ObjLength() equiv in v2?

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ObjLength() equiv in v2?

22 Jan 2020, 16:10

in v1 you can do this:

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arr := [1,2,3,4]
arrLen := ObjLength(arr)
msgbox % arrLen
although ObjLength() isn't documented anywhere, save for a brief mention on the main Objects page:

1. in v1, do all the object.properties have the equivalent ObjProperty(obj) functions?

2. the code above doesn't work because ObjLength() isn't available in v2 and neither is ArrayLength().. is there a way to do it?

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Re: ObjLength() equiv in v2?

22 Jan 2020, 16:39

Its a property now so there is no function but you can NumGet which is not recommended since it could easily break your scripts when structure changes.

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MsgBox NumGet(&arr,A_PtrSize=8?48:32,"UInt") "=" arr.Length
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Re: ObjLength() equiv in v2?

22 Jan 2020, 17:12

Dynamic properties necessarily have to invoke a function for them to work at all - either get or set, depending. It's only a matter of retrieving a reference to that function.

Code: Select all

Arr := [1, 2, 3, 4]
ObjLength := Array.Prototype.GetOwnPropDesc('Length').Get
len := %ObjLength%(Arr)
MsgBox len
Built-in standalone functions are thereby largely redundant. Most, if not all, of them will likely end up being phased out sooner rather than later.
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Re: ObjLength() equiv in v2?

22 Jan 2020, 19:30

lvalkov wrote:
22 Jan 2020, 17:12
Dynamic properties necessarily have to invoke a function for them to work at all - either get or set, depending. It's only a matter of retrieving a reference to that function.
thanks, what makes a property "dynamic"?

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Re: ObjLength() equiv in v2?

23 Jan 2020, 00:49

HotKeyIt wrote:
22 Jan 2020, 17:28
MsgBox ObjLength[Arr] works too.
For now. I see no practical reason to recommend the indexing operator for invoking function references as opposed to the standard way of doing so - %fn%().
guest3456 wrote:
22 Jan 2020, 19:30
thanks, what makes a property "dynamic"?
A dynamic property is one that implements a getter, a setter or both, in contrast to value properties, which implement neither.
GetOwnPropDesc's Return Value wrote:If the property is a value property, the return value is an empty string.
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Re: ObjLength() equiv in v2?

23 Jan 2020, 08:56


was trying to figure out the best way to query this in both v1 and v2:

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arr := [1,2,3,4]

arrLen := (A_AhkVersion < "2") ? arr.Length() : arr.Length

LenFunc := (A_AhkVersion < "2") ? "ObjLength" : Array.Prototype.GetOwnPropDesc("Length").Get
arrLen2 := %LenFunc%(arr)

msgbox arrLen
msgbox arrLen2
i'll probably just use the first way

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Re: ObjLength() equiv in v2?

25 Jan 2020, 17:03

"Best" is rather vague and largely dependent on your goals and needs. I can only compare different approaches. At the end of the day, however, you will have to decide whether any of them fits your particular use-case, and if so, which one does it best.


Code: Select all

arrLen := (A_AhkVersion < "2") ? arr.Length() : arr.Length	
+ Simple.
- Overhead of redundant conditionals.
- Code duplication. (Additional overhead if abstracted away with a function wrapper.)

Function Reference

Code: Select all

global LenFunc := (A_AhkVersion < "2") ? "ObjLength" : Array.Prototype.GetOwnPropDesc("Length").Get
arrLen2 := %LenFunc%(arr)
+ Simple.
+ More performant in v2. (Same overhead in v1 as "redundant conditionals".)
- Global namespace pollution.
- Special case handling for force-local functions.
- Danger of accidental overwrites.

Define Length() on Array in v2

Code: Select all

if (A_AhkVersion >= "2")
	Array.Prototype.DefineMethod("Length", Array.Prototype.GetOwnPropDesc("Length").Get)
+ Simple.
+ No source code changes required. (Array.Length() is now v1/v2 compatible.)
+ Similar performance in v1 and v2. (Less overhead than v1's "redundant conditionals".)
- Standard Array interface contamination.
- Possibly brittle. (End-user decides to clear or replace the prototype.)

User-defined function object

Code: Select all


class FuncObjBase
	__Call(methodName, Args*)
        case methodName = "": return this.Call(Args*)
        case IsObject(methodName): return this.Call(methodName, Args*)

	Every function object template has to inherit from 'FuncObjBase'
	and 'Init()' has to be copied over by the end-user verbatim and
	'className' set to that of the function object. Define a 'Call()'
	*instance* method with the appropriate number of arguments and
	provide a v1/v2 compatible implementation. 
class ObjLength extends FuncObjBase
		; It is not possible to obtain a reference to the class at the
		; time the static initializers are run, because of which the
		; class name has to be manually hard-coded in by the end-user.
		static className := "ObjLength"
		static ClassObj := %className%
		static invokeSelf := (A_AhkVersion < "2") 
			? ClassObj.Init() 
			: ClassObj.Prototype.Init()

		if (A_AhkVersion < "2")
			; In v1, '%Obj%()' walks the object's base prototype chain and
			; invokes the first defined meta-'__Call()'. No special
			; handling is required apart from erasing the 'Init()' method.
			; In v2, '%Obj%()' always invokes a 'Call()' method and never a
			; meta-'__Call()'. In order to be able to invoke '%ClassObj%()'
			; properly, it is required that a *static*, class method be
			; defined. Create one based on the currently implemented *instance*
			; method, then clean up the interface by erasing the 'Init()' and
			; 'Call()' instance methods.
			ClassObj.DefineMethod("Call", ClassObj.Prototype.GetMethod("Call"))

		; Substitute with a v1/v2 compatible implementation of your choice.
		static fn := (A_AhkVersion < "2")
			? Func("ObjLength") 
			: Array.Prototype.GetOwnPropDesc("Length").Get
		return %fn%(Arr)

MsgBox % %ObjLength%(Arr) ; v1
MsgBox %ObjLength%(Arr) ; v2
+ Some degree of protection against accidental overwrites (#Warn).
+ No source code changes required. (Use %ObjLength%(Arr) universally.)
- Complex.
- Sub-par v2 performance, abysmal v1 performance.
- BoundFunc interface nonconformity.
- Global namespace pollution.
- Special case handling for force-local functions.
- Brittle.
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Re: ObjLength() equiv in v2?

25 Jan 2020, 17:54

interesting, thanks for the extra options. i dont really understand the last. i will stick with the first, because this is going into the GDI+ library so i dont want to override prototypes and stuff like that

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