp)
numbers :=	SubStr(numbers,1,StrLen(numbers)-1)
MsgBox %numbers%
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

10 Nov 2013, 10:21

Thanks for the replies. Now I'm wondering what the best method is to pull one or more chosen items with a given number of random items.
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

14 Nov 2013, 15:20

Accepted Inputs:
Var Containing Comma-Delimited Strings
Max Number

To output an amount of random numbers using 1-%Max% (inclusive) use:
Msgbox,% RandItems(10,,30)

To output array with an amount of randomized elements from another array use something like:

Msgbox,% st_Printarr(RandItems(10,,Arr*))

To output string with an amount of random elements from another array use:
MsgBox,% (RandItems(10,1,Arr*)

Code: Select all

			n.=A_Index	","
	}else If(ArrOrMaxNum.MaxIndex()>1){
			n.=ArrOrMaxNum[A_Index] ","
	}else n:=ArrOrMaxNum[1]
	Sort,n,Random D`,
		(StringOut?O.=A_LoopField	",":O[t].=A_LoopField),t++
	Until T=NumOut+1
return (O.HasKey(O.MaxIndex())?O:RTrim(O,","))
st_printArr(array, depth:=5, indentLevel:="")
	for k,v in Array
		list.=indentLevel "[" k "]",((IsObject(v)&&depth>1)?(list.="`n" st_printArr(v,depth-1,indentLevel " 	")):list.=" => " v),list.="`n"
	return rtrim(list)
Note: st_PrintArr function is ONLY used to show contents of the output array.
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Re: Selecting items randoms from a list

14 Nov 2013, 19:12

If you are truly wanting a number of random items from a list and not just non-repeating random numbers you can do this:

Code: Select all

List = 

X := 3

Sort, List, Random

MsgBox % SubStr(List,1,InStr(List,"`n",1,1,x))
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