Code: Select all
^NumpadAdd:: { ; Hotkey to make selected text uppercase
OldClipboardBackup := ClipboardAll() ; Save the entire clipboard to a variable (OldClipboardBackup).
A_Clipboard := "" ; Empties the Clipboard.
Send("^c") ; Sends Control + C (Copy) to copy text. (This is to check if text is currently selected)
Errorlevel := !ClipWait(0.1) ; Waits 0.1 second and then checks the status of the clipboard
If(A_Clipboard = ""){ ; If Clipboard is empty => no text was previously selected
Send("^a") ; Will send control + a to select everything in the active window
Sleep(10) ; Waits for 10ms to make sure text has been selected
Send("^c") ; Copies selected text.
Errorlevel := !ClipWait(0.1) ; Will wait 0.1 seconds and then check the status of the clipboard. It should now contain text since text was previously copied and will proceed to the next if statement.
If(A_Clipboard != ""){ ; If Clipboard is not empty, proceed
A_Clipboard := StrUpper(A_Clipboard) ; Turns all letters into uppercase form in the clipboard
Send("^v") ; Will send the text in clipboard with all uppercase (Replaces old case by uppercase)
Sleep(1000) ; Added the sleep incase the processing would outrun the script without first sending the manipulated data string
A_Clipboard := OldClipboardBackup ; Restore the original clipboard. Note the use of Clipboard (not ClipboardAll).
OldClipboardBackup := "" ; Free the memory in case the clipboard was very large. (Our variable "OldClipboardBackup" becomes empty)